The Return of Doctor Mysterio (TV story)

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The Return of Doctor Mysterio was the 2016 Doctor Who Christmas special. It was the show's twelfth Christmas special since its revival, and the third Christmas special starring Peter Capaldi as the Twelfth Doctor. It saw the return of Nardole from the previous Christmas special, this time as the Doctor's companion.

The following day, The Return of Doctor Mysterio was granted a sequel entitled Ghost Stories. This story made the Ghost, Lucy and baby Jennifer all companions of the Twelfth Doctor.

Steven Moffat was hugely influenced by the comic books he loved as a child in writing this episode—particularly Clark Kent, Moffat's favourite superhero, both then and now. By his own account, he took particular inspiration from the Christopher Reeve Superman films of the 1970s and 1980s.

Though clearly humorous in tone, The Return of Doctor Mysterio explores many common superhero themes, such as the hero's secret identity, his origin story, and a love triangle involving both the hero and the man behind the mask.


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Christmas Eve, 1990s
New York City

A young boy named Grant wakes up during the middle of the night to find the Doctor swinging from his ankles in front of his bedroom window. Grant, believing the Doctor is Santa Claus, lets him in and feeds him cookies. The Doctor hands Grant a red gemstone and a glass of water, and two discuss superhero comics, of which Grant is a fan. The Doctor leads Grant to the roof of the apartment, where he reveals a device that he is unable to describe in simpler terms than a "time distortion equaliser thingy". He instructs Grant on how to power up the device, the final touch being the alien gemstone he had given Grant, which grants an individual his desires. However, Grant reveals that he thought the gem was medicine for his cough and swallowed it. Grant begins to levitate, as the Doctor realizes that Grant's love for superheroes has combined with the power of the gem, giving the young boy superpowers. Abandoning the device, the Doctor makes Grant promise to not use his new superpowers before he leaves.

President day.

Mr. Brock gives a press conference at Harmony Shoal, explaining the facilities research for the benefit of humanity through new ideas, in short "we're here to open your minds." Reporter for the Daily Chronicle, Lucy Fletcher asks about the benefactors of Harmony Shoal, wondering why no-one's met them. Brock jokes they're buried in his backyard. Brock asks if there are any questions; Nardole pops up from the crowd, asking where the little boy's room is, earning laughter. Brock is pulled aside by Dr. Sim, who appears to be suffering a cold. Sim tells him that there is something wrong in the vault; Brock tells him to meet at midnight to discuss the problem. At the same time, Nardole notices Lucy talking to a maid.

Later that night, Lucy follows Brock and Sim to vault. Inside, Sim explains the brains donated by their benefactors have increased in number despite there being no deliveries. Brock notices something wrong with Sim's eyes, but is told nothing is wrong. Outside of the vault, Lucy hears someone eating; she turns to see the Doctor munching on some sushi. He explains that he's intruding as well and that having a snack while sneaking around is the mark of a pro.

Back inside, Sim tells Brock to tap the glass of one of the jars; to his shock, the brain sprouts eyes. Brock demands to know what's going on as the brain's eyes flash just like Sim's do. Dr. Sim points to a brain in a jar without fluid, telling Brock that it's the real Sim; he had a "change of mind". Sim calls in surgeons from secret doors, sealing the vault shut as Brock screams.

Lucy and the Doctor quickly leave the area. She asks him who he is, so the Doctor lies that he's Dan Dangerous from Scotland Yard; he asks who she is, and to her own shock, Lucy tells him she's a reporter. Lucy believes no-one will believe what they just saw. The Doctor quips "What? Brains with minds of their own? No-one will believe that; this is America." He then points to a board, showing the locations of Harmony Shoal across the globe; they have set up in every major city. Nardole arrives, point out that the Doctor is wrong as New York is not a capital city.

