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Tenth Doctor

From Tardis Wiki, the free Doctor Who reference

The Tenth Doctor was the tenth incarnation of the renegade Time Lord known as the Doctor. Unlike his immediate predecessor, who was plagued by melancholy due to his actions during the Last Great Time War, this incarnation was outgoing, lively and genial, a demeanour that hid the "survivor's guilt" that had plagued him since the war. Late in his life, however, the weight became much more pronounced.

Unlike his predecessors, he tried to have a romantic relationship with Joan Redfern as John Smith, and possibly Rose Tyler. He was haunted by companions lost, enemies believed long-dead and events that threatened to destroy time itself. He met his end after he absorbed a huge quantity of nuclear radiation whilst saving the life of his friend, Wilfred Mott, leading to his regeneration into his next incarnation.


A changed man

The Doctor just after his regeneration. (TV: The Parting of the Ways)

When the Ninth Doctor absorbed the Time Vortex from his companion Rose Tyler and put it back into the Heart of the TARDIS, the forces began to destroy every cell in his body. He regenerated for the ninth time to save his life. (TV: The Parting of the Ways)

Before regenerating, the Doctor had dematerialised the TARDIS from Satellite 5 (TV: The Parting of the Ways), leaving Jack behind because of his status as a living fixed point. (TV: Utopia) He still intended to fulfil his promise to take Rose to the planet Barcelona. With Rose suffering an emotional crisis over his sudden change, he instead decided to bring her home to the Powell Estate in London. En route, he convinced her of his identity by reminding her of the first thing he said to her: "Run". Before he could complete the landing, he began to suffer adverse effects from his regeneration. Experiencing manic hyperactivity, he accelerated the TARDIS faster and faster. (TV: Children in Need Special)

Crash-landing the TARDIS on Christmas Eve, the Doctor staggered out. He dazedly wished Jackie and Mickey a merry Christmas, then fell into a coma. He snapped out of it briefly to save Mickey and the Tylers from a killer Christmas tree, but the stress of waking up too soon made matters worse and he collapsed again. When the TARDIS was taken aboard a Sycorax spaceship on Christmas morning, he awoke with the help of some tea that seeped into a component of the TARDIS, producing steam, to stop the Sycorax leader's blood control of one third of humanity. The Doctor challenged the leader over the fate of Earth. In a sword fight, the Sycorax leader chopped off the Doctor's hand. However, because he was still in the first fifteen hours of his regeneration cycle, he grew a new hand and went on to defeat the Sycorax.

As the Sycorax fled, Prime Minister Harriet Jones ordered Torchwood to destroy the ship. The angry Doctor spoke some words into her aide's ear, "Don't you think she looks tired", to bring about Jones' premature downfall. After choosing his new outfit, the Doctor had Christmas dinner with Mickey and the Tylers. When it began "snowing", the Doctor noted that it was actually the ash of the destroyed Sycorax ship entering the atmosphere. (TV: The Christmas Invasion)

New adventures with Rose

The Doctor and Rose embarked on more adventures through time and space, bidding farewell to Jackie and Mickey after Christmas. They went to New Earth and were summoned to the New New York Hospital by the Face of Boe; the Doctor was told they'd meet one last time. While there, he stopped the Sisters of Plenitude, who were creating human clones and infecting them with every disease to develop cures for other patients. The Doctor was posessed by an old enemy, Cassandra, who had also posessed Rose. Cassandra was trying to extend her life. She allowed the clones to rampage across the hospital, killing many humans. The Doctor found a way to cure all of the clones and released Rose, and he finally convinced Cassandra to "end it". He took her back in time to die in the arms of her younger self. (TV: New Earth)

The Doctor and Rose. (TV: Tooth and Claw)

They took an accidental trip to 1879 Scotland, where the Doctor protected Queen Victoria from an assassination attempt; the Brethren had taken over Torchwood House, planning to use the bite of the wolf to put the Lupine Wavelength Haemovariform on the British throne. Using Prince Albert's Koh-i-Noor diamond with the light chamber designed by Sir George MacLeish, the house's former owner, the Doctor destroyed the werewolf host, before it bit the Queen.

As a reward, the Doctor was knighted "Sir Doctor of TARDIS" and Rose was knighted "Dame Rose of the Powell Estate". However, they were also banished from the British Empire because their blasé attitude to danger unnerved the Queen. The Doctor inadvertently inspired Queen Victoria to found the Torchwood Institute, dedicated to defending Britain from alien threats, particularly, and ironically, him. (TV: Tooth and Claw)

Visiting a museam with Jackie and Mickey, the Doctor discovered a statue of Rose herself was housed in the museam. Travelling to Rome in 120 to investigate, The Doctor found a sentient machine called GENIE; it could grant the wishes of anyone who used it. It was then discovered Rose had accidentally wished herself into the mysterious statue. Reversing his companion's wish, the Doctor wished the GENIE could have its freedom and allowed it to live its life in peace. (PROSE: The Stone Rose)

The Doctor and Rose returned to London a year after the Sycorax invasion. During this adventure, the Doctor had to stop aliens known as the Waterhive from drowning multiple Navy soldiers and their loved ones to serve as incubators for their larvae. To succeed, the Doctor unfortunately had to atomise the aliens. (PROSE: The Feast of the Drowned)

The Doctor is delighted to see Sarah Jane and K9 again. (TV: School Reunion)

In 2007, Mickey brought the Doctor and Rose to Deffry Vale High School, which had had suspiciously high exam results and UFO sightings. The Doctor went undercover as physics teacher John Smith. He was reunited with his companion from long ago, Sarah Jane Smith, who was also investigating the school; although trying to keep his identity secret, Sarah eventually discovered he was the Doctor. After repairing K9 Mark III, whom Sarah still kept in the boot of her car, he learned that the oil used to boost the children's intelligence was Krillitane oil.

The Krillitanes were using the children's minds to solve the Skasis Paradigm, a computation that could rebuild the fabric of the universe. The Doctor resisted the temptation of the paradigm, and K9 sacrificed himself to blow up the Krillitanes with their toxic oil. On Sarah Jane's suggestion, the Doctor allowed Mickey to accompany him and Rose on their travels; Mickey did not refuse this time, having grown bored of his normal life on Earth. He also built a new K9 as parting gift for Sarah Jane, giving it all the memories of the previous model. (TV: School Reunion)

The Doctor, Rose and Mickey went to the SS Madame de Pompadour in the 51st century, where they found the crew's organs were used as "parts" by the repair droids after the ship had been damaged. The droids created time windows to find the ship's namesake, Madame de Pompadour, nicknamed Reinette, when she was what they considered "complete", to be used as the final "part". While investigating this, the Doctor travelled throughout Reinette's life via these time windows, fighting the droids throughout 18th century France. As he did so, the Doctor began falling in love with Reinette, as did she with him.

When the droids found the "complete" Madame de Pompadour, the Doctor broke through a time window to the court of Versailles in 1758, shattering the connection to the ship and stranding the droids - and the Doctor himself. Without purpose, they shut down. Reinette had taken a fireplace which, because it was disconnected, retained its link to the SS Madame de Pompadour. The Doctor tried going back through the fireplace so that he could take Reinette to see the universe, but the loose connection to the time window meant she had already died when he returned six years later from her perspective, leaving the Doctor devastated. (TV: The Girl in the Fireplace)

While travelling, the Doctor, Rose and Mickey fell through a crack in time, ending up on a parallel Earth more technologically advanced; the TARDIS had no power from the correct universe to get back. Giving up ten years worth of his life energy to power a surviving piece of the TARDIS, the Doctor decided to kill time on the parallel Earth until the piece was charged. When Rose found her father Pete Tyler was alive in this world, the Doctor cautioned her against making contact, as he wasn't actually her father. Giving in to Rose's request to attend the birthday party of her parallel mother, the Doctor was horrified to discover Cybermen crash it. (TV: Rise of the Cybermen)

Escaping, the Doctor allied himself with the Preachers, led by Ricky Smith, that universe's Mickey. They broke into Cybus Industries to confront the creator of these new Cybermen, John Lumic, only to see he had been forcibly converted into the Cyber-Controller. The Doctor bought time by trading philosophical ideas with him while Mickey shut off the emotional inhibitors. The Cybermen began exploding, along with Cybus Industries; Ricky died during the strike. When it came time to leave, Mickey chose to stay behind, even though the Doctor would seal the crack to prevent further travelling to his own world. The Doctor and Rose honoured Mickey's wishes. (TV: The Age of Steel)

The Doctor sees the faceless Rose. (TV: The Idiot's Lantern)

The Doctor and Rose planned to see an Elvis concert. However, they ended up in England, on 2 June, 1953, where the Wire was planning to steal the essences and faces of everyone watching the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II on television. Rose fell victim to the Wire. With the help of Tommy Connolly, and DI Bishop, the Doctor trapped the Wire in a video cassette, restoring everyone she had trapped, including Rose. (TV: The Idiot's Lantern)

While in 2007 Wales, the Doctor encountered the Cynrog, who were trying to bring back their "God", Balor, by sacrificing the humans. Its consciousness was spread with the power of children's bad dreams. After the alien was brought back, it was soon destroyed. (PROSE: The Nightmare of Black Island)

Arriving in Africa in the 22nd century, the Doctor meet the Wurms, who were seeking to destroy the art works of their enemies, the Valnaxi. The Valnaxi themselves accidentally took the forms of humans due to an archaeologist accidentally finding a booby-trapped treasure trove. The Doctor got rid of both species before they could do any more damage to Earth. (PROSE: The Art of Destruction)

In Laylora, the Doctor put a stop to the Witiku, who were trying to drive aliens off the planet. (PROSE: The Price of Paradise)

The Doctor and Rose journeyed to Krop Tor, an impossible planet inhabited by Sanctuary Base 6 that orbited the black hole K37 Gem 5; the TARDIS fell below the plant's surface. The humans of Sanctuary Base 6 had come to Krop Tor to discover the source of power emanating from the planet's core, which allowed the planet to orbit the black hole. They refused to divert their drill to collect the TARDIS. In the base, the Beast had been terrorising the explorers and possessing their servants, the Ood. The Doctor and a crew member of Sanctuary Base 6, Ida Scott, descended into the core of the planet and discovered a pit which had started opening. (TV: The Impossible Planet)

With the transport tube back to the surface rendered unusable by the Beast, the Doctor decided to descend into the pit alone. Inside, he came face-to-face with the Beast and tried conversing, though its consciousness had already escaped to Toby Zed, the expedition's archaeologist. Realising the Beast's jailers thought of the Beast's escape, the Doctor shattered the vase keeping the planet orbiting the black hole. At the same time, the Beast's mind was ejected from the Sanctuary Base 6 rocket by Rose. Though willing to "go along for the ride", the Doctor discovered the TARDIS by accident; he saved Ida Scott, but didn't have enough time to rescue the Ood. Towing the rocket safely away from the black hole, the Doctor "swapped passengers" and continued his journeys with Rose. (TV: The Satan Pit)

When Elton Pope upset Jackie, the Doctor tracked him down on Rose's behalf to teach him a lesson. He, however, managed to turn the tables on the Abzorbaloff chasing Elton by breaking the limitation field in its cane that prevented it from over-absorbing. He brought the consciousness of the woman Elton loved, who had been absorbed by the alien, back, but stuck as a face on piece of concrete. (TV: Love & Monsters)

The Doctor lights the Olympic flame. (TV: Fear Her)

The Doctor and Rose went to 2012 to see the London Olympics. He met a girl named Chloe Webber who had been possessed by a lone Isolus. Chloe trapped other children from her street in drawings to make the Isolus feel less lonely. Despite trying to help the Isolus, the Doctor was trapped in a drawing, along with the TARDIS. Once Rose tossed the Isolus' pod into the Olympic flame to recharge it with warmth and love, the Doctor was freed from the drawing. He then took the place of the winded runner, lighting the Olympic flame himself. Reuniting with Rose, the Doctor warned her that he felt a "storm" coming. (TV: Fear Her)

Battle of Canary Wharf and losing Rose

When the Doctor and Rose returned to 2007 Earth, they found the entire planet was being visited by beings believed to be ghosts. The Doctor tracked the signal to Torchwood Tower in London and was taken prisoner by the Torchwood Institute. He strongly opposed their use of "ghost shifts" for a power source, as it was ripping a hole between parallel worlds which increased in size with every iteration. The original tear was caused by "the Sphere", an object the Doctor identified as a void ship. Two computer technicians, secretly under the control of Cybermen, restarted the ghost shift. The ghosts, who were actually Cybermen, came from the parallel world where the Doctor and Rose had left Mickey. As the Cyberman invasion of Earth began, the void ship opened, revealing the Cult of Skaro, a group of Daleks with a Genesis Ark. (TV: Army of Ghosts) The Genesis Ark was Time Lord technology, a prison ship containing millions of Daleks captured by the Time Lords.

