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Seventh Doctor

From Tardis Wiki, the free Doctor Who reference
Revision as of 22:24, 26 December 2014 by BananaClownMan (talk | contribs) (2.2 Updated with new information)

Originally a man with the demeanor of an eccentric, light-hearted buffoon, the Seventh Doctor's jolly persona darkened into that of a mysterious, cunning manipulator to properly combat the return of Fenric. Though he delighted in humorous reverie, it was only the surface layer of his true nature. Beneath, he was a Machiavellian genius of frightful calibre who tactfully used his mind to control nearly all situations into reaching his personal favoured outcome. Despite this, he could also show profound warmth and affection to his companions, and built a strong bond with many of them.

Initially, the Seventh Doctor travelled with Melanie Bush, his predecessor's final companion. After several adventures with Mel, she left to travel with Sabalom Glitz. The Time Lord then began adventuring with Ace, a troubled teenager from the 1980s. The Doctor did his best to help heal Ace's psychological wounds by helping her overcome or come to terms with her past misdeeds and fears. Though he initially planned to take Ace home, they ultimately travelled together for several years, only for their blossoming friendship to grow increasingly dark as secrets and death tore them apart.

He later became champion to the Eternal known as Time, while his old foe the Master became champion to another Eternal, Death. The Doctor did many good deeds while under his title as Time's Champion. However, he also made bad deeds that cost him dearly.

After many years in this incarnation, the Seventh Doctor regenerated in San Francisco on 31 December 1999, following gunshot wounds and Dr Grace Holloway's subsequent exploratory surgery with a camera accidently clogging a vein. Anaesthetic also nearly prevented him from regenerating, and left his next incarnation with near-total amnesia.


New Doctor, new danger

The Doctor yet to awaken right after his sixth regeneration. (TV: Time and the Rani)

The Doctor's previous incarnation had been weakened from fighting the Lamprey after losing much of the chronon energy that nourished his Time Lord body. He knew he was dying and set his TARDIS into hover mode to take one last look at outer space as this version of himself. However, this left his ship vulnerable to attack. (PROSE: Spiral Scratch) The Rani bombarded his TARDIS with lasers and caught it in a tractor beam, forcing him to crash-land on the planet Lakertya. (TV: Time and the Rani) During the crash, the Doctor suffered a "bang to the head" against the TARDIS console, which knocked him unconscious and sealed his demise. (AUDIO: Zagreus, The Four Doctors) Right after the Rani broke into his TARDIS to kidnap him for her own nefarious purposes, he regenerated for the sixth time. (TV: Time and the Rani)

According to Death, this incarnation, even prior to his existence, influenced the Sixth Doctor's actions; he forced the "colourful jester" to purposely steer the TARDIS into the Rani's tractor beam, so a defender of Time could be born. Also so that he could avoid the creation of the Valeyard. (PROSE: Love and War) He later discovered that this may have been a delusion. (PROSE: The Room with no Doors)

The newly regenerated Doctor. (TV: Time and the Rani)

Following his awakening, the Doctor immediately recognised the Rani, but was knocked out. She injected him with an amnesia-inducing drug, which allowed her to trick him into assisting her with "his" project while pretending to be Mel. Before going further, the Doctor decided to choose a new look, shedding the chaotic, clownish attire of his predecessor for a simpler suit and hat, noting to the Rani that his new incarnation had regained a sense of haute couture. Returning to work on the Rani's machine, the Doctor found what was wrong with it, but caught the Rani when she slipped up in her lies.

He ended up trapped in her lab with Mel, who had sneaked into the building. Escaping, the Doctor found several geniuses from throughout time, including Einstein, had been captured to be components for the Rani's "time brain". Forced to be the final component, the Doctor made it backfire and explode because it could not handle his new clownish personality. Rescuing the captives, the Doctor took them back to their own times. The Rani ended up being captured by one of the species she currently had enslaved and was forced to take them back home. (TV: Time and the Rani)

Travelling with Mel

Shortly after leaving Lakertya, the Doctor dropped Mel off in London in 2007 to investigate a strange institute where Time Lords, specifically the CIA, were experimenting on humans, trying to graft TARDIS minds into their bodies. He was electrocuted and went insane. Fortunately, he had programmed the TARDIS to collect Mel and bring her to him. She helped restore his mind and sanity, before they confronted the medics of the Institute. (AUDIO: Unregenerate!)

The Doctor next travelled to the Paradise Towers with Mel to enjoy the several attractions. However, he found that the male staff and the several female residents residing within the Towers either were mental-challenged Kangs, cannibalistic Rezzies or were simply bone-dead stupid. Accused of being the "Great Architect" that built the Towers, the Doctor was nearly killed by the Chief Caretaker, who selfishly wanted the Tower to run as he wanted. However, the real architect, Kroagnon, a madman who killed anyone who moved into his creations to keep them perfect, transplanted his disembodied mind into the chief, planning to enact his plans once more. However, Kroagnon was pushed to his death down a lift shaft by Pex. The Doctor received a new half-blue and half-red scarf from the girls as thanks. (TV: Paradise Towers)

Afterwards, the Doctor and Mel encountered the Quarks and left in the TARDIS to find some crystals highly poisonous to them. They arrived on the planet Puxatornee in the year 3090 where the inhabitants were struggling to live in peace with a race called the Slithergees who arrived there as refugees some 30 years ago, but were slowly taking over. The Doctor and Mel were forced by Stuart and Reed, two inhabitants, to travel back to 3060 to kill the president of Puxatornee before she could invite the Slithergees to stay. When they returned, history had changed so that the Slithergees went to war with the Puxatornees. The Doctor and Mel became separated with Stuart and Reed and captured, but realised that an alternative Mel and Doctor were due to land in the same place as them and quickly escaped back to their TARDIS and left.

Another Doctor and Mel landed successfully and were captured by this alternative history's Lt. Stuart and Reed and interrogated before the now-nonexistent history's Reed and Stuart arrived to help them escape, but were killed shortly afterwards. This history's Lt. Stuart and Reed arrived and forced the Doctor and Mel to take them back 30 years so that they could prevent the president's death and make peace with Slithergees. The Doctor and Mel took them back then to see their new history, which was the first version before he and this Mel showed up. Lt Stuart and Reed ordered the Doctor to take them back to yesterday to prevent their earlier selves from time travelling, but the Doctor couldn't as that history no longer existed. The Doctor worked out that an alternative version of himself and Mel were due to land any minute and took off in the TARDIS just as their earlier selves showed up. (AUDIO: Flip-Flop)

The events above form part of a time loop which the Doctor and Mel were able to escape, but it wasn't clear which reality was the correct version or which Doctor and Mel were the real ones and which are the alternative versions. Presumably, the Doctor retained knowledge of both sets of events happening after they left Puxatornee due to him being a time-sensitive entity.

On a vacation attempt, the Doctor and Mel found themselves part of an alien expedition to 1959 to experience Earth rock n' roll. The Doctor found the last Chimeron queen, Delta hiding with her newborn from the vicious Bannermen. The Doctor defeated the Bannermen by having their leader fall into his own trap, scaring them off. He also bid goodbye to Delta, her daughter and the recently-transformed Billy (a human boy in love with Delta, who ingested royal Chimeron jelly to do so) as they departed for the Chimeron hatchery. (TV: Delta and the Bannermen)

The Doctor and Mel travelled to Pax Lucis, an English village occupied by Nazis. When a barrier cut the village off from the rest of the world, the Doctor discovered the Nazis had captured the Lightwanderer, a creature that feeds on solar radiation. the Nazis plotted to create a barrier around Earth, which would destroy the planet. The Doctor gained an ally in Luther, the Nazis commander. But when they opposed Luther's men, they shot him. He sacrificed himself by blowing up "The weapon", saving Earth. (PROSE: Special Weapons)

The Doctor says farewell to one companion - and hello to another. (TV: Dragonfire)

On Iceworld, the Doctor re-encountered Sabalom Glitz. He and Mel joined Glitz and his 16-year-old associate, Ace, a troubled teenager from 1980s Earth who somehow got to Iceworld, to find the "dragon" living in the caverns. However, the "dragon" was a robot that guarded the Dragonfire, a powersource sought by Kane, an exile who wished to use it to power Iceworld, his prison ship, and return to his home planet to get revenge. However, Kane commited suicide when the Doctor showed him his planet no longer existed; there was no-one for Kane to enact vengeance upon.

Preparing to leave, the Doctor found Mel wished to stay with Glitz, hoping to put him on the right path. On Mel's urging, The Doctor took Ace with him, promising to take "the long way" to get her home to Perivale. (TV: Dragonfire)

Early travels with Ace

While exploring the TARDIS Ace came across a room containing a window that visualised Gallifrey during the Doctor's childhood; an item the Doctor had bought in his second incarnation. Realising it was a reminder of the past that he could never see again, the Doctor disposed of it and sealed off the empty storage room where it had been kept. (PROSE: uPVC)

The Doctor is trapped by a Dalek. (TV: Remembrance of the Daleks)

The Doctor's first trip with Ace took him back to Shoreditch in November 1963, days after his first incarnation left Earth with Susan Foreman, Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright. (TV: An Unearthly Child) It was here that the Seventh Doctor's Machiavellian tactics began to emerge. He returned to take care of unfinished business left behind by his first incarnation: the retrieval of the Hand of Omega. As the Doctor had anticipated, his mission was disrupted by two opposing factions of Daleks, which left him, Ace and the Counter Measures military caught in the crossfire of a Dalek civil war.

