
From Tardis Wiki, the free Doctor Who reference

Palestine was a region of Earth where the First Doctor and his companions shared an adventure in the 12th century. The Third Crusade was ongoing there at the time. (PROSE: Doctor Who and the Crusaders)

Palestine was known as Judaea during the age of the Roman Empire. (PROSE: The Last Days) Despite this, the terms Judaea, Palestine and Israel were all used in various different contexts during the 1st century. (PROSE: Byzantium!)

History[[edit] | [edit source]]

In the 12th century, King Richard I of England fought Saracens in the Crusades in Palestine. He was assisted by the Doctor, Ian, Barbara and Vicki. (TV: The Crusade)

In 1948, Wilfred Mott served as a private in the British Mandate of Palestine, which was dissolved that year. (TV: The End of Time)

When the Third Doctor and Jo Grant were in Greece in the 1950s, he told her that at this time the Brigadier was in Palestine. (PROSE: The Seismologist's Story)

In 2109, a political entity called Israel/Palestine existed. (PROSE: Transit [+]Loading...["Transit (novel)"])