Voyage of the Damned (TV story)

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Voyage of the Damned was the third Christmas episode of BBC Wales Doctor Who. Kylie Minogue starred as one-off companion Astrid Peth. Peth's death at the conclusion of the episode was the first time a companion of the Doctor had died in the revived series. It marked the first appearance of Wilfred Mott, future companion to the Tenth Doctor and grandfather to Donna Noble.

For a few months, Voyage of the Damned was the highest-charting episode in Doctor Who history. The second-most-watched programme of its week and indeed of the entire of 2007, Damned took the crown from part two of The Ark in Space. However, it would be displaced about seven months later by Journey's End, which was the first episode of Doctor Who ever to win its week of original transmission.

In the future story, Turn Left, in a world without the Doctor, Max's plan would have lead to not only the mass murder of London, but eventually concentration camps to remove non-native residents from the UK.


A spacecraft set on an apocalyptic collision course with Earth, a host of killer robot angels and an evil severed-headed mastermind — it's just another Christmas for the Tenth Doctor...


Inside the TARDIS, the Doctor checks on the controls as his time machine flies through time. Suddenly, hears a foghorn blows and to his shock something breaks through the wall of the TARDIS: the bow of a ship! The Doctor asks "What?" with increasing confusion as he examines a life presever, which bears the name Titanic on it. He flatly asks "What?" before heading to the controls and grabbing a winding device. He winds it, pushing the ship out and repairing the damage.

With the TARDIS fixed, the Doctor pilots inside the ship; luckily, the TARDIS ended up inside the pantry. Exiting the pantry, he finds a room filled with people in fancy-dress. He then notices a little red alien walking around without arousing any panic from the rest of the passengers. The Doctor walks over to a window and goes "Oooh" The scene pulls back from the window, showing the ship is actually a spaceship replica of the infamous sunken vessel. A voice announces over the speakers that the ship has arrived at Sol 3, which is known to its inhabitants as Earth; the voice then welcomes everyone to Christmas.

Sometime later, the Doctor reemerges into the dining area wearing a tuxedo. He meets lively waitress Astrid Peth, who informs him that the ship has come from planet Sto to observe the humans celebrating their holiday. The Doctor tells her he travels a lot, to which Astrid envies; he reveals that he's a stowaway. Liking him, Astrid offers to get him a drink and not report him.

Seeing a robot angel, the Doctor asks it for information; the robot is called the Host, which gives information to tourists. The Doctor asks if the company that built the ship knows about why it's so famous. However, the Host starts sparking and the crewmen apologizes and remove it. It is taken below to be worked on, where complaints have been heard about a Host nearly breaking a woman's neck when asked to help fix her necklace. The mechanic promises to fix them, calling the Host useless junk.

Elsewhere, the captain notes that Earth is a Level 5 planet; so they don't have the ability to know that they're even there. He gives his men permission to have a drink due to the holidays, even dismissing his first mate. However, midshipman Alonzo Frame stays behind, informing the captain that at least two men are needed on deck at any given time. The captain congratulates him on being thorough.

The Titanic diner.

Back to the Doctor, he enjoys the company of Morvin and Foon Van Hoff, sharing a meal with them and talking about one of Foon's favourite shows By the Star's Light; she won the trip by guessing a trivia question right on the phone. Hearing "Red 67" called, the Van Hoffs tell the Doctor that means that they're going on a trip to Earth to see how the humans celebrate. The Doctor decides to join them, using his psychic paper; he even makes Astrid his plus one to help her see another world.

The ship's historian and guide, Mr Copper, tells the assembled people that they will be going to London in U.K. However, he then gives out-of-date and mangled information about the country and Christmas; he thinks Santa Claus is their God and married to Virgin Mary, believes the people of the country UK kill and eat the people of Turkey (instead of the bird) every Christmas. The Doctor, unable to believe Copper's incompetence, asks where the man got his information from; Mr. Copper explains he has a degree in Earthonomics. The red alien from earlier arrives, being one of the Red 67s; however, the Doctor tells him it's a bad idea to go down to Earth as he's not even disguised and will cause a panic. However, Mr. Copper teleports them regardless of the Doctor trying to prevent mass hysteria, due to the crowds at Christmas time.

