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(→‎Story notes: point about the graske was very tenuous indeed, especially given that we view SJA and DW as equally valid)
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==== Part two ====
==== Part two ====
The Doctor faces the end of his life as the Master's plans hurtle out of control. With the sound of the drums growing louder in the Master's head and an ancient trap closing around the Earth, the Doctor and Wilf must fight alone. Sacrifices must be made, and the deadly prophecy warns: "He will knock four times."
The Doctor faces the end of his life as the Master's plans hurtle out of control. With the sound of the drums growing louder in the Master's head and an ancient trap closing around the Earth, the Doctor and Wilf must fight alone. Sacrifices must be made, and the deadly prophecy warns: "He will knock four times."
Shnarf good egg

== Plot ==
== Plot ==

Revision as of 12:09, 22 January 2013


You may be looking for the novel.

The End of Time was a two-part Doctor Who special broadcast during the 20092010 Christmas season, concluding the "2009 interim season". It featured the final regular appearance of David Tennant as the Tenth Doctor and introduced Matt Smith as the Eleventh Doctor. The story revealed details of the Last Great Time War, and gave important development to the character of the Master.

From a production standpoint, it marked a major change in the history of Doctor Who. Like only The War Games before it, The End of Time ushered in a complete change of regular cast. Unlike that 1960s story, however, it was the final story for its principal producers, Russell T Davies and Julie Gardner, and was the last regular story for its head writer, Davies. It was also the first to include any part overseen by — if not credited to — incoming lead writer and executive producer Steven Moffat. Though Tracie Simpson was the credited line producer, her elevation to regular line producer on the first Matt Smith series meant that Julie Gardner effectively became the line producer for the first and only time in her tenure on Doctor Who.


Part one

It is the Tenth Doctor's final journey — but his psychotic nemesis, the Master, has been resurrected on Christmas Eve! Each determined to cheat death, the battle rages from the abandoned wastelands of London to the mysterious Immortality Gate, whilst the alien Ood warn of an even greater danger approaching, as a terrible shadow falls across the entire Universe...

Part two

The Doctor faces the end of his life as the Master's plans hurtle out of control. With the sound of the drums growing louder in the Master's head and an ancient trap closing around the Earth, the Doctor and Wilf must fight alone. Sacrifices must be made, and the deadly prophecy warns: "He will knock four times." Shnarf good egg


Part one

A voice narrates the opening of the episode: "It is said that in the final days of planet Earth, everyone had bad dreams.But they all forgot them , all except one man." On Earth, Wilfred Mott, entering a church, has a vision of the Saxon Master laughing maniacally. Inside, he notices a stained-glass panel with the image of the TARDIS. A mysterious woman tells him the church was a monastery in the 13th century. It was attacked by a demon which was exorcised by a "sainted physician". When the woman suggests that the physician is returning, Wilf says it would make his Christmas and turns to find she has vanished. He has another vision of the Master laughing, startling him.

The Doctor meets with Ood Sigma

In the 43rd century, the Tenth Doctor arrives on the Ood Sphere. He is greeted by Ood Sigma, whom he tries to make laugh by locking his TARDIS like an Earth car. The Doctor is distracted by the marvellous city the Ood have built. When Sigma says it took a hundred years, the Doctor remarks it is too soon for them to have the technology. Sigma takes the Doctor to the Ood Elders, who show him visions of the Master returning. The Doctor says that that's impossible; he saw his wife Lucy shoot him and he burned the corpse himself. The Ood show him an older woman taking the Master's ring and warn the Doctor of a greater danger returning from the darkness; its return precedes 'the End of Time itself'. Other visions are a frightened Wilfred and a "King in his Counting House". The Doctor rushes to Earth in the TARDIS.

The scene shifts to Lucy Saxon, locked in Broadfell Prison ever since she murdered her husband. One of her warders is Miss Trefusis, the woman who retrieved the Master's ring. On Christmas Eve, the prison Governor brings Lucy to a chamber; most of the staff are fanatical disciples of the Master who have worked since his death to bring about his resurrection. With the ring, a biometric imprint taken from Lucy and the sacrifice of the cultists' lives, the Master is reborn in a swirl of energy. However, Lucy informs her former husband that she knew he'd come back, and her family had prepared an antidote to the potion of life. After receiving the potion from her warden ally, she hurls the potion at the Master, creating a violent explosion that destroys Broadfell Prison.

The Doctor arrives the following day, too late. The prison is obliterated, but the Master survived. As a result of Lucy's potion, he has supernatural speed, agility and can generate electrical bolts as weapons, but his life force is in a state of constant depletion. He is unendingly hungry for any food he can find, and has resorted to draining the vitality of homeless people on a desolate construction site.

The Doctor tracks the Master to a junkyard. The Master taunts him by beating a trashcan to a four-stroke beat, then leads him on a chase through the junkyard. Wilf scours London for the Doctor with other pensioners calling themselves the "Silver Cloak", and finds him. After retreating to a café with him, the Doctor tells him a prophecy of his death. They notice Donna Noble standing outside, arguing with a police officer over her ticketed car. She's now engaged to Shaun Temple. Wilf pleads with the Doctor to at least go up to her and say hello to her, but the Doctor sadly reminds him that if Donna remembers him for even a second, she will die.