At that moment, Sim arrives with a gun, stating that he will not call security, as they will leave the three intruders alive. The Doctor turns the tables on Sim, by turning around with Lucy and Nardole; no-one will buy Sim's self-defense story if they're shot in the back. Hearing a knock, everyone is surprised to see a floating person outside the 100th floor window. Lucy explains that it's The Ghost, super-powered vigilante. The Ghost breaks the window with ease, impressing Sim as the window was built to survive the force of four nuclear bombs. He knocks out Sim, asking Lucy if she would like lift home; she accepts and the Ghost flies out the window he broke.

Within moments, the Ghost lands near where Lucy lives; hearing a beep from a device on his built, the Ghost prepares to leave. Lucy wonders if it's an emergency; he states that it "sort of" is. He returns to his home, reverting to a man with glasses; he rushes into a nursery, where the Doctor is tending to a baby girl. The Ghost is actually a grown up Grant, who has broken his promise not to use his powers.

Grant explains that he's nanny to the baby Jennifer; "have to make a buck somehow; saving the world doesn't pay." Nardole arrives with a bottle to feed the girl, stating Grant's right about that. As Grant feeds the baby, the Doctor notes that the superhero/nanny life is insane to him, and THAT's saying something considering the Doctor's own hair-brained ideas. At that moment, the mother arrives home: it's Lucy! Lucy is surprised to see the Doctor and Nardole again, but they pass off their appearance as concern for her. Lucy takes Jennifer from Grant, wanting some time with her daughter.

The Doctor and Grant talk on the fire escape, with Grant noting the Doctor visited back when he was a teenager as a substitute algebra teacher. The stone didn't pass from Grant's body; it merged with him instead. Worse, when Grant hit puberty, he gained x-ray vision he couldn't turn off, resulting in him never being able to look at people. Grant explains his best friend beat him to marrying her; however, when he found out Lucy was pregnant, he left her. The Doctor notes Grant became the baby's nanny to stay close to Lucy, who could end up dating other people instead. With a smile, the Doctor shouts "thank you" to the universe; this is the first time the Doctor has meet someone worse at balancing romance and saving lives than him.

Hearing a siren, Grant takes off to stop a crisis. Missing Grant take off, Lucy sticks her head out the window, asking the Doctor to come in and answer questions. Using the annoying sound of a stress toy, Lucy manages to get information out of the Doctor; the Ghost is not connected to Harmony Shoal, but the Doctor is protecting the Ghost's true identity. Seeing the Ghost on TV, the Doctor distracts Lucy by showing her the news; humerous, Grant's long-range baby monitor beeps, forcing him to head back before Lucy notices he's gone. He arrives within moments, handing Jennifer to her mother.

Lucy takes Jennifer to her nursery, asking the Doctor if he can set up an interview with the Ghost. Moments later, she gets a call from Grant, as his hero persona; the Doctor finds him in the kitchen. The Ghost promises an interview at her apartment the next night. Moments later, Lucy asks Grant to watch Jennifer tomorrow, but he states he has a date; he eventually relents.

Back at Harmony Shoal, Sim is reviewing footage of the Ghost as the replaced Brock approaches. Sim tells him his new vessel with get looser with wear. Seeing the Ghost, Brock wonders if he can be aquired; Sim states it's possible, but the Doctor could be a wild card in their plans. To their shock, the footage of the Doctor is live from the next room. The Doctor offers them mercy, which they take as a declaration of war; he tells them that there have been countless attempts to conquer Earth and they all failed because he either stopped/killed them all. He reveals that he knows they plan to take over the Earth by trying to replace the brains of the world leaders with themselves.

He calls the TARDIS, which materializes around him. The Doctor learns Nardole took a couple of tries, having spent some time in Constantinople as a fair but firm ruler. Asking for facts, the Doctor has the tables turned on him as Nardole knows the only reason he got cut out of Hydroflax was because the Doctor was afraid of being alone. The Doctor states that he has a planet to save; Nardole brushes it off as what he does to avoid a serious conversation.