"Ashes to ashes. Dust, to dust." (TV: Remembrance of the Daleks)

The Doctor joined forces with Counter Measures leaders Ian Gilmore and Rachel Jensen to stop the war. He discovered Davros had been working behind the scenes, disguised as the Dalek Emperor, and in his growing level of darkness, the Doctor tricked Davros into using the Hand to turn Skaro's sun supernova, destroying the Dalek homeworld. After defeating Davros and the rival Daleks, the Doctor manipulated a lone Dalek to commit "suicide" and returned the Hand to Gallifrey. (TV: Remembrance of the Daleks) However the Dalek Prime tricked the Doctor in destroying a decoy named Antalin rather than Skaro. (PROSE: War of the Daleks)

The Doctor later landed on Terra Alpha, where he helped remove the tyrannical Helen A from power; her people were being executed by the Kandyman if they did not follow her completely unreasonable and insane rule to be happy all the time. Killing her beloved pet monster in self defence, he showed Helen A that true happiness could only exist if balanced with negative emotions like sadness. As something of great annoyance, the Doctor found his TARDIS painted pink upon arrival due to Helen A's rules saying pink was a happy colour; he had it painted blue again before leaving. (TV: The Happiness Patrol)

The Doctor looking for Cybermen around Windsor Castle. (TV: Silver Nemesis)

Arriving in 20th century Windsor, the Doctor found the Nemesis statue, which he sent off into space every twenty five years, had returned. Tired of the chaos it caused (which was every great disastor in history 25 years apart), the Doctor needed to find its bow and arrow for his plan to be rid of it for good. During his search, he encountered two old foes: Lady Peinforte, who shockingly knew a great deal about him, and the Cybermen. Also, Neo-Nazis interfered, only to be dealt with by the more superior foes. Pretending to comply with the Cyber-Leader's order, the Doctor sent the Nemesis straight into the Cyberman fleet, where it exploded; unable to handle losing her statue, Peinforte merged with it prior to its launch. (TV: Silver Nemesis)

During a trip back in time to see how Lady Peinforte got to the future, the Doctor discovered a chess board in her study. He immediately knew Fenric was responsible. (TV: The Curse of Fenric)

Drawn to a newspaper report regarding a disappearance, the Doctor travelled to a British beach, where he defeated the Ogri, a monster made of sand that had been killing sailors since the 19th century. (COMIC: Seaside Rendezvous)

While travelling in the TARDIS, the Doctor received "junk mail" advertising the Psychic Circus. Attending, the Doctor was captured and sent to the Gods of Ragnarok, who kidnapped patrons for their own twisted entertainment; when no longer amusing, they murdered their captives. However, the Doctor managed to turn the tables on them when he ran out of tricks to entertain them; he reflected a death beam meant for him back at them. (TV: The Greatest Show in the Galaxy)

On a holiday to the seaside, the Doctor and Ace met a fortune-teller called Hiram White, who was actually an ancient alien from the moon of Crammond with an addiction to health pills. Instead of returning him home, the Doctor respected Hiram's fate and supplied his addiction. (PROSE: One Card for the Curious)

The Doctor and Ace took a break from their adventures in Chelmsford in 1645 to make repairs to the TARDIS. They saved a younge girl called Tilly Brewer from a gang of witch hunters and learned she had been infected by the Skeeth, a parasite that transforms its victims into fire breathing beasts. As her transformation completed, the Doctor materlised the TARDIS around her, cutting off her Skeeth infection. However, he knew that if she left the TARDIS, her Skeeth self would return. He built a cottage in the woodlands of his TARDIS, allowing Tilly to spend the rest of her life peacefully inside his spaceship. (PROSE: The Devil Like a Bear)

Much to his surprise, the Doctor reunited with his old friend, the Brigadier, in an adventure in which he worked again with UNIT. During this time, he met people from an alternate Earth, who (possibly) mistook him for Merlin. Taking advantage of this, the Doctor found the sorceress Morgaine was waiting for a final battle with King Arthur, who had entered this universe some time ago. However, the Doctor discovered that Arthur was dead, and informed Morgaine, preventing her from setting off a nuclear missile by using her sense of honour. (TV: Battlefield)

The Doctor next followed a distress signal to Prague, where he met Elizabeth Holub, the granddaughter of his former UNIT associate, Liz Shaw, and allied with her to stop a younge girl called Napev, who had the ability to create whatever she wanted, from launching a series of vicious attacks on the city to avenge the death of her father. (PROSE: Fable Fusion)

The Doctor and Ace spent Christmas with wheelchair-bound David Merrison, whose family had dissapeared. Investigating, the Doctor learnt an alien creature was feeding on David's fear of "being taken". He found the creature's skull, destroyed it and killed the creature. Afterwards, he located the Merrison family to a spaceship in another dimension. (PROSE: But Once a Year)

After learning of Ace's guilty conscience for burning down a "haunted" mansion, the Doctor brought her to its past, a hundred years before she would burn it down as a none-too-pleasant surprise for her. He found a temporarily imprisoned and dangerous entity called Light. Light planned to destroy the Earth in a childish fit because the world had evolved while it was trapped, making the catalogue it had compiled centuries earlier worthless. The Doctor used Light's childish logic to convinced it to destroy itself; it had been evolving as well. (TV: Ghost Light)

Tracking a rift in space and time, the Doctor and Ace visited the Epajaenda Sphere, a planet to be turned into a toxic wasteground. They joined the frog-like Travellers, a tribe who lived on the Epajaenda 300 years ago. The Doctor helped them regain the rights of their homeworld from a businessman called Abraham-Derris Cuthbertson, who was similar to him: an ageing wanderer. He helped to open a water rift above Epajaenda, which made it a habitable planet. However, their plan was opposed by a swarm of deadly rats, forcing Cuthbertson to sacrifice his life to close the rift. (PROSE: Last Rites)

Encountering old enemies

The Doctor pleads with Ace to forgive him. (TV: The Curse of Fenric)

The Doctor accidentally caused Ace to meet and interact with her grandmother and infant mother during a trip to 1943. The Doctor revealed that he knew Ace's arrival and Peinforte's time travelling were arranged by Fenric, an evil entity he encountered before and trapped in another dimension; it escaped thanks to manipulations. The Doctor convinced the Ancient One, one of Fenric's servants, to kill Fenric's host in revenge for trying to trick it into creating his hellish future. However, Ace's faith in the Doctor held back the Ancient One's, forcing the Doctor to temporarily break her faith in him. (TV: The Curse of Fenric) He would later encounter a very similar situation in is his eleventh incarnation, breaking the faith of his companion Amy Pond. (TV: The God Complex)

In his investigation of reports of a series of agent provocateurs known as "the Doctor" who had been involved in numerous unusual incidents, the journalist James Stevens found evidence of the Doctor and Ace's involvement in the ULTIMA Incident, which was still classified in the early 1970s. The records indicated that the Doctor was "a short, quirkily dressed man, with a slight Scottish accent and immense intelligence." He noted that the two matched the descriptions of an enigmatic pair also known as the Doctor and Ace who were heavily involved in the Shoreditch Incident in November 1963. However, he was sceptical about the possibility of them being the same people as neither of them seemed to have aged in the intervening 20 years. In the interim, Stevens noted that this Doctor was present during a holiday alert in a Welsh holiday camp called Shangri-La in 1959 but that he was in the company of another young woman named "Mel." (PROSE: Who Killed Kennedy)

After defeating Fenric, the Doctor attended a school reunion at Hexen Bridge, as he was one of the school governors. He was kidnapped by Jerak, the other half of the Malus war machine, which he had defeated in his fifth incarnation. After being turned into a walking bomb and manipulated to perform tasks that brough misery to Jerak's enemies, the Doctor stopped Jerak's plan to poison the world's water supply with a chemical that would turn the human race into insane murderers, and Ace destroyed Jerak's gateway domain, destroying him. (PROSE: The Hollow Men)

The Seventh Doctor and Ace arrive. (AUDIO: The Light at the End)

At some point before Ace's first meeting with the Tremas Master, Ace and the Doctor were forced to land in a pocket universe built on 23 November, 1963, where they began to see images of the past and future of the TARDIS and discovered his past incarnation and Peri, who had also been brought there. After investigating further, he discovered the Master in the pocket universe, and found that he was the one behind his TARDIS malfunctioning and him being brought there. The Master had planted a bomb inside the humanoid Bob Dovie that would make a thought inside his head reality. When Bob entered the Fifth Doctor's TARDIS, he uttered the phrase "this is impossible," causing his TARDIS to explode across its own timeline.

The Sixth Doctor was able to bring the eight versions of the Doctor brought there together, using the dimensional stabilizer on the TARDIS owned by the Time Lord Straxus, and together the Doctors stopped the reality bomb from going off by showing Bob the inside of the TARDIS a year before, meaning that he would not consider it as impossible in 1963. Afterwards, the First Doctor turned off the automatic distress actions, which had brought all of the doctors to the pocket dimension and had triggered the TARDIS' destruction, making it so none of that had happened.