The narrator, his face revealed, speaks of the passage of Christmas Eve into Christmas Day; the players are moving into their final positions.

The Naismiths look at some CCTV.

Finding the Master again, the Doctor discovers the drumming in his head is not a symptom of insanity, but real. Troops appear, however, sedating and kidnapping the Master and taking him to the mansion of billionaire Joshua Naismith. Back at Wilfred's house, Donna's fiancé, Shaun, arrives. As Wilf tries to watch the Queen's Christmas speech, the mysterious woman interrupts the broadcast, ordering him to take arms; she also advises him not to tell the Doctor of what has happened, if his life is to be saved. Wilf takes his old service revolver from under his bed as the Doctor contacts him by throwing a stone at his window. Wilf shows the Doctor a book by Naismith, and the Doctor realises Donna bought the book as a present because her Time Lord subconsciousness is reaching out. They immediately set a course for Naismith's estate, despite Sylvia's protests. In the TARDIS, Wilf asks the Doctor why he can't go back to yesterday and catch the Master; the Doctor says he can't go back in his own timeline.

At the mansion, Naismith and his daughter, Abigail, are in possession of the "Immortality Gate", which can heal injuries and, Naismith hopes, offer life everlasting. He acquired the Gate after Torchwood's fall. The gate came with two nuclear-powered control booths, which are set-up in a way that if a worker wishes to leave he must be replaced in the other booth. Wanting immortality for his daughter, Naismith enlists the assistance of the Master to mend the malfunctioning Gate.

The Doctor and Wilf arrive at the Naismith estate and hide the TARDIS one second out of sync, so the Master can't get to it. In the basement, they discover two of Naismith's staff, Addams and Rossiter, are undercover Vinvocci, disguised with shimmers as human; The Doctor can see through the shimmers and deactivates them with his sonic screwdriver. The Vinvocci explain the Immortality Gate is a medical device that heals lifeforms across entire planets, using a genetic template. The Doctor realizes what the Master is planning to do and rushes upstairs, but is too late to stop the Master from escaping his captors and jumping into the gate. Every single human on Earth sees the Master in their minds, and when Wilf also arrives seeing the Master the Doctor gets the current worker out of the nuclear booth, then has himself replaced with Wilf, and the shielding clears the old man's mind. The Doctor asks the Master if he's planning on transmitting mind-control or hypnotic instructions, but the Master has far grander plans than that... he has modified the Gate to transmit his own genetic template across the entire planet. The gate is activated, and a wave spreads across the entire transforming every human on Earth into a clone of himself. Donna phones Wilf, herself immune due to her half-Time Lord mind and tells him the same has happened to her mother and fiance. Seeing such a sight makes Donna start to remember her travels with the Doctor and this causes her terrible pain as her brain cannot handle her Time Lord knowledge.

The Doctor is horrified to find that everyone around him, as well as the people on TV, are now exact clones of the Master. As the Master steps out of the gateway he tells the Doctor that the human race was always the Doctor's favourite, but it now exists no more, having been replaced with "the Master Race".

Donna starts to remember her adventures with the Doctor.

The Narrator announces the Master and his removal of humanity is only a small part of an approaching conflict. He is Lord President Rassilon, addressing the Gallifrey Panopticon, which is packed with Time Lords and Time Ladies. Rassilon announces that "This is the day the Time Lords return. For Gallifrey! For victory! For the end of time itself!"

Part two

On a devastated Gallifrey, on the last day of the Time War, the Time Lord Council has foreseen an earlier incarnation of the Doctor, in possession of something called "the Moment", will end the war by destroying the Daleks and Gallifrey. At the heart of the Time War, billions are dying, being resurrected and dying repeatedly. The never-ending carnage is a travesty of life.

One asks Rassilon to end the war once and for all. He kills her with his gauntlet. He will not allow himself or his race to die. The Council concocts a plan which involves retroactively implanting a link to the Master during his early childhood: the four-beat drum rhythm that has tormented him all his life. They next send a Gallifreyan "White-Point Star" diamond to Earth as a more physical link. This will let the Time Lords escape from the Time Lock and their impending destruction at the hands of the Doctor.

On Earth, the Master has the Doctor and Wilfred tied up. No one but the Master Race exists on Earth. Wilf's mobile phone rings. The Master finds the phone, receiving a call from Donna. The Master hears Donna's voice, confused about everyone else changing. Suspicious, the Master demands to know why Donna didn't change. Wilfred reluctantly admits the metacrisis that made her part Time Lord. The Master sneers, "He does love playing with Earth girls!", then orders his copies to take her down. Donna is cornered by the Master Race. She starts to remember her adventures with the Doctor. Instead of burning up, she emits a heat pulse that knocks everyone unconscious, including herself. Hearing nothing and seeing the Doctor smile, the Master removes his mouth gag. The Doctor left Donna, his best friend, with a defence mechanism in case this happened.

The "Worst... rescue... ever!" for the Doctor.