The Doctor says his goodbyes to Rose at Bad Wolf Bay. (TV: Doomsday)

To save both dimensions from annihilation and defeat the Daleks and Cybermen, the Doctor opened the Void. This would suck anything covered in "Void stuff" into it. Realising that Rose, he and the others were also covered in Void stuff, the Doctor sent an unwilling Rose, along with Mickey, Pete Tyler and her mother, to Pete's World, where they would be safe from the Void. Rose refused to leave the Doctor. Knowing she would never see her family again, she returned. Together, they opened the Void and the Daleks and Cybermen were sucked in. The plan initially went smoothly until Rose's lever malfunctioned, threatening to halt the operation. Rose secured the lever, but couldn't hold on and was almost sucked into the Void.

She was saved at the last second by her parallel father and taken back across to the other universe, separating her from the Doctor. The Doctor and Rose met one last time on Dårlig Ulv Stranden in Norway; he was projecting a hologram of himself through the last crack in the universe leading to where Rose was. He had parked the TARDIS in orbit around a supernova for enough power to say goodbye. Rose spoke of her love for the Doctor to him, but his reply was cut off. The Doctor was left crying, just as Rose was. (TV: Doomsday)

A Noble encounter

The Doctor and Donna. (TV: The Runaway Bride)

Whilst he was grieving over Rose, Donna Noble appeared inside the TARDIS during her wedding to Lance Bennett. (TV: Doomsday, The Runaway Bride) Returning her to the ceremony on Christmas Eve, 2007, the Doctor found Lance wasn't marrying Donna out of love; he was working for the Empress of the Racnoss. They were using Donna as an incubator for Huon particles needed to revive other Racnoss in stasis at the Earth's core; she appeared in the TARDIS because of magnet-like pull of the Huon particles in it. Lance had been force-fed Huon particles in Donna's place and was fed to the Racnoss offspring through a hole dug by Torchwood, waking them.

After the Empress failed to take his offer to leave Earth, the Doctor's darker side took him over. He drowned the Racnoss offspring with all of the River Thames by flooding the Torchwood base on top of the hole.

When the Empress tried attacking London with her Webstar, the British military destroyed her along with it. The Doctor took Donna back home to her worrying family, having the offer to join him in his adventures denied because of his darker side. Declining Christmas dinner, the Doctor was told by Donna to "find someone" to help him control his dark side. (TV: The Runaway Bride)

Voyaging alone

Determined not to replace Rose with a new companion, the Doctor began travelling alone.

Attemping to see central London's Christmas lights, the Doctor accidentally landed the TARDIS in Daniel Francis Thompson's bedroom. Daniel made his way into the TARDIS and meddled with the controls, transporting the time machine to Belgium in 1914, where they witnessed a German and British football match. After visiting various Christmas periods in Earth's history, the Doctor returned Daniel home. (PROSE: Deep and Dreamless Sleep)

Soon after, the Doctor took part in a polar expedition on Grothender. (COMIC: Wormhole)

Cybermen on Centuria

The Doctor took a break from his adventures on the Earth colony world, Centuria. His holiday was cut short when he discovered an army of Cybermen had escaped the Battle of Canary Wharf. Taken prisoner and unable to stop the Cybermen's takeover of Centuria, the Doctor met Jayne Kadett, an investigator. He and Jayne managed to destroy the Cybermen at the heart of the Centuria invasion. But they discovered the Cybermen had been rebuilding their army across the universe, so the Doctor took Jayne with him to track them down and destroy them. (COMIC: The Power of the Cybermen)

Following the Cybermen's signal, the Doctor flew an airship across the continents of Azlon, which had now become a gigantic Cyber-conversion factory. The Doctor and Jayde destroyed the factory and found a map that brought them closer to finding out why the Cybermen had targeted Centuria. (COMIC: Drones of Doom)

Taken prisoner below the arctic lands of Centuria, the Doctor and Jayne met Homaj, a half-cybernised drone. After battling the Ice Snakes and cyber-dogs, The Doctor and Jayne used explosives to destroy the Cybermen's base. Homaj sacrificed himself, and the Doctor and Jayne discovered the key to stopping the Cybermen was by destroying Centuria Central. (COMIC: Enemy Mine)

When Jayne became frozen in time, the Doctor set off to Centuria Central alone, becoming a fugitive. He infiltrated the base and destroyed the stasis machine, which had a mental link to the Cybermen. As a result, Cybermen across the galaxy were destroyed. With the galaxy protected, the Doctor bid farewell to Jayde and resumed his travels in the TARDIS, (COMIC: Time of the Cybermen)

Leaving Centuria, the Doctor arrived in a village in 12th century England, at the time of the Black Death. He discovered the Zeerover virus had turned the villagers into zombies. Making a deal with the Zeerovers, the Doctor cured the villagers and treated many Black Death victims. (COMIC: Plague Panic)

The Doctor discovered the Floof, a species with the ability to hide in plain sight, had been stalking an ordinary man called Tom. Befriending Tom, the Doctor realised the Floof had developed a psychic link with Tom and was unwilling to let him go, killing Tom's wife. Enraged, the Doctor punishes the Floof by seperating it from Tom, condemning it to eternal loneliness. (PROSE: Corner of the Eye)

Arriving on newly-constructed Space Station Alpha in the 36th century, the Doctor met a snag finder called Jimmy and his Welding Bot X-5, who went by the name of "Bert". The Doctor discovered the Klytode, whom he had battled before, had scrambled Bert circuits and was intending to launch a cobalt bomb on the station, so that the station would crash to Earth and destroy it. The Doctor saved Bert, tricked the Klytode into destroying his own planet, and had him arrested. (COMIC: The Snag Finders)

A very special friend

The Doctor arrived on the Slough of the Disjointed Planets, a space populated by warlike races renowned for their brutal conflicts. There he encountered the dying War Keeper, the ancient controller of the population of the Disjointed Planets. To find a worthy successor, the War Keeper scanned the Doctor's mind for the identity and location of the greatest leader of the cosmos. He chose Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart. The Doctor's very old friend, now retired and in his late seventies, found himself transported to the Slough to receive the position, but refused to accept.

As an alternative, the War Keeper chose Mike Yates, but accidentally summoned another, far less capable man with the same name. Rivals of the dying War Keeper infiltrated his helpers before his death and passed onto the other Mike Yates the Keeper's control device, the Warkeeper's Crown. With the weak-minded, wrong Yates under the control of the Crown, and with the wrong Yates in turn in control of the many forces of the Disjointed Planets, the deceased War Keeper's rivals planned to control the conflicts. The controlled Yates transported himself back to Earth, along with many Orcs, Hawks and other creatures. The Doctor and the Brigadier, with an army of Brigadier-clones the Doctor created with technology at the Slough, returned to the Earth to defeat the demon hordes and free Yates from the Crown's control. At this time, the Mike Yates whom the Doctor and the Brigadier knew of old witnessed the conflict. With the danger passed, the Doctor and the Brigadier, still and ever the best of friends, re-lived their old glories and said their good-byes, although the Brigadier expected to see his old friend again. (COMIC: The Warkeeper's Crown)

Smith and Jones

The Doctor meets a new companion. (TV: Smith and Jones)

While investigating a set of plasma coils, the Doctor checked himself into Royal Hope Hospital in 2008, where he met Martha Jones. The hospital was H2O scooped onto the Moon by the Judoon, who were hunting the Plasmavore murderer Florence Finnegan. Pretending to be human, the Doctor tricked Finnegan into drinking some of his blood, which she assimilated into her system. The Judoon killed her after identifying her as an alien. Martha revived the blood-starved Doctor, and he unplugged Finnegan's overloaded MRI machine, set to kill half of Earth. The hospital was returned to Earth, and he invited Martha to go on one trip in time with him as his way of saying "thanks". (TV: Smith and Jones)

The Doctor watches Shakespeare's play. (TV: The Shakespeare Code)

They arrived in London in 1599 to meet William Shakespeare, another of his favourite authors. Learning the lost play, Love's Labour's Won, was to be performed, the Doctor decided to investigate why it vanished. It turned out Carrionites had the Globe constructed to their design in order to use a hidden incantation in the script to free the rest of their kind from the Deep Darkness. Despite succeeding, their incantation was reversed by one improvised by Shakespeare, trapping them and all copies of the play in the Darkness. As it risked freeing them, the Doctor advised Will not to rewrite the play. He also gave him, according to himself, 10% of the words or phases he would use in his future plays. After the performance, Queen Elizabeth I arrived and ordered her men to kill her sworn enemy, even though the Doctor hadn't met her yet. (TV: The Shakespeare Code)

The Doctor identifies the Macra beneath the Motorway. (TV: Gridlock)

Despite saying that Martha would go on only one trip, the Doctor stretched the definition to a trip to both the past and future. (TV: Gridlock)

In 5,000,000,053, the Doctor searched for Martha, who had been kidnapped by a couple wishing to use the New New York Motorway's fast lane. Novice Hame took the Doctor to what was left of the Senate to help the Face of Boe open the Motorway, freeing Martha from the Macra, who lived in the filthy air below the cars. After the Face of Boe sacrificed his own life to power the doors keeping the motorway shut, he uttered his final words to the Doctor and Martha: "You are not alone". The Doctor talked to Martha about the Last Great Time War and how he thought the Face of Boe was wrong. (TV: Gridlock)

Again, the Doctor decided to extend Martha's trip, making a "detour" prior to returning her home; by this time, he had grown accustomed to having her as a companion. (TV: Daleks in Manhattan)

In 1930 New York City, the Doctor and Martha investigated kidnappings from Hooverville, befriending their leader, Solomon. Investigating the sewers, the Doctor discovered strange pig-like creatures that worked for the Cult of Skaro, who were kidnapping humans with high intellegence for their Final Experiment; the pig slaves were created from those of low intelect. The Doctor discover that the Daleks were trying to evolve into new forms in order to survive; the Cult of Skaro's leader, Dalek Sec, transformed himself into the first human-Dalek hybrid as part of this plan. (TV: Daleks in Manhattan)

To the Doctor's surprise, Sec grew compassionate thanks to his new humanity, wishing to no longer conquer Earth; he wanted the Doctor to take the new human-Dalek race to a new world with his TARDIS. A coup occurred, and Sec was overthrown; the other Daleks continued their original plan to conquer Earth, filling the captive humans with pure Dalek DNA. The Doctor climbed to the top of the Empire State Building and got in the way of the solar flare that powered the experiment; he added Time Lord morality to the hybrids. The Daleks fought the hybrids; Daleks Sec, Jast and Thay and the hybrids all died and Caan performed an emergency temporal shift. (TV: Evolution of the Daleks)

The Doctor brought Martha back home exactly 12 hours after they left, planning to leave and continue his travels alone. However, he decided to stay to discover what Professor Lazarus was up to after hearing that he was going to change what it meant to be human. Attending Lazarus' demonstration, the Doctor discovered the professor had created a machine to restore youth. However, the machine backfired, mutating Lazarus into a monster that fed of the life-force of others. Following Lazarus into a cathedral, the Doctor used his sonic screwdriver to enhance a pipe-organ to reverse the machine's effect and revert Lazarus to his original self, dead. Per Martha's request, the Doctor took her on as an official travelling companion. (TV: The Lazarus Experiment).

