Last Christmas (TV story)

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Last Christmas was the 2014 Doctor Who Christmas special. It was the 813th episode of the series, as well as being the show's tenth Christmas special since its revival. It was the first full Christmas special with Peter Capaldi as the Twelfth Doctor. It guest-starred Nick Frost as a dream manifestation of Santa Claus, previously seen at the end of Death in Heaven as a lead-in to this story.

Casting-wise, it was notable for featuring the first on-screen Doctor Who appearance of Michael Troughton, son of Second Doctor actor Patrick Troughton. It also allowed recurring actor Dan Starkey, best known for portraying various Sontaran characters, to appear with minimal make-up as an elf.

The Christmas special saw the return of Danny Pink, Clara Oswald's boyfriend and former Coal Hill School maths teacher — albeit only in Clara's dream state.


The Doctor and Clara face their Last Christmas. Trapped on an Arctic base and under attack from terrifying creatures, who are you going to call? Santa Claus!


On a frosty night before Christmas, Clara Oswald awakens to the sound of an object crashing on her rooftop. Putting on her dressing gown, she leaves her room to investigate and discovers Santa Claus, his elves Ian and Wolf, reindeer and sleigh upon her roof, having crashed after an accident. Ian quickly informs Santa that they've been sighted. They weakly attempt to pass themselves off as ordinary people, but after Clara sees the reindeer flying loose in the sky, they reveal their true identities. Clara tries to deny his existence as a fairytale. Santa questions if she still believes in fairy-tales, as the Doctor's TARDIS begins to materialise on the rooftop. The Doctor emerges, and tells the stunned Clara to remain absolutely silent and go into the TARDIS right away. She obeys. The Doctor leans in close to Santa and states that he knows what is going on, and what is at stake. Santas questions if he truly does, and tells him that before the night is through, the Doctor will be glad for Santa's help. The Doctor departs by wishing Santa a "Happy Easter", and tells him that no-one likes his tangerines. Inside the TARDIS, Clara comments on how much she had missed it, as the Doctor takes off. He tells Clara that she should trust nothing and be critical towards everything, concluding that the most important question is if she truly believes in Santa Claus. She answers that right now, she does.

At a base in the North Pole, a group of scientists are tracking Shona as she enters an infirmary. One of the scientists called Ashley tells Shona not to think about "them" and to concentrate on something else. She enters the infirmary, and begins dancing to Slade's "Merry Christmas Everybody" which appears to take her mind off the victims. She reaches the end of the infirmary, by which point the Doctor and Clara appear. As Clara wonders what's happened to the victims, they wake up and begin moving. Shona warns them not to think about what they can see, and the Doctor deduces that the creatures attached to the victim's faces are both deaf and blind, but they use telepathy to keep a constant image of themselves in someone's memory, allowing them to 'see'. As the victims close in, the scientists appear with guns ready to attack, and then several crab-like creatures appear from the ceiling and attack the group. They're then seemingly saved by Santa, who is able to send the victims back to bed. He then brings in a captured creature, which the Doctor recognises as a Kantrofarri or "dream crab".

The Doctor asked Ashley to show him CCTV footage of the other crew members arriving on the base. The footage shows the four crew members discovering the creatures, buried in the snow. The footage then shows one of the creatures coming down from the ceiling, which sends the camera static. The Doctor explains that when a dream crab attacks someone, it places them into a telepathically induced dream state. Whilst the victim is 'dreaming', the crab drills into the victim's head and eats away at their brain. And that if you are thinking about a dream crab, a dream crab is most likely coming for you. Clara goes to check on the captured crab, only to find it missing from the container. It appears and begins to stalk her, at which point Clara tries to distract herself by first thinking of maths equations and then of Danny. This however doesn't work and the crab attacks her, putting her into a dream state. She awakens in her dream state, and is surprised to find herself at her house on Christmas day - with a very-much-alive Danny. The Doctor and the group arrive at Clara's side, where the Doctor tries to work out a way to remove the crab without killing Clara. Ashley states that the only way to remove the crab would be to kill Clara. He refuses to do so, and instead allows himself to become attacked, so he can join Clara in her dream. Inside her dream, the Doctor urges Clara to believe that it's all just a dream, so they can wake up. She doesn't believe the Doctor, but after a final farewell from Danny, Clara believes that it's a dream and they wake up.