The Master realises the four-drum beat sound is from across time itself. He demands to know where the TARDIS is, threatening to kill Wilfred. The Doctor notes, "You know the most amazing thing about you is that after all this time, you're still bone-dead stupid." Somehow, the Master has failed to notice that the guard next to the Master is one inch too tall. The guard hits him in the head with the rifle, knocking him down. The guard is Rossiter. Addams rushes in and urges her partner to get the two men out of the mansion. Rossiter, unable to free the Doctor from the chair he is strapped to, wheels the chair bumpily down several flights of stairs, prompting the Doctor to note this as the worst rescue ever.

From the basement, the four teleport to the orbiting Vinvocci ship, narrowly escaping the Master and his guards. Wilfred is amazed at being in space; the Doctor is more concerned with the Master. As soon as he gets out of his restraints, he destroys the teleporter, preventing the Master Race from following them. He asks for directions to the bridge; the Master has every missile on the planet ready to fire. When they arrive, the Vinvocci prepare to leave, so the Doctor destroys the ship's systems, leaving them dead in orbit. As the Doctor begins to mend the systems, Wilfred sees the mysterious woman again, who instructs him to give the Doctor his gun.

Rassilon's White-Point Star has fallen to Earth and been found by the Master. On the ship, the Doctor is still repairing the systems. Wilf talks to him about many things and tries to have the Doctor take the gun to save himself by killing the Master. The Doctor refuses and Wilf begins to cry over his fruitless efforts, prompting the Doctor to hug him. A broadcast from the Master reaches the ship; he has found the diamond. It can only mean the Time Lords are returning. Wilfred considers this good but the Doctor's reaction says quite different... he grabs the gun and rushes for the control room. Wilf is confused as he thought the Time Lords were wise and peaceful. The Doctor tells him that's how he chooses to remember them; in reality the horrors of the Time War had changed the Time Lords, making them far more dangerous than any of his enemies.

The Doctor has repaired the ship, but Addams will not have them going to Earth. The Doctor seizes control of the ship and speeds towards Earth. Rossiter and Wilf take charge of the asteroid lasers and blast away the missiles the Master launches at them. Addams plots a course for Naismith's mansion and the Doctor jumps from the ship, crashing through the skylight and into the Immortality Gate room. He is too late. The Master has brought the Time Lords back.

Not only is the Master in the room, but so is the Time Lord Council. The Master intends to implant himself in them, but Rassilon uses his gauntlet to restore humanity. He tells the humans present to kneel as "the ascent" begins. The Master is confused; the Doctor angrily tells him that not only the Time Lords are coming back, but so is the planet. Gallifrey begins to materialise near Earth, fulfilling the prophecy that "it" is returning.

Wilf returns to help the Doctor, but frees a trapped man in the control booth and traps himself. The Master thinks that the Time Lords' restoration to the universe is fantastic, but the Doctor tells him that the broken Time Lock means that all of the other horrors born in the last days of the Time War, which he had sealed away in the Time Lock as well, would be released as well. The Daleks would not be the only additional escapees; they would be joined by the Skaro Degradations, the Horde of Travesties, the Nightmare Child, and the Could've Been King with his Army of Meanwhiles and Neverweres, seeing the war turning to Hell; which is exactly what the Master has unleashed above Earth. The Master delights at the thought of such chaos, but the Doctor tells him that even the Time Lords can't survive such an onslaught.

Rassilon then reveals that he had planned to deal with these horrors by initiating the Ultimate Sanction; a plan for the Time Lords to survive the collapse of all creation and all time, as the paradox of Gallifrey's return to the universe rips the Time Vortex apart, by ascending their conscious minds beyond the need for bodies. The Master asks to join them, but Rassilon refuses, contemptuously dismissing the Master as "diseased... albeit a disease of (the Time Lords') own making," and moves to kill him.

Then the Doctor aims Wilf's gun at Rassilon, who cautions the Doctor to "choose (his) enemies wisely."Even the Master goads him on, urging him to kill the President and claim Gallifrey. At this, the Doctor spins and aims at the Master, who realises that the link that brought the Time Lords to Earth is inside his head, and if he dies, the link is broken and reforms the Time Lock. So he points out that killing the President would have the same effect, and as the Doctor frets on what to do, Rassilon sneers at the Doctor's indecisiveness.

Finally, in this dark hour of the Doctor's life, one of the "disgraced" Time Lords covering her eyes behind the Lord President reveals herself to the Doctor; she is the mysterious woman that Wilfred had seen on a number of occasions. As she casts her gaze to a spot behind the Doctor, he now knows what to do: he whirls and aims toward the Master once again.

As the Master's face falls, the Doctor orders him to get out of the way. Suddenly understanding, the Master jumps away from the White-Point Star just as the Doctor shoots it, and its destruction severs the link and reinforces the Time Lock, pulling the Time Lords back into the Time War and to their inevitable doom.

As Gallifrey vanishes back into the Time Lock, Rassilon refuses to die alone and prepares to kill the Doctor, and the Doctor is ready for the prophecy to be fulfilled... but the Master orders the Doctor out of the way and attacks Rassilon with his electric powers, shouting that Rassilon was responsible for everything that had happened to him.

As the Master counts the drums one last time, his electric blasts occupies Rassilon long enough for a bright flash of light to send the Time Lords, Rassilon, and Gallifrey back into the last day of the Last Great Time War, while the Master vanishes. The Doctor struggles to his feet, not quite believing he has survived and starting to feel safe from the prophecy...