After upgrading Martha's phone in mid-travel, the Doctor locked onto the distress called sent out by the SS Pentallian. He soon discovered that the ship was plummeting into the Torajii sun, but was unable to evacuate anyone because the TARDIS was trapped in the boiler room, which was growing inhumanely hotter by the minute. A malevolent force possessed one of the crew and began reducing them to cinders. Eventually, the Doctor discovered that Torajii was sentient and seeking revenge on the crew for scooping out some of it to use as fuel; it possessed him next after its previous host was stopped. Holding off possession long enough, the Doctor told Martha how to get rid of the fuel to appease Torajii. He also gave Martha a TARDIS key. (TV: 42)

A trip to 1909 had the Doctor meet his old foes, the Zygons, once again. However, because they were suffering from starvation, he managed to easily repel them from Earth when they tried invading. (PROSE: Sting of the Zygons)

Visting the Museum of the Last Ones, the Doctor was nearly forced to be a living exhibit in the Gallifreyian section by Eve, the android curator. (PROSE: The Last Dodo)

The Doctor shows Martha a fob watch, telling her that he is going to become human. (TV: Human Nature)

The Doctor hid from the Family of Blood, aliens who wanted his Time Lord body. He used a Chameleon Arch to transform himself into a human school teacher named John Smith in 1913 England, completely hiding his Time Lord self. His alter ego had no recollection of the Doctor. John Smith fell in love (to Martha's chagrin) with the matron of the school, Joan Redfern. (TV: Human Nature) The Doctor retook his Time Lord body to save the Earth from destruction and found suitable punishment for the Family of Blood. Regretfully, the Doctor respected Joan's wishes and left her behind because of the death and destruction his actions brought. (TV: The Family of Blood)

While in Blackwood Falls, the Doctor encountered the Hervoken, old enemies of the Carrionites. He prevented them from using the energy of the townspeople to launch their ship. (PROSE: Forever Autumn)

The Doctor next chased a Voracious Craw off Tiermann's World in the 35th century by using a copy of the alien's species to scare it off the planet before it could finish consuming it. (PROSE: Sick Building)

On another trip, the Doctor stopped a Swamp Monster from attacking a Sundayan colony by tricking it into possessing him. Using a new protein-RNA mix, the Doctor destroyed the creature. (PROSE: Wetworld)

Arriving in Creighton Mere, the Doctor discovered a Vurosis. To prevent it from doing any more harm to the populace, the Doctor forced its mutategenic powers back on it, killing the alien. (PROSE: Wishing Well)

In the 40th century, the Doctor encountered space pirates, and he tried to make them give up their ways. They killed him, but thanks to an incomplete time loop, the Doctor was revived without the need for regeneration. Using the TARDIS to complete the loop, the Doctor allowed the pirates to party on the Brilliant forever. (PROSE: The Pirate Loop)

In 1880, the Doctor found (literal) living weapons known as the Clade, which were causing trouble. After getting one to heal Martha from an injury with the promise of being a new host, the Doctor proved stronger in a battle of wills and forced the original programming to come back on before trapping them in a cave, which collapsed, trapping them for good. (PROSE: Peacemaker)

Another trip brought the Doctor to Snowglobe 7 in 2099. There, he was forced to commit genocide by destroying the Gappa race to keep humanity safe from them. (PROSE: Snowglobe 7)

The Doctor and Martha went to 2007 to investigate strange disappearances at Wester Drumlins. They were transported back in time to 1969 by the Weeping Angels, an alien race who took the form of stone angels when observed. The Angels fed off their potential energy. Using information given to him by Sally Sparrow before the incident, he left messages for Sally in the future to bring the TARDIS back to 1969. (TV: Blink)

The return of the Master

In Cardiff, the Doctor "refuelled" the TARDIS at the Cardiff Space-Time Rift. Jack Harkness jumped onto and clung to the exterior of the TARDIS, hitching a ride to the planet Malcassairo at the universe's end. The Doctor found Professor Yana, who was actually his most fearsome nemesis, the War Master. He had been made human by another Chameleon Arch, but when Martha asked about his old fob watch, he opened it and became the Master again. After being shot by Professor Yana's assistant, Chantho, and facing imminent regeneration, the Master locked himself inside the Doctor's TARDIS, hijacked the ship and escaped, leaving the Doctor, Jack and Martha to die at the hands of the Futurekind. (TV: Utopia)

The Doctor fixed Jack's decades-broken vortex manipulator, and used it to bring them back to 2008, just after the election. The Doctor discovered the Saxon Master, under the human name of Harold Saxon, was now Great Britain's new Prime Minister. On board the UNIT aircraft carrier Valiant, the Master invited the Toclafane, whom he ordered to assassinate US President Arthur Coleman Winters and attack the Earth. The Doctor was aged into an old man by the Master's laser screwdriver. (TV: The Sound of Drums) As the Toclafane invaded the world, the Doctor sent Martha away with Jack's manipulator after whispering his plan against the Master. (TV: The Sound of Drums, Last of the Time Lords)

Being kept prisoner for an entire year, the Doctor was once more aged by the Master, this time into a diminutive little creature. Using the Archangel Network, the Doctor harnessed the psychic energy of humanity's hope following Martha spreading the word about him. The Doctor regained his young appearance. He then inflicted the worse blow to the Master's ego ever: he forgave him for everything he did. Jack destroyed the paradox machine keeping the Toclafane in the present, undoing the entire year; time resumed for everyone else right after the president was killed, but those on the Valiant retained their memories due to being at the "eye of the storm".

However, while the Doctor planned to keep the Master his prisoner, his human wife, Lucy Saxon, shot him; the Master refused to regenerate and died in order to escape "being kept prisoner" with the Doctor. Because they were the last two Time Lords, this dealt the Doctor another devastating emotional blow, due to losing his "brother". Burning his body, the Doctor offered Jack the chance to rejoin him in travelling through time and space, but Jack declined, saying that his Torchwood team needed him. Preparing to depart with Martha, the Doctor found she also wished to stay behind. Martha explained she loved him, but knew since he'll never return her feelings, it was best she left. However, she gave him her upgraded mobile so that she could call him back if there was any more trouble. (TV: Last of the Time Lords)

The fifth and tenth incarnations meet. (TV: Time Crash)

When incarnations meet

Shortly after Martha left, the Doctor crashed his TARDIS into that of his fifth incarnation, which put the universe in danger of being sucked into a Belgium-sized black hole. However, the Doctor used his memory of the event from his fifth incarnation's viewpoint to create a supernova at the exact same moment the black hole appeared. After giving a heart-felt speech of appreciation to his past self, the Doctors' TARDISes separated. Before he could turn the TARDIS' shields back on, the spaceship Titanic crashed through the walls. (TV: Time Crash)

A Titanic adventure

After fixing the damage to his TARDIS, the Doctor transported it inside the Titanic on Christmas Eve, 2008, where he decided to join the party. He quickly made a new friend, Astrid Peth, on board. When the ship's owner, Max Capricorn, had a meteor shower purposely crash into the Titanic, the Doctor attempted to save the passengers. He could only save Astrid by transforming her into a being of light, but managed to save three other people. The Doctor stopped the Titanic from crashing into Earth. Additionally, he refused to allow the ship's tour guide Mr Copper to travel with him, though Mr Copper had accidentally had more than enough credit to get by for the first time in his life. Following the incident, the Doctor set out on his own once again. (TV: Voyage of the Damned)

Meeting Majenta and travels alone

The Doctor stumbled onto Majenta Pryce's operation in the Hotel Historia while confronting the Graxnix in 41st century London and used the faulty tech to travel back to the hotel. The Graxnix followed the Doctor and started to kill people at the hotel. Majenta quickly decided to leave with her bills unpaid, but the Doctor prevented her escape. He used her time travel tech to imprison the Graxnix outside time, then ensured she was taken to debtors' jail. (COMIC: Hotel Historia)

After burning toast in the TARDIS, the Doctor was forced to land in a purple alien jungle, where he met Mason Burns, an archeologist searching for the final resting place of the Old Kings of Skarab. The Doctor joined him on his quest. After battling giant scorpians and escaping various traps, the Doctor discovered a group of humans had been turned into gorilla's by the kings centuries ago. Finding and sealing the kings tomb, the Doctor leaves Mason to lead a revolution on Skarab. (COMIC: The Old Kings of Skarab)

Tracking a Sea-Rah creature that had fallen throught a hole in time, the Doctor arrived on a beach in England, where he saved a younge boy called Lewis from the Sea-Rah. Unable to return the Sea-Rah home, the Doctor relocates it to Kenru Za in Galaxy 29 and returns Lewis to Earth afterwards. (COMIC: Sea-Rah)

Visiting the Vienna State Opera, the Doctor discovered the great tenor, Anton Mordillo, was actually a member of the thieves Guild of Kardol, a group of alien con-artists wanted in seven star systems. (COMIC: The Great Mordillo)

A Noble reunion

File:Doctor donna noble2.jpg
The Doctor reunited with Donna Noble. (TV: Partners in Crime)

While investigating Adipose Industries, the Doctor was reunited with Donna Noble, who finally accepted his invitation to travel with him. With the help of Donna, he used two Adipose Pill Necklaces to prevent a million Londoners from being killed and their organs and skeletons converted into Adipose. The Doctor tried to save the life of Matron Cofelia, the foster mother to the few thousand Adipose that made it through before the birthing stopped, but the Adipose First Family's ship dropped her as it took aboard the incomplete harvest of Adipose.

The Doctor and Donna were both quick to rule out the possibility of a romantic involvement, making their companionship dynamically different from those of Rose and Martha. This was something the Doctor had been wishing for: just a friend, no romance. He flew the TARDIS to where Wilf was looking at the stars through his telescope, waving to him along with Donna before heading off. (TV: Partners in Crime)

The Doctor and Donna travelled to 79, where he thought he landed in Rome. Discovering instead that they had landed one day before "Volcano Day" in Pompeii, the Doctor tried rushing Donna back to the TARDIS. However, he was constantly pestered by her to try saving the citizens. He then took interest in how the Sibylline Sisterhood were able to accurately foretell the future, learning they were turning to stone. The Doctor discovered Pyroviles were attempting to take over the Earth after losing their own world by converting humans into their own kind. Having the choice between the death of the entire world or of the thousands in Pompeii, the Doctor made Vesuvius erupt and destroyed the Pyroviles. Per Donna's request, he saved a single family, admitting she was right; he did need someone to travel with him. (TV: The Fires of Pompeii)

The Doctor was next forced to arrive at Planet 1, where he was hunted for sport by Sebastiene and the rest of his sadistic society. However, the Doctor escaped. (PROSE: The Doctor Trap)

They then encountered the Cult of Shining Darkness, who loathed robots. The Doctor managed to prevent them from carrying out their plans, but at the cost of the cultists being caught in an explosion. (PROSE: Shining Darkness)

Their next trip brought them to Calcutta, where they were forced to stop Darac-7, a Jal Karath, from kidnapping all humans to turn into Gelem warriors to be sold to the Hive Council. With the help of Mohandas Gandhi, they destroyed Darc-7 and his ship. (PROSE: Ghosts of India)

In 4126, the Doctor learned that the Ood of the Second Great and Bountiful Human Empire were actually slaves instead of servants and helped free them by opening the field blocking the Ood Brain, the "third element" of Oodkind's minds. The vile owner of Ood Operations, Mr Halpen, was also turned into a Ood himself as punishment for how cruel he was to them. After this, Ood Sigma foretold that the Doctor's song would end soon. (TV: Planet of the Ood)

