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Veklin was a Time Lord commander during the Last Great Time War.

A member of the War Room, she frequently worked alongside high profile Time Lords such as the General, Leela, Susan Campbell and Rasmus; however, her loyalties ultimately lay with her mentor, Cardinal Ollistra.

Throughout the War, she became a frequent collaborator and ally of the War Doctor, although rarely did they see eye to eye on matters.

Biography[[edit] | [edit source]]

Early life[[edit] | [edit source]]

When Veklin was very young, her mother died. (AUDIO: Ambition's Debt) She attended the Time Lord Academy and had a close relationship with Apanna, (AUDIO: Assets of War) later becoming a commander loyal to Cardinal Ollistra. (AUDIO: The Innocent, etc.)

The Doom Coalition[[edit] | [edit source]]

Veklin and Acting Castellan Volstrom were sent by Ollistra to spy on the Doom Coalition, (AUDIO: Songs of Love, The Side of the Angels) with Veklin pretending to be a captain of the Chancellery Guard loyal to Cardinal Padrac. She helped kill temporal refugees as ordered by travelling between their spaceships in her Battle TARDIS and was deceived when the Eighth Doctor disguised himself as the Clocksmith, later being knocked out by the Nine with a regen gun and arresting River Song. (AUDIO: The Crucible of Souls)

After being ordered by Padrac to secure the Eighth Doctor's TARDIS, Veklin decided to return to Ollistra and revealed her true allegiance to River, Liv Chenka and Helen Sinclair, dematerialising with the latter two to avoid being caught by Padrac when the Eleven learnt that she was a spy. River transported the Doctor into the TARDIS, which he took over control of from Veklin after she set it to take them to Ollistra. (AUDIO: Songs of Love)

In New York City, Ollistra ordered Veklin to look after Liv and Helen. She escorted Joanie Carrington to meet the Sharpshooter before being led by the Monk to the City Museum, where the Eleven shot her and let a Weeping Angel send her back in time. Veklin bided her time for sixty years, becoming known as the Sharpshooter, before picking up where she left off and saving Liv and Helen with Joanie, who told her to let the Angels take her and to protect the city. Outside the planning office, she witnessed Ollistra's regeneration into her next incarnation. (AUDIO: The Side of the Angels)

The Last Great Time War[[edit] | [edit source]]

Working with Susan[[edit] | [edit source]]

During the Last Great Time War, Veklin served as a special agent (AUDIO: The Uncertain Shore) and commanded a taskforce of her own. (AUDIO: A Mother's Love)

Veklin and Strato picked up Susan Campbell in a crumbling Battle TARDIS (AUDIO: Sphere of Influence) after she responded to a hypercube, (AUDIO: All Hands on Deck) but they were forced to jettison themselves and Susan to escape Daleks. Rescued by Cardinal Rasmus, Veklin was sent to pick up Ian Chesterton and went with him and Susan to the Sense Sphere in a Diplomatic TARDIS to negotiate an alliance, but she was affected by a Dalek-Sensorite parasite which increased her paranoia and led her to turn on Susan. She returned to her senses and was nearly attacked by Sensorites before Susan and Ian neutralised the parasite. (AUDIO: Sphere of Influence)

Susan and Veklin were sent undercover to Florana, which was under imminent threat of Dalek invasion, to discover a Dalek agent. During their time undercover Susan taught Veklin how to paint and they devised three suspects. After discovering that one of the suspects, Monty, had been killed, she stayed with a second one, Faith, in her bar whilst Susan went to find the third, Lootsa. She discovered Faith wasn't the Dalek agent, instead belonging to the Anti-Dalek Force, and together they were caught in the invasion. The robotised Ogrons invading took her prisoner so she faked her death using her respiratory bypass system. Discovering Faith had been killed during the invasion, Veklin and Susan stunned the captive Faith and found she was shape-shifting Dalek agent. They took her back to Gallifrey. (AUDIO: The Uncertain Shore)