Knock, knock, knock, knock

The Doctor's face turns from relief to shock as he hears the four hesitant knocks portending his death. As he slowly turns, he sees where they are coming from; Wilfred is still trapped in the nuclear booth and wants to be let out. The Doctor tells Wilf that the Master left the nuclear bolt running and its about to overload which will release a lethal dose of radiation into the booth and doing anything to it, even using the Sonic Screwdriver, will set it off. Wilf tells the Doctor to leave him, and the Doctor rages about how despite everything he's done he's still going to die just because Wilf had to climb into the booth and he's just an old man; he could just be left and the Doctor could live so much longer and do so much more. After his outburst, the Doctor realizes he can't leave Wilf to die and concludes that a Time Lord sometimes lives too long.

Despite Wilf's protests, the Doctor enters the opposite booth and releases him, releasing the radiation into his booth causing the Doctor intense pain, until he finally collapses and the booth itself goes dead from the loss of power. After a few seconds, the Doctor gets up. At first, it looks like the Doctor has survived... however his wounds then heal themself suddenly; the Doctor is dying and his body is preparing to regenerate.

The Doctor takes Wilf home and tells his friend that he'll see him again one last time. When Wilfred asks where he's going, the Doctor says he's going to get his reward...

The Doctor travels to various places, where he has brief, mostly distant encounters with recent friends. He saves Martha and Mickey (now married) from a Sontaran sniper. He pushes Luke Smith out of the path of a car, and exchanges a meaningful look with Sarah Jane. He goes to an alien bar where he connects Captain Jack with midshipman Alonso Frame. He visits a book signing for A Journal of Impossible Things by Verity Newman, Joan Redfern's great-granddaughter. He appears after Donna's wedding, where he gives Wilfred and Sylvia the gift of a winning lottery ticket (purchased with a pound coin given to him by Sylvia's late husband) to pass on to her. He returns to the Powell Estate on New Year's Day 2005, where he sees Jackie and Rose.

He talks to Rose, telling her that she'll have a great year, and as she leaves smiling, the pain of the radiation poisoning sets in. The Doctor struggles towards the TARDIS, but collapses in the street. Ood Sigma appears to him to tell him that the entire Universe will sing him to his sleep. The Doctor lifts himself up and staggers to the TARDIS as Sigma tells him, "This song is ending, but the story never ends."

The regeneration of the Tenth Doctor.

The Doctor enters the TARDIS, tossing his coat on one of the coral structures and notes regeneration energy coming out of his hand. He sets the TARDIS on course for space as he circles the console.

The new Doctor examines his new features.

His final words, "I don't want to go", herald his inevitable regeneration. Golden energy radiates from both his hands and head as he breathes heavily, before stretching out his arms to regenerate into his next incarnation.

This delayed regeneration is unprecedented in its violence. The regeneration energies shatter the TARDIS windows and set the console room ablaze, destroying columns and raining debris down from above. With a yell, the new Eleventh Doctor quickly examines himself to make sure his body parts are still in the same place, and his long hair causes him to think he'd become a girl for a moment. Also, to his annoyance, he is still not ginger, but has dark hair again.

Remembering there was something important he forgot, the Doctor tries remembering what it was until another explosion forces him to his knees. Realising that the TARDIS is now crashing, the Doctor oddly seems happy as he jumps over to the monitor - it shows the ship spinning wildly towards Earth. Delighting in the chaos, the Doctor clings to the console and shouts, "GERONIMO!!!!"



General production staff

Script department

Camera and lighting department

Art department

Costume department

Make-up and prosthetics



General post-production staff

Special and visual effects


Not every person who worked on this adventure was credited. The absence of a credit for a position doesn't necessarily mean the job wasn't required. The information above is based solely on observations of the actual end credits of the episodes as broadcast, and does not relay information from IMDB or other sources.

Because this site puts both episodes of The End of Time into a single article, it is slightly more difficult to properly represent the crew in the above framework. The two episodes did not have exactly the same credits.  The position of 3rd AD was only credited on part 1.  A "Unit Manager" was only credited on part 1.  Floor runner Chris Goding was only credited on part 2, while Tom Evans was only credited on part 1.  Production secretary Kevin Myers was only credited on part 1.  No boom operators were credited in part 1.  No electricians were credited in part 2.  Stephen Nicholas is credited as "Chief Supervising Art Director" in part 1, and "Supervising Art Director" in part 2.  Design assistant Al Roberts was only credited in part 2.  Associate designer James North was only credited in part 1.  Standby art director Keith Dunne was only credited in part 1.  No kind of buyer was credited in part 1.  A "Storyboard Artist" was only credited on part 2.  A "Property Master" was only credited on part 1.  Casting assistant Alice Purser was only credited on part 1.  Assistant editor Carmen Roberts was only credited on part 2.  Matt Mullins was VFX editor for part 1; Joel Skinner, for part 2.  In part 1, post-production supervisor Chris Blatchford is listed before Samantha Hall; in part 2, it's reversed.  Foley editor Will Everett was only credited on part 1.  Counter Tenor Mark Chambers was only credited on part 2.


