DWMS Summer 1985

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Doctor Who Summer Special 1985 was unique in the early days of the Marvel special issues of Doctor Who Magazine. It was dominated by an all-colour adaptation of the Fourth Doctor comic Doctor Who and the Iron Legion and the backup strip K-9's Finest Hour. Because of this, many have considered it more of a graphic novel than a special issue. Nevertheless, its indicia title firmly places it as the Summer Special of 1985.

Contents[[edit] | [edit source]]

Articles[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • None

Comic content[[edit] | [edit source]]

(Reprinted from DWM Issues 1-8)
(Reprinted from DWM 12)

Fiction[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • None

Archives (Retold by episode, no credits)[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • None

Interviews / Profiles[[edit] | [edit source]]

Previews[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • None

Reviews[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • None

A4 pin-ups[[edit] | [edit source]]

Additional features[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • Time Loops (one page editorial)
  • Full page advert for Doctor Who Magazine
  • Full page advert for Marvel's Captain Britain title as well as another for this Summers other delux editions.

Credits[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • None given

Additional details[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • This tenth Special offering was different in that it was bound, not stapled and offered UK readers the chance to see the popular Doctor Who and the Iron Legion comic strip adventure re-edited into a compilation in full colour. K-9's Finest Hour was given the same treatment.
  • The colourist for all the presented artwork and strips was credited as Yanchus
  • The editorial suggests that this "deluxe full colour edition" format would be a regular release in the wake of the recent Doctor Who title that had been launched in the USA. (In fact Marvel released six titles in this format for the UK in the Summer of 1985).
  • The editorial also includes covers of the Doctors first two American comicbook appearances in the Marvel Premiere title
  • This regular-sized, (almost) full-colour issue, was printed in December 1984 and had a cover price of £1.20 (UK).
  • The cover featured new artwork by Dave Gibbons that was finished by John Higgins.