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Eleventh Doctor

From Tardis Wiki, the free Doctor Who reference
Revision as of 22:51, 4 February 2013 by (talk) (→‎Clothes: Corrected factual error.)
This article needs to be updated.

Oddly, despite its length, the article contains precious little information from other media. This article is far too television-centric.

These omissions are so great that the article's factual accuracy has been compromised. Check out the discussion page and revision history for further clues about what needs to be updated in this article.

The Eleventh Doctor was the eleventh incarnation of the renegade Time Lord known as the Doctor. Although very alien compared to his last life, he retained his vigour for defending the Universe.

You may be looking for the Ganger based on this incarnation.

During the course of his adventures, he thwarted numerous attempts on his life by the Silence, (TV: The Pandorica Opens, The Impossible Astronaut) who wished to keep the Question unanswered, (TV: Let's Kill Hitler) tricking them into thinking they succeeded. (TV: The Wedding of River Song) He then erased all mention of himself from every database in the Universe. (TV: The Angels Take Manhattan)

He regained family by marrying River Song, daughter to his companions Amy Pond and Rory Williams. (TV: The Wedding of River Song) However, he lost Amy and Rory to the touch of a Weeping Angel, (TV: The Angels Take Manhattan) leading him to retire to Victorian London. (TV: The Great Detective)

However, upon discovering a woman named Clara Oswin Oswald had died in a previous encounter, (TV: Asylum of the Daleks) and then again, the Doctor became fascinated by this and sought out a third version of her for his new companion. (TV: The Snowmen)



After freeing the Ood from slavery, the Tenth Doctor was told by Ood Sigma that his "song" must end soon. (TV: Planet of the Ood) In 1851 London, the Tenth Doctor met a human called Jackson Lake who believed himself to be the Doctor due to the backfiring of an infostamp containing knowledge of the Doctor. The Doctor thought Jackson might be his next incarnation, or a later one. It turned out, however, that he was not the next incarnation. (TV: The Next Doctor) A human psychic named Carmen fortold that the Doctor would regenerate very soon. (TV: Planet of the Dead) Later in his life, the Tenth Doctor saw his true next incarnation in a dream. (COMIC: To Sleep, Perchance to Scream)

Post regeneration

The new Doctor breathes regeneration energy. (TV: The Eleventh Hour)

After absorbing a vast amount of nuclear radiation, the Tenth Doctor regenerated in his TARDIS. The energy released caused great damage to the vessel. Focused initially on his new form, he did not immediately realise the TARDIS was on fire and about to crash. When he did, he seemed to enjoy the thrill of the moment, gleefully shouting, "Geronimo!", as his TARDIS plummeted to Earth. (TV: The End of Time)

Crashing in Leadworth, England, 1996, the Doctor met Amelia Pond, a lonely little Scottish girl with a mysterious crack in her bedroom wall. An alien called Prisoner Zero had escaped from a prison on the other side of the crack. Before the Doctor could investigate further, the cloister bell brought him back to the TARDIS as the engines were in danger of phasing out of existence.

The Doctor promised Amelia he would return in five minutes and have her travel with him. Unfortunately, he accidentally arrived twelve years later. He persuaded the now-grown Amelia to help him capture Prisoner Zero for the Atraxi, to avoid the incineration of Earth. After detaining Prisoner Zero, scolding the Atraxi, and stealing a new outfit, the Doctor took a short trip to the Moon before returning to Amy (as Amelia now liked to be known) and inviting her to join him on his travels. He accidentally arrived two years later. Amy joined him, and he agreed to her request to return her by the next morning - not knowing that he had arrived the night before her wedding. (TV: The Eleventh Hour)

Alone no more

For their first trip, the Doctor took Amy to the Starship UK in the 33rd century. Initially resistant to getting involved in events on-board the ship, the Doctor was moved by a child in distress. Investigating why adults ignored the obviously-distraught child, the Doctor learned a star whale was being tortured into transporting the ship. With the help of Liz 10, Amy and the Doctor freed the creature, which was still willing to continue carrying the ship. He was a legend to Liz 10 due to all his past interactions with royalty. Preparing to leave, the Doctor got a phone call from his old friend Winston Churchill, asking for assistance. (TV: The Beast Below) He kept Liz's mask, which was gifted to him, in his drawing room amongst other trinkets. (GAME: TARDIS)

A grim Doctor witnesses his oldest foes return once again. (TV: Victory of the Daleks)

Amy and the Doctor arrived a month after the call to discover two Daleks aiding Britain against the Nazis in the Second World War. Trying to force the Daleks into revealing their true nature, the Doctor fell victim to their trap; he provided a testimony that allowed the Daleks to use a Progenitor device to rebuild their race. Forced to choose between saving Earth from being destroyed by an Oblivion Continuum or finishing off the Daleks for good, the Doctor chose Earth and let the Daleks escape through a time corridor. However, he was perplexed by Amy not recognising the Daleks despite living through the War in the Medusa Cascade. (TV: Victory of the Daleks)

In 2025 Orkney, the Doctor prevented the Caskelliac from draining the energy from all life on Earth, insisting they find another way to sustain themselves. (AUDIO: The Ring of Steel)

The Doctor next prevented the Cei from terraforming Earth into an aquatic world to use as an outpost during their war with another planet in 1864. (AUDIO: The Runaway Train)

The Doctor arrived on Earth in 2010, and found an astronaut in a shopping center. He and Amy went to the Moon to investigate. With the help of Professor Jackson, the Doctor was able to prevent the jelly-like Talerians from taking over the bodies of the humans on the base. After he revived Jackson from being brainwashed and controlled, Jackson smashed the large windows of his office, killing the Talerians with the low atmosphere, and, to the Doctor's dismay, simultaneously sacrificing himself. (PROSE: Apollo 23)

Their next trip brought them to the junk-made asteroid known as the Gyre. There, they encountered the Sittuun and a primitive society of humans; they believed they were on Earth. The Doctor tried convincing them they weren't, offering to save them from a bomb the Sittuun were going to set off to destroy the Gyre. Unsuccessful, he encountered Dirk Slipstream, an old foe, after the artefact (the Mymon Key) holding the Gyre together. Though successful in stopping Dirk, the Doctor felt remorseful for being unable to save the humans. (PROSE: Night of the Humans)

Receiving a phone call from Martha Jones, the Doctor went to Japan to investigate a mysterious new drink called Goruda, which increased the intelligence of the child who drank it. Much to his surprise, he discovered that Axos had escaped the time loop he trapped them in his third incarnation; it placed undetectable particles of itself in the drink that transformed the children in faux Axos, blackmailing the populace into letting them begin feasting on Earth's energy. However, the Doctor managed to turn the tables by having everyone turn on their electronics, draining Axos' energy and destroying it in the process. (COMIC: The Golden Ones)

The Doctor next took Amy to New York for the best burgers in all of history, even buying the street they were sold on to get them for free. However, his attention was drawn to a recently thawed mammoth causing havoc; it was later revealed to be a spaceship piloted by the seven centimetre tall Vykoids. They captured the Doctor, planning to use him and kidnapped humans as enslaved miners. After being rescued by Amy, the Doctor reversed their teleporter and sent the Vykoids back to their home planet. (PROSE: The Forgotten Army)

The Doctor reunites with a mysterious friend. (TV: The Time of Angels)

Discovering a Home Box containing River Song's calling card in a 171st century museum, the Doctor was led into a hunt with her and the Church for a Weeping Angel in the 51st century. An entire army of Angels was waiting for them in a mortarium on Alfava Metraxis, as they were gradually being revived by the leaking radiation from thecrash ship's engine. The Doctor shot a gravity globe, (TV: The Time of Angels) and he and his allies retreated into the remains of the Byzantium. Inside, they discovered a growing crack in time. A scan showed it had been caused by a very large explosion cracking all of time and space, which occured on 26 June 2010. Knowing that the Angels together was a complicated space-time event that could shut the crack, the Doctor waited for them to drain the Byzantium's power until the artifcial gravity shut off and they fell into it. (TV: Flesh and Stone)

Travels with Amy and Rory

After learning Amy was getting married and fighting off her sexual advances, (TV: Flesh and Stone) the Doctor collected her fiancé, Rory Williams. He took them to Venice as a wedding present, but found "vampires" there, led by Rosanna Calvierri. Investigating, he discovered they were actualy aliens that came from the planet Saturnyne and fled through a crack in time to escape "the silence"; they were converting human girls into Saturnyian hybrids through blood transfusions to make them compatiable for breeding with Rosanna's sons. After the girls were killed in an explosion, the Doctor was unable to prevent Rosanna from commiting suicide by feeding herself to her sons.

While leaving Venice, the Doctor became concerned when the busy market he parked the TARDIS at suddenly became empty; nothing was to be heard except silence. (TV: The Vampires of Venice)

The Doctor encountered a ship with Glamour technology he had previously met long ago in a previous incarnation. He found that Oliver Marks had been chosen as host for its properties and created a false reality that he was wed to his love, Daisy. The Doctor encountered the Weave once again and helped repair their ship. (PROSE: The Glamour Chase)

The Doctor next came across a fake town with undercover robot assassins for residents; a bomb was to destroy them. As this would've killed them along with the robots, the Doctor used the TARDIS to take the bomb backwards in time to disperse its force. He eventually entered the military base the robots came from and warned them of an incident the robots would cause, preventing the scientist that created them from being killed. With this done, the Doctor rescued his companions from the robots and allowed the bomb, now with a great amount of its force gone, to explode. (PROSE: Nuclear Time)

On a trip to Geath, the Doctor found that the society of the city had changed from politics to royalty. It was caused by a dragon made of enamour, a mineral that made people love having it in their possession to the point of kleptomania. Both a herald and a regulator claimed the device belonged to them and not the false king. The Doctor learned the regulator and her people were once slaves to the herald's now deceased masters because of the enamour. He allowed it to be taken along with the herald, allowing Geath to return to normal; however, they formed an alliance with the regulator to prevent future repeats. (PROSE: The King's Dragon)

Inside the TARDIS, the Doctor, Amy and Rory ingested psychic pollen and appeared between two dreams, one in 2015 Leadworth after Amy and Rory had returned to home life, and another with Amy and Rory travelling in the TARDIS hurtling towards a cold star. Both dreams appeared real, and a being called the Dream Lord ordered them to choose which world was real, either to freeze towards the cold star, or be killed by Eknodine in Leadworth.

