The Eleventh Hour (TV story)

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The Eleventh Hour was the first episode of the fifth series of BBC Wales Doctor Who. It featured the debut of Karen Gillan as new companion Amy Pond and Arthur Darvill as recurring character and future companion Rory Williams.

Though not the first episode of the 2010 series filmed, it was the public's first full exposure to a new production ethos, as shaped by new executive producers Steven Moffatt, Piers Wenger and Beth Willis. It was also the public's first exposure to director Adam Smith's work on a Doctor Who universe programme.

The episode was extensively previewed before broadcast, with theatrical screenings in several British cities as part of a promotional tour at the end of March 2010, and on the east and west coasts of the United States. The first minute of the episode was released as a special preview on the digital Red Button service a week before its first BBC One broadcast.[1][2]


The Doctor has regenerated into a brand new man, but danger strikes before he can recover. The TARDIS is wrecked and the sonic screwdriver destroyed. The new Doctor has just twenty minutes to save the whole world - and only Amy Pond to help him.


Suffering major damage after the Tenth Doctor's regeneration, the TARDIS flies wildly over London. The Eleventh Doctor barely hangs onto the edge of the entrance. As he tries to climb in, he sees the TARDIS is headed straight for Big Ben; using his sonic screwdriver, he diverts the TARDIS just enough to miss the clock's spire. Pulling himself back in and locking the doors behind him, the Doctor has little time to relax before another explosion sets the TARDIS spinning madly off into the distance.

In 1996, Amelia Pond prays to Santa Claus in her bedroom; a crack in her wall frightens her and she wants him to send someone to mend it. She hears a crash outside. Running to look, she sees the TARDIS lying in her back garden, having crushed her shed on landing. She goes to inspect it. The TARDIS doors fly open and the Doctor struggles to lift himself out; he repeatedly asks her for an apple; his regeneration is giving him a craving.

The Doctor enjoying "fish and custard" with young Amy.

Inside, Amelia prepares several foods for the Doctor, who rejects all of them; finally, he settles on fish fingers and custard and they bond over this meal. The Doctor learns Amelia is originally from Scotland, is orphaned and lives with her Aunt Sharon. She takes the Doctor to her room to see the crack in her wall,

The other side of the crack revealed

having given him an apple with a smiley face carved into it. The Doctor is astounded to hear a voice on the other side of the crack say "Prisoner Zero has escaped." Realising a prison lies on the other side of the crack, he opens it with the sonic and is faced with the alien guard; it appears to be a giant eyeball. It sends him a message on the psychic paper before the crack snaps shut. The message is the same: "Prisoner Zero has escaped."

The Doctor, realising Prisoner Zero has escaped through Amelia's bedroom, rushes into the corridor to investigate; he's missing something out of the corner of his eye. Before he can discover it the Cloister Bell chimes, warning him the TARDIS engines are about to overload. He runs back to hius craft, promising Amelia he will return in five minutes and take her on a trip with him. An excited Amelia rushes back inside to collect her things, not noticing the door at the end of the corridor -- the thing that the Doctor was missing -- has opened.

The Doctor returns to her garden in the daylight; he has taken longer than promised. He rushes back into the house. He's figured out what he missed and knows Amelia's life is in danger. He is trying to open the door at the end of the corridor when someone whacks him on the head with a cricket bat.

At the town hospital, nurse Rory tells his supervisor that coma patients have been calling out for the doctor. She dismisses the idea; they are comatose. As she berates him, the patients begin to repeatedly cry out "Doctor".

The Doctor wakes to find himself hand-cuffed to a radiator and confronted by an angry young woman in a police uniform. She informs him that Amelia Pond hasn't lived in the house for six months. She lives here now. The Doctor orders her to count off all of the rooms on the floor; she counts five, but the Doctor tells her that there are six -- one is hidden by a perception filter. Ignoring his warnings, she enters the sixth room to find the sonic screwdriver in a puddle of goo on a table. She picks it up and turns to find herself facing Prisoner Zero, a serpentine alien multi-form. She runs back to the Doctor, slamming the door behind her.