Martha phoned to the Doctor to call him back to UNIT in 2009 to investigate 52 simultaneous ATMOS-related deaths across the Earth. He discovered the Sontarans were working with Luke Rattigan to create ATMOS; they also replaced Martha with a clone, to keep them updated on the movements of the Doctor and UNIT. (TV: The Sontaran Stratagem) The sezerfine gas was emitted from ATMOS-equipped cars across the Earth to be used to breed more Sontarans for the war against the Rutans. After finding and freeing the real Martha (he immediately knew she was replaced), the Doctor used an atmospheric converter, built by the students at Luke's school for gifted children, to ignite the atmosphere, destroying the gas. The Sontarans' next plan was to simply conquer Earth. Rattigan, having been betrayed by the Sontarans, sacrificed his life, swapping places with the Doctor at the last minute to destroy the flagship with the converter. (TV: The Poison Sky)

Becoming a Father

Directly following this, the TARDIS unexpectedly transported the Doctor, Donna and Martha to the planet Messaline in the year 6012. There, DNA was stolen and replicated to produce Jenny, his biological "daughter". Paradoxically, it was Jenny's creation which brought the TARDIS to Messaline to begin with. Initially critical of the girl due to her predilection for violence, the Doctor came to feel for her. The Doctor activated the Source, a terraforming device that had become a subject of mythology. Messaline became inhabitable and the war between humans and Hath on the planet ended. The Doctor mourned Jenny's apparent "death" at the hands of General Cobb. He overcame his desire for revenge however, in order to help found a new society on the planet. Martha returned to her fiancé Tom Milligan, as she had been taken there by mistake. (TV: The Doctor's Daughter)

The Doctor and Donna meet Agatha Christie. (TV: The Unicorn and the Wasp)

The Doctor was part of a murder mystery in Eddison Manor in 1926. Working with yet another of his favourite authors, Agatha Christie, the Doctor discovered Arnold Golightly, a half Vespiform - half human, was turned into a murderer when the Firestone mentally connected him to Agatha. The Firestone gave him the wrong template on how the world worked, and he imitated the murder methods in Agatha's books. When Donna threw the gem into a lake, with Golighty going after it, the connection caused temporary amnesia in Christie, and the Doctor dropped her off in the Harrogate Hotel. He also showed Donna that Agatha's work would be read for a long time by showing her a volume he got in 5,000,000,000. (TV: The Unicorn and the Wasp)

The Doctor received a message on his psychic paper from Professor River Song. She called him to the Library in the 51st century to help a team of archaeologists representing the Felman Lux Corporation to investigate the planet, which had been sealed off a century earlier with the message "4022 saved. No survivors." However, she called him at a point where he had no idea who she was. The group discovered the Library infested by Vashta Nerada. The Doctor teleported Donna back to the TARDIS with the shop's teleporters, but she failed to make it. (TV: Silence in the Library) She was "saved" inside the Library's core. River gained the Doctor's trust by revealing to him that she knew the his real name. The Doctor realised that the 4022 people being "saved" meant they were inside the core.

Angered by them devouring Anita, the Doctor asked the Vashta Nerada to look him up. The swarm backed down for a day to give the Doctor time to save the people in the Core before the Library detonated. River knocked out the Doctor and handcuffed him, sacrificing herself to boost the Library's memory. This returned the 4000 people who were saved in the Library's core, including Donna.

The Doctor, inspired by her faith in him, saved River Song by preserving her data ghost, saved in the sonic screwdriver by his future self, into the core's virtual reality. (TV: Forest of the Dead)

The Doctor met an old foe from his fourth incarnation, the Mandragora Helix. He managed to prevent it from spreading influence through the internet. He then sent it out into space, confused and with memories missing, leaving it harmless for the time being. (PROSE: Beautiful Chaos)

At Donna's request, the Doctor next took her to Hollywood in 2012. But they discovered Amelia Hubble, a creature capable of sucking thoughts and ideas out of the brain, had brought the deserted town to it's knees. After falling under Amelia's control himself, the Doctor stopped her from destroying the last talent in the city, Alan Crawford and allowed her to draw creative plasma energy from the internet, saving the celebrities she has already claimed and restoring Hollywood. The Doctor and Donna returned to Hollywood a year later to find that Amelia and Alan had got married. (COMIC: Nightmare on the Boulevard)

Soon after, the Doctor and Donna visited a dairy farm in 1970 and defeated turbine-shaped plant creatures. (COMIC: Windswept)

On a visit to the Myolthen galaxy, the Doctor and Donna lost the TARDIS when it was swept away by a waterfall. Caught up in a raging waterfall themselves, the Doctor and Donna were saved by Jeb, a fisherman from Zentos 3. He, along with a group of intelligent bears, helped the Doctor to locate the TARDIS. (COMIC: Washed Away!)

During this time, the Doctor and Donna watched the courtship of the Zygolt, battled intelligent dogs in a flying house, watched the Beatles perform in 1963, prevented time from being meddled with in the 17th century and joined forces with a survey team to escape a living swamp. (COMIC: The Time of My Life)

The Doctor and Donna later visited the leisure planet Midnight. Donna stayed at the leisure palace whilst the Doctor took a four-hour ride on the Crusader 50 bus to the Sapphire Waterfall. The bus was attacked by an unknown entity which possessed one of the passengers, Sky Silvestry, and eventually appeared to pass into the Doctor, inciting mass hysteria among the other passengers. Before the creature could trick the passengers into throwing out the Doctor, Sky was dragged out into the Xtonic sunlight by the bus' hostess, who realised that Sky was stealing the Doctor's voice, and the creature departed, its plans defeated. (TV: Midnight)

The Doctor and Donna visited the Chinese-influenced planet of Shan Shen. While Donna had her fortune told, a member of the Trickster's Brigade created an alternate universe around her, one in which Donna never met the Doctor. In this alternate universe she met Rose Tyler, who told her two words to tell the Doctor. After Donna corrected the universe, she was able to tell the Doctor, "Bad Wolf" - it meant the end of the universe. (TV: Turn Left)

The Doctor avoids becoming a different man after healing by sending excess energy into his spare hand. (TV: Journey's End)

War of the Medusa Cascade

The Doctor rushed back to Earth. He found that everything was normal, but when they re-entered the TARDIS, the planet was gone. Finding no clue as to its location he went to the Shadow Proclamation and learned twenty-seven planets had been stolen. With the cooperation of Harriet Jones, Jack Harkness, Sarah Jane Smith, Luke Smith, Martha Jones, Mr Smith and Rose Tyler, his Children of Time, he was contacted. He locked onto the location of the Earth by following the trail of the Tandoka Scale left by the missing Earth as well as the Children of Time's signal. After talking with his friends and Davros, who had been saved by Dalek Caan from the Last Great Time War, he landed on Earth. While talking to Donna, she pointed out Rose was behind him. The two began to run towards each other. A Dalek emerged from the shadows and fired at him before being destroyed by a teleporting Jack Harkness. It was only a glancing blow, but was enough to mortally wound him. The Doctor was taken back into the TARDIS, where he began to regenerate. (TV: The Stolen Earth)

The Doctor is reunited with Rose. (TV: Journey's End)

Using his nearby severed hand, the Doctor used the regeneration to heal himself, but not to regenerate into a new form. The TARDIS was taken on board the Dalek Crucible where the Doctor, Rose and Jack were captured. Donna was locked inside the TARDIS, which was sent to be destroyed. As a result of this, a new Doctor was born from his severed hand when Donna touched it. The meta-crisis made Donna part-Time Lord, becoming the DoctorDonna of the Ood prophecy. DoctorDonna disabled the planet powered reality bomb to stop Davros from destroying the entire universe and then the three Doctors sent the planets, apart from Earth back to their original time and place. The Doctor was horrified by the actions of the new Doctor, who had wiped out the last remaining members of the Dalek race knowing they had the numbers to take the universe by force, and knew he was too dangerous to keep unsupervised.

As the Doctor's companions fled to safety in the TARDIS, the Doctor offered to save Davros and Caan. Davros refused, hatefully denouncing the Doctor as "the Destroyer of worlds", while Caan predicted that one of the Doctor's companions would perish. The Children of Time used the TARDIS to tow Earth back to its original point in time and space. The Doctor said his goodbyes to Sarah Jane, Martha, Jack and Mickey before he left the new Doctor in a parallel world, hoping Rose and he would be able to help each other. The new Doctor whispered what the Doctor was going to say the last time they were separated and Rose and the new Doctor kissed. Upon returning to his own universe, the Doctor was forced to remove all of Donna's Time Lord abilities and memories of travelling with him, as they would have killed her because her human body couldn't handle it. He returned Donna to her mother and grandfather, and told them they would have to make sure she never remembered him. The Doctor was then left to travel on, alone and saddened. (TV: Journey's End)

Not long after, the Doctor discovered Donna, knowing that one day she would be forced to leave him, had recorded a message on Emergency Programme One to say a proper goodbye to him. She told him never to give up on his travels and to find someone else, which he did not. (COMIC: The Time of My Life)

Invasion of the mind

Es'Cartrss of the Tactire, an inhabitant of Callufrax Minor, had been stuck on the Crucible and was unable to return home before the Doctors returned the planets. He escaped to the TARDIS where he attempted to take over the Doctor's mind, but his link with the TARDIS forced them both into the Matrix. The Doctor had the stronger mind and took control, killing Es'Cartrss. (COMIC: The Forgotten)

Walk of the Cyberking

Twice the Allons-y!. (TV: The Next Doctor)

the Doctor travelled to London on Christmas Eve, 1851. Whilst there, the Doctor met a man calling himself "the Doctor" and at first assumed him to be his future incarnation. In reality, he was a human, Jackson Lake, who had the contents of an infostamp about the Doctor imprinted on his brain. Jackson and his companion, Rosita Farisi, aided the Doctor in stopping the plot of the Cybermen and their ally, Mercy Hartigan. London was saved. Lake was reunited with his son, Frederick and invited the Doctor to share Christmas dinner with his new family, an offer which was at first declined, then accepted by the Doctor as it became an order. (TV: The Next Doctor)

Heather and Wolfie

Travelling alone, the Doctor met Heather McCrimmon, a history student at Edinburgh University. After she helped him defeat the Mozhtratta, the Doctor invited Heather aboard the TARDIS. (COMIC: The Chromosome Connection) On their first adventure together, the Doctor and Heather relocated the Spaeron to Kerun Za, since their planet had been destroyed by the Daleks. (COMIC: The Aquarius Condition)

The pair went on to have many adventures together. They defeated the Incasaurs in 1911 Peru, (COMIC: Hitching Point) saved a German crew from drowning in World War II, (COMIC: The Submariners) travelled to 21st century New York and uncovered an alien working within the NYPD, (COMIC: The Greed of the Gavulav) and defeated the star demon of Kroul at the Ashgar prison. (COMIC: The Spirit of Ashgar)

The Doctor and Heather were later joined by 16-year old Wolfgang Ryter. (COMIC: Flight of the Giurgeax) The trio visited many planets around the Universe, including Lurbos 3, (COMIC: Sweet Dreams) the forests of Yellan, (COMIC: Copycat) Earth in 1967 (COMIC: Shadow of the Vaipid) and the misty land of Salzburg. (COMIC: The Curse of Vladula) When Wolfgang was almost killed in a battle to save the world, the Doctor returned him home, fearing that he was putting his life in danger. (COMIC: Bad Wolfie)

After many other adventures in time and space, the Doctor's journeys with Heather came to an end when she was infected by the Mozhatta's deadly machine. The Doctor discovered that if Heather travelled in time, she would be ripped apart by time radiation, and he was forced to leave her behind, even though he was deeply heartbroken by this. (COMIC: Dead-line)