They arrive in London, only to find the street totally deserted. The Doctor is surprised and suspicious as the streets should be filled with shoppers on Christmas Eve. Mr. Copper tells everyone that he has a card to pay for trinkets if they wish; although he does warn them to watch out as "they start boxing any day now." While Astrid is amazed by the sights and smells of the city, the Doctor notes that the pyramids and New Zealand would be better tourist spots on Earth.

The Doctor and Astrid greet a newspaper stall owner named Wilfred. Curious about the empty street, the Doctor asks why London is vacant, to which Wilfred responds with laughter. Wilfred points up to the sky, stating everyone is worried about another alien attack at Christmas; the Sycorax and Racnoss attacks the last two consecutive Christmases has put everyone in a state of fear. Aside from the Queen and her staff, BBC broadcaster Nicholas Witchell, and Wilfred himself, everyone has fled the city for the duration of the holiday due to the fear of another alien attack.

In the middle of a conversation with the vendor, the party is returned to the ship due to a power failure. Wilf stands there, shocked at what he's just seen. The Doctor investigates the failure's cause, and discovers that meteors are approaching, but the shields are offline. The Doctor warns Captain Hardaker, but is forced away from the computer by a steward, as he is unauthorised to use the system. The Doctor breaks free and tries to warn everyone, but is forcibly taken away from the singer's microphone and removed from the party followed by Astrid, the Van Hoffs, Bannakaffalatta and Mr Copper.

File:Trouble on the Titanic - Doctor Who - Voyage of the Dammed - BBC
Meteors crash into the Titanic, and the ship is wrecked.

The Doctor gasps to a guest to look out the window. One of the passengers, Rickston Slade, sees a tiny meteor smash through the window and follows the Doctor and the others attempting to warn the chief stewart, but they won't listen. Midshipman Frame tries to get the shields back online, but is shot by the Captain, who reveals that, already dying, he was offered a lot of money sent to his family to have the ship destroyed. Three meteors slam into the side of the starship Titanic, and wreck it.

The Captain is killed in the resulting collision, as are the bulk of the crew and passengers. The Titanic's hull is holed in several places, and the TARDIS is left drifting in space, before automatically homing in for a landing on Earth. With the teleport system offline and the engines losing power, the Titanic heads for an extinction-level collision with the Earth. The Doctor makes contact with the injured Midshipman Frame, and leads a small group of survivors in a climb through the shattered vessel to reach him. During the journey, the Doctor questions Mr Copper's poor knowledge of Earth despite his supposed degree in Earthonomics and Mr Copper admits that, after spending his life as a travelling salesman with nothing to show for it, he acquired fraudulent credentials; a crime for which he will be imprisoned for at least ten years when the facts come out during the ensuing investigation. Slade is also complicating matters by only being concerned with his own well being, and insulting the Hoffs at every opportunity.

Complicating matters further are the Hosts, android servitors that had earlier started malfunctioning. Their sole function now is to kill the survivors scattered throughout the ship. The Doctor's party found a Host deactivated, so Morvin and Foon decide to fix it to help the party unaware that the Hosts have turned hostile. The rest of the party clear off debris to make a bigger gap for them to traverse. Foon admits that they only won the tickets because she phoned the competition five-thousand times, which equal to five-thousand Sto credits leaving them deeply in debt (Foon noting that for the money she owes to the phone company she could have just bought the tickets). Morvin laughs at this, and tells her that they will find a way to pay it off. Bannakaffalatta reveals to Astrid he is actually a cyborg, something thought shameful on Sto. Astrid said that cyborgs have been given equal rights, and that he can live without shame on Sto.

Midshipman Frame receives a call from the chefs of Kitchen Number 5, and they give information about the deadlocked doors. Then, the three Hosts appear, and proceed to kill the chefs with their razor-sharp halos. Midshipman Frame hear their deaths over the telecom, and warns the Doctor that the Hosts have turned hostile. Then, the Host that Morvin and Foon were fixing reactivates. The Host proceeds to strangle Morvin, and the Doctor can't release it from Morvin as it's hands are deadlocked. The Host finally lets go, and proceeds to stalk the party. Mr Copper tries to make the gap he made bigger so they can fit the Hoffs through. The Doctor manages to learn the Host's security protocol number, before leaving. Mr Copper drops the gap, causing the rubble to crush the Host's head.

