Twelfth Doctor

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The Twelfth Doctor emerged from his predecessor's explosive regeneration on Trenzalore, being the product of "regeneration number thirteen." He was the first incarnation of the Doctor's second regeneration cycle, which had been bestowed upon him by the Time Lords. Clara Oswald, continuing her travels with him after he regenerated, served as his primary companion, and at times acted as his moral compass.

Assured of the survival of Gallifrey, he was no longer chained down by his guilt. A darker character with a withdrawn and spiky attitude, he was less amiable and habitually questioned his own goodness. Although this incarnation was no stranger to kindness and humour, he often dispensed with niceties in a tense situation, becoming cold and calculative in critical moments that required sound judgement and the occasional application of sharp practice.

However, because of his detachment from emotions, he could come off as unpleasant, fearsome, and ruthless. These qualities often terrified those who were around him, even his companions. He became harder to trust, and acknowledged his shift toward negative personality traits, feeling incensed and fearful at what he was changing into. However, after resolving his morality crisis, he started to show his lighter side more clearly.

Unlike his predecessor's adventures with Clara, this Doctor found more strain was being placed on their relationship; Clara was dating fellow Coal Hill teacher Danny Pink, whom the Doctor initially disliked.



During a visit to a parallel universe where he was a fictional character in a television series, the Eleventh Doctor told his portrayer, Matt Smith, that Peter Capaldi, whom he had previously rescued from a Mandrel, would be a good choice to play him on the show. (COMIC: The Girl Who Loved Doctor Who)


A befuddled Twelfth Doctor staring intensely at Clara Oswald immediately after his thirteenth regeneration. (TV: The Time of the Doctor)

After fighting in the Siege of Trenzalore for 900 years, (PROSE: Tales of Trenzalore: The Eleventh Doctor's Last Stand), the Eleventh Doctor, out of regenerations, facing extermination by the Daleks, and already dying of old age, was ready to accept that he had reached the end of his life. Unable to accept that his death was unavoidable, Clara Oswald appealed to the Time Lords to intervene, and they responded by granting the Doctor a new regeneration cycle. After using the energy from the explosive reset that followed to destroy the Dalek forces besieging Trenzalore, the Doctor, still dying from old age, returned to his TARDIS to undergo his thirteenth regeneration.

Suddenly changing in a flash before Clara's eyes, the new Doctor voiced his surprise at having new kidneys. The TARDIS then began shaking violently, and the Doctor implied to have forgotten how to pilot his ship, much to a shocked Clara's dismay. (TV: The Time of the Doctor) Crashing in pre-historic Earth, the TARDIS was chased and subsequently swallowed by a female tyrannosaur; when the Doctor brought the TARDIS to 1890s London, the dinosaur was accidentally brought along with it.

After the TARDIS was spat out, the Doctor, in a severe bout of post-regenerative trauma, acted very wild and irrationally. He peeked out of the TARDIS door, shushed Strax, slammed the door shut momentarily, and then finally crept out of the TARDIS, trying to identify him as one of the Seven Dwarves. Unable to remember names or faces clearly, he sputtered at the sight of the Paternoster Gang, before being joined by a frazzled and annoyed Clara, trying to keep some degree of control on his livid and maddened state.

Though put to bed to stabilise, the Doctor soon awoke and, grabbing a piece of chalk, doodled strange equations all over the bedroom. Hearing the dinosaur in pain, the Doctor climbed out onto the rooftop and left on horseback when he saw the T-Rex was being burned to ashes. Deciding to investigate, but still suffering a degree of post-regenerative stress, the Doctor wandered the streets of London. Talking to a passing tramp, the Doctor examined his new facial features, noticing that he had seen it before, taking particular note of his new eyebrows, as well as his new Scottish accent, before trading in his previous incarnation's favourite watch for the tramp's coat. (TV: Deep Breath)

The Doctor and Clara examine the dormant Half-Face Man. (TV: Deep Breath)

Seeing an ad in a newspaper placed by Missy, (TV: Death in Heaven) which seemed to be a message from Clara, the Doctor infiltrated a suspicious restaurant, where he and Clara learned that time travelling Clockwork Droids, under the leadership of the Half-Face Man, had been harvesting humans to repair themselves and reach the Promised Land. Trying to speak on peaceful terms, the Doctor snapped the Control Node out of his illusion of the Promised Land by revealing the true state of his existence. Conflicted and unsure, the Half-Face Man fell out of his escape pod, either jumping or having been pushed by the Doctor.

The Doctor briefly left Clara behind to redecorate the TARDIS console room and settle on a new outfit. Returning for Clara, the Doctor spoke of the suspicious way Clara had met him in his previous incarnation, only for Clara to likewise voice her uncertainty of the Doctor's identity and asked to be returned home. Attempting to return Clara home, the Doctor ended up in Glasgow by mistake. However, Clara decided to go out for coffee with the new Doctor after the Eleventh Doctor called her and encouraged her to help the Doctor through his regeneration. (TV: Deep Breath)

Am I a good man?

Leaving Clara behind in Glasgow to get coffee, the Doctor shared an adventure with a mutant called 78351 during his quest for coffee. (PROSE: Lights Out)

Intending to return with the coffee, the Doctor saved a Combined Galactic Resistance fighter pilot named Journey Blue from a Dalek Saucer attack, though left her brother behind in the explosion. After prompting her into asking nicely, the Doctor returned Journey to her command ship, the Aristotle, where Colonel Morgan Blue introduced him to a Dalek that had developed a fault and turned good.

The Doctor, shrunken down inside a Dalek, learns why it turned good. (TV: Into the Dalek)

Returning for Clara, three weeks later from her perspective, the Doctor asked her if she thought he was a good man, a question that Clara found herself unable to answer, and returned to base to help the Dalek. Joined by Journey and two other soldiers named Gretchen Carlisle and Ross, the Doctor and Clara used a Molecular nanoscaler to miniaturise themselves and enter the Dalek — whom the Doctor nicknamed "Rusty". After losing Ross to the Dalek's antibodies, the Doctor discovered a radiation leak from within the Dalek and learned that Rusty had turned good after seeing a star being born. Following the radiation, the Doctor discovered damage to Rusty's power source was slowly killing him, and repaired the damage with his sonic screwdriver.

However, fixing Rusty's power core resulted in the malfunction that turned Rusty good to be reversed, with Rusty's destructive nature returning, and causing Rusty to go on a killing spree, as well as send a distress beacon to summon the Daleks to the rebels' base. After getting slapped and lectured by Clara for his apathy, the Doctor realised he could turn Rusty good again by reawakening his memory of the star being born.

Instructing Clara to find a way to restore Rusty's memories of the star, the Doctor made his way to the Kaled mutant within Rusty to mind linked with him, causing Rusty to see the Doctor's hatred of the Daleks and destroy the Daleks that had responded to his distress beacon. Leaving to continue his crusade against the Daleks, Rusty commented that Doctor would have made a good Dalek before both of them left. After declining Journey's request to travel with him and Clara, the Doctor returned Clara home, both still unsure if the Doctor was a good man, but with Clara convinced he was at least trying to be one. (TV: Into the Dalek)

New adventures with Clara

Spending some more time on his own, the Doctor became alerted to a creature that disguised itself as a motorway to consume planets into other dimensions. Summoning Clara to assist him, the Doctor was surprised when the creature disappeared, unaware that Clara had tricked the creature into consuming itself. (COMIC: Road Rage)

The Doctor was given some chips by Clara, and then rambled about how great they tasted. (COMIC: Untitled) Attempting to get a reservation at a restaurant on Calbaron III, the Doctor and Clara found there was a three-year lack of tables. They booked and went three years to the future, only to learn the restaurant was closed to celebrate the third anniversary of the overthrowing of a tyrannical emperor. They finally made their booking six years prior for three years later. When the Doctor found that the tyrannical emperor had scratched his TARDIS, he decided to overthrow him, resulting in the anniversary. (COMIC: Planet of the Diners)

The Doctor repaired a scratch on the TARDIS, but found that this caused time within the TARDIS to temporarily run backwards, much to Clara's annoyance when she tried to converse with him. (COMIC: The Inversion of Time)

When the TARDIS was swarmed with Adipose, the Doctor claimed he was "not an Adipose person." He then had Clara take out the rubbish, as he claimed he wasn't a "taking-the-bin-out" person, with Clara declaring his attitude had to stop. (COMIC: The Bin Dilemma)

He and Clara then returned to Victorian London and assisted the Paternoster Gang in defeating the scheme of Orestes Milton to weaponise people. (PROSE: Silhouette)

Deciding to give Clara the choice of their next destination, the Doctor took her to Sherwood Forest to meet Robin Hood, though he was sceptical of Robin's actual existence. He was proven wrong when Robin shot his TARDIS with an arrow seconds after they arrived; however, he refused to believe Robin and his Merry Men were real upon visiting their camp.

