Dalek hierarchy

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Various Dalek ranks of the New Dalek Paradigm, all told apart by their casing colours (TV: Victory of the Daleks)

Due to their highly militaristic culture, the Daleks operated under what was nominally a rigid hierarchy. Its structure evolved extensively over time, incorporating numerous systems of government, honour systems and rank branches.

The Dalek hierarchy was covered in the Dalek Combat Training Manual, composed by the Time Lords during the Last Great Time War. The Daleks operated within a colour-coded command structure, with all units ultimately subservient to a supreme leader. Dissent was almost unheard of, except in cases where orders conflict with a Dalek's fundamental operational parameters. (PROSE: Dalek Combat Training Manual)


Command structure


The Golden Emperor. (COMIC: The Rogue Planet)

The Daleks were typically led by the Dalek Emperor, the overall leader of the Dalek Empire and Skaro. (TV: The Evil of the Daleks,The Parting of the Ways) The original Emperor was the Dalek Prime, the first Dalek of all time. (COMIC: Genesis of Evil, PROSE: The Evil of the Daleks) However, this was not always the case; during the Imperial-Renegade Dalek Civil War, Davros, the creator of the Daleks, was installed as Emperor of the Imperial Daleks, (TV: Remembrance of the Daleks) and other Emperors, such as one who was favourable to Davros, (GAME: Dalek Attack) and one who ran the Imperial Daleks in Davros's absence, were also documented. (PROSE: The Restoration Empire)

Prior to mutating into the irradiated Dalek mutants, the Daleks had had a pacifist ultimate leader, Drenz, who ruled with ministers. After his assassination, he was replaced by Zolfian who took on the title of War Lord. (COMIC: Genesis of Evil) In the early days of the Daleks, the Black Dalek Leader was the direct second-in-command to the Emperor (COMIC: Duel of the Daleks) as Warlord, (COMIC: The Secret of the Emperor) and the Dalek Emperor could alternatively be known as the Dalek Supreme. (PROSE: The Living Death, COMIC: The Dalek Tapes)

However, later on, the rank of Dalek Supreme was instead given to the Emperor's second-in-command; the Black Dalek used the title frequently, (TV: Resurrection of the Daleks, Remembrance of the Daleks, etc.) and after its destruction, other Supremes were used by the Emperor as his second-in-commands. (AUDIO: The Genocide Machine, etc.) A Dalek Council of Supreme Daleks, plural, also existed in some eras, answering directly to the Emperor; (TV: Planet of the Daleks) according to some account, the Black Dalek arose as singular Dalek Supreme when it became the only survivor of the Dalek Council of multiplte Supreme Daleks, (PROSE: The Astounding Untold History of the Greatest Enemies of the Universe) although this failed to tally with other chronologies of Dalek history. (PROSE: The Evil of the Daleks, COMIC: Bringer of Darkness, et alt.) During the Imperial-Renegade Dalek Civil War, the Renegade Dalek faction was led by the Supreme instead of an Emperor, (TV: Resurrection of the Daleks, Revelation of the Daleks) though the Eighth Doctor learned that this was on behalf of the Dalek Prime. (PROSE: War of the Daleks)

After the Last Great Time War, the function of Dalek Emperor fell behind. In the New Dalek Empire, a red Supreme Dalek was the ultimate commander. (TV: The Stolen Earth) With the creation of the New Dalek Paradigm, the Dalek race was reorganised into a colour-coded caste society; the leader of this first batch of Daleks was the white Supreme Dalek. (TV: Victory of the Daleks) Later, two New Paradigm Dalek Emperors were encountered by the Doctor, one blue, and the other purple, but the former only created within a timeline that was later negated, and overall both Emperors were short-lived. (GAME: City of the Daleks, The Eternity Clock) Eventually, the Parliament of the Daleks was created, led by the Dalek Prime Minister. This Dalek mutant was housed inside an immobile transparent tube, and outranked even the New Paradigm Supreme Dalek. (TV: Asylum of the Daleks) However, following the Prime Minister going insane, the white Supreme Dalek took charge once more, with the first of each variant of the Paradigm as his closest advisors; (PROSE: The Astounding Untold History of the Greatest Enemies of the Universe) he ultimately perished at the Siege of Trenzalore, which he had supervised personally from his mothership. (TV: The Time of the Doctor)