The Doctor locks the door with the sonic and tries to free himself, but the sonic is damaged. Prisoner Zero breaks through the door, emerging as a man with a dog; both mouths bark. The Doctor tells the alien that the young woman called for backup on her police radio, but she nervously admits it is a fake; she isn't a policewoman, but a kissogram, and whips off her police hat to reveal long red hair.

The Atraxi scouting for Prisoner Zero

The Atraxi prison guard is heard transmitting from outside, repeating the same message over and over: "The human residence is surrounded. Prisoner Zero will vacate the human residence, or the human residence will be incinerated." The Doctor frees himself. He and the woman run to the TARDIS; the doors won't open. It is repairing itself and is shut off until it's done. He notices the shed in the backyard. He wrecked it when he crash-landed; going to investigate, he finds this "new" shed is twelve years old. He turns to the woman, demanding to know why she told him six months when it has been twelve years; in a Scottish accent, she demands to know why he told her five minutes. She is Amelia Pond, embittered by the Doctor's abandonment of her twelve years earlier. Grabbing his arm, she pulls him out of the yard and into town.

Back at the local hospital, Rory and his superior examine the patients, but they still are in comas. Rory tries to tell his superior of other oddities of the coma patients, offering his phone and suggesting the pictures he's taken with it can prove his story. Instead, she impatiently orders him to take some time off.

In town, Amelia tells the Doctor that she had four psychiatrists and she kept biting them because they insisted he wasn't real. For the moment her fury is put on hold as they realize the

"I've met you somewhere before, haven't I?"

Atraxi message is broadcasting over all the town's electronics, including cell phones, iPods and the speaker of an ice cream van. They rush into the home of Amelia's friend Jeff Angelo and his grandmother, where the Doctor examines the TV and radio. The warning is being broadcasted all over the world in every language. The human residence is not Amelia's home, but Earth itself. The Doctor explains the Atraxi will need twenty minutes to ready their weapons. Jeff and his grandmother recognize the Doctor as "the Raggedy Doctor" from cartoons that Amelia drew as a child; Amelia tells the Doctor that she is calling herself Amy now because her name was "too fairytale."

The Doctor and Amy race outside, where he is annoyed to learn Leadworth has no technology to help him, but it does have a duck pond with no ducks. The sky goes dark; the Atraxi have surrounded Earth in a force field before boiling it. Across the park, the Doctor notices Rory taking pictures of a man with a dog -- Prisoner Zero -- and not the obscured sun, like everyone else in the square. The Doctor gleefully announces he can save the world. Amy can either help him or run home and say goodbye to her loved ones. Doing neither, Amy slams the Doctor up against a nearby car and locks his tie in the door, trapping him; she demands to know who he really is. He secures her trust by showing her the carved apple she gave him when she was seven, pointing it out it is still fresh. She releases the Doctor's tie and they run across the park to confront Rory.

The Doctor takes Rory's cell phone and demands to know why he was taking

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The Doctor attempts to alert the Atraxi where Prisoner Zero is.

a picture of a man and the dog while Amy introduces him as her "sort of" boyfriend. Rory tells the Doctor the man can't be standing in the park because he's in the hospital in a coma; the Doctor had been expecting this response, knowing coma patients fufill a multi-form's requirement for a living, dormant, mind. He confronts Prisoner Zero as an Atraxi spaceship soars overhead, announcing the Atraxi are scanning for non-terrestrial technology, and nothing says that like a sonic screwdriver, which he activates at full power, breaking nearby lamp-lights and setting off car alarms. However, the sonic is severely damaged, and the strain of the task makes it burn out completely.

Prisoner Zero escapes into the sewer as the Atraxi spaceship flies away. The Doctor sends Amy and Rory to the hospital to clear out the coma ward; when they arrive, they learn that Prisoner Zero has beat them there and is killing all of the conscious people in the ward. Meanwhile, the Doctor returns to Jeff's house and uses Jeff's laptop to break in on a conference call between some of the best scientific minds in the world. He uses Rory's phone to write a virus that will turn every digital display in the world to "zero" at the same time; he uploads this virus to the Web via the laptop and encourages them to spread it across the world.