After participating in an archery contest for a golden arrow, the Doctor got himself, Clara and Robin captured by the Sheriff of Nottingham, who had allied with alien robots disguised as his knights. Escaping, the Doctor and Robin found out the robots were trying to reach the Promised Land, but lacked sufficient gold to repair their engine. Believing Robin was also a robot, the Doctor was re-captured by the Sheriff as Robin took Clara and escaped through a window. Leading a revolution in the Sheriff's dungeon, the Doctor was informed by the Sheriff that Robin Hood was not a robot, just as Robin came to his rescue and defeated the Sheriff. Assisting Robin with Clara's help, the Doctor helped launch the golden arrow into the ship to allow it to escape velocity and explode harmlessly in space.

The Doctor finally acknowledges Robin Hood as a genuine person, not a myth. (TV: Robot of Sherwood)

Robin, having learned about the Doctor's story from Clara, noted that the two of them were not so different from each other: both of them were people born into status and privilege, giving up both to live the life of an adventurer in order to fight injustice. As he departed, the Doctor left Maid Marian, whom he had met in the Sheriff's dungeon, behind to be reunited with Robin. (TV: Robot of Sherwood)

The Doctor and Clara used a goo bomb to foil the Sibro's attempt to weaponise a Conlanian clock tower, (COMIC: Chime Time) orchestrated a ceasefire in a war between anthropomorphic cats and dogs by allying them against an army of alien fleas that planned to attack every planet in the universe, (COMIC: Once Bitten) and helped the World Brain find a new way of life after crash landing on its factory planet. (COMIC: Crash Landing)

While sightseeing on the HomeWorld, the Doctor saved a hospital from a missile, but was framed as the ringleader of various crimes by the Judge and locked up in the colony's asteroid prison until he exposed its darkest security measure. (PROSE: The Blood Cell)

The Doctor and Clara rescued the spaceship Genetrix from Whispies on Venus by using the ship's sifters to suck them up. (PROSE: Sunset Over Venus)

On Hoopoe, the Doctor acted as Clara's lawyer when she was arrested for walking on the ground by the Court of Birds. His attempt to convince them she and him weren't cats backfired when the owls accused them of being mice, but the Doctor had foreseen this and had recruited the native cats to attack the owls with makeshift wings, but ensured that the wings were too difficult to use properly, rendering them useless in the cats' pursuit of the owls. As he left with Clara in the TARDIS, the Doctor rewarded the cats with a box of canned tuna. (COMIC: The Court of Birds)

The Doctor meditating on top of the TARDIS. (TV: Listen)

During one of Clara's breaks from the TARDIS, the Doctor became obsessed with the idea that a creature designed to hide was following him around and that everyone was similarly being followed. Visiting Clara for help in finding the hiders, by using the TARDIS telepathic circuits to pilot into her past. However, Clara got distracted by a phone call from her date, Danny Pink, and piloted them into his past instead, back when Danny was a child called Rupert and living in a care home. Finding a figure under Rupert's bed sheet, the Doctor had Clara and Rupert turn their backs to allow the being to walk out the room unobserved, leaving them unsure if it really was a creature or just another child playing a trick on Rupert.

Returning Clara to her date, the Doctor continued to follow his theory by trying to use a trace of Clara left in the telepathic circuits, ending up at the end of the universe where a time traveller named Colonel Orson Pink, Danny's descendant, had been trapped for six months. Intrigued by how following Clara's timeline led him to Orson, the Doctor returned for Clara and had them wait at the end of the universe for the night, believing it to be the perfect time to find out if the hiders were real. Finding a chance to confront the creature outside the ship, the Doctor sent Clara into the TARDIS and seemed to get a look at what he's been chasing before the atmospheric shell broke and Orson had to rescue him. As the Doctor was knocked out, and the TARDIS seemed to be under attack, Clara used the telepathic circuits to fly the TARDIS away.

Waking up to find Clara gone, the Doctor called out to her and inadvertently alerted his younger self to Clara's presence. Before he could investigate, Clara re-entered the TARDIS and made him promise to leave and not find out where they had landed. Afterwards, the Doctor returned Orson and Clara to their own times and, satisfied by what he had learned, underlined the word "Listen" that the creature had written on his chalkboard. (TV: Listen)

The Doctor planned to rendezvous with Clara at Coal Hill School, but instead arrived at a replica of the school on an unnamed planet, where Clara and Jeff Delobel, a French teacher, had been abducted by primitive aliens planning to infiltrate Earth via Coal Hill School. In order thwart the invasion, the Doctor told the aliens a tale of Earth's Guardian, informing them that he was the guardian, scaring the aliens off. (COMIC: The Monsters of Coal Hill School)

Resuming their travels, the Doctor and Clara helped stranded Seevith launch their ship, (COMIC: More Than Meets the Eye) and helped Professor Faster end the 17th century witch trials. (COMIC: Witch Work)

Returning to pick up Clara, and persuade her to away from a date with Danny Pink in favour of other travel destinations, the Doctor received a call from Madame Karabraxos, who requested he free the Teller and its mate from the Bank of Karabraxos, as he had done on the day she met him. Realising the ramifications of this request, the Doctor built up the identity of "the Architect", using this identity to stage a bank heist for him to commit, with the assistance of Clara, an augmented human named Psi, and a shape shifting mutant human named Saibra.

Using memory worms to erase the plan from their minds and prevent the Teller from alerting the young Karabraxos, the Doctor and Clara found themselves already in the Bank with their accomplices, their last memory being the TARDIS phone ringing.

Receiving instructions from the Architect on their location, objective, and the Bank's security system, the team infiltrated the Bank. Entering a safety deposit box, Team Not Dead - the Doctor's name for the assembled team - set of a dimensional shift bomb into a service corridor, where the team found a briefcase containing six teleporters disguised as atomic shredders.

Seemingly losing Saibra and Psi to the shredders when the Teller locked onto them, the Doctor figured out that time travel was involved with the heist plan when a perfectly-timed solar storm unlocked the Bank's vault. Retrieving what the Architect had promised Psi and Saibra as payment, the Doctor and Clara were caught by the Teller and delivered to the bank manager, Ms. Delphox. After Delphox left them to be executed, the Doctor and Clara were saved by Psi and Saibra, who revealed the true nature of the "shredders".

The Doctor in a moment of elation after deducing himself as the Architect. (TV: Time Heist)

Venturing into the Bank's private vault to find his and Clara's reward, the Doctor instead found Director Karabraxos, and discovered that Delphox, as well as a majority of the bank's staff, was an exact clone of Karabraxos. Seeing Karabraxos' hatred of her own clones caused the Doctor to have an epiphany on the identity of the Architect, and he gave his phone number to Karabraxos as she fled from the solar storm about to hit the Bank. Subjecting himself to the Teller's powers, the Doctor regained his lost memories and realised the true objective of the bank heist. Freeing the Teller and its mate to a place to live in solitude, the Doctor then parted ways with Psi and Saibra, giving them their rewards, and returned Clara home for her date. (TV: Time Heist)

The Doctor and Clara were later pitted against the Wyrresters during their second attempt to invade Earth, with the Doctor also travelling back to ensure the failure of their first attempt and Clara briefly switching bodies with a Wyrrester before they were defeated. (PROSE: The Crawling Terror)

The Doctor and Clara were left to the mercy of sand piranhas while chained to posts on a Desert planet, rendezvoused with fish people, (TV: The Caretaker) were saved from an Aaraanandal slime beast by a survivor of the 22nd century Dalek invasion named Simon, (PROSE: When the Wolves Came) outran soldiers to escape in the TARDIS, (TV: The Caretaker) and saved a small village from a Cephla at Christmas. (COMIC: Gift Snatched!)

Planning to visit Eden 2, the Doctor was joined by a reluctant Clara, after she phoned him to drop her off at work after she overslept. When the duo arrived, they found the under assimilation by the Vladlack, but it turned out that the planet was a trap, to lure in and arrest invaders of planets. Fearing that innocents could be inappropriately punished, the Doctor set up a warning beacon around the planet, then dropped Clara off at Coal Hill School. (COMIC: Freeze)

Meeting Danny and Courtney

Discovering a Skovox Blitzer near Coal Hill School, the Doctor went in "deep cover" as the school's temporary caretaker to dispatch of the killer robot, much to Clara's dismay.