Elsewhere, Lucy leaves for her date with the Ghost. Grant leaves as his hero persona moments later, flying high enough to make it look like he was coming from somewhere else. To Ghost's shock, Lucy is wearing a red dress for romantic dates; he attempts to dissuade her from seeking his hero persona, ultimately getting her to admit she trusts Grant. At that moment, Brock and Harmony Shoal surgeons arrive to cut his brain out.

Elsewhere, the Doctor and Nardole land on a spaceship in orbit. Avoiding guards, the Doctor breaks into the control room, where he learns that the ship is preset to crash into New York to cause panic; the world leaders will go to Harmony Shoal, thinking it a safe haven from aliens, ultimately getting hijacked. Sim contacts him via monitor, to which the Doctor ignores; he decides to mess with the controls to get some kind of results.

Back on Earth, Lucy manages to convince the Ghost to leave for his own safety. However, he returns moments later from the stairs as Grant. Brock notice everything is rumbling, and to his horror, the ship is beginning to crash ahead of schedule. Grant hears the Doctor's voice; he tells Grant to stop the ship to keep New York safe. Speaking as the Ghost, Grant tells Lucy to duck.

To everyone's shock, the ship stops as Grant is holding in it his right hand. The Doctor arrives via TARDIS, mocking Brock. Grant begs Lucy not to be angry with him; however, she kisses him instead, calling him, not the Ghost, her hero. They float off as the Doctor yells for Grant to toss the ship into sun; Grant tosses the baby monitor to the Doctor. Brock threatens that the Shoal of the Winter Harmony will have revenge. However, the Doctor tells him that UNIT will be shutting down their "head office".

At Harmony Shoal, UNIT finds Sim's body abandoned; unknown to them, he has hijacked one of their soldiers.

Later, Grant and his new girlfriend decide it's time for the Ghost to retire. The Doctor tells them everything must end, and that's sad; however, everything also can begin and that's happy. He boards the TARDIS. Nardole tells the couple that the Doctor lost River Song, and that for awhile, he's going to be mourning her. However, he'll soon be back to his usual self. As the TARDIS leaves, Lucy wonders who the Doctor is. Grant smiles, stating "Doctor... Mysterio."

In the TARDIS, the Doctor smiles and pilots the ship away from New York, ready for more adventures.



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Popular culture

  • Young Grant Gordon is a comic book fan, and becomes a superhero in their vein. He owns a Superman comic, and has posters on his wall of superheroes including Hulk, Thor, Spider-Man, Batman, Wolverine, Silver Surfer, Superman and the Flash. His duvet depicts Captain America and Iron Man, among others.
  • Gordon nicknames the Doctor "Doctor Mysterio"; the name appears to be a mix of the Spider-Man villains Doctor Octopus and Mysterio.
  • Grant Gordon's name is alliterative, like Clark Kent, Lois Lane, Lana Lang, and many other Superman characters. Alliteration was even more frequently used by Marvel's Stan Lee when naming superheroes such as Peter Parker, Bruce Banner, and Stephen Strange.
  • To make the point of Superman and Clark Kent being the same, the Doctor draws glasses on Superman. Lois Lane did the same in Superman II.
  • Mr. Brock mentions Miss Shuster and Miss Siegel. This is a reference to the creators of Superman, Joe Shuster and Jerry Siegel.
  • The episode has a Marvel style comic book opening.
  • Below Lucy's apartment, a Joe's Pizza is situated. A pizza parlor of this name featured in 2004's Spider-Man 2, and was where Peter Parker worked.
  • The Harmony Shoal building has a globe on top with the name. This is a reference to the Daily Planet building from Superman, which is also topped with a globe with its name on it.
  • The episode was also heavily influenced by the 1978 film Superman in particular. Both Grant Gordon/The Ghost and Clark Kent/Superman wear glasses to hide their superhero identities, particularly when rescuing a reporter they are close to, and have feelings for, in their everyday life. They then arrange a rooftop interview in which they attempt to reveal their dual identities. Then are also contacted via a specific frequency which only they can hear.
  • The Doctor tells Grant off for leaving the baby unattended, using the words "With great power, comes great responsibility". These words were used by Uncle Ben to Peter Parker, and they later became Spider-Man's mantra.
  • The Ghost tells Lucy "I hope this unpleasant experience hasn't put you off a career in journalism". This is a wonky reference to Christopher Reeve's Superman saying in the 1978 film, "Well, I certainly hope this little incident hasn’t put you off flying, miss. Statistically speaking, it’s still the safest way to travel."
  • In the 1960s Batman TV series, Adam West's caped-crusader would often give very heavy-handed PSA-style speeches to Robin, and seemingly, the audience. This is referenced when the Ghost tells a reporter that every good citizen should "get a smoke detector."
  • When the Doctor accidentally gives Grant a gemstone, which Grant swallows, the Doctor says the gemstone is giving him "what he always wanted". The first Captain Marvel (later known as "Shazam") was actually a child named Billy Batson who can become a superhero. The metafictional influence in "The Return of Doctor Mysterio" may also be a reference to the Mark Millar comic series Superior in which a young boy literally becomes a popular fictional flying hero.
  • When Grant calls Lucy as the Ghost, the screen is divided, just like in a comic book.

