The Girl in the Fireplace (TV story)

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The Girl in the Fireplace was the fourth episode of series 2 of Doctor Who.

It was Mickey Smith's first adventure in the TARDIS, after joining in School Reunion. Sophia Myles guest-starred as the historical figure Madame de Pompadour. It continues from the events of its prequel, Tardisode 4.

The episode takes place in multiple time periods as the Tenth Doctor, Rose Tyler and Mickey Smith find time windows leading to 18th century France and Clockwork Droids use them to stalk Madame de Pompadour through her life. Doctor Who writer Russell T Davies described the episode as a love story for the Doctor. The Girl in the Fireplace was well-received by most critics despite the time constraints imposed on the plot. The episode was nominated for a Nebula Award and won the 2007 Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation, Short Form.

While working with David Tennant on Casanova, Russell T Davies researched Madame de Pompadour and decided to use her in Doctor Who.

Another influence on this story was the Turk, an 18th century robot. In reality, it was a hoax, but Davies hoped to give it a sinister past. Due to its experimental nature, The Girl in the Fireplace was shifted in the running order from second to fourth episode in the series.

This episode is the only one of the season to have no mention of Torchwood. This is explained by Steven Moffat as the theme of the season would not fit with the episode.

The Clockwork Droids would appear again, eight years later, in the Twelfth Doctor story Deep Breath. Much like the ones in this story, the droids became confused as to what their purpose was and began harvesting human organs (although the reasons why would differ for the future batch).


For their first trip with Mickey, the Tenth Doctor and Rose end up on a spaceship in the future that contains several portals to pre-Revolutionary France. When he steps through one of these portals, shaped like a fireplace, the Doctor discovers the even greater mystery of actual, romantic love.


18th century Versailles, a starry night: Panic is in the palace as people run from an unseen enemy. Madame de Pompadour — or Reinette — stands at a fireplace with her lover, the King of France. She tells him about a mysterious man who has watched over her for the entirety of her life; she tells the King to go to his wife, as she is less important as his lover. Reinette calls into the fireplace again, yelling that this was the night he promised to show up. She yells the man's name: Doctor!

Three thousand years later, in the 51st century, the Doctor's TARDIS arrives on an abandoned spaceship. The Doctor and Rose depart, along with Mickey, who is happy to have gotten a spaceship on his first go in time travel. Examining some equipment, the Doctor notes that the ship was damaged (likely in a meteor storm) and is in the middle of repairs. He gets a reading from the engines, that shows that the ship is generating enormous power, even though it is stationary. "Enough to punch a hole in the universe," the Doctor comments. The ship, however, is oddly empty; Rose sarcastically suggests that they all stepped out for a smoke. The Doctor tells her that the smoking pods are empty, so that's not it. Even stranger is that it smells like somebody is cooking.

Shortly afterwards, the Doctor, Rose and Mickey find an 18th century fireplace. Although the other side of the fireplace should be the outer hull of the ship, there is another room with a little girl. She informs the Doctor that she is in her bedroom in Paris, the year is 1727 and her name is Reinette. When Mickey comments that the Doctor said they were supposed to be in the 51st century, the Doctor explains that the excess of power can "punch a hole in the universe" and they just found it. Mickey wonders what it is, to which the Doctor calls it a spatio-temporal hyperlink between them in the 51st century and Reinette in 1727; the Doctor then admits that he didn't want to say "magic door" because the phenomenon has no real name. Mickey is shocked as the nearby window shows nothing but the emptiness of space.

The Doctor decides to explore further. He flips a switch on the mantle to rotate the fireplace into Reinette's bedroom, which is peaceful save for a rather loud clock. A startled Reinette informs him that though it has been mere seconds for him, for her it has been months since they last spoke. While inspecting the fireplace, the Doctor notices her mantle clock is broken and goes "Okay, that's scary". Reinette is puzzled that he is scared of a broken clock, but the Doctor points out that if the only clock in the room is broken, what's ticking? This draws Reinette's attention to the loud ticking noise, which is too big to be a clock according to the Doctor. He traces the noise to Reinette's bed and has a look underneath. He is attacked by a ticking creature in period dress. The Doctor notes that the creature has been scanning Reinette's brain and asks it why, but the creature only answers questions asked by Reinette. When the Doctor reinforces his demands with the sonic screwdriver, the creature advances in him and threatens him with a bladed appendage.