Amy and Rory use her policewoman uniform and his hospital scrubs to sneak past security and enter the coma ward. They meet a mother and her twin daughters who have survived Prisoner Zero's attack on the ward by hiding in the bathroom. Amy phones the Doctor, who has commandeered a fire engine to make it to the hospital. She tells him Prisoner Zero has beat them back; he encourages them to leave. However, one of the daughters has started talking in her mother's voice -- it is Prisoner Zero in disguise again. The alien admits it has trouble with multiple mouths. Baring razor-sharp teeth, it chases Amy and Rory back into the coma ward. The Doctor arrives in the nick of time, ramming the truck's ladder into a window so he can climb into the ward. He asks Prisoner Zero to surrender and remove its disguise; Prisoner Zero refuses, knowing the Atraxi will execute it. The Doctor enjoys a victory speech as the virus takes hold of the clock on the wall behind them and changes the counter to zero; this occurs all over the world as a way of getting the Atraxi's attention. He uses Rory's phone to upload pictures of all of Prisoner Zero's known human forms to the Atraxi.

However, Prisoner Zero surprises the Doctor by using a link it has formed with Amy over the twelve years it

Prisoner Zero, defeated by the Doctor

lived in her house; it takes a new form: a seven-year-old Amelia holding the Doctor's hand. The Doctor uses telepathy to make the unconscious Amy dream of Prisoner Zero's true form, forcing it to change back. The Atraxi catch it in a paralyzing light and teleport it away. Before going, Prisoner Zero snarls "Silence, Doctor. Silence will fall." With the threat over, Amy wakes, but the Doctor calls the Atraxi back -- they have broken the laws of the Shadow Proclamation by threatening to incinerate a level 5 planet. After a quick change of clothes, he meets the Atraxi on the roof and informs them that Earth has not violated any of their laws and is not a threat to their species; he also warns them that many aliens have threatened Earth in the past, but the planet is protected -- by him. He tells them to run, and they flee in terror. As the

The TARDIS takes off.

Doctor watches their departure, he realizes the TARDIS key is glowing: the TARDIS has recovered and awaits him. Amy turns to find him gone. The Doctor has dashed out of the hospital and back to Amy's garden, The TARDIS' exterior has changed. He wonders what the inside looks like now and opens the doors to be enthralled by the new enterior of the contorl room. He takes the TARIDS on a quick hop to the moon to run in the new engines; Amy and Rory return to her garden to see the TARDIS dematerializing. She is devastated, believing that the Doctor has left her again. Amy dreams of her younger self awaiting the Doctor's return in the garden, to wake at the sound of the TARDIS materializing outside. Racing into the garden, she angrily informs an oblivious Doctor that all of the events of Prisoner Zero and the

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The Doctor takes off on new adventures with Amy.

Atraxi happened two years ago; it has been fourteen years since fish fingers and custard, fourteen years since he first promised her a trip. The Doctor muses that she's waited for him long enough and asks her to join him as a companion. She refuses, but changes her mind when the Doctor opens the doors of the TARDIS and allows her to step inside. She makes the Doctor promise to bring her back to Leadworth by the next morning for "stuff," and they fly off into the time vortex -- leaving behind half-packed lugage and a wedding dress hanging in Amy's closet.



General production staff

Script department

Camera and lighting department

Art department

Costume department

Make-up and prosthetics



General post-production staff

Special and visual effects


Not every person who worked on this adventure was credited. The absence of a credit for a position doesn't necessarily mean the job wasn't required. The information above is based solely on observations of the actual end credits of the episodes as broadcast, and does not relay information from IMDB or other sources.

Anthony Dickenson was credited as the "Stop Frame Director" during his interview on CON: "Call Me the Doctor", but he was not credited in the episode proper. He was responsible for the "Doctor's eye view" sequence on the Leadworth village green, which leads to the Doctor noticing that Rory was taking pictures of Prizoner Zero.


