Attack of the Cybermen (TV story)

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Attack of the Cybermen was the first story of Season 22 of Doctor Who. This story features the return of Lytton, last seen in Resurrection of the Daleks, and features the return of the Cyber-Controller, last seen in The Tomb of the Cybermen and also introduced the Cryons, the native race of Telos, whose world had been occupied by the Cybermen. It was the first Doctor Who story to be produced in forty-five-minute episodes.

Attack of the Cybermen was at the centre of criticism for Season 22 for being overly-violent. The scenes of Cybermen killing people with their bare hands were the central issue.


While trying to fix the TARDIS's chameleon circuit, the Sixth Doctor returns to Foreman's Yard on Totter's Lane in 1985, where he meets up with his old enemies the Cybermen,. They have come from the future to attempt to change history by sending Halley's Comet crashing into Earth. Lytton, last seen working for the Daleks, is also caught up in the Cybermen's plot. But is Lytton working for the Cybermen, himself, or someone else?


Part one

Two workmen are inspecting a London sewer and discover a freshly built brick wall where none should be. One of them wanders off and then vanishes, while his colleague is attacked by an unseen assailant.

The Sixth Doctor is doing repairs to the TARDIS' Chameleon circuit, something he has meant to do for years, but Peri is worried that he is over-exerting himself following his regeneration. She suggests he get some rest, He responds that she could also use some relaxation and steers the TARDIS towards Earth. Something begins to draw them off course.

Back in London, the stranded mercenary Lytton now leads a small gang of criminals. They are planning their next job, a diamond heist. One man, Russell is sent to procure explosives, but instead phones someone to tell them what Lytton is planning.

The TARDIS is undamaged and is now following Halley's comet towards Earth in 1985. The Doctor decides to investigate what affected their flight, despite Peri's misgivings about the comet's reputation as a signal of impending doom. Lytton's gang enters the sewers via a prepared entrance concealed beneath a garage, planning to blow their way into the diamond vault from below. Before he joins them, Lytton adjusts a piece of advanced technology while his two policemen allies patrol the street.

The TARDIS lands in the scrapyard at 76 Totter's Lane, having tracked a distress signal emanating from nearby. The new chameleon circuit alters its appearance to an ornate piece of furniture inconsistent with a junkyard. As the Doctor and Peri search for the signal's source, they are silently stalked by the policemen.

The Doctor is delighted to find himself back at 76 Totter's Lane.

In the sewers, Russell hears someone following the four thieves. Lytton orders Payne to remain behind to "deal" with whoever is following them while he, Russell and Griffiths proceed into the dark tunnels. Payne is attacked and killed by the shadowy assailant. When he realises the distress signal is being relayed via multiple points in the city, the Doctor decides someone must be observing the transmitter to determine when help has arrived. The TARDIS, now a pipe organ, materialises at the garage. The Doctor and Peri find the sewer entrance and the armed policemen, whom they overcome before venturing into the sewers. In the dark, they soon find Payne's body.

When Lytton's gang reach the newly built wall, Griffiths begins to knock down some of the old brickwork to reach the vault. When the black figure appears in the tunnel, Russell flees while Griffiths shoots at it. Lytton forces Griffiths not to panic as the new wall slides back to reveal a group of Cybermen in a hidden command centre. Lytton surrenders. He explains his extra-terrestial nature to the Cyber-leader and offers to serve the Cyber race. The leader states that the Cyber-Controller on Telos will determine their fate.

Prisoners and guards

On Telos, a group of partially cyber-converted prisoners toil in a quarry under Cyberman guards. Three of the prisoners attempt an escape. Only two make it out alive. The men, Bates and Stratton, need a third to operate the ship they plan to use to leave Telos. Despite this setback, they continue with their plan and head for the Cyber-control building. They accost a Cyber-scout on the way and decapitate him, so that they can hollow out his head for a disguise.

Russell finds the Doctor and Peri. He reveals he is an undercover police officer. The Doctor disarms him and learns that he was investigating Lytton, who appeared suddenly a year earlier and committed several daring crimes with great skill to build his transmitter. They return to the TARDIS, disabling the black Cyber-scout with a Sonic lance on the way. When they arrive at the TARDIS, the Cybermen are already there. They kill Russell and the leader orders the death of Peri.