The Dalek Time Controller was given strategic command over all Dalek missions involving time travel. (AUDIO: Patient Zero) At one point, the Dalek Time Controller, also known by the title Dalek Litigator, was among the ranks of the New Dalek Paradigm and outranked even the Supreme Dalek in certain cases. (PROSE: The Dalek Generation) Following the Time Controller's loss in the pre-Time War universe, (AUDIO: Eye of Darkness) a Dalek Time Strategist was created to replace it, (PROSE: Dalek Combat Training Manual) coming to serve in the coveted position of second-in-command to the Emperor during the Time War. (AUDIO: Temmosus)


The Cult of Skaro. (TV: Doomsday)

Described by the Tenth Doctor as "above and beyond the Emperor himself", the Cult of Skaro was a council of four elite Daleks created to think of imaginative strategies, formed during the Last Great Time War. (TV: Doomsday)

Distinguished by their black domes, Elite Guard Daleks were tasked with protecting high-ranking Daleks including the Dalek Inquisitor General, the Supreme Dalek's subordinate. (PROSE: Prisoner of the Daleks) The Dalek Emperor had a squad of black-domed Daleks as his Imperial Guard that usually protected and served it. (TV: The Evil of the Daleks) Some versions were equipped with two gunsticks. (TV: The Parting of the Ways) Though the Time Lords designated them as "guard drones", (PROSE: Dalek Combat Training Manual) the black-domed Daleks would lead Dalek drones (COMIC: Empire of the Daleks) and were designated as "Black Dalek Leaders" during the Dalek Civil War. (TV: The Evil of the Daleks) One of the bronze Emperor's "retinue" was a Dalek with a black dome, a bronze middle section and a black base unit with gold livery, (TV: The Parting of the Ways) appearing much like the original Black Dalek Leader. (TV: The Chase)

Below the Emperor was the Dalek Supreme Council. (AUDIO: We Are The Daleks)

The Eternity Circle was a council of five blue and silver Daleks created by the Emperor to research temporal weapons during the Last Great Time War. (PROSE: Engines of War)

The Volatix Cabal were a secret Dalek society who operated during the Last Great Time War. They were created by the Daleks for possessing a talent that no Dalek could possess: creativity. (COMIC: The Organ Grinder)

A large convocation of New Paradigm Daleks — led by the Supreme Dalek and the Dalek Prime Minister — was known as the Parliament of the Daleks. (TV: Asylum of the Daleks)


Dalek Supreme Controller was the designation of Black Daleks during the 22nd century Dalek invasion, later Red Daleks, second to the Supreme. (AUDIO: "Death to the Daleks!")

The Dalek Inquisitor General served the Supreme Dalek during the Second Dalek War. Dalek X was the best known, if not the only, example. (PROSE: Prisoner of the Daleks)

Command Daleks oversaw facilities such as the Arkheon base. (PROSE: Prisoner of the Daleks) Dalek saucer commanders were designated commander of Dalek flying saucers. (TV: The Dalek Invasion of Earth)

The Dalek administrator served as city administrator of the Dalek city on Kembel during the 4000 Time Destructor Incident, serving under the Black Dalek Leader. (PROSE: The Mutation of Time)

As observed by Landinalakallinian, Dalek Captains commanded Dalek battalions, each battalion being comprised of two equal-sized companies commanded by a Dalek Lieutenant. Dalek Captains and Lieutenants did not seem to be distinguishable from exterior appearance, with the Gallifreyan professor suggesting that they relied on forms of radio identification signals to identify each other instead of more obvious rank markings. (PROSE: The Dalek Problem)

Subordinate to the Supreme Dalek, Alpha Daleks were high ranking grey Dalek units. Other designations were Beta Dalek, Gamma Dalek, Delta Dalek, and Epsilon Dalek. (PROSE: Resurrection of the Daleks)