The Doctor

  • The Doctor says, "What? What?? What?!?" and "Wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey" much like his previous incarnation.
  • The Doctor opens the TARDIS doors with a snap of his fingers for the first time since Forest of the Dead. According to River Song in the same episode, he will begin to do so regularly at some point in the future.
  • When Jeff states, "You can't just hack in on a call like that," the Doctor responds with, "Can't I?". This is the same response and manner as the Fourth Doctor's to Sarah Jane's and the Brigadier's protests shortly after he had regenerated.
  • Perhaps due to his new appearance, the Doctor finds it necessary to prove to the online conference that he has the credentials to solve the current problem, despite the fact the name "The Doctor" would have been well-known in these circles at this time (per DW: The Christmas Invasion, and other events).
  • The Doctor mentions "cowboys," a phrase used by his previous incarnation in DW: The Girl in the Fireplace.
  • The Doctor drives a fire engine.
  • The Doctor calls the TARDIS "you sexy thing" and "dear". The later episode DW: The Doctor's Wife will expand on this, establishing that the TARDIS is not only aware of the Doctor's feelings, but reciprocates them; she also adopts the name "Sexy" based on the Doctor calling her that. It's unclear whether the Doctor's referring to the TARDIS as "sexy" originated in this episode, or had been expressed off-screen in past incarnations.
  • One of the jackets taken from the hospital for the Doctor to try on is a dark maroon similar in style to one of the Third Doctor's jackets (see also Production Errors below).

Food and Beverages

Galactic Law

Earth locations

  • Gloucester is thirty minutes away from Leadworth.

Science and Maths

  • The Doctor uploads the "real" proof of Fermat's theorem, the formula for faster-than-light travel (with "two diagrams and a joke") and an explanation for why electrons have mass as a way to prove to the experts on the secure video conference that they should trust his advice about how to deal with the Atraxi threat.
  • The Doctor refers to Jordrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics, NASA, and the Tokyo Space Centre as three of "the big boys", as well as Sir Patrick Moore (playing himself). Unmentioned by the Doctor but shown on the screen are the ESA (European Space Agency) and CSIRO (Australia's Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation).

Music and Songs

  • The Ice-Cream man mentions that the song playing from the ice-cream truck's speakers was meant to be 'Claire De Lune' before the Atraxi had hijacked it.


  • The Doctor notes there is a perception filter around the door so that it is only visible out of the corner of his and Amy's eyes.

Theories and concepts

  • Prisoner Zero mentions that the Pandorica will open and that "Silence will fall".

