Sixth Doctor

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Arrogant, dramatic, self-absorbed, driven and stubborn, the Sixth Doctor instantly believed himself superior to almost anyone he encountered. He would often browbeat others into submission with his savage wit and his grammarian's interest in language. Even so, his mercurial and flippant tendencies did not define the true heart of his persona. Beneath his thunderous and turbulent exterior, he was quite the opposite: a passionate, warm, virtuous and empathic individual.

He was profoundly difficult with his first companion, Peri Brown, whom he initially challenged for her use of American English and her as-yet-incomplete education. Indeed, during the early hours after his regeneration he also physically assaulted her, because the regenerative process had addled his mind to the point of paranoia. It took considerable time for himself and Peri to stop bickering and start behaving as genuine friends, but eventually the Sixth Doctor became someone she could rely upon. With enough distance from the regenerative event, she was able to look to the Doctor for strength after her mother's death.

Despite his bluster, the Sixth Doctor did possess great reserves of compassion. His gentler side began to blossom largely as a consequence of travelling with Evelyn Smythe, a university lecturer whose verbal dexterity was on a par with his own. Also helpful to this transition were Frobisher, a shapeshifting private eye who often masqueraded as a penguin, Melanie Bush, a brilliant computer programmer from late 80s, and Flip Jackson, a young woman from twenty-first century London.

A dominant feature of his life was yet another Time Lord trial. Though this one sought to blame him for a shifting docket of crimes, it in fact turned out to be an elaborate ruse. He later found himself in a reverse situation where he became the prosecutor against the Valeyard, the malicious being that had framed him in an attempt to steal his regenerations.

Long after this trial, his TARDIS was attacked by the Rani. Already dying as a result of a previous adventure, the Doctor was forced to regenerate.



The Doctor immediately after his fifth regeneration. (TV: The Caves of Androzani)

The Doctor's fifth incarnation and Peri Brown contracted a fatal condition called spectrox toxaemia on Androzani Minor. He gave Peri the only antidote available, saving her at the cost of his own life. He expressed uncertainty as to whether he would regenerate or not, as it felt "different this time". However, he managed to regenerate, (TV: The Caves of Androzani) after Nyssa prevented the Tremas Master's interference. (AUDIO: Winter)

He expressed joy at the change, seeing his new incarnation as an improvement over the previous one, which he considered unbecoming. Despite having stabilised physically, he suffered initial personality and mental issues that caused him to lapse into extreme paranoia and violence, even trying to strangle Peri. After regaining his senses, the horror of his actions caused him to exile himself on Titan III as punishment until he had attained appropriate humility. On Titan III, he met another Time Lord, his old friend Azmael. Instead of a self-imposed exile, he soon became involved with stopping Mestor from launching his gastropods to other worlds. (TV: The Twin Dilemma)

Dark beginnings

The Doctor finds himself on Totter's Lane. (TV: Attack of the Cybermen)

The Doctor set out to fix everything wrong with his aging TARDIS, even somewhat succeeding in fixing its broken chameleon circuit. At the same time, he become involved with stopping the Cybermen from destroying Earth with Halley's Comet to save Mondas, which the Doctor destroyed in his original incarnation. By the end of the adventure, the chameleon circuit had broken again, and resumed its familiar police box form. (TV: Attack of the Cybermen)

The Doctor faces a hanging against the corrupt government rule on Varos. (TV: Vengeance on Varos)

Upon seeing that the TARDIS was running low on Zeiton-7 crystals, the Doctor traced a source of them to the planet Varos. While searching for the crystals, the Doctor was nearly forced to participate in deadly "games" when he attempted to free those trapped in the Punishment Dome. While stopping Sil, the mastermind behind the games, the Doctor obtained more Zeiton-7, restoring the TARDIS' supply of it. (TV: Vengeance on Varos)

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The Doctor in the Rani's TARDIS. (TV: The Mark of the Rani)

Tracing a time distortion to 19th Century England, the Doctor discovered that the Tremas Master had teamed up with another renegade Time Lord called the Rani, both working together for the Rani's experiments to extract the chemical responsible for inducing sleep from human miners, and for the Master's plan to accelerate Earth technology beyond its normal level. Sabotaging the Rani's TARDIS, the Doctor sent both her and the Master flying through the time vortex while he took back the chemical and cured the miners. (TV: The Mark of the Rani)

The Doctor is restrained with his second incarnation. (TV: The Two Doctors)

After a fishing trip, the Doctor found himself feeling faint and, on Peri's suggestion to see a doctor, the Doctor went to Space Station Camera to be examined. Much to his surprise, he re-encountered his old companion Jamie McCrimmon, the only survivor of a Sontaran attack. Taking him aboard the TARDIS, the Doctor used telepathy to connect with his second incarnation to learn where he was being held captive. He found Chessene of the Franzine Grig working with Sontarans to build a time machine.

When Chessene temporarily turned his second self into a partial Androgum, the Doctor was forced to kill Chessene's fellow Androgum, Shockeye of the Quawncing Grig in self-defence before he butchered his companions. After his second self reverted, the Doctors worked together to stop the Sontarans while Chessene was killed when the time machine exploded. (TV: The Two Doctors)

The Doctor stands before the mutated form of Megelen. (TV: Timelash)

When the TARDIS accidentally went through a time corridor to planet Karfel, the Doctor discovered that Megelen, a human who had mutated into a half Morlox hybrid, now ruled the planet. Calling himself the Borad of Karfel, Megelen was using a device known as the Timelash to send his disobedient subjects through time. The Doctor found the amulet that powered the Timelash, and also prevented Megelen from mutating Peri into a hideous mutant like himself in order to mate, sending the madman through his own device, to Loch Ness. During these events, the Doctor met H.G. Wells, who he unintentionally gave the idea for his book, "The Time Machine". (TV: Timelash)

Mellowing out

The Doctor dropped Peri off at a botany symposium, while he responded to a call from a friend, Willis, but was forced into a situation where he was forced by Arnold Baynes, one of the richest men in the galaxy, to work with Davros. (AUDIO: Davros)

After confronting Davros, the Doctor collected Peri from her symposium and took her on a cruise in 1900 on the steamboat Lancaster. On board, a murder resulted in the Doctor becoming the prime suspect, but this turned out to be a ruse by Captain Callany to convince the Doctor to help him find the real criminal. An agent of the Forge, acting as chief and second in command, had smuggled a mermaid, Amfetriti, and her daughter on board and were planning on selling them when they reached New Orleans. The Doctor incarcerated the Forge agent at the bottom of the sea. (AUDIO: Cryptobiosis)

A bemused Doctor learns about Davros's latest scheme to defeat him. (TV: Revelation of the Daleks)

The Doctor went to Necros to pay his respects to an old friend, Arthur Stengos. However, Davros had falsified the news of Stengos' death to lure the Doctor to the planet in order to enact vengeance upon him. During his time trading barbs with Davros, the Doctor discovered Davros had created Imperial Daleks loyal to him. The situation was resolved with the arrival of the Renegade Daleks, who sought to take Davros to Skaro for trial and punishment. (TV: Revelation of the Daleks)

The Doctor and Peri at Blackpool. (AUDIO: The Nightmare Fair)

After leaving Necros, the Doctor decide to take Peri to 1980s Blackpool, where they encountered the Celestial Toymaker. (PROSE: The Nightmare Fair, AUDIO: The Nightmare Fair)

On Peri's birthday, the Doctor took her to Las Vegas in 1971 to meet Elvis Presley, where he, with Elvis, was kidnapped by alien traders called the Mongarians. He stopped them from making several clones of Elvis to sell throughout the 20th century, ensuring that Elvis was returned just in time for his performance at the Hilton. (PROSE: Priceless Junk)

The Sixth Doctor and Peri on their elevator. (AUDIO: The Light at the End)