As the Dream Lord taunted him, the Doctor realised he was a manifestation of his own self-hatred and had no power over the "awake" world, meaning both worlds were fake. He killed himself, Amy and Rory in both dreams to wake them. He revealed to them that psychic pollen created the Dream Lord from the abundant darkness in his mind; he blew the pollen into space to prevent repeats. While preparing to set a course, the Doctor saw the Dream Lord in place of his reflection for a moment, meaning he was still deep within his psyche, waiting for Round 2. (TV: Amy's Choice)

The Doctor makes a disturbing discovery about the origin of the cracks. (TV: Cold Blood)

Landing in Cwmtaff, Wales, by error, the Doctor found a drilling operation had disturbed a Silurian city and its inhabitants were retaliating. Capturing a Silurian, the Doctor tried to strike a treaty between humans and the Silurians. However, mistrusting elements on both sides led to hostilities. (TV: The Hungry Earth) The Doctor had the Silurian leader Eldane put the Silurians to sleep for a thousand years while humanity prepared for them. On the way out of the Silurian habitat, the Doctor found another crack and fished a piece of shrapnel from its explosion. Rory took a blast from a dying Silurian meant for the Doctor. The Doctor left Rory's body behind as it became absorbed by the crack. He tried to help Amy remember Rory when he was erased from history, but failed. Alone, the Doctor examined the piece of shrapnel. It was part of the TARDIS' outer shell. (TV: Cold Blood)

Just Amy again

The Doctor, Amy and Vincent hide from the Krafayis. (TV: Vincent and the Doctor)

Feeling guilty about what happened to Rory, the Doctor took Amy to nice places. However, during a trip to a Vincent van Gogh exhibit in the 21st century, the Doctor was led to travel back in time to the artist himself to protect him from a Krafayis, a beast only Vincent could see. Their battle with the beast ended in the creature's death, something neither Vincent nor the Doctor had wished to happen. The Doctor took Vincent to his own exhibit in the future, where the painter was able to see just how much people would care about his work; he even had the exhibit's curator, Dr Black, give his opinion on Vincent, something that moved the painter to tears of joy.

After returning Vincent home, Amy was convinced that he would live longer now. However, the Doctor took her back to the museum to show her that life was "a pile of good things and bad things"; while good things don't always soften the bad things, the bad things don't always spoil the good things. They discovered Vincent dedicated his sunflower painting to Amy. (TV: Vincent and the Doctor)

Attempting to take Amy to Basingstroke, the Doctor ended up arrving on the planet when it was under a different name; it also held the Van Diemens prison facility where the inmates where used as test subjects for colonising other planets. The Doctor discovered people where being mutated into hybrids of insects, plants and other animals by a gene splicer left behind by aliens that made the planet habitable.

The Doctor temporarily loses his head, early in his travels with Amy. (COMIC: Supernature)

He undid the mistakes of the machine, returning everyone to normal; he then suggested the staff lie to their superiors and say a lethal virus was on the loose to keep the inmates from being used in further experiments, also renaming the planet Basingstroke in the process. During this time, Amy was affected by the gene splicer and mutated into a butterfly-woman. Unfortuantely for the Doctor, she was naked after he reversed the mutations; (COMIC: Supernature)ironicly, he prevented this from happening before. (TV: Flesh and Stone)

On a trip to 1963 to watch a Beatles concert, the Doctor was shocked to find the Earth in ruins; Daleks had exterminated humanity, creating a paradox that would erase Amy. The Doctor went to Skaro to discover the Daleks accomplished this by salvaging the Eye of Time, which had been lost since the Time War, and were using it to rewrite time. Using the Eye to jump back in time before the Daleks attacked Earth, the Doctor constructed a vision disruptor to blind them and overloaded the magnetic field generator, causing the Daleks to lose the Eye and to have never used it to alter history. He and Amy resumed their trip to see a Beatles concert. (GAME: City of the Daleks)

Following a distress beacon, the Doctor and Amy arrived in 2010 at the GSO Arctic Drilling Station. They discovered the crew had accidentally excavated Cybermats belonging to Cybermen whose ship was buried beneath millenia of ice; the Cybermats infected the crew with a nano-virus that turned them into Cyberslaves needed to excavate the Cyber-ship. The Doctor was forced to awaken the Cybermen in stasis by the Cyberslave Elizabeth Meadows; she was threatening to convert Amy. Once awoken, the Cybermen destroyed Meadows. However, the Doctor quickly rescued Amy, and use the Cybermen's nano-virus to put them back to sleep. Their ship promptly exploded, destroying the virus and returning the remaining infected GSO crew members to normal. (GAME: Blood of the Cybermen)

The Doctor and Amy visited Smyslov 3 for the first time and learnt their future selves had just visited and caused a lot of damage. Tanik threatened to imprison them for their actions, but the TARDIS had already taken off before he could disable the ship. (WC: Wish You Were Here)

The Doctor surrounded by Chronomites. (GAME: TARDIS)

The Doctor was launched through the TARDIS doors and out into space. While trying to rescue the Doctor from being trapped in a space-time riptide, Amy accidentally released the Entity from its container in the TARDIS. After the Doctor managed to get back inside the TARDIS, the Entity created a lesion in time to send Amy a thousand years into the future and began feeding on her timeline. The Doctor built a tachyon feedback loop which he sent to Amy to bring her and the Entity back to the Doctor. He captured the Entity and sent it into the riptide, where it could freely gorge on the four-dimensional Chronomites without harming them. However, to punish it, the Doctor forgot to mention the Chronomites were itchy. (GAME: TARDIS)

The Doctor continued to their intended vacation spot, Poseidon 8. He found it under attack by a Zaralok, occupied by the Vashta Nerada and its people under a "sickness". He returned power to the undersea farming facility, treated the vortron radiation poisoning of its crew and used a triangulation device to trace the appearance of the Zaralok and the Vashta Nerada to a World War II era warship, the USS Eldridge. This vessel had been brought through a dimensional vortex caused by a malfunctioning cloaking device. The Doctor and Amy deactivated the device, returning the Zaralok and Vashta Nerada to their proper timelines, and ended the radiation. Though invited to a feast of "sea pumpkins" as thanks, the Doctor and Amy promptly left. (GAME: Shadows of the Vashta Nerada)

The Doctor next followed a distress signal to a family spaceship where a Dalek scientist was attempting to steal the technology. When the engine overloaded, the whole Jones family were scattered into space and time, and the Doctor and Amy travelled to many different locations, such as an ancient Incan temple facing many different monsters like Cybermen and Silurians, on their quest to find and help the family. (GAME: The Mazes of Time)

When the TARDIS materialised in Colchester, the Doctor found himself thrown out as it dematerialised, with Amy trapped inside. Finding a clue from Amy's future self, the Doctor became the flatmate of Craig Owens, changing his life for the better. He discovered the flat upstairs was actually a makeshift timeship, with its computer trying to find a suitable pilot to allow it to leave; all humans it tried died, causing temporary time loops threatening to strand the TARDIS in the vortex forever. The Doctor, Craig and Craig's friend Sophie shut down and destroyed the ship, allowing the TARDIS to materialise properly.

The Doctor received spare keys to the flat as Craig's way of saying "thanks"; the Doctor had shared his memories with Craig to explain things, so he knew he wouldn't come back to visit. Preparing to leave Amy's note for his past self, the Doctor became busy, altering a will that would make the previous flatmate move out due to a large inheritance, not noticing Amy found her engagement ring from Rory while searching his coat for a pen. (TV: The Lodger)

The Doctor and Amy visited Arcadia, Space Florida and the Trojan Gardens during this time. (TV: Vincent and the Doctor, The Big Bang)

Restarting the Universe

While visiting Planet One, the Doctor found a message from River Song. It led Amy and him to Britain 102 A.D. River told him Vincent had painted a premonition of the TARDIS exploding, titling it The Pandorica Opens. This led him to Stonehenge, where an alliance of alien species that he had defeated in the past imprisoned him in the Pandorica, the ultimate prison. This was to prevent the cracks in time from occurring as the Doctor was the only one they knew able to pilot the TARDIS. When the Doctor was sealed away, the TARDIS exploded anyway with River inside; everything but the Earth vanished. (TV: The Pandorica Opens)

The Doctor was immediately released by an Auton copy of Rory on orders from the Doctor's future self. He used River's vortex manipulator to travel to 1996, then back to 102 AD to hand Rory the screwdriver that had originally freed him. After a confrontation with an echo of a Dalek, he wired himself into the Pandorica to restart the universe with its restoration field powered by the exploding TARDIS. He piloted the Pandorica into the explosion and found himself a week in his past; his time stream was unravelling. Before skipping the rest of his "rewind" to oblivion, he left a psychic imprint in Amy's mind to allow her to remember him back into existence. On her wedding day, the Doctor was returned to the universe and attended her wedding reception. After the party, he received a call for help and took off for a new adventure with the newlyweds. (TV: The Big Bang)

"Funeral" and very old friends

The Doctor reunites with Sarah Jane and Jo (TV: Death of the Doctor)

The Doctor left Amy and Rory on a honeymoon planet shortly before his TARDIS was taken by a rogue branch of the Claw Shansheeth. They trapped him in the wasteland of the Crimson Heart. The Shansheeth announced the Doctor was dead and held a fake funeral to lure in his old companions. They planned to drain the memories of Sarah Jane and Jo to create a new TARDIS key using a Memory Weave.The Doctor travelled to Earth using residual artron energy Clyde Langer had absorbed from the TARDIS in their earlier encounter.