He and Ace visited Bob Dovie at 59A Barnsfield Crescent in Totton, Hampshire on 23 November 1963. (AUDIO: The Light at the End)

The Doctor attempts to bribe a Kitling. (TV: Survival)

Soon after, the Doctor took Ace home to Perivale. Kitlings had been spotted and people had been disappearing. The Doctor soon found his arch-nemesis, the Master, had been trapped and infected on Cheetah World. He was trying to escape by bringing people there to change partially, and then escape to Earth. After everyone escaped to Earth, the Doctor defeated the Master by playing on his sense of dignity. Once Ace mentioned it was time to go home, the Doctor was curious by what she meant. When she said the TARDIS, he happily hugged her and walked off, talking of the many adventures waiting for them. (TV: Survival)

Timewyrm troubles

After receiving a warning from his fourth incarnation about a Time Lord demon called the Timewyrm, the Doctor, and Ace traced a time anomaly to the kingdom of Uruk in Ancient Mesopotamia, where they joined an expedition, led by Gilgamesh, ruler of Uruk, to a kingdom called Kish. The Doctor was kidnapped by followers of Ishta, the "goddess of Love and War", but was saved by Ace. He learnt she planned to influence the whole world with the use of radio transmitters. Sending Ace off to investigate scorpion-like Zuqaqip god Utnapishtin, he entered her inner sanctum and was captured by her. She planned to steal his mind for the knowledge of time travel. After Kish was attacked by a city-like spaceship operated by Ace and his Uruk allies, he tricked her into infecting herself with a Zuqaqip virus. Ishta survived, infiltrated his TARDIS and tortured his mind. The Doctor trapped her in the secondary control room and jettisoned it into the time vortex. After uniting Kish and Uruk, the Doctor was horrified to discover Ishta survived and was now a living time machine: he had created the powerful Timewyrm. Realising her powers could destroy time completely, the Doctor set off on a mission to locate and destroy her. (PROSE: Timewyrm: Genesys)

In pursuit of the dangerous creature he had created, the Doctor and Ace arrived on an alternate version of 1950s Earth in a timeline where the Nazis had won World War II and were now rulers of the whole planet. They were accused of being resistance fighters and arrested by Anthony Hemmings. Escaping imprisonment and with the TARDIS, once again, in the posessions of Adolf Hitler and Nazis. [statement unclear] He witnessed a Reichsinspektor General being stabbed to death and was given an incriminating package before the General died. Posing as him, the Doctor began working for General Otto Strasser in order to gather infomation on the new timeline. A vengeful Anthony exposed him and Ace's true identity. Escaping in the TARDIS, the Doctor went to 1926 and gained Hitler's trust by giving him the faith to begin World War II. He then travelled to 1936, where he was hailed by the Nazis and Hitler as a "hero", becoming his personal advisor. Realising Timewyrm was controlling Hitler's mind to change history, the Doctor visited him at points when the Nazis invaded various countries across the world. However, he discovered amongst Hitler's closest allies was his old Time Lord enemy, the War Chief. He stopped the War Chief from stealing his remaining regenerations, killing Ace in a human sacrifice ceremony and foiled his plan to build a Nazi army to conquer the galaxy.

After destroying the War Chief and his new "War Lords", the Doctor visited Hitler in 1940 and drove Timewyrm out of his body, banishing her into the time vortex. However, he knew that he had only weakened her - and she would return for revenge. (PROSE: Timewyrm: Exodus)

Educating Ace

The Doctor and an Ice Warrior. (AUDIO: Thin Ice)

The Doctor's original plan for Ace involved trying to shape her mind to the point that she would be able to attend the Time Lord Academy. The Doctor's manipulation of her was ultimately for the benefit of Time Lord observers who were assessing her potential. The assessment took the form of a journey to Moscow and London in 1967, involving the Ice Warriors. Ultimately, however, she refused this academic opportunity and continued to travel with the Doctor. (AUDIO: Thin Ice)

Rendezvous with Raine

The Doctor spent an undisclosed time visiting a young girl named Raine Creevy when she was a child before travelling to her future. In 1989, she was now a skilled thief. He recruited her to steal a sword for him while he sent Ace to Russia on a secret mission. He plotted to use the sword to ward off an alien incursion called the Metatraxi. After the Metatraxi were defeated, the Doctor offered Raine the chance to travel in the TARDIS. (AUDIO: Crime of the Century)

The Doctor and Ace aboard the Space Vessel Vancouver. (AUDIO: Earth Aid)

The Doctor, Ace and Raine subsequently travelled in the TARDIS to the Margrave University in 2001. (AUDIO: Animal) As well as going undercover on the Space Vessel Vancouver, where they encountered the Metatraxi again. (AUDIO: Earth Aid)

Work to do

After Raine left, while in the TARDIS, Ace found some overdue library books which the Doctor explained were from the library on Kar-Charrat. They travelled to the planet in order to return the books. The Doctor met an old friend, the chief librarian Elgin. The Daleks had used time corridor technology to deploy Daleks on every planet in the sector, and then waited hundreds of years to capture a time-sensitive Time Lord in order to penetrate the library's defences and allow them to seize the wetworks facility. They created a duplicate of Ace, which — replete with the DNA tag — would be able to get through the library's barriers. The Doctor was forced to surrender. The Daleks took him to the facility, and connected him to the machinery. They successfully download the entire knowledge of the Universe into a Dalek test subject. After the download was completed, the test-subject went out of control. Trying to allow the Doctor to re-enter the surrounded TARDIS, the Kar-Charratians killed the Daleks surrounding the time machine, but the duplicate Ace arrived. The duplicate was impervious to the rain unlike the Daleks, and threatened to kill Elgin. However, the chief cataloguer Prink rushed to his aid and attacked the duplicate, damaging it. The Doctor proceeded to the Wetworks with the intention of destroying it, using Ace to pretend to be her own duplicate to get past the Daleks. At the facility they encountered the Dalek test-subject and the Dalek Supreme arguing. Having obtained something of a conscience, the test-subject was refusing to destroy the wetworks facility against the Supreme's orders. The Dalek Supreme retreated to its mother-ship leaving the Special Weapons Dalek to kill the test-subject, but the Nitro-9 succeeded in blowing up the machinery of the Wetworks, and the Kar-Charratians managed to escape. (AUDIO: The Genocide Machine)

Adventuring together the Doctor and Ace encountered Cybermen, (PROSE: Illegal Alien) the Valeyard, (PROSE: Matrix) the Krill (PROSE: Storm Harvest) and the Tremas Master. (PROSE: Prime Time) While amnesiac in 1888 Whitechapel, he was suspected of being Jack the Ripper. (PROSE: Matrix)

Sometime after facing the Daleks, the Doctor decided to travel to a gallery housing The Scream. He planned to add it to his collection since it was part of established history that it would be stolen. He and Ace arrived on a barren, sandy planet and discovered a deadly curse on the painting, living dust and encountered the Master in the form of a previous incarnation. The Trakenite body could not be sustained and the Master's decaying body returned. He planned to unleash a terrible, ancient force on the universe through the dust, but the Doctor and Ace stopped him. Ace remarked that the Doctor should save them trouble and start collecting stamps. (AUDIO: Dust Breeding)

The Doctor attempted to prevent a Dalek invasion on the planet Malite. But when he failed, he was framed for treason by Premier Mecado, who had allied with the Daleks. Mecado was killed by the Daleks, and the Doctor's innocence was proven by Ace and Colem Litchen, who had been investigating Dalek Wars. (PROSE: Private Investigations)

A Doctor shot (AUDIO: Colditz)

The TARDIS materialised in Colditz Castle where the Doctor was shot in the shoulder and Ace was captured. The TARDIS was confiscated by the Nazis and the Doctor was questioned about it. Soon after, a woman named Elizabeth Klein arrived and demanded that the Doctor hand over his TARDIS key. The Doctor, fearing for Ace's safety, did so and tried to work out how Klein knew about his TARDIS. He was informed that he was to be placed in Klein's custody. Klein had forged her identification papers and travelled to this parallel time period in the Doctor's TARDIS to capture him to take him back to her alternative future so he could teach her to fully control the TARDIS. In her future, the Germans won the war, the Doctor's TARDIS was discovered and he was killed. Klein accessed the TARDIS flight logs to travel here to and planned to learn about the TARDIS before the Doctor died. The Doctor refused, but Klein bargained Ace's life for his co-operation. They discovered that the TARDIS in which Klein arrived in had dematerialised and were forced to use the TARDIS the Doctor and Ace arrived in. Back at Colditz Castle, the Doctor manipulated a duty-bound Krutz to expose Klein and prevent Klein's timeline from happening by locating the CD-player Ace had left behind. Klein escaped, now an anomaly. (AUDIO: Colditz)

After the traumatic events of Colditz, Ace asked to relax. she and the Doctor visited Ibiza where a strange DJ called Gabriel was using the power of music and his belief that he was an angel to raise an army for his brother out of the young people who came to party at their club. The army was needed to fight a war in another dimension. The Doctor stopped Gabriel, but his brother opted to continue their work until the Doctor was forced to stop his plans as well. During this adventure, the Doctor discovered Ace had a long-lost brother called Liam and helped them to bond. (AUDIO: The Rapture)

After the TARDIS was attacked by a Kryian missile, the Doctor found his ship was locked onto Christmas Eve. After spending Christmas in 1889 and 2023, he and Ace travelled to Eastern Africa in 3181 to fix the problem, where they helped humanity to recover from an alien invasion and restored their faith in Christmas. (PROSE: Instead of You)