Story notes

  • The name Doctor Mysterio comes from the name in Mexico for Doctor Who, Doctor Misterio (as a literal translation of the title, "Doctor Quien", would make less sense in Spanish than in English), which Steven Moffat and Peter Capaldi encountered when they visited there in the Doctor Who World Tour. Capaldi in particular fell in love with the name, so Moffat decided to use it in an episode title. Capaldi noted that he was quite taken by the deep voice that announced the title on the overdubbed soundtrack, and in fact when the Doctor utters the name in the episode, this is Capaldi impersonating the delivery of the announcer.[1]
  • Matt Lucas is the first comedy writer to play a companion in a television story since James Corden as Craig Owens in Closing Time. The last comedian to play a full-time companion, though, was Catherine Tate as Donna Noble.
  • Daniel Lorente (Teen Grant), Sandra Teles (Reporter), Tanroh Ishida (Operator) and Vaughn Johseph (Soldier) are not credited in Radio Times.
  • The previous story, The Husbands of River Song, is also a Christmas special. This marks the first time two full consecutive television stories have both been broadcast on Christmas Day.
  • This is the first Christmas special since The Snowmen in 2012 to have a coming soon trailer at the end.
  • This story was the third Christmas special to star Peter Capaldi and the first not to feature any Eleventh Doctor companions since The End of Time.
  • Unlike the two previous Christmas specials, the title sequence has no Christmas-themed changes. Matt Lucas is also credited as "And Matt Lucas" before the show's title (like Nick Frost in Last Christmas), unlike previous companions whose actor's name immediately followed the Doctor's.
  • Keoki's "Pass It On" plays in the scene where the Doctor catches up with teenaged Grant in high school.
  • One of the things the Doctor and the young Grant discuss is Spider-Man. In Daleks in Manhattan and Evolution of the Daleks, the character of Frank is played by Andrew Garfield who played Spider-Man in The Amazing Spider-Man movies.

Production errors

If you'd like to talk about narrative problems with this story — like plot holes and things that seem to contradict other stories — please go to this episode's discontinuity discussion.

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  • Characters from Class would appear in a crossover. False.
  • Clara Oswald would appear or be referenced in a substantial way. False. Originated from fans interpreting comments made by Peter Capaldi at a June 2016 convention appearance in Washington, DC, that he had "just filmed something" involving Clara as indication of an appearance or reference. Ultimately, this ended up being a reference to his appearance in the Class episode TV: For Tonight We Might Die, which also featured a Clara reference.
  • Pearl Mackie would make her first appearance. False, the Series 10 trailer notwithstanding.
  • Alex Kingston would appear as River Song. False, though River is referenced.

Filming locations

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Home video releases

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  1. Video: Doctor Who - Steven Moffat and Peter Capaldi joke about 'Doctor Mysterio' Christmas special. Belfast Telegraph (14 October 2016). Retrieved on 25 December 2016.