A lonely god

After his adventure with Heather, the Doctor travelled to London in 2009 at Easter, investigating strange readings on a bus. While he investigated, the bus hurtled through a wormhole to reappear on San Helios. On the bus, he met Christina de Souza, and cooperated with her to return the bus and its occupants to Earth and stop the Swarm from invading. Before leaving in the TARDIS, the Doctor rejected Christina's offer of companionship, stating that he had lost everyone who travelled with him and he had sworn never again. Carmen, a low level psychic who aided the Doctor, offered a prophecy. She told him, "Your song is ending sir, It is returning. It is returning through the dark, oh but then... he will knock four times". Christina was arrested for multiple thefts, but the Doctor used his sonic screwdriver to aid her escape in the bus. When the Doctor was about to be arrested for helping Christina, he entered the "police box" to "arrest himself" and left. (TV: Planet of the Dead)

Soon after, the Doctor began visiting Douglas Henderson throughout his life without ever having contact with him because he was secretly a doomsday weapon created during the Last Great Time War. However, when Douglas was middle-aged, the Doctor was forced to take Douglas aboard the TARDIS as a group of aliens had began hunting him so that they could use him as a weapon. But the Doctor used Douglas to drain the aliens powers, and soon after, he reset Douglas and allowed him to spend the rest of his life on Earth. (COMIC: The Big, Blue Box)

The Doctor arrived on Arcopolis to destroy a weapon that was left behind after a war. An alien force called the Eyeless attempted to steal the weapon themselves. But the Doctor destroyed the weapon and defeated the Eyeless. (PROSE: The Eyeless)

After arriving in New Memphis in 2487, the Doctor tried to stop a contagion called the Invisible Assassin, with the help a Nikki Jupiter and a Judoon called Rok Ma. (PROSE: Judgement of the Judoon)

Arriving in 1500 BC Greece, the Doctor thwarted a Slitheen plan to travel back in time and exchange food during a famine, for champions to fight for them in the Platonic War. (PROSE: The Slitheen Excursion)

When the TARDIS jumped a time track, the Doctor found himself on the planet Hurala during the Second Dalek War, where he encountered the crew of the bounty spaceship, the Wayfarer. The Doctor discovered that the Dalek empire had tried to exploit the Arkheon Threshold on the planet Arkheon, so they could have time travel. While on Arkheon, the Doctor encountered Dalek X and his flagship, the Exterminator. However, the Doctor destroyed Dalek X, the Exterminator and sealed the Arkheon Threshold. (PROSE: Prisoner of the Daleks)

During the 26th century, the Doctor arrived to investigate the appearance of Sontarans and Rutans on the planet, Chelsea 426 during the Chelsea Flower Show. He was assisted by Jake Carstairs, Vienna Carstairs, Wallace Fitch. (PROSE: The Taking of Chelsea 426)

In 2013, the Doctor foiled an Auton invasion in the Hyperville shopping complex, with the help of Kate Maguire, who had met the Doctor previously in 2009 (from her perspective). (PROSE: Autonomy)

He once again encountered the Krillitane in Worcester in 1140. He found them half-way to the stage he saw them in when he met Sarah Jane Smith during his investigation. Once again, the Doctor defeated them with the help of their own oil. (PROSE: The Krillitane Storm)

The Doctor crashes Sarah Jane's wedding. (TV: The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith)

The Doctor crashed Sarah Jane's wedding. He knew the Trickster, an old enemy of hers, would try to get his revenge on her since his previous attempts to get rid of her failed. As he arrived, Sarah Jane and her fiancé Peter Dalton were taken by the Trickster. He was teleported to a nether realm along with Rani Chandra and Clyde Langer, whom he had heard all about from Sarah Jane, and Luke, who he had met when the Earth was stolen. He fought the Trickster, who hinted about his death, stating, "The gate is waiting". The TARDIS gave Clyde the power to control artron energy by mistake. Clyde defeated the Trickster with this energy, while the Doctor informed Sarah Jane what needed to be done. Peter, Sarah Jane's fiancé, sacrificed himself to destroy the Trickster, leaving Sarah Jane alone and heartbroken. When the world was put back to normal, the Doctor visited 13 Bannerman Road and let Sarah Jane and her friends look inside TARDIS, after which he said farewell while sincerely asking Sarah Jane to never forget him. (TV: The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith)

Majenta and the Crimson Hand

The Doctor was brought back into Majenta Pryce's world on a visit to the Thinktwice Orbital Penitentiary, coinciding with Majenta's visit. However, due to the harsh regime and crude psychological methods of the prison left Majenta with little or no memory of the Doctor or her life before their first meeting. The Doctor restored Majenta's memory of him, but could not restore anything else. Together, they uncovered the truth behind Thinktwice; it was being used by the Memeovax, who fed on the prisoners' memories. When one of the Memeovax tried to invade Majenta's mind, she unleashed a blast of power that destroyed all the Memeovax in Thinktwice Prison. Afterwards, in the TARDIS, Majenta quickly co-opted the Doctor into helping her resolve her memory issues. Possibly, using it as an excuse to begin travelling with a companion again. (COMIC: Thinktwice)

After a trip to Stockbridge and a reunion with Maxwell Edison (COMIC: The Stockbridge Child), the Doctor helped defeat the Lokhus of the Zytragupten, the Doctor and Majenta arrived at an apparently abandoned house on the edge of the Proxima System. The Doctor discovered a holographic party run by a digitised avatar of Wesley Sparks, founder of Sparktech. As events from decades before replayed in holographic form, the Doctor was astonished to learn Majenta had been a guest at the party as Wesley's best friend, business partner and fiancée. Meanwhile, the real Majenta explored the house. She came upon the real Wesley Sparks, now a desiccated cyborg who had gone insane as he preserved himself with bionic parts, waiting for Majenta to return from "pressing business". He attempted to force Majenta into marrying him, but she was saved by the Doctor and Wesley's avatar, still the dignified host and gentleman he had been. Damaged in battle saving Majenta, the avatar begged Majenta to remember their lives together. Majenta tearfully broke down and embraced the avatar as it died. (COMIC: Mortal Beloved)

Still trying to take Majenta to Panacea - a healing world, where the Doctor planned to solve Majenta's memory problems - the TARDIS arrived in Sydney. The Doctor and Majenta were quickly taken into custody by UNIT's Australian branch. Following a suspicious UNIT officer deep into the bowels of UNIT's underwater HQ, Majenta was eventually caught up with him in the Bestiary - a hangar space full of UNIT mementoes. The Doctor was surprised to find the UNIT officer was Majenta's old confidante, Fanson, disguised by a perception filter. Discovering Fanson was now in the thrall of the Doctor's previous foe, the Skith Leader, who was secretly helping Fanson infiltrate the UNIT operation. Majenta was captured by the Skith General's rival forces, who were surprised to find themselves unable to access her mind. The Skith elected her as the perfect pilot for the prototype timeship (or SKARDIS), and converted her into a Skith Queen. While she was in this form, the Doctor convinced her to turn on the Skith and help UNIT destroy their ship. As the Skithship fell, Fanson revealed that he was responsible for erasing her memory to spare her some - as yet unknown - agony. Fanson died from injuries sustained at the hands of the Skith General and the Doctor and Majenta fled. (COMIC: The Age of Ice)

The Doctor and Majenta next visited New Old Detroit, a planet in the Proxima System. There, they solved the final case of low-life private eye Johnny Seaview and wrested control of the World Bomb from a corrupt Alpha Centaurean. The Doctor triggered the World Bomb, transforming the slums of New Old Detroit into a world mapped on his memories of England. (COMIC: The Deep Hereafter)

After that, the Doctor took Majenta to see the play The Mousetrap. In the London Underground they found "ghosts" saved by a being known as Mnemosyne. After they defeated Mnemosyne, the Doctor said he was going to take Majenta to Panacea. At that moment, a fleet of ships surrounded Earth and demanded they both come out with their hands up. (COMIC: Ghosts of the Northern Line)

Majenta and the Doctor tried to escape in the TARDIS, but this failed as Intersol launched a tractor beam, sending Majenta onto Intersol's ship. She was mind-probed by Intersol's computer, Justice and then attacked by her old cellmate, Zed. However the four remaining members of the Crimson Hand arrived, having followed her around the universe. They killed most of Intersol's staff and took Majenta over again. As she was taken over, she teleported the Doctor and his TARDIS in a pocket dimension, but making her Crimson Hand friends believe the Doctor was turned into ashes.

Majenta restored Vessica. It had been a planet of immense poverty; this changed when she used the Crimson Hand to make the planet rich again. The population rebelled against her and she brought back the Doctor. After she did this, the Doctor and she destroyed the Crimson Hand at the cost of Majenta's own life. The Doctor resurrected her and placed her in the restored New Old Detroit. As long as the Doctor remembered her, she would stay alive. (COMIC: The Crimson Hand)

Making new friends and enemies

This section needs a cleanup.

Needs a lot of trimming down and removal of irrelevant stuff not really about the Tenth Doctor at all

In 1926 Hollywood, the Doctor was at a celebrity party under the guise of many celebrities, where he met Archie Maplin, a young actress called Emily Winter and a runner called Matthew Finnegan. He drew the attention of Maximilian Love and Mr Leo Millar, two Terranites, who planned to transfer the hopes and dreams from young actors and transplant them into Maximilian Love. The Doctor and Maplin discovered this, but Maximilian and Leo discovered them. [statement unclear] The Doctor managed to get an explanation from Miller: he and Love were actors on Terron V, until theatre was banned. They stunned the Doctor. When the Doctor awoke he was tied to the tracks with the midday train approaching. Emily and Matthew rescued the Doctor, and they headed back to the studio. Maplin, meanwhile, was attached to the transference machine, but the Doctor stepped in, offering his own hopes and fears in return for Maplin’s safety. Maplin was removed and the Doctor attached, but the Doctor’s memories proved almost too much for Love. Emily entered and shot at Miller, inadvertently setting fire to the building. The Doctor got them all safely out before it exploded. Outside they saw Miller escaping and the Doctor and Maplin gave chase. Miller ran up a clock tower and was eventually arrested by the police. As the Doctor headed back to the TARDIS, Matthew and Emily asked if they could join him, but he refused. However, as he was about to enter his ship, a temporal vortex opened up. From it emerged Judoon and a Shadow Architect. The Architect said that the Doctor interfered with a fixed point in time and repeatedly ignored the rules of his own people. He was arrested and, if found guilty, he could be sentenced to death. (COMIC: Silver Scream)

The Doctor was placed on trial by the Shadow Proclamation for transgressing the Laws of Time and saving Emily’s life when she should have died. Mr Finch was the Doctor's prosecutor and the Advocate was defence. The Doctor was sentenced to imprisonment on Volag-Noc, and during the journey met a Draconian, a Sontaran and an Ogron. Finch sent gunships to destroy them, but the Doctor forced a crash landing on a barren desert world. The Doctor and his fellow prisoners survived the crash, but the Judoon landed nearby. The Doctor’s party took control of the Judoon ship and blasted off for Luna IV. Emerging from hyperspace above Luna IV, the Doctor found a welcoming committee of Judoon and Krillitanes. The Draconian, Sontaran and Ogron have summoned their own forces who dispatched the Krillitanes, but Finch escaped with the Shadow Architect. The Doctor’s party rescued her and revealed Finch to actually be a shape-shifting Gizou. The Shadow Proclamation revealed that the Doctor’s trial was a set-up to draw Finch’s plans into the open. They returned him to 1926 Hollywood to collect the Terronite Transference machine where he invited Matthew Finnegan and Emily Winter to travel with him. However, the Advocate was not dead, and Finch was in her employ. The Doctor had gained the machine that would allow her to control the most powerful weapon ever devised. (COMIC: Fugitive)