An undercover Doctor dissuades a Skovox Blitzer from using its self-destruct. (TV: The Caretaker)

Initially planning on using chronodyne generators to send the Blitzer into the future, the Doctor's plan was accidentally foiled by Danny Pink; Danny had seen the Doctor act suspicuously and believed the devices were of malicious intent, deactivating some. As a result the Blitzer was sent a short time into the future, rather than centuries. After Clara introduced him as her boyfriend, the Doctor took a dislike to Danny as he was a former soldier and feared he wasn't good enough for Clara. He changed his plan to using a communication device to make the Blitzer think the Doctor was its superior.

Rather a few days, the Blitzer returned during the next evening; to the Doctor's surprise, Danny used his military training to help keep the Blitzer occupied, allowing him to repair the malfunctioning device. After successfully commanding the Blitzer to deactivate with Danny's help, the Doctor took into space and ejected it from the TARDIS, taking Clara's troublesome pupil Courtney Woods with him after she discovered his identity, deciding that there was no harm in having Courtney tag along as a travelling companion, (TV: The Caretaker) but didn't see anything special in her. (TV: Kill the Moon)

Further adventures with Clara

Clara and the Doctor trying to escape as Rann-Korr reveals himself. (COMIC: Terrorformer)

The Doctor and Clara travelled to the planet Isen VI, so that Clara could practice skiing for a school trip. Although the Doctor remembered it as a very cold and snowy planet, it had been converted to a warm and tropical paradise. After rescuing Clara from monkey-like creatures, the Doctor found an artificial leaf, which led to him and Clara being accused of trespassing by the planet's owner, Kano Dollar. The Doctor found that as a result of the planet's manipulation a global cataclysm was imminent, but Dollar wouldn't listen. The Doctor and Clara rescued two workers from an underground earthquake with the TARDIS and moved to a cavern beneath the tower. The Doctor had discovered a Gallifreyan signal and wanted to investigate. They found a giant terraformer, which had fused with a ship underground. From the ship came a Hyperion called Rann-Korr, who announced the universe would fall.

The Doctor released the ship's coolant gases, allowing him and the others to escape to the TARDIS. He explained that Rann-Korr's reanimation was a result of the terrorformer's work, and conceded he had no plan to defeat him. They returned to the surface and made plans with the workers. The Doctor returned to confront Rann-Korr in a last stand. As Rann-Korr prepared to kill the Doctor, the terrorformation was reverse-engineered, returning the area of Isen VI around him to its original icy state. The Doctor escaped in the TARDIS, and Rann-Korr was extinguished in the cold. He and Clara bid farewell to the workers and left. (COMIC: Terrorformer)

While Clara was having her portrait painted by Leonardo da Vinci in 1505, the Doctor received a summon to 2315 India from an old acquaintance of his, Tiger Maratha, who foresaw a timeless evil. The Doctor and Clara arrived in 2315 to find he had been killed and drained of life, and along with Tiger's daughter Priyanka were confronted by police who attempted to arrest the Doctor. Escaping capture, Priyanka told the Doctor and Clara that Tiger had worked for a group known as the Family Scindas. The Doctor, Clara and Priyanka travelled to the Scindas' ancestral home to find information, however the Doctor stumbled through a dimensional door into 1825 India, where he was attacked by a demon but rescued by renegade Amazon Rani Jhulka. The Doctor and Rani found a necro-cloud harvesting the spirits of the dead, and then attacked by more of the demons. Before they could be overpowered by the demons, the TARDIS arrived, Priyanka having unintentionally activated the telepathic circuits. She told the Doctor Clara had been taken by the demons.

The Doctor battles with Kali. (COMIC: The Swords of Kali)

Back in 2315, the Doctor, Priyanka and Rani found a final recorded message from Tiger made before his death, in which he explained he had collected three of the four mythic swords of the goddess Kali for the Family Scindas and had a premonition of evil over the swords. The Doctor was then summoned to see Chandra Scindas, the patriarch of the Scindas family. The Doctor deduced that they were beings known as the Kaliratha, putting themselves throughout time and space and Hindu mythology. Chandra revealed he had Clara hostage, ready to be burned by the Exodus rocket, forcing the Doctor to agree to find the fourth sword of Kali for them. The Doctor, Priyanka and Rani collected the fourth sword and returned to Chandra, who revealed he had used Clara as a host for the resurrection of Kali. Priyanka took control of the rocket while the Doctor battled with Kali. The Doctor revealed he hid his sonic screwdriver in the fourth sword, so that Kali unwittingly freed the evil spirits from her and released Clara's body, while Rani killed Chandra. The Doctor, Clara, Rani and Priyanka then attended a festival in Mumbai. (COMIC: The Swords of Kali)

While attempting to hang flowers on the exterior of the TARDIS, the Doctor was spooked by a future Clara and fell out of the TARDIS into the orbit of an asteroid. When Clara's attempt to avert the crisis ended up causing it, the TARDIS was able to save the Doctor by creating a time field around him. (PROSE: A Long Way Down)

Picking up a signal, the TARDIS arrived on the Quartz Wastes of Asmoray. Although the Doctor believed it was an uninhabited wasteland, Clara pointed out there was a harvester nearby extracting electricity from the quartz. The Doctor and Clara were brought aboard the harvester by two workers, where beings within the electricity had broken through and killed four workers. Their leader, Luther, was insistent on continuing their work regardless. Investigating, the Doctor and Clara found the creatures were only attacking because they were being attacked - sucked into the harvester's storage batteries. With Clara's help, the Doctor was able to free the electricity beings back into the quartz. (COMIC: The Body Electric)

Heading for Rome, the Doctor and Clara wound up in a Germanic forest, where they were apprehended and taken into a nearby encampment. There they learnt that robotic mosquitoes were spreading disease and killing off dozens of soldiers. Tracking the energy fields of the mosquitoes to a tower in the woods, the Doctor discovered the occupants were using the mosquitoes to search for a cure to a plague infecting their own world. The Doctor convinced them to leave. Although Clara was worried about the rest of the sick soldiers, the Doctor told her to leave them, saying that everybody dies. (PROSE: Silver Mosquitos)

The Doctor looks for Void stuff with his 3D glasses. (COMIC: The Fractures)

After stopping a hostile invasion in the future, the Doctor travelled to UNIT HQ, where he had just been in time to shut down a Void portal. The Doctor came into conflict with the Fractures, natives of the Void that possessed humans, who believed they had to drag anyone mark with Void stuff into the Void to protect reality from unravelling. The chaos was started by a UNIT scientist from an alternate Earth, Paul Foster, who wished to be with a version of his family. Recruiting UNIT, Kate Stewart and the Fosters' help, the Doctor and Clara opened the Void, drawing the Fractures back inside and freeing their victims. At Clara's insistence, the Doctor allowed the alternate Paul to join his family in their universe, knowing the Fractures were entirely out for him now. (COMIC: The Fractures)

The Doctor and Clara travelled to the Sands Hotel in 1964 Las Vegas after the Doctor found some tickets to see Frankie Seneca in a drawer. After proving to be a surprisingly good gambler, he caught the attention of Johnny Dragotta, who accused him of cheating. However, they were distracted when Mikey Nero, who was thought to have been killed, arrived, demanding control of the hotel. The Doctor unmasked Mikey as a disguised agent of the Cybock Imperium, who began attacking the hotel. While trying to immobilise it, the Doctor was grabbed and throttled by the Imperium, but was saved by Sonny Lawson.

