DWM 226

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The 226th issue of Doctor Who Magazine was released on 11 May 1995 and removed from British newsstands on 7 June 1995. It featured an interview with Nicholas Courtney by Nicholas Briggs.

Contents[[edit] | edit source]

Articles[[edit] | edit source]

  • Vox Pops - The BBC's Audience Research Department provided public opinion on Doctor Who from 1963 to 1989. The contents of the documents they delivered during that time has, however, remained a mystery. In the first part of this new series, Marcus Hearn discovers the important questions of the day. For instance, why didn't the Xerons have girlfriends?
  • Fluid Links - A Very British Who - by Matthew Jones
  • The Survey Team - Survey Results

Comic content[[edit] | edit source]

Fiction[[edit] | edit source]

Archives[[edit] | edit source]

By Andrew Pixley

Telesnap archives[[edit] | edit source]

Compiled by Matthew Pereira

Interviews / Profiles[[edit] | edit source]

  • Points of Order - We sent Nicholas Briggs to see Nicholas Courtney, armed with a note pad, a tape recorder and a bag full of Doctor Who video cassettes. We hoped merely to jog his memory on the exploits of the Brigadier - we found ourselves with, perhaps the ultimate interview...
  • The Man Who Owns Doctor Who - Philip Segal of Amblin Television owns the sole rights to develop a new series of Doctor Who. Tom Beck recently spoke to him in California about his plans for the future of the series.
  • Dark Deeds - In the final part of this interview, Andrew Cartmel talks to David Bishop about his work as script editor on Season Twenty-Six of Doctor Who and reveals some of his plans for the unproduced Season Twenty-Seven.

Reviews - Shelf Life[[edit] | edit source]

Reviews by Craig Hinton

Regular features[[edit] | edit source]

  • Gallifrey Guardian
  • Beyond the TARDIS
  • Timelines (Letters)
  • Crazy Caption
  • The Fanzine Trap

Credits[[edit] | edit source]

Editor: Gary Gillatt
Assistant Editor: W Scott Gray
Designer: Paul Vyse
Magazine Group: Marcus Hearn & James Mahaz
Group Editor: Gary Russell
Production: Mark Irvine & Irfan Yunis
Marketing & Promotions: Yvonne Taylor & Chris McCormack
Art Director: Helen Nally
Editorial Director: Paul Neary
Financial Director: Caroline Aubrey
Managing Director: Mike Hobson
Chairman: Jim Galton

Additional details[[edit] | edit source]

  • This issue features Craig Hinton's last regular contribution to Shelf Life.