The Doctor and Peri were forced to land in a pocket universe by travelling to 23 November, 1963, where the Master had brought the many Doctors to. The Master had set off a sophisticated bomb inside the mind of Bob Dovie, so that a thought that he would think would become reality. When Bob Dovie entered the Fifth Doctor's TARDIS, he uttered the phrase "this is impossible," causing the TARDIS to self destruct along its' own timeline until it never existed. He met the Seventh Doctor and Ace, who gave him the nickname of "Joseph," a reference to the musical Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. He did not understand the reference, though Peri found it amusing. Nevertheless, he did not seem to be particularly pleased at his future self's choice of travelling companion. He was contacted by a CIA member named Straxus, who told him of the Master's plan and how he had black mailed the CIA into giving him the weapon. The Doctor expanded the dimensional stabilizer on Straxus' TARDIS and was able to summon his other 7 incarnations to help stop the Master. The Fifth Doctor went further back in time, to 1962, and showed Bob Dovie the TARDIS then, so that he would not find the inside of the TARDIS to be so preposterous and so that the TARDIS would never explode. Then the other Doctors time-rammed the Master, possibly killing him. The First Doctor completed it all by turning off the automatic distress actions, which were what brought all the Doctors together in the first place, so that none of the events had ever happened.

The Doctor and Peri then visited Bob Dovie at 59A Barnsfield Crescent in Totton, Hampshire on 23 November 1963. (AUDIO: The Light at the End)

The Doctor and Peri run from the Hern. (AUDIO: Leviathan)

The Doctor and Peri arrived at a medieval kingdom with a cybernetic created creature called the Hern terrorising the villagers. Investigating, they discovered that the entire kingdom was an artificially created environment stored on a gigantic space ship. (AUDIO: Leviathan)

Upon being warned in a dream about time experiments, the Doctor and Peri arrived on a spaceship and became separated after Peri fell through a ventilation shaft. The Doctor discovered that the ship's computer was planning to cause the Big Bang and avert man's creation into a violent race. Before he could intervene, a Time Lord drew him, Peri and his TARDIS away and informed him that this event was always destined to occur. Angry at almost averting the existence of the universe, the Doctor took off to find a library and study up on his history. (AUDIO: Slipback)

Travelling to the Gogglebox in search of a book he left behind on a previous trip, the Doctor and Peri learned of the death of Anthony Chambers, and rushed back to Earth in 1984, where they met Peri's mother, Janine, and her best friend, Katherine Chambers. They also learned that the Cybermen were converting dead people. Anthony, now a Cyberman, rose from the grave and attacked them. The Doctor was captured by the Cyber-Leader, who informed him that he had travelled back in time to lay a trap for the Doctor to force him to time travel them back to Earth's early history and create a new timeline of Cybermen. The Doctor tricked the Cyber-Leader by taking him to 1984 on Mondas. He left and found that Nate, Katherine's brother, had been brutally attacked and paralyzed by Anthony. Peri, feeling the weight of all the deaths, decided to leave the Doctor after a teary goodbye.

The Doctor returned to the Gogglebox and learned of an explosion in Peri's house. Rushing back to Earth, the Doctor arrived too late to save Peri's mother, and Peri, with no family left on Earth, returned to the TARDIS. (AUDIO: The Reaping)

Traveling alone

This section's awfully stubby.

Info from She Won't Be Home, The Glass Princess, Party Animals, Outsourcing & DS Al Fine needs to be added

Peri soon became homesick for 1980s America, (PROSE: CHAOS) so she parted company with the Doctor for a short time to travel to New York City. (COMIC: Kane's Story) Afterwards, the Doctor visited Zazz and met the Lorduke. (COMIC: The Gift)

The Doctor was trapped in the Determinant by the Tremas Master, along with his six other incarnations. He was saved after the Graak defeated the Master, and sacrificed it's life force to free the trapped Doctors. (GAME: Destiny of the Doctors)

Meeting Frobisher

This section's awfully stubby.

Info from Voyager, Polly the Glot, Once Upon a Time Lord, War-Game, Death to the Doctor! & Funhouse needs to be added

The Doctor talks to Frobisher. (COMIC: Changes)

The Doctor investigated events that were left unresolved by his previous incarnation, meeting a Whifferdill who called himself "Avan Tarklu". Tarklu had planned to collect the Doctor as a bounty had been put on the Time Lord's head by Josiah W. Dogbolter. Tarklu had a change of heart and took on the form of the Doctor before giving himself up to Dogbolter. He and the Doctor escaped, with Tarklu deciding to stay with the Doctor, changing his name to Frobisher, in deference to the Doctor's love of all things English, and his shape to that of a large penguin. (COMIC: The Shape Shifter)

The Doctor imprisoned on Voyager. (COMIC: Voyager)

The Doctor then was forced by Voyager to engage on a quest to find Astrolabus, a Renegade Time Lord who had stolen important star-charts. (COMIC:Voyager) During this time, he reunited with Dr. Ivan Asimoff. (COMIC: Polly the Glot)

The return of Peri

After Peri rejoined the TARDIS, The trio travelled together for some time before Frobisher took his leave. (COMIC: Kane's Story, The World Shapers)

The Doctor consoles Peri when she sees a ruined Earth. (TV: The Mysterious Planet)

After a series of stressful adventures, the Doctor decided to take Peri to the planet Ravolox to relax. However, they soon learned that Ravolox was Earth, moved thousands of light years from its original position, met the primitive and dimwitted descendants of humanity, and prevented a black light explosion by the egotistical machine Drathro. The Doctor also met con man Sabalom Glitz, who explained Ravalox had been moved to protect secrets of a higher species by the Andromeda "Sleepers". (TV: The Mysterious Planet)

Shortly afterwards, the Doctor and Peri visited a galactic fair and took part in a virtual immersion experience that played out as a fantasy. Peri became trapped, while the Doctor tried to convince her virtual self of the danger. An alien parasite using the name Mr. Darcy asked Peri to marry him, knowing that if she accepted, he'd be able to take over her mind. The Doctor intervened, but fell prey to Darcy who had planned on taking him over from the very start. Peri woke up in the immersion room and supplied the system administrator with her own story to feed into the fantasy before returning to help the Doctor and defeat Darcy. (AUDIO: A Most Excellent Match)

The Doctor meets Sil again. (TV: Mindwarp)

On the planet Thoros Beta, the Doctor found the Mentors were trying to make deals with a savage king named Ycarnos through a failed attempt to manipulate his mind. After a failed attempt to probe his mind to see if the Time Lords had sent him to intervene on their behalf, the Doctor pretended to be on the Mentors' side and helped Kiv transplant his mind to a deceased Mentor. Though the process was successful, Kiv began rambling about fish, due to the previous body's mind. Peri was the only suitable candidate for the new process of having her mind overwritten with Kiv's, and the Doctor rushed to save her from this fate, though the Time Lords put him under their control and forced him to board the TARDS, (TV: Mindwarp) and travel to the Space Station Zenobia. (TV: The Mysterious Planet)

On trial

The Doctor tried to use his status as Lord President of Gallifrey to avoid a trial. However, they had brought him here long after he had been appointed and removed from office due to absence. In the trial, the Valeyard acted as prosecutor, with Darkel as judge. The Doctor represented himself in the trial, during which he and his prosecutor, the Valeyard, would present as evidence events from his life via the Matrix. Having been taken out of time, the Doctor suffered from partial amnesia, (TV: The Mysterious Planet) and suffered an emotional blow as he witnessed Peri's death on Thoros Beta. (TV: Mindwarp)

The Doctor presented the case for his defence, offering an adventure from his future, by which time he had met an Earth woman Melanie Bush, and defeated the Vervoid. However, the Valeyard seized on this to charge the Doctor for the genocide of the Vervoids, prohibited by Article 7 of the Constitution. The Doctor pointed out the hole in the Valeyard's claim of genocide; the Vervoids were artificial in nature and never truly alive to begin with. (TV: Terror of the Vervoids) During this time, the Doctor met his eighth incarnation, who was travelling through their past to regain his lost memories. Receiving encouragement, the Doctor was advised to have Borusa testify on his behalf. (PROSE: The Eight Doctors)

To his surprise, the Doctor watched the arrival of both the Mel from his personal future and Sabalom Glitz were brought to act as witnesses. Furthering his shock, the Doctor learned that the Tremas Master had done this while in the Matrix, and that the Valeyard was in fact a manifestation of his inner darkness created during his final incarnation.

