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Timeline for 2009
21st century | 2000s

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January - March


  • Captain John Hart places bombs in an abandoned building where the Torchwood team, except for Gwen, were investigating. All four experience flashbacks after the detonation. (TW: Fragments)
  • After regaining consciousness the Torchwood team try to stop John Hart. Later that night a series of alien attacks occur in Cardiff, including Weevils killing four senior Cardiff police officers, a Hoix let lose in a hospital where it was captured by Owen Harper, a group of men in cloaks haunt a building only to be shot dead by Toshiko Sato and Ianto Jones, and John Hart captures Jack Harkness and sets off several bombs in buildings across Cardiff. It was then revealed Jack's brother Gray was forcing John Hart to do his bidding. Gray unleashes all of the Weevils in the sewers on Cardiff, shoots Toshiko, who later died of her wounds, and Owen was disintegrated by nuclear radiation following the actions of Gray and John Hart, who helps Captain Jack stop Gray. (TW: Exit Wounds)

Spring, Prior to Easter

  • Martha Jones calls in the surviving members of Torchwood Three for their help with an incident at CERN. (BBCR: Lost Souls)
  • By this time, conspiracy theorists have begun noting the disappearance of bees from the planet Earth, which was also noted by Donna Noble. (DW: Partners in Crime, et al) It was later discovered that they have left Earth in anticipation of its imminent relocation to the Medusa Cascade. (DW: The Stolen Earth)
  • Thousands of Adipose are born from people's fat and walk around the streets. During this time, Donna Noble reunites with the Tenth Doctor and begins her travels with him. Before leaving with the Doctor, however, Donna briefly encounters Rose Tyler (although she is unaware of Rose's identity). (DW: Partners in Crime)
  • The Sontarans invade Earth. During this event, Martha Jones was temporarily reunited with the Doctor and met Donna Noble for the first time. Donna also narrowly missed witnessing a brief transmission from Rose Tyler in the Doctor's TARDIS. As part of the Sontaran invasion plan, all ATMOS-equipped vehicles begin emitting a toxic gas intended to transform the world's atmosphere into a more hospitable one for Sontaran offspring; numerous fatalities were reported worldwide before the Doctor disables the devices. Afterwards, the ATMOS devices were removed from the planet's vehicles. (DW: The Sontaran Stratagem/The Poison Sky)
  • The Earth was relocated to the Medusa Cascade by the Daleks under the control of the Supreme Dalek and Davros. Despite the relocation, the planet retains a full communications network. An invasion of Earth by the Daleks commences and a number of humans were taken to "the Crucible", the Dalek mothership, where they were killed in tests of the reality bomb. The current Prime Minister is shot down by Daleks. As part of a counter-insurgency against the Dalek invasion, former Prime Minister Harriet Jones brings together a number of the Doctor's former companions, including Captain Jack Harkness, Sarah Jane Smith, and Martha Jones in order to contact the Doctor, and before she herself was killed by the Daleks. Rose Tyler, meanwhile, contacts Donna Noble's family and was ultimately reunited with the Doctor. During this incident, The Doctor undergoes a partial regeneration in order to repair damage from a Dalek blast; as a result of this, the Doctor's severed hand later forms a mental link with Donna and grows into a second version of the Doctor, but one that's half-human without Time Lord biological abilities such as regeneration. During this incident, Martha Jones, under orders from UNIT, reveals the existence of the Osterhagen Key, a weapon capable of destroying Earth. Due to her interaction with the second Doctor, Donna briefly gains the knowledge of a Time Lord, and with her help the two Doctors were able to defeat the Daleks. Afterwards, the Doctor and his companions were successful in restoring Earth to its original location using the TARDIS; this sparks worldwide celebrations around the planet. Afterwards, Mickey Smith chooses to remain on his original Earth instead of returning to Pete's World, Harkness offers Martha Jones a job with Torchwood Three, and the Doctor returns Rose and Jackie Tyler to Pete's World, along with his clone. Donna Noble was returned to her family, but with all memories of the Doctor wiped from her mind due to the danger to her survival posed by her transformation. (DW: The Stolen Earth/Journey's End)
    • At some point during these events, a young girl named Adelaide Brooke loses her family and encounters a Dalek that, for reasons unknown to her, chooses not to exterminate her. This event inspires her to become an astronaut, becoming a trailblazer for human exploration of space - in her case, establishing the first human base on Mars in 2058 and, in turn, inspiring generations of Brookes who further expand human reach into the stars. (DW: The Waters of Mars)
    • In the aftermath of the Medusa Cascade incident, the human race on Earth began coming to terms with the fact it was not alone in the universe. While many accept it, others experience crises of faith and a large number of people commit suicide. Brian Green becomes British Prime Minister sometime before September. (TW: Children of Earth: Day One)