The Doctor and Sonny discovered the Imperium's ships, and rescued Clara from their captivity. Clara gave the Doctor a Time Gun of Rassilon, which had been in the alien's possession. As the Imperiums attacked the hotel, the Doctor intervened and offered the aliens a game of Russian roulette with the gun. Although they agreed, the Doctor knew the gun would not work on a Time Lord, and it would self-destruct if one attempted to use it on a Time Lord. When the aliens' leader, Kronos, attempted to shoot the Doctor with the gun, it accordingly wiped away his timeline, and the other Cybocks with him. The Doctor, Clara and Sonny then finally went to see Seneca perform. (COMIC: Gangland)

After preventing the Lady of Neverness from breaching reality through the hundreds of photos being taken at the San Diego Comic-Con, (COMIC: Selfie) the Doctor and Clara attempted to go to Margate but ended up landing in 1845 Derbyshire, where they encountered a woman called Charlotte. They helped her to her lodge, the North Lees Hall. There, the Doctor accepted an offer from Lord Malborough to stay at the house upon learning of a mysterious "dreaming sickness". That night, the Doctor was attacked by a possessed servant, which he suspected to be linked to the sickness. The following day, during Malborough's preparations for a house party, the Doctor and Charlotte discovered a salvaged space vessel in a barn, the Doctor deducing that there was an alien influence to the sickness. They crashed the party to find Clara and the guests being attacked by a possessed Malborough with insects. Escaping the possessed guests, the Doctor and Charlotte discovered the source of the possessions was an Aranox, taking everyone's psychic energy. The Aranox refused to take mercy and attacked the Doctor and Charlotte with insects. However, Malborough was freed from his possession and attacked the Aranox with a lantern, setting it on fire and breaking the psychic control. As the house burned down, everyone escaped, but the Doctor felt guilty for the Aranox as it had been the last of its kind. As Charlotte left for a village with Malborough, she revealed her full name was Charlotte Brontë. Clara was humoured to learn that the Doctor and the events of the story had been the inspiration for Jane Eyre, and suggested to him they go get some fish and chips. (COMIC: Unearthly Things)

Multi-Doctor Event

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Infomation about the specific details the companions told the Doctors about the original timeless needs to be added

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After visiting an uninhabited world that lacked developed in any way, Clara asked the Doctor about Marinus, but he did not remember the planet. That night, as the Doctor slept, Clara used the Telepathic circuits to travel to Paris, France in 1923 so she could convince two of the Doctor's previous companions, Alice Obiefune and Gabby Gonzalez, to help avoid the event. The Doctor woke up to find the TARDIS in 1923 Paris, to find Clara missing from the TARDIS.

Looking for Clara in a café, the Doctor ran into his two previous incarnations, who were also heading to meet their respective companions. When the three Doctors barged into the café to confront each other, Clara, Alice Obiefune and Gabby Gonzalez explained what an alternative Gabby from a bad future had said and the six attempted to plan a way to avoid the original timeline. Realising that the picture still existed of the three Doctors arguing, they decided that going to Marinus was still part of the new timeline, and the three left Paris calmly, avoiding the Blinovitch Limitation Effect that summoned the Reapers and destroyed the café.

On Marinus, the Doctors posed for the picture and purposefully fell into the continuity bomb, where they chose the timeline where the Eleventh Doctor had stayed in the reality where all time occurred at once, as Marinus still existed in that timeline. There, they discovered the crashed Dalek ship which was where the Voord had stolen the technology to create their pocket universe. The Twelfth Doctor convinced the Voord that he was his alternate self, and joined with their hive mind. There, as he distracted all of the Voord subjects, he encountered his alternate self, and the two fought within the mindscape.

Realising that his alternate self was too powerful to take on, he brought his other selves and their companions into the hive mind. They distracted the alternate Doctor as the Eleventh and Tenth Doctors broke down the Voord city's shields and connected the reprogrammed Dalek weapon to the city's dimensional shielding. The three gave the alternate Doctor, now trapped within the have mind, the option to either let his city fry or use the technology in the city to revert the Voord to their pre-Time War state. Convinced by Clara, the alternate Doctor agreed to the latter, even if it meant that he and the timeline he created would cease to exist.

Seeing the new Marinus, populated by large cities and primitive Voord, the six returned to Paris, and considered eating at the café, until they saw the Ninth Doctor and Rose Tyler seated inside, with the Twelfth Doctor saying that the Ninth Doctor had been left out of the plot due to there being no timeline that even the continuity bomb could find where he was anything but "fantastic."

The groups departed, the Doctors noting that they would all forget the events of the adventure, although their companions would not. The Twelfth Doctor questioned his previous selves decision not to wipe their companion's memories, but noted to Clara that he would also never do such a thing to her. Despite this, he noted that both of them would likely slowly forget the event, as they had learned something about their own futures. As Clara asked if he ever wanted to become his previous selves again, the Doctor noted that staying in the past was not for them, and that they had to move into the future. (COMIC: Four Doctors)

Fallout with Clara

At Clara's urging, the Doctor took her and Courtney to the Moon in 2049, so that Courtney could be the first girl on the Moon to bolster her confidence. Landing instead in a recycled space shuttle heading for the moon, the Doctor was informed by Captain Lundvik that the moon had inexplicably gained mass, and that she and her crew were going to use nuclear bombs to dispose of the additional mass.

Investigating a disused mining base from a previous mission, the Doctor, his companions and the astronauts found corpses preserved in webs and research that suggested that the moon was disintegrating. Soon after, the group was attacked by a spider creature, which Courtney killed with washing up equipment, but not before Lundvik's crew were killed.

Taking a scared Courtney back to the TARDIS, the Doctor voiced his uncertainty of the Moon's fate to Clara, calling it a "grey area" in time. Exploring the moon's surface for the reason behind the deterioration, the Doctor, Clara and Lundvik discovered a horde of spider germs beneath the Moon's surface, as well as amniotic fluid, prompting the Doctor to investigate beneath the Moon for answers.

The Doctor refuses to help humanity make a critical decision when time is in flux. (TV: Kill the Moon)

Scanning the Moon's core, the Doctor discovered that the Moon was, in fact, an egg for an ancient creature that was hatching. Reuniting with Clara and Lundvik after the shuttle and the TARDIS fell into a canyon, the Doctor informed them of his discovery after establishing contact with Courtney's phone. While Clara and Lundvik argued about killing the creature for the sake of the Earth, the Doctor had Courtney bring the TARDIS to him via DVD, deciding that it was not his place to decide the Moon's future, and left in his TARDIS for Clara, Lundvik and Courtney to decide on behalf of humankind.

After Clara chose to spare the creature, despite humanity voting for its death, the Doctor returned for the three women, taking them to a beach on Earth to see the creature hatch and the Moon harmlessly disintegrate in Earth's atmosphere. Confirming that the sight of the moon hatching kick started the humans pioneering into space, and seeing the creature hatch a new egg with same mass as the old Moon, the Doctor returned Courtney and Clara to Coal Hill School.

The Doctor looks on in stunned silence after Clara storms out of the TARDIS in disgust at his actions. (TV: Kill the Moon)

However, Clara, angered by the position the Doctor had put her in, asked the Doctor if he had known the egg was harmless, which the Doctor confirmed as true. Tired of the Doctor's apathy, Clara argued with the Doctor about how he had almost caused her to kill an unborn creature. He defended that he was helping the human race by not playing a part in this choice. However, Clara had been deeply hurt by the Doctor's constantly patronising attitude toward humanity, and now that he had demonstrated it with her, Clara felt reduced to the likes of an idiot in the Doctor's eyes. With tears rolling down her face, she told him to leave and not return for her. The Doctor was left stunned by her reaction and immediately took off. (TV: Kill the Moon)

Time alone

This section's awfully stubby.

Info from Buyer's Remorse needs to be added

Spending some time away from Clara, the Doctor joined a crew of six travellers, including a young Geoffrey Chaucer, on a journey to the church at Santiago de Compostela to avoid the plague. At the church, one of the travellers gave birth, then the group were attacked by life-feeding aliens disguised as wooden skeletons. However, the aliens recoiled in horror upon seeing the new baby. The Doctor realised the church was actually the aliens' disguised spaceship, and he and the crew escaped as the ship took off and away. The Doctor explained to Chaucer that the baby, representing new life, was enough to frighten away the death-conquering aliens. (PROSE: The Mercy Seats)

Responding to a distress call from Dalek prisoner aboard a Cyber Ship, the Doctor discovered that the Daleks, Cybermen and Sontarans were searching for the Orb of Fates to gain control of a powerful Time Lord weapon called the Starbane. The Doctor joined forces with the Dalek prisoner, who had been altered by the Cybermen and "seen the light" and nicknamed it "Lumpy". Following the Orbs' Artron energy to the Cyber-tombs of Telos, the Doctor restored a minimum of Lumpy's power, not trusting the Dalek to allow full use of its power, and sent him to retrieve the second Orb while he studied the first in the TARDIS.