When the Shansheeth succeeded in capturing Sarah and Jo, the Doctor encouraged them to think of everything they encountered during their travels with him along with the lives they'd been living; the weave overloaded and blew up, reducing the Shansheeth to fried chicken while Sarah and Jo were saved by an empty coffin. The Doctor finally got the chance to explain to Jo that he tried to keep his promise to see her again, but the TARDIS couldn't find her because of how freqeuntly she moved around the world. (TV: Death of the Doctor)

Song of the Savior

Recieving a distress signal from Amy, the Doctor discovered the starliner they were on was trapped in a cloud belt that prevented the TARDIS from landing in it. Seeking help from the man who could unlock the cloud belt, Kazran Sardick, the Doctor was refused. Inspired by Charles Dickens' tale, the Doctor used time travel to make Kazran's otherwise unhappy life better by letting him fall in love with Abigail Pettigrew. However, Abigail revealed that she was dying and would only live one more day outside her ice box, Kazran still ended up the cruel old man the Doctor tried to change. However, he managed to succeed by showing child Kazran the mirror image of his father that he would become; the elder Kazran was forced to let Abigail out as her singing would open the cloud belt (the machine Kazran's father made could not be used by the kinder version of himself).

With Kazran now a better person, the Doctor collected Amy and Rory; the Doctor suggested taking them to a literal Honeymoon, which was alive and a bit carnivorous; however, there were some lovely views. Rory was obviously against the idea. Much to his own embarrassment, the Doctor accidently married Marilyn Monroe during one of his Christmas trips with Kazran and Abigail; however, he did not count it as valid due to not using a real chapel. (TV: A Christmas Carol)

T-Rex, time traps and Angels

The Doctor took Rory and Amy to Victorian London shortly after their wedding. (COMIC: Ripper's Curse)

The Doctor allowed a sentient robotic T-Rex calling itself Kevin to join him, Amy and Rory during their travels after it helped stop the Sontarans. The Doctor was asked by Kevin to help him find a better purpose in life other than being a mechanical T-Rex attraction at the museum. (COMIC: When Worlds Collide) The Doctor had many unsuccessful trips with Kevin, often hindered by his size and appearance, which caused trouble quite frequently. However, those intimidated allowed the Doctor to avoid the "running away" option a lot. (Between COMIC: When Worlds Collide - Space Squid) Constructing a battlesuit to help Kevin fight, the Doctor left him behind to be the new chief of security on a space station in the future, fulfilling his promise to help Kevin find a better life. (COMIC: Space Squid)

During some repair work on the TARDIS, the Doctor was annoyed by an argument between Rory and Amy that made Rory mess up on his part of the repairs. The Doctor found that the mistake had caused the TARDIS to materialise within itself, effectively trapping them inside forever. (TV: Space) A second version of Amy arrived and explained the outer shell had drifted into the near future. The Doctor used the time drift to tell himself how to undo the space loop. He then made sure it wouldn't happen again. (TV: Time)

At some point during his travels with Amy and Rory, taking them to honeymoon locations, the Doctor encountered the Squall, whom he prevented from sucking the memories out of the populace of London, 1910, and send them back to their home dimension. (PROSE: Paradox Lost) The Doctor prevented an infant Drexxon from freeing two adult versions from imprisonment, which would cause untold destruction. He defeated them by leading an orchestra in playing a Venusian lullaby, something he hadn't done since his third incarnation, and resealing them. (PROSE: Death Riders)

The Doctor saved Parallife from the System Wipe virus. (PROSE: System Wipe) The Doctor prevented six Weeping Angels from tricking a man into saving his wife from a car accident in the past, preventing a temporal paradox they could feed on. (PROSE: Touched by an Angel)

He later landed in the 1800s where he encountered the Narduni, an alien race abducting people and animals from planet Earth, hoping to gene-splice them into perfect soldiers for their war. The Doctor undid their horrifying experiments and returned all the victims to their proper places, freeing the animals from their cages when they were about to be taken to private collections. (AUDIO: The Eye of the Jungle)

He eventually deposited Amy and Rory back home in February, 2011, eight months since their wedding. The Doctor promised Amy that he would keep in touch. (TV: The Impossible Astronaut)

First encounter with the Silence

The Doctor had arranged to either have a knitting or biplane lesson in 1911, but didn't make it when he got an anonymous invitation leading him to an American diner in 2011. There, he found Amy, Rory and River. He didn't know that they had just witnessed the death of his current incarnation, some two hundred years older, but he knew they weren't telling him something. He reluctantly agreed to find the fourth guest, Canton Delaware, in 1969. They materialised in the Oval Office in Washington, D.C. where US President Richard Nixon was consulting Canton about a mysterious call. The Doctor traced it to Florida, where the caller, a little girl, was kept in a biomechanical "spacesuit". They found Earth was occupied by the Silence. (TV: The Impossible Astronaut)

The Doctor while imprisoned in Area 51. (TV: Day of the Moon)

The Doctor played the part of a perfectly-secured prisoner in Area 51 to give the Silence a false sense of security as part of a greater plan to uncover their plot. His plan included Canton and the FBI hunting down Amy, Rory and River in a nationwide search. He then reluctantly sent River and the Ponds on their own nationwide search to find information about the Silence. He gave them cryotosis podlets for when Canton would pretend to kill them.

Once his companions had been rounded up, the Doctor decided to search for the little girl, which led to Amy's kidnapping. However, he managed to capture a wounded Silent and trick it into saying, "You should kill us all on sight". He recorded this and spliced it into footage of the 1969 Apollo 11 Moon landing, planting a post-hypnotic order in the minds of every human who would ever watch it. With this in place, he rescued Amy and returned River to Stormcage. Much to his shock (and pleasure), she kissed him. However, he was left to ponder who the little girl was. (TV: Day of the Moon)

New adventures with Amy and Rory

Receiving a distress signal, the Doctor arrived on a pirate ship, the Fancy, in the 17th century. Met with mistrust as they didn't believe the TARDIS was a "ship", the Doctor was nearly forced to walk the plank until the arrival of the Siren that was terrorizing the crew. Trying to get everyone off the Fancy, the Doctor watched as the Siren took members of the crew and even the TARDIS. After the crew and Rory had been taken by the Siren, they discovered she was a virtual physician from an invisible and intangible spaceship occupying the same space as the Fancy, which was where all those she took ended up, as well as the TARDIS; the signal came from this ship. As the Siren compulsively sought out the injured, the pirates took over the ship and left Earth to prevent her from reaching shore. (TV: The Curse of the Black Spot)

The Doctor followed a hypercube distress signal from his old Time Lord friend the Corsair to a sentient planetoid called House in a bubble universe. However, it was a trap; House hijacked the TARDIS and left for the main universe while placing the TARDIS matrix in Idris. Working together, the Doctor and his TARDIS built a console from the remnants of other TARDISes and piloted it into his TARDIS. When Idris died, the matrix was released back into the TARDIS, where it drove out House. During this adventure, the Doctor learned that when he had stolen his TARDIS, it had wanted to leave Gallifrey as much as he did. (TV: The Doctor's Wife) He also revisted the previous control room for the first time since his regeneration. (TV: The End of Time, The Eleventh Hour)

By this point, the Doctor realised Amy was a Ganger through his failed attempts to scan her for pregnancy, and that her true self was being held captive somewhere else in time. (TV: A Good Man Goes to War) He needed to scan the Flesh in its early stages in order to learn how to stop the signal to her. (TV: The Rebel Flesh/The Almost People

When the TARDIS was struck by a solar tsunami, it crash-landed at an acid-mining factory in the 22nd century. Miranda Cleaves, the factory's boss, showed them a substance called "the Flesh", which created clones (known as gangers) of the workers for hazardous duty. Another storm allowed the gangers to function on their own. The Doctor saw no diffence betwen gangers and humans, brokering peace between them and the humans. However, Cleaves ruined all his hard work by killing Buzzer's ganger. With them now distrusting of him, the Doctor was forced to take refuge in the ganger-creation room with everyone. Inside, he was shocked to encounter a ganger of himself. At the same time, acid was sinking the TARDIS into the ground. (TV: The Rebel Flesh)

Both Doctors got along with each other, acting like twins by finishing their sentences and thoughts. To see if Amy could tell the difference, his ganger and he switched shoes, the only way to distinguish them; the original Doctor had replaced his due to acid burning them off. The Doctor's plan nearly backfired when the workers treated him poorly. After winning the other gangers over, the Doctor tried to evacuate everyone from the soon-to-explode island. However, Jennifer Lucas' ganger tried to kill them. Revealing his charade, the Doctor left his and Cleaves' gangers to destroy themselves and Jennifer with a spare sonic. He also cured Cleaves' blood clot with alien medicine.