Despite waking up, Clara complains of a pain on the right side of her head. Shona compares it to the "ice cream pain" and confirms she has the same pain. The Doctor then works out that they are in fact still in a dream, having been attacked when they arrived. With some help from Santa - who is revealed to be a manifestion of everyone's brains telling them something is wrong - the group are able to wake up. The Doctor and Clara then leave, only for Clara to note that they both saw Santa on her rooftop, meaning that they're still dreaming - from different times and places. The Doctor and Clara return to the base where the Doctor questions the scientists on why they only have four base manuals for a crew of eight people. They then come to the realisation that the victims are really themselves, or rather dream constructs of what's coming to kill them. The victims awaken and transport themselves through the CCTV, killing Albert in the process. The group travel outside and try to work out a way to escape, of which the Doctor suggests using the TARDIS to escape. Clara notes that it isn't the real TARDIS, and as they head towards the TARDIS, dream constructs of the Doctor and Clara appear. The Doctor tells everybody to use their imagination to get themselves home, and so they all dream of Santa, who appears in his sleigh and rescues the group.

Having been rescued by Santa, the memories of the group's real lives start coming back to them, meaning that they're waking up in the real world. Shona suggests that they exchange phone numbers so they can meet up once they awaken, but the Doctor states that it's unlikely that they're remember anything that's happened in the dream. One by one, everyone expect Clara awakens, who wants to stay in the dream world forever. The Doctor travels to Clara's house and is successful in removing the crab from her face with his sonic screwdriver, but finds that she is much older than when he last left her. 62 years have passed for her since they said goodbye in the coffee shop after Danny's death. The Doctor apologizes to Clara for not returning for her sooner, but then Santa appears, revealing this to be yet another crab-induced dream. The Doctor awakens for real this time and he travels to Clara's house and removes the crab from her face again. Realising what could have been, the Doctor invites Clara to resume her travels in the TARDIS with him. She happily agrees and he whisks her away. Meanwhile, a tangerine sits on the window sill, and there is the faint sound of sleigh bells...



General production staff

Script department

Camera and lighting department

Art department

Costume department

Make-up and prosthetics



General post-production staff

Special and visual effects


Not every person who worked on this adventure was credited. The absence of a credit for a position doesn't necessarily mean the job wasn't required. The information above is based solely on observations of the actual end credits of the episodes as broadcast, and does not relay information from IMDB or other sources.


  • Santa is visibly offended when both his elves and later the Doctor tell him that no one likes tangerines.
  • Shona dances to the song "Merry Xmas Everybody" by Slade to distract herself from thinking about the dream crabs while she is in the infirmary on the North Pole base.
  • Professor Albert compares the dream crabs to the facehugger version of the title creature from the 1979 sci-fi/horror movie Alien. The Doctor has heard of neither the facehuggers nor the film, and is visibly appalled that a horror movie is named Alien - "No wonder everyone keeps invading you!", he exclaims.
  • The Doctor tells Clara not to get too attached to the people at the arctic base because it "isn't Facebook."
  • When the Doctor leaves Santa on the roof-top, he mockingly tells Santa, "Happy Easter".
  • When Ashley asks who Santa is, the Doctor ask her who she thinks he is and gives the "Tooth Fairy" and "Easter Bunny" as possible examples.
  • Santa mentions My Little Pony when proving to Shona that he is real.
  • In Shona's Christmas Day Itinerary are referenced the movies Alien, The Thing from Another World and Miracle on 34th Street, along with "Thrones". The first three films are very clearly sources for the shared dream state (the facehuggers, a group of scientists trapped in an isolated Arctic base by a deadly alien creature, and a man who believes he is Santa, respectively).

Story notes

  • This episode saw a one-off modification to the title sequence. The clock faces the TARDIS flies through are blue and icy, and the TARDIS is covered in snow, which both dissipate. The names of the lead actors dissolve into snowy particles, and the subsequent time vortex has flying snowflakes.
    • For the first time for this title sequence, more than two people are credited. Peter Capaldi and Jenna Coleman's names appear normally, then Nick Frost's name appears between the Doctor Who logo and the episode title credit.
    • This is the second episode in a row to feature a notable modification, the first being Death in Heaven.
  • This is the third consecutive Christmas special to feature Dan Starkey. He had previously appeared in his recurring Sontaran role, Strax, in The Snowmen, then as Commander Skarr and his unnamed subordinate in The Time of the Doctor.
  • This is also the third consecutive Christmas special to feature Jenna Coleman. She previously appeared as a version of Clara Oswald in The Snowmen, then as the original character in The Time of the Doctor and Last Christmas. Clara is the first companion to appear in three consecutive Christmas specials.
  • To keep the appearance of Danny Pink a surprise, Samuel Anderson was uncredited in Radio Times and on the BBC website.


9.63 million (overnight)

Production errors

  • When dream crab-possessed people open their "mouths", the faces of the mannequins used to represent them in those shots are clearly visible, particularly the noses.


Home video releases

DVD releases

to be added

Blu-ray releases

to be added

External links

Transcript of Last Christmas at Chrissie's Transcripts Site