The Doctor's showdown with the Valeyard. (TV: The Ultimate Foe)

Taking advantage of the confusion, the Valeyard fled into the Matrix. The Doctor and Glitz followed and entered a battle of wits with the Valeyard. However, the Master intervened with this and tried using the Doctor as bait for his own plots. The Doctor overcame this and proceeded to find out that the Valeyard had prepared a weapon to kill all the Time Lords in the court room.

The Doctor in the Matrix (TV:The Ultimate Foe)

The Doctor defeated him and learned that the Valeyard falsified some of the evidence with the aid of the High Council in a plot to steal the Doctor's remaining regenerations. To his surprise, he learned Peri had not died, but was now wed to Ycarnos as his queen. As the populace of Gallifrey reacted to news of the dishonesty of their High Council, the Doctor left in his TARDIS with Mel. (TV: The Ultimate Foe)

The Doctor and Mel depart Space Station Zenobia. (TV:The Ultimate Foe)

Following an encounter with an older version of himself and a younger Mel in a pocket of cauterised time, the Doctor returned his Mel to Oxyveguramosa, her original point in time, following the conclusion of the trial, after which he travelled alone. (PROSE: Time of Your Life, Business Unusual, AUDIO: The Wrong Doctors)


The Doctor travelled to ancient Greece where he met Plato and had an adventure with the Spindle of Necessity and an alien race called the Fates. (PROSE: The Spindle of Necessity)

The Doctor visited the Galyari race and adopted the title of "The Sandman". He proceeded to scare the pillaging Galyari out of a war against the native colony and imprint himself into their fears. (AUDIO: The Sandman)

The Doctor travelled to Torrok to become a recluse to ensure that he would not become the Valeyard. However, the Time Lords still manipulated the Doctor to come out of seclusion and save Earth in 2191 from Krllxk. During this adventure, the Doctor met Grant Markham, who subsequently travelled with the Doctor. (PROSE: Time of Your Life)

On their first adventure in the TARDIS, the Doctor and Grant arrived on Agora, 2191, when it was being invaded by Cybermen. While Grant helped the human colony on Agora defeat the Cybermen, the Doctor was imprisoned and tortured on a Selachian warcraft. After they left Agora, the Doctor spent weeks in the TARDIS recovering from radiation poisoning sustained on board the Selacian warcraft. (PROSE: Killing Ground)

After Grant left him, the Doctor travelled to Bianca's Bar, and discovered the bar was built on the remains of an old TARDIS. He also fell in love with the bar's star singer, Bianca, who he later learned was an evil future distillation of one of Iris Wildthyme's regenerations who had a similar plan as the Valeyard did in stealing the remainder of Iris' lives. After confirming his love for Bianca, almost shooting Iris and causing a time ram, together with Iris, the two managed to defeat Bianca and her army of shadows and Wyrms. (AUDIO: The Wormery)

The Doctor later visited Hogarth City on Charisma, a lawless planet inhabited by thieves and murderers, where he battled the Logovore, a shapeshifter. However, he was forced to leave Charisma before he could deal with the Logovore, unaware that it had copied his identity. (PROSE: Death Sentences)

The TARDIS landed in a museum in the city of Excelis on the planet Artaris. The Doctor discovered a thief in the museum, trapped by the security system and hid in his TARDIS while the wardens came. He was arrested shortly afterwards on a suspicion of thieving, but succeeded in convincing the officers of his innocence. Afterwards, he met Grayvorn, whom he met on Artaris, who was using the alias Reeve Maupassant. The Doctor discovered that when they fell from the convent bell tower, the Relic merged Grayvorn and the Mother Superior's minds into one, making Grayvorn immortal at the cost of being unable to sleep.

Therefore, Grayvorn was behind the raid, intending to trigger a failed theft of the Relic and then claim it for himself under the guise of protecting evidence. However, just as Grayvorn tried to open the Relic to transfer the second soul into a new host, he was distracted by Danby, an Inquisitor who had been helping the Doctor's enquiries, giving the Doctor the chance to open the Relic on Grayvorn and apparently absorb both Grayvorn and the Mother Superior into it. (AUDIO: Excelis Rising)

The Doctor received a distress signal and crash landed on a planet where his TARDIS was heralded as a godly artifact. He encountered Peri, who revealed that the Master had lied about her being happy and that she was now stranded on the planet. The two discovered the Doctor's TARDIS was emitting a dangerous temporal energy that was ageing the people of the planet into dust. While investigating, Peri contracted a deadly disease and died. Furious, the Doctor set about to uncover the plot he was being tangled in, and discovered that everything that had happened after he received the distress signal had been a hallucination and that he was hooked up to a dream machine, with the demises of Peri and his TARDIS being used to lure the Doctor into committing suicide. (AUDIO: Her Final Flight)

Remembering an adventure in his fifth incarnation, the Doctor traveled to Los Angeles, 2009 to meet a version of Peri who was transported to Earth, with all her memories of travelling in the TARDIS wiped. During an adventure involving the Piscon, the Doctor and Peri discovered that due to the manipulations of the Time Lords, five alternate Peri's exist in the universe, simultaneously. After this encounter, the Doctor offered Peri the chance to return to the TARDIS, but she refused. (AUDIO: Peri and the Piscon Paradox)

The Doctor arrived on Cawdor, deep in the heart of the Drashani Empire, during the middle of a war, and discovered a plot by a figure called Tenebris to use a secret weapon called the Acheron Pulse. However, the Doctor foiled this plan and the war continued. (AUDIO: The Acheron Pulse)

Travelling with a historian

The Doctor in period clothing during his first trip with Evelyn Smythe. (AUDIO: The Marian Conspiracy)

The Doctor was tracking a nexus point distortion and encountered Evelyn Smythe. The Doctor then took her back in time to stabilise the nexus point and saved her life. Upon doing so, the Doctor offered Evelyn the chance to travel in the TARDIS with him. (AUDIO: The Marian Conspiracy)

While Evelyn was trapped in the TARDIS, (PROSE: Instruments of Darkness) the Doctor visited the Kurgon Wonder. The Doctor was led into a series of events involving an alternate timeline, the Knights of Velyshaa and an invasion of Gallifrey. Following an encounter by the Temperon, who he had been tricked into releasing by the Sirens of Time enabling the Knights to master time travel, he found himself on Gallifrey with his fifth and seventh incarnations. Together, they worked to attempt to escape Gallifrey and set history along its correct path. However, it was the Sixth Doctor that freed the Temperon, allowing it to set history amongst its correct path. (AUDIO: The Sirens of Time)

Resuming his travels with Evelyn, the Doctor once again met his old friend Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart and uncovered a slew of unsolved mysteries that revealed the malevolent work of an Tregannon named Sancreda at Lanyon Moor. Sancreda tortured and destroyed several humans with his psionic powers, including a man that tried to steal these abilities, Archibald Flint. Sancreda's final act was threatening to destroy the Earth, prompting the Brigadier to kill him before he exacted his wrath on the entire planet. (AUDIO: The Spectre of Lanyon Moor)

While on the planet Etra Prime, the Doctor defeated the Daleks once more. He also assisted Romana II's escape from them and her return to Gallifrey. (AUDIO: The Apocalypse Element)