Story notes

  • The working title for this episode was The Doctor Returns.
  • Matt Smith revealed that there are five things in this story to look out for over the course of the series, the cracks being one of the five things.
  • The opening scene, which was released on BBC Red Button, was actually a pick-up. Not originally included in the final shooting script of the episode, it was written months after principal photography had wrapped on the episode. It technically had its own script, subtitled "Opening Sequence". At least two drafts were written, with the second being dated 17 December 2009. The sequence was in fact its own production. Unlike the episode proper, its producer was Nikki Wilson, its director was Jonny Campbell, and its director of photography was Tony Slater-Ling. Wilson received a credit of "special thanks" in the end credits. The involvement of Campbell and Slater-Ling were established by behind-the-scenes footage of clapperboards. (WC: Doctor Who Video Explorer)
  • According to Russell T Davies in Doctor Who: The Writer's Tale, Moffat informed him in January 2008 that he had begun writing the first episode of Series 5.
  • This is the only televised story starring a single incarnation of the Doctor to refer to the number of that incarnation in its title.
  • The episode included a sequence showing all previous ten incarnations of the Doctor. The vision of the Tenth Doctor is from DW: The Family of Blood.
  • The episode introduces a new Doctor Who theme arrangement, an unprecedented third by Murray Gold (not counting several other closing-credit and non-series arrangements). A new opening titles sequence is also introduced, along with the first on-screen use of a new Doctor Who logo. Other cosmetic changes as of this episode include a new TARDIS interior design, slight modifications to its exterior, and the introduction of a new sonic screwdriver.
  • This story reveals that at least some sonic screwdrivers are grown/built by the TARDIS.
  • Amy Pond is the first modern Earth companion since the series' revival to not be from London. In the Confidential for this episode, Steven Moffat says that London-set stories had become a cliché and this was an attempt to avoid it.
  • Caitlin Blackwood (young Amy) and Karen Gillan are real-life cousins, and Gillan convinced series producers to cast Blackwood in the role; amazingly, they hadn't actually met before Doctor Who.
  • The TARDIS scene in which the characters are viewed through the central column as they talk to each other mirror those seen in the film.
  • Prisoner Zero states that "The Pandorica will open", and repeats "Silence will fall".
  • In the final scene, the Doctor is standing next to a monitor in the TARDIS that shows a waveform. The waveform appears to be the same shape as the crack in Amy's wall.
  • To write the virus, the Doctor uses Rory's BlackBerry Storm (confirmed by Engadget-4/04/10).
  • The monitor in the new TARDIS console has a Magpie Electricals logo on it.
  • Like the Eleventh Doctor, the Tenth Doctor also had a distaste for certain foods, particularly pears. (DW: Human Nature/The Family of Blood)
  • Lots of speculation began concerning Rory William's 1990 badge date and how it conflicted with many things seen and heard on-screen (slim camera-phones, Facebook, Twitter, Bebo, and the very 2000s technology); however, Steven Moffat later confirmed that the badge date was a mistake that went unnoticed until after the episode aired. [3] The year of this story was later confirmed in Flesh and Stone.
  • When the Doctor and Amy leave her yard in the TARDIS at the end of the episode, the clock in the TARDIS is shown changing from 11:59am to 12:00pm, despite the fact that it is clearly night outside. This would not usually be notable (this *is* Doctor Who), except that an identical effect is observed on the clock in Amy's bedroom at the end of DW Flesh and Stone. Also in the same episode, the Doctor confirms that they "had been gone five minutes"; yet the time is the same.
  • This is the first time the Doctor doesn't use a mirror to find out what he looked like after a regeneration (as part of one of Prisoner Zero's forms was him).
  • The Eleventh Doctor continues a long standing tradition (which has had a few exceptions) of performing a large portion his first episode in the costume of his previous incarnation, picking out his new costume at the end of the episode.
  • This episode aired on the same day as the K9 episode, The Korven was first broadcast on Disney XD in Britain. It also aired on the same day that Regeneration was first broadcast on Network Ten in Australia.
  • On the BBC America broadcast, which was heavily edited down to fit in a 60-minute slot with commercial breaks, left out Prisoner Zero's important "Silence will fall" line, which may have confused some viewers because The Impossible Astronaut uses a flashback to that scene.
  • One clothing retailer reported that in the month following the airing of this episode, in which the Doctor declared that "bow ties are cool," its bow tie sales increased by 94%. [4]
  • The TARDIS control room from the Ninth and Tenth Doctor's era was restored and left standing for eighteen months after it was used in this episode at the request of writer Neil Gaiman. The set was used for the SJA episode The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith and finally for Gaiman's story The Doctor's Wife. Production staff had to make up excuses in response to questions as to why the set was left standing. It has since been removed.
  • This episode contains a number of parallels with the story of Peter Pan. Both feature a little girl receiving a "magical" visitor who promises to take her to far-away places. In JM Barrie's original novel, Peter leaves Wendy when she is a child, promising to return every Spring, but he does not come back until Wendy has grown much older, while he remains the same age. Here, the Doctor promises to return for Amy in five minutes but does not come back for 12 (and then 14) years. In both cases the girl looks to her visitor as a way to escape an unhappy childhood. Perhaps most tellingly, the Doctor tells Amy that her growing up is something he'll "fix," echoing Peter's vow to "never grow up."
  • Annette Crosbie is best known for portraying Margaret Meldrew, the long suffering wife of Victor Meldrew in the British sitcom, One Foot in the Grave. Victor Meldrew was portrayed by Richard Wilson, who has also appeared in Doctor Who as Dr. Constantine in "The Empty Child"/"The Doctor Dances".


