Tragedy Day (novel)
Tragedy Day is the twenty-fourth New Adventures novel. It was written by Gareth Roberts, who had previously written the New Adventures novel The Highest Science and would write another New Adventure novel and four more Missing Adventure novels. This novel featured the Seventh Doctor, Bernice Summerfield and Ace.
Publisher's summary
Tomorrow, Tragedy Day. Tomorrow, total control.
In Empire City on the planet Olleril, it’s time for the annual Tragedy Day -- when the privileged few celebrate their generosity to the masses.
But this year, something is different. Hideous creatures infest the waters around an island that doesn’t officially exist. Assassins arrive to carry out a killing that may endanger the entire universe. A being known as the Supreme One tests horrific weapons. And a secret order of monks observes the growing chaos.
Five minutes after they arrive on Olleril, the TARDIS crew know they want to leave. But Ace is imprisoned in a sinister refugee camp, and Bernice and the Doctor are in the custody of a brutal police gang. There is no way out.
Chapter Titles
- Prologue: The Curse
- The Refugees
- The Celebrities
- The Night
- The Clearance
- The Slaags
- The Actress
- The Hotel
- The Envoy
- The Preparations
- The Abduction
- The Dancefloor
- The Ally
- The Gunfight
- The Hours
- The Laughter
- The Explosions
- The Battle
- The Outcome
to be added
- Seventh Doctor
- Ace
- Bernice Summerfield
- Crispin
- Friars of Pangloss
- Richard Nemmun
- Earney "Eight-Legs" McCartney
- Amm Piering
- Anna
- Anonius
- Caphymus
- Charlie
- Danny
- Doris
- Dulcia Joliff
- Ed
- Frinna
- George Lipton
- Linn
- Ernie McCarthy
- Elena Salcha
- Felder
- Forke
- Gerd
- Gholeria
- Gortlock
- Guralza
- Harry Landis
- Howard Devor
- Markus
- Paul Wilkinson
- Jalone
- Jeff Shrubb
- Joan Cale
- Laude
- Lorrayn
- Luka
- Meredith Morgan
- Metin Kenniter
- Mary (Queen)
- Maurice Taylor
- Powla
- Richard Nemmun
- Richud Danner
- Forgwyn
- Wendy Clifton
- Tom Jakovv
- Robert Clifton
- Triss Laughline
- Sal
- Sarul
- Saen
- Streel
- Portellus
- Stillmun
- Olleril (Marshal)
- Urma
- Marsha
Astronomical objects
- The Doctor has experience at delivering babies.
- Bernice learnt how to reset bones "years ago".
- Mazuma is a form of currency.
- Tragedy Day
The Doctor's items
- The Doctor wears a blue gemstone ring.
Foods and beverages
- Empire City
- Empire Clarion
- Empirica
- Frinjel 87
- Vijjan
- Spindizzy's
- Yumm's
- Seventh Quadrant
- Lerthin Square
- Luminus
- Knassos
Olleril locations
- Vijjan Liberation League
- Riftet Insurance
- Toplex Sanitation
- Friars of Pangloss
- Rullian Confederacy
- Tyack's Fittings
- Fancy That
Television series
Time Lords
- The Doctor claims that he has never met Henry VIII. However, he has been described or depicted as meeting him on at least three previous occasions in his personal timeline. (TV: The Sensorites, PROSE: God Send Me Well to Keep, AUDIO: Recorded Time)
External links
- Prelude to Tragedy Day as published in DWM210
- Tragedy Day at the Doctor Who Reference Guide
- The Discontinuity Guide to: Tragedy Day at The Whoniverse
- The Cloister Library: Tragedy Day