Travels with Ace and Hex

On 2021 Earth, the Doctor and Ace investigated signs of "xenotech" alien technology in use at St Gart's Brookside Hospital in London. Here, while combating a Cyberman threat, he encountered Thomas Hector Schofield, the son of Cassandra Schofield (whom the Doctor had met in his sixth incarnation). Following their encounter and battle against the Cyber threat, Hex joined the Doctor and Ace in their travels. (AUDIO: The Harvest)

The Doctor stood for presidency on Colony 34. The reigning leader was trying to avoid an election for fear of losing and was using his influence to discredit the parties that stood against him. The Doctor faked his own death and with the help of Ace and Hex and managed to expose everything the government had been trying to keep secret including deaths, disappearances. (AUDIO: LIVE 34)

The TARDIS materialised in the woods, where Ace accidentally fell into a lake. Taking her to a nearby cabin, the Doctor discovered people being killed and that the people there were experimenting with time. 10 years earlier, a girl had been killed as a result of a misdiagnosis and the scientists were trying to send a message back to warn their past selves. This interference with the timeline caused the girl to become alive again in a state of zombie-like limbo. To correct their mistake, the Doctor travelled back and undid the damage. (AUDIO: Night Thoughts)

The Doctor and his companions went for breakfast on London's South Bank. But they discovered London was fake and the TARDIS was fake. Voyaging through the depths of his "fake TARDIS", the Doctor found he and his companions had been entrapped by a vortex predator. However, they eventually located the real TARDIS and escaped back into the real universe. (PROSE: Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast)

The Doctor sent Ace and Hex to Monte Carlo in 1969 to recover the Veiled Leopard diamond. (AUDIO: The Veiled Leopard)

While Ace and Hex were in Monte Carlo, the Doctor went Világ, where he visited Evelyn Smythe, and revealed that he was travelling with Hex, who was in fact Little Tommy, Cassie Schofield's son. (AUDIO: Thicker than Water)He then paid a visit to Michael Faraday in 1854 where he delivered the remains of the Special Weapons Dalek. Ulrik showed up and was followed by several Daleks tracking him through time. The Doctor manipulated the events so that Ulrik would time travel once more and sent the Daleks after him – knowing that they would encounter his previous incarnation. The Doctor joined his fifth, sixth and eighth incarnations briefly before being returned to his own timeline. (AUDIO: The Four Doctors)

At some point afterwards, the Doctor collected Ace and Hex from Monte Carlo and continued on travelling.

When the Doctor, Ace and Hex arrived in Egypt in 1902, they met a young Time Lady named Jane who had been stranded for centuries on Earth trying to find her TARDIS. She accidentally transgressed the laws of time by becoming a god to the locals. The Doctor informed Jane that her TARDIS was dying. Afterwards, Jane flew her TARDIS into the sun, but rejected the Doctor's help to save her life. (AUDIO: False Gods)

The Doctor travelled to the island of Mendavelia in 33 AD to help solve a code, but fell into a trap laid by The Order of Simplicity. He was infected with a virus that drained the intelligence from the brain. Using the intellect of primitives, the Doctor freed himself. (AUDIO: Order of Simplicity)

The TARDIS crew attempted to track down an alien artefact that controlled others into telling the truth. Ace met a child version of her mother while the Doctor and Hex followed Joey, the person who stole the artefact from the Forge. (AUDIO: Casualties of War)

The Doctor encountered a being from a dimension made out of language and communication - Nobody No-One. This being followed him into a top secret facility and proceeded to cause chaos until the Doctor captured him inside a book only for him to escape again. (AUDIO: The Word Lord)

The Doctor is chased by Daleks (AUDIO: Enemy of the Daleks)

The Doctor, Ace and Hex landed on Bliss, a jungle planet under Dalek attack. While Ace and Hex helped in the battle with the Daleks, the Doctor discovered that a local professor had combined larvae and Piranha-locust DNA to create a new species known as the Kiseibya. The Kiseibya fed on metal and were created to save mankind from the Daleks, but quickly became uncontrollable. They decimated the Dalek forces easily. The Doctor planned to blow up the station and slaughter this new species, but in the end, Beth, a former prisoner of the Daleks stayed behind to finish the job. (AUDIO: Enemy of the Daleks)

Within the white TARDIS

The Doctor in the Crimea (AUDIO: The Angel of Scutari)

During an adventure in 1854, the exterior of the TARDIS turned white after the HADS were activated by cannon fire, and Hex was fatally shot (AUDIO: The Angel of Scutari), so the Doctor and Ace returned him to Earth in 2025, where, after an adventure involving Nimrod and The Forge, it was revealed to Hex that the Sixth Doctor was involved in his mother's death. (AUDIO: Project: Lazarus) It was this revelation that prompted Hex to leave the TARDIS crew. (AUDIO: Project: Destiny)

Finding a Time Lord casket in which he found the unconscious body of a older version of his current self, and Nobody No-One. Nobody escaped, and the Doctor sacrificed himself to stop him. He was later saved by Ace and his future self. The Doctor defeated Nobody with the help of Evelyn Smythe who convinced Hex that it wasn't the Doctor's fault that his mother died. After Evelyn died, Hex was convinced to rejoin the TARDIS crew. (AUDIO: A Death in the Family)

Battling the Elder Gods

Shortly afterwards, the TARDIS materialised in Alaska in the 1930s with the Doctor wanting to investigate a strange ice formation. They soon met an expedition team looking for an ancient secret. The Doctor and Ace became separated from the rest of the group and were presumed dead. In reality, they had arrived at what appeared to be an island psychiatric facility and met a young poet who took them to the person in charge. There, the Doctor learned that the entire facility was in fact not a psychiatric complex, but a prison for the most dangerous being on planet Earth. (AUDIO: Lurkers at Sunlight's Edge)

Travels in the black TARDIS

The Doctor left Hex and Ace for a while, growing a Black TARDIS, and began travelling alone in it, encountering the Sandminer robots (AUDIO: Robophobia), and meeting a copy of Nostradamus. (AUDIO: The Doomsday Quatrain) Eventually, he met his new companion, Sally Morgan on Earth, 2020, when they tried to defeat the Elder God, Mi'en Kalarash. (AUDIO: House of Blue Fire) After a while, Lysandra Aristedes began travelling in the Black TARDIS, where they continued to battle Elder Gods. (AUDIO: Black and White, Project Nirvana)

The Black TARDIS arrived in 5th century Denmark, where he sent the Black TARDIS, containing Sally and Lysandra, to the alternative 1989. (AUDIO: Black and White)

While he was travelling his Black TARDIS, he sent the White TARDIS, containing Hex and Ace to 1989 in an alternative timeline. He gave them the mission to investigate the Elder Gods, who created this timeline. They managed to defeat the Elders Gods, and restore the original timeline, just in time for a Black TARDIS to arrive and retrieve them. (AUDIO: Protect and Survive)

When they entered the Black TARDIS, they discovered Sally and Lysandra already there. Upon discovering this, they realised that the Doctor was travelling in both TARDISes, simultaneously. Hex, Ace, Sally and Lysandra then arrived in 5th century Denmark, where they met Beowulf, and faced an alien called Garundel. They discovered that the Doctor was previously in this location, but was kidnapped. After following the Doctor's clues and instructions, they retrieved an artefact called Weyland's shield, restored the original and destroy the Black TARDIS, on their way to locate the Doctor. (AUDIO: Black and White)

The TARDIS crew located the Doctor in a pocket universe which was under the control of Fenric. After releasing the Doctor, it was revealed that Fenric was playing a game against another Elder God called Weyland for control of Weyland's shield, which could grant omnipotence to an Elder God. It was also discovered that the TARDIS crew had been pawns of Weyland, used to help him win the game against Fenric, and Hex was destined to become the quintessential pawn in Weyland's plan, who prevented his death after being shot in Scutari. However, Hex managed to banish Weyland, and stop the game, but became possessed by Fenric. Hex sacrificed himself to prevent Fenric from permanently taking control and gaining power, saving the Doctor, Ace, Sally and Lysandra. (AUDIO: Gods and Monsters)

The Doctor reading (PROSE: Nightshade)

Time's champion

Although Hex's death strained their relationship, the Doctor and Ace continued to roam the universe together for a number of years.

After taking Ace to the funeral of her friend, Julian Milton in Perivale, the Doctor went to the planet Heaven in 2570. There, he helped Professor Bernice Summerfield open the way to a Heavenite observatory where he deciphered the writing on the telescope and a note stored inside a dead Heavenite's body. While entering Puterspace, he was attacked by the Vacuum Church, working in league with the Hoothi, and put inside his worst memory from the slow death of his third incarnation. With the help of the psychic Traveller, Christopher, the Doctor and Ace were freed.

Realising the danger the falling Hoothi fibres would cause, the Doctor ordered Benny to quickly unearth the observatory, which could detect otherwise invisible Hoothi spheres. Knowing the pyrokinetic, Jan Rydd, whom Ace had fallen in love with, had been affected by the fibres, the Doctor ordered him to leave Ace behind while he went to the sphere himself. Ace followed nonetheless and realised the Doctor's plans. The Doctor, after using Brother Phaedrus of the Vacuum Church to summon the sphere to Puterspace, used Christopher to send a message to Jan on board so he could ignite the sphere.

The Doctor meeting his sixth self (COMIC: Emperor of the Daleks!)