  • 8.4 million - First viewing in the UK (36.9% audience share)
  • 10.08 million viewers - Final BARB figure[5]

Filming locations

  • The White House, Llandaff, Cardiff
  • Old Cemetery, Rhymney, Gwent
  • The Vicarage, Rhymney, Gwent
  • Abertillery Hospital, Aberbeeg, Abertillery
  • The Cathedral Green, Llandaff, Cardiff

Production errors

If you'd like to talk about narrative problems with this story — like plot holes and things that seem to contradict other stories — please go to this episode's discontinuity discussion.
  • In the opening scene, there are several errors.
    • When the Eleventh Doctor is hanging from the TARDIS across London, every wide shot shown depicts the TARDIS rotating, but whenever a close-up of the Doctor is shown, the background does not rotate.
    • When the camera initially looks down on the Doctor, the floor is at slightly different levels, but when it cuts to the Doctor pulling himself inside, the floor is all the same level.
    • The St. John's Ambulance logo is visible on the CGI wideshots of the TARDIS, yet on the live-action close-up, the doors remain as they have been since 2005.
  • On several occasions editor James Pearson mismatches footage of the same scene-parts, as recorded by different cameras or in different takes.
    • When the Doctor leaves Amelia for his TARDIS-stabilizing, five-minute hop into the future, Caitlin Blackwood's closeup shows her hair being whipped around by the TARDIS' departure. When Pearson immediately cuts to an over-the-shoulder shot of Blackwood watching the departure, her hair is totally unaffected.
    • During the Leadworth hospital rooftop scene, the Doctor progressively throws away a variety of neckties as he whittles the options down. The last of these neckties is yellow, which we see in a frontal mid-shot. When Pearson switches to footage taken from the side in a long shot, the tie is not present. When he again switches to the frontal mid-shot, the tie reappears. Later in the same scene, Pearson has a similar problem. The wide shot of the departing Atraxi vessel shows Smith reaching into his coat pocket for the TARDIS key. When Pearson cuts back to a close-up of Smith, he hasn't yet reached into his pocket, and it takes several seconds for him to complete the same action from that angle.The Doctor's hair switches from being swept back to hanging in front of his forehead. Several times when the hair is in front of his forehead, the number and size of strands also changes. Also, when he has yoghurt smeared on his chin it vanishes after the shot changes.
    • When the Doctor slaps himself in the forehead exclaiming "I missed it! I saw it and I missed it!", he ends up with a red mark, but when the camera cuts to the close-up, the red mark has vanished.
    • In the final TARDIS scene, The Doctor obtains his new Sonic Screwdriver, juggles it and pockets it. However, when Amy asks The Doctor "why her", when he responds we can see him still putting it in his pocket.
  • When Prisoner Zero takes the form of the mother with two daughters, the older, longer haired girl always appears to the right of the mother. When the Doctor crashes the fire engine's ladder through the window and Prisoner Zero looks on, the two girls have switched places.
  • When Prisoner Zero walks out of the "extra room" in Amy's house, the doorway that he eventually walks through has its door closed yet when we flick to Prisoner Zero looking at the Atraxi's voice booming out we see that the door has magically disappeared and Prisoner Zero walks through.
  • During the final scene inside the TARDIS we see close-up views of The Doctor's hands turning three joysticks and typing on the typewriter. You can clearly see that his tweed jacket has mysteriously changed pattern, becoming the pattern that is not shown again until Victory of the Daleks.
  • Some of the aliens shown in the Atraxi projection on the Leadworth hospital speech scene weren't encountered on Earth, like the Hath and Vashta Nerada, for example. Also, the image when the Cybermen crash through the window was from DW: Rise of the Cybermen which was in Pete's World, not ours.
  • Whilst the Atraxi shows all the aliens which invaded Earth via hologram, it shows the Ood, which never invaded that planet.
  • When the Atraxi is scanning the Doctor, the camera from behind shows his head tilted but when the camera view switches to in front of the Doctor, his head is straight up.
  • When the Atraxi first starts scanning the Doctor, from the camera behind the Doctor, the scanner light is halfway down his body, but when it switches to in front of him, it's just then going by his head.
  • When the Doctor rushes out to stabilize the TARDIS, Amelia says, "But, it's just a box. How can a box have engines?" The word engines is unusually loud.
  • When the Doctor is talking to the Atraxi on the roof of the Leadworth Hospital, he has a bunch of ties on his shoulder. The one he eventually chooses (a maroon bow tie) is never seen on his shoulder in the scene before he walks through the projection. However, Rory has been holding The Doctor's coat while he discards ties. The Doctor then retrieves his coat off camera. It is possible Rory also had the bow tie with the multiple coats in his hands.
  • During the Doctor's conversation with the Atraxi, Rory is standing behind him holding a selection of jackets. As the Atraxi are reviewing the various incarnations of the Doctor, one of the jackets (a dark reddish brown jacket) can be seen on the ground to Rory's left. When the Doctor says the line "Hello, I'm the Doctor", the coat is still on the ground, but the scene immediately cuts to a closeup with Rory still holding the jacket in his arms.
  • During the final scene, when The Doctor appears to switch off the monitor, it cuts from a close up of the monitor to a wider angled shot of the Doctor standing at the monitor for a single frame, but then cuts for a single from back to the monitor before going back to the shot of the Doctor.
  • In the kitchen scene, after the Doctor has taken a bite out of the apple and spit it out, he puts the bitten fruit back into the fruit bowl that Amelia is holding, and it can be seen in the bowl when Amelia is running to the refrigerator to get him yogurt. When she returns with the yogurt, the bitten apple is laying beside the bowl on the table.