The Dalek Scientific Division were high-ranking, their needs overrode all other orders and concerns in at least two missions. (AUDIO: The Genocide Machine, Return of the Daleks) Daleks Scientists were referred to as being silver and green. (The Dalek Tapes) The Scientist Daleks of the New Dalek Paradigm are ranked by their orange colour scheme. (TV: Victory of the Daleks)

Dalek leader was a rank typically given to Dalek drones placed in charge of special missions for the Daleks. Dalek leaders regularly answered to the Supreme Dalek. Functionally, the role was similar to Command Daleks, or Dalek Commanders, though with less emphasis on direct military missions. (PROSE: The Chase, Death to the Daleks, Doctor Who and the Destiny of the Daleks) During the Daleks' conflict against the Mechanoids, the Dalek Fleet was led by a Daleader. (COMIC: The Rogue Planet) Similarly, there were Dalek Section Leaders, who headed scientific and research projects. (TV: Planet of the Daleks)

Prior to the Time War, Gold Daleks were the high-ranking class and able to take the role of the Supreme Dalek. (TV: Day of the Daleks, Frontier in Space) Black Daleks commanded planetary invasions and Dalek operations, (PROSE: War of the Daleks) being a rank broadly equivalent to that of Supreme Dalek. (PROSE: Special Daleks) Red Daleks were the lowest capable of independent thought, allowing some measure of independent action. Beneath them were the Blue Daleks, the equivalent of non-commissioned officers. Lastly, were the grey Dalek footsoldiers. (PROSE: War of the Daleks)

Following the Time War, the New Dalek Paradigm was led by a white Supreme Dalek. The Eternal Dalek was coloured yellow. Strategist Daleks, including Chief Strategists, were coloured blue. Scientist Daleks were coloured orange. Lastly, the Drone Dalek was coloured red. (TV: Victory of the Daleks, COMIC: The Only Good Dalek)

Low ranking Daleks

The Astrodalek was in charge of studying the space around Skaro. (COMIC: The Rogue Planet)

The Spider Daleks were slightly larger than the Dalek drone, with eight legs. They were more manoeuvreable than standard Daleks, but more vulnerable at their joints. The Thals believed that this design had been abandoned for centuries. Giant-sized versions, known as Striders, were ten times larger than the standard Spider Dalek. (PROSE: War of the Daleks)

The Marine Dalek was a torpedo-shaped Dalek designed to operate underwater. It had eyestalks in front and gunstick and a grappling arm parallel to its bodies. It was larger than a Dalek drone. (PROSE: War of the Daleks)

The Dalek drone was the most common variant of Dalek. (GAME: City of the Daleks, AUDIO: In Remembrance) They were used as the main "foot soldier", which led to them very occasionally being called "warrior Daleks". (PROSE: War of the Daleks) Despite merely being standard soldiers, every Dalek drone still had a genius level intellect and was capable of committing genocide. (TV: Dalek) The basic Time War drones were bronze, while the New Paradigm incorporated both this design and another design for Drone Daleks. The latter design was larger and red in colour. (TV: Asylum of the Daleks)

Assault Daleks were special Dalek drones equipped with laser-cutting arms and blowtorch to replace their plunger manipulator arms. (PROSE: Prisoner of the Daleks, TV: The Parting of the Ways)

The Special Weapons Dalek was designed solely for combat, lacking the abilities of the standard Dalek. (TV: Remembrance of the Daleks)

Marsh Daleks were designed solely for swamp combat. (COMIC: Monsters of Gurnian)

The Skaro Degradations were special Dalek forces used during the Last Great Time War. (PROSE: Engines of War) A new breed of Dalek fielded in the Time War, Berserker Daleks were deployed on simpler tasks, which required nothing more than extermination of a population, as they were incapable of strategy due to their lower intelligence. (AUDIO: Rewind)