British royalty



The Doctor

  • One of the things the Tenth Doctor lists he did instead of rushing to meet Ood Sigma is an implied marriage with Elizabeth I.
  • Wilf tells his fellow seniors that the Doctor usually wears a brown suit and sometimes a blue suit.
  • The Doctor compares regeneration to dying.

Foods and Beverages


The Master

  • The Doctor refers to the Master as Skeletor, the skull-headed villain from the 1980s cartoon series He-Man and the Masters of the Universe.

Real world

  • When rescued by the Vinvocci, the Doctor cries, "Worst - rescue - ever!!", a cultural reference to 'Comic Book Guy', a character in The Simpsons.
  • Pictures of various historical Earth individuals can be seen in Joshua Naismith's mansion.


Time Lords and the Time War


  • A UNIT officer (with the Master's appearance) from UNIT HQ in Geneva appears.

Story notes

  • This was David Tennant's final appearance in Doctor Who as the Doctor, as well as Matt Smith's first appearance in the role.
  • The original title for Part 1 was The Final Days of Planet Earth, and was in fact the title when Davies teased readers of Doctor Who Magazine with the statement that the title was six words long. Later, however, he decided to give the title The End of Time to both specials.[1]
  • The second part is 75 minutes, 3 minutes longer than TV: Voyage of the Damned, making this currently the third longest single episode behind the 90-minute TV: The Five Doctors and the 85-minute TV: Doctor Who.
  • The End of Time marked the last appearance of Elisabeth Sladen as Sarah Jane Smith in Doctor Who. She died on 19 April 2011.
  • With this, his final Doctor Who story to date, Davies will have written or co-written no less than ten consecutive episodes (this number counts two-parters as separate and also includes a mini-episode, but does not include Torchwood), an unprecedented accomplishment in the history of the franchise.
  • This is the first story of more than one episode since TV: Survival to have one overarching title and the first 2-parter since Revelation of the Daleks to be called part 1 and part 2.
  • The Time Lords return after their apparent destruction in the Last Great Time War. This is their first appearance onscreen (except for a flashback in TV: The Sound of Drums) since TV: The Trial of a Time Lord in 1986.
  • This is a second time that a Sontaran has appeared as a cameo in a regeneration story. The first was the Fourth Doctor's final story Logopolis.
  • This is, along with TV: The Deadly Assassin, Doctor Who, Army of Ghosts, The Family of Blood and Cold Blood, one of the few Doctor Who stories to feature narration. However, in this case it is revealed that the "narration" is part of a speech given by the Lord President to the High Council.
  • There is no traditional celebrity cameo in the story. Instead, a stand-in plays US President Barack Obama and stock audio from a speech of his is dubbed in. This is the first time in the revived series that the real world US presidency has coincided with that featured in the Whoniverse.
  • The opening credits list David Tennant, John Simm and Bernard Cribbins. Simm is the second person to be credited in the opening credits for playing a villain. The first was Eric Roberts, who also played the Master, in TV: Doctor Who. This is only the third time that all of the credits were male (the first being TV: Time Crash and the second being TV: The Next Doctor), discounting Attack of the Graske and Music of the Spheres, in which David Tennant is credited alone.
  • Despite this being David Tennant's last regular Doctor Who story, he filmed scenes for TV:The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith, after the production of this story; in the Doctor's personal timeline, the events of that story occur before The End of Time.
  • In the Doctor Who Confidential for this episode, and the ones for the other 2009 specials, the TARDIS in the opening titles bears the St. John's Ambulance badge, a nod to the Eleventh Doctor.
  • The continuity announcement before part 2 was voiced by the Tenth Doctor, and was the last time that the Christmas ident featuring him was used.
  • Russell T Davies confirmed in the commentary for part 2 that the scene where Captain Jack is in an alien bar is in a city named Zaggit-Zagoo on the planet Zog. The scene, a tribute to the famous Cantina Bar scene in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, features cameo appearances by many alien species featured during the Davies era, plus the return of Alonso Frame (TV: Voyage of the Damned) and also features the song "My Angel Put the Devil in Me", last heard in TV: Daleks in Manhattan.
  • Russell T Davies has said in an interview that the Tenth Doctor's death had been planned out since David Tennant was signed on for the role. Davies also heavily implied had Tennant not been cast, the Tenth Doctor would have died a different way.
  • During the Doctor Who Confidential episode for part two, Davies stated that the name of the Vinvocci's ship was 'The Hesperus'.
  • The Master redeems himself by sacrificing himself and saving the Doctor. According to historical accounts of the production of the classic series, this idea dates back to the original concept for Jon Pertwee's final story as the Third Doctor, which would have seen Roger Delgado's Master redeem himself in a similar fashion; Delgado's death aborted this idea.
  • Davies originally considered having the Time Lords in an alliance with the Daleks, but after consulting with Steven Moffat and correspondent Benjamin Cook, eliminated this plot thread. (REF: Doctor Who: The Writer's Tale - The Final Chapter).
  • The End of Time was not the only finale considered. In another, the Tenth Doctor was going to bow out in a one-parter, saving a family of four aliens from a radiation leak.[2]
  • In an early draft of the script, Davies had the Doctor address the "half-human" statement the Eighth Doctor made in the 1996 TV movie, dismissing it as "a forty-eight-hour bug". The line was cut by Davies for several stated reasons, including the fact it would have confused viewers who were only familiar with the events of TV: Human Nature. (REF: Doctor Who: The Writer's Tale - The Final Chapter)
  • During the chaotic sequence after the regeneration, the Eleventh Doctor is shown spitting, an act that raised some eyebrows. In addressing this during a publicity event for the launch of Series 5, Smith explained that it was his natural reaction to all the debris raining down on him during the filming, while Steven Moffat indicated that Davies chose to leave it in.[3]
  • Russell T. Davies claimed that Omega was originally going to appear instead of Rassilon, but the idea was dropped.
  • Joshua Naismith mentions that the Gate was found buried at the foot of Mt. Snowdon by Torchwood. In TV: Doomsday, Yvonne Hartman states that the gravity clamps were found buried in the same place. Presumably, this means the gravity clamps are of Vinvocci origin. However, in Death of the Doctor, UNIT has a base at Mt. Snowdon, which could also imply that whoever the clamps belonged to, UNIT buried them.
  • Before the Doctor regenerates and the TARDIS flies away from Earth, the words "God save the TARDIS" and "God save our saviour" can be heard in the choir that sing in the background.
  • Jessica Hynes's scene as Verity Newman was the first scene of this episode to be filmed (the scene was brought forward to accomodate Hynes's schedule, as she had just been cast in a Broadway play).
  • Part 2 was the only David Tennant era episode to premiere in 2010.
  • The scene where Luke is saved is part of an in-joke, according to Davies; in the first series of The Sarah Jane Adventures none of the children characters looked where they are going while crossing the road.
  • Martha, a Jones, has now married Mickey, a Smith - a reference to her first episode, TV: Smith and Jones. This was highlighted in episode commentary.
  • The name of Jessica Hynes' character, Verity Newman, is a reference to Verity Lambert and Sydney Newman. This is the second time the revived series has honoured the two people who are considered among the primary creators of Doctor Who. In TV: Human Nature the Doctor, in his human guise, says his parents were named Verity and Sydney. In this episode, Hynes plays a descendant of Joan Redfern, a character featured in Human Nature.
  • While the story was entirely written by Russell T. Davies, Matt Smith's scenes were written by Steven Moffat.
  • Four takes of the Tenth Doctor's final line ("I don't want to go") were filmed, with Tennant upping the emotion for each one. The third one was the take chosen.


