Elliott Jo Jordan

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Elliott Jo Jordan was a man from one of the universes within the 10,000 Dawns.

He was once Graelyn's competitor for the vacant position of intern at Project Atlantis where Graelyn got her first brush with the Multiverse and started her life of adventures. Having learned of said life of adventures, Jordan, consumed with jealously at the thought that it should all have been his, made a deal with Dusk to travel the multiverse.

Having finally tracked Graelyn and Archimedes down, he arranged for Graelyn to lose her bag of crystalline incision portal dust in a precipice and then recovered it for himself. Finding his way to the house the stranded Graelyn and Arch had subsequently rented, he was about to make some megalomaniacal demand when Arch simply swiped the bag out of his hands before he could react, before throwing him out of the house and shutting the door. (PROSE: Birthdays are Made for Memories)