Taking Cleaves' and another surviving ganger to a press conference about the incident, the Doctor told them to make sure the Flesh was never abused again. At that moment, Amy went into labor. Taking her back into the TARDIS, the Doctor revealed to her that she was a ganger herself and the whole point of the trip was to stop the signal being broadcasted to her. Promising that Rory and he would find her, the Doctor dissolved Amy's ganger, allowing her to wake up just as she began giving birth. (TV: The Almost People)

Finding Melody Pond

The Doctor ponders the failure of his assault on Demon's Run. (TV: A Good Man Goes to War)

The Doctor spent a month collecting on old debts from many races and times, assembling an army to rescue Amy and her new baby, Melody. After his masquerading as a headless monk caused chaos amongst the Church and their allies, the Doctor won the battle without bloodshed in under four minutes. However, this was a trap set by Madame Kovarian, who escaped with the real Melody after dissolving the ganger she had left in her place; this was the Doctor's darkest hour. Much to his shock, the Doctor was informed by the recently arrived River Song that she was Melody. Confident that he would find her past self, the Doctor left his remaining allies to be taken home by River while he searched for her infant self. (TV: A Good Man Goes to War)

During his search, the Doctor received a phone call from Amy, only to let the TARDIS' answering machine get the call instead; he was there at the console. He listened to Amy's pleas to find Melody with guilt, as he had failed in his promise to find her. As he listened, he learned Amy had been told the truth by River as well. He then continued his search for Melody. (WC: Prequel (Let's Kill Hitler))

After searching for Melody, the Doctor discovered a newspaper article on a crop circle in the form of his name, which led him to Amy and Rory, who waited all summer. However, he was then forced at gunpoint by their childhood friend Mels to take her to kill Hitler. He accidentally crashed the TARDIS into a humanoid ship called the Teselecta, piloted by the Justice Department, miniaturized time travelers wishing to punish Hitler for his crimes. Mels then revealed herself as Melody when she regenerated into a form the Doctor and his companions recognised as River Song after getting hit by stray bullet.

Left dying from an unexpected poisoned kiss, the Doctor kept the Teselecta from punishing Melody for his murder. He then learned from its records the Silence wanted him dead to keep "silence" from falling when the "first question" was answered; they were also a religion, not a species. He died after leaving Melody a message for River, but once she learned River was her, Melody used her remaining regenerations to revive him. He then left her in the best hospital in the universe to be treated, with the diary to record their adventures. Though he now knew of his death through a download from the Teselecta, the Doctor didn't tell his companions. (TV: Let's Kill Hitler)

Later travels with Amy and Rory

Seeing a cry for help on his psychic paper, the Doctor was led to visit a young boy named George, whose monsters were real. This led to George's father Alex being sucked into a doll house in the cupboard, along with the Doctor, Amy and Rory. It held peg dolls who had turned Amy into one of them to chase Rory. The Doctor realised George was an alien come to Alex and his wife as they could not have children; the doll house was where George put all his fears, but they were out of control. The Doctor forced George to face them and everyone escaped the doll house. The Doctor promised to check on George during puberty in case something else went awry. (TV: Night Terrors)

Checking his mail, the Doctor found a letter from his old friend, the Horse Lord of Karn (or Trevor as he liked to be called). This led the Doctor to the planet psychiatric hospital, Bedlam, where he discovered Trevor, along with many other species had their minds transferred into the empty ones of the servants of that time as part of a way to perfect the process for the terminaly ill or injured. Accidentally switching bodies with Amy, the Doctor managed to reverse the process and have the staff of Bedlam arrested. (COMIC: Body Snatched)

The Doctor decided his friends needed some time off and took them to the second most popular vacation spot in the universe, Apalapucia. Amy accidentally admitted herself into the Two Streams Facility for Chen-7, lethal to the Doctor but harmless to humans. The Doctor locked onto Amy's timestream thirty-six years later, and had to deal with her angry older self to rescue her younger self. He left the older Amy behind, erasing her timestream and replacing it with the past Amy. Rory, who felt he was becoming like the Doctor when it came to difficult decisions, was infuriated. (TV: The Girl Who Waited)

The TARDIS collided with a Rutan ship in the 13th century, which crashed on the future site of the Houses of Parliament. In stasis until 1605, it sent a distress call. The TARDIS responded and landed in London, where proximity to the crashed ship caused dimensional lesions throughout the city. With the town crier, Geoffrey Plum, the Doctor closed the lesions and infiltrated the ranks of the Gunpowder Plotters, led by Robert Catesby and the Rutan Elizabeth Winters. The Doctor learnt Winters would use the destruction of Parliament and death of King James I to allow her ship to take off. He put Parliament in orbit momentarily, and the Rutan ship took off. The Sontarans and Rutans fought over two missing doomsday weapons programmed to destroy the Sontaran race. The Doctor reprogrammed one to target the Rutan host, stalemating the Rutan-Sontaran War. After returning Parliament, he left Guy Fawkes inside a locked room filled with gunpowder, where King James' men came to arrest him. (GAME: The Gunpowder Plot)

The Doctor was puzzled when the TARDIS arrived in an alien structure based on a 1980s Earth hotel. He found an imprisoned creature feeding off the faith of those trapped with it after they found the room that contained their greatest fear. He failed to save most of the others trapped with them. Amy was next on the creature's menu as her faith in him was strong. To save her, the Doctor broke Amy's childish faith in her "Raggedy Doctor". This allowed the creature to die as it long wished. Realising his travels were becoming too dangerous for Amy and Rory, the Doctor returned them home. He promised Amy to tell River her parents wanted her to visit. (TV: The God Complex)

Prolonging the inevitable

Ending up at the North Pole by accident, the Doctor helped Santa Claus fight off robots wanting the presents. However, because the reindeer were injured during the skirmish, the Doctor took Santa in the TARDIS to deliver the presents, even leaving winning lottery numbers for a homeless child and mother. He received a new sonic screwdriver as his present, having burned out his old one to retreive the presents. When he delivered Amy and Rory's present, he relented just this once and wrote "Williams" on the gift tag, crossing out "Pond".(COMIC: Silent Knight)

Knowing his death was a fixed point in time, the Doctor went on a "farewell tour". (TV: Closing Time) He participated in many events, "waving" at Amy and Rory throughout history. Some of these escapades included being imprisoned in the Tower of London, only to escape via a hot air balloon; taking part in a breakout from a World War II POW camp, but quickly being recaptured; and appearing in a Laurel and Hardy film, under the name John Smith. He also had adventures with River Song: a trip to Easter Island, where he was adored, and a meeting with "Jim the Fish", who was still building his dam when the Doctor checked up on him. (TV: The Impossible Astronaut)

The Doctor sports the stetson Craig gave him. (TV: Closing Time)

At the end of his farewell tour 194 years later, the Doctor visited Craig. By then Craig and Sophie had had a son, Alfie. The Doctor noticed power fluctuations, which prevented him from seeing the Alignment of Exodor. With Craig's help, the Doctor discovered six Cybermen rebuilding their ranks by converting kidnapped people with spare parts and using Cybermats to drain the city's power. Although Craig nearly became their new Cyber-Controller, his love for Alfie made the Cybermen overload and explode. The Doctor used the last of his free time to repair damages to Craig's home caused during their adventure. As he walked towards the TARDIS, he saw three children and briefly spoke to them. At the Luna University, in the 52nd century, River read from their witness accounts that he seemed "happy, but sad." (TV: Closing Time)

Cheating death and marriage

Before going to his death, the Doctor wanted to know why. After finding Dorium Maldovar's still-living head following his decapitation at Demon's Run, the Doctor learned that the Silence wanted him dead out of fear of him answering the question only he knew the answer to: "Doctor Who?" He then decided against continuing his farewell tour once he learned of the Brigadier's passing. After asking the Teselecta captain to deliver the four letters to his past self, River, Amy and Rory, and Canton, the Doctor was asked if there was anything else they could do. Acting on a most brilliant idea, the Doctor had himself and the TARDIS miniaturised and taken into the Teselecta, while it took on his appearance and mannerisms.

At Lake Silencio, Utah, on April 22, 2011 at 5:02 pm, River Song, in an astronaut suit, emerged from the lake. Instead of shooting, River emptied the suit's weapon system. This caused time to collapse, making the date and time always 22 April 2011, 5:02 PM; the only way to reverse the damage was for both of them to touch long enough so time could resume and his "death" could occur.

After he was brought to Area 52, the Doctor met a group led by Amy, trying to restart time without killing him. However, numerous Silents attacked the base to kill the Doctor themselves, forcing him to marry River and reveal the charade. Now that she knew the Teselecta would be shot and not him, River kissed the robot, allowing time to revert to Lake Silencio, Utah, April 22, 2011, 5:02 pm; every living thing in the Universe was saved, and the Doctor "died".

Amy cries over the "Doctor's" body. (TV: The Impossible Astronaut)

After his fake funeral, the Doctor visited Dorium and told him he would "return to the shadows" and visit his wife often, at night. Dorium warned him about the "fall of the eleventh", the "oldest question in the universe", and that when the question was asked, silence must fall. However, the Doctor simply paid him no mind and seemed pleased when Dorium repeated the question. (TV: The Wedding of River Song)

Travels alone

Soon after, the Doctor ended up tracing the source of a temporal disturbances to the four scattered pieces of a powerful artefact known as the Eternity Clock, which sought to be reassembled and threatened to destroy all reality. To help him, the Doctor called in River and went through four different time periods in Earth's history to retrieve the pieces, defeating Cybermen, Silurians, Silents and Daleks, each who wanted a piece to fuel their own diabolical plots. Once the clock was assembled, it began recording and even trying to rewrite fixed points in time. Adding on to the insanity, the clock towed the TARDIS away to an unknown location with both of them inside for the ride. (GAME: The Eternity Clock)

In 1938, the Doctor boarded a spaceship about to attack Earth. He called Amy in the TARDIS, but realised she couldn't fly the TARDIS, he didn't have the co-ordinates and she had left the TARDIS long ago. He said, "Merry Christmas, Amelia" and blew up the ship. (WC: Prequel (The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe)) He escaped in an impact suit facing the wrong way round, and crashed in a field in England. Madge Arwell was bicycling by and helped him find his 'police box'. To repay her kindess, the Doctor told Madge to make a wish to him and he would do the best he could to make the wish come true.