Dalek engineers served during the 2150s Dalek invasion of Earth. (PROSE: Doctor Who and the Dalek Invasion of Earth) Subordinate to the Imperial Guard, drones could serve as Dalek guards. (PROSE: The Evil of the Daleks) Scout Daleks were all but identical to drones, (PROSE: Remembrance of the Daleks) whilst reconnaissance scouts were specially advanced with capabilities beyond the basic Dalek soldiers. (TV: Resolution) Bronze Daleks designated as boarding Daleks were dispatched in the Good Dalek Incident. (TV: Into the Dalek)

Non-Daleks servants and slaves

Though the Dalek Time Strategist proclaimed that the Daleks had no need for allies, saying as such while rejecting an alliance with the Sontaran Empire, (AUDIO: The Eternity Cage) the Daleks did indeed make alliances (AUDIO: The Innocent) and conscript other species. (AUDIO: Dreadshade) Nonetheless, these allies and pawns were always intended to be exterminated when their usefulness was fulfilled, as the Daleks saw themselves as the supreme beings of the the universe. (PROSE: Engines of War, et al.) During the Last Great Time War, the Daleks lead an axis of dark powers. (COMIC: Pull to Open)

Several non-Dalek species worked under the Daleks under some form of enslavement. The Time Lords identified this as a secondary command structure which, during the Time War, they sought to exploit by using undercover operatives. (PROSE: Dalek Combat Training Manual) The Daleks converted humanoids into Dalek Slaves who were fitted with grey helmets and armour. (COMIC: Four Doctors)

Human-Daleks were humans altered with the Dalek Factor or Dalek DNA. (TV: The Evil of the Daleks, Evolution of the Daleks)

Robomen were slaves under heavy mind control, (TV: The Dalek Invasion of Earth) A robotic duplicate of the First Doctor was sent to kill the original. (TV: The Chase) According to one account, the Movellans were servants to the Daleks, the war against them having been hoaxed. (PROSE: War of the Daleks) Dalek duplicates worked for the Daleks. (TV: Resurrection of the Daleks, AUDIO: The Genocide Machine)

The Mighty Jagrafess of the Holy Hadrojassic Maxarodenfoe was part of the Daleks' plan to alter the minds of the Fourth Great and Bountiful Human Empire, (TV: The Long Game, Bad Wolf)

The Exxilons, (TV: Death to the Daleks) Spiridons, (TV: Planet of the Daleks) Klims, (COMIC: The Dalek Revenge) Taalyens (AUDIO: The Heart of the Battle) and Gralians (AUDIO: The Davros Mission) were all slaves to the Daleks.

An Aggedor was used by the Daleks in a failed attempt to capture Sarah Jane Smith. (AUDIO: Glorious Goodwood)

The pig slaves were hybrids employed by the Cult of Skaro whilst stranded in 1930s New York (TV: Daleks in Manhattan / Evolution of the Daleks)

Through exposure to a nanocloud, other lifeforms both living and dead could be converted into Dalek puppets. (TV: Asylum of the Daleks) An invention of the New Dalek Paradigm, the puppets were an "improved" combination of the earlier Robomen and Dalek duplicates. Gallifreyans were the only species known to resist the nanocloud. (PROSE: Dalek: The Astounding Untold History of the Greatest Enemies of the Universe)

The New Dalek Paradigm also recruited other species to accomplish tasks in their campaign of Empire-building. Cybermen and Silurians were recruited by a Scientist Dalek as a distraction for the Eleventh Doctor and Amy Pond in order to collect all Time orbs. (GAME: The Mazes of Time) Tranter and agents inside Space Security Service were controlled by the Daleks during a war that occurred in the 41st century. (COMIC: The Only Good Dalek) Erik Graul worked with the Daleks in 1917 to build Proto-Daleks for the Dalek Project. (COMIC: The Dalek Project)


Ogrons were mercenaries employed by the Daleks on various occasions, (TV: Day of the Daleks, Frontier in Space) as were Werelox, (COMIC: Doctor Who and the Dogs of Doom) and Dalek Troopers. (TV: Resurrection of the Daleks)

Visual distinctions

Daleks often showed their rank via colours. According to one source, gold Daleks were the highest, followed by black, red, blue, and grey. (PROSE: War of the Daleks)