As Lumpy descended into the depths of Telos, the Doctor discovered that the Orbs were powered by temporal energy; The only way to destroy them was to create a temporal implosion. Leaving Telos for Sontar, the Doctor and Lumpy were trapped in a stasis field by Major Skar, but the Doctor was able to open the field and allow Lumpy to escape undetected while he stayed behind as a diversion. After Lumpy acquired the last Orb and deactivated the stasis field, the Doctor escaped with Lumpy, deciding it best to stay clear of Sontar for a while. They next travelled to the Starbane. However, Lumpy pointed out that it was already occupied by Daleks. When learning Lumpy was not turned to good, Doctor had found a way to access Lumpy's controls remotely and used this ability to destroy the Starbane. (GAME: The Doctor and the Dalek)

On Christmas Eve 2014, the Doctor teamed up with Ceri, an understudy, to fraught an Addos attempt to recreate a Mummers play by genetically altering actors from the Palace Theatre. (PROSE: Behind You)

The Doctor learnt that an invasion fleet of Megrati were planning to attack the planet of Lemaria, a plan he had previously stopped in his first incarnation. The Doctor sent them an invitation to give them some time to talk. While waiting for them to arrive, the Doctor took part in a Freedom Day celebratory play about the original defeat of the Lemaria, playing himself. The Doctor realised his fifth incarnation, Adric, Nyssa and Tegan Jovanka were in the audience before the real Megrati arrived. As his past self and companions watched, the Doctor convinced the Megrati to leave the planet by threatening to destroy their ships. (PROSE: The Constant Doctor)

Clara rejoins

Reuniting with Clara for a farewell trip, the Doctor took her to a space-bound Orient Express. He later confessed to her that he had chosen the destination with an inkling that something exciting would happen after having been lured with phone calls, mysterious summons and free train tickets.

After discovering the death of an elderly passenger, and urging himself to investigate, the Doctor went to the engine room to examine the dead passenger's Excelsior Life Extender, meeting Chief Engineer Perkins in the process, and learned the legend of the Foretold. Seeking advice from Emile Moorhouse, a fellow passenger who was a Professor of Alien Mythology, the Doctor soon discovered a second death had occurred in the kitchen.

Confronting Captain Quell with his theory, but getting ignored, the Doctor joined Perkins and Moorhouse in the engine room to research the deaths. Calling Clara to update her, the Doctor discovered that she and Maisie Pitt were trapped in a storage cart with a sarcophagus. Fearing that Clara was trapped with the Foretold, the Doctor tried to rewire the door open, only to find the sarcophagus empty, and himself under arrest by the Captain for being a stowaway.

However, after witnessing a third death first hand, Quell realised that the Doctor was right and allied with him, just as the Doctor deduced the true nature of the Orient Express; the passengers were all experts and scientists in specific fields of study, gathered there to study the Foretold. With a lab revealed and the hologram passengers disappearing, the train's computer, Gus, gave the scientists the necessary instructions and equipment. Losing Moorhouse to the Foretold, the Doctor and Perkins figured out that the Foretold was targeting the weaker passengers after looking at the medical history of the previous victims, just as Quell was killed by the creature, as he had post-traumatic stress, but not before he gave the Doctor the necessary description to defeat the Foretold.

The Doctor lets the Foretold prey on him, hoping to learn how it can be vanquished. (TV: Mummy on the Orient Express)

Realising that Maisie was next due to her breakdowns, the Doctor told a reluctant Clara to bring Maisie to the lab. Arriving there, the Foretold appeared to Maisie, but the Doctor saved her by implanted a replica of her grief into his head, confusing the Foretold into thinking the Doctor was Maisie. Deducing that the Foretold was an ancient soldier augmented with technology, the Doctor surrendered, and, after a final salute, the ancient soldier crumpled to dust, with only the technology that kept him alive remaining.

With the objective completed, Gus released the air out of the cabin, but the Doctor beamed all the dying passengers into the TARDIS, and tired to hack Gus to find out who had created him, but this trigged a security measure, causing the train to self-destruct. Dropping everyone but Clara and Perkins off at the nearest civilised planet, the Doctor waited for Clara to awaken on a beach before explaining everything.

Back in the TARDIS, the Doctor invited Perkins to travel with him, but Perkins politely declined and he and the Doctor bade each other goodbye. Reflecting on a conversation she had with Maisie, Clara, having forgiven the Doctor, decided to continue travelling with him, telling the Doctor that her leaving was all Danny's idea. (TV: Mummy on the Orient Express)

The Doctor threatens the Umbra. (COMIC: The Eye of Torment)

The Doctor landed on the Pollyanna, the first of the Ninth Era sunships, which had been on an expedition to circumnavigate the Sun. Seeing one of the Umbra come out of the Sun and enter a plasma intake, the Doctor rushed to the plasma lab and carried the injured Professor Alice Dubrovnik to safety. The Umbra, who had been trapped in the chromosphere for millions of years, began swarming the Pollyanna, anchoring the ship to the Sun to try and hijack it and use it as a way of reaching Earth. As the Umbra on board took on more humans as vehicles, the Doctor was ejected out of a plasma intake to attract the Umbra to his regret. He set up the final link to Alice's graviton inverter on the hull of the ship, allowing Alice to briefly boost the inverter and create a secondary gravity envelope, which inverted the gravity and the heat, freezing the Umbra on the ship to death. (COMIC: The Eye of Torment)

Trying to return Clara home, the Doctor instead landed in Bristol when the Boneless began draining power from the TARDIS, drawing it off course and causing the exterior to shrink. Sending Clara to find the cause, the Doctor re-entered the TARDIS to study the shrinking effect, only for the TARDIS to shrink further, trapping him inside. Equipping Clara with his psychic paper and sonic screwdriver, the Doctor used nanotechnology to hack into Clara's optic nerve and establish a visual contact with the outer world. After Clara recruited the aid of a local named Rigsy, pretending to be the Doctor while doing so, the duo discovered that creatures from a two-dimensional universe were killing and dissecting missing locals to understand their three-dimensional bodies.

After discovering that Clara had lied to him about Danny's approval, the Doctor realised that a mural dedicated to local missing people was in fact the missing people, killed and worn by the creatures as camouflage. With Clara leading a gang of surviving community servers, the Doctor theorised that the creatures were trying to communicate, and that the deaths were but a mere misunderstanding. When the theory was proved wrong, the Doctor invented a 2Dis — a device that could reverse the creatures' flattening abilities — as Clara and her gang retreated to an underground tunnel.

Failing to maneouver his shrunken TARDIS from the railway line, the Doctor hears a train approaching. (TV: Flatline)

After Clara accidentally dropped the TARDIS onto a train line, the Doctor activated the TARDIS' siege mode to protect it from an oncoming train. Now unable to even open the doors, which had been removed by the activation of siege mode, and with the life support systems failing as the power drain continued, the Doctor congratulated Clara for being worthy of the title Doctor, unsure if she could hear him or even if she was still alive. Clara and Rigsy were able to trick the creatures into supplying the TARDIS with the necessary power to restore it to full working conditions. Naming his adversaries the Boneless, and declaring himself as "The man that stops the monsters." the Doctor banished them back to their home universe. The Doctor then took the survivors to the surface. (TV: Flatline)

The Doctor is identified by Sontarans. (COMIC: The Instruments of War )

The Doctor tried taking Clara to the frost fair in 1641, but instead, was drawn off course and landed in the Sahara Desert in 1941, where they were captured by Nazis. While requesting business with Field Marshall Rommel, the Doctor learnt from Rommel that Germany's allies, the Tuareg tribesmen, had made new extraterrestrial allies. The Doctor believed it was urgent to see the Tuareg and went with Rommel to meet them. After being taken to the tribe's chieftain, Bhaki, to see these "men from the stars" Bhaki introduced the Doctor and Rommel to the Tuareg's new allies, the Sontarans. The Sontaran commander Kygon Brox, believing the Doctor was looking for the Sontaran world engine weapon, the Warsong, tried interrogating the Doctor with a mind scythe. The Doctor made the link go the other way, and Kygon explained the history of the weapon to the Doctor. He told the Doctor that the Warsong was taken to Earth, and that there was someone seeking the weapon after signals from it began increasing exponentially. The Doctor realised that the "highly decorated" Nazi officer Heinz Bruckner wasn't who he claimed he was, but a Rutan spy and watched from a distance as the Warsong was triggered.

Realising that Bruckner took Clara with him to the Warsong's activation, the Doctor came up with a plan to converge the Allied, Axis and Sontaran forces towards the still-forming Warsong to distract Bruckner while he and Rommel snuck into the Warsong and broke through its defences. The Doctor stopped Bruckner from conducting the milennia-old preset programming of the Warsong by using a Sontaran osmic projector to send Bruckner's trigger mechanism through time. Rommel threw Bruckner into the Warsong, killing him, while the Doctor destroyed the "orchestra" of the Warsong by using his sonic screwdriver to blow it up. Afterwards, he brought Clara to the frost fair. (COMIC: The Instruments of War)

After spending some time on his own, the Doctor landed in London, only to find it and the rest of the world overrun by trees after Maebh Arden, a student of Coal Hill Year 8 Gifted and Talented Group under Clara and Danny's care, looked for the Doctor after hearing about him in what Maebh believed was a thought that came from Clara. With his theories constantly being proven wrong, the Doctor came to the conclusion that the trees' sudden overgrowth was an act of aggression, while also dealing with Clara's students in his TARDIS after Clara and Danny arrived to collect Maebh, only for Maebh to slip away in the commotion, just as the Doctor noticed her homework had predicted the events of that day.

