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Slavery, as Paul LeVal wrote in 1861, was "one man owning another". Often, but not always, the enslaved were "different" than their oppressors. In LeVal's day, the basis of slavery was "skin colo[u]r or land of origin", but off Earth, (PROSE: Blood and Hope [+]Loading...["Blood and Hope (novel)"]) some species would enslave other species. (TV: Planet of the Ood [+]Loading...["Planet of the Ood (TV story)"], Before the Flood [+]Loading...["Before the Flood (TV story)"])

Humans and slavery[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Sixth Doctor considered the slave trade to be the dark heart of England and one of Earth's worst abominations. (AUDIO: The Behemoth [+]Loading...["The Behemoth (audio story)"])

Daleks[[edit] | [edit source]]

Main article: Dalek camp

Daleks forced many people into labour in Bedfordshire, (TV: The Dalek Invasion of Earth [+]Loading...["The Dalek Invasion of Earth (TV story)"]) as well as on Skaro itself. (TV: Destiny of the Daleks [+]Loading...["Destiny of the Daleks (TV story)"]) Slavery was also present on the planet Nixyce VII. (AUDIO: The Traitor [+]Loading...["The Traitor (audio story)"]) Daleks also occasionally enslaved humans through physiological manipulation, such as when they created robomen or "humanoids". (TV: The Dalek Invasion of Earth [+]Loading...["The Dalek Invasion of Earth (TV story)"], COMIC: The Humanoids [+]Loading...["The Humanoids (comic story)"]) The Cult of Skaro once attempted to actually blend Dalek and human DNA to create a more reliable class of slave labour. (TV: Evolution of the Daleks [+]Loading...["Evolution of the Daleks (TV story)"]) During the Last Great Time War, the Daleks converted their enemies into Dalek Slaves. (COMIC: Four Doctors [+]Loading...["Four Doctors (comic story)"])

The Dalek puppets were intended by the Strategist Dalek to be a more efficient form of slave. (PROSE: Dalek: The Astounding Untold History of the Greatest Enemies of the Universe [+]Loading...["Dalek: The Astounding Untold History of the Greatest Enemies of the Universe (short story)"])

Other species enslaving humans[[edit] | [edit source]]

At least one Time Lordthe Saxon Master — enslaved humans on a massive scale. Through fear alone, he got virtually the entire population of 21st century Earth to help him create what he termed "the New Time Lord Empire", a project that involved massive building works all around the planet. (TV: Last of the Time Lords [+]Loading...["Last of the Time Lords (TV story)"])

The species behind the Company enslaved the members of the Vanir to work on the dangerous Terminus. (TV: Terminus [+]Loading...["Terminus (TV story)"])

On Ravolox, the robot Drathro enslaved five hundred humans residing there, whom he called "work units", in an underground facility. (TV: The Mysterious Planet [+]Loading...["The Mysterious Planet (TV story)"])

During their invasion of Earth on Christmas Day 2006, the Sycorax planned to sell half of humanity into slavery. (TV: The Christmas Invasion [+]Loading...["The Christmas Invasion (TV story)"])

In 1791, Joxer and Hempel came to London with the intention of kidnapping humans to sell as slaves, but were stopped by the Tenth Doctor, Rose Tyler and Chevalier D'Eon. (AUDIO: The Sword of the Chevalier [+]Loading...["The Sword of the Chevalier (audio story)"])

The Usurians enslaved humanity using drugs and ruthless taxation to keep them subservient. They were eventually liberated by the Fourth Doctor. (TV: The Sun Makers [+]Loading...["The Sun Makers (TV story)"])

In 1682, the Ninth Doctor and Tara Mishra defeated a group of Lpupiara who sought to abduct humans as slaves including, ironically, a groups of Bandeirante who had previously sought to enslave a village of Tupi people. (COMIC: Slaver's Song [+]Loading...["Slaver's Song (comic story)"])

Humans enslaving humans[[edit] | [edit source]]

Beginning in prehistory, some humans enslaved other humans. (PROSE: Warlords of Utopia [+]Loading...["Warlords of Utopia (novel)"]) In 2011, Luke Smith summed up humanity's history of slavery to his sister Sky Smith. (TV: The Man Who Never Was [+]Loading...["The Man Who Never Was (TV story)"])

Humans used other humans as slaves for centuries. Every culture, the world over. Nobody ever challenged them until a few hundred years ago. And in some places it still goes on.Luke Smith [The Man Who Never Was (TV story) [src]]

In 1400 BC, there were Nubian slaves at the palace in Thebes. (AUDIO: No Place Like Home [+]Loading...["No Place Like Home (audio story)"])

The Romans enslaved other people. Both Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright were sold into slavery. (TV: The Romans [+]Loading...["The Romans (TV story)"]) Centuries later, humans like Doland looked favourably upon the Roman Empire's use of slavery. (TV: Terror of the Vervoids [+]Loading...["Terror of the Vervoids (TV story)"]) In Rome in 120, Vanessa Moretti was accused of being a runaway slave and was claimed by Balbus because she had no proof to refute this claim. (PROSE: The Stone Rose [+]Loading...["The Stone Rose (novel)"])