In the early days, the majority of Daleks were silver with blue "bumps", with mid-ranking Daleks (like the saucer commanders) being partially black and the commander a black Dalek Supreme. (TV: The Dalek Invasion of Earth)

Dalek Jast's identification. (TV: Doomsday)

During the Last Great Time War and in the New Dalek Empire, almost the entirety of Daleks shown were of the same colour; the Supreme Dalek in the latter was marked out by being red with golden trimmings, while Dalek Sec of the Cult of Skaro was black. All of these Daleks used symbols, located below the eyestalk, for identification (TV: Dalek, The Parting of the Ways, Doomsday, Daleks in Manhattan, Evolution of the Daleks, The Stolen Earth, Journey's End), and in the Second World War, displayed a Union Flag. (TV: Victory of the Daleks)

The restored Daleks sported bright colours, with each colouring showing their role: the Supreme was white, the strategist was blue, the scientist was orange, and the drones were red. The yellow Dalek was given the title of "Eternal" and was the only one to have black orbs instead of silver. (TV: Victory of the Daleks)


Dalek ranks were often established by their genetic purity. During the Last Great Time War, Daleks of human origin were created to bolster Dalek forces and were viewed as expendable "cannon fodder" to their Kaled mutant counterparts. (PROSE: Engines of War) In the Bad Wolf Incident, the Dalek Emperor created his new army out of human DNA, which caused them to not only obey but worship the Emperor as the only pure Dalek. (TV: The Parting of the Ways)

When the New Dalek Paradigm was created from pure Dalek DNA found in the progenitor, both they and the impure Daleks which created them believed the new race was superior due to their genetic purity, and that any impure forms must be destroyed. (TV: Victory of the Daleks)

Led by a bronze leader, the Death Squad Daleks acted as the "enforcers" of purity amongst the Daleks. In the 2021 Dalek civil war, the Death Squad was summoned to Earth, secretly by the Thirteenth Doctor, to deal with the Defence Drone Daleks. The so-called "New Dalek Army" had traces of human DNA (due to having been cloned by Leo Rugazzi, who was unaware of the Daleks' true nature), and was subsequently exterminated by the Death Squad. (TV: Revolution of the Daleks)


Pre-Time War

According to one account, the earliest Daleks existed as equals. One Dalek, finding the rule among equals approach to be inefficient, crowned himself as the singular ruler of the Dalek race, becoming the Dalek Prime. (PROSE: The Evil of the Daleks)

The original Dalek hierarchy was established by the Dalek Prime shortly after the creation of the Daleks. Under the Dalek Prime came the original Dalek Supreme, also known as the Black Dalek, "from the paint on his casing", who served as the Warlord of the Dalek people. Below the Black Dalek were "dozens of minor ranks" including Red Daleks, who acted as "section leaders", as well as Red-and-gray Daleks responsible for transportation and the gray and blue "rank-and-file". (PROSE: The History of the Daleks)

Within the Dalek City, the Dalek Supreme resided in a large nutrient tank rather than a conventional casing, although the mutant could transfer itself between the tank and an alternative Black Dalek casing to become mobile. It was the "original leader" of the Daleks, who went on to survive (AUDIO: Return to Skaro) the Thals' invasion of the Dalek City (TV: The Daleks) by residing in the secret incubation level; (AUDIO: Return to Skaro) According to another account given by Ian Chesterton, the original leader of the City, the Glass Dalek, was apparently killed when its casing was shattered in the original Thal assault. (PROSE: Doctor Who in an Exciting Adventure with the Daleks)

Each Dalek saucer was put under the command of a Dalek saucer commander, one of which was known to have served as part of the Dalek Earthforce led by the Black Supreme Controller in the 2150s Dalek invasion of Earth. (TV: The Dalek Invasion of Earth) During the occupation, another Black Dalek served as an interrogator. (AUDIO: Masters of Earth)

The Dalek administrator served as city administrator of the Dalek city on Kembel during the 4000 Time Destructor Incident, serving under the Black Dalek Leader. (PROSE: The Mutation of Time)