Rasmus sent her and Susan to Oresaia to investigate an anti-Dalek weapon, with Veklin looking up an old friend who was assigned there. When the Orrovix escaped, she tried to coordinate the evacuation. Looking through the data in the system, she realised that Rennis wasn't exactly who he said he was and after Susan discovered his role in the Orrovix's escape she wanted him to face trial, however Susan instead exiled him. (AUDIO: Assets of War)

Veklin later registered that Susan had made an unauthorised entry into her TARDIS. (AUDIO: The Shoreditch Intervention)

The War Room[[edit] | [edit source]]

Veklin was sent to bring Leela to the War Room to meet President Rassilon. The Matrix projection of Ollistra subsequently assigned her to accompany the General and Leela on their mission to destroy Freme. She became separated from Leela and eventually found her among the Fremians, who they were meant to be destroying with the planet. They were taken to their evacuation fleet where Veklin and the General were surprised by Leela's trickery to make the leader of the Fremians agree to destroy the planet, amicably changing the future. (AUDIO: The Last Days of Freme)

Veklin killed Cato Kelgoth after he was made human in punishment for his bombing of a Time Lord facility. (AUDIO: The Passenger)

Veklin accompanied Cardinal Rasmus and Leela to investigate the reappearance of a planet from the erased Norvis galaxy. Veklin focused on the war zone rafing on the planet with the aid of a native, Ephra, who she eventually resorted to using as a shield to save herself. She was shocked by Rasmus and Leela's discovery the planet was actually the TARDIS of the Time Lord sent to carry out the erasure hiding the Norvis galaxy within itself. The TARDIS attempted to alter reality to make Veklin support its plan to merge with their TARDIS to stabilise itself, however she returned to normal when Rasmus flew their TARDIS away. (AUDIO: Collateral Victim)

Veklin was ordered by the General to time scoop the Doctor in order for them to rescue Davros from Falkus, as he was offering his aid for the Time Lords in return. She accompanied the Doctor, who had degenerated in his seventh form, to Falkus and returned to Space Station Zenobia with Davros. When Daleks attacked the station to recapture Davros, Veklin helped the defence and was taken captive due to her strategic value and knowledge of Time Lord tactics, being brought to Falkus along with the Doctor, Davros and the General. She expand with the Doctor in confusion caused by Davros experimenting with his unstable genetics and they found the giant mutant at the moon’s heart, which the Doctor caused to explode via exposing his genetics to it. They survived inside empty Dalek casings until they were rescued by the General in the Doctor’s TARDIS. (AUDIO: A Genius for War)

Veklin led the contingency operation to claim all the bolt on Orrison, despite the General having succeeded in forming an alliance with its people. She was forced to order a retreat when Prince Ferdi unleashed Time Winds on the invading Time Lords. (AUDIO: Collaborators)

Veklin accompanied the General and Rasmus to a Time Lord research station which had gone quiet, initially dismissing the mission as a simple check up. They discovered the Dalek Scientific Division had unleashed a Berserker Dalek on the station leaving only two survivors, whom they managed to rescue. (AUDIO: Remnants)

Veklin was alarmed when Rasmus and the General used the discovery of a disastrous plan for an offensive on Dalek-occupied Orrison to usurp Ollistra’s leadership of the War Room. Despite Ollistra telling her not to get involved, she kept a close eye on their new plan and became suspicious of Leela’s involvement and resources for the plan. She accompanied Rasmus and Leela to infiltrate the plan to lower the barrier, discovering the Daleks’ Berserker production lines there. After lowering the barrier, they were alarmed by the General reporting it had been mistimed and was wiping out his TARDIS fleet and retreated back to Gallifrey to find the timing of their arrival had been sabotaged. Rather than arrest the saboteur Veklin turned on Leela and Rasmus, believing she had more the sufficient evidence of their treason and hurried to Ollistra. Ollistra revealed she’d intended all of this and scolded Veklin for interfering when she’d told her not to, as it had endangered her plan. When Ollistra used Rasmus and the General’s responsibility for the disaster to reassert her control of the War Room, Veklin stood by her and drew her staser to keep the furious Leela at bay. (AUDIO: Ambition's Debt)

With the War Doctor[[edit] | [edit source]]

Veklin worked with the War Doctor under Commodore Tamasan's directions, (AUDIO: Consequences) forcing him to use a Battle TARDIS instead of his own to make him more controllable.