Slavery was supported numerous times in the Christian Bible, such as in Ephesians 6:5-6. (PROSE: Warlords of Utopia [+]Loading...["Warlords of Utopia (novel)"])

By the 15th century, it was against Spanish custom to engage in the slave trade. (AUDIO: Trouble in Paradise [+]Loading...["Trouble in Paradise (audio story)"]) The Fifth Doctor once told Turlough that he recalled seeing slave ships in the harbour at Rio de Janeiro in 1700. (AUDIO: Loups-Garoux [+]Loading...["Loups-Garoux (audio story)"])

In 1682, the Ninth Doctor and his companions met a group of Bandeirante, Portuguese explorers, who sought to enslave a Tupi village. (COMIC: Slaver's Song [+]Loading...["Slaver's Song (comic story)"])

English merchants enslaved Scottish prisoners of war during the mid-18th century. People like Solicitor Grey and Annabelle captain Trask routinely forced Scots from the Highlands to the West Indies and North America. They attempted to give it the veneer of legal propriety by having each Scot sign a contract, whereby their labour was exchanged for the "privilege" of ocean transport to their new "home", but these signatures were effectively coerced. Clearly, the Second Doctor and Ben Jackson saw it for the slavery it really was. The Doctor, in fact, deprived Grey of his contracts for one particular voyage, thereby removing even the veneer of propriety from Grey's activities. (TV: The Highlanders [+]Loading...["The Highlanders (TV story)"]) Indeed, Grey himself privately confided to his co-conspirators that he knew very well he was sending the Highlanders into slavery, saying to Trask, "But to take these cattle fresh to the slave plantations — before their health has been sapped by His Majesty's prisons — that takes skill and preparation." (PROSE: The Highlanders [+]Loading...["The Highlanders (novelisation)"])

Slavery of Africans was institutionalised in the United States of America, enshrined in the Constitution of the United States. However, the nation was deeply divided on the issue, and there was a tenuous balance between those people — typically in the North — who wanted it abolished and those — often in the South — who saw slaveholding as a moral right. This tension finally exploded into the American Civil War. South Carolina, the first state to secede from the US, justified its action in a declaration which clearly cited US President-elect Abraham Lincoln's hostility to slavery as a main cause for secession. Since secession directly resulted in war, slavery was a central reason the war was fought. The eventual victory of Lincoln was something the Fifth Doctor, Peri Brown and Erimem were on hand to witness. (PROSE: Blood and Hope [+]Loading...["Blood and Hope (novel)"])

Slavery was ultimately abolished in the United States of America two generations after it was abandoned by the British Empire and the rest of Europe, but it persisted illegally in many parts of the world. (PROSE: Warlords of Utopia [+]Loading...["Warlords of Utopia (novel)"])

The Doctor's companions sometimes worried about slavery when visiting historical time periods. While visiting London in 1599, Martha Jones was worried that she would "get carted off as a slave" because of her skin colour. (TV: The Shakespeare Code [+]Loading...["The Shakespeare Code (TV story)"]) Bill Potts voiced a similar worry while visiting 1814 as slavery was still "a thing" in that time. (TV: Thin Ice [+]Loading...["Thin Ice (TV story)"]) During the American Civil War, Erimem was sometimes unpleasantly mistaken for a slave because of her darker skin. (PROSE: Blood and Hope [+]Loading...["Blood and Hope (novel)"])

In Roma I and other Romas in the Empire of Empires, Roman-style slavery was never abolished. Marcus Americanius Scriptor regarded opposition to slavery in Great Britain and the United States as a fad or mania comparable to taboos against meat-eating or phallic art which rise and fall among generations; at the same time, he noted that slavery in the worlds he visited had become corrupted with "discriminatio phyletica". (PROSE: Warlords of Utopia [+]Loading...["Warlords of Utopia (novel)"])

In the 51st century, people without a work permit on Androzani Major were enslaved in labour camps. Morgus took advantage of this to fire his workers so they would be sent to the camps and he could continue using their labour without paying them. (TV: The Caves of Androzani [+]Loading...["The Caves of Androzani (TV story)"])

Humans enslaving other species[[edit] | [edit source]]

In the 21st century, there was a black market in alien slaves on Earth. John Harrison purchased a group of Skullion slaves on this market. (TV: The Man Who Never Was [+]Loading...["The Man Who Never Was (TV story)"])

It was Doland's intent to turn the Vervoids into slave labour. Had he been able to deliver the sentient plants to Earth, he intended to use them as cheap replacements for robots. He didn't know, however, that the Vervoids themselves had the ability and desire to kill every bit of animal life they encountered. (TV: Terror of the Vervoids [+]Loading...["Terror of the Vervoids (TV story)"])

As Rose Tyler observed, humans enslaved the Ood in her far future. Even in remote outposts, some humans, like Danny Bartock, were charged with keeping order amongst the Ood by using a variety of technological devices, such as those which measured Basic, a scale for determining the level of Ood telepathic output. (TV: The Impossible Planet [+]Loading...["The Impossible Planet (TV story)"])