In their scrutiny of Dalek history, the Time Lords found sources which told that, during the Daleks' conflict with the Space Security Service followed a "red Dalek leader" who was supported by a red-domed subordinate. (PROSE: Dalek Combat Training Manual)

After the Dalek Prime transitioned to a static casing inside the Dalek City's Great Hall, pivoting to using Dalek Emperor as his main title, (PROSE: The Evil of the Daleks, COMIC: The Secret of the Emperor) special silver Daleks with black domes began to act as both the Emperor's guards and section leaders. (PROSE: Dalek Survival Guide) By this point, (TV: The Evil of the Daleks) because the original Black Dalek was thought to be dead, a number of non-individualised Black Daleks had been introduced to the hierarchy, (PROSE: The Evil of the Daleks) including a rank known as Black Dalek Leaders. (TV: The Evil of the Daleks)

This hierarchy for the most part remained unchanged until the defeat of the humanised Daleks at the end of the Great Civil War, after which the Daleks were able to restore order and rebuilt. A new hierarchy was established. The Dalek Emperor remained the overall ruler, but black Supreme Daleks were replaced with gold Daleks (TV: Day of the Daleks, Frontier in Space)

A Dalek Supreme Council was also organised, of which a special black-and-gold Dalek was a member among others. (TV: Planet of the Daleks)

During the Second Dalek War, a Dalek Supreme with a refined red-and-gold casing served as Supreme Commander and was lost in the attack on the Cathedral of Contemplation. (AUDIO: Out of Time) Later, another Supreme Dalek was served by a black Dalek Inquisitor General designated Dalek X by Earth Command. (PROSE: Prisoner of the Daleks)

The Daleks who participated in the Exxilon Gambit were a modified silver Dalek model with black sense globes with a leader distinguished by its amber dome lights. (TV: Death to the Daleks)

By the time of the Dalek-Movellan War, black Daleks were once again in command of the grey drones. With both the Daleks and the Movellans at a logical stalemate, the Daleks went in search of Davros to gain his aid in resolving the situation. (TV: Destiny of the Daleks)

Following the Movellan War, the Supreme Dalek was supported by grey Daleks beginning with a designated Alpha Dalek leader, followed by the Beta Dalek, Gamma Dalek, Delta Dalek and Epsilon Dalek. Upon encountering an Alpha Dalek during the Duplicate Incident, the Fifth Doctor observed that it was a new title. (PROSE: Resurrection of the Daleks, TV: Resurrection of the Daleks)

In an attempt to exterminate the Daleks' nemesis once and for all, the Golden Emperor stood watch remotely whilst the Doctor's TARDIS, carrying the Fifth Doctor, was redirected to Skaro via a time corridor and received by a force of Daleks composed of the Black Dalek, the Red Dalek, a red-domed Dalek and grey Dalek drones, with the grey Daleks using hoverbouts to capture the TARDIS. (GRAPHIC: Trapped in the Time Corridor)

Davros was displeased to learn that the Daleks were taking orders from a Supreme Dalek instead of him. He built his own Daleks to oppose those of the Supreme Dalek and declared himself the Dalek Emperor. A civil war between Davros' white and gold Imperial Daleks and the "Renegade Daleks" loyal to the Supreme Dalek and the Dalek Prime broke out. The latter side claimed victory. (TV: Resurrection of the Daleks, Revelation of the Daleks, Remembrance of the Daleks, PROSE: War of the Daleks) During the conflict, Davros was served by his own Supreme Dalek. (AUDIO: The Curse of Davros)

By one account, the Black Dalek Leader known that there was talk of overthrowing the Council and reforming the Dalek power scheme since the disastrous losses of the Movellan War. Acting on behalf of the Dalek Prime, the Black Dalek and the Supreme Council presided over the trial of Davros, who had been captured on Necros. At this time, there were some within the Dalek ranks, even within the Supreme Council, who felt that Davros could help the Daleks. The Black Dalek, however, anticipated that a rescue attempt would be made by "traitors" and saw that it was foiled, with Davros being seemingly executed by a matter transmitter. (PROSE: The History of the Daleks)