  • Part 1 - 11.57 Million - According to BARB.
  • Part 2 - 12.27 million - According to BARB.
  • In America, three broadcasts of Part 2 garnered a combined total of 1.42 million viewers, a record for BBC America.[4]

Filming locations

  • Tredegar House, Newport. [5]

Production errors

If you'd like to talk about narrative problems with this story — like plot holes and things that seem to contradict other stories — please go to this episode's discontinuity discussion.
File:Vinvocci original.png
The Vinvocci makeup design as originally filmed, and post-recolouring. (CON: Lords and Masters/TV: The End of Time)
  • On the wide shot of The Master's Resurrection it can marginally be seen that Lucy Saxon is kneeling on what appears to be knee support pads.
  • After principal photography had wrapped, the production team decided to change the Vinvocci's appearence. They had originally envisaged that the race would only be partially green. The only solution was to digitally composite a more complete green, and this necessitated frame-by-frame colouring of the Vinvocci scenes. At some points in the episodes this is noticable, for example when Rossiter is climbing into the mining laser pod while the Vinvocci ship is under fire from the missiles.
  • The security camera footage viewed by Joshua Naismith on his laptop is the same as the footage used in the episode TV: Rose on the news bulletin showing the destruction of the Henrik's Department Store.
  • When the Doctor hides the TARDIS it doesnt fade out completely at the top; you can see it still a little bit on the wooden background of the ceiling.
  • During the first time where Wilf is in the glass cabinet, in the close up his phone is to his head, yet in the long shots both his hands are against the glass.
  • When the Doctor goes to get A Journal of Impossible Things signed, Jessica Hynes is quite plainly hovering her pen just above the page and not writing in it.
  • When Rose goes into the block of flats after speaking to the Doctor, a "No Smoking" sign can be seen. This scene is set in 2005 and these signs weren't used until the smoking ban in England was introduced in 2007.
  • When the Doctor arrives at Donna's wedding, the gates he stands behind are closed, but when Wilf and Sylvia approach him, one is open. Also, when Sylvia looks at him, the TARDIS is closer to the Doctor than when they approach him.
  • The Nuclear Bolt control room switches sides of the Naismith's main hall at various points in part 2: It starts off on the right side in part 1, and stays that way until the Master reveals his true intentions to rescuing the Time Lords to Rassilon. The next shot (when all the Masters look smugly at Rassilon) shows the Bolt on the left hand side. It later swaps back to its original position. This seems to suggest the post-production crew 'flipped' the shot, which was unnecessary.
  • Similarly, the occupants changed sides within the Bolt room. Two Masters (Yellow shirt and purple shirt) did a change-around, with the purple-shirted Master taking the place of the yellow-shirted one. The first time this happens, the purple-shirted Master is on the left-hand side, and the yellow-shirted Master on the right. In the aforementioned shot (of the Masters looking smugly at Rassilon, when the Bolt swaps sides the first time), the purple-shirted Master is now on the right-hand side of the Bolt (which would be explained by a reflection of the shot). When the Bolt swaps back to its original side, the purple-shirted occupant is once again on the right-hand side (which would not be explained by a reflection of the shot), rather than the left-hand side (which Wilf then occupies).
  • When the Doctor is aiming Wilf's gun at the Master and Rassilon, the trigger of the gun has already been pulled in and it should've fired.
  • During the regeneration scene, the Tenth Doctor stands on the door side of the console, but when the Eleventh Doctor turns around, the handbrake lever can be seen, which is at the other side of the console.
  • After the Doctor knocks Jask out, the latter's body disappears.
  • American newsreader Trinity Wells pronounces "Barack" in the British manner, a pronunciation not in general use in the United States.
  • The Doctor's suit shows no sign of damage after he drops Wilf off for the last time, and his tie is also different. Assuming this is not a continuity error, he stopped to change clothes even though he was dying. His successor would later do the same in TV: Let's Kill Hitler.
  • The Master states that the Vinvocci ship is 105,000 miles above the Earth. That is almost half the distance to the moon, yet when Wilf is observing the Earth from the ship, they are a lot closer.