As Donna Noble would later discover, the humans of the 42nd century had industrialised and commercialised Ood slavery. By 4126, Ood Operations, the company in charge of the Ood, were having difficulties in the vast marketplace of the Second Great and Bountiful Human Empire. They began a new, aggressive advertising scheme that year which slashed prices, added "extra features" to the translator balls and generally attempted to "rebrand" Ood with Ood Operation's dealers. Donna and the Tenth Doctor were repulsed by this blatant commercialism. Together, they helped the Ood revolt and end human Ood trafficking. (TV: Planet of the Ood [+]Loading...["Planet of the Ood (TV story)"])

Tharils were traded by the humans because of their time sensitivity, used to pilot ships in the fourth dimension. Romana devoted herself to overthrowing this commerce. However, in a previous age, the roles had been inverted: humans had been enslaved by the Tharils. (TV: Warriors' Gate [+]Loading...["Warriors' Gate (TV story)"])

On Lobos, human zealots enslaved the native Loba. (PROSE: The Good Doctor [+]Loading...["The Good Doctor (novel)"])

Slavery between non-humans[[edit] | [edit source]]

Slavery was hardly a phenomenon exclusive to human culture. For instance, the Kaleds and Thals enslaved Mutos. The Thals also used their Kaled prisoners as slave labour. (TV: Genesis of the Daleks [+]Loading...["Genesis of the Daleks (TV story)"])

Tivolians had an ongoing desire to be conquered and enslaved by others. (TV: The God Complex [+]Loading...["The God Complex (TV story)"]) When the Arcateenians freed them from the armies of the Fisher King, the Tivolians were distraught and irritated the Arcateenians so much that they chose to enslave the Tivolians themselves by the year 1980. (TV: Before the Flood [+]Loading...["Before the Flood (TV story)"])

After invading Gallifrey, Stor decided not to kill the Time Lords he had hostage, believing that "slavery [was] more efficient". (TV: The Invasion of Time [+]Loading...["The Invasion of Time (TV story)"])

Huducts enslaved Anubians by using mind-controlling torcs. After the Anubians were liberated by K9 Mark I, the Anubians turned on their former masters and enslaved them in the same way, even though K9 intended for them to reconcile in peace. The Anubians later developed space travel and enslaved other species. (TV: Curse of Anubis [+]Loading...["Curse of Anubis (TV story)"])

The Kleptons enslaved the Thains they abducted from their city. (COMIC: The Klepton Parasites [+]Loading...["The Klepton Parasites (comic story)"])

The Voord on Kandalinga enslaved the native Fishmen to build dry land for them. (PROSE: The Fishmen of Kandalinga [+]Loading...["The Fishmen of Kandalinga (short story)"])

In her work as an investigative journalist, Keri lived for ten months posing as a Rigellon's bond-slave. (PROSE: Legacy [+]Loading...["Legacy (novel)"])

The Masters of Dorada enslaved the Doradans, forcing them to work in factories. (PROSE: The Dream Masters [+]Loading...["The Dream Masters (short story)"])

On a planet, the fair-haired people were the slaves of the black-haired people until they were freed by passing the tests of Trefus. (COMIC: The Tests of Trefus [+]Loading...["The Tests of Trefus (comic story)"])

The Mentors from Thoros Beta took many Thoros-Alphans from their homeworld for use as menial labour and experiments. Thanks to the intervention of Yrcanos and the Sixth Doctor, the control centre which allowed them to be enslaved was destroyed. (TV: Mindwarp [+]Loading...["Mindwarp (TV story)"])

The Janus Anah and Anahson came to the trap street in London to escape slavery. (TV: Face the Raven [+]Loading...["Face the Raven (TV story)"])

The Rocket Men owned hundreds of slaves. (AUDIO: Requiem for the Rocket Men [+]Loading...["Requiem for the Rocket Men (audio story)"])

D'Pau's planet had been invaded and enslaved by another species. After Rose Tyler liberated the planet, D'Pau's species saw an opportunity for revenge and enslaved their once enslavers. (COMIC: Empire of the Wolf [+]Loading...["Empire of the Wolf (comic story)"])

During the Harvesting of Urbinia, the Black Dalek Leader initially ordered that the people of Urbinia be rounded up as slaves for the Dalek Empire. (AUDIO: Daughter of the Gods [+]Loading...["Daughter of the Gods (audio story)"])

In the Federation universe, the Borg assimilated other species into their Collective, a process that the Eleventh Doctor described as "slavery from the inside" and a "most devious form of bondage". (COMIC: Assimilation² [+]Loading...["Assimilation² (comic story)"])

In the Unbound Universe, the Kaleds had once been slaves to the Thals. (AUDIO: Masters of War [+]Loading...["Masters of War (audio story)"])

The Krattorians were a species of slave-drivers. (COMIC: Power Play [+]Loading...["Power Play (comic story)"])