The party reach the engine room, in which a there is a sheer drop with the nuclear engines below. The only way across is a narrow metal bridge. When Morvin said that he and Foon will go last over the bridge, a part of the floor gives away, which cause Morvin to fall to his death into the nuclear engines. Foon, devastated, blames the Doctor for his death as he promised her he'd keep him alive. The Host then tries to break down the door, but stop. When the Doctor is left bewildered at why they stopped, Mr Copper said that they forgot the traditions of Christmas that angels have wings, to which the Host then fly down into the engine room, and proceed to throw their razor-sharp halos at the party, to which the party are able to block by hitting them back with pieces of metal. Bannakaffalatta then says that he is proud to be a cyborg, and saves the party by transmitting an electromagnetic pulse from his cybernetic implants. Bannakaffalatta used up all of his powers and dies in Astrid's arms.

Then, a lone surviving Host appears. The Doctor guesses their security code number, to which the Host gives the Doctor three questions. The Doctor learns that the Host have been instructed by their leader to kill the survivors. The Host reminds the Doctor that he has used up his three questions, and prepares to kill the party with it's halo. Then, Foon seizes the Host with a piece of rope, and sacrifices herself by pulling herself and the Host into the nuclear engines. The Doctor then makes a grim promise that "no more" will die. The survivors take Bannakaffalatta's EMP unit with them as their only effective weapon against the Host.

"It really does that?"

The Doctor sends the survivors, including Astrid, on ahead with the EMP unit and the sonic screwdriver. He tries to reach Deck 31, from where the Host seem to be controlled. He is quickly captured by the Host. While questioned by the Host, he guesses that the Hosts were ordered to kill all passengers and crew, however he is a stowaway so falls into neither category so really should be taken to whomever is in charge. The Hosts confirm the Doctor is correct, and take him to their leader.

This turns out to be the cruise line's owner, Max Capricorn, hiding in an indestructible "impact chamber" on Deck 31. To the Doctor's surprise, the cyborg's tooth actually gleams. Capricorn is also a cyborg, in a small wheeled vehicle. Forced out by the company's board of directors after running the company into the ground, he is seeking revenge.

The collision of the Titanic into a heavily populated world will not only break the company, but see the board charged with manslaughter, giving Capricorn his ultimate revenge, and allow him to retire in luxury to Penhaxico II. Outnumbered by the Hosts and faced with death, the Doctor is saved by Astrid, who has used a short-range teleport to arrive there. She rams Capricorn with a fork-lift truck. In the struggle, both are forced off a precipice, and fall into the fiery engine of the ship. Both Max and Astrid die.

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Astrid sacrifices herself to defeat Max Capricorn.

With the Hosts no longer under Capricorn's control, the Doctor grimly makes his way to the bridge with their help just as the ship plunges into Earth's atmosphere. Working with Frame, he uses the heat from the re-entry to try to start the ship's auxiliary engines, but discovers that they are headed straight for one of the few places in London currently inhabited: Buckingham Palace. Calling through with Security Code 771, he gets the Queen out of the building, which the Titanic narrowly misses as the ship pulls up, now back under control. The Queen, in her dressing gown and curls, thanks the Doctor as he pilots the ship back into the sky.

With the danger over, the Doctor suddenly realises that there might yet be hope for Astrid after all. A safety feature of the ship's teleport system is that, in case of accident, it automatically holds in stasis the molecules of the affected passenger. As she was wearing a teleport bracelet at the time of her death, her pattern might still be stored in its buffers. Despite desperate efforts, only a shadow of Astrid can be generated due to extensive damage to the teleport system, despite the Doctor's claims, "I can fix it, I can do anything!" After a kiss to follow an old tradition, the Doctor watches her dissipate into motes of light that float free into space. This way, she can at least fulfil her dream of exploring the universe, forever.