As the Doctor gave Emily and Matthew a tour of the TARDIS wardrobe, the TARDIS was invaded by dimension-hopping aliens called the Acari led by the Advocate. They were intent on killing the Doctor. The breach of the TARDIS by the Acari spaceship forced the TARDIS interior to rearrange itself, displacing the console room. Unless they found an echo of it, the TARDIS would implode. The Advocate placed doubt into Matthew’s mind about the Doctor's morality by urging him to read the secret diary previously belonging to Turlough, while Emily stumbled through a tear in time and discovered the Tef'Aree, beings from outside linear time, who sentenced her to death for trespassing. The Tef’Aree spared Emily, hoping that she could save them. Because the Doctor was psychically linked to the TARDIS, the trauma of having the Acari ship aboard caused the Doctor to undergo mental instability and his past selves began to bleed through. Emily helped the Doctor save the ship. The Acari ship separated from the TARDIS, but not before the Advocate took the Terronite technology. Before they could enjoy their victory, the Doctor's mobile phone rang. Martha Jones called with an urgent appeal for the Doctor to return to Earth and help UNIT solve a mysterious new problem. (COMIC: Tesseract)

The Doctor was summoned to Greenwich Park by Martha and Captain Magambo who claimed that the trees were moving, three people were ingested by them and the trunks were marked with Enochian symbols, a language invented by mathematician and magician John Dee to converse with angels. The Doctor realises the ‘angels’ were trapped beneath the observatory for four hundred years, but emerged through the trees in the park. While he sent Martha and Matthew to investigate Crane’s house, the Doctor, Emily and gardener Mr Crane headed into the passages beneath the park to communicate with the ‘angels’, in actual fact aliens waiting in suspended animation for the Doctor to come and take them home. With a UNIT soldier, Martha and Matthew searched Mr Crane’s house. Matthew discovered a sketch of the Advocate, but the soldier took it from him, urging caution in his dealings with the Doctor. The soldier was really the Gizou in disguise. Martha, meanwhile, discovered an alien dossier on the Doctor and realised he was set up. Believing the Enochai’s story, the Doctor set them free, but it was a trick. John Dee trapped them, but they became free to take over all of the trees and claim the Earth. The Enochia realised the Doctor didn't remove the forcefield trapping it and ordered Crane to shoot Emily. The Doctor and Emily escaped but plunged down a hidden shaft into an ancient cavern where they discovered a stripped down colony ship containing thousands of Enochians in stasis. A holographic projection of John Dee informed them that the Enochians were energy beings who planned conquest. Emily escaped to the surface but Crane caught the Doctor and the Enochian ordered his imprisonment. The Advocate arrived and opened the stasis pods, releasing the Enochia. The trees drove UNIT back, but the situation became even worse as the Enochia flooded out of the ground. The angels trapped Central London in a forcefield. A battle with UNIT began, leaving UNIT seriously outgunned. The Doctor spoke to one of the angels and realised it was the Gizou in disguise. The Gizou revealed that the whole scheme was a set-up. The Advocate appeared to Martha and the trapped humans and proposed a way of ending the crisis, by striking at the Enochian ship. Crane, who overheard the Gizou, rescued the Doctor. Martha, meanwhile, escaped the bunker, found Emily and, with the help of the Knights Arboretum, a select group of gardeners of which Crane was once a member, was reunited with the Doctor. Returning to the bunker, the Doctor confronted the Advocate, but Magambo refused to allow him time to develop an alternative solution to the Enochia threat and insisted on following the Advocate’s plan. She arrested the Doctor. With the help of the Knights Arboretum, Martha and Emily rescued the Doctor. Mr Crane, meanwhile, returned to the ship on a suicide mission to destroy it. The Doctor arrived and launched the ship into space, which drew all the energy creatures up with it. The Advocate’s bomb was no longer needed, but the countdown was accidentally started. Mr Crane spotted it in the nick of time, but if he rose his finger from the button, the ship would explode. The Doctor could do nothing to save him so escaped using a pair of angel wings. The Advocate used Crane’s death to finally destroy Matthew’s faith in the Doctor and Matthew elected to instead travel with the Advocate. (COMIC: Don't Step on the Grass)

After several adventures in the TARDIS, the Doctor and Emily arrived at the Shady Grove Rest Home in the 21st century where an old man named Barnaby Edwards celebrated his birthday. Although the Doctor didn’t recognise him, Barnaby insisted he travelled with the Doctor when he was a young man. The Doctor gave Barnaby an envelope and told him to guard it with his life. He returned it to the Doctor before dying, contented. The Doctor wasn’t upset - he knew he'd have the pleasure of meeting Barnaby as a young man sometime in his own future. Inside the envelope was the charred remains of Turlough’s diary and a warning that Matthew Finnegan was in danger. The Doctor and Emily headed off to find him and to stop the Advocate’s plans. (COMIC: Old Friend)

On a war-torn planet, the Doctor and Emily encountered Robert Lewis, his colleague Eliza Cooper, Professor Alexander Hugh and his assistant Annabella Primavera from Oxford University in 1906, working for Torchwood, who were testing a time machine created from cannibalised alien technology. They were all captured by the Soul Free, who fought with the Terror Farmers for thousands of years for the planet. The Soul Free were led to a temple called Kol'Ne Wah, by the Gizou called Lau'Tan, opposing the Advocate. They were attacked by the Terror Farmers, causing Annabella's death. Lau'Tan disguised himself as the Doctor and was captured with Emily. The Doctor led the remaining group to the temple, where he discovered a lost and misplaced expedition, who made contact with the Tef’Aree and were given a terraforming device with which they hoped to make the colony self-sufficient. Realising that the Terror Farmers (Terra Firma) would defeat the Soul Free (Sol Three) and become the Terranites. [statement unclear] The Doctor realised that the Advocate planned to use Matthew’s un-irradiated human DNA to reactivate the terraforming device which would wipe out the whole planet even as they headed into war. In his cell, Matthew received a visit from the Tef’Aree and suddenly understood everything: his and Emily’s sacrifice would save the planet. He and the Advocate teleported up to the orbiting terraforming device and the Doctor followed in the TARDIS, but not before he put Professor Hugh down in the middle of the fighting to urge the two sides to get to safety aboard the colony ship. As the Advocate tried to get Matthew to activate the terraforming device, he finally revealed his true allegiance. She shot him and used his palm to activate the device. Squabbling on the ground between the Terror Farmers and the Soul Free was brought to an instant end as the device began to erase anything that wasn’t on the planet a few thousand years before. They all ran for the temple. The Doctor confronted the Advocate, but she revealed that she rigged the terraforming device such that only Matthew could switch if off, and if he did it would kill him. Robert Lewis destroyed the colony ship’s force field which protected it from the terraforming device, then shot at Eliza who sided against him with the Doctor. Emily jumped in the way and fell to the ground. The Advocate asked the Doctor if he was prepared to sacrifice his other friend or the entire planet below. Emily recovered, saved from the blast by Turlough’s diary while Robert Lewis was destroyed by the terraforming beam. The force field around the colony ship couldn't be repaired, but Lau’Tan realised it could be replaced. He transformed himself to replace the damaged component and restart the shields while Emily got everyone safely inside. Matthew distracted the Doctor, grabbed the Advocate and slammed his hand onto the terraforming controls. He and the Advocate died instantly, but the device was deactivated. The Doctor took Matthew’s body to the surface of the planet where a Tef’Aree appeared and told him and Emily that it was once Matthew, transformed through sacrifice and the merging of energy with the Advocate into a fifth-dimensional being. He gave the Earth colonists the technology and created the Advocate so that his human self could one day be empowered and become the Tef’Aree. The Doctor was appalled by the level of manipulation, but the Tef’Aree was unmoved and vanished. Eliza elected to remain on the planet and help to rebuild it. The Doctor took Professor Hugh and Emily back to 1906 Oxford in the TARDIS. There he explained that Annabella Primavera, like Emily, was a fixed point in time and space, but while Emily was supposed to have died, Annabella was supposed to have lived. Emily had to take her place to mend the web of time. Annabella discovered Archie Maplin and eventually set up United Actors in Hollywood. (COMIC: Final Sacrifice)

The prophecy unfolds

The Doctor, deciding to go to the planet Mars, met the crew of Bowie Base One, including Adelaide Brooke. He knew the crew of Bowie Base would die, as it was one of the most important events in the expansion of humanity through the universe. He learned that the crew died due to the Flood, which possessed six of them. Initially unwilling to interfere due to his belief that the event was a fixed point in time (Adelaide's death causing her grand daughter to be inspired and explore the stars), he changed course once he remembered the deaths he had lived through and what it had left him with. He saved Adelaide, Mia and Yuri and took them back to 2059 Earth. Adelaide was angry at the Doctor's interference and scolded him for thinking himself above obeying history's course. Adelaide then entered her home, apparently having given up trying to defy the Doctor, but committed suicide. The Doctor's memories of the day's events changed to fit in with the new timeline created. Distraught at the impossibility of his task of changing history, he began to ponder his own end when a vision of Ood Sigma appeared before him. It was this that made the Doctor realise that he had gone too far. As he entered the TARDIS, the Cloister Bell rang. With a defiant "No!", he activated the TARDIS. (TV: The Waters of Mars)

Delaying the inevitable

The Doctor spent an unknown amount of time avoiding answering the Ood's summons, during which time he married "Queen Bess". (TV: The End of Time, The Beast Below)

He also watched a solar eclipse in the Arctic (COMIC: Arctic Eclipse), foiled the Klytode's plot to become President of Earth in the 41st century (COMIC: Return of the Klytode), saved a space frontier town called Dustville from a beast (COMIC: Mudshock), and prevented the Chukwa Fel interrogators from stealing a weapon that could destroy Earth. (COMIC: Project UFO)

The Doctor visited America in 1958. While there, he visited a diner, meeting Cassie Rice and Jimmy Stalkingwolf. The Doctor examined a piece of "space junk" from a UFO crash. He accidentally activated it, drawing the attention of the android, Mister Dread. Escaping, the Doctor, Cassie and Jimmy were attacked by a Viperox battle drone, which was promptly blown up by the United States military. The three were taken to Area 51. They encountered Colonel Stark, who dismissed the Doctor's warnings about the Viperox, and attempted to have the Doctor and his companions mind-wiped. The attempt was unsuccessful, and the trio soon escaped, discovering a small grey alien along the way. They fled to the town of Solitude and took shelter in a deserted building. Jimmy was kidnapped by the Viperox, forcing the Doctor and Cassie to follow. They found Jimmy in the presence of a Viperox Queen before escaping into the desert, where they were confronted by four members of the Alliance of Shades who were destroyed by Jimmy's father, Night Eagle. Night Eagle took them to Rivesh Mantilax, the husband of Seruba Velak, the grey alien captive in Area 51. Colonel Stark captured them all and took them back to Area 51. They Doctor ran off with the "space junk", which was actually a weapon capable of destroying the Viperox. He was cornered on the roof by the Colonel, but convinced him to turn against the Viperox. The Viperox invaded America but were beaten back by the Doctor. Before they retreated, the Viperox commander Lord Azlok snarled, "Your day will come, Doctor!", reminding the Doctor of his ever-approaching fate. He departed soon after, leaving Cassie and Jimmy with a suggestion to start dating. (TV: Dreamland)

After being shrunk to the size of a doll and helping the Ulian Empire's robots find Princess Cilia, the Doctor decided to rendezvous with the Ood. (PROSE: The Doctor on My Shoulder)

The Time Lords return

After meeting with the Ood on their home planet, the Doctor learned of the Master's resurrection on Earth, and raced to stop it, only to arrive too late. After discovering the Master living in the wastelands of London, he tried to confront him, only to be reunited with Wilfred Mott. That night, the Doctor tracked down the Master once again, only for the Master to be abducted by Joshua Naismith's private army.