The Doctor evokes the appearance of plant entities with his sonic screwdriver. (TV: In the Forest of the Night)

Following Maebh deeper into the forest, the Doctor discovered that a sentience identifying itself as "the life that prevail[ed]" had caused the overgrowth, in preparation for a devastating solar flare about to hit the Earth. Believing Earth doomed, Clara inquired him to use the TARDIS as a lifeboat, only to inform him that she had said that to get him back to his TARDIS so he could survive the catastrophe alone. Despite some reluctance, Clara eventually convinced him to leave. Immediately afterwards, having discovered upon further reflection that the trees were going to absorb the harmful solar flares by pumping the atmosphere with excess oxygen, "like a massive, highly inflammable air bag", the Doctor returned to Clara and explained his discovery to the Gifted and Talented Group.

When he was informed of a government operation aiming to destroy the trees, the Doctor opened every mobile network on the planet to allow Maebh the opportunity to deliver a speech written by the Gifted and Talented Group to leave the trees alone. With Danny taking the children to their homes, the Doctor and Clara watched the trees that grown around the world harvesting and extinguishing the solar fire in the TARDIS, and then returned to watch the trees disappear on Clara's balcony. (TV: In the Forest of the Night)

The darkest hour

The Doctor rejoined Clara for a trip, where she suggested they go see a volcano. As the Doctor set the TARDIS to go, Clara attempted to put a mood patch on his neck, but the Doctor realised what she was doing and turned it on her. Not realising she was drugged, Clara imagined being at the volcano and throwing all the Doctor's TARDIS keys into lava, to blackmail him to save Danny, who had been killed in a road accident. The Doctor refused, and Clara came out of her dream state after destroying all the TARDIS keys. Despite her betrayal, the Doctor agreed to search for an afterlife to find Danny.

The Doctor and Clara arrived at 3W, which held dead bodies in water tanks. They were greeted by Missy, who identified herself as a greeting droid and kissed the Doctor as part of her greeting routine. They met Dr. Chang, who showed them the use of dark water in the mausoleum. Clara received a call from Danny, who was in the Nethersphere, and the Doctor and Chang left her to take it.

The Doctor is horrified to realise his worst enemy has returned. (TV: Dark Water)

The Doctor and Chang discovered that the water tanks that held the bodies were being drained by Missy, who killed Chang and revealed that all the tanks held Cybermen, who were preparing to invade Earth. Escaping the building, which he discovered St Paul's Cathedral, the Doctor tried to warn away nearby people, but Missy called out his warnings as insanity, and told him it was too late. The Doctor asked for her identity, and, to his shock, Missy revealed she was Missy, (TV: Dark Water) before she and the Doctor were apprehended by UNIT and brought aboard the plane Boat One, where the Doctor was made President of Earth to battle the Cybermen. Missy overpowered UNIT, killed Osgood, and attempted to kill the Doctor by blowing up the plane, but the Doctor survived his fall to Earth by skydiving into the TARDIS. He travelled to a cemetery and reunited with Clara, who was comforting a converted Danny. Missy arrived and, as a "birthday present", gave the Doctor control of all the Cybermen.

The Doctor finally gives his old friend the salute he always wanted. (TV: Death in Heaven)

Missy planned to turn the Doctor into the leader of the new army, intending to prove that the two of them were not that different after all, believing that she had put him in the impossible position of either accepting control of the army and using it to 'save' the universe or letting humanity die and conquer the universe as the Cybermen. However, reflecting on his past, the Doctor realised that he was just a man in a box who travelled around to help where he could, proclaiming that he was not a good man, a bad man, the leader of an army or a President. He then turned command of the army over to Danny, realising that the teacher had held on to his love for Clara even with his emotions deactivated, who led the Cybermen into the clouds where they self-destructed and stopped the rainfall from converting the living. A devastated Missy told the Doctor he could find Gallifrey in its original location with coordinates she provided, but Clara threatened to kill Missy for what she had done, until the Doctor prepared to do it himself. However, a rogue Cyberman disintegrated Missy instead. The Doctor realised it was his old friend the Brigadier — resurrected as a Cyberman — helping him again. The Doctor saluted the Brigadier, fulfilling a life-long wish of his old friend, noting that the Brigadier would never be anywhere else but by his side when Earth and the Doctor faced their darkest hour.

The Doctor and Clara part ways. (TV: Death in Heaven)

The Doctor entered the coordinates Missy gave him into the TARDIS and looked at his location, expecting to find Gallifrey. However, it turned out the coordinates were false and led to nowhere. With his only way to find Gallifrey gone, the Doctor attacked the TARDIS console in a furious rage, before breaking down emotionally. Meeting up with Clara in a café, and believing that she was back with Danny, the Doctor lied to her that he had found Gallifrey so as to allow her to continue with her life. Upon hearing this, Clara told him that she was happy and ready to settle down with, and they both bid farewell and parted ways. (TV: Death in Heaven)

Dreaming of Santa

Some time later, the Doctor was attacked by a dream crab, which put him into a scenario where he was brooding alone in his drifting TARDIS, (TV: Last Christmas) and was snapped out of his funk as when he heard Santa Claus knocking on the TARDIS door, asking the Doctor what he wanted for Christmas. (TV: Death in Heaven)

The Doctor travelled to Clara's home and collected her from her rooftop, where she had also encountered Santa. Urging her to believe in him, they arrived at a North Pole base, which they found was under attack from dream crabs. Santa arrived to help with the problem, but Clara was attacked by a crab and fell into a dream state. As no one could find a way to remove the crab from her face, the Doctor let himself be attacked by one to get her out of her dream before the crab could kill her.

Fleeing a dream world, an ecstatic Doctor gets to pull Santa's sleigh. (TV: Last Christmas)

Entering Clara's dream, the Doctor found she was dreaming of spending Christmas with Danny, and learned that Danny was dead. The Doctor urged her to break out of the dream, after Danny bid her farewell. Waking up in the base, the Doctor came to the realisation that everyone in the base was dreaming, having been attacked by crabs after they arrived. They woke up from the dream and the Doctor and Clara prepared to leave, but Clara reminded the Doctor of Santa having been on her roof, and he realised they were still dreaming from different places and times. The infected personnel in the base began to attack the survivors, however, everyone managed to escape by dreaming Santa was flying them home. The Doctor, Clara and the base scientists flew over London as they each woke up back in their own times.

Waking up where he had been, the Doctor travelled to Clara's home and removed the dream crab attached to her, only to find it had been sixty-two years since he left her and she was now an old woman. Clara filled her in on the years, but the Doctor felt remorseful of leaving her when he did. Santa suddenly appeared and asked the Doctor what he'd do if he had another chance, and the Doctor woke up from his dream, this time for real. He saved the younger Clara from the crab. Spurred on by what could have happened to her, the Doctor invited her to resume her travels with him, and she accepted. They set off together in the TARDIS, the Doctor remarking that he rarely got second chances with his companions, and commenting that he didn't know who to thank for this one. (TV: Last Christmas)

Second chance with Clara

Discovering that a group of aliens were going to turn a planet of anthropomorphic pink hippopotami into stone, the Doctor intercepted the aliens at the early stages of their invasion and led them to ancient Egypt, where they petrified a large cat-like alien, creating the Sphinx and getting crushed in the process. He and Clara then returned to the planet of the anthropomorphic pink hippopotamuses to reverse the petrified effect. (COMIC: Petrified)

The Doctor and Clara turned Captain Ratlett's crew against him and showed them a better life, (COMIC: The Wheelers) were almost consumed by robotic bananas for stealing food from the moon Luna Schlosser, (COMIC: Five a Day) and saved the Cloud City of Mirmi 24 from being eaten by an alien snake. (COMIC: The Very Hungry Snake)

The Doctor attempted to take Clara to Blackpool, but they ended up arriving in 2089, by which point the pleasure beach had become an overgrown jungle. The Doctor befriended and named Meghan, a wounded donkey shot by a man called Triss, who was planning a hunting trip in hover pods powered by the Blackpool Tower. The Doctor shut down the power, ending Triss' hunting plans. The Doctor and Clara had a dance in a ballroom, and then he enjoyed a play in the water with Meghan. (PROSE: All the Empty Towers)

The Doctor tried to throw Clara a surprise birthday party with varying incarnations and forms of herself, but after Clara noted the rules of time preventing one from meeting themselves, he admitted they were just disguised aliens. (COMIC: The Partying of the Ways) They then went to see a silent movie at Cinema Paradoxo, which turned out to star actual Silents, resulting in them forgetting the film. (COMIC: Silver Screenesis)

The Doctor and Clara travelled to a galactic auction in Earth's orbit where unclaimed storage was being bidded on, with the storage pod belonging to Hyphen T Hyphen, a reclusive collector, containing a mother Rigellan Hyper-Kraken, which began killing everyone when the pod was opened. Before the mother Hyper-Kraken's eggs could hatch, the Doctor widened the dimensional shunt's focus on the Hyper-Kraken, her eggs and the storage pods and safely transported them elsewhere. (COMIC: Space Invaders!)

