Iraq, officially known as the Republic of Iraq, (TV: Children of Earth: Day Three [+]Loading...["Children of Earth: Day Three (TV story)"]) was a nation in the Middle East. (COMIC: A Wing and a Prayer [+]Loading...["A Wing and a Prayer (comic story)"], The Blood of Azrael [+]Loading...["The Blood of Azrael (comic story)"])
Iraq was located in the same region as the ancient civilisation of Mesopotamia. (TV: Resolution [+]Loading...["Resolution (TV story)"])
History[[edit] | [edit source]]
It was formed in the aftermath of World War I, and was originally a British colony. In 1930, the Eleventh Doctor and Clara Oswald visited Baghdad, a major city in Iraq. (COMIC: A Wing and a Prayer [+]Loading...["A Wing and a Prayer (comic story)"]
Ace recalled seeing a war between Iraq and Iran on the television in her time, the 1980s. (PROSE: The Left-Handed Hummingbird [+]Loading...["The Left-Handed Hummingbird (novel)"])
By 2000, Commander Brak was aware of interventions of "the West" in Iraq which had backfired such that they had reinforced the view of the West as "the Devil". He cited it alongside Dresden and Yugoslavia as examples of military atrocities to which the West refused to admit culpability. (AUDIO: Old Soldiers [+]Loading...["Old Soldiers (BBV audio story)"])
Saddam Hussein was leader of Iraq from the late 20th century until 2003. (PROSE: Business Unusual [+]Loading...["Business Unusual (novel)"], Touched by an Angel [+]Loading...["Touched by an Angel (novel)"])
The Iraq War was fought there in the 2000s. (TV: To the Last Man [+]Loading...["To the Last Man (TV story)"], Warriors of Kudlak [+]Loading...["Warriors of Kudlak (TV story)"]; AUDIO: Unregenerate! [+]Loading...["Unregenerate! (audio story)"]) Lance Metcalf's father, Simon, was killed while serving there. (TV: Warriors of Kudlak [+]Loading...["Warriors of Kudlak (TV story)"]) Cotter Gleason served their under Major John Rider. Rider was killed after he stood on a land mine. (PROSE: The Men Who Sold the World [+]Loading...["The Men Who Sold the World (novel)"]) When ICIS committed acts of false flag terrorism, media pundits suggested this may be in response to Iraq and Syria. (AUDIO: The Longest Night [+]Loading...["The Longest Night (audio story)"]) Sally Morgan's grandfather served as a colonel in the Iraq War. (AUDIO: Black and White [+]Loading...["Black and White (audio story)"]) Danny Pink served in Iraq. (AUDIO: War Wounds [+]Loading...["War Wounds (audio story)"]) Brak
Major Philip Kirby was fired from the army after he abused Iraqi prisoners. (AUDIO: The Longest Night [+]Loading...["The Longest Night (audio story)"])
In 2009, the Republic of Iraq was among the nations which agreed to let John Frobisher speak on their behalf to the 456. (TV: Children of Earth: Day Three [+]Loading...["Children of Earth: Day Three (TV story)"])