For the Doctor

For Amy

For Rory

DVD/Blu-ray-exclusive scene

The 2010 DVD and Blu-ray release of the Complete Series 5 included an additional scene from The Eleventh Hour. Contrary to many reviews and video-sharing site repostings of the scene, it is not a deleted scene, but rather a scene shot specifically for the DVD/Blu-ray release some time during the later stages of Series 5 production. The comedic scene links the events of The Eleventh Hour with those of The Beast Below as Amy endlessly hammers the Doctor with questions about the logistics of the TARDIS, as well as mocking his decision to wear a bow tie, even at one point wondering if it might be a "cry for help". The Doctor replies, "Bow ties are cool".

The scene ends with the Doctor playfully pushing Amy out into the air bubble surrounding the TARDIS, which leads directly into the first scene of The Beast Below in which Amy is seen floating above the TARDIS, the Doctor holding her by the ankle (although this is not clear to those viewing the scene without the benefit of knowing how The Beast Below begins).

International broadcasts

The Eleventh Hour received its international broadcast debut on 17 April 2010 when both BBC America in the US and Space in Canada broadcast it, followed by ABC1 in Australia on 18 April.

However, it had several pre-broadcast public screenings in North America prior to its official broadcast launch. On the west coast, it premièred on 3 April at WonderCon in San Francisco.[2] Its east coast debut was on 14 April 2010 at the Village East Cinema in Manhattan. This latter screening was sponsored by BBC America, and was attended by Matt Smith, Karen Gillan and Steven Moffat, who fielded questions after the showing.[6] An additional showing occurred on 16 April at the C2E2 convention in Chicago. In addition there were also press screenings, such as the Canadian one held in Toronto 8 April after which Moffat participated in a Q&A via Skype.

Home video releases

Doctor Who Series 5, Volume 1 (DVD).jpg

BBC Video - Doctor Who Series Five - Volume One was released on DVD and Blu-Ray on 7 June2010 (UK only), featuring The Eleventh Hour, The Beast Below, Victory of the Daleks, and the featurette The Monster Diaries. [7] A full-series box set has been released.

Of note, the "Next Time..." trail at the end of each episode has been excised from this and all future episodes for the DVD/Bluray releases up to Series Six Part One.

External links