The Doctor tells Reinette not to worry as it's a nightmare; even monsters have nightmares. When asked what about, the Doctor yells with a smirk: "me!" He activates the spinning fireplace to pull the creature back into the ship, where he freezes it with a fire extinguisher. Removing the mask it's wearing, the Doctor finds it is a clockwork android, with some beautiful interior assembly. It teleports away before the Doctor has a chance to disassemble it. He warns Rose and Mickey not to go looking for it and returns to Reinette's bedroom. They go looking for it anyway.

Back in Reinette's bedroom, the Doctor finds the girl is now a young lady; she calls him rude, for an imaginary friend should only exist when one is a child. She reaches out to touch him, finding he was never a figment of her imagination. She flirts with the Doctor and they kiss before she leaves to join her mother. The Doctor learns that Reinette's surname is Poisson and realises that she is destined to be titled Madame De Pompadour, mistress to King Louis XV and the uncrowned queen of France. The fact that he has just "snogged Madame de Pompadour" gives him great happiness as he returns to the future, watched by an extremely bemused servant.

While complaining about Rose and Mickey wandering off, the Doctor remarks that there could be anything on the ship; round the next corner, he finds a horse, of all things. It has wandered in through one of the windows in history, this one leading to a garden where an older Reinette and her friend are discussing the news that the king's current mistress is in ill health. Reinette senses the Doctor's presence, but he hides. The conversation continues with the possibility of Reinette gaining the position for herself.

Meanwhile, Mickey and Rose find a camera with a human eye in it and a human heart wired into machinery before rejoining the Doctor and the horse at another window. They ask about the horse, which the Doctor calls Arthur. The Doctor explains the windows to Reinette's life are all over the ship. As they watch her flirt with the king through a mirror, he says that Reinette plans not to become the Queen (as the king already has one) but to become the king's mistress. He realises that this is the night she and the king first met, explaining to Rose and Mickey that soon afterwards Reinette became the king's official mistress, gaining the title of Madame de Pompadour. "The Queen must have loved her" Rose quips; to her surprise, the Doctor says Reinette and the Queen were good friends. Seeing Rose's shock, the Doctor tells her that France is like a different planet.

The Doctor spots a clockwork droid in the corner, crosses through the window and freezes it again with the extinguisher; this doesn't work for long though. He asks Reinette to order the droid to answer his questions, noting the droids will only do what she says. It identifies as Repair Droid 7 and the ship encountered an ion storm which caused 82% systems failure. Lacking the necessary mechanical parts, they cannibalised the crew and used their organic parts to replace damaged mechanisms. This was why Rose and Mickey saw a heart and an eye earlier, but the Doctor remarks that the droid was merely doing what it was supposed to; no-one thought to inform them that "the crew weren't on the menu". The droid says that they require a part of Reinette for the ship as "they are the same", but "she is not ready yet." Horrified, Reinette orders the droid to leave. Apparently taking this request literally, it teleports away. Rose and Mickey pursue it, taking the horse with them; Rose tells the Doctor that they are not keeping it as a pet, only for him to retort that he lets Mickey stay on the TARDIS as her pet.

The Doctor uses his telepathy to look into Reinette's mind, hoping to find something linking her to the droids; he tells her to keep anything private from his view by imagining a door, resulting in quite a few. Reinette notes that she sees a lonely childhood, had by the Doctor; this shocks him, as she's only called him Fireplace Man until now. When he asks Reinette how she managed that, she says, "A door once opened may be stepped through in either direction." She asks the question "Doctor who?", feeling that his real name is more than a secret. She invites the Doctor to "dance" with her, with him reminding her that she needs to "dance" with the king that night. Amused, Reinette tells him that she'll make the king jealous first.

Meanwhile, back on the ship, Mickey is taunting Rose about the many women the Doctor knows, including Egyptian Queen Cleopatra; Rose has just gotten over the fact she's not the first companion that the Doctor has taken on, after meeting Sarah Jane. Rose sees a Clockwork Droid coming up behind Mickey and tries to warn him, but he is seized by the droid, which injects him with a sedative. Rose tries to aim her gun at the droid, but another appears behind her, grabs hold of her and pulls her down. She struggles but it will not let her up. It injects her with the sedative and she falls unconscious.

Rose strapped on an operating table.

Rose awakens to find herself strapped to an operating table. Mickey, on a table next to Rose, has received the same treatment. He is freaking out, noting that the insane robots are going to chop them up. The droids loom over them, threatening to dissect them for parts needed for the ship, and Rose and Mickey struggle and try to reason with them, but to no avail. Rose tries to intimidate them by revealing they are travelling with the famous Time Lord known as the Doctor, who can make even the Daleks feel fear. As she continues, she hears the Doctor's voice approaching, singing; she tries to continue the threat much to her increasing confusion.