The Doctor cries after being reunited with the Ponds. (TV: The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe)

On Christmas Eve 1941, the Doctor received Madge's wish and did his best to ensure her children, Cyril and Lily, had a great Christmas. However, things went wrong when a present he gave them, a time portal to a planet in the year 5345, was opened prematurely by Cyril. This led him on an adventure to save the life force of the forest with Madge's help by acting as a "mothership" to transport them through the time vortex. Madge had accidentally brought her husband, Reg, through the Vortex as well, leading to the rumour he had been shot down over the English Channel. Upon trying to leave, the Doctor was ordered by Madge to spend time with his family. This led the Doctor to having Christmas dinner with his parents-in-law, Amy and Rory, in 2013. (TV: The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe)

Despite what was a somewhat tearful reunion (for the Doctor), he apparently continued travelling on his own afterwards, but kept in contact with his in-laws by phoning them occasionally to let them know how he was doing, or even briefly dropping in. On one occasion, he visited them in the middle of the night, asking for their help; however, he found the Helmic regulator had malfunctioned (again) and brought him to earlier versions of the Ponds that didn't know what he was talking about. The Doctor wished them good-night and went to get their older selves for help.

On his travels he visited Florinall 9 where he escaped Sontarans, met up with Mata Hari in Paris (whom he considered an "interesting woman"), sang backup vocals for an album and went crashing into ancient Greece. During another visit, he accidentally deposited an Ood with them for a time. having saved it from the Androvax Conflict. He later returned to collect the Ood, which had been acting as Amy and Rory's butler, explaining it must have escaped the TARDIS during his previous visit. He intended to drop the creature off at the Ood Sphere. Returning the Ood to its true home and its people, he continued travelling.

During these adventures the Doctor erased himself from every database in the universe as part of his return to the shadows so that no one had ever heard of him. (TV: Dinosaurs on a Spaceship, The Angels Take Manhattan) However, it would seem he didn't remove UNIT's records of him, (TV: The Power of Three) and despite his efforts, new records would pile up over the centuries; River Song read files on him at the Luna University, and the Church would know of him as well. (TV: Closing Time, The Time of Angels, A Good Man Goes to War)

The Doctor "accidentally" inventing pasta. (WC: Pond Life)

During some more adventures, the Doctor rode a horse though an 18th Century Coventry, as well as possibly thinking he "accidentally invented Pasta." He also changed the bulb on top the TARDIS. The Doctor stopped by the Ponds' house while it was raining, but no one was home. Leaving a message detailing these latest travels, the Doctor decided to use his sonic screwdriver to delete it; he believed that he could not get ahold of them because they were having some trouble of their own. Unbeknownst to him, Amy had recently left Rory, kicking him out, and was wishing the Doctor would come and visit, because they needed his help. (WC: Pond Life)

Final adventures with the Ponds

In a dream, the Doctor was enjoying tea and Jammie Dodgers before a cloaked figure ordered him to go to Skaro. (WC: Asylum of the Daleks Prequel) Doing so, the Doctor fell into a trap set by the Parliament of the Daleks, who captured him along with Amy and Rory. Because a ship crash-landed on the Dalek Asylum, the shield was in danger of failing and letting the inmates out; even the Daleks feared this. Ordered to switch off the shield so the planet could be destroyed, they were fired through the shield. Searching for a way to escape and let the Daleks destroy their insane kin, they ran from both Dalek puppets and the inmates; he blew up the latter. He saved Amy from being converted into a puppet by replacing her protective bracelet with his own without her knowledge as he didn't need it; this helped her and Rory work out their problems.

Showing continued fondness for unusual hats, the Doctor takes Amy and Rory to Ancient Egypt. (COMIC: Assimilation²)

With the help of Oswin, a survivor of the crash, the Daleks' memories of the Doctor were wiped from the Path Web, the Daleks' shared information network. The Doctor tried to take Oswin with them, but found she'd been converted into a Dalek; she retreated into her mind to retain her humanity. Honouring Oswin's wish for him to remember her, the Doctor teleported away with the Ponds as the shields were lowered; the asylum was destroyed. The Doctor landed them in the TARDIS, which was held on the Parliament's ship, and taunted the Daleks; confused about who he was now, the Daleks chanted the Question over and over. He left Amy and Rory back home; they had now reconciled their relationship. (TV: Asylum of the Daleks)

After rescuing Egypt from giant alien locusts, Queen Nefertiti came onto the Doctor, following him into the TARDIS when he received an alert from the ISA in 2367. He collected John Riddell, Amy, Rory and, unwittingly, Rory's father Brian to investigate a ship that would reach Earth in six hours. Upon entering, they found it contained dinosaurs. They encountered a man named Solomon, who killed all the Silurians on the ship and forced the Doctor to repair his legs (which had been damaged badly by dinosaurs) so he could make off with the cargo. However, because the ISA launched missiles and Solomon's ship was too small for dinosaurs, the greedy pirate took Nefertiti instead as she was just as valuable as any of the reptiles.

The Doctor briefly magnetised the ark, preventing Solomon from departing long enough for him to retrieve Neffy and place the ark's signal in Solomon's ship; the missiles launched by ISA destroyed Solomon instead of the ark. The ark was piloted to safety and everyone was returned home. The Doctor also took the dinosaurs to a new planet, which he named after the species that originally saved them, Siluria. The Doctor also gave Brian a sense of adventure, inspiring him to travel Earth after seeing it from space. He and Brian travelled together at least one more time, when he took Brian to Siluria. (TV: Dinosaurs on a Spaceship)

Attempting to take his in-laws to Mexico's Day of the Dead festival, the Doctor ended up in 1870 Mercy, Nevada. Mercy was under siege by the Kahler cyborg Kahler-Tek, also known as the Gunslinger. Tek was after scientist Kahler-Jex, whom the townsfolk had taken in, and had cut off supply deliveries. The Doctor learnt Jex experimented on his people to create living weapons to win a long war; he became Mercy's doctor in repentance. Tek was a "subject" who regained his sense of self, killing the scientists that experimented on him in revenge. While having no interest in the town, he warned the Doctor he would start killing if Jex wasn't handed over.

The Doctor as the marshal of Mercy, Nevada. (TV: A Town Called Mercy)

Tired of the innocents getting hurt due to his mercy, the enraged Doctor nearly handed Jex over to Tek, only to be talked down by Amy. Mercy's marshal Isaac was accidentally killed when he pushed Jex out of the path of Tek's weapon. In his dying breath, Isaac made the Doctor marshal. Distraught by what he'd done, Tek made a bluff: hand Jex over by noon the next day or the town would be destroyed. In a duel, the Doctor distracted Tek and Jex escaped to his ship. Jex, feeling guilt for the experiments he conducted, committed suicide by blowing up his ship. The Doctor talked Tek out of self-destructing, instead having him become the new protector of Mercy. (TV: A Town Called Mercy)

The Doctor discovered a strange occurrence on Earth during Amy and Rory's time; black cubes had appeared all over Earth. Since they seemed harmless and he lacked the patience to stick around, the Doctor left to go on some solo adventures to "restore sanity". He entrusted Brian with the task of keeping an eye on the cubes. He returned on the Ponds' anniversary, and as his gift, took them to the Savoy Hotel. However, half the staff were Zygon imposters, whose ship was under the hotel. Also, Amy accidentally got married to King Henry VIII. By the time seven weeks of failed anniversary trips had passed, the Doctor returned Amy and Rory to exact day they left. He was questioned by Brian as to what happened to his old companions, making the Doctor grow fearful once more about his in-laws.

The Doctor and the Ponds eat fish custard during his stay. (TV: The Power of Three)

Wishing to spend more time with the Ponds, the Doctor decided to watch the cubes with them. A year after the cubes appeared, they finally activated, behaving in unusual manner. Kate Stewart, head of scientific research at UNIT and the daughter of the Brigadier, summoned the Doctor and Amy to UNIT to investigate the cubes. The cubes released an electric pulse that stopped the hearts of a third of humanity. The Doctor traced the cubes to the Shakri, who wished to wipe out the "plague" of humanity before they could colonise space. He reversed the electric pulse, restarting the hearts of those affected, blowing up the Shakri ship in the process. On Brian's urging, the Doctor took his in-laws back as full-time companions, as travelling with him was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. (TV: The Power of Three)

Losing family again

In 2012 Manhattan, Rory was transported to 1938 by the Weeping Angels while he was looking for coffee. While the Doctor read Melody Malone to Amy, they realised it was written by River; it was also about the events happening "then". Improvising "landing lights", the Doctor landed in the time energy-saturated era, though Rory had already been transported to Winter Quay by baby Angels. After learning from the book's chapter titles that Amy would leave for good, the Doctor desperately tried changing the future, starting with telling River not to break her wrist to escape being held by an Angel. The Doctor was distressed when she did so, healing it with a little regeneration energy. Searching for Rory in the Quay, they found him in a room where an old Rory died before their eyes. The Doctor realised the Angels took over Manhattan and transported people into the past, trapping them in the Quay to feed every time they tried escaping. To prevent the Angels from taking Rory, Amy and he jumped off the roof, creating a paradox that destroyed the Angels.

The Doctor wears Amy's reading glasses as he contemplates losing her to the Angels (TV: The Angels Take Manhattan)

The Doctor, Rory, Amy and River ended up in a New York graveyard in 2012, alive. Relieved, they decided to go on a family outing, but before they entered the TARDIS, Rory found his own grave and was sent back by a surviving Angel. Amy, devastated, allowed the Angel to touch her, sending her to Rory. This caused a fixed point where the Doctor couldn't rescue them. Rory's grave changed to reflect Amy's death, both of them as an old man and woman. Completely devastated, the Doctor asked River to travel with him. She told him she would go anywhere with him but not on a full-time basis. She also informed him she promised to have Amy add an afterword to her yet-to-be-written book when she sent it to her for publishing. The Doctor raced out to get the book's last page, which he previously tore out. He found a message from Amy saying she and Rory loved him, and had lived a long and happy life. She asked him to go back and tell her younger self of their adventures as well as to find a new companion. (TV: The Angels Take Manhattan)


A darker, "retired" Doctor. (TV: The Great Detective)

However, despite keeping his promise to tell Amy's younger self about the future adventures she would have, the Doctor appeared unable to fullfill her other wish: finding a new companion. The despair from losing her and Rory led the Doctor to eventually retire from his constant adventuring, much to the dismay of others, in Victorian England. (TV: The Great Detective) To ensure that he would have solitude, the Doctor parked the TARDIS on a cloud; he also changed the interior of the control room. (TV: The Snowmen) As they lived in the same time period as him now, Vastra, Jenny Flint, and Strax tried constantly to get the old Doctor back by explaining weird happenings that could pique his interest. However, most of them were unimportant or mediocre, and no matter how often the Doctor told them he had retired, they kept trying. (TV: The Great Detective)

Not exactly happy, jolly souls

The Doctor soon began investigating the snow in London, which had a telepathic quality to it. It meant that the snow could remember, and could even form imitations of other things. The Doctor met a woman named Clara Oswald one day while searching London. Clara grew a fast attachment to him, both out of curiosity of who he was and what the snow was. Clara was able to convince the Doctor to help investigate a pond at a house she was governing for, only for them to discover that the previous governess, who had died in the pool and had been trapped when it froze, had come back as an ice duplication. With the help of Vastra, Strax and Jenny, the Doctor was able to stop their enemy, but it cost Clara her life as she was killed by the Ice Governess just after the Doctor gave her a TARDIS key.

