Ken Bentley

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Ken Bentley is the director of several Big Finish Doctor Who audio stories. He is the sole director of the Doctor Who audio spin-off Counter-Measures.

He revealed in BFX: The Abandoned that he's OCPD, which affects his attention to detail and level of flexibility in his work for Big Finish.

Director Credits

Doctor Who Main Range

Special Releases

The Lost Stories

The Fourth Doctor Adventures

Philip Hinchcliffe Presents

The Fifth Doctor Adventures

The Sixth Doctor Adventures

Dark Eyes

Doom Coalition



The Eighth Doctor: The Time War

The Tenth Doctor Adventures

Out of Time

Dalek Universe

Novel Adaptations

The First Doctor Adventures

The Early Adventures

The Companion Chronicles

Short Trips

The Paternoster Gang


The New Counter-Measures

UNIT: The New Series

UNIT: Nemesis


The Diary of River Song

The Robots

The Churchill Years

Actor Credits

The Companion Chronicles

Writer Credits

The War Doctor


The New Counter-Measures

The Churchill Years