Part two

The Doctor agrees to co-operate with the Cybermen if Peri is spared on the word of the leader and Cyber-controller, whom the Doctor believed dead. He sets the TARDIS coordinates for Telos and is placed in another room with Peri, Griffiths and Lytton. Lytton explains that the Cybermen have captured a Time vessel that landed on Telos and have great plans for that ship and the TARDIS as well. The Doctor asks how Lytton knows so much about Telos and the Cybermen's plans, but he does not answer. The Doctor explains to Peri and Griffiths how the Cybermen came to Telos and annihilated the native Cryons to use their refrigerated cities to store cyber troops after the destruction of Mondas, partially at the Doctor's hand, in 1986.

The Doctor sabotages the TARDIS, which lands in the catacombs, rather than Cyber-control. It assumes the shape of a tomb. The Cybermen are attacked by a rogue Cyberman, one of many driven insane by faulty tombs. The distraction allows Peri, Lytton and Griffiths to escape. Peri is rescued by Cryon freedom fighters, more of whom find Lytton and Griffiths, explaining that they answered Lytton's distress call and he manipulated the Cybermen into bringing him to Telos. The Cryons have hired him to help them stop the Cybermen from destroying Telos when they have revived all their troops and left. Lytton's mission is to steal the time vessel to prevent the controller's plan from succeeding. He in turn needs Griffiths to keep him alive long enough to make it to the ship, paying him with a fortune in diamonds, which are very common on Telos.

The natives fight back

The Doctor is meanwhile confined in a cold storage room where he meets a Cryon prisoner, Flast, who explains that a few Cryons survived the Cybermen purges. They are fighting a guerilla war, sabotaging the tombs to delay the revivals. She outlines the Cybermen's plan to prevent Mondas' destruction by travelling back in the time vessel and diverting Halley's comet into Earth before Mondas has absorbed too much energy.

Lytton and Griffiths track down the two escaped prisoners outside the city and convince the groups to ally themselves with each other to capture the time vessel, which needs at least three crewmen to operate. Lytton explains that the ship is their only hope and that it will arrive soon. They head into a hidden tunnel which leads to Cyber-control. As they approach the landing pad, Lytton is captured by a Cyberman patrol while the others continue without him.

The Doctor is outraged at the Cybermen's plan. Saving Mondas would contravene the laws of time and is surprised the Time Lords are not doing something to stop it. He realises that it must have been his own people who sent the TARDIS off course and manipulated him into place to be their agent once again. Flast shows the Doctor what is kept in the storeroom - boxes of Vastial, a common Telosian mineral, highly volatile above freezing. The Doctor uses a small amount to escape the room and kill the guard, leaving his sonic lance with Flast. She cannot leave the room without being boiled alive by the above zero temperatures in the corridor, but volunteers to use the lance to detonate the vastial and destroy cyber-control.

Lytton is tortured by the Cyber-controlller for information before being forced to undergo cyber-conversion. The Doctor and Peri make their way separately to the TARDIS, where in order to lure the Cyberman guards out, the Doctor activates a distress beacon on the body of a dead Cyberman. Despite being forced into the corridor and perishing, Flast hides the sonic lance in a box of vastial, where it slowly warms up. When the time vessel lands at the platform, the would be hijackers, Bates, Stratton and Griffiths, try to board it, but they are mercilessly cut down by the Cybermen inside. As the guards leave the TARDIS, the Cryons destroy them at the cost of their leader's life.

The new Cryon leader, Rost, urges the Doctor to leave before Flast's explosion is triggered. The Doctor prepares to leave, but Peri urges him to go back and rescue Lytton who, for once, was helping the right side. The TARDIS materialises in the conversion centre (once again taking the form of a police box), but it is too late to save Lytton, who begs the Doctor to kill him. The Cyber-controller arrives to stop the Doctor, who surreptitiously puts a scalpel in Lytton's hand. Lytton waits until the controller is next to him and then stabs him in the arm, which is the distraction the Doctor needs. He takes the controller's weapon and kills both of the Cyberman guards and the controller himself, but not before Lytton is killed. The TARDIS leaves moments before Cyber-control explodes, leaving the Doctor to reflect on his misjudgement of Lytton.