The Doctor faced the man controlling the Ice Governess and the Snowmen, Dr. Walter Simeon; he erased Simeon's memories by letting a Memory worm bite him. Doing so allowed the Doctor to discover the real mastermind was an entity that absorbed Simeon's darkest thoughts and desires; it had evolved enough to out-live Simeon, but the telepathic snow caused the grief those felt for Clara's death to defeat it. During Clara's funeral, the Doctor learned that the entity was the Great Intelligence he fought in his second life. Reading Clara's gravestone shocked the Doctor; it said Clara Oswin Oswald. Recognising her as the same woman he had met in the Dalek Asylum the elated Doctor set off to find his new companion, convinced that there was third version of her somewhere in the Universe. (TV: The Snowmen)

Undated events

  • For his first night with River, the Doctor planned to take her to Calderon Beta to see the starriest night in all of history. However, he had to deal with future versions of her that appeared in the TARDIS and send them away before they met each other. He also met his future self when getting rid of the third River, learning it was their last date from his future self's perspective. (HOMEVID: First Night/Last Night)
  • At one point, he was at a party with River and got caught up in trying to turn a goldfish back into a queen. Amy tried to talk to him, but he ignored her and found he had the wrong fish. (HOMEVID: Bad Night)
  • Finally listening to Amy complain about how she could remember two different timelines, the Doctor took her to 1994 to replace an ice cream she lost as a kid; they attend the fair then. (HOMEVID: Good Night)
  • At some point, he bought a street in New York in Amy's name to get the best burgers in all of history for free. He even suggested a new burger, which he called "The Doctor Burger".(PROSE: The Forgotten Army) Oddly, he suggested bacon be a part of it, despite claiming it could poison him. (TV: The Eleventh Hour)
  • At some point, the Doctor and Amy encountered a king who had a robot duplicate of himself. While initially thinking that the robot had lost its head, it turned out the be the actual king; the Doctor somehow managed to reattach his head while keeping him alive. (TV: The Doctor's Wife)
  • The Doctor attended the funeral of Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart with his other incarnations. (PROSE: The Gift)
  • The Doctor saved young Lorna Bucket's life from an alien by telling her to "run" and "vanquished" the alien using a shield and a cable. (PROSE: Lorna's Escape)
  • He attended a party at Frank Sinatra's hunting lodge with both his friends, Albert Einstein and Santa Claus (or "Geoff" as he's come to know him). They took a picture together. (TV: A Christmas Carol)
  • He used a Time Lord trick by stopping both his hearts, which confused a computer in Terminal 4000. He has tried this many times to deceive his survival. (PROSE: Terminal of Despair)
  • The Doctor accidentally landed the TARDIS right in the middle of the track at the 2012 Olympics, where he prevented a Weeping Angel from stealing the torch and ruining the games. The grateful torch runner gave the Doctor his own gold medal as thanks. (TV: Good as Gold)

Psychological profile


The eleventh incarnation was energetic, lively, eccentric, and very alien compared to his previous incarnation. He was resourceful and quick-thinking, able to spin things to his point of view and find positive outlooks in negative situations, much like his previous incarnation. (TV: The Eleventh Hour) When things looked bleakest, he liked to have those around him focus on survival. (TV: A Christmas Carol)

When thinking about how to solve a problem, this Doctor blocked out all outside distractions, even his companions' comments. He told Amy, "You're dying, shut up" so he could concentrate on working out how to save her. (TV: Flesh and Stone)

This incarnation also believed that "patience is for wimps!" (TV: The Power of Three) Unlike most of his predecessors, this Doctor had to stay busy because he'd lose his mind out of boredom. (HOMEVID: Bad Night, Good Night, TV: Vincent and the Doctor, The Power of Three)

Much like his second incarnation, he showed a childlike recklessness, but always had a grand scheme behind his actions. He was often smug, occasionally boastful. (TV: The Time of Angels) The smugness he showed was described by Amy as being frightening. (TV: The God Complex) This incarnation of the Doctor was very kind to and admired by children for his eccentric, tender, playful and childlike personality. One child described him as funny. (TV: The Eleventh Hour, et. al.) He showed a great deal of compassion for children, unable to resist helping if one was upset or scared. (TV: The Beast Below, The Hungry Earth/Cold Blood, Night Terrors)

He thought aloud when he was panicking or stressed. (TV: The Pandorica Opens) The Eleventh tended to babble about what he knew about a current situation to come up with a plan, (TV: The Eleventh Hour, The Hungry Earth, et. al.) believing that he would have one when he finished talking. (TV: Flesh and Stone) He also disliked being around people who were too slow to figure things out. (TV: The Lodger, The Big Bang, Day of the Moon, The Almost People, Night Terrors, Closing Time, The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe)

The Doctor showed arrogance at times, telling Amy, "Time is not the boss of me" (TV: The Time of Angels) and "You don't ever decide what I need to know". (TV: The Beast Below) He often praised or congratulated himself on an extraordinary plan. (TV: The Eleventh Hour) Much like his seventh self, he was often manipulative, putting elaborate plans in place and executing them, even if the plans emotionally hurt his loved ones. (TV: The Girl Who Waited, The Wedding of River Song)

The Eleventh Doctor was very hostile to the Daleks, much like his predecessors, saying they were the worst things in creation and attacking one to provoke it into revealing its true nature. (TV: Victory of the Daleks) He was also disgusted when he learned the Daleks considered hatred to be beautiful, having previously thought they had "run out of ways to make me sick". However the Doctor genuinely felt sorry for Oswin Oswald after he realised that she had been turned into a Dalek and although he told her that she was no longer human he still treated her like one due to the fact she retained her humanity. He was grateful to her for allowing him and his friends to escape and reluctant to leave her behind only doing so when she ordered him to run. (TV: Asylum of the Daleks)

The Eleventh Doctor, like his predecessors, still preferred to settle problems through negotiation rather than violence, but could be ruthless at times like his tenth incarnation. (TV: Day of the Moon, Dinosaurs on a Spaceship) The Doctor also exhibited arrogance and ruthlessness in his later years that turned to righteous anger that struck out at those who committed horrific acts. (TV: A Town Called Mercy) As part of this, he seemed to lose his predessor's aversion to guns, using one to shoot a gravity globe and holding one on Kahler-Jex to force him to surrender to the Gunslinger, though in their "duel," he used his sonic screwdriver instead though he did carry a gun at the time and throughout the episode. (TV: The Time of Angels, A Town Called Mercy)

When the Eleventh Doctor interrogated Alaya, he demonstrated that he still felt the loneliness of being the last of his kind. (TV: The Hungry Earth) In a bubble universe, the Doctor was given a ray of hope that he wasn't the last of the Time Lords. When it turned out that he was indeed the last, he began to cry. He also desired on some level to be forgiven for what he had done in the Time War. This incarnation of the Doctor had an intense sadness that was almost an exhausted pain, as though his hearts had taken too much strain over the years. (TV: The Doctor's Wife)

The Eleventh Doctor had a tendency towards self-loathing for his actions. He was able to realise that the Dream Lord was an aspect of his unconscious because "Nobody in the universe could hate me as much as I do." (TV: Amy's Choice) When the TARDIS created a holographic interface in his image, he told the computer to show someone he liked; he then rejected images of Rose Tyler, Martha Jones, and Donna Noble, stating, "There must be someone's life I haven't screwed up yet!" (TV: Let's Kill Hitler) He hated himself for being merciful due to the deaths that always followed, seeing that victims of the Master and the Daleks could have been saved if he hadn't been so kind. (TV: A Town Called Mercy) While his previous incarnation had viewed his pending regeneration with much dread, not wanting to "die", the Eleventh Doctor viewed the possibility of regeneration due to being poisoned as "not so bad." (TV: Let's Kill Hitler)

This incarnation was usually selfless, willing to sacrifice himself for his friends or for the greater good. He closed the cracks in time although he knew he would end up on the wrong side and be erased from reality. (TV: The Big Bang) Despite this, he thought that he was not a good man. (TV: A Good Man Goes to War) His arrogance was a façade to hide his insecurities. He felt guilty over ruining his companions' lives. (TV: Let's Kill Hitler, The God Complex) Even while companions from his previous lives were no longer with him, the Doctor still cared a great deal about them; he sought out Jo to keep the promise he made in his third incarnation, and was saddened enough by news of the Brigadier's death to give up his Farewell Tour. (TV: Death of the Doctor, The Wedding of River Song) Despite his willingness to sacrifice himself, and the fact that he cared deeply about his companions, the Doctor admitted that he could be selfish at times, telling Amy that he had taken her with him because he was vain and wanted to be adored. (TV: The God Complex, Closing Time)