She accompanied the Doctor and Albert Brown to a Dalek harvester ship on a planet about to be destroyed by Time Lord bombardment, rescuing a failed convert whose conditioning was incomplete, Case. Escaping in their Battle TARDIS, the Doctor followed a distress signal, to her annoyance, which transpired to be a disguised Dalek harvester. Though irritated the Doctor had delivered them to a Dalek trap, Veklin went along with his plan and escaped with him and Case in an escape pod once the ship became stuck on a disastrous collision course with Tharius, using the time drive to land on the planet a day earlier. (AUDIO: Saviour)

She was frustrated by his desire to try to evacuate the population from the doomed planet and reluctantly worked with Case to pursue him to a battlefield where he froze time using an Artron generator to get Tharius' leaders' attention. She reluctantly went along with his pretence of being Tharius' legendary Warbringer, (AUDIO: Consequences) however after he froze the falling ship in time with the generator she knocked him unconcious and took him away from the city, where Tamasan came to meet them in a Battle TARDIS. They were attacked by the Dalek Observation Squad, forcing Tamasan to leave Veklin behind only for Case to come to her rescue. They explored the squad's tunnels and were captured, with the Daleks interrogating Veklin. She escaped and made contact with Tamasan to warn her of more Daleks coming to harvest Tharius before the time freeze decayed. Following Tamasan's orders she made for the generator to deactivate it, but was attacked by Daleks. She was saved by the arrival of the Doctor in a stolen Battle TARDIS and he reluctantly agreed to turn off the generator before escaping with her and Case. (AUDIO: Destroyer) Afterwards Veklin asked Case to join her taskforce, as the Doctor had left her behind. (AUDIO: A Mother’s Love)

Veklin was injured whilst on a mission with Case, managing to get them to an automated field hospital, Haven. She was treated by the Medbay Operation Mainframe, which averted her needing to regenerate, however found she was unable to get in contact with the War Room. Discovering the Doctor was also present at the station investigating a distress signal, she reluctantly worked with him to investigate and found that the Mainframe had gone rogue and frozen it’s caretaker and patients in stasis. Though Veklin initially favoured simply fleeing, she and the Doctor managed to reset the AI with the aid of the caretaker’s daughter, Runa. Afterwards Case refused to come with her, realising from her willingness to abandon her there that Veklin really viewed her as a weapon. (AUDIO: A Mother’s Love)

Later service[[edit] | [edit source]]

Veklin served under Cardinal Ollistra later in the War and was assigned to find the War Doctor after he used the Time Destructor to destroy the Dalek time fleet. She found him on the planet Keska but he refused to go with her. (AUDIO: The Innocent)

After the return of the Doctor to Gallifrey, she was asked by Ollistra to lead a team consisting of the Doctor, Bennus and Arverton to rescue the Time Lord strategist Seratrix. Because the Doctor does not want to be under the team, he left them and went to the Null Zone before them. Veklin, together with the remaining members of the rescue mission, followed the Doctor to Keska. (AUDIO: The Thousand Worlds) While infiltrating the citadel, Arverton died under her watch before they reached Seratrix and the Doctor. (AUDIO: The Heart of the Battle)

During the assault of the Dalek Time Strategist on Grend, Veklin, now a Commander of an entire Time Fleet, brought reinforcements for Ollistra and the War Doctor. (AUDIO: The Lady of Obsidian)

Behind the scenes[[edit] | [edit source]]

Veklin was credited as "Captain" for The Crucible of Souls.