The Doctor walks into the room, apparently drunk; "Oh look who the cat dragged in, the oncoming storm," Rose snaps. The Doctor notes she sounds like her mother, before going about how he accidentally invented the Banana daiquiri a few centuries early. He goes on to explain that the droids are monitoring Reinette's "milometer"; apparently when she's thirty-seven and thus "complete", the droids will steal her brain to replace the broken command circuit of the ship. He then pours his glass of wine down the lead droid's head, revealing it's anti-oil: "if it moves, it doesn't." He stops the other droids with a lever on a nearby console. He deactivates the tables.

The Doctor attempts to shut the gateways before the droids damage Reinette's timeline further. However, one of the droids is still out in the past, preventing the shutdown. A ding sounds, which the Doctor takes as the droid finding the right point in Reinette's life for them to attack. The droids spring back to life, with the leader spurting the anti-oil out of its systems; the Doctor admits that that was clever. They teleport away, deadlocking the system to prevent the Doctor from stopping them.

The Doctor sends Rose to warn a younger Reinette that the droids will return to her sometime after her thirty-seventh birthday. Mickey comes to inform Rose that the Doctor has found the correct time window. Despite Rose's protests that the Doctor will be furious, Reinette rushes into the spaceship and hears her own screams from the future as the Doctor fixes an audio link to the window. Reinette decides to take the "slower path" and returns to France.

Rose and Mickey return to the Doctor, who has discovered that the droids have sealed off the time window to prevent him following them. Mickey suggests just breaking through, but they would require a truck to smash through the combined hyperplex and plate-glass layers and in any case, if the mirror is broken, it will destroy the time windows. Unfortunately, this is the only option and the Doctor uses the horse to break through the seal, breaking the connection between France and the ship. The Doctor explains to the droids that they are no longer needed. Seeing he is correct, they cease functioning, collapse to the floor and shatter.

Meanwhile, back in the ship, Rose and Mickey realise that if the Doctor is trapped in France, they are trapped as well since they cannot operate the TARDIS. Mickey starts to panic, but Rose remains silent.

On the other hand, the Doctor seems quite reconciled to taking the "slow path" with Reinette. As they sip wine and stargaze through a palace window, he muses about how he might earn money since he's "not going anywhere." It is Reinette who suggests that there might yet be a way back for him. She brings him to a room with a bed covered with flower petals and shows him the fireplace from when they first met. She had the same fireplace moved to Versailles. Because she moved the fireplace, the window was offline when the link broke so there is still a connection. Using his sonic screwdriver, the Doctor reactivates the link. He rides the rotating mantle back onto the ship as Reinette looks on sadly; a part of her had hoped he would be unable to do so. Once on the other side, the Doctor turns back to look through the fireplace at Reinette. He tells her to pack a bag and pick a star - if she wants to join him, he will take her wherever she wants to go. "Give me two minutes," he tells her before hurrying to find Rose and Mickey.

After quickly greeting his very relieved companions and rushing them into the TARDIS, the Doctor turns back to get Reinette. However, when he rides the mantle around again, she is not there. Searching for her, he instead finds the now much-older king. While it had been two minutes for the Doctor, it had been years for Reinette. The king says he's "just missed her; she'll be in Paris by six." The words seem innocuous enough, but the king's tone hints she has not just gone on a simple trip. In a low voice, he states she had always hoped to see the Doctor again, and he hands the Doctor a letter she had written to him. The king then draws the Doctor's attention to the window and they both watch a hearse take Reinette away "for the last time"; tragically, she has died. As understanding dawns upon the Doctor that she is truly gone, he is obviously deeply affected. Despite the king's query about the contents of the letter, the Doctor silently slips it into his pocket to read when he is alone. The king simply says "quite right" and the Doctor leaves without another word.

Once back in the TARDIS, the Doctor tries to act nonchalant. When Rose questions him about why Reinette was singled out, he shrugs it off as the ship's damaged computer getting "confused" and moves to the TARDIS console, calmly shutting down the rest of the time windows. Despite his business-as-usual demeanour, Rose senses that he is in pain. When she asks him if he is alright, he looks her in the eye and claims he is "always alright." He manages a small smile before looking away again, but he is fooling no one. By this point, even Mickey can see that all is not well. In order to allow the Doctor some time alone, Mickey suggests that Rose show him around the TARDIS and leads her away.