While initially shocked by River's romantic advances, (TV: Day of the Moon) he eventually enjoyed them and started flirting with her in return. When "he" married her, he used the Teselecta in his form to kiss her passionately. He visited her frequently after the wedding. (TV: The Wedding of River Song) He also made sure that he looked good before seeing her, making "final checks," (TV: The Angels Take Manhattan) and enjoyed touching and kissing her although their first kiss (in the Doctor's timeline) was awkward. He also used some of his regeneration energy to heal her wrist when she broke it. (TV: Day of the Moon, The Angels Take Manhattan)

He also showed great sympathy for those who had suffered terribly at the hands of others. When he and Amy found the Tower of London he used his screwdriver to let the humans hear the Star Whale's screams of agony and despite reservations felt that lobotomising the creature was the only way to end its pain and keep the ship running. (TV: The Beast Below) When he discovered the true reason behind Kahler-Tek's hostilities towards Kahler-Jex, he was at first enraged with Jex and even tried to sacrifice him to the cyborg but was talked out of it by Amy. After that he tried to find a peaceful resolution and convinced Tek that he still had a reason to live even after Jex committed suicide. (TV: A Town Called Mercy)

Because Amy, Rory and River gave him what he missed, a family, he was very protective of them. (TV: Asylum of the Daleks - The Angels Take Manhattan) Thus he was completely devastated when Amy and Rory were made unreachable by the Weeping Angels. (TV: The Angels Take Manhattan). After this, the Doctor became very depressed and decided that he didn't want to continue with his life as an adventurer and retired. (TV: The Great Detective)

This Doctor appeared to greatly dislike the "Chicken Dance", even grimicing upon hearing it. (TV: The Power of Three) He seemed to also not mind messes, especialy in his TARDIS; Amy and Rory's laundry littered one of the stairways at one point while they were playing darts. (TV: The Rebel Flesh) He also found "Shenanigans" to be a beautiful word. (TV: The Almost People)

Habits and quirks

The Eleventh Doctor had incredible eyesight and an eidetic memory. He could scan an entire scene and pick out tiny details. He encouraged his companions to do the same. (TV: The Eleventh Hour, The Beast Below, A Christmas Carol, Let's Kill Hitler) He also took a liking to people who were very observant and good at making deductions like himself, such as Rita. (TV: The God Complex)

He talked with his hands and calculated with gestures. (TV: Flesh and Stone) He spun in circles when walking if showing off or needing time to think. (TV: The Eleventh Hour, The Vampires of Venice, Night Terrors) Occasionally, he uttered malapropisms. (TV: The Time of Angels, The Vampires of Venice) He rambled, making rapid amendments to his speech, sounding like he was talking nonsense. (TV: The Time of Angels, The Vampires of Venice, A Christmas Carol, The Almost People, A Good Man Goes to War, Night Terrors)

He has the occasional habit of bopping someone on the head when they do something stupid (in this case, Rory Williams), (TV: Amy's Choice, The Rebel Flesh) or holding someone's head when attempting to console them. (TV: Cold Blood, The Almost People)

Despite originally seeing his physical appearance as rubbish, (TV: The Eleventh Hour) this Doctor appeared to like how he looked as he admired himself in a mirror more than once. (TV: The Vampires of Venice, Vincent and the Doctor, The Lodger, Night Terrors) However, he became annoyed when someone else looked in a mirror, though it was when his companions were in danger. (TV: The Doctor's Wife)

The Eleventh Doctor liked fish custard (TV: The Eleventh Hour) and Jammie Dodgers, (TV: Victory of the Daleks, The Impossible Astronaut) but disliked drinking any kind of wine. (TV: The Lodger, The Impossible Astronaut). Though he originally hated apples, (TV: The Eleventh Hour) the Doctor seemed to begin liking them. (TV: The God Complex)

He was fond of hats and often tried to find one to wear. Such hats included a top hat, (PROSE: Paradox Lost, TV: The Big Bang, Let's Kill Hitler), a fez (TV: The Big Bang, A Christmas Carol, The Impossible Astronaut, Death is the Only Answer) and a Stetson. (TV: The Impossible Astronaut, Closing Time, The Wedding of River Song)

He wore bowties, often insisting, "Bowties are cool", usually when Amy recommended getting rid of it. (TV: The Eleventh Hour, Vincent and the Doctor, The Lodger, The Almost People, A Good Man Goes to War) After losing Amy and Rory to the Weeping Angels, (TV: The Angels Take Manhattan) the Doctor stopped wearing bowties. (TV: The Great Detective) However, he soon resumed wearing them after meeting Clara Oswald. (TV: The Snowmen)

He usually referred to things as "cool"; said things were generally unpopular. Amongst them were his bow ties, fezzes, (TV: The Big Bang) Stetsons, (TV: The Impossible Astronaut) Apollo technology, (TV: Day of the Moon) bunk beds (TV: The Doctor's Wife) and glasses. (TV: The Girl Who Waited) The Doctor used analogies of what higher technology or people could be compared to and would then change his mind, saying that the comparisons were not like that at all. (TV: Flesh and Stone, The Vampires of Venice, Amy's Choice, The Hungry Earth, The Big Bang, Space, The Doctor's Wife, The Girl Who Waited) He had also showed an interest in knitting, or learning to knit. (TV: The Impossible Astronaut, The Wedding of River Song)

Like his predecessor's repetition of the word, "What", when confused, the Eleventh Doctor would repeat, "No", if something went horribly wrong, or say it as a warning. (TV: The Eleventh Hour, Victory of the Daleks, Vincent and the Doctor, Night Terrors, The Wedding of River Song) He also displayed a liking for the word, "Geronimo," often exclaiming it when diving into a new or unexpected situation, although he also used it on occasion as a word of approval for a set of clothes Amy gave him. (TV: The End of Time, The Eleventh Hour, The Beast Below, The Big Bang, The Wedding of River Song)

"Hi, honey. I'm home." (TV: The Big Bang)

Occasionally, the Doctor would tease or flirt with River Song, annoying onlookers. (TV: The Time of Angels / Flesh and Stone, The Big Bang, The Impossible Astronaut, Day of the Moon, Let's Kill Hitler, The Wedding of River Song) However, despite being husband and wife, the Doctor could still be hostile towards River at times when her refusal to listen to him would end up costing people their lives. (TV: Let's Kill Hitler, The Wedding of River Song)

He had a habit of referring to his companions by surname, much as his first incarnation had with Ian Chesterton, though this was a sign of affection rather than to annoy his companions. (TV: The Big Bang, A Christmas Carol, The Impossible Astronaut, TV: Death of the Doctor)

He also, like the First and Sixth Doctors, disliked being called Doc. (PROSE: The King's Dragon)

This incarnation also got distracted easily. Sometimes it pertained to something only he found fascinating, even disregarding important matters. His companions noticed this and tried to make sure he wasn't. (TV: The Eleventh Hour, Victory of the Daleks, Vampires of Venice, Amy's Choice, The Hungry Earth, Cold Blood, The Lodger, The Big Bang, A Christmas Carol, The Curse of the Black Spot, The Doctor's Wife, The Rebel Flesh, Let's Kill Hitler, The God Complex)

When facing a personal problem, a sense of honour or when seeing a situation as too dangerous for his companions, the Doctor would demand they return to the TARDIS or would leave them in the safest place possible. At times, he would trick them into doing so or have someone else return them home. (TV: Victory of the Daleks, The Time of Angels, The Vampires of Venice, The Doctor's Wife, A Good Man Goes to War)

The Eleventh Doctor could analyse objects by taste or smell. (TV: The Eleventh Hour, The Time of Angels, The Hungry Earth, Day of the Moon) Like his previous and Fourth incarnations, he took random objects from his pockets to assist him in a situation although some of them made little sense (TV: Victory of the Daleks, The Vampires of Venice, The Hungry Earth / Cold Blood, The Rebel Flesh) He still relied on his psychic paper, though to a lesser extent than his previous incarnation. (TV: The Eleventh Hour, The Vampires of Venice, The Hungry Earth, Vincent and the Doctor, The Lodger, A Christmas Carol, The Rebel Flesh, Night Terrors)

This Doctor showed the ability to quiet a crowd simply by saying the word "hush" although it is unknown if this was because of his personality or some form of telepathy. (TV: Closing Time)

Much like his previous incarnation, he felt his age when it took him a longer time to figure things out. (TV: Vincent and the Doctor) Because of his age, he was sometimes pessimistic looking at the negative things about life. (TV: Closing Time) However, he admitted he could see the positive things with help from companions. (HOMEVID: Meanwhile in the TARDIS)

He also had an apparent affinity for Earth pop culture, much like his previous incarnation, striking up friendships with the likes of Frank Sinatra (TV: A Christmas Carol), appearing with the Anglo-American comedy duo Laurel and Hardy in a movie (TV: Let's Kill Hitler), and even recording backing vocals for a rap singer. He also at one point had a dalliance with iconic early-20th century spy Mata Hari. (WC: Pond Life)

Not always the hero. (TV: A Good Man Goes to War)

Despite his dislike of looking back on his previous lives, the eleventh was perfectly comfortable with mementos of his past. (TV: Vincent and the Doctor, TV: Death of the Doctor, GAME: TARDIS)

Other information

Skills and abilities

The Doctor was a brilliant strategist, able to defeat a whole army, apart from the Headless Monks, in the Battle of Demon's Run in only three minutes and forty two seconds (just two seconds longer than he had estimated). Although he rarely got into combat personally, his name was translated to "Mighty Warrior" by the people of the Gamma Forests, although this might be due to his brilliant strategic abilities rather than his physical skills. (TV: A Good Man Goes to War) He was also an extremely good detective, being able to notice tiny details that most people would miss. This talent also allowed him to anticipate how Melody Pond would attempt to assassinate him although after several failed attempts Melody managed to poison him with a kiss. (TV: The Eleventh Hour, The Beast Below, A Christmas Carol, Let's Kill Hitler, Asylum of the Daleks) During his retirement however, his detective skills seemed to have grown rusty from lack of use. (TV: The Snowmen)The Eleventh Doctor could also analyse objects by taste or smell, similar to his previous and fifth incarnations. (TV: The Eleventh Hour, The Time of Angels, The Hungry Earth, Day of the Moon)