In the aftermath, the only survivors are the Doctor, Mr Copper, Alonso Frame and Rickston Slade, who is overjoyed at what happened, as he invested in all of Max Capricorn's rival companies, leaving him rich. Mr Copper notes that out of everyone, he isn't the one he would have chosen to survive... however, no-one should have the power to choose who lives or dies. The Doctor decides to save Mr Copper from prison, and uses the teleport to return to Earth. Frame salutes the Doctor as he leaves.

Finding the TARDIS, the Doctor declines Copper's request to travel with him. When Mr Copper asks exactly what he's meant to do, the Doctor takes the ship's expenses card, prepared to put some money on it — but then realises he doesn't have to. Mr Copper, not understanding Earth currency, has already loaded it with £1,000,000 to cover the cost of "trinkets". The Doctor explains to Mr Copper that a million pounds is the equivalent of 50 million credits, and Mr Copper is overjoyed that he can afford a house and a garden. The Doctor tells Mr Copper to stay out of trouble, and have a nice life as Mr Copper dances away without any idea of where he's heading... but before he goes, he promises that he'll always remember Astrid. With a final look up to the stars where Astrid now floats away, the Doctor wishes Mr Copper a Merry Christmas, before leaving.


Uncredited cast


General production staff

Script department

Camera and lighting department

Art department

Costume department

Make-up and prosthetics



General post-production staff

Special and visual effects


Not every person who worked on this adventure was credited. The absence of a credit for a position doesn't necessarily mean the job wasn't required. The information above is based solely on observations of the actual end credits of the episodes as broadcast, and does not relay information from IMDB or other sources.


