Pakistan was a country in south Asia.
History[[edit] | [edit source]]
Pakistan was formed in 1947, with the border with India being announced on 17 August of that year. It was intended to be a country for Muslims, as opposed to its majority Hindu neighbour, India. As the Partition of India commenced, borders were drawn, populations were forcibly relocated, millions being displaced across the border with India. The Punjab was a region that was divided by the partition.
The Thirteenth Doctor and her companions Ryan Sinclair, Yasmin Khan and Graham O'Brien listened to the declaration of Pakistani independence on the radio.
On 18 August 1947, Umbreen (a Muslim) married Prem (a Hindu) in Pakistan. The Thirteenth Doctor officiated her marriage to Prem at the India-Pakistan border. Some Indian Hindus were deeply prejudiced against Pakistani Muslims. Manish killed his own brother Prem for marrying Umbreen. Umbreen and her Hasna subsequently fled to Lahore where Umbreen lived in the 1950s before moving to Sheffield. (TV: Demons of the Punjab [+]Loading...["Demons of the Punjab (TV story)"])
Anji Kapoor's grandparents came from Pakistan. (PROSE: The Domino Effect [+]Loading...["The Domino Effect (novel)"])
By 2009, Pakistan was part of the worldwide nuclear grid overseen by UNIT. (TV: The Poison Sky [+]Loading...["The Poison Sky (TV story)"])
In the wake of Miracle Day in 2011, India's Prime Minister called for peace with Pakistan. (TV: Rendition [+]Loading...["Rendition (TV story)"])
In 2026, Tarak Ital was born in Karachi. Tarak represented Pakistan in the 2044 Olympics in Havana, Cuba. Despite winning a gold medal, he quit athletics and went into medicine instead, first studying locally and then moving to Harvard University, though many Pakistanis believed he was turning his back on the country. He began focusing on conditions that affected the human body in space. In 2058, Pakistan was part of the Bowie Base One mission on Mars, with Tarak as one of the crew. (TV: The Waters of Mars [+]Loading...["The Waters of Mars (TV story)"])
As Umbreen was from Pakistan, Yasmin Khan and her mother and sister, Najia and Sonya, were of Pakistani heritage. (TV: Demons of the Punjab [+]Loading...["Demons of the Punjab (TV story)"]) Yaz remarked how 1955 Alabama's buses lacked a category for her to specify where she was allowed to sit, unsure if Pakistani was classified as "coloured". (TV: Rosa [+]Loading...["Rosa (TV story)"])