Once he is sure they are gone, the Doctor pulls the letter from his pocket and slowly unfolds it. In the letter, Reinette tells of her love for the Doctor and how she fears that she may never see him again as her body weakens. Still, she continues to hold out hope. He visibly struggles to control his emotions as he reads her pleas for him to hurry back to her. She finishes, "Godspeed, my lonely angel." Swallowing hard, he puts the letter back into his pocket; no tears fall, but there is anguish in his eyes. He then turns to the console, which shows the fireplace still active, and deactivates it, severing the last link.

As the light in the fire dies, the TARDIS dematerialises, revealing that it stood in front of a picture of Reinette. As the TARDIS leaves the scene, the name of the ship (and the reason the droids targeted Reinette) can finally be seen on the outside: SS Madame De Pompadour. The ship drifts through space, lifeless.



General production staff

Script department

Camera and lighting department

Art department

Costume department

Make-up and prosthetics



General post-production staff

Special and visual effects


Not every person who worked on this adventure was credited. The absence of a credit for a position doesn't necessarily mean the job wasn't required. The information above is based solely on observations of the actual end credits of the episodes as broadcast, and does not relay information from IMDB or other sources.


  • 82 is mentioned.


Foods and beverages

  • The Doctor again mentions bananas. He claims to have accidentally invented the banana daiquiri.
  • Mickey says he can smell a Sunday roast.
  • The Doctor claims to have a glass of wine with him when he saves Rose and Mickey from the Clockwork Droids. It is in fact anti-oil.



The Doctor

  • The Doctor claims 1727 is one of his favourite years.
  • Reinette asks, "Doctor Who?"



  • Snow is falling outside when the Doctor arrives in 1727.

Story notes

  • This is Mickey's first trip in the TARDIS as a companion. His name does not appear in the opening credits; the first triple opening credit would not occur until John Barrowman returned temporarily in Utopia the next season; it's not until A Christmas Carol in 2010 that an ongoing "third companion" receives a credit in the opening.
  • In a Production Notes column for Doctor Who Magazine #363 (November 2005), writer Steven Moffat stated that the working titles for the episode were Madame de Pompadour, Every Tick of My Heart and Reinette and the Lonely Angel.
  • Sophia Myles and David Tennant started dating after working together on this story, according to an interview with Myles on GMTV (25 April 2006). It was rumoured she carried a "Doctor Who" doll in her handbag. However, their relationship ended in 2007.
  • Although Reinette dies before she is able to accept the Doctor's offer of travelling in the TARDIS, she does briefly experience time travel when she steps through one of the holes in time and ends up aboard the vessel bearing her name millennia later.
  • Throughout this episode, Mickey wears a T-shirt which has a picture of the Nintendo Entertainment System controller over the caption, "Know Your Roots". This particular T-shirt, a limited edition, could be obtained either by subscribing to the British Nintendo Official Magazine or by being purchased at selected GameStation outlets. In Doctor Who Magazine #367 Noel Clarke admitted to being a Nintendo fan and to being the owner of a Nintendo DS console. He also comments upon the T-shirt in the commentary which accompanies the episode on the BBC Website. Appropriately, Mickey is involved in a video game-related adventure in the spin-off novel Winner Takes All. Mickey also mentions playing a Playstation in The Age of Steel.
  • As seen in the Doctor Who Confidential episode "Script to Screen", Arthur, the horse, was not allowed to set foot in the ballroom in the climactic scene. The various elements of the Doctor riding Arthur through the mirror (the horse, the mirror breaking and the reactions of the extras in the ballroom) all had to be filmed at separate times and then composited together
  • There are many sexual metaphors throughout this episode.
    • Reinette asks the Doctor to "dance", a word used by Moffat in The Doctor Dances as a euphemism for sexual activity. Moffat remarked in the MP3 audio commentary with Noel Clarke that Reinette's use of the word "dance" was merely done as flirtation, that no sexual activity took place and that the only "dancing" that was done was at the Yew Tree Ball.
    • In the commentary for this episode, David Tennant remarked on the "intimacy" of the mind-reading scene and the ambiguity of the scene where Reinette and the Doctor part, the bed in the foreground hinting at seduction.
  • The Radio Times credits Jonathan Hart as "Voice of Clockwork Man" and Emily Joyce as "Voice of Clockwork Woman". The collective on-screen credit reads "Alien Voices".
  • Sophia Myles' dress in the ballroom scene was originally worn by Helen Mirren in The Madness of King George. (DCOM: The Girl in the Fireplace)
  • Reinette is the first non-companion character to kiss the Doctor on-screen.
  • Sophia Myles stated in an interview on Doctor Who Confidential that she did not have to audition for the role of Madame de Pompadour, she was offered it.
  • In an interview with The Independent, Russell T Davies said the episode is "practically a love story for the Doctor...It's very understated, very beautifully done, but it's nonetheless a Time Lord falling in love and Rose's reaction to him falling in love with someone else."
  • This was planned as the second episode of the 2006 series, however when Russell T Davies realised how experimental it had become in Steven Moffat's hands, he decided to move it to fourth in the running order.
  • Some of the spaceship sets are redressed from Satellite Five. In particular, the room with the fireplace was adapted from the observation deck set.
  • While Steven Moffat was creating the clockwork automata he first decided to hide their faces with wigs, but when Phil Collinson told him this would severely limit camera angles, and that it could appear comical, the androids were given carnival masks to wear.
  • In the original script, it was that the "mind meld" with the Doctor is what actually attracts the clockwork robots to Reinette. Rose then offers Madame de Pompadour a gem which could erase all signs of contact with the Doctor from her mind, but she refuses because she does not want to forget him.
  • The script originally contained out-of-order meetings between the Doctor and Reinette in which she recalls seeing him at her convent school, which he later visits.
  • There was a deleted scene where the Doctor met the cruel owner of the horse (Phylip Harries) that gets trapped on the spaceship; he is trying to find the horse and threatens to hurt it when he finds it.
  • While the episode appears to follow immediately from the previous episode School Reunion, Steven Moffat says in the DVD audio commentary that when he wrote the script he had not yet read the end of School Reunion, hence the lack of Rose's continuing animosity shown towards Mickey after he joins the TARDIS crew.
  • After reading the Doctor's mind, Reinette says "Doctor who?", a reference both to the series' title and to the long-running mystery about the Doctor's actual name. She also says that it is "more than just a secret", but does not elaborate further. Moffat said that he added the dialogue because he believes that because the Doctor does not tell even his closest companions his name, there must be a "dreadful secret" about it.