The Time Lords reflected that Davros's ambition to lead the Daleks created a huge schism in the Dalek hierarchy, with the resulting infighting severely reducing the expansion rate of the Dalek Empire, for which they were grateful. (PROSE: Dalek Combat Training Manual)

Time War

During the Last Great Time War, Dalek soldiers had bronze casings and were led once again by the Emperor. Davros also took part in the war but was supposedly killed during the first year. (TV: The Stolen Earth)

The Time Lords investigated using the split in the Dalek hierarchy seen during the earlier Imperial-Renegade Dalek Civil War to their advantage, considering an alliance with a single Dalek faction. They were dismayed to learn from their tactical team that the Daleks were once more united and that there was no possibility of engineering division within their ranks.

Nevertheless, the Time Lords did consider other avenues of undermining the Dalek hierarchy, including infiltrating the secondary command structure, hacking into the Dalek battle computer system and pathweb, introducing emotions or even a Gallifreyan Factor into Daleks following the Metaltron example and conditioning Daleks such as Rusty, pursuing reports of surviving Humanised Daleks on Kyrol, investigating unsuccessful Dalek conversions, opening a dialogue with Daleks of individual identities such as the Cult of Skaro or even extracting the Human-Dalek Sec from the post-Time War universe. (PROSE: Dalek Combat Training Manual)

In the latter stages of the war, Daleks of human origin were created to bolster Dalek forces and were viewed as expendable "cannon fodder" to their Kaled mutant counterparts. (PROSE: Engines of War)

Post-Time War

The New Dalek Paradigm: Drone, Scientist, Eternal, Strategist, Supreme. (PROSE: Dalek: The Astounding Untold History of the Greatest Enemies of the Universe)

Following the near-destruction of both the Time Lords and the Daleks, the surviving Daleks attempted to rebuild their race. The Cult of Skaro tried twice but were foiled by the Doctor on both occasions. The Cult's leader, Dalek Sec, had a completely black casing while the other three — Thay, Jast and Caan — had the standard bronze, although they were more than just soldiers. In the end, Sec, after leaving his casing to adopt a Human-Dalek, was overthrown and Caan replaced him, taking Sec's intended title of Controller of the Dalek-human army only to terminate them after they turned against the Daleks. (TV: Doomsday, Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks)

Caan, the last of the Cult, escaped from the Doctor back into the Time War, where he rescued Davros but lost his sanity due to breaking the time lock. Davros rebuilt the Daleks from his own cells and created the New Dalek Empire. The leader was a Supreme Dalek with a unique red and gold casing. (TV: The Stolen Earth) The Empire was obilterated by a clone of the Tenth Doctor. (TV: Journey's End)

The Dalek race was finally restored fully after the last survivors of the New Dalek Empire came across a Progenitor device. The restored Dalek race was led by a white Supreme Dalek. Drone Daleks were red, strategists were blue, scientists were orange, and the Eternal Dalek was yellow. (TV: Victory of the Daleks) Re-establishing the Dalek Empire, the original five members of the New Paradigm formed a new Dalek Supreme Council led by the Supreme; the first Red Drone assumed command of the new Dalek Imperial Army, whilst the Strategist and the Scientist oversaw the Daleks' strategic and scientific endeavours. (PROSE: Dalek: The Astounding Untold History of the Greatest Enemies of the Universe)

After acquiring the Eye of Time, the New Paradigm created an alternate timeline in which they repopulated Skaro, installing a new Emperor, who was clad in the blue and grey livery of the Strategist Daleks. However, the Eleventh Doctor prevented the Daleks from taking control of Skaro, erasing the Emperor from existence. (GAME: City of the Daleks, PROSE: Dalek: The Astounding Untold History of the Greatest Enemies of the Universe) Later, a new Emperor Dalek existed during the New Paradigm's invasion of Earth in 2106 using the piece of the Eternity Clock. This Emperor was coloured purple and able to form itself into a sphere. (GAME: The Eternity Clock)

