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Timeline for 2007
21st century | 2000s

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History of the Doctor Who Universe


  • Rose, carrying a rucksack, says goodbye to Jackie and Mickey, and continues her adventures with the Doctor. (DW: New Earth)
  • 31 - The SS Elysium arrives safely in Panama, its passengers and crew having endured an attack by Cybermen just weeks earlier. One passenger, artist Michael Brack, is airlifted to hospital for treatment for hypothermia suffered during the attack. He misses his chance to tell Ruby Duvall that he is the man responsible for her father's paralysis. (NA: Iceberg)


February - March

June or July

  • The Battle of Canary Wharf. (DW: Army of Ghosts / Doomsday) The partial cyber-conversion of Lisa Hallett happens during this event. (TW: Cyberwoman) Donna Noble, meanwhile, is on a Scuba-diving holiday in Spain and is not aware of these events. (DW: The Runaway Bride) Rose Tyler is presumed dead, but actually is transported to 'Pete's World'. (DW : Army of Ghosts/ Doomsday)
  • At some point after the Battle of Canary Wharf, Donna Noble chooses to take a job with H.C. Clements, after rejecting a request from her mother that she work for another firm. Unknown to Donna, an alternate timeline version of herself has fallen beneath the wheels of a lorry a few blocks away in order to prevent her from making the other decision and altering the timeline. Rose Tyler travels back in time from approximately two years in the future - and from the alternate timeline - to ask the alternate-Donna to pass a message on to the Doctor when she "dies". (DW: Turn Left)




August - December


Other timelines

See Donna's World.
See Pete's World.

Unknown dates

  • The Doctor and Martha arrive on Earth a year before they met. They are attacked by Weeping Angels and sent back to 1969. They are saved by Sally Sparrow, and then prevent the danger of Red Hatching. (REF: The Time Traveller's Almanac)
  • The discovery of a bizarre message encoded as an Easter egg on 17 different DVD releases causes a flurry of interest on the Internet due to the cryptic nature of the message. The message, which appears to have been shot on film many years earlier, depicts a man with glasses conducting what appears to be a one-sided conversation with an unknown person, and he is occasionally interrupted by a young black woman. Among those interested in the message is London video store employee Larry Nightingale. One of the cryptic statements made, "The angels have the phone box", is made into a T-shirt design. Larry Nightingale begins intensively studying the message, much to the annoyance of his sister, Kathy Nightingale. (DW: Blink)
  • The Doctor and Martha Jones, following information provided to them by Sally Sparrow, investigate the Wester Drumlins estate near London, where by choice or accident they are touched by the Weeping Angels and transported to 1969; the TARDIS remains behind and is later taken into custody by London police. (DW: Blink; that this occurs in the same year as the events of Blink is conjecture, given that the Angels appear to only be recently interested in the TARDIS and Billy Shipton gives no indication that it's been in custody for long.)
  • Sally Sparrow receives a bizarre message addressed to her from someone called the Doctor in 1969 while investigating an old house called Wester Drumlins near London. Sparrow learns of the Weeping Angels and during the course of the adventure her friend Kathy Nightingale is transported back to 1920, and a policeman named Billy Shipton is sent back to 1969. Sparrow encounters an elderly Shipton, who dies soon after revealing that he is responsible for adding a cryptic message from the Doctor to a number of DVDs, and the Easter egg mystery is solved when Sally realizes the one-sided conversation is from the Doctor and directed at her. Ultimately, Sparrow stops the Weeping Angels from capturing the TARDIS and with the help of Larry Nightingale sends the vessel back to 1969. After this event, Sally and Larry take over the ownership of the DVD rental store where Larry works, turning it into a bookstore, but Sally remains distant from Larry as she awaits the final resolution of her involvement with the time-travelling Doctor. (DW: Blink)

Real World



  • BFA: Nocturne is first released.
  • BFBS: The Tub Full of Cats is first released.
  • 8 - Cast readthrough for DW: The Sound of Drums/Last of the Time Lords.
  • 15 - After a month's delay due to the CBC still airing the episodes, the Canadian release of the Series 2 DVD box set takes place.
  • 18 - Russell T Davies and Doctor Who Magazine writer Benjamin Cook begin exchanging e-mails as part of a project to document the production of several episodes of the upcoming 4th series for DWM. The project eventually grows into what becomes the book release Doctor Who: The Writer's Tale.
  • 19 - Canadian broadcast of DW: Doomsday on the CBC, concluding Series 2; the season was broadcast over a longer than usual period due to the decision by the CBC to insert a mid-season hiatus. Doomsday attracts some 200,000 fewer viewers than part 1, DW: Army of Ghosts, a possible consequence of Series 2 being released to DVD in Canada a few days prior to Doomsday being broadcast.
  • 26 - Christopher Eccleston makes his fifth and, to date, final appearance on Heroes in one of the series' most acclaimed episodes, "Company Man". Eccleston's appearances in Heroes are among the highest-profile American TV appearances by a former Doctor Who actor.
    • The DVD Torchwood Series 1 Part 2 is released in the UK.
  • Late February - In a meeting with Jane Tranter, Catherine Tate expresses interest in returning as Donna Noble for a couple of episodes of Series 4 (at this point there had been no discussion of her returning to the series full-time). (The Writer's Tale)











Unknown dates

  • Early winter - Doctor Who is nominated in the "Favorite Sci-Fi Show" category for the 2008 People's Choice Awards, to be presented in January 2008 on the CBS network. This is the first mainstream American award nomination for the series (which previously was only nominated for awards in genre awards such as the Hugos). The award winner was determined by an Internet poll, and the award ultimately goes to Stargate Atlantis.
  • As production begins on Series 4, news leaks out that Billie Piper would be returning to her role as Rose Tyler, including images of her filming scenes for the series. Initially denied by the BBC, this was later confirmed (with the BBC including her in a cinema trailer distributed prior to the season premiere in 2008). Piper films scenes for four episodes, and a brief piece of footage that will be added to two others.