  • The fall of Torchwood is mentioned. (TV: Army of Ghosts/Doomsday, TV: Children of Earth)
  • The Master returns, and there are flashbacks to the events of TV: The Sound of Drums and Last of the Time Lords.
  • The Immortality Gate was previously referenced in TV: The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith, as "the Gate" which the Trickster indicated was waiting for the Doctor.
  • When Donna remembers the Doctor several things from her time with him appear. Included are the Empress of the Racnoss, (TV: The Runaway Bride) the Adipose, (TV: Partners in Crime) the Ood, (TV: Planet of the Ood) the Suit Creature, (TV: Silence in the Library / Forest of the Dead) the Vespiform, (TV: The Unicorn and the Wasp) Sontarans, (TV: The Sontaran Stratagem/The Poison Sky) a Pyrovile, (TV: The Fires of Pompeii) and Dalek Caan, Davros and the Supreme Dalek. (TV: The Stolen Earth/Journey's End) The Judoon (TV: The Stolen Earth) can also be heard in her memories.
  • Alonso Frame (TV: Voyage of the Damned) sits down in an alien bar next to Jack Harkness, who appears depressed following his loss of Ianto Jones and his grandson. (TV: Children of Earth). The Doctor sends Jack a note with Alonso's name, preventing Jack from using his usual pickup line when he meets people he is flirts with ("I'm Captain Jack Harkness and who are you?"). The Doctor encourages Jack to flirt with Alonso before saluting him and walking away. Both are actions the Doctor has admonished Jack for in the past.
  • The Doctor mentions Joan Redfern to her great-granddaughter Verity, asking if she was happy after "John Smith" had gone, referencing the events of TV: Human Nature / The Family of Blood.
  • The song My Angel Put the Devil in Me is playing in the alien bar. It was first heard in TV: Daleks in Manhattan.
  • The circumstances of the Tenth Doctor's regeneration echo that of the Ninth Doctor - absorbing a massive amount of energy into his body in order to save the life of another. (TV: The Parting of the Ways)
  • The Doctor previously was forced to regenerate due to suffering near-lethal radiation poisoning. (TV: Planet of the Spiders)
  • Donna's neighbour who appeared throughout Series 4 is finally given a name in part one, Sally.
  • Nerys previously appeared in TV: The Runaway Bride.
  • The notion of Gallifrey being moved due to Time Lord action from the constellation of Kasterborous to Earth's solar system isn't the first time the Time Lords have shown the ability to relocate an entire planet. In TV: The Trial of a Time Lord, the planet Ravolox is revealed to be Earth, relocated to another part of the universe by the Time Lords. And TV: Journey's End revealed that (with a little assist), a single TARDIS is powerful enough to move the Earth.
  • The Doctor knocks out a Sontaran using the exact same method used by Donna in TV: The Poison Sky.
  • The Doctor states that he is 906 years old, implying that three years had past in his personal timeline since TV: Voyage of the Damned. This also suggests that he may have been 903/4 while with Donna and that Planet of the Dead, The Waters of Mars, Dreamland, The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith and The End of Time took place over the course of two or three years for the Doctor.
  • Early on in the bar scene, a creature somewhat resembling a Silurian is present, although it does not have a third eye. It is unlikely that this is actually intended to be a Silurian, due to the physical difference, and as there has been no indication previously of Silurians engaging in inter-stellar travel.
  • When the Doctor is pointing the gun at the Master, the Master states that the Doctor "never would." The Doctor used these words himself in TV: The Doctor's Daughter, when holding Cobb at gunpoint.
  • Also in the bar scene, another white furred alien appears, reminiscent of a character who appeared in the cantina scene in Star Wars: A New Hope, Muftak.
  • This is not the first time the Master has been trapped in a body that is slowly dying. When he stole the body of a human named Bruce, that too began to perish.
  • Numerous previous references have been made to the Doctor destroying his own kind (the Time Lords) as well as the Daleks during the Time War.
  • The Master reminisces about how "we" (presumed to be himself and the Doctor) used to run through fields of red grass on his father's estates, shouting up at the sky. This is the first reference to the Master's family, as well as presumably a reference to the fact the Doctor and the Master were once friends (previously confirmed in other stories). The fact the Master refers to "my father's estates", and not "our father's estates", can be seen as implying that the Doctor and the Master are not brothers.
  • In The Five Doctors, Rassilon has achieved immortality, though in a passive state. Somehow he has been revived and restored to mastery over Time Lord society.
