Hexagora (audio story)

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Hexagora was the second story in the third series of The Lost Stories, produced by Big Finish Productions. It was written by Paul Finch, from the original story idea by Peter Ling & Hazel Adair, and featured Peter Davison as the Fifth Doctor, Sarah Sutton as Nyssa and Janet Fielding as Tegan Jovanka.

Publisher's summary

When a newspaper reporter goes missing, the Doctor, Tegan and Nyssa uncover a case of alien abduction. The trail leads them to the planet Luparis, and a city that appears to be a replica of Tudor era London.

What are the monsters that lurk in the shadows? And what is the terrible secret at the heart of Luparis? To save a world, the Doctor must try and defeat the evil plans of Queen Zafira.

And one of her plans is to marry him...


Part one

The Doctor, Nyssa and Tegan relax in a villa outside of Brisbane following the events on Florana, but Tegan reads in a newspaper about how investigative reporter and school friend Mike Bretherton disappeared after reporting a meteor and enlists the Doctor and Nyssa's help in searching for him. A visit to Mike's apartment in the TARDIS reveals that Mike had been investigating a series of disappearances, after which the Doctor uses an ionograph to detect two space pods which travelled to Luparis, a tropical and supposedly empty planet. They travel there and find that Lupara greatly resembles 16th century London.

The trio meet Lord Jezzevar, one of the two current husbands of Queen Zafira, who invites them to a duplicate of the Palace of Whitehall upon learning that Nyssa is effectively a Trakenite royal. Knowing that they are unlikely to find Mike on their own, they accept and are given Zafira's hospitality. Nyssa goes riding with Jezzevar and the Doctor goes for a walk on the veranda with Zafira, who indicates that she is attracted to him and advises that he direct any questions about the city to Astorius, the Minister of Science and chief astrologer. Meanwhile, the impatient Tegan scales a gate and heads back into the city, finding the TARDIS gone and Mike living as Sergeant Zax, a member of the city watch.

Part two

Zax arrests Tegan for walking the streets unaccompanied, but Lord Zellenger, head of security and another of Zafira's husbands, learns who she is and takes her back to the palace. Zafira and Astorius explain to the Doctor about how Luparis is rapidly cooling and that people are going into comas, leading them to start putting people into sleep pods in rooms known as nurseries. The sleep pods are arranged in pairs, one being for the husband and the other for the wife, but only one of each pair seems to be operational. The Doctor is also told that he will become Zafira's next husband and be known as her Consort Counsellor, prompting the upset Zellenger to engage him in a duel. Although the Doctor is able to disarm him, Zellenger accuses him of terrorism and has Zax take him to the nurseries.

Tegan catches up with Nyssa, who informs her that Jezzavar is planning to rebel against Zafira and would like to install Nyssa as her replacement; he believes that Zafira is too soft on her people and intends to rule through Nyssa. When serving girls Anza and Eva inform them of the Doctor and Zafira's wedding and that Nyssa and Tegan will be maids-in-waiting, they disguise themselves in the maids' clothes and run from a guard onto the streets. They hide in a dark passage where they they hear a clicking sound which Tegan heard before she met Zax. They flee to another hiding place, but a panel opens and they realise that they are in the nest of a group of insect creatures, one of them tells Tegan that he is Mike Bretherton.

Part three

Mike explains that the Hexagora put humans into insect bodies and did so to him because he was close to discovering them. Nyssa and Tegan go with him into the secret passageways and, whilst Tegan sleeps, Nyssa tells Mike about the Doctor and how he can help. She goes to Jezzavar's party without telling Tegan and pretends to join him in his planned coup d'état; when Tegan awakens, she runs from Mike to go and find her.