  • The Doctor and Peri view Halley's Comet from the TARDIS.
  • The Cybermen speak of preventing Mondas' destruction.
  • The Cybermen have tombs on Telos.
  • The Doctor mentions Jaconda.

Races and species



  • When the Doctor and Peri observe Halley's Comet the background music is Malcolm Clarke's music for the 1982 BBC documentary, "The Comet is Coming".
  • When the TARDIS lands in the junkyard, the music playing is a distorted version of the theme music to "Steptoe and Son", a BBC sitcom about a couple of rag-and-bone men. The original music was written by Ron Grainer, who also wrote the Doctor Who theme.
  • The Doctor plays the opening of J. S. Bach's "Toccata and Fugue in B Minor" on the TARDIS/organ. This piece had already been used in the film "Daleks' Invasion Earth 2150 A.D.".

Story notes

  • There is much contention over who exactly wrote Attack of the Cybermen, it was written under the pseudonym Paula Moore.
  • Attack of the Cybermen was first broadcast in two weekly parts; beginning with this serial and continuing for the remainder of Season 22, episodes were forty-five minutes in length (as opposed to previous episodes which were twenty-five minutes long) for syndication. In some markets, this serial is re-edited into four, twenty-five-minute segments.
  • Atypically for the title sequence used from Seasons 18 through 23, the story title is rendered in all capital letters.
  • This story had the working title The Cold War.
  • This is Terry Molloy's only on screen appearance in Doctor Who playing a character other than Davros.


  • Part One - 8.9 million viewers
  • Part Two - 7.2 million viewers


  • This story replaced one called The Opera of Doom featuring Lightfoot and Jago, Padmasambhava, Omega, the Master, the Rills and the Cybermen. (This was a rumour deliberately started by fans and printed as fact in the news magazine DWB.)

Filming locations

  • Glenthorne Road (UCI House), Hammersmith, London
  • Davis Road, London, W3
  • Birkbeck Road, Acton
  • Becklow Road, London, W12
  • Gerrards Cross Sand and Gravel Quarry, Gerrards Cross
  • BBC Television Centre (TC6), Shepherd's Bush, London

Production errors

If you'd like to talk about narrative problems with this story — like plot holes and things that seem to contradict other stories — please go to this episode's discontinuity discussion.
  • There's a bit of sloppy editing at the end of episode 1. A couple of seconds before the credits roll after cliffhanger of episode 1, the editor lets the footage continue to a point where Nicola Bryant — who was supposed to be playing a terrified Peri as she was about to be killed — breaks character and smiles. While this scene may have been present in the broadcast it has been edited out in the DVD release.
  • The scorch mark on the TARDIS wall, caused by Russell firing one of the Cybermen's weapons, is present several scenes before the actual event.
  • When Flast is being dragged out of the refrigerated chamber, a couple of the floor crew can be seen kneeling behind some boxes on the right-hand of the screen.
  • Near to the end of episode 1, a Cyberman gets shot, and when he falls, the back of the actors head is clearly visible.



This story takes place in two time-zones, the earlier of which is the scenes set on Earth, which are stated to take place in 1985. The scenes set on Telos take place after DW: The Tomb of the Cybermen, which takes place shortly after the 26th century, and thus this story presumably takes place around the 27th century.


DVD, Video and CD Releases


DVD release

Attack Of The Cybermen was released on DVD in the UK in March 2009.

Bonus Features

  • The Cold War-The making of Attack of the Cybermen.
  • The Cyber Story-A brief history of the Cybermen in the classic series.
  • Human Cyborg
  • The Cyber-generations-A gallery of Cybermen throughout the series.
  • Coming Soon-Image of the Fendahl.

Novelisation and its audiobook

Attack of the Cybermen novel.jpg
Main article: Attack of the Cybermen (novelisation)

See also

to be added

External links