Spring or Summer




Summer - Fall

  • A half-alien, half-human girl named Freda is sent back from the future to escape persecution and comes under the protection of Torchwood Three. (BBCR: Asylum)
  • Torchwood Three discovers that Torchwood India still exists and that its members are preserving their own time in their headquarters by draining the life out of masses of innocent civilians, with plans to roll back time to Britain's Golden Age across the world. Torchwood Three defeats them and Torchwood India is frozen in time. (BBCR: Golden Age)
  • Torchwood Three combats a mysterious force that puts people into coma-like trances after they answer the phone. (BBCR: The Dead Line)
  • Rhys Williams' uncle Bryn dies and Torchwood Three investigates mysterious power cuts. (BBCR: The Devil and Miss Carew)
  • Torchwood Three tracks a distress signal to the Mariana Trench. (BBCR: Submission)


Newspaper Ianto Jones picks up. Date reads: Wednesday September 2009 (TW: Children of Earth: Day Two)
  • Over the course of five days, every child on Earth periodically stops in their tracks and begin reciting the same message (permutations of "We are coming"). Officially, Earth's governments claim it to be caused by a form of virus. Behind the scenes, the truth was this was a message from the 456, a race that had visited Earth in 1965 and negotiated the payment of 12 orphan children in exchange for the cure for a pandemic-level influenza virus. The 456 return to Earth and demand the payment of a significant percentage of Earth's children (for use in creating a narcotic). As part of a cover-up to divert blame away from the UK government, which brokered the original deal, the Torchwood 3 hub in Cardiff was destroyed and attempts were made to assassinate Jack Harkness, Gwen Cooper and Ianto Jones. During the course of events, Thames House becomes the centre of 456-related negotiations, and at one point all occupants of the building were exposed to a deadly gas, killing all except for Mr. Dekker and Jack Harkness. Among those killed was Ianto Jones. Ultimately, through the efforts of Harkness - who was involved in the original 1965 deal - and the sacrifice of Harkness' grandson, the 456 were driven from Earth. Gwen Cooper and husband Rhys Williams learn that she was pregnant. The government of Prime Minister Brian Green was toppled soon afterwards (assumption). Stricken with guilt over the death of his grandson, Jack Harkness leaves Cardiff and spends the next few months wandering the Earth.
  • (TW: Children of Earth Date based upon on-screen evidence, specifically a newspaper headline.)
  • Sarah Jane, Luke, Clyde and Rani fight and kill a Raxacoricofallapatorian, while K9 defused a bomb. (SJA: The Nightmare Man)




  • 24 - "Harold Saxon" was resurrected by Miss Trefusis and the new governor of Broadfell Prison on Christmas Eve. Lucy Saxon interfered with the resurrection, causing an explosion at the prison and killing everyone inside, except for the Master. (DW: The End of Time)
    • The White House announced that President Barack Obama will make a Christmas Day speech announcing new economic initiatives aimed at resolving the current worldwide economic crisis. (DW: The End of Time)
  • 25 - The Master was captured by soldiers working for Joshua Naismith so that the Master can help him use the Immortality Gate. However, the Master betrays him and as Barack Obama gives a speech on the Recession, uses the Gate's abilities, intended to heal planets, to turn every single Human on Earth except for Wilfred Mott and Donna Noble into copies of the Master.
  • 26 - During this time a diamond harvested on Gallifrey was sent through time and space and crashes to Earth where it was retrieved by the Master, who uses it to open a portal that briefly allows Rassilon and other Time Lords to escape the Last Great Time War before the Doctor and, ultimately, the Master, foil their plans. Before this occurs, however, Rassilon undoes the "cloning" of the Master, returning the human race to normal, though they were soon faced with the spectacle of a giant planet appearing in the sky on a collision course; but this, too, was soon undone. (DW: The End of Time)

Dates Unknown

  • Gareth, head the seismology unit of the UCMA taskforce, develops a system for accurately predicting earthquakes. Gareth's system would be credited for saving the human race several times. (DW: Doctor Who)
  • Shreela Govindia died of an autoimmune disease. (NA: Cat's Cradle: Warhead)
  • ATMOS, a combination GPS/emission control system for automobiles, becomes widespread in vehicles around the world.
  • Rose Tyler temporarily returns from her parallel Earth, initially arriving in the normal universe (DW: Partners in Crime) but later ending up in an alternate timeline where she attains a position of authority with UNIT and works with them and Donna Noble to restore the timeline. (DW: Turn Left)

Alternate timelines

Behind the scenes