The next morning, the Doctor contacted Wilf, who informed him of Naismith and went with him in the TARDIS to the Naismith Manor. In the Manor's basement, the Doctor used his sonic screwdriver to unveil two Vinvocci, Addams and Rossiter, who informed him of the Immortality Gate's true purpose. The Doctor rushed to stop the Gate's activation, but was unable to, and the Master turned the entire human race into copies of himself.

The Doctor in Naismith Manor, trying to stop the Time Lords' return. (TV: The End of Time)

Wilf and the Doctor were then rescued by the Vinvocci, who took them to their ship, which the Doctor took offline to stop the Master finding them. Realising that the Master had the means to bring back the Time Lords using the White-Point Star he found, the Doctor took the gun he initially refused from Wilf and piloted the Vinvocci ship back towards the Naismith Manor, where he crashed through the manor's glass roof. However, he was unable to stop the Master from using the Star and the signal from the drums to create a link to Gallifrey, which allowed Rassilon and other Time Lords to appear.

Rassilon undid the Master's conversion of the human race, as Gallifrey appeared in the Earth's sky and began tearing open the time vortex. The Doctor, upon seeing a familiar face behind Lord President Rassilon as he stepped out of the Immortality Gate, targeted the White-Point Star, severing the link, causing Gallifrey and the Time Lords to return to their proper time. Rassilon tried to kill the Doctor, but he was saved by the Master, who used his powers to fight Rassilon and sacrificed himself as the Time Lords returned to the Time War.

The Doctor realised he had survived, but then he heard four knocks. Wilf was trapped inside a radiation control booth which was about to be flooded with radiation. Despite his own anger and Wilf's pleas to leave him, he released Wilf and took his place, receiving a fatal level of radiation. The Doctor's regenerative process had started. Unlike previous occasions, however, the actual regeneration did not immediately occur, and the Doctor was able to not only return Wilf to his home, but spend an unknown length of time travelling through time and space revisiting his past companions, an act he referred to as his "reward".

The Doctor visited Martha Jones and Mickey Smith, now freelance alien fighters and married, saving them from a Sontaran. He went to 13 Bannerman Road where he prevented Luke Smith from being run over by a car. He travelled to a bar on the planet Zog, where Captain Jack Harkness was drowning his sorrows in a drink. He passed a note to Jack reading, "His name is Alonso". Jack turned to see Midshipman Alonso Frame, and the Doctor departed as the two began flirting. The Doctor entered a bookstore where Verity Newman, a descendant of Joan Redfern, was signing copies of her book, A Journal of Impossible Things, (TV: The End of Time) which was based on the journal the Doctor had written during his time as John Smith. (TV: Human Nature) The Doctor had Verity sign his copy, and she realised he was the same Doctor. The Doctor asked Verity if Joan had been happy in the end which she confirmed, but he refused to answer her question of if he was. He then encountered Geoff Noble at some point before the man's death, and borrowed a pound from him. He then went to the future and used that pound to purchase a winning lottery ticket. He arrived at the wedding of Donna Noble and Shaun Temple, and asked Sylvia Noble and Wilf to give Donna the triple rollover-winning ticket as a wedding gift. (TV: The End of Time) The Doctor also visited Heather McCrimmon, a descendant of the Second Doctor's companion Jamie McCrimmon. (COMIC: Lucky Heather) The Doctor visited all of his former companions from all of his previous incarnations, seeing how they got on. (TV: Death of the Doctor)

Finally, he travelled to the Powell Estate, on 1 January, 2005, where he observed Rose Tyler and her mother, Jackie Tyler, months before Rose first met him. Although he kept to the shadows, a sudden spasm of pain caught Rose's attention and the two exchanged New Year's greetings, with the Doctor telling Rose that she would have a "really great year" with tears in his eyes as he spoke. (TV: The End of Time)


The Doctor regenerates into his following incarnation. (TV: The End of Time)

After Rose departed, the pain of regeneration overwhelmed him and the Doctor collapsed in the street. Ood Sigma then appeared and told him that while his song was ending, his story never would, and that the universe would sing him to his sleep. Reaching the TARDIS, he piloted it into orbit around Earth, stated, "I don't want to go", and then regenerated into his eleventh incarnation. This time the energy released during the regeneration was enough to cause massive damage to the TARDIS. (TV: The End of Time)

Undated/unchronicled events

This section needs a cleanup.

It contains several grammatical or factual errors, or otherwise offends our our Manual of Style.

This occurred some point before the main events of TV: Love & Monsters, as the Doctor recognised Elton as an adult.
In River Song's timeline, this occurred some point after the events of GAME: The Eternity Clock.

Alternate timelines

Donna's World

  • In the parallel timeline in which Donna Noble never met the Doctor, this incarnation of the Doctor was the last, as he was killed before he had a chance to regenerate as a result of his defeating the Empress of the Racnoss without being stopped. His former companion, Rose Tyler, along with the alternate timeline version of Donna, eventually restored the original timeline. (TV: Turn Left)

Psychological profile


A cheerful side of the Doctor. (TV: The Next Doctor)

This incarnation was very cheerful, charismatic and enthusiastic, often at inappropriate times even in danger, much like his next incarnation. (TV: Tooth and Claw) While previous incarnations intentionally flouted social conventions, the tenth incarnation was genuinely shocked when he was rude or uncouth. He frequently got into trouble because of his vast sense of superiority. (TV: Midnight) He regularly used his name as a threat, which only rarely worked, despite his apparent expectations. (TV: New Earth)

The tenth incarnation retained and even exceeded his last incarnation's capacity for righteous anger, particularly when Rose was threatened or at risk. (TV: The Idiot's Lantern) When driven by anger or justice, he would act without hesitation to strike down those who opposed him, causing the downfall of Harriet Jones for, as he saw it, mass murder. (TV: The Christmas Invasion) There was an undeniable shadow cast over his jollity at these times, and a ruthless, almost arrogant personality would emerge which was almost eerie to behold.

While he had resolved much of the survivor's guilt felt previously, the Doctor had begun to feel his age. Beneath his youthful veneer and outward playfulness was a very old man who had seen many terrible things. He felt a deep loneliness. (TV: The Lazarus Experiment) His keen sense of loss led him to empathise with those who had also suffered. Sarah Jane Smith tried to comfort him by saying that although he acted like a lonely man he had the biggest family in the world. She was referring to the many companions the Doctor had picked up on his travels. (TV: Journey's End)

The Doctor is less forgiving when his patience reaches its limits. (TV: The Family of Blood)

This incarnation had a very forgiving nature. He offered to help Dalek Caan even though he had committed genocide. (TV: Evolution of the Daleks) He also forgave the Saxon Master for all the atrocities he committed while ruling the Earth. These acts included turning his TARDIS into a paradox machine, torturing his companions for pleasure, killing at least one tenth of the human race and turning him into an incredibly ancient man. (TV: Last of the Time Lords). However when his patience reached its limit his enemies got no second chance, as he said shortly after defeating the leader of the Sycorax. (TV: The Christmas Invasion). When he ran from the Family of Blood, he was showing them mercy, saving them from his rage. When they continued to hunt him, killing innocent people and separating him from his love interest, Joan Redfern, the Doctor lost his temper and gave each member of the Family of Blood an eternal punishment, fulfilling their wish for immortality in a twisted way. (TV: The Family of Blood) Donna later linked this mercy to his travelling with Martha. The Doctor agreed with this assessment.

The Doctor had a very hard time accepting defeat or failure. When he failed to save Astrid, he kicked a teleport, screaming. (TV: Voyage of the Damned) Having seen so much destruction he felt driven to prevent it where possible. River Song thought that if he lost this trait, the universe would become a darker place. (TV: Forest of the Dead)

On their first meeting, Donna Noble noted the reason the Doctor required so many companions was to keep him from succumbing to his darker urges. (TV: The Runaway Bride) After losing Donna to a meta-crisis, the Doctor chose to no longer take on companions to avoid getting his heart broken again. This time spent alone ultimately resulted in his succumbing to those darker urges and breaking the laws of time to satisfy his ego. (TV: The Waters of Mars)

The tenth incarnation engaged in romantic situations far more frequently than his predecessors. Like his ninth incarnation, the Tenth Doctor was in love with Rose Tyler and was heartbroken by her loss. (TV: Doomsday) However he never actually stated his feelings for Rose. (TV: The Satan Pit, Doomsday). In the end it was the Meta-Crisis Tenth Doctor that revealed the Doctor's feelings for her and since the Meta-Crisis Doctor was almost identical to the original Doctor, albeit a bit more violent and with some of Donna Noble's personality traits, as well as the fact that he possessed all of the original Doctor's memories, it is almost certain that the original Doctor felt the same way. Others tried to engage him romantically, including Madame de Pompadour, Joan Redfern, Martha Jones, Astrid Peth, River Song and Christina de Souza. (TV: The Girl in the Fireplace, Human Nature/The Family of Blood, Voyage of the Damned, Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead, Planet of the Dead) The Doctor reciprocated all of those except Martha, Christina and River, whose relationship was supposedly unknown to him.

This incarnation refused to take up a weapon against an enemy. While previous incarnations had, the tenth incarnation would not, possibly from his past regeneration, repeatedly refusing even when offered one by UNIT while attacking the Sontarans. (TV: The Poison Sky) Davros mentioned his refusal to take up a gun, but pointed out that he turned his companions into weapons. (TV: Journey's End) Finally, the Doctor decided to take Wilfred Mott's pistol with him to stop Rassilon and the Time Lords from destroying reality. (TV: The End of Time)

This incarnation always attempted to solve a situation without violence. He tried to settle a dispute with the Sycorax without killing the leader, until the leader betrayed his promise. He banished the Sycorax from Earth with the message that it was defended. He was angered when Torchwood destroyed the ship afterwards. (TV: The Christmas Invasion) The Doctor also tried to help the Dalek survivors in New York find a new world for themselves rather than fight to the death. He almost succeeded until the Daleks turned against Dalek Sec. Even when only Dalek Caan was left, he tried to find a peaceful solution. (TV: Evolution of the Daleks) He also tried to get the Sontarans to leave peacefully after their plan was foiled, but they refused. Luke Rattigan killed them in place of the Doctor. (TV: The Poison Sky) Later, the Doctor tried to find a way to solve the Master Race crisis without killing the Master. When the Time Lords returned, he took a gun into the situation and felt forced to choose between killing Rassilon or the Master. He found another way, using the gun to destroy the White Point Star diamond, breaking the link holding the Time Lords out of the time lock.

This incarnation had a great respect for humanity, as well as a great desire to protect it, often noting their importance. Some of this may have been due to the influence of his companions. When Wilfred Mott said that humanity must look like insects to the Doctor, the Doctor responded that they looked like giants. He respected Donna's grandfather, Wilfred, thinking of him as a kindred spirit for being old yet energetic and unwilling to kill others. The Doctor also felt honoured to know Wilfred would be proud to have actually been his father.