  • 7.9 million viewers (UK final)[1]



  • Clips were seen of the clockwork droids during the promotional trailer of Season 2 which aired at the end of The Christmas Invasion. Many viewers and fans speculated that the droids were Autons due to the way they moved and the weapons coming out of their arms.
  • After the Doctor and Reinette experience their mind link, she invites him to "dance" with her. As episode writer Steven Moffat had previously established (in The Doctor Dances) that dancing is a metaphor for making love, that the Doctor and Reinette are next seen walking away, hand in hand, and that Reinette was a courtesan, there is fan speculation that some form of lovemaking occurs "off camera". When the Doctor is next seen, he is hyper and pretending to be drunk after a great party; whether he and Reinette actually "danced" is left to the imagination. However, Steven Moffat denies that any sexual activity took place.

Filming locations

  • Ragley Hall, Alcester, Warwickshire (the Ballroom of the Palace of Versailles)
  • Tredegar House, Newport, Gwent (Reinette's Studio, and the location of the funeral cortege at the end of the episode)
  • Dyffryn Gardens, St. Nicholas, Vale of Glamorgan (the Palace of Versailles and the palace grounds; also Reinette's bedroom)
  • David Broome Events Centre, Crick, Monmouthshire (the horse jump - as noted above, this was later composited into the Ballroom shots: No horse actually set a hoof into Ragley Hall!)

Production errors

If you'd like to talk about narrative problems with this story — like plot holes and things that seem to contradict other stories — please go to this episode's discontinuity discussion.
  • The inside of the spaceship can be seen before the Doctor fixes the link that is "still basically physical" in Reinette's old bedroom.
  • When a droid stops and another falls over, the original one that stopped still stands.
  • When the Doctor reads Reinette's memories, in some views, his left ring finger is above her ear and in others, it is below her ear.
  • When the Doctor is spying on Reinette, he ducks behind the pillar, though he is still clutching the pillar. In the next shot, he's not. This error happens several times.
  • When the King of France meets the Doctor for the last time, he claims that Reinette was 43 when she died, when in actuality, she died when she was 42.


Home video releases

Series 2 Volume 2 DVD Cover

DVD releases

Blu-Ray releases

  • This story was released in the Series 2 Blu-Ray set in November 2013 along with the rest of the series. Despite not being filmed in HD, the Blu-Ray features an upscaled picture and fewer compression artefacts.
  • This release was initially bundled with the first seven series of the revived Doctor Who.

Digital releases

  • This story is available for streaming via Netflix, Hulu Plus and Amazon Prime. It can also be purchased on iTunes.
  • In 2015, it was released by BBC Worldwide on BitTorrent and iTunes, in A Decade of the Doctor bundle to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the new series. It included introductions by Peter Capaldi, Earth Conquest: The World Tour and an episode guide.

External links