Unlike his previous incarnation, the Doctor was willing to use a gun, using one to escape from the Weeping Angels (TV: Flesh and Stone) and to threaten Kahler-Jex. He was also shown to be able to draw a gun swiftly, despite his dislike of violence. (TV: A Town Called Mercy) On one occasion the Doctor was also seen using a spear which he wielded to defend himself from Silents. (TV: The Wedding of River Song)

The Doctor was also shown to be good at using his legs and feet, which could explain why he was always so relieved to know that he still had them. (TV: The End of Time, The Big Bang) He was extremely talented at football, despite previously getting it mixed up with other games. He was also able to knock over a Dalek Puppet with a kick whilst he and Amy were fleeing from them. (TV: The Lodger, Asylum of the Daleks)

The Doctor still possessed his amazing mechanical skills, being able to build a replacement TARDIS out of the remains of destroyed TARDIS'. He was also able to make a device that allowed him to swap his biology with another individual, allowing him to transport himself to Earth without the TARDIS although this also caused Clyde Langer to be sent to another planet. (TV: The Doctor's Wife, Death of the Doctor)

The Doctor still had the ability to regenerate, although his regenerations were temporarily disabled when River Song poisoned him. His regeneration energy returned after River used her regenerations to bring him back to life, as seen when he healed River's broken wrist after she escaped from a Weeping Angel's grip. (TV: Let's Kill Hitler, The Angels Take Manhattan)

The Doctor could also use telepathy but while the last Doctor only needed to put his hands on someone's head to use telepathy, (TV: The Girl in the Fireplace, The Shakespeare Code, Journey's End) this Doctor had to headbutt Craig Owens to transfer his memories into his mind; however, he was in a hurry at the time. (TV: The Lodger) Even more interesting, while the Tenth could surpress/erase Donna Noble's memories of him (TV: Journey's End), the Eleventh planned to use a Memory worm to erase Clara Oswald's memories of him. This could mean he's less skilled with telepathy than his predessesor, or that he lacked enough concern to erase her memories himeself. (TV: The Snowmen) This Doctor has also shown the ability to quiet a crowd simply by saying the word "hush", much to the wonderment of Craig Owens, who believed it to be a form of hypnosis. He seemed to lie about it only working once "on lifeforms with underdeveloped brains", which included adult humans, as he shushed Kelly mutiple times. (TV: Closing Time) The Doctor also had the ability to open the TARDIS with a snap of his fingers, most likely because of his strong bond with it. (TV: The Eleventh Hour, Day of the Moon)


This incarnation had long, dark hair which initially made him believe himself female. He confirmed that he wasn't by his Adam’s apple, but was annoyed his regeneration had not made him ginger as he wished to have been in his previous incarnation. He had softer features then his tenth incarnation, with a large chin, which his TARDIS found hilarious, and green eyes. Upon inspecting his nose, the Doctor commmented, "I've had worse". (TV: The End of Time) He claimed his feet were size 10, but quite wide, when asking for a replacement pair of shoes. (TV: The Rebel Flesh) He occasionally, when imprisoned, grew a scruffy beard, which he always shaved off as soon as possible. (TV: Day of the Moon, The Wedding of River Song)


The Doctor wears his new clothes for the first time. (TV: The Eleventh Hour)

The eleventh incarnation stole his clothing from the staff room of a hospital. The outfit consisted of a plain brown tweed jacket with elbow patches, a dress shirt, a bow tie, braces, a gold wrist watch, rolled up navy-blue trousers and black boots. He would change the colour of his shirt, bow tie and braces from burgundy to blue. (TV: The Eleventh Hour)

His second jacket was checked (TV: Victory of the Daleks, The Time of Angels / Flesh and Stone) though he lost it while escaping from Weeping Angels aboard the Byzantium. (TV: Flesh and Stone) After that he resumed wearing his first jacket. (TV: The Vampires of Venice)

This Doctor was fond of hats. While in the National Museum, he found a fez he liked a lot, and found quite cool. It was later removed by Amy and destroyed by River Song. (TV: The Big Bang) He looked for another, which he found and wore during a trip with Kazran Sardick and Abigail Pettigrew. (TV: The Impossible Astronaut, A Christmas Carol) He received a Stetson hat from Craig Owens, which he wore for his "death" in America. He later wore a different one while Marshall of Mercy, but he gave it to Kahler-Tek upon making him the new Marshall. (TV: Closing Time, The Wedding of River Song, A Town Called Mercy) He wore a top hat at least twice, once at Amy and Rory's wedding, (TV: The Big Bang) once after having been poisoned by River. (TV: Let's Kill Hitler)

This incarnation had an occasional fondness for extremely formal attire, as when he neared his death in Berlin. (TV: Let's Kill Hitler)

While attending Amy and Rory's wedding, the Doctor wore a formal tailcoat with a white bow tie, white scarf, and a black top hat. (TV: The Big Bang) He wore it again when confronting the Teselecta, along with a sonic cane. (TV: Let's Kill Hitler)

While travelling with the married couple, the Doctor wore a new tweed jacket with a faint striped pattern, a checked shirt with a burgundy bow tie and braces, new black trousers and new boots. He would vary the design of his shirt and tie. While visiting Abigail Pettigrew every Christmas Eve, he wore many different outfits, including a long multicoloured scarf similar to ones worn by his fourth incarnation, a white tuxedo and black bowtie while visting California in 1952 and a fez on a trip to Egypt. (TV: A Christmas Carol)

During his search for Melody Pond and often afterward, he would wear a dark green overcoat, mostly in places that were cold. However, he still switched it with the tweed jacket when he felt like it. (TV: Let's Kill Hitler, The Girl Who Waited, Closing Time, The Wedding of River Song)

When he "retired" to the Victorian Era, the Doctor wore appropriate clothing, complete with a hat. (TV: The Great Detective, The Snowmen)

Restarting his travels after discovering a third Clara existed, the Doctor did not completely resume wearing his previous outfit; he replaced his tweed jacket with a burgundy coat that reached mid-thigh and a matching dark purple waistcoat underneath it. (TV: The Snowmen)

Behind the scenes

Meeting himself

While different incarnations of the Doctor have interacted in the past, the eleventh Doctor is notable for interacting directly with the same incarnation from different points in time, despite the violation of the First Law of Time, on at least three occasions:

  • Just prior to his resetting of the universe, when he encountered a version of himself, apparently mortally wounded, from a few minutes into his future. His future self whispered something into this past self's ear before "expiring" (although this was ultimately a ruse). (TV: The Big Bang)
  • During a bizarre incident in which the TARDIS materialised inside itself and the Doctor exploited time paradox created by this in order to tell himself how to resolve the situation. (TV: Time)
  • During an accidental crossing of the time streams when the Doctor encountered a future version of himself as he was about to share one final adventure with River Song before she met her final fate, during which they had a brief conversation about his (and her) future. (HOMEVID: Last Night)

Although the Doctor has previously encountered or viewed his current incarnation from different points in the time stream (TV: Day of the Daleks, Father's Day), the eleventh Doctor's encounters with himself were more substantial in nature, on two occasions contributing to the resolution of a dilemma, and the third involving discussion about a major event in the Doctor's life.

The Brilliant Book 2012

According to the Brilliant Book 2012:

  • The Eleventh Doctor came up with the idea for the dwarf star alloy prison to trap a Silent while Canton secretly allowed the Doctor to look at Area 51's alien artefacts.
  • At an unknown time before the Ganger incident, the Doctor saved Commander Strax from death and investigated the Flesh.


  • Matt Smith has made several public statements — as on The Jonathan Ross Show and in the question-and-answer session following the New York theatrical premiere of The Eleventh Hour — taking credit for the tweed jacket, braces and bow tie that his incarnation eventually wore. He has also relayed that there was some reluctance from Steven Moffat and other top executives to the bow tie in particular, but that it nevertheless "sat right" with his performance. Smith's influence — according to CON: Call Me the Doctor and a mid-April 2010 appearance on Fox Broadcasting Company's Strategy Room — was the character of Dr. Henry "Indiana" Jones, Jr., as he was most often clothed on the campus of Barnett College.
  • When queried about the exact nature of the bow tie, Karen Gillan told the audience of the 2 April 2010 edition of the CBBC programme, Laugh Out Loud, that Smith's bow tie wasn't a "proper" bow tie, but instead a pre-tied dicky bow. This can be confirmed by carefully watching him put on the tie in The Eleventh Hour, although the action is somewhat obscured by the Atraxi projection.
  • One clothing retailer reported that in the month following the airing of TV: The Eleventh Hour, in which the Doctor declared that "bow ties are cool," its bow tie sales increased by 94%. [1]

Other matters

  • Benedict Cumberbatch (star of Sherlock, another show by Steven Moffat) was rumoured to have been offered the role of the eleventh incarnation and to have turned down the role.[2] However, he denied this.[3] Coincidentally Matt Smith auditioned for Sherlock for the role of John Watson but was rejected for being "more of a Sherlock Holmes."[4] That audition ended up causing Smith to be a prime candidate for the eleventh incarnation.
  • While the Eleventh Doctor is the second Doctor to speak in an estuary accent, Matt Smith is the first actor to play the Doctor who actually has a natural estuary accent, as David Tennant's natural accent is Scottish and he faked an estuary accent to play the Doctor.
  • The Eleventh Doctor is the first incarnation of the Doctor since the First Doctor to travel with family members in his TARDIS. Though he was long unaware of it, Amy and Rory were his in-laws and River his wife. (TV: The Wedding of River Song)


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