Story notes

  • The working title for this story was Starship Titanic. As Davies writes in The Writer's Tale, it was changed when it was pointed out that Douglas Adams had created a video game and novel of that title, with an extremely similar concept, years earlier.
  • Also according to The Writer's Tale, American actor Dennis Hopper was approached about playing Mr Copper and, later, Max Capricorn, but plans fell through.
  • Astrid Peth was originally named simply "Peth."
  • Composer Murray Gold and arranger Ben Foster both had cameos as members of the Titanic's band, along with singer Yamit Mamo, who performs the original song, "The Stowaway." Mamo also performs "Winter Wonderland". An instrumental version of "Jingle Bells" is heard when the Doctor first arrives.
  • The theme tune was revamped for Voyage of the Damned and was a few seconds longer than the previous versions. "I think I just decided to spruce it up - new drums, new rhythm section, new bass line, new little bit of piano," says Murray Gold.
  • The episode was dedicated to Verity Lambert, the first producer of Doctor Who, who had died about a month prior to broadcast.
  • Angels seem to be a recurring theme throughout the new series. The Doctor has been referred to as a Lonely Angel, faced the Weeping Angels and made use of the Master's mesmeric communication network, Archangel.
  • The scene where the Doctor is lifted into the air by angels was heavily criticised by Catholic audiences. Millvina Dean, the last survivor of the Titanic, also criticised the episode, claiming it was disrespectful to make entertainment of the disaster.
  • This was Kylie Minogue's first major acting appearance since her diagnosis and recovery from breast cancer two years earlier. Minogue was actually a film and TV actor before she became a singer, and had made occasional film appearances since launching her musical career.
  • David Tennant's mother died near the start of production of the episode, requiring the crew to shoot around him during his consequent absence.
  • A specific special effects shot is repeated several times in the episode: someone falling while looking up towards the camera. This occurs at least four times in the episode: when the steward is sucked into space (although he's technically not falling), and when Foon, Morvin, and Astrid and Max fall to their deaths.
  • In his first draft of the episode, Davies had Buckingham Palace destroyed by the Titanic; the Doctor stops the ship from crashing but not before it smashes through the palace. In this version, instead of wishing the Doctor a Happy Christmas, the Queen is heard to curse the Doctor. This same early draft also featured a hoped-for cameo by Prince Charles. Davies spared the Palace as he felt it was too negative an ending for a holiday episode.
  • It was originally planned for the Judoon to return at the end to arrest the villain. (TV: Smith and Jones)
  • At 71 minutes long, Voyage of the Damned holds the record for the third longest 'single episode' of Doctor Who since the series revival and the fifth longest single episode of all (the fourth longest episode ever is The End of Time Part Two, which was 75 minutes long; the third longest is The Day of the Doctor at 76 minutes; the second longest episode ever is the 1996 movie, which was 85 minutes long; and the longest was the special The Five Doctors, which was 90 minutes long).
  • Voyage of the Damned has the distinction of being the first episode of the revived Doctor Who not to be shown by the series' original Canadian broadcast network, the CBC. The network skipped the episode when it began showing Series 4 in the fall of 2008 (thus, technically leaving the Series 3 cliffhanger ending unresolved for Canadian viewers). Perhaps coincidentally, beginning with Voyage of the Damned, the CBC no longer received an on-screen credit for its participation in funding the series, although it continued to do so for the remainder of Series 4. Although the CBC retained the rights to air the special until April 2010, it never did so, though a French-language broadcaster in Canada did show it at some point. In April 2010 the series' new home broadcaster, Space, took over the rights to air Voyage of the Damned, and did so for the first time on 24 July 2010, which was promoted as the English-language Canadian premiere of the episode.[1] The CBC subsidiary network, CBC Bold, which as of mid-2010 continued to air reruns, announced it would host the "CBC premiere" of the special on 28th July, but at the last minute the broadcast was cancelled in favour of highlights from a comedy festival, meaning Voyage of the Damned continues to be unbroadcast by the CBC close to three years after it aired in the UK.[2]
  • A shortened version of this story was broadcast, at least on BBC America. This version skipped quite a bit of material, including the trip to deserted London, the attempt to revive Astrid, and the closing conversation with Mr. Copper. This version was broadcast at least in 2009, and fitted into a 60-minute timeslot, including commercials. In 2013, BBC played the full episode in its entirety and placing it in a 90 minute timeslot.
  • Bernard Cribbins' character in this episode was originally called 'Stan' and was intended to be a one-off appearance. However, when Howard Attfield was forced to leave the show while filming Season 4 due to the advancement of his cancer (of which he later died), it was decided that the newspaper vendor would be brought back as Donna's grandfather (CON: A Noble Return). Russell T Davies, feeling that the name Stan wasn't suitable for a recurring character, changed Bernard Cribbins' credit at the end of this episode to reflect the change.
  • When the Doctor is shouting out random numbers (to try to stop the Heavenly Host), he says 666 (the Devil's number) and 42 (the answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy books by former Doctor Who writer Douglas Adams). Douglas Adams wrote a story titled Starship Titanic with a very similar plot line, which was also a videogame. 42 is also a name of a previous episode.
  • The use of a starship incarnation of the Titanic has been featured in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, the television series Futurama, and the video game and novel Starship Titanic, also authored by Douglas Adams.
  • The teleport system on the Titanic is very reminiscent of the one used on the Liberator in the 1970s series Blake's 7 in that it uses similarly styled bracelets.
  • It is explained in the final scenes of TV: Time Crash that the Titanic collided with the TARDIS because the Doctor left its shields down. Time Crash occurs immediately before the collision, which means the very first shot of the Doctor walking around the TARDIS (before the crash) occurs within moments of the Fifth Doctor's departure. However we do not hear the earlier Doctor's admonition to the Tenth Doctor to "Put your shields up".
  • This episode marks the last of the continuous arc (the end of one episode immediately leading into another) that starts in the Torchwood episode Captain Jack Harkness and switches over to Doctor Who in Utopia and covers the span of just over a year in the Doctor's life.
  • Reference is made to the two previous Christmas specials, TV: The Christmas Invasion and The Runaway Bride, with brief clips from both.
  • There is an inconsistency in the Sto Credit's value during the episode. Foon rang the competition line for the cruise tickets 5000 times at a credit each, resulting in a 5,000 credit phonebill. Foon is embarrassed saying she could have bought the tickets for that much, however Morvin is amused by the absurdity of it saying they wouldnt be able to pay it off even in a decade. However at the end of the episode the Doctor says the £1m credit card balance is equivalent to 50m credits even quoting an exact exchange value, this exchange rate would put the phonebill and cruise tickets at only £100 meaning either a script error or wages on Sto are extremely low.