Taking Clara to the Taj Mahal in India for a holiday, the Doctor was chosen to act as a hostage by Stellar Nexus while Nexus tried to get payment for Earth's supposed tax bills. When the Doctor challenged Nexus's claim by pointing out the illogic in his statement, and then insulted him by asking why he had never heard of Nexus's Empire, the Doctor was locked in a cell while an illusion of him was set against a dragon in a gladiator battle. When Clara managed to pilot the TARDIS into the Doctor's cell, the Doctor used his sonic screwdriver to deactivate Nexus's illusions, exposing that Stellar Nexus was a child-sized con artist whose entire Empire was an illusion. Sending the defeated Nexus away, the Doctor decided to treat Clara to a curry. (COMIC: Empire's Fall)

After picking Clara up, the Doctor was challenged to some board games. The Doctor got so frustrated at losing he travelled back in time repeatedly to try beat her. It took him over seventy-four times until he finally won a game. (COMIC: The Board Games)

The Doctor took Clara to see the Lights of Tanzarr, but instead found that the Nameless Mist had entered his dimension and was threatening to devour the cosmos. Originally wanting to flee, the Doctor was convinced by Clara to save the inhabitants of Ferrous-Ferra, and was inspired to recruit Cold Steel to headline the "loudest rock show in history of sound". While Clara triangulated the transmissions to cover the local galaxy, the Doctor used the loud music to thwart off the Nameless Mist. With the day saved, the Doctor returned to the concert to celebrate with crowd surfing. (COMIC: The Big Hush)

After Clara accidentally freed the Djinx from his imprisonment, the Doctor was trapped in his TARDIS by the vengeful entity. Sending Clara instructions on her phone, the Doctor was able to instruct Clara on how to defeat the Djinx and free himself. (COMIC: Doctor in a Bottle)

The Doctor and Clara are attacked by hybrid animal subjects. (COMIC: Blood and Ice)

The Doctor and Clara went on a tour of Snowcap University in Antarctica in 2048. While taking a helicopter ride, they learnt that one of the students, Polly Evans, had stayed behind at the end of term to join the classified Project Sub-Zero. When another student, Quinn Norton, who also a part of Project Sub-Zero, was killed in a helicopter crash the Doctor and Clara narrowly avoided being on along with Polly's father George, they returned to Snowcap U to investigate. With the help of the spy Paul South, the Doctor found an ice cavern where the missing students had been experimented on, engineered by Dr Patricia Audley to survive in extreme cold. To their shock, the Doctor and Clara also met Winnie Clarence, one of Clara's splinters who refused to accept her only purpose was to save him. Paul and Winnie released most of the imprisoned humans from captivity.

The Doctor transmitted a signal with his sonic causing Dr Audley's animals to go wild. After feigning betrayal of the two, Winnie threw the Doctor the key to free the hybrid subjects from their cells, and saved the Doctor's life by pulling Dr Audley into a vat of liquid ice after Audley pulled a gun on him. Dr Audley was killed, but Winnie survived when she unwittingly had a syringe of Dr Audley's experimental blue blood serum injected into her, allowing her to live inside the ice. Clara realised that this meant that not all of the splinters died saving the Doctor, and several of them had lives of their own. (COMIC: Blood and Ice)

Following Clara's request to meet the Greek storyteller Homer, the Doctor found himself drugged by an innkeeper and bound to a post with Homer and Clara to be fed to a bunch of Cyclopes. Before he could be eaten, however, the Doctor managed to convince the Cyclopes to listen to Homer's harp, and the young man's music soothed the hungry Cyclopes to sleep. Using a Sub-conscience reading reality device, the Doctor discovered that the beasts were refugees from a war that had destroyed their world and, after using his device to convert them to a vegetarian diet, the Doctor let Clara convince them to live in peace in the hills. (COMIC: Doctor on the Menu)

The Doctor and Clara visited the liberation of Paris in World War II, where they thwarted a plan by the Darapok Empire to brainwash humanity into destroying itself by destroying their transmitter on the Eiffel Tower, and then frightening them off. (COMIC: Trust)

The Doctor learnt from a friend of his, Hitch, that a sentient superweapon called the Hadax Ura had gone missing. Hitch was putting together a recovery team and needed the Doctor's technical expertise. The Doctor agreed to join the team, dragging Clara away from her class to assist. As the ship carrying the team headed for the planet carrying the weapon, Unnamed BX-4, the Hadax Ura shot the ship down, revealing the weapon's location, but everyone on board was able to escape with jetpacks. Clara was attacked by pterosaurs and dropped into the Jungle.

The Doctor went off on his own to look for Clara, and found Clara with an organic avatar who had taken on the appearance of Danny. The avatar told them that the Hadax Ura had been "devouring" the Jungle, and turning its indigenous life into an army, and asked them either to destroy the weapon, or to take it elsewhere. The Doctor realised that this meant it intended to end the war between the Hub Alliance and the Axis Worlds, and the Hadax Ura began augmenting the crew to become its footsoldiers. Believing it had augmented Clara as well, the Hadax Ura had actually linked the Jungle's computer systems to its own after augmenting the avatar. The avatar appeared to shut down the Hadax Ura and its augmented soldiers, but in fact, the Hadax Ura had tricked Hitch's team to bring it on board the lander as a means of escape for the Hadax Ura. The Doctor took his jet pack to infiltrate the lander, and found the Hadax Ura had taken over Hitch's body. Realising that Hitch's mind had been completely overwritten by the Hadax Ura, the Doctor ejected the Hadax Ura, and Hitch's body, out of the lander's airlock, burning both up on re-entry unprotected. (COMIC: Spirits of the Jungle)

The Hyperions rise again

The Doctor and Clara arrived in 2015 London to find it as a burnt wasteland. Although the Doctor knew they were in 2015, Clara believed they'd gone off-course. Clara wondered into Westminster Abbey as the Doctor investigated the streets. Scanning the streets, he found traces of human DNA amongst the ashes. He was threatened with a gun by a panicked man. Overpowering him with Venusian karate, the Doctor learnt from the man that "the scorched" were rising. The Doctor observed that there was no wind in the air, whereupon the man was attacked by Hyperions. (COMIC: The Hyperion Empire)

Reunion with Benny

This section's awfully stubby.