Ace finished off the last Hoothi herself, while the Doctor ordered Brother Phaedrus to leave. Ace left the Doctor, disgusted by the way he sacrificed her love to save billions. Benny agreed to travel with the Doctor in time and space, under the condition that he didn't treat her the way he did Ace. Benny and the Doctor released the last of Heaven's owls on 20th century Earth. (PROSE: Love and War, AUDIO: Love and War)

He and Benny travelled together for a while, meeting Kadiatu Lethbridge-Stewart (PROSE: Transit) and Chelonians, (PROSE: The Highest Science) and battling the Yssgaroth. (PROSE: The Pit) They also encountered Sontarans (COMIC: Pureblood), Davros, and his sixth self. (COMIC: Emperor of the Daleks!) Ace left to fight in a war, but later returned, older. (PROSE: Love and War, Deceit)

The Doctor in his new TARDIS control room. (PROSE: Human Nature)

When separated from his companions, the Doctor met Ruby Duvall and the Cybermen at the South Pole (PROSE: Iceberg) Although the Doctor and Ace's relationships were strained, the Doctor and Ace managed to resolve their differences after battling the Monk. (PROSE: No Future) They then roamed the universe amicably, even battling Template:Frontier (PROSE: First Frontier) and meeting Sherlock Holmes. (PROSE: All-Consuming Fire) The Doctor at this point started to show his responsibilities, such as questing for the Key to Time, (COMIC: Time & Time Again) and stripping some Eternals of their immortality. (COMIC: Uninvited Guest) Ace left to become Time's Vigilante. (PROSE: Set Piece)

At one point during Benny's travels, the Doctor physically changed himself into a human called John Smith and lived for a time as such, even falling in love with a human woman called Joan Redfern. (PROSE: Human Nature)

The Doctor encounters Chris Cwej and Roz Forrester. (PROSE: Original Sin)

The seventh incarnation's travels saw him reuniting with many past friends, not always in a positive fashion, including Peri Brown, (PROSE: Bad Therapy) Romana, (PROSE: Lungbarrow) Liz Shaw, (PROSE: Eternity Weeps) and some of his former UNIT colleagues, (PROSE: Happy Endings) among others. He also met new friends Chris Cwej and Roz Forrester. (PROSE: Original Sin)

During this time the Doctor started to get paranoid, believing he had "killed" his sixth self to be born, and was guilty about his actions as Times champion. He was also frightened of his regeneration. (PROSE:Head Games) This reached its high point when the Doctor was held captive in an Eight Legs web on Metebelis III. He was rescued by his next incarnation, who finished his journey through memory with this escapade. These events heartened the seventh Doctor enough face the future. (PROSE: The Eight Doctors) Eventually, he managed to forgive himself. (PROSE: The Room With No Doors) On his final adventure as Time's Champion, the Doctor returned to Gallifrey. There, he was tasked with transporting the ashes of the Master, who’d been captured and executed on Skaro to Gallifrey as the Master's final request. (PROSE: Lungbarrow)

Travelling alone

After reconfiguring the console room, the TARDIS brought the Doctor once more to Artaris where he encountered Lord Sutton, who was in fact the Warlord Grayvorn. Grayvorn had been reduced to a spirit after their last encounter and had managed to possess a person before sculpting Excelis once more into a war-driven dictatorship. He used the souls of the Excelis people to power his “meat puppet” army. The Doctor used the Relic to free the souls, but Grayvon activated a self-destruct which would destroy Artaris. The Doctor tried to help, but was forced to run away and escape, leaving the people of Artaris to die in the explosion. (AUDIO: Excelis Decays)

The Doctor decided to take a long overdue vacation to the planet of Ormelia. The TARDIS materialised aboard a spaceship orbiting the planet. There, the Doctor befriended a genetically reconstructed creature named Vilgreth. It was only later the Doctor discovered that Vilgreth's ship travelled through space by devouring planets, and so was forced to stop him. (AUDIO: Last of the Titans)

Confronting old demons

Travelling to the Forge in hopes of destroying it completely, the Doctor found his sixth incarnation assisting Nimrod and reluctantly helped the Forge fend off a telepathic transporting alien incursion. His predecessor's arm was lost in the battle which confirmed that this Doctor was a fake. The fake Doctor explained that Nimrod used DNA samples from the real Doctor when they last met to clone the Doctor, Project: Lazarus, in an attempt to learn the secrets of regeneration. The Doctor initiates a plan to blow up the Forge, but the Lazarus Doctor was the one that delivers the final blow, killing everyone in the base. (AUDIO: Project: Lazarus)

The Doctor travelled to Pelachan where he discovered an artefact known as the Hand of All. This object contained a living story. The Doctor took it before going to combat another version of Nobody No-One, trapping him in the Hand inside his mind. He then travelled to the Forge and locked himself in a Time lord coffin and waited until he was found by Ace and his younger self. He warned them about Nobody No-One returning, thus releasing the Word Lord, but fell comatose afterwards only to wake up after his younger self had died defeating the Word Lord. He took it upon himself to bring Hex to Evelyn before he faded out of existence only to "burn back into existence" once Ace had rescued his younger self. (AUDIO: A Death in the Family)

After "burning back into existence" on the planet, Perfugium, it is revealed that the Doctor made a deal with Death in which she would allow the Master to live a normal life for ten years only if the Doctor would kill him afterwards. On Perfugium, ten years in the Master’s future, where he found his old friend, amnesiac, entertaining guests. The personification of Death, Jade – the Master’s housekeeper, revealed herself and told everyone that according to a contract between her and the Doctor, he was supposed to kill the Master. The Doctor couldn’t and made another deal with Death after witnessing the Master’s friend Victor killing his wife. If the Master could make the right decision, then they’d be free, but the Master struggled and was offered one more deal by Death – his life, as her servant, or the life of Victor’s wife Jacqueline whom he was in love with. In the end, Death took the Master and sent the Doctor away to face punishment for not holding up his end of their bargain. His task: To assassinate an innocent. He travelled to the destination and encountered a sniper about to take his shot, interrupted him and recounted his adventure. The Doctor refused to kill his target, but discovered that the sniper was in fact Death and knew he wouldn’t be able to. Before departing, Death proclaimed that they would meet again, and knew his inevitable fate. Alone, the Doctor vowed to save his old day. (AUDIO: Master)

The Doctor visited the planet Spiridon again to oversee the destruction of the Daleks and the work done by Kalendorf. He soon realised that he would have to get involved and steer the events so that he could control them. He made a deal with the Daleks to help them achieve their invisibility without suffering from the Lightwave sickness in exchange for Karendorf’s safety. He completed the formula, but betrayed the Daleks at the last moment and exposed them and himself to the sickness. He managed to escape back to his TARDIS and refused to regenerate before collapsing on the floor. The TARDIS healed him and he dared the Daleks to catch him if they could. (AUDIO: Return of the Daleks)

The Doctor had an adventure on the Capital City of of Callisto, Valhalla. Whilst there, he attempted to investigate corruption in this supposedly perfect society, given independance and autonomy after previously being an Earth colony planet. (AUDIO: Valhalla)

Millions of years BC, Ice Warrior Arakssor led like-minded Ice Warriors in an attempt to take over the Martian government. The Doctor stopped him with the help of Geldar, and Arakssor and his band of war criminals were sentenced to life imprisonment in Antarctica. During a skirmish in the prison, an Ice Warrior attacked the prison trying to escape, trapping everyone in suspended animation beneath the ice. In 2012, an amnesiac Doctor and the Ice Warriors were unearthed by a human expedition led by Lord Barset. Arakssor quickly took over his old prison and planned to power the prison's sonic cannon to heat the Earth's greenhouse gases away. This would make Earth his "fortress" that Martian life could thrive in, and cause the human race to be "frozen out of existence". As his memories began to return, the Doctor commandeered the helicopter, Blade One with the physicist, Genevieve Marceau and crashlanded near the dig site after Ssrongar attacked the helicopter with a sonic cannon. The Doctor reactivated Geldar's distress signal and boosted it to contact a Martian warship from the other side of the galaxy. The Martian commander, Red 0089, discovered the message, and, upon recognising Arakssor, bombarded the prison from orbit, stopping Arakssor. The Doctor and Geni quickly rushed to safety in the TARDIS as the rogue Martians were wiped out, and Geni was dropped off back on the Fortitude. (AUDIO: Frozen Time)

Still alone, the Doctor arrived on a space station that was orbiting the quarantined planet, Antikon. It had fallen victim a virulent disease that had killed millions of people, where he encountered Dar Traders again. (AUDIO: The Death Collectors)

On the planet Tasak, the Doctor was preparing tea when he noticed an android named Temetre on his scanner. Temetre was tracking a strange signal, just like him so they formed an alliance. The two of them travelled across Argent City via the monorail transport system to the Grand Citadel of the House of Argentia where they discovered a cue plot and Sara, the person Temetre’s was there to rescue. Before they could leave, they were arrested as spies and brought to the banquet hall where a Cyberman statue was unveiled. The Doctor tried to warn the people of the dangers, but they ignored him. Afterwards, Argentia is taken over by the leaders of Sarkota, but eclipsed when the Silver, the core of the planet’s technology repository is revealed to be a squadron of Cybermen. They awaken and begin to convert the planet’s inhabitants. The Doctor manages to lead them into a trap before blowing the whole repository up. (AUDIO: Kingdom of Silver)

Becoming weary of his travelling alone, and having been rejected when he has offered others the chance to travel with him, (AUDIO: The Death Collectors, Kingdom of Silver) the Doctor decided to create his own robotic companion called Catherine Broome, as a means of company and someone to share the adventures with. The Doctor and "Cat" travelled together for a while, without Cat realising that she was in fact an android, until arriving on Haven in the 28th century. It was here that the Doctor revealed Cat's true nature in time to avert a catastrophe on a spaceship. In order to prevent the destruction of the ship, and the deaths of many colonists, someone had to travel through hazardous corridors to the control to save the lives of hundreds. But only an android could pass through the danger, and even then, the android would risk being destroyed. Presumably, Cat was destroyed, considering that she didn't travel with the Doctor beyond that adventure. (PROSE: Companion Piece)

The Doctor arrived at the largest Reclaim Station this side of the Easto Cluster in search of fluid links for his TARDIS. He and Two’Mark, the mechanic, were approached by a small robot who recognised the Doctor. The two of them then headed back to his TARDIS where the Doctor activated a holo-glyph control and started to play back a recording made by Sara many years ago, specifically about how she was prosecuted and condemned to live inside the small robot that he met just. Afterwards, the Doctor offered to pay Two Mark for the fluid link, but the engineer was in the mood to be generous and allowed him to have it on the house. (AUDIO: Keepsake)

Encountering Elizabeth Klein

Not long after, the Doctor re-encountered Elizabeth Klein, who was living in British Kenya during the Mau Mau Uprising in 1953. Despite their animosity, they worked together to solve the mystery of the virus and stop the Cheylis plot to use Earth as a testing ground for biological warfare. The Doctor, knowing Klein would continue to pose a threat to history, insisted she accompany him on his TARDIS travels so he could keep an eye on her. (AUDIO: A Thousand Tiny Wings)

Immediately upon entering the TARDIS, Klein recounted what caused her to use the TARDIS that resulted in the destruction of her timeline. It turned out that the Doctor; an alternate Seventh Doctor, orchestrated his regeneration into the Eighth to manipulate Klein into using the TARDIS and re-rewrite history. (AUDIO: Klein's Story)

After travelling together for a while, the Doctor and Klein arrived on an insectoid planet and met the Vrill, who communicated through smell, although the TARDIS' translation circuits helped the duo in understanding the Vrill. In the midst of a war, Klein took her chance of revenge against the Doctor, stealing his TARDIS and abandoned him on the planet. (AUDIO: Survival of the Fittest)

Klein used the Doctor's TARDIS to rewrite history so that the Nazis had won the war. She captured this new timeline's Doctor and imprisoned him on the Moon. She helped the Galactic Reich conquer the Daleks and Sontarans and any other potential threats by travelling in time and informing the past. While visiting the Doctor, trying to find out where this version's TARDIS was, Klein, along with the rest of the Moonbase came under attack by a race of shark-like warriors. The Doctor had sent them there and supplied them with the necessary technology to destroy the base. Klein discovered that this alternate Doctor had retained the memories of her version's life as well. The two of them escaped in his TARDIS where the Doctor informed her that the Time Lords had tried her and found her guilty. She was erased from history, along with the alternate Doctor, restoring things to their correct order. Afterwards, the original Doctor paid a visit to UNIT where he encountered a different version of Klein who was now working there. (AUDIO: The Architects of History)

Nearing the end

At some point, the Doctor arrived in the remains of the Drashani Empire, and met a mercenary called Vienna Salvatori, who was hired to capture the Doctor for a bounty payment. He later encountered an old enemy, Tenebris, who he had met in his sixth incarnation, on his second visit to the empire on Cawdor. (AUDIO: The Acheron Pulse) However, he discovered that Tenebris was, in fact, Kylo Sorsha, a prince he had left stranded on the planet, Sharnax when he first arrived in the Drashani Empire, in his fifth incarnation. (AUDIO: The Burning Prince) Sorsha plotted to take revenge against the Doctor for leaving him stranded on Sharnax, but the Doctor defeated him, and departed from the empire for the final time. (AUDIO: The Shadow Heart)

The Doctor reunited with Raine Creevy and started travelling on and off with her. While in flight, the TARDIS was pulled into another dimension. It materialised on a barren planet when another TARDIS suddenly arrived as well, carrying a future incarnation of the Doctor. This Other Doctor was helping UNIT on Earth and warned about a mistake the Doctor was about to make and urged him not to help the Tolians, a race of aliens whose life energy was being drained away by a Node Stone. The Other Doctor departed, but the current Doctor failed to heed his warning and conjured up an energy syphon that would draw power from the very dimension. Once the Tolians were restored, they captured Raine and threatened to drop her off a cliff if the Doctor didn’t increase the output. Knowing that increasing the output would result in dimensional chaos of all dimensions, the Doctor still did as the Tolians demanded and opened up the syphon. He rescued Raine and jumped into the dimensional doorway, explaining that creatures from other dimensions would now be able to freely hop around. He and Raine wandered around the void until he instructed Raine to pick the dimensional lock with her mind.

She managed to open a door into another dimension, which consisted of a volcanic surface inhabited by molten-spewing spiders. The Doctor and Raine escaped one and sought refuge in a dormant volcano until they were chased out by more spiders. They noticed another dimensional door which the arachnids were using to cross over to Earth and followed, unaware that the Other Doctor, being assisted by the Doctor's friend/advesary Elizabeth Klein, was preparing to banish the spiders that had already escaped to Earth back. Thankfully, Klein noticed Raine and the current Doctor before the Other Doctor rescued them. The current Doctor learned that UNIT had confiscated his future self’s TARDIS to force him to help them fend off a variety of dimensional escapees.

The Doctors were detained at UNIT because the members of UNIT, suspicious of their identity and motive, found it difficult to trust them. The Doctors pleaded to have the second Node Stone, in Klein’s possession, to close up the breach, but Klein refused. Before long, two more sets of creatures, floating octopi with faces on each tentacle and flying metallic cubes that self-destructed, appeared in Las Vegas and Tokyo. The Other Doctor travelled with Raine to sort out the octopi while the current Doctor and Klein dealt with the cubes. The Doctor discovered the cubes weakness – fire. After the situation had been resolved, the cubes joined together in a last desperate attempt to blow the dimensional doorway to their dimension bigger.

Seeing no other way, the Other Doctor was called in to help, but demanded the release of his TARDIS and the Node Stone before he helped them. Reluctantly, Klein did as the Other Doctor ordered, but the Doctor flew off before suddenly arriving in his TARDIS to fix the situation. It turned out that he’d time travelled back to this second after he arrived in England. UNIT started shooting at the Doctor until he doubled back into his TARDIS, followed by his younger self. Inside, the Doctor realised that the Other Doctor was really a newly regenerated Master in disguise. The Master had pretended to be the Doctor and planted the first Node Stone on Earth and conning the Doctor into opening the dimensional doorway so that he could power up the Toolians and assume mastery over every dimension. The Master captured the Doctor and hooked him up to the Node Stone, but the Doctor, with the help of footage his companions had that showed the Master planting the first Node Stone helped convince the Tolians to betray the Master and restore the dimensions. The Master managed to escape in the confusion. Afterwards, the Doctor left with Raine but not before leaving Klein a space-time telegraph to contact him, should she need his help again. (AUDIO: UNIT Dominion)

The Doctor continued to travel on his own. He delivered a letter from deceased World War I soldier Ed, who he met in his sixth incarnation, to his wife a year after his death. (PROSE: Never Seen Cairo) He also bought a store in London, called "Takahashi's Treasure", encountered a housewife who had died years previously, (PROSE: Running on Empty) travelled for a short period of time with a tramp after an encounter with Mozart and the Monk, (PROSE: The Tramp's Story) staged a rebellion with a gang of robots at an alien supermarket, (PROSE: The Shopping Trolleys of Doom) and reunited with Nimrod, who survived vaporisation (AUDIO: Project Destiny) and had been connected to the main Forge computer, Oracle. Nimrod was now the new leader of the Forge. The Doctor left a syringe containing the Twilight cure beside Nimrod, which would remove his vampirism. However, considering the dessicated state he was in, only the vampire DNA had kept him alive, and using the cure would cause his death. The Doctor departed, leaving it up to Nimrod whether he uses the cure or not. (PROSE: Twilight's End) The Doctor encountered a young Claire Spencer after witnessing her killed by Nobody No-One in her personal future. (AUDIO: The Word Lord)

Feeling nostalgic, the Doctor travelled to 1979 Paris, where he watched his fourth incarnation and Romana do battle with Scaroth. Whilst there, he obtained a sketch of Romana that his fourth incarnation threw away. (PROSE: Notre Dame du Temps)

Travels with Elizabeth Klein and Will Arrowsmith

Search for the Persuasion machine

The Doctor sensing his end approaching to this body became afraid that whatever man came after him wouldn't be strong enough to do what he did, that he wouldn't be willing to go as far as he had gone, so he started to do whatever he could to seek out evil in the universe wherever he could find it and shut it down while he still could. To this end the Doctor started to monitor interstellar communications across thousands of worlds, the wireless communications of a multitude of law enforcement organizations, private correspondence of goverments and the criminal underworlds by persuading the TARDIS to detect them. The Doctor detected that Kurt Schalk in 1945 had become the most wanted man in the universe so he set himself to find out why, to this end he also discovered that Elizabeth Klein's current self was somehow connected to Schalk so he travelled to the 1990's to take her with him on this trip, he managed to make Klein follow him from a pub into his TARDIS and take her along without her consent while also unbeknownst to him taking along junior science officer Will Arrowsmith with them.