Astorius refuses to place the Doctor in a sleep pod without an express order from Zafira and sends Zax away to help when one of the sleepers is brought back to the palace. The Doctor accuses him of lying about the sleep pods, leading Astorius to admit that his race are the Hexagora and that Lupara is based on their memories of a temporary stay in London. They have been kidnapping and switching bodies with humans whilst the youngest Hexagora mature enough to leave the planet, but damage to their technology means that they are unlikely to be able to leave and, as a result, the human hosts are to be permanent, a prospect that troubles Astorius. The Doctor is chased by Zellenger and runs to Zafira, telling her that he would love to be her husband.

Part four

Zafira makes an order that Zellenger will be banished from the inner courts and be made to sleep outside the palace for twenty-five years, after which they will be divorced. Upon learning that the Doctor knows the truth, she further explains that the hexian substance containing the knowledge of the Hexagora is degrading and that their only option, given the short life of humans, is to invade Gallifrey and mate with Time Lords to produce children who will be able to out-live the ice age of Luparis. The wedding goes ahead, but Jezzavar attacks and holds Zafira at knifepoint until Astorius draws a flintlock and convinces him to let her go. The Doctor realises that the hexian is increasingly inaccessible because it no longer recognises the Hexagora due to them being in human bodies and that they will have to return to their original forms.

Nyssa and Tegan view the genetic pool and she asks Nyssa where the Doctor is. Nyssa explains that once Astorius switched back bodies and accessed the pool, he didn’t even need the Doctor’s help to rebuild the pods. The Doctor then routed the reverse coordinates of all the abductees that Astorius had kept and re-calculated, being able to help send the humans home and luckily because they have all been unconscious the whole time, they won’t remember anything. She also reveals that Tegan must have really liked Mike and tells her that he specifically requested to be sent home last. Tegan runs off.

Mike (having been restored to his body) and Astorius chat while they send the humans back to Earth. Tegan arrives and The Doctor politely persuades Astorius to come along and assess the memory pool to give Tegan and Mike some time alone. He offers her a chance to come back home and he’ll put on the BBQ for the two of them. She says she will someday and will come see him soon.

A woman named Beth (the body that had previously served as Queen Zafira’s vessel) wakes up to find her husband (who’s body had been used as the vessel for Lord Zellenger) and tells him the strangest thing happened and she feels like she’s been asleep for ages. He laughs, and after she asks whether they’re going to watch the Queen’s jubilee which he again laughs at, they lovingly embrace.



  • Graham Sturges is Mike's news editor.
  • Luparis is the third planet of Proxima Centauri and is supposed to be overgrown with no intelligent life.
  • Proxima Centauri is the closest solar system to earth's own.
  • Tegan and Mike Bretherton, who were next door neighbours, went to high school together in Brisbane. They were taught physics and chemistry by Miss Anderson. When she was fifteen, she broke her toe during track and gym and Mike carried her books home for her.
  • Luparis is a replica of Tudor London, featuring reproductions of the River Thames (which has frozen over due to the planet's rapidly falling temperatures, leading to a frost fair), London Bridge and the Palace of Whitehall.
  • The Doctor once sparred with Errol Flynn.
  • Tegan and Nyssa each have their own TARDIS keys.
  • The Doctor says that Gallifreyans can live for "millennia".
  • When attempting to climb the locked 12 foot gate, Tegan comments to herself about "always wearing heels at times like these."
  • The Doctor uses a device called an ionograph to help track down Mike. This is a device that can detect a diminishing ion stream from a spacecraft, or rather space pod. The Doctor further explains that "a spacepod isn't made of solid material; it is a spherical force-field, a sort of gravity bubble that uses photonic propulsion, capable of fantastic velocity and ideal for interplanetary travel, expect that it can only usually carry one or two passengers at a time." He likens them to eddy made by liquids in flow; Nyssa comments that it is similar to a vapour trail from an earth aircraft.
  • Astorius describes the Agellae as "a race of hideous, moronic ape creatures".
  • The Hexagorans use a device called a "Scry warp" to observe other potentially habitable planets.
  • Hexian is a material from the Hexagoran's homeworld that they use for both nutrients and technology.




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