Towards the end of his life, this incarnation was terrified of his predicted death, going on all sorts of adventures to circumvent or delay it, but ended up choosing to sacrifice himself to save his friend, Wilfred Mott. (TV: The End of Time)

The Tenth Doctor considered his sixth incarnation to be chubby, showing that he was only deluding himself into thinking he wasn't during that life. (PROSE: The Krillitane Storm)

Habits and quirks

The Doctor made frequent reference to twentieth century pop culture, including the Ghostbusters theme, (TV: Army of Ghosts) the song "Circle of Life" from The Lion King, (TV: The Christmas Invasion) and one of Kylie Minogue's songs, "Never Too Late". (TV: The Idiot's Lantern) He had also read the Harry Potter books, noting that he cried after reading the seventh book. (TV: The Shakespeare Code) Even though he knew so much of pop culture, he did not understand certain remarks, such as being called a "science geek". (TV: The Lazarus Experiment) He was fond of rock and roll, trying to take Rose to see concerts by both Ian Dury and Elvis Presley. (TV: Tooth and Claw, The Idiot's Lantern)

He often remarked that exotic technology or life was "beautiful" or "brilliant" and was genuinely enthralled by such discoveries, sometimes to the extent that he placed himself or his companions in danger. [source needed] When this incarnation was faced with an occurrence that dumbfounded him he would repeatedly say, "What?", looking increasingly astonished with each repetition. (TV: Doomsday, Last of the Time Lords) While attempting to explain something he would often interrupt himself with a "Well..." and further elaborate what it was he was talking about. (TV: Blink, et al) The Doctor also made use of the phrase, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry", mainly talking to persons he knew were about to die and whom he could not save. (TV: Army of Ghosts) Other favoured phrases were "Allons-y!" (TV: Army of Ghosts) and "Molto bene." (TV: Voyage of the Damned) Like his seventh incarnation, he also often responded, "I'm always all right", even when all evidence pointed to the contrary. (TV: The Girl in the Fireplace, Forest of the Dead) [additional sources needed]

He also demonstrated an ability of his fifth incarnation, which was being able to determine the properties of an object by taste. (TV: The Christmas Invasion, The Idiot's Lantern, Tooth and Claw, Utopia, The Fires of Pompeii, The Sontaran Stratagem, The Unicorn and the Wasp, Planet of the Dead) He also possessed a heightened sense of smell, which could be used to track other Time Lords, such as the Saxon Master. (TV: The End of Time)

Until they left his life, he continued his previous incarnation's habit of mildly mocking both Mickey and Jackie, though generally in a more obviously playful fashion. [source needed]

The tenth incarnation of the Doctor had a fondness for bananas like his predecessor. (TV: The Girl in the Fireplace) and often stated a fondness for tea. [source needed]

The Doctor had a stated fondness for "little shops", the gift stores usually found in hospitals and other public places, though he retained a great dislike for hospitals due to his seventh incarnation being killed at one by accident. (TV: New Earth)

This incarnation of the Doctor relied heavily upon his sonic screwdriver, pushing it to limits not seen in previous incarnations and even chiding his fifth incarnation for going "hands free". (TV: Time Crash) He also continued to heavily use the psychic paper. (TV New Earth et al) Like previous selves, he appeared to have the ability to carry a large and diverse number of objects in his pockets, stating once that they were bigger on the inside. (TV: The Runaway Bride)

He also revived the occasional use of a stethoscope, like his second incarnation in mostly non-medical situations, such as the diagnosis of electronic or mechanical faults. (TV: Fury from the Deep, Rise of the Cybermen, The Stolen Earth) He used his hammer many times during this incarnation, to knock out Sontarans and even pilot the TARDIS. (TV: The Runaway Bride, The End of Time)

He had been given a GSM mobile phone by Martha, when she left him as his companion, that he carried with him in his travels. (TV: Last of the Time Lords) The number could be used to contact him anywhere in space and time. (TV: The Sontaran Stratagem, The Stolen Earth) As his previous incarnation had with Rose Tyler's "superphone", this incarnation also upgraded the mobile phones of his later companions in order to facilitate communication with their families and with the Doctor. Both Martha Jones and Donna Noble's phones were modified and, like Rose's mother, their close relatives were able to communicate through time and space as a result. (TV: The Stolen Earth)

He also followed the trend of his immediate predecessors in displaying increasing skill for using the TARDIS, on several occasions even using it in the form of a standard spaceship rather than simply dematerialising it every time. (TV: The Runaway Bride, Partners in Crime) He was told by a future companion, River Song, that he would one day be able to command the TARDIS with a snap of his fingers. Initially, he believed this to be nonsense, but later found that he did possess such abilities. (TV: Forest of the Dead)

The Doctor often did math calculations in his head very quickly. This included making an estimate, waiting for those around him to respond, then giving a very exact answer. (TV: Voyage of the Damned) For food, he hated pears and (like his sixth life) carrots. [source needed]

Other information

Skills and abilities

Although the Doctor disliked violence, he was skilled with a sword, managing to defeat the Sycorax leader when the Sycorax invaded Earth. Although he tried to avoid using one, the Doctor was also an extremely good shot with a gun, being able to shoot the White Point Star, which was a very small target, in order to close the Time Lock that surrounded the Time War. (TV: The Christmas Invasion, The End of Time)

The Doctor was also incredibly resilient and showed an amazing resistance to physical pain, being unfazed when the Sycorax leader sliced off his hand (although this was partly because he was still regenerating at the time) and enduring the burning pain of having a living star possessing him, in addition to surviving when Martha Jones attempted to freeze the star out of him. He also took a powerful blast of electricity from the Saxon Master and was able to get to his feet (albeit with some difficulty) after jumping out of a ship and falling through a skylight. Surviving the fall without activating regeneration is especially notable since his fourth incarnation regenerated after a considerably shorter fall, showing that the Tenth Doctor really did have exceptional physical endurance. He also refused to allow the pain of his regeneration to overwhelm him until he was back in the TARDIS after visiting his companions. (TV: The Christmas Invasion, 42, The End of Time) Also, given his height and built, it was not surprising the Doctor was extremely nimble and quick on his feet, and loved running. (TV: The Doctor's Daughter)

Like all his other incarnations, the Doctor was exceptionally intelligent, being able to figure out solutions to problems even when they were created by a person who had an equal amount of intelligence such as the Master. (TV: Last of the Time Lords) He also demonstrated an ability of his fifth incarnation, which was being able to determine the properties of an object by taste. (TV: The Christmas Invasion, The Idiot's Lantern, Tooth and Claw, Utopia, The Fires of Pompeii, The Sontaran Stratagem, The Unicorn and the Wasp, Planet of the Dead) He also possessed a heightened sense of smell, which could be used to track other Time Lords, such as the Master. (TV: The End of Time) He was skilled at mechanics and built K9 Mark IV, ensuring that it possessed all the memories it had as K9 Mark III. By using a Fob Watch, he was able to rewrite his biology and turn himself into a human. He also locked the coordinates of the TARDIS with his sonic screwdriver so that it could only travel to two places in time and space; the end of the universe and 2008. (TV: School Reunion, Human Nature, The Family of Blood, Utopia, The Sound of Drums).

The Doctor also showed an impressive amount of control over his regeneration ability, more so than previous incarnations. He was able to heal himself after being shot by a Dalek and then stop himself from changing his form by channelling the regeneration energy into his severed hand. (TV: Journey's End) He was also able to resist regenerating long enough to visit all the friends he had made in that incarnation and at least some of the friends he had made in other incarnations. When he finally did regenerate however, he did it so violently that the TARDIS was badly damaged and had to repair herself. This was because he had held the regeneration energy at bay for so long that it all exploded out of him in one go, causing it to be more devastating the usual. (TV: The End of Time)

The Doctor was also a skilled telepath, being able to use it to wipe Donna Noble's memories of him. He had enough skill with telepathy to hide his true name from anyone who could read minds. When the Master used telepathy on him, the Doctor was also able to hear the drumming inside his head, having previously thought that the Master was just imagining it due to his insanity. (TV: The Girl in the Fireplace, The Shakespeare Code, Journey's End, The End of Time)

The Doctor was able to channel radiation through a body part into his own clothing, although the radiated body part was described by him as being "itchy." However he could only do this with a small amount of radiation and the radiation he absorbed to save Wilfred Mott was too much for him and forced him to regenerate. (TV: Smith and Jones, The End of Time)

After his adventure with River Song in the Library, the Doctor showed the ability to open and close the TARDIS simply by clicking his fingers, which he had previously thought was impossible. (TV: Forest of the Dead)


The Tenth Doctor's signature suit. (TV: The End of Time)

The Tenth Doctor was a handsome man with a tall, slim frame, finely boned hands and face, dark brown hair, pale skin and dark brown eyes. (TV: Children in Need Special) While he was possessed by Cassandra at New New York Hospital, Cassandra stated that he was "slim and a little bit foxy." (TV: New Earth)

Grooming and hair

The tenth incarnation was happy to have sideburns and to have more hair than his previous incarnation, whose hair was very close-cut. (TV: Children in Need Special) Though he initially seemed disappointed at not being ginger, he came to take great pride in his dark brown hair, wearing it in various ways throughout his adventures. He would wear it un-styled, (TV: The Christmas Invasion) in a fifties-style quiff, (TV: The Idiot's Lantern) or flattened forwards. (TV: The Runaway Bride) Like his previous incarnations, he went clean-shaven.

He had the habit of running his hands through the mane whenever being at odds and ends or particularly frustrated with a situation (TV: Human Nature etc.).


For the early minutes of his life, the Doctor continued to wear the clothes his previous incarnation had on at the time of his regeneration. After arriving in London and collapsing, he was placed in a set of pyjamas and a dressing gown, which he kept until he chose a new outfit at the end of his first adventure. (TV: Children in Need Special, The Christmas Invasion)

This incarnation had several variations of dress. He had two main suits, a dark brown suit with blue pinstripes and a blue suit with red pinstripes. On rare occasions, he would also don a bow tie and tuxedo. (TV: Rise of the Cybermen, The Age of Steel, The Lazarus Experiment, Voyage of the Damned)

Under his suits he usually wore a shirt and a tie, or wore an open-necked shirt with a t-shirt underneath. He had a red-hued t-shirt, a brown t-shirt or a purple t-shirt. Both brown and blue suits were often accompanied by a light brown overcoat, which the Doctor claimed had been given to him by Janis Joplin. (TV: Gridlock)

The Meta-Crisis Doctor wore the Doctor's blue suit after his creation, and was wearing it when the walls of the universe sealed him in a parallel world. (TV: Journey's End) Nevertheless, the Doctor subsequently wore a blue suit afterwards, implying he had more than one. (TV: The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith, TV: The Waters of Mars)

His footwear choices were trainers, more specifically, Converse All Stars. He varied the colours from white to go with his brown suit, black for wearing with his tuxedo and on a few occasion with his brown suit, or red to go with the blue suit.

Another part of the Doctor's attire was a pair of dark tortoise-shell rectangular frame glasses, which he called "brainy specs". Although he wore them on numerous occasions, he later pointed out to an earlier incarnation they didn't need them and simply used them because they made him look clever. (TV: Time Crash) At one time, the Doctor used his sonic screwdriver to darken the lenses to effectively turn them into sunglasses. (DW: Planet of the Dead)

His favourite variation of dress seemed to be his brown suit with blue pinstripes, a light blue shirt, a tie and cream Converse All Stars.


Main article: The Doctor's age

Assuming the Doctor's stated age of 900 around the start of this incarnation [source needed] was correct, it would appear he lived for slightly less than 7 years, given his stated age of 906 just prior to his regeneration. (TV: The End of Time) His next incarnation gave his age as 907 early in his adventures. (TV: Flesh and Stone) There are, however, some discrepancies. There are some accounts that suggest his stated tally may not be correct. (TV: The Infinite Quest)

Behind the scenes


David Tennant described his costume "geek chic." According to an interview on Parkinson, Tennant and Russell T Davies got the idea for the tenth incarnation's costume from an outfit Jamie Oliver had worn on Parkinson just after Tennant had taken the role of the Doctor.

According to costume designer Louise Page, there were only four sets of the brown suit in existence, as they were pieced together from many copies of a pin-striped pair of trousers that Tennant picked out during the initial costuming process. His overcoat was made from sofa covering and there was one version that had five inches from the bottom cut off then sewn back on, as Davies and Phil Collinson had different ideas about how long it should be.

After he wrapped on the series, David Tennant kept his costume for possible future use, stating that he would gladly return for a multi-Doctor special should he ever be asked to participate in one. (DCOM: The End of Time)

The Brilliant Book

According to the non-narrative source REF: The Brilliant Book 2011, the Doctor was searching for Sontaran grenades in 1895. During his search, he came across his old friend Winston Churchill.

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