Deep Breath (TV story)

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Deep Breath was the first episode of the eighth series of Doctor Who produced by BBC Wales. After a brief cameo in The Day of the Doctor and a short appearance at the end of The Time of the Doctor, this episode marks the full first appearance of Peter Capaldi as the Twelfth Doctor. It also saw the last regular appearance of Matt Smith as the Eleventh Doctor in a surprise cameo set directly before his regeneration.

Following the success of the theatrical simulcast of The Day of the Doctor on 23 November 2013, this premiere episode also received a release, simultaneous with its broadcast on television, in cinemas across the world.


When the Doctor arrives in Victorian London he finds a dinosaur rampant in the Thames and a spate of deadly spontaneous combustions. Meanwhile, Clara struggles to embrace the new man the Doctor has become.


A Tyrannosaurus rampages in the River Thames much to the shock of onlookers, with the exception of the Paternoster Gang. Jenny notices the beast has something lodged in its throat that caused it to time travel, and then the dinosaur coughs up the TARDIS, which lands on the banks of the river. Madame Vastra gives a policeman a device which will keep the dinosaur in one place, before she, Jenny and Strax descend to the bank. Strax knocks on the door and the newly regenerated Doctor appears, shooshing him and telling him that he thinks he has escaped the dinosaur, before leaving the TARDIS and refamiliarising himself with the gang, albeit poorly due to only just recently regenerating. After failing to identify his companions, the Doctor suggests to "take five" and passes out. The Gang learn from Clara that this strange man is indeed the Doctor regenerated, and take him to their home.

Back inside, the Doctor is conscious again. But he is puzzled by the bedroom he's in, complaining on what you do in this room when you are awake. He is also annoyed about the accent Jenny and Clara speak with as his accent is now Scottish. Madame Vastra however, talks properly according to him using the same accent as his. She then uses a psychic link to help him get back to sleep. Clara is more and more troubled by the fact that the Doctor's new face looks old and different. Meanwhile the Tyrannosaurus is making moaning sounds in the city. The Doctor then seems to be translating the moans in his sleep. Strax comes in and escorts Clara to Madame Vastra who asked to have a word with her.

Outside on the street, people are still looking at the giant dinosaur. A man called Alf guesses the Tyrannosaurus is part of a government plan, in conversation with his wife. Alf then says to a mysterious man there is something wrong with the dinosaurs neck, that makes it look unreal. The man replies that Alf has good eyes, and he needs them as a gift to replace his bad eyes. He reveals the other side of his face and looks much like a droid, and then proceeds to remove Alf's eyes.

Madame Vastra questions Clara about how she and the Doctor ended up in Victorian London after Trenzalore. Clara remarks that Vastra has put on her veil again, Vastra says she wears it to be accepted. The conversation escalates as Vastra thinks Clara is judging the Doctor. After a few emotional outbursts, Clara stopped seeing Vastra's veil. Upstairs, the Doctor wakes up smelling something. After sniffing about on the floor, he finds a piece of chalk. He writes calculations with the chalk, around the whole room. He then escapes through the window to check on the dinosaur.


and Matt Smith as The Doctor


General production staff

Script department

Camera and lighting department

Art department

Costume department

Make-up and prosthetics



General post-production staff

Special and visual effects


Not every person who worked on this adventure was credited. The absence of a credit for a position doesn't necessarily mean the job wasn't required. The information above is based solely on observations of the actual end credits of the episodes as broadcast, and does not relay information from IMDB or other sources.


  • The Doctor accidentally brings Clara to Glasgow.
  • In his confusion, the Doctor thinks Clara is the regeneration of Handles. He also thinks that Strax is one of the seven dwarfs from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, calling him "Sneezy", "Bashful", "Dopey" and "Grumpy".
  • Vastra claims she hasn't seen dinosaurs since she was a little girl.
  • When the Doctor is in the alleyway talking to the vagrant, he comments on the cold, saying he should get a long scarf, then immediately dismisses the idea. This is a reference to the Fourth Doctor.
  • Clara had a difficult time controlling her pupils in her first days as a teacher in Coal Hill School.
  • The Doctor has a hard time remembering the events of The Girl in the Fireplace, and sniffs roses while trying to remember. The episode took place while the companion was Rose Tyler.
  • Madame Vastra uses a Scottish accent to calm the newly-regenerated Doctor.
  • As Clara is struggling to reach for the sonic screwdriver with her legs, the Doctor marks that he misses long-legged Amy.

The Doctor

  • The Doctor enhances the TARDIS control room with furnishings such as a chalkboard, bookshelves, and a recliner. He also changes the cold blue neon piping in the time rotor to a warmer amber.

Story notes

  • Matt Smith's cameo is said to be recorded during the filming of The Time of the Doctor.
  • Moffat joked that Matt's return was the fastest return ever, considering the fact that he last appeared in the previous episode.
  • This episode (and its script) was leaked online when stored on a publically-accessible server, with incomplete CGI, watermarks and timecodes in black-and-white, prompting a plea from BBC Worldwide not to watch it.
  • The BBC gave this episode a world tour in seven countries over twelve days.

Specific to theatrical presentation

Common among all versions

The Hanshaw Title Sequence

  • This episode saw the debut of a new title sequence designed by Billy Hanshaw after executive producer Steven Moffat saw a video of his conceptual Doctor Who titles sequence on YouTube and decided to draft him aboard to do a professional version of his sequence. The new titles features a vast expanse of golden-bronze clock gears whizzing by in empty space, and then the TARDIS flying through a tunnel of Roman numeral clock face numbers spiraling into a literal depiction of a time vortex with glowing engravings of circular Gallifreyan. The TARDIS passes across the screen in a way very similar to the Series 1 title sequence as the TARDIS jumped from the blue to red time vortex, and then launches past a group of planets. Peter Capaldi's piercing eyes are shown, rather than a full insert of the actor's face.
    • Moffat replied in an interview, I happened across it [the title sequence], and it was the only new title idea I'd seen since 1963. We got in touch with him, and said, 'OK, we're going to do that one.'" Billy Hanshaw responded, "I had to pinch myself because I didn't know if it was really happening. It's one of those stories about people putting something on YouTube - it's usually a musician this happens to. They put a performance on there and they get picked up by a label. It's a similar kind of story. I thought, these things don't generally happen."[2]


6.8 million overnight[3]

Filming locations

The Maltings, Pontprennau

Mount Stuart Square, Cardiff

Queen Street, Cardiff

Production errors

If you'd like to talk about narrative problems with this story — like plot holes and things that seem to contradict other stories — please go to this episode's discontinuity discussion.
  • The end of Vastra's mask is visible during the opening scenes.
  • The bucket of mop water that Strax places on a table for Clara to drink suddenly disappears when there is a camera angle change.


Home video releases

to be added

External links

to be added