  • The Doctor refers to Donna as his best friend, a title he had previously conferred on Sarah Jane Smith, (TV: The Seeds of Doom) K9 Mark II, (TV: The Pirate Planet) and (presumably in jest) Malcolm Taylor. (TV: Planet of the Dead)
  • The Doctor tells Wilf that some people wait centuries to find him. One example of such is Captain Jack Harkness, who waited over a hundred years to find him again after being stranded in the late 19th century. (TV: Utopia, TV: Fragments)
  • The Doctor tells Wilf that he has taken lives in the past, and that he "got clever, manipulated people into taking their own", a clear reference to the recent suicide of Adelaide Brooke in The Waters of Mars and Davros' admonishment in Journey's End that "many have died in your [the Doctor's] name".
  • The Doctor mentions, "Then I got worse. Tricking others into taking their own (lives)." This could also be a reference to his seventh incarnation, where he was a master manipulator and keen strategist. (TV: Remembrance of the Daleks, The Curse of Fenric)
  • The Doctor looks at his right hand and regeneration energy can be seen. He does the exact same thing in TV: The Parting of the Ways and The Stolen Earth.
  • The revelation that the signal in the Master's head was patterned after the beating of a Time Lord's twin hearts was well hidden, as whenever the Doctor's heartbeat was checked in the new series, it was always done one at a time, rather than both at once, which would have given it away. (TV: The Christmas Invasion/Smith and Jones)
  • The Doctor was previously called a "physician" by the Empress of the Racnoss. (TV: The Runaway Bride)
  • The Master has said, "Go on then...Do it!" when a gun was aimed at him before. (TV: Last of the Time Lords)
  • The Doctor's description of the phrase, "Allons-y", as being "a phrase of great power, and wisdom, and consolation to the soul in times of need" mirrors a similar comment made by the Fourth Doctor about jelly babies being "a great comfort in times of stress". (PROSE: Psi-ence Fiction) Both ("Allons-y" and "Would you like a jelly baby?") were catchphrases of the Doctor (in his tenth and fourth incarnations respectively).
  • This is not the first time that the Doctor has bought a lottery ticket for someone. He did so before in TV: School Reunion to have a teacher leave so he could replace her.
  • The Doctor considers the amount of coincidence around Wilf, and the sheer unlikelihood of the two meeting so many times. He also mentioned this about Donna in TV: Turn Left and TV: Journey's End.
  • The Vinvocci imply that they are connected to the Zocci, as the Doctor refers to having met one. (TV: Voyage of the Damned)
  • During his resurrection, the Master tells Lucy, "You will obey me!" This was a frequent catch phrase used during his previous incarnations, particularly the one played by Roger Delgado..
  • The scene in which the Doctor begs the Master to understand the difference between ruling the Universe and having unfettered freedom to travel through it parallels a similar conversation between the two in TV: Colony in Space.
  • The Master has indirectly caused the Doctor to regenerate before. (TV: Logopolis, TV:Doctor Who)
  • Donna Noble putting the lottery ticket down the front of her wedding dress is a reference to the running joke in TV: The Runaway Bride about wedding dresses not having pockets.
  • Most of Rassilon's narration's begin with the phrase "And so it came to pass ..."; TV:The Sound of Drums ended with a similar narration, albeit given by the Master instead.

Ginger controversy

During the final scene, the Eleventh Doctor takes a look at his hair and utters the phrase, "Still not ginger!" This statement was misinterpreted by a number of viewers as being a negative comment on redheaded people, resulting in more than a hundred forty complaints being filed with the BBC.[6] In response, the BBC issued an official statement clarifying that the Doctor was stating disappointment at not being ginger, a reference to the Tenth Doctor similarly expressing a wish to be ginger in TV: The Christmas Invasion. In response to claims of an "anti-ginger agenda" by the series, the BBC statement noted that the Doctor's two most recent ongoing companions, Donna Noble and Amy Pond, are both redheads, not mentioning the difference between "red" and "ginger" hair.[7]

Home video releases

The End of Time was released to DVD and Blu-Ray both individually and part of a Specials box set in the UK on 11th January 2010. A similar release in North America was released on 2nd February 2010.

External links


  1. Russell T Davies, Production Notes, Doctor Who Magazine #416, 7 January 2010.
  2. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named 20things
  3. Long-awaited Doctor Who lands on American TV screens tonight, Digital Journal, 17 April 2010; accessed 17 April 2010
  6. Doctor Who News Page: Ginger Clarification, 6 January 2010
  7. BBC Complaint response, 6 January 2010