Following multiple defeats at the hands of the Doctor, the New Paradigm was reorganised into a Parliament headed by a Prime Minister, (TV: Asylum of the Daleks, PROSE: Dalek: The Astounding Untold History of the Greatest Enemies of the Universe) which superseded the position of Emperor. Within the Parliament, the Dalek Strategists' purpose was to channel the mental capacities of the thousands of bronze Dalek governors and then present them as options to the Prime Minister, who could then instruct the Supreme Dalek. (PROSE: Dalek Combat Training Manual) The original members of the New Paradigm maintained a token presence in the Parliament, with the Red Drones now serving as an officer class over the once again mass-produced bronze Daleks, which were deemed to provoke the most fear across the universe. (PROSE: Dalek: The Astounding Untold History of the Greatest Enemies of the Universe)

The Daleks on the recreated Skaro seen during the Hybrid Incident were led by another red-and-gold Supreme Dalek who allowed Davros to live within the Dalek City. (TV: The Magician's Apprentice, The Witch's Familiar)

The Twelfth Doctor become aware of that a new Dalek Emperor was leading the Daleks. (WC: The Twelfth Doctor's been Timejacked!)

Splinter groups

Having broken away from Skaro, the humanised Daleks that lived on Kyrol adopted their own colour-coded hierarchy. Alpha, of the original generation, changed his silver casing to serve as Red Dalek leader. His second was a Black Dalek, named Makkith. Below them were the Blue Daleks, the only other humanised Daleks to be armed with gunsticks. The majority of the humanised Daleks, however, were distinct from the Skarosian Daleks in that their weapons platforms sported only a manipulator arm, with a vacant space where the gunstick would be; these disarmed Daleks were, however, able to use their psychokinetic energy to defend themselves. Green Daleks such as Adellus functioned as scientists, while other Daleks were coloured Yellow, Orange and Purple. (COMIC: Children of the Revolution)

The hierarchy of the Orcini New Daleks included Third Class Dalek Leader and First Class Dalek Leader. (PROSE: War and Peace)

Parallel universes

In a parallel universe, the Daleks were led by the Mentor, the creator and leader of a faction of Daleks from that universe. (AUDIO: Dalek War: Chapter One)

In the Unbound Universe, the singular Black Dalek was the leader of the second generation of Daleks, though Davros noted that the Black Dalek was not meant to be a leader in the truest sense of the word, as the Daleks were designed to be equal to all of their kin, but a rather a central point for which the Daleks to base their psychology and society around. (AUDIO: Masters of War)

In the Warrior's universe, the Twin Dalek was formed by two Dalek mutants operating within the same casing. Together, they were a member of the Unified Skaroan Alliance between the Daleks, the Kaleds and the Thals. (AUDIO: Aftershocks) Davros noted that there was no President of the Daleks. (AUDIO: The Key To Key To Time)

Behind the scenes

The Dalek Handbook

The non-narrative source The Dalek Handbook makes the claim that there was only ever one Dalek Supreme at any given point in Dalek history, and that new Supreme Daleks were only installed following the death of their predecessors. The early Dalek Supreme Command on Skaro was led by a Black Dalek Supreme, with subordinate Black Daleks, part of a tier of Dalek commanders acting as Supreme Controllers during planetary invasions and other missions of high importance, directing their own Dalek Supreme Command on occupied worlds. Dalek workers and soldiers were distinguished by their silver casings.

Following the 41st century Dalek Civil War, the hierarchy was changed with the establishment of the Dalek Supreme Council. The silver Daleks were replaced as drones by grey Daleks led by identical Dalek leaders, whilst Black Daleks were replaced as commanders by Gold Daleks, with a gold-and-black Dalek serving as Supreme. This new version of the Dalek Empire would back and attempt to overwrite their own history beginning with the Time Paradox Incident and Operation Divide and Conquer. The silver Daleks seen in the Exxilon Gambit were 27th century-native Daleks who were subsumed into future Dalek forces.

Invalid sources

Trapped in the Time Corridor.

Other matters

Dalek Commander accompanied by Reconnaissance Dalek.