Travelling to Düsseldorf in 1945 they met a Nazi named Lucas Hinterberger who was a colleague of Schalk, opening up immediately to Klein and raising suspicion on her and curiosity in the Doctor, he told them about beings they called the Struwwelpeter (based on their appearance and relating to a German children story) and offered to take them to Schalk, while searching the Doctor explained his reasons to Klein who understood his reasoning. Finding Schalk they also came face to face with the Struwwelpeter, godlike beings form another universe who considered this one to be evil and decadent whose true names were the Shepherd and Shepherdess, they gave Schalk the knowledge to built a device known as the persuasion machine so that they could manipulate all beings in the universe to submit to their will. The Doctor trapped them in a planet called New Peerlesness, a prision planet near Kasterborous, the Doctor materialized his TARDIS around the planet and kept it in the star chamber so that he could keep an eye on them. While the Doctor dealt with them the Klecht entity took Schalk forcing the TARDIS crew to search for him. (AUDIO: Persuasion)

After discovering an intergalactic commercial hosted by an old passing acquaintance regarding a weapons auction, the Doctor realized it was auctioning Schalk alongside a prototype of the persuasion machine. Because the Doctor feared suspicion from Garundel if he sent Klein and Will undercover in order for them to locate Schalk and steal him before he and the device got sold. While they were investigating the auction the Doctor waited in the TARDIS for them to enable him to land the TARDIS inside the compound, Will gave the signal and he landed the TARDIS but got intercepted by Garundel's assistant Ziv who captured Will and locked him out of the store room which resulted to be a space ship. At that moment the auction got invaded by the Sontarans, he encountered Garundel who forced him to go in pursuit of her assistant and Will. He learned from Garundel that Schalk didn't had enough knowledge of the machine, when they arrived the Sontaran invading fleet caught up with them, Klein with them, they fired at them but they escaped to the ship reuniting with Will, Will negotiated Klein's exchange and the Doctor discovered that the man they were selling was not actually Schalk but was indeed the man they met on Minos, however he was dead. The Doctor used the prototype of the machine to persuade Garundel to go with Ziv and rescue Klein, the Doctor explained to Will that the body they found was actually Hinterberger, Schalk used the machine to persuade Hinterberger he was Schalk and then used it on himself to believe himself Hinterberger. The Doctor boarded the Sontaran ship and discovered a third party involved, reuniting with Klein and Will and left back to Minos in 1945 with the prototype revealing to Klein the DNA connection to Schalk. (AUDIO: Starlight Robbery)

The Doctor and crew returned to Minos in 1945 to discover that the ones associated with Garundel were the Daleks. The Doctor travelled to Lemuria where he was given the location of Schalk: the planet Azimuth a planet previously visited by him and Ace where they seemingly freed it from Dalek occupation.

In Azimuth they discovered it had become illegal to mention the Daleks and remember the occupation, Will got captured by the police when the Doctor mentioned them by name out loud. The Doctor and Klein got an audience with a prisoner whom the Doctor identified as a clone of Schalk, specifically a Dalek clone. They concluded that the Daleks were still in Azimuth hidden, the Doctor revealed to Klein that there was a blood connection with Schalk so she asked to travel to 1945 to discover the truth. Will returned to them and told them about a man called Father that wanted a meeting with the Doctor, he went to the meeting alone and discovered Father was actually Davros who asked him about the location of the Daleks, something neither of them knew. Both Davros and the Doctor were taken to the Daleks and Schalk, there the Doctor learned that Klein travelled in the TARDIS to three weeks before they first arrived in Düsseldorf and discovered that Schalk was her biological father and a woman named Elizabeth Volkenrath her biological mother, engineered to operate the persuasion machine. At that moment Elizabeth returned in the TARDIS and seemingly reversed to her nazi self willing to become the tool for the persuasion machine. A man called Falkus entered the room and revealed himself as a genetic successor of Davros and ordered the Daleks to exterminate Schalk, Falkus wanted to undo the actions the Doctor had done through time and space, Davros interrupted to no end but Elizabeth forced the Daleks and Falkus to die with the power of the machine. Will returned with the Shepard who threatened to kill them, Elizabeth used the power of the machine to kill it but died in the process. Will and him realized that the Elizabeth who died wasn't Klein but her mother so they travelled to 1945 tracking her to Russia where Klein had been trapped, he apologized to Klein for judging her for her alternative timeline, when Will told them that they were surrounded by the red army the Doctor excitedly called it an adventure. (AUDIO: Daleks Among Us)


The Doctor sees with great horror that the Master's remains have broken out. (TV: Doctor Who)

The Doctor learned that the Master had been tried on Skaro, where he had been found guilty and executed for his crimes. In his last wish, the Master had requested that the Doctor were to transport his remains back to Gallifrey. The Doctor, knowing that the Master was just as much a threat in death as in life, agreed to stow away his ashes safely. However, he was more right than he had realised; en route back to Gallifrey, the Master escaped from his ashes' container and damaged the inner workings of the TARDIS console. The Doctor was forced to make an emergency landing in San Francisco on 30 December 1999.

The death of the Seventh Doctor. (TV: Doctor Who)

No sooner had he left the TARDIS to find his bearings, than the Doctor was caught in the middle of a San Francisco gang war and shot, once straight through the shoulder and twice in the leg. The Doctor failed to get Chang Lee to stop the Master from leaving the TARDIS before falling unconscious. Taken to Walker General Hospital, the bullets were found to have caused only minor injuries. However, the medial team assumed that he was fibrillating and that the X-rays showing his two hearts was a double exposure. Cardiologist Dr. Grace Holloway undertook exploratory surgery to "fix" his abnormal heartbeat. Waking up just as Grace was to begin, the Doctor tried to stop the surgery by explaining his non-terrestrial origins and he told Grace he needed a beryllium atomic clock, but he was quickly put under anaesthetic. The Doctor was accidentally killed when Grace damaged his circulatory system with a probe. Though they attempted to revive him, their attempts failed and they pronounced him dead; the Doctor's seventh body was already dead, but he had not yet regenerated into a new body.

Unlike his previous deaths, this incarnation did not regenerate until several hours later in the hospital morgue. The hospital staff had declared him dead and locked him inside a cold chamber, with a "John Doe" toe tag attached and a sheet placed over his head. It was here that the regeneration ultimately set in, with enough force to fling the sheet away from his face. He contorted and crackled with electrical energies as the process mended his injures and gave him new life in the form of his eighth incarnation, despite a probe and stitches still lodged within his body. He later attributed his delayed regeneration to having been under anaesthesia at the time of his "death". (TV: Doctor Who)

Undated adventures

The Seventh Doctor helps save Gallifrey. (TV: The Day of the Doctor)

Alternative timelines

Psychological profile


The Doctor considers the consequences of a decision he has to make. (TV: Remembrance of the Daleks)

The Seventh Doctor was originally light-hearted and prone to clownish behaviour, which masked his intellect and courage. As he matured, he took a much darker turn. He became a master manipulator who saw the battle between good and evil as a game of chess and everyone around him as pawns in the game of fighting evil. Frequently, he would see only the "bigger picture" rather than the world before him. He devastated Ace by labelling her, among other things, an "emotional cripple" during his battle with Fenric. This was necessary for her to briefly abandon her belief in him, weakening Fenric's power, which he did not explain until later. (TV: The Curse of Fenric)

The "darker" side of this incarnation manifests itself. (TV: The Curse of Fenric)

Despite his manipulative actions, such as (by one account) using psychic powers to make Mel leave (PROSE: Head Games), the Seventh Doctor did care for his companions. He had a paternal relationship with Ace, which soured when Ace found herself unable to deal with the Doctor's growing emotional coldness.