Stopping for fried duck in South of England, the Doctor and Evelyn met Amelia Doory and Reggie Mead, a couple experimenting with vampire DNA. Evelyn befriended a young mother named Cassie Schofield while the Doctor helped Amelia perfect a cure to stop their mutation. A vampire named Nimrod, head of a secret Black Ops organisation called The Forge, hunted Amelia down in an effort to correct his mistake for creating the vampire kind. Amelia tricked the Doctor and turned the cure into a virus, first infecting Cassie, before going to infect the rest of the world. Nimrod joined up with the Doctor to stop Amelia, and Amelia drowned while Nimrod blew up Amelia's blood bank along. The Doctor took Cassie to Norway to hide while he developed a cure for her condition. (AUDIO: Project: Twilight)

The Doctor, in a new blue suit, on Chronos. (WC: Real Time)

The Doctor and Evelyn investigated an ancient Mayan temple on an expedition group after being informed of a distress call mentioning "Cybermen". The Doctor met a young doctor named Goddard who turned out to be a hybrid Cyberman from the 1930s, and also came under attack by partially converted Cybermen. After nearly causing a paradox involving the Earth and the late 32nd century, the Doctor was able to defeat the Cyber-Controller. (WC: Real Time)

The Doctor returned to the Clutch to scare the Galyari into submission, and learned of mysterious deaths blamed on his actions. Upon investigating, he came under attack by a Galyari seeking to end his terror, but managed to convince him that another force was using his reputation against them. After dealing with the looming threat, the Doctor made peace with the Galyari. (AUDIO: The Sandman)

The Doctor and Evelyn travelled to Mortlake in 1568 and met Dr John Dee. (PROSE: Mortlake)

After finding a cure for the Twilight virus, the Doctor and Evelyn returned to find Cassie. They learn that Cassie was now an agent of the Forge. The Doctor was captured by Nimrod while Evelyn tried to undo Nimrod's control over Cassie. Nimrod attempted to force the Doctor into undergoing regeneration so that he could study it, however Cassie was freed from Nimrod's influence and rescued the Doctor, but was killed by Nimrod's crossbow before she could escape with the Doctor. (AUDIO: Project Lazarus) Cassie's death and the Doctor's inability to save her strained Evelyn's relationship with him. (AUDIO: Arrangements for War)

On the planet Világ, Evelyn grew close to a man named Rossiter, but felt that she could not leave the Doctor for him. (AUDIO: Arrangements for War)

The Doctor searches for a cure (AUDIO: The 100 Days of the Doctor)

The Doctor came under the influence of an external force that informed him that they had sent an assassin to inject him with a lethal virus that would kill him in a hundred days. Together with Evelyn, he narrowed down the planets and went to investigate, seeing some of his other incarnations that included his previous incarnation, Peri and Erimem attending a party, his next incarnation being held at gunpoint and being rescued by Ace and Hex and two versions of his eighth incarnations playing poker in a bar. He tracked down the assassin and tricked him into thinking that he too was dying to retrieve the antidote. (AUDIO: The 100 Days of the Doctor)

The TARDIS fell through a time barrier, where a time travelling showman calling himself Dr Robert Knox was manipulating and resetting the timeline of the William Burke and Billy Hare murders in 1828 Edinburgh to profit from a viewing audience of alien businessmen while ostensibly finding a cure for an alien race which was dying from flu at the same time. The Doctor brought one of the murder victims, Daft Jamie, out of the barrier to January 1829, and tricked Jamie, who was infected with the virus, into infecting Knox, who had no resistance, and was unable to reset time to undo the infection. Knox escaped in his own TARDIS. Putting time back on track, the Doctor brought Jamie back into the Doctor's TARDIS, and dropped him off a few yards away from where Burke and Hare would murder him. (AUDIO: Medicinal Purposes)

On a visit to 2010, the Doctor and Evelyn encountered Thomas Brewster, a companion of the Doctor's previous incarnation. Brewster was trying to return to his own time when he was contacted by Symbios, a sentient planet, who was being invaded by an alien robot species called the Terravore. Brewster provided Symbios with hosts who were riding the tube. After defeating the Terravores with the Doctor, Flip Jackson and DI Patricia Menzies, Brewster stole the TARDIS key, snuck aboard and held the Doctor and Evelyn at gunpoint, demanding they return him to his own time. (AUDIO: The Crimes of Thomas Brewster)

While they were travelling in the Time Vortex, the Doctor and Evelyn managed to disarm Brewster, and change course before they arrived at their destination. The Doctor justified his actions, by saying that if Brewster returned to his own time, then using his future knowledge would cause chaos and anarchy. The Doctor, Evelyn and Thomas materialised on the Axos spaceship in the mid-21st century that the Doctor trapped in a time loop on 20th century Earth. Earth was trying to use it to solve the world energy crisis. However, the Doctor and Thomas managed to trap Axos in the time loop again. (AUDIO: The Feast of Axos) After an adventure in Victorian Lancashire, Brewster was left behind by the Doctor. (AUDIO: Industrial Evolution)

On a return trip to Világ, Evelyn left the Doctor to marry Rossiter. The Doctor reacted badly and refused to say goodbye properly. (AUDIO: Thicker than Water) However, another account suggests that it was the Doctor who decided to leave Evelyn behind, but on Earth, 1988, to "keep an eye out for any old enemies", such as the Irish Twins. On this occasion, both the Doctor and Evelyn parted on bad terms. (PROSE: Instruments of Darkness)

Old friends

Feeling bitter about Evelyn leaving the TARDIS, the Doctor had an adventure in 2001 with Brigadier Lethbridge Stewart, and they attempted to solve a secret about Adolf Hitler, and prevent the Fourth Reich from rising. This involved the Doctor and the Brigadier travelling back to the Second World War in Germany and infiltrating the German government by befriending Hitler. Meanwhile, they were forced to investigate this connection between a Neo-Nazi society, and a conspiracy involving an alien spaceship that had crashed on the southern coast of England during the 1940s. After this, the Doctor once again parted company with the Brigadier. (PROSE: The Shadow in the Glass)

After his adventure with the Brigadier, the Doctor travelled to Pease Pottage, 1987 to meet Melanie Bush. However, an earlier version of himself with an older Mel arrived from the trial, causing confusion while battling Stapelton Petherbridge. It soon became clear that Petherbridge was an alien who had create a fake Pease Pottage and isolated it outside of time, in an attempt to trap the Doctor.

However, the two Doctors and the two Mels defeated Petherbridge, but it resulted in the younger Mel's death. Noticing a discrepancy in the timeline, the older Doctor used Petherbridge's technology to alter events, putting her back in the real Pease Pottage in 1987, while the younger Doctor decided to deposit the older Mel on Oxyveguramosa, where she was taken by the Time Lords before the trial. Electing to let history run its natural cause, the Doctor decided to continue travelling alone. (AUDIO: The Wrong Doctors)

Electing instead to meet a different former acquaintance, the Doctor reunited with Frobisher in the 82nd century, where Frobisher had become a DI again, and was investigating crimes. After he solved a mystery involving Josiah W. Dogbolter, Frobisher decided to travel with the Doctor again. (AUDIO: The Maltese Penguin)

During their adventures, Frobisher met Sabalom Glitz, (PROSE: Mission: Impractical) and encountered the descendants of a Peri that married Yrcanos. (COMIC: The Age of Chaos)

After Frobisher left, the Doctor was arrested and faced execution on the planet Braspal by the Inquisitor because he had saved a young boy's life on his last visit, and the younge boy grew up to become a vicious dictator who caused billions of deaths on Braspal, which the Inquisitor grudgingly held the Doctor responsible for. However, the Doctor showed him that the slaughter the population had suffered strengthened the people of Braspal, who went on to defeat a Dalek attack force, saving the whole universe. After this, the Inquisitor released the Doctor, and the Doctor saved the Inquisitor from execution in return. (PROSE: The Inquisitor's Story)

Traveling with Flip Jackson

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Info from Antidote to Oblivion, The Brood of Erys & Scavenger needs to be added

Tracking Davros and the Daleks to the Battle of Waterloo on 18 June 1815, the Doctor learned that Davros was plotting to change history by helping Napoléon Bonaparte win. He used Davros' mind exchange machine to switch bodies with him to try and reform the Daleks but Davros escaped and reunited with one of his former associates Flip Jackson and her boyfriend Jared. Convincing Flip that the Doctor that she been accompanying was an imposter, Flip defected to the Doctor's side while Davros convinced the Daleks of his identity. Together, the Doctor tricked the Daleks into think he was Davros and showed Napoleon their true nature, after which Napoleon surrendered. Flip elected to travel with the Doctor afterwards. (AUDIO: The Curse of Davros)

Sitting down to watch cricket on his Time-Space Visualiser, the Doctor and Flip encountered a disturbance which trapped Flip in another dimension. The Doctor tracked the signal to the planet Trans-mission. There he found Porchians attempting to steal a new television station's Reality Generator – a device that could project recordings into reality. Flip was caught in the movie dimension, but due to a sabotage, the dimension's villain – Lord Kran – escaped into reality and started to invade it. The Doctor used the Reality Generator to create a bomb that would destroy any fictional aspects, but leave anything that belongs in reality alone. (AUDIO: The Fourth Wall)

The Doctor and Flip transmatted to Earth in 16127 to see how Earth was getting on. They befriended a family in Scotland before the Transmat system became deactivated. The Doctor detected the Wirrn's presence and had Flip glide to the nearest city to warn them. She crashed, causing the Doctor to go and look for her. The Wirrn awakened and began attacking, but the Doctor used the Transmat system to freeze them under the surface of Lake Loch. (AUDIO: Wirrn Isle)

Reunited with Peri

After defeating his childhood imaginary friend, the Doctor was rejoined in his travels by Peri. (AUDIO: The Widow's Assassin) The two travelled to Scotland during the 22nd century Dalek invasion, (AUDIO: Masters of Earth) and fought the Rani at College of Advanced Galactic Education. (AUDIO: The Rani Elite)

The ultimate adventure

The Doctor arrived during the French Revolution in 1789, where he met rescued Jason from death by the guillotine, and Jason became his new companion. (AUDIO: The Ultimate Adventure) The Doctor took Jason to Metebelis III in the Acteon Galaxy. (AUDIO: Beyond the Ultimate Adventure)

After receiving a summons from Margaret Thatcher in 1988, the Doctor and Jason defeated a plot by the Daleks and the Cybermen to kill the Doctor and destroy the TARDIS. This led them to arrive in Bar Galactica, meet Madame Delilah and Karl the Dalek mercenary, and to take a return visit to the French Revolution. During this adventure, they were helped by Crystal and Zog, whom the Doctor invited to join them on their travels. (AUDIO: The Ultimate Adventure)

The Doctor, with Jason, Crystal and Zog visited Leisureworld on the living planet, Krennos, where they uncovered a plot by the Chameleons. (PROSE: Face Value)

After Zog left the TARDIS crew, the Doctor, Jason and Crystal were summoned by Karl, to return to Bar Galactica to attend Madame Delilah's funeral, which was her last request. After this, Karl sent the TARDIS crew on a quest for treasure and universal danger, into an obscure dimension, to the icy world of Ultima Thule, where they met The Eidolon. (AUDIO: Beyond the Ultimate Adventure)

Will and Emily

The Doctor went on the trail of a parasite known as "the Darkness", and arrived on Earth, where he was saved from a mugging by UNIT officers, Will Hoffman and Emily Chaudhry. Aided by Will, Emily and UNIT, the Doctor stopped the Darkness from influencing the human population into murdering their loved ones. (PROSE: The Terror of the Darkness)

Taking Emily and Will home in the TARDIS, the Doctor got sidetracked by a distress signal, leading him to an army base in World War II, and a reunion with Edward Grainger, and the two old friends worked to return the Mim back to its homeworld. After this, the Doctor witnessed the birth of Edward's son, John. Preparing to take Emily and Will home, the Doctor received a mission to travel to 1957 to investigate discrepancies in the UNIT archive. (PROSE: Incongruous Details)

Arriving in 1957, the Doctor discovered his whole history of defending the Earth had been wiped off the record at the Ministry of Defence by a British goverment agent called Ronnie Tillyard. After this, the Doctor finally returned Emily and Will home. (PROSE: Defining Patterns)

The companion from the future

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The Doctor and Charley. (AUDIO: The Condemned)

While travelling on his own again, the Doctor picked up a distress signal from a desert island in the year 500,002. There, he rescued a young girl named Charley Pollard who, unbeknownst to the Doctor, was, in fact, the companion of one of his later incarnations. Together they landed in a hotel room on 29 February, 2008 and found a dead body. While trying to investigate the death, the Doctor and Charley encountered DI Patricia Menzies, who had never met the Doctor (from her perspective). She believed that the Doctor was the murderer, but he revealed that he was a time traveller, and eventually convinced her that it was true. Investigating further, they realised that an alien named Slater had let slip a case full of a strange new toxin that bonded its victims to the building itself. The toxin infected a man named Sam. The Doctor was too late to save Slater from Sam's wrath and reluctantly took Charley on as his companion. (AUDIO: The Condemned)

After Charley accidentally alerted the Library of Alexandria about an overdue book, she and the Doctor landed in a tomb near the Doomwood family. There, they learned of a mysterious curse that loomed over the family and before long, one of its members died. Charley became influenced into thinking that she was the bride of a nobleman before turning into Gypsy Charlotte, a highway robber partnered with Dick Turpin, a character in the novel they were planning on returning. The Doctor followed on horseback and realised that Charley had the Doomwood curse. He followed Charley and Dick to York where he learned that the particles that were making up the fiction were spreading and that before long, everyone would become possessed by fiction. Figuring out that the only way to save Charley is to surrender to fiction, the Doctor took on the personality of a fictional character and met up with Charley, who snapped out of her trance and freed him too. (AUDIO: The Doomwood Curse)

The Doctor and Charley travelled to 2008, where they encountered DI Menzies again. They discovered that a pound coin from 2012 appeared in a coin-operated vending machine four years too early. This led them into the middle of a war between the Cyrox and the Tabbalac, with Earth as its battleground. After the war was ended, Menzies asked the Doctor if she could travel with him. The Doctor politely refused, citing the growing mystery surrounding Charley's true identity, but indicated that one day he might take her up on the offer. (AUDIO: The Raincloud Man)

The Doctor became suspicious of Charley's secretiveness and eventually confronted her. She collapsed in the TARDIS and was placed in the Zero Room to recover. The Doctor discovered that Charley had been infected with a virus and spent several years trying to cure her. He traced the virus to the Amethyst Viral Containment Station, which had been constructed by the Viyrans, and found a conspiracy involving the Daleks.

The Doctor witnesses a conflict between Daleks and Viyrans. (AUDIO: Patient Zero)

The Daleks were trying to find Patient Zero. Charley woke up in the TARDIS and confronted a strange woman that seemed to have a large amount of knowledge about the Doctor. This person identified herself as Patient Zero and confessed that she had infected Charley with the virus. The virus was created to turn infected people into copies of whoever infected them. Patient Zero had been experimented on by the Daleks and infected with the virus.

She snuck abroad the TARDIS while the Doctor was being chased by them and had remained in the TARDIS ever since. While the Doctor took care of the Daleks, Charley discovered that Patient Zero (Mila) had been infected by Charley after she infected Charley. Mila had planned to take over Charley's life by transforming into a replica of her. Unable to stop her, Charley faded out of existence while Mila took her place. (AUDIO: Patient Zero)

The Doctor and Mila on Draconia. (AUDIO: Paper Cuts)

The Doctor received a summons from an old deceased friend and travelled to Draconia. There he discovered a conspiracy involving the new crown prince of Draconia, his mother and an army of paper soldiers that were used by the previous kings of Draconia to amuse themselves while they drifted in their tombs in space. (AUDIO: Paper Cuts)

After travelling for several months, the Doctor and Mila landed in an alternate timeline created by the Viyrans' attempt to remove a virus from Earth's population. Here the Doctor discovered that Mila wasn't the real Charley, and Charley had been found and cured by the Viyrans, whom she helped for several millenia in their quest to expunge all the viruses which had escaped from the Amethyst station. After Mila sacrificed herself to save the Doctor and the Earth, Charley revealed her identity to the Doctor. To make him want to forget his travels with her, she told him that when he met her, he would die (still believing that the Eighth Doctor had not regenerated). She used the Viyrans' memory-altering technology to replace Mila with herself in the Doctor's memories of their travels together. (AUDIO: Blue Forgotten Planet)

The Land of Fiction

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Info from City of Spires, Night's Black Agents & The Wreck of the Titan needs to be added

The Doctor was reunited with Jamie McCrimmon, who had no memories of his travels with the Second Doctor, however, after an adventure during the Battle of Culloden, Jamie decided to travel with the Doctor. (AUDIO: City of Spires) The two shared several adventures together. (AUDIO: Night's Black Agents, AUDIO: The Wreck of the Titan)

However, after a while, the Doctor and Jamie discovered that they were in the Land of Fiction all along, and that Jamie was a fictional character created there by Zoe Herriot as a mystery for the Doctor to solve. At that time, the Land of Fiction was being invaded by the Cybermen, so he and Jamie helped to stop the invasion. While the Doctor returned Zoe to the Wheel, the Time Lords' conditioning of her mind returned and she lost her memories of him for the last time. However, Jamie decided to remain in the Land, and told the Doctor to find the real Jamie if he ever found himself in the Scottish Highlands again. (AUDIO: Legend of the Cybermen)

Time Alone

On one occasion, the Doctor tracked Ulrick to the site of an early Dalek battle between Ulrick's ancestors and the Daleks. He convinced Ulrick to trust him, turn a roboman under his control and meet him on the roof of the building. There, the Doctor used his TARDIS to transport the Dalek Prime and Ulrick backwards in time. The Doctor joined his Fifth, Seventh and Eighth incarnations briefly before being returned to his own timeline. (AUDIO: The Four Doctors)

The Sixth Doctor teamed up with all of his other incarnations to save Gallifrey from destruction at the end of the Last Great Time War. Due to the timelines not being synchronised, he had no memory of this event. (TV: The Day of the Doctor)

Living in Victorian London

The Doctor, disguised as Professor Dark, meets Jago and Litefoot again. (AUDIO: The Hourglass Killers)

The Doctor arrived in Victorian London during the 1890s, due to the temporal experiments performed by Professor Payne, which caused him to crash land. While in this time period, the Doctor used the alias "Professor Claudius Dark," sunk the TARDIS in the underground to avoid detection and attempted to investigate Payne and his experiments. However, the Doctor discovered his old friends, Henry Gordon Jago, George Litefoot and Leela, were already investigating the incidents, and tried to contact them. When Payne and his temporal experiments were stopped by them, the Doctor found he was still trapped on Earth, discovering it was due to the interventions of Mr Kempston and Mr Hardwick, who had also crashed on Earth, due to Payne's experiments, and tried to steal the TARDIS to get more advanced time travel. (AUDIO: The Hourglass Killers)

So he invited Jago and Litefoot to meet him, and help him investigate them, (although they didn't recognise him since he was in his fourth incarnation when they first met), but didn't reveal his identity. (AUDIO: Chronoclasm) They escaped from "Claudius", believing him to be hostile, but he still worked with Leela (who recognised him) and made the suggestion that they all go to Brighton while the Doctor investigates Kempston and Hardwick. (AUDIO: Jago in Love) However, this didn't work out, so the Doctor gave them all tickets to Oscar Wilde's new show, where they had an adventure with him. (AUDIO: Beautiful Things)

The Doctor arrived in time to save Jago and Litefoot from a train trapped in a time loop caused by Kempston and Hardwick, where he revealed his true identity. (AUDIO: The Lonely Clock) With the help of Jago, Litefoot and Leela, they discovered that Kempston and Hardwick were part of a crashed Temparon vessel, and defeated them. After retrieving his TARDIS, and seeing off Leela, the Doctor offered Jago and Litefoot the chance to travel with him in the TARDIS, which they accepted. (AUDIO: The Hourglass Killers)

Voyages with Jago and Litefoot

On their first trip through space and time, the Doctor took Jago and Litefoot to Venus in the far future, where they discovered the corrupt Venusian Queen Vulpina was imprisoning an alien race called the Thraskin. However, they defeated Vulpina and released the Thraskin, resulting in a peaceful treaty between the Thraskins and Venusians. The Doctor, Jago and Litefoot then left Venus. (AUDIO: Voyage to Venus)

The Doctor travelling with Jago and Litefoot. (AUDIO: Voyage to Venus)

Although they intended to return to London, the TARDIS arrived in the Roanoke Island, 1590, and were held hostage by a local tribe of Native Americans. They discovered that the tribe were being terrorised by a group of ethereal children, who had been present for four hundred years. Whenever they kidnapped natives, they would leave behind the word Croatoan, inscribed in the place where they once were. The Doctor, Litefoot and Jago discovered that Croatoan was an island, which they intended to explore, but not before Henry was kidnapped.

When they arrived on Croatoan Island, they found Henry, and discovered the TARDIS, which had been on Croatoan for four hundred years. When they found Henry's captor, he revealed that he was Sir Walter Raleigh, who had discovered the TARDIS, while the Doctor and George were venturing to Croatoan. After tampering with the controls, Raleigh travelled back four hundred years, and encountered a group of alien beings, who would later become the children who had terrorised the tribe. He taught them how to live and hunt and, in return, they extended his life. However, the Doctor managed to communicate with Walter in the TARDIS, four hundred years prior, and prevent him from travelling in the TARDIS. This then caused the alternative Walter to disappear, and the aliens would never have terrorised the tribe.

After restoring the timeline, the Doctor deposited Litefoot and Jago back in London. However, after leaving, he didn't realise that he had left them stranded in London, 1968. (AUDIO: Voyage to the New World) However, they later managed to get back to 1893 by their own means. (AUDIO: The Final Act)

History takes its course

After foiling a plot by the Master and the Usurian to take over the stock market, (PROSE: Millennial Rites) the Doctor finally met Melanie Bush on a beach in Brighton in 1989, and they were forced to defeat the Nestene Consciousness together. After the problems were resolved, Mel elected to travel with the Doctor. (PROSE: Business Unusual)

The Doctor and Mel caught up in a murder mystery. (TV: Terror of the Vervoids)

The Doctor was called to a spaceship to be used as a scapegoat to drive out hijackers. However, it turned sour when the Vervoids had emerged from their pods in storage and killed the passengers. The Doctor destroyed them by fast-forwarding their lifecycle. (TV: Terror of the Vervoids)

While playing a game of monopoly, the Doctor's TARDIS answered a distress signal from the far future where everything had already been discovered. On the planet Generious, he and Mel encountered two scam artists who were claiming to be the Doctor and were creating fake dangers to con the people into paying them to help. Another However, a real threat appeared in the skies and offered to let the people live if they handed over the three greatest treasures of Generious. The Doctor and Mel teamed up with their phony counterparts and underwent a quest to find the treasures. (AUDIO: The One Doctor)

While visiting her uncle in 2003, Mel was transported to 1782 where she awoke with amnesia. The Doctor and her uncle travelled there and learned that she had been taken in by a local aristocrat. Mel had mistakeningly been drugged by one of the village doctors, not knowning it was partly because of the medicine that her memory stayed distorted. The Doctor realised that Mel had become one of her own ancestors and struggled with trying to maintain the timeline, but found a way around it in order to save Mel. (AUDIO: Catch-1782)

The Doctor and Mel then encountered the Wishing Beast on an asteroid, (AUDIO: The Wishing Beast) and again in 1965 in Salford. (AUDIO: The Vanity Box) They then travelled to Tantane Spaceport, (AUDIO: Spaceport Fear) and confronted his old enemy the Eminence. (AUDIO: The Seeds of War)


After encountering his future self in the TARDIS, the Doctor's adventures eventually led him to the Library of Carsus, where he worked with an old Time Lord friend, Professor Rummas, and many alternative versions of himself from different universes to stop the Lamprey, a pan-dimensional being, from destroying creation with the power of the Spiral Chamber, a powerful Time Lord artefact that acted as a portal into the nexus of the Time Vortex. However, the Doctor was forced to sacrifice much of his chronal energy to trap the Lamprey inside the Chamber. The toll of the Lamprey's imprisonment drained the vitality out of the Doctor as time-sensitive chronon particles, which helped sustain his life force, were stripped away from his body.

Dying, the Doctor materialised the TARDIS in deep space to take one last look at the universe. Satisfied with the life he had led, the Doctor told Mel not to feel cheated by his demise, before he drifted into a half-conscious haze and slumped over. (PROSE: Spiral Scratch)

Unconscious and dying, the sixth incarnation regenerates. (TV: Time and the Rani)

However, influenced by echoes of his next incarnation's will as his existence faded and a new mind and persona started to emerge, (PROSE: Love and War) the Doctor willingly allowed the Rani to bombard his TARDIS and catch it in a tractor beam. Her attack buffeted the TARDIS out of flight and forced it to land on the planet Lakertya. (TV: Time and the Rani) Weakened from the loss of his chronal energies, the Doctor's body rapidly withered, and prevented him from raising the defences of the TARDIS. The attack on his TARDIS knocked him into the TARDIS console, where he struck his head. (PROSE: Spiral Scratch) As the Doctor was already dying from chronon starvation, this final injury became a killing blow. (AUDIO: Zagreus) As he lay unconscious on the floor of his TARDIS, the Doctor finally regenerated into his seventh incarnation, just after the Rani invaded his TARDIS. (TV: Time and the Rani)

Undated/unchronicled events

The Doctor walks past Clara Oswald. (TV: The Name of the Doctor)

Alternative timelines

Psychological profile


The Doctor was known to dislike carrot juice. (TV: Terror of the Vervoids)

The Sixth Doctor was unpredictable, consistently self-absorbed, stubborn, childish, argumentative, angry, moody and full of arrogance, sometimes becoming almost full of himself. He could be melodramatic, (TV: The Twin Dilemma) and even described himself as pragmatic. (AUDIO: The Sirens of Time) However, he could be quite critical of himself in some situations. (TV: Revelation of the Daleks) He rarely doubted his abilities and considered himself greatly superior to nearly everyone whom he encountered. (TV: The Twin Dilemma) Beneath his thunderous and turbulent exterior, however, he was quite the opposite: a passionate, warm, righteous and emphatic individual. (AUDIO: Arrangements for War)

The Doctor's adventurous side still remained, but the sixth incarnation was more selfish about it, especially when it came to decision making. He would often decide he knew what Peri wanted out of her travels and often told her where she wanted to go instead of asking her. (TV: The Mark of the Rani) Another trait that remained was his curiosity and urge to see that justice was served.[source needed]

The Sixth Doctor did not suffer fools gladly, and sometimes seemed to endure his companions' presence far more than he enjoyed it, but his brash exterior hid the fact that he was a Doctor more determined than ever to defeat the evil which he encountered.[source needed] He eventually came to enjoy his companions company, saying that Peri was important to him, and assuring her he wouldn't abandon her, (TV: The Mark of the Rani) and had no problem saying that he loved Evelyn Smythe as a friend. (AUDIO: Real Time)

A resigned Time Lord (TV: Timelash)

Despite his often unstable demeanor, he was quick to act when the situation called for it, and very little, even his companions, could hope to get in his way. (TV: Attack of the Cybermen) More than his other incarnations, the Sixth Doctor was a fatalist, more than once deciding he was doomed and resolving to accept his fate. (TV: Timelash, The Ultimate Foe)

During this incarnation, the Doctor began to see the logic in murder. (PROSE: Alien Bodies) This might be reflected in being slightly more accepting of violence. (TV: Attack of the Cybermen) While his physical attack on Peri could be attributed to his post-regenerative crisis, (TV: The Twin Dilemma) he reacted with a humor after witnessing two men fall to their death in an acid bath, (TV: Vengeance on Varos) smothered Shockeye to death with a cyanide rag in self-defense, (TV: The Two Doctors) shot Chintor with a double-barreled shotgun at close range, (PROSE: Retribution) and killed the Cyber-Controller at close range with a Cyber-gun. (TV: Attack of the Cybermen)

The Doctor tries to comfort Peri. (TV: The Mysterious Planet)

However, the Sixth Doctor also had a more emotional and caring side, determined to not to let people die, "if there's a chance of saving them." When Peri was distressed over the idea that Ravalox was a devastated Earth, the Doctor tried to comfort her, even showing empathy for her plight, (TV: The Mysterious Planet) and was devastated when presented with the news of Peri's demise on Thoros Beta, and was enraged that the Time Lords had decided to act like second rate gods and engineer her execution, threatening he had every intention of discovering what they were up to. (TV: Mindwarp) When he discovered the Time Lords were behind the Ravolox conspiracy, he announced his purpose was to stop evil and power mad conspirators. (TV: The Ultimate Foe) After an unpleasant encounter with an Androgum in Spain, the Doctor said he would become a vegetarian. (TV: The Two Doctors)

After the events of his trial, the Doctor became more aggressive and irascible. (PROSE: Time of Your Life) However, this was used to cover up a deep feeling of depression which resided within. This depression was so deep and consuming, that he even got to the stage where he contemplated suicide. Furthermore, the Doctor showed a lack of faith and even a dislike for his companion, Grant Markham, as a means of changing his future, demonstrating his lack of consideration for his companion, and even self absorption for his own problems. However, his opinion of Grant changed, after Grant proved that he wasn't as dislikeable as he initially believed, shown more of a warmth towards Grant. (PROSE: Killing Ground) After Grant left, the Doctor became a sombre individual, rather than being genuinely depressed. (AUDIO: The Wormery, Excelis Rising)

After being, in Melanie Bush's words, "tamed" by Evelyn Smythe, the Doctor mellowed out of his faults, keeping his egotistical outbursts to himself,[source needed] and noting how annoying his previous habits were. (AUDIO: The Wrong Doctors) While traveling with Frobisher again, the Doctor became friendlier and more playful, sharing jokes with Frobisher even during serious situations. (AUDIO: The Holy Terror) By the time he travelled with Mel, the Doctor acted disciplined, aware that his actions had consequences, and was careful about what he did and where he went. (TV: Terror of the Vervoids)

While his predecessor had a disdain for cats, (AUDIO: No Place Like Home) Charley Pollard noted that the Sixth Doctor "had a way with cats", which he countered with "cats had a way with him." (AUDIO: The Condemned) He wore several cat brooches on his left lapel, (TV: The Twin Dilemma) as well as cat cufflinks. (AUDIO: Trouble in Paradise)

After sacrificing much of his chronal energy to trap the Lamprey inside the Spiral Chamber, the Doctor decided to spend his last moments taking one last look at the universe before resigning himself to his fate. While Mel protested that it was unfair for the Doctor to die the way he did, he testified that his sacrifice was his time to donate and his chance to give to the universe. Satisfied with the life he led as his sixth incarnation, the Doctor couldn't complain about his death this time and told Mel not to feel cheated by his untimely demise. (PROSE: Spiral Scratch) However, the Doctor viewed the final cause of his regeneration, which he described as "a bang on the head", as being unfitting. (AUDIO: Zagreus)

Habits and quirks

Commonly, he would overreact with rage when questioned about his methods, or if his plan seemed insane, repeating a single word from the criticism, often getting louder as each repeat went on. (TV: The Twin Dilemma)

He also had a taste for poetry, often reciting bits of it. (TV: The Twin Dilemma, The Mark of the Rani, Terror of the Vervoids)

The Doctor would tap or stroke his cat brooches before attempting something risky. (TV: The Twin Dilemma, Attack of the Cybermen)


The Doctor sings. (AUDIO: Doctor Who and the Pirates)

The Doctor was highly deductive, able to understand a situation based on small details that others often overlooked, (TV: The Twin Dilemma) and identify his location by studying his surroundings. (AUDIO: Trial of the Valeyard)

He was also shown to have great acting skills on numerous occasions, (TV: Mindwarp, The Ultimate Foe) as well as a decent singer. (TV: Terror of the Vervoids, AUDIO: Doctor Who and the Pirates)


The Doctor's appearance. (TV: The Twin Dilemma)

Physically, the Sixth Doctor was identical in appearance to the Time Lord Maxil, (TV: Arc of Infinity) being a tall man, with long, curly, blond hair. (TV: The Caves of Androzani)

Upon first seeing his reflection, the newly-regenerated Doctor described himself as having "a noble brow," as well as "a firm mouth, [and] a face beaming with a vast intelligence." (TV: The Twin Dilemma)

Melanie Bush thought him overweight, and forced him to take up both a diet, consisting mainly of carrot juice, and an exercise regime, neither of which he felt he needed. (TV: Terror of the Vervoids)


The sixth incarnation's taste in clothes were the subject of much ridicule, though it was suggested that he wore his outlandish coat in order to distract people from noticing anything else about him. (AUDIO: Jubilee)

Most ridiculed was his red frock coat, which featured green patchwork, and yellow and pink lapels. (TV: The Twin Dilemma) The Eleventh Doctor told Clara Oswald that he had won an award for his patchwork coat and that it was "made for a spectrum invisible to the human eye". (COMIC: Dead Man's Hand)

Much like his fourth and fifth incarnations, the Sixth Doctor also wore a plain white shirt with question marks embroidered on the collar, (TV: The Twin Dilemma) and braces adorned with question mark symbols. (TV: Vengeance on Varos) He took to wearing a set of striped, yellow trousers, and generally preferred footwear was a pair of orange spats over green ankle boots. (TV: The Twin Dilemma) Sabalom Glitz confused his spats as "ankle armour". (TV: The Ultimate Foe)

The Doctor usually wore a variety of waistcoats and cravats to accompany his multi-coloured coat, each possessing a different colour and design. He first wore a knitted waistcoat that was dark brown in colour, along with a turquoise polka-dot cravat. (TV: The Twin Dilemma) Going to the planet Dramos to investigate the reasoning behind a blank area in the TARDIS databank, the Doctor wore a dark purple squared waistcoat with an orange cravat decorated with yellow polka-dots and pink hearts. (PROSE: Burning Heart) His next waistcoat was a red and white gingham waistcoat accompanied by a red polka-dot cravat. (TV: The Mysterious Planet) During his struggle with the Vervoids on the Hyperion III, the Sixth Doctor wore a pink, purple and green waistcoat with a yellow cravat decorated with a starfield pattern. (TV: Terror of the Vervoids) Whilst investigating plans to resurrect the TOMTIT experiment, the Doctor wore a black and white check waistcoat with a purple polka-dot cravat. (PROSE: The Quantum Archangel) In the pockets of these waistcoats, he usually bore a neon-green watch chain. (COMIC: The Gift)

The sixth incarnation was very fond of cats, and always wore one of a number of cat-shaped pins or brooches on his lapel. (TV: The Twin Dilemma, Attack of the Cybermen, The Mark of the Rani) He also wore cat cufflinks. (AUDIO: Trouble in Paradise) On occasion, the Doctor would carry a multi-coloured umbrella that matched the clashing colours of his clothing. (TV: The Mysterious Planet, Time and the Rani)

Peri once described the Doctor as "the worst dressed man in all of time and space." (AUDIO: Of Chaos Time The) On another occasion, she described his coat as resembling "an explosion in a paint factory." (AUDIO: An Eye For Murder)

While confronting the Sontarans in Seville, Spain in 1985, the Doctor briefly replaced his usual outlandish coat and jerkin for an open, Hawaiian styled waistcoat. (TV: The Two Doctors)

The Doctor's mourning cloak. (TV: Revelation of the Daleks)

On Necros, the Doctor briefly wore a large and eloquent royal blue cloak with gold trim over his usual attire as a sign of mourning for the death of Professor Arthur Stengos. (TV: Revelation of the Daleks)

While travelling with Evelyn Smythe, the Doctor abandoned his multi-coloured coat for a more subdued blue costume, (WC: Real Time) though by the time of his regeneration, he had resumed wearing his original garb, (TV: Time and the Rani) for the benefit of an amnesiac version of Mel, who liked his original outfit. (AUDIO: The Wrong Doctors)

While stranded in Victorian London, the Doctor wore a blue variation of the typical clothing of the time period while posing as Professor Claudius Dark. (AUDIO: The Hourglass Killers)

Behind the scenes


The Sixth Doctor was played by Sylvester McCoy in a blonde wig briefly for Time and the Rani.

Colin Baker declined an invitation to film the regeneration sequence at the start of Time and the Rani due to the circumstances of his dismissal from the role. Wishing to play the Doctor for the whole of Season 24, he was instead offered one last full story to reappear and regenerate. Baker declined, reasoning that he did not want to make the audience think he was still the de-facto Doctor for a sliver of 1987 when he had been removed from the series. His successor, Sylvester McCoy, donned a blonde wig and briefly appeared on screen as the unconscious sixth Doctor. McCoy's face was obscured from camera view, first by the TARDIS console and then by the regeneration FX, before the final reveal of the Seventh Doctor. McCoy thus became the first actor to play more than one incarnation of the Doctor. Paul McGann would later play both the Eighth Doctor and the War Doctor in the final moments of The Night of the Doctor (again with his face obscured by the camera placement).[1] Also, Tom Baker has played both the Fourth Doctor and The Curator, though it is not completely confirmed that the Curator is, in fact, a future regeneration of the Doctor.


Spiral Scratch by Gary Russell gives a "revisionist" account of the circumstances behind the Doctor's regeneration, explaining that it had not happened simply because he had hit his head. Love and War by Paul Cornell offered a different explanation.

Other matters

  • According to an interview with Colin Baker in DWM 118, the Doctor's coat was created because John Nathan-Turner had the idea that it should be in "very bad taste" to show the Doctor's alien nature. Baker himself had wanted to wear black to display the Doctor's darker side.
  • In AUDIO: The Curse of Davros, the Sixth Doctor was played by Terry Molloy as the Doctor switched bodies with Davros in an attempt to reform the Daleks.
  • Colin Baker related the character of the Doctor to a quote from Rudyard Kipling "I am the Cat who walks by himself, and all places are alike to me". This made him decide to wear a different cat badge on his costume in each story arc. He subsequently received a lot more cat badges from fans in the mail. When he played the Doctor on stage in 1989 these gifts gave him the opportunity to wear a different badge in every single performance.