  • Overnight - 12.2 million viewers. (At times the ratings peaked at 13.8 million.)
  • Final ratings - 13.31 million, making this the most-watched Doctor Who story since its 2005 return, and one of the highest in franchise history.[3]
    • This was also the second highest rated British television broadcast of the entire of 2007, beaten only by the episode of EastEnders that immediately preceded it.

Myths and rumours

  • A lot was made of the fact that Astrid is an anagram of TARDIS. This, however, turned out to be a red herring and not at all significant to the story.
  • When publicity photos for this episode were first released, some fans noted the resemblance of the Hosts to the Humanoid Axons, giving rise to the rumours (soon disproven) that the episode featured the Axons.
  • As the producers intended, the cliffhanger leading into this story raised the question as to whether the TARDIS had collided with the real Titanic, which gave rise to fan speculation in the interim as to how this episode would reconcile with previous references to the Doctor's involvement with the ill-fated vessel. (TV: Rose, et al)
  • The British tabloid press published reports that Minogue's character was going to be a Cyberwoman; this was disproven once publicity photos of her in Astrid's serving girl outfit were released. According to The Writer's Tale, the tabloid reports of Kylie-as-Cyberman not only went out before she'd actually been cast in the special, but Davies hadn't even completed writing it yet.
  • The meaning of the lyrics in the original song "The Stowaway" (heard only briefly on screen, but released in full on the Series 3 soundtrack album prior to broadcast) have given rise to some speculation. The general consensus is that they are from Astrid's point of view (reflecting in part their first meeting where the Doctor identifies himself to her as a stowaway, supported by the fact they're sung in a female voice), but comments by the production team have been interpreted to suggest they might be from the captain's point of view (implying a same-sex interest, but not coinciding with anything that occurs in the episode - the Doctor and the captain never even meet each other). In either case, it was widely speculated that Rose Tyler is the lost love referenced in the lyrics, with the line, "lying with his love that's where he'll be" in particular foreshadowing her later return in Series 4, and the events at the conclusion of TV: The Stolen Earth.
  • The Sun newspaper released a report claiming Albert Einstein would be in this episode, played by Woody Allen.
  • Minogue was reportedly mistaken for a waitress outside a hotel due to her costume.[4]
  • The nature of Astrid's fate led to rumours that she might reappear in Series 4, particularly in the finale. This did not happen other than a brief flashback appearance in Journey's End. It was rumoured that she might have appeared in one of the 2009 specials, but this did not occur.

Filming locations



  • Exchange Building, Swansea
  • The Coal Exchange, Cardiff Bay
  • Johnsey Estates, Pontypool
  • St John's Street, Cardiff
  • WDA Compound, Cardiff Docks
  • City Hall, Cardiff

Production errors

If you'd like to talk about narrative problems with this story — like plot holes and things that seem to contradict other stories — please go to this episode's discontinuity discussion.
  • When the Red 67 group go down to Earth, it was night time in London. Later, when we see the TARDIS locking onto Earth, you can see that United Kingdom is still in day light and about to turn to night time.


Home video releases

Voyage of the Damned DVD Cover
  • This story was released on the Series 4 DVD box set in 2008, and on the reissued Series 4 DVD set in 2015.
  • It was released on Region 2 (UK) DVD on 10th March 2008. Unlike most single-disc Region 2 DVD releases from the revived series, this was not a "vanilla" edition (program only, no extras), but included the mini-episode Time Crash, as well as an edition of the cutdown version of Doctor Who Confidential.
  • Along with the rest of Series 4, the story was released on Bluray in 2013 as part of the Complete Series 1-7 Gift Set, where it was upscaled to HD from standard-definition. As with the other HD upscales in the set, the story runs at a slightly reduced speed of 24 frames per second, resulting in a slightly longer runtime.
  • The Series 4 Bluray was given a standalone release in 2015 in the UK, and 2016 in the US.

External links