Aspects of his light-hearted nature persisted. He seemed to relish his game against Light. (TV: Ghost Light) He was not totally unfeeling when it came to the "bigger picture" as he appeared apprehensive about his decision to destroy Skaro and agonised when he had to convince Ace that he did not care about her. (TV: Remembrance of the Daleks, TV: The Curse of Fenric)

On meeting his future self, the Fifth Doctor was repulsed by his manipulative nature. The Seventh Doctor had a similarly low opinion of his fifth incarnation, describing him as "bland" and "not even one of the good ones." (PROSE: Cold Fusion)

On a subsequent meeting, the Fifth and Seventh Doctors' relationship was little better. They were observed arguing by the former's companions Peri Brown and Erimem. Peri, who remained unaware of the Seventh Doctor's identity, described him as a "kooky little guy in a weird pullover" and wondered why he kept staring at herself and Erimem. (AUDIO: The Veiled Leopard)

The Sixth Doctor met his future self on Gallifrey. (AUDIO: The Sirens of Time) He later described him as "a small type with an odd accent" to his companion Evelyn Smythe, telling her that he was "not looking forward to that." (AUDIO: Arrangements for War) He later told Evelyn that from what he had heard of his seventh incarnation's activities, the Seventh Doctor was "always blowing up planets". When she encountered the Seventh Doctor herself on Pelachan shortly before her death, Evelyn criticised him for his scheming, manipulative nature. (AUDIO: A Death in the Family)

Ace believed that he had the "deepest, saddest eyes." (AUDIO: The Prisoner's Dilemma) She once told the Doctor that she loved him. (AUDIO: Signs and Wonders)

The renegade Time Lady Iris Wildthyme was not fond of the Seventh Doctor. She subsequently described him to the Eighth Doctor as "a portentous little feller, swaggering around, thinking he's got all the world's darkest secrets under his hat." Furthermore, she thought that he was "a pretentious old thing" who "got on [her] nerves" as he regarded himself as the Guardian of Forever and Time's Champion. (PROSE: The Scarlet Empress)

In 1997, Brigadier General Adrienne Kramer described him as "a manipulative little weirdo who was always up to something behind [her] back." (PROSE: Vampire Science)

Toward the final years of his life, the Seventh Doctor decided to retire from his niche of manipulation. Feeling guilty and tired from his plotting, he acknowledged he had lived past his prime and would soon regenerate. He feared that his next incarnation would not want to take up the helm and continue plans that he had set in motion, and thus put all his affairs in order to leave nothing unsung when his time drew to a close. (AUDIO: Persuasion)

The Seventh Doctor turned out to be prophetically correct about his successor. The Eighth Doctor came to view his immediate predecessor's manipulative nature with disdain. He compared the Seventh Doctor to his fellow renegade Time Lord the Monk, telling his companion Lucie Miller that he used to be "the man with the master plan" who arranged the destruction of his enemies and the toppling of dictatorships in order to serve the greater good to the point where he began to countenance sacrificing the lives of the few to save the many. He eventually began travelling on his own as he was no longer willing to risk the lives of his companions after an incident which he did not want to discuss, a trait the Doctor abandoned following his seventh regeneration. (AUDIO: The Resurrection of Mars)

The Eleventh Doctor described his seventh incarnation as "probably one of [his] more circumspect periods." (AUDIO: Shockwave)

The Reborn Master once described the Seventh Doctor as "that tiresome little man with the umbrella." (AUDIO: Eyes of the Master)

Alan Fitzgerald, a summer intern at the Gogglebox in the far future, believed that the Seventh Doctor knew everything. As such, he was somewhat disappointed when the Fifth Doctor visited the Gogglebox. (AUDIO: The Gathering)

According to UNIT files, he was the most dangerous of the Doctors. (AUDIO: Persuasion)

Nearing the end of his life, the Doctor grew depressed, but became determined to enjoy every minute of his current incarnation after being saved from an Eight Leg by the Eight Doctor. After the Eight Doctor warned him of a trap by the Bruce Master, the Seventh Doctor decided not to think about it, and let fate decide when and how his life would end, instead of despairing over being alone. (PROSE: The Eight Doctors)

Habits and quirks

The Doctor and Ace playing chess in 1638. (TV: Silver Nemesis)

The seventh incarnation was a consummate fan of chess, to the point of treating his companions and enemies as pieces on a chess board. (TV: Silver Nemesis, The Curse of Fenric) Despite his tendency toward a dark personality, the seventh incarnation was known for his use of words to resolve problems instead of violence, and rolled his 'R's, speaking with a Scottish accent.

He liked to carry around a question mark umbrella, often using it for practical purposes unrelated to keeping the rain away. (TV: Remembrance of the Daleks, Battlefield, et al.)

A habit occasionally displayed was a tendency to mangle and combine Earth idioms, such as "Time and tide melt the snowman," "A stitch in time...takes up space," "Fit as a... trombone," "Fit as a tree," "Fools rush in where horses fear to drink", "Softly softly catches the worm" and "I'm not going to spill my beans until I know how many make five." (TV: Time and the Rani, AUDIO: Bang-Bang-A-Boom!) Mel once described this habit as "really annoying," leading him to promise that he would stop doing it. (AUDIO: Bang-Bang-A-Boom!)

The Doctor picking up a Lakertyan spoon to play it (TV: Time and the Rani)

Also, early into this incarnation, the Doctor showed a knack for playing the spoons as a musical instrument, though this was seen less as he matured. (TV: Time and the Rani) Representing Earth in lieu of Nicky Newman, he won the 309th Intergalactic Song Contest by playing the spoons. (AUDIO: Bang-Bang-A-Boom!)

During their encounter on Perfugium in the far future, the Eternal Death noted that the Doctor stopped playing the spoons and mangling his proverbs after his personality began to darken. (AUDIO: Master)

He collected pins, not for any purpose, but just because he enjoyed it. (PROSE: Lucifer Rising)

As he met new people, the Doctor often raised his hat to greet them, smiling as he did so, but this began to disappear as his personality changed. (TV: Time and the Rani, et al.)


The Doctor's first outfit. (TV: The Greatest Show in the Galaxy)

At the beginning of his seventh incarnation, the Doctor wore an off-white safari-styled jacket. He wore a red paisley scarf under the lapels and had a matching handkerchief in the left pocket. Like many of his previous incarnations, he wore a fob watch as part of his clothing. He also wore a yellow pullover with turquoise zigzag lines and red question marks, sometimes tucking this into his sand-coloured tweed plaid trousers in order to attach a pair of red braces over it. Under the pullover he wore a white shirt with red tie. He wore white and brown brogued spectator shoes and a white colonial-styled Panama hat, similar to the hat he had worn in his fifth incarnation, though this one had a paisley hat band and an upturned brim. He carried an umbrella with him, the first a black one with a brown wooden handle, then a second, which had a red, question-mark shaped handle. (TV: Time and the Rani et al.)

The Doctor's second outfit. (TV: Battlefield)

When the Doctor's personality began to change, his outfit changed alongside it. His jacket, hat band, handkerchief, scarf and tie became darker, varying between shades of burgundy and brown. (TV: Ghost Light et al)

As Time's Champion, he kept alternating between outfits, until, during his travels with Ace and Benny, he changed his outfit, removing the pullover and wearing a new linen suit. This remained until Roz Forrester's death. (PROSE: White Darkness to PROSE: Bad Therapy)

The Doctor's final outfit. (TV: Doctor Who)

By the end of this incarnation, his outfit had altered again. He wore a light brown tweed jacket, with a red patterned waistcoat and a black and brown, zigzag patterned tie. He still wore his Panama hat. He had also allowed his greying hair to grow out into tufts on the sides of his head, while it thinned a bit at the top of his scalp. This outfit was damaged by three bullets that struck his chest and leg when he unwittingly stepped into a Chinese-American gang fight. The Doctor was later disrobed while being prepped for surgery at Walker General Hospital. After the Seventh Doctor died in the maligned operation to "fix" his heartbeat, his final attire was stashed away and catalogued in the hospital morgue with his body as a means of potential identification- he was classified as a "John Doe" for lack of a real name given on arrival. His immediate regeneration made no attempt to recover these clothes, instead claiming a Wild Bill Hickok costume for his new outfit. (TV: Doctor Who)

Behind the scenes


Actors considered for the role of the seventh incarnation before McCoy was cast included Rowan Atkinson, who later played the ninth incarnation in the satirical The Curse of Fatal Death; McCoy's mentor Ken Campbell; Chris Jury; Tony Robinson; and Alexei Sayle. Sayle had previously played the DJ in TV: Revelation of the Daleks. Furthermore, Andrew Sachs and Dermot Crowley auditioned for the role.

Cartmel Masterplan

Season 25 and 26 had broad hints that the Doctor was not simply a Time Lord, as previously shown and stated. This overarching plot, conceived by Script Editor Andrew Cartmel and referred to by fans as the Cartmel Masterplan, was designed to restore an element of mystery in the Doctor and his true nature as in the stories of the first and second incarnations. Although the cancellation of the series at the end of Season 26 prevented further on-screen exploration of this arc, it was later given full rein in the Virgin New Adventures novel series.

Parodies and pastiches

  • After the original series ended, Sylvester McCoy and Sophie Aldred played characters called the Professor and Ace, respectively, in a series of audio adventures produced by BBV Productions. Initially the stories were clearly based upon Doctor Who, but these connections decreased when the character was renamed the Dominie and Aldred's character Alice.
  • McCoy also parodied his version of the Doctor in the BBV production, Do You Have a Licence to Save This Planet?.
  • In the BBC series, Doctors, Sylvester guest-starred as Graham Capelli, an actor who had played the title role in The Amazing Lollipop Man, a cult 1980s children's television series of the same name. The Lollipop Man had many similarities to the Doctor.
  • An Easter Egg referencing the Seventh Doctor appears in the seventh episode of the first season (The Tale of the Captured Souls) of the Nickelodean children's horror series, Are You Afraid of the Dark?. The Seventh Doctor's hat and coat can be seen hanging from a hatstand at two points in the episode.

The Brilliant Book 2011

According to The Brilliant Book 2011, a non-narrative source, the Seventh Doctor was at Chartwell on 16 November 1936, where he met Winston Churchill again. The Doctor told Winston that King Edward VIII's lover, Wallis Simpson, was an alien.

The website had a list of sightings of the Doctor from which people had ostensibly been submitting to Clive, a conspiracy theorist character from TV: Rose.

A submission from "j q public" had sighted someone who looked like a version of the Doctor in Clive's photographs — the Ninth Doctor — arguing with "a little man with an umbrella" on a university campus. [1]


  1. Contact Us. Retrieved on 23 July 2013.
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