Unity (audio story)

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audio stub

Unity was the fourth and final audio story in Time War: Volume Three, the twelfth series of Gallifrey.

Publisher's summary

On a dusty frontier world, destiny awaits Romana...

Betrayal, deception and death are the currency on Unity. And as the Daleks close in on their target, there will be a price to pay.


Romana and Narvin arrive on Unity, a planet orbiting a dying star on the fringes of a dying galaxy, and are shot at by an individual who removes her mask to reveal that she is Leela. She takes them to meet Veega and her son, Rayo, and learns from them about Rassilon's resurrection and the situation on Gallifrey. She has been on Unity since Rayo was a baby, protecting him and Veega, who is dying from dust flu, from the Nightraiders. Romana and Narvin ask her to rejoin them and face the end with them, but she declines as she knows that she is doing good here and does not wish to be a puppet of the Time Lords.

Romana and Narvin do not want to give up on Leela and can think of no other friends that would join them, the Doctor no doubt being far away from the Time War.

At dinner, Veega has a coughing fit and Romana goes to speak with her outside, telling her the war that she does not like Rayo talking about will doubtless reach Unity eventually. Veega knows this and tells her that her dust flu is incurable and that she does not like the idea of Rayo fighting in a war, her own father having been a soldier. They interrupt Leela's story at the dinner table about Narvin bursting a sewage pipe instead of an exhaust pipe as there are Nightraiders approaching.

Leela sends Veega and Rayo to the cellar for their safety and watches as many of the Nightraiders are killed by the mines she has laid in the field. A salvage vessel follows, taking the TARDIS; Leela tells Romana and Narvin that she will try to think of a way for them to recover it, but she refuses to leave Veega and Rayo and will keep watch in case the Nightraiders return.

Jarred McKenzie recognises the salvage as a TARDIS, which he says the clients will love.

Rayo is unable to sleep as he is worrying about his mother's condition. He asks Leela if they could go to the city together to find medicine, but she tells him that the city is dangerous and admits that she might be protective of him and Veega due to her having lost her son a long time ago.

McKenzie contacts the Daleks, suggesting that they come down to Unity's surface to discuss what the Raiders have found.

Leela tells Romana that they will go to the city to recover the TARDIS and get medicine for Veega. The city is run by the mining company, who captured and enslaved her when she first arrived on Unity. She tells Veega that she and Romana are leaving whilst Narvin will remain behind with her and Rayo. On the journey by hovercar, Romana tells Leela of General Trave's execution and asks her to reconsider joining her and Narvin; Leela says that it would be unthinkable as Veega and Rayo need her more.

Narvin helps Rayo feed the chickens and accidentally scares them off by shouting "here, chick-chick-chicky!" He tells Rayo about his career on Gallifrey and advises him to make sure he sees the universe.

In the city, Romana tells Leela that Veega's illness is incurable, but Leela initially believes that she is lying as she only wants to get the TARDIS. Leela realises that she is telling her the truth and says that they will go to the black market anyway, as it will be the best place to look for news on the TARDIS. They meet Sevshucka and ask about the salvage ship; she claims not to know anything about it until Leela points a blaster at her, admitting that she saw the ship and that the TARDIS was taken away by McKenzie, a mining boss.

McKenzie prepares for the arrival of the Daleks and, assuming that there are Time Lords on Unity, has his men set up a cloaking shield to keep the Daleks from being seen.

Romana, Leela and Sevshucka arrive at the warehouse and notice guidance beams being built on the roof. Leela tells Sevshucka to take them to the slave market so they will be able to get access. Later, Romana and Leela are handcuffed and transported to the warehouse as slaves; Leela attacks the guard and passes Romana the keys to their cuffs, allowing them to escape.

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