Info from Big Bang Generation needs to be added

After he and Clara saved India Summer from being kidnapped by the Skinks, (COMIC: Hyperballad) the Doctor reunited with Bernice Summerfield to examine the Ancients of the Universe's pyramid in Sydney, Austria. (PROSE: Big Bang Generation)

Hiding from Davros

While looking for a bookshop, the Doctor found himself on a battlefield during the Thousand Year War on Skaro, and encountered a young boy trapped in a field of Handmines, and, during the rescue attempt, learned that the boy was Davros. When he "should have been brave enough, [and] strong enough to do something better", the Doctor fled the battlefield, unwilling to save or kill the boy who would create the Daleks. Afterwards, an older Davros, having become "very sick", asked to see the Doctor "while there [was] still time". (TV: The Doctor's Meditation, The Magician's Apprentice)

The Doctor entrusts Ohila with something. (WC: Prologue)

While Colony Sarff searched for him, the Doctor went to the planet Karn, and met with Ohila and the Sisterhood of Karn. After hiding from Colony Sarff behind a rock, (TV: The Magician's Apprentice) the Doctor was told by Ohila that he owed "that creature" nothing by partaking in a confrontation, warning him his actions would spell his end. Giving Ohila his confession dial before departing, the Doctor proclaimed that he would find a rock to meditate on in preparation for his possible destruction. (WC: Prologue)

The Doctor and company prepare to dig a well. (TV: The Doctor's Meditation)

Travelling to Essex in 1138 A.D., (TV: The Magician's Apprentice) the Doctor gained a servant in Bors when he removed a splinter from Bors. After three hours of meditation in a castle, the Doctor decided he needed better drinking water, and gathered the locals to dig a well. After eleven days of finding a supply of water and another day to construct the well, the Doctor, rather than resume his meditation, decided to make improvements to the castle, (TV: The Doctor's Meditation) such as building a first-class, child-friendly visitor centre, teaching the locals mathematics and introducing the word "Dude" to the 12th century. (TV: The Magician's Apprentice)

Five days afterwards, the Doctor, while practising sleight-of-hand magic, had a conversation with Bors about him avoiding his meditation. Four days after that, the Doctor finally decided to begin mediating again before leaving the next day, and also divulged to Bors the reasons he had for being reclusive. (TV: The Doctor's Meditation)

For his last day at the castle, the Doctor decided to have a axe fight with Bors, and arrived on a tank playing an electric guitar. While trying to get the crowd to understand his jokes, he realised Clara and Missy had tracked him to the castle, whereupon Colony Sarff appeared and demanded the Doctor attend to Davros. The Doctor reluctantly agreed to go as a prisoner, with Clara and Missy insisting they come too.

Sarff brought the trio to Davros' hospital on Skaro, where he was dying. While Clara and Missy were left in a cell block, the Doctor went to see Davros. Davros revealed to the Doctor that he had come to remember his childhood encounter and the Doctor's refusal to save him. On a monitor, the Doctor saw that Clara and Missy had escaped the cell on Skaro and ended up captured by Daleks, which had also taken the TARDIS. Missy was seemingly exterminated as she tried to convince the Daleks to work with her. The Doctor begged Davros to spare Clara, but Davros denied having control of the Daleks. The Doctor was forced to watch as Clara was seemingly exterminated and the TARDIS was seemingly destroyed.

Davros mocked the Doctor for his compassion towards others resulting in his victory against him. (TV: The Magician's Apprentice) Wielding a Dalek gunstick, he demanded Davros leave his chair and got in it himself. He headed to area of the city Davros had shown him the Daleks were present in, and mocked them for being unable to shoot him when they tried. He demanded to know what happened to Clara and threatened their lives, daring them to answer him. Unbeknownst to him, Colony Sarff was also in the chair, and was restrained and brought back to the infirmary. At the infirmary, he had spoke with Davros about the power of Daleks, and was almost tempted by Davros' offer to allow him to control the Daleks' future. Davros, tearful, pleaded with the doctor to show him some understanding. The Doctor gave him his last wish: to see the sunlight with his true eyes, he proceeded to give Davros a bit of regenerative energy, but was seized by Colony Sarff and drained to regenerate all the Daleks on Skaro.

He was saved by Missy and revealed to Davros that he had guessed his plan all along: he had tricked Davros. As the Dalek graveyards began to open and release vengeful, decomposing Dalek remnants, the Doctor fled the Dalek city, and came across Missy and a Dalek. Missy claimed that the Dalek had killed Clara. He demanded it tell him if this was true, but the Dalek, really Clara inside a Dalek shell, could not make any intelligible response. The Doctor, suspicious, demanded it open its shell. It opened up, and revealed Clara inside. The Doctor, disgusted, told Missy to flee. They then entered the room housing the Supreme Dalek, and the Doctor used his sonic sunglasses to rematerialise the dispersed TARDIS and flee. As he and Clara watched the Dalek City crumble, the Doctor realised that he could be the reason that Clara had been able to say mercy whilst inside the Dalek shell, a word he had never realised was in the Dalek vocabulary. Armed with the Dalek gun, the Doctor returned to the misty battlefield as the boy Davros cried for help, and saved him by firing on the Handmines, before helping lead Davros back home. (TV: The Witch's Familiar)

Ordeal on the Planet Karaoke

The Doctor dropped Clara off on the planet Karaoke while he stayed inside to do repairs on the TARDIS. When asked if he had any musical interest, the Doctor recalled the time that his first four incarnations had attempted to form a band. It had fallen apart due to creative differences. Clara, bemused by this thought, exited the ship onto the planet before the Doctor could warn her that he would be momentarily shutting the TARDIS down, leaving the translation circuits off. (COMIC: Day of the Tune) As Clara did not hear his warning, she began singing on the stage, where the TARDIS translation began to fail as she could no longer read the lyrics on screen. No longer able to read the words at hand, Clara began to mumble gibberish. By coincidence, part of what she mumbled was offensive in Karaeokean, and she and the Doctor were locked in jail on the planet. (COMIC: The Meddling of Clara's Song)

The Doctor and Clara are horrified to see the next consistents. (COMIC: The Abominable Showmen)

The two were given a chance of survival by forced entry into The Battle of the Bands Beyond the Stars, a musical competition. If their performance was deemed poor, they would be killed. As the two nervously prepared for this competition, they were passed by a band formed of what appeared to be Headless Monks. However, these robed figures soon removed their hoods, revealing themselves to be various incarnations of the Master -- including their lead singer, Missy. (COMIC: The Abominable Showmen)

Missy begs the Doctor to ask about her plans. (COMIC: The Five Masters)

Missy approached the Doctor, expecting him to begin asking about her plans and trying to stop her. The Doctor, seemingly uninterested, refused to intervene or ask questions of their scheme. After much prying from Missy, the Doctor correctly predicted that Missy planned to use hypnosis to take over the minds of the viewers watching the program. As Missy and the Masters prepared to do their performance, the Doctor chose not to intervene, much to the dismay of Clara. Instead, the pair watched as the five Masters began to fight over Missy's device, each wanting to control the universe without the others. The five were soon disqualified after the failed to do their performance. The Doctor noted that he knew it was impossible for the many egos of the Master to work together as a team, in the same way that it had not worked out when he had tried it himself. The pair prepared for their performance, the Doctor confident that he could pull it off. (COMIC: The Five Masters)

Undated events

The Doctor helps save Gallifrey. (TV: The Day of the Doctor)

Alternate timeline

Multi-Doctor Event

This section's awfully stubby.

Info from Open Mic Night needs to be added

The Tenth and Twelfth Doctors argue. (COMIC: Four Doctors)

In the version of time where the alternate Gabby Gonzalez hailed from, the Tenth Doctor refused to consider the Twelfth Doctor as a possible incarnation of himself, as he knew that he had only one regeneration left, and that the Eleventh Doctor was his successor. Although the Eleventh Doctor tried to break it up, the Tenth and Twelfth Doctors argued until they brushed fingers, causing a spark of the Blinovitch Limitation Effect. All three Doctors realised they had caused a paradox at a fixed point in time, resulting in the appearance of Reapers.

The three Doctors in the TARDIS. (COMIC: Four Doctors)

While the Reapers chased the Eleventh Doctor, the two Doctors, Clara, Alice and Gabby ran back to the Twelfth Doctor's TARDIS, only to find the Reapers' presence had turned it into an empty shell. As the Eleventh Doctor returned, the three Doctors touched to send a narrow focus beam, docking their TARDISes together and restoring its exteriors. As the Reapers continued their pursuit, the group made their way to the Tenth Doctor's control room where the Twelfth Doctor set it to dematerialize, thus forcing the Reapers out. Although this worked, the Twelfth Doctor was worried about how his other selves would perceive his actions. Clara encouraged him to have some "me time" and to work things out.

Back in Paris, Clara showed the Doctors a photo which was in the circumstances of a catastrophic event she had discovered on the inhabited planet; the photo was of them together on Marinus. Unable to contain their curiosity, everyone traveled to Marinus to find out what would happen. There, they were attacked by a mysterious beam. The Doctors conversed over what had happened, as they began bickering again and the photo was taken.

The Doctor encounters an alternate version of himself. (COMIC: Four Doctors)

Forced to split up in a maze by their attackers, the Voord, the Twelfth Doctor ended up running with Gabby, who criticized his views on others while the Doctor considered his current self to be more "wholemeal". Everyone ended up near a continuity bomb that exploded, creating three separate alternative timelines and trapping them in a loop. These alternative timelines included one where the Tenth Doctor allowed Wilfred Mott to die in the radiation chamber, one where the Eleventh Doctor allowed River Song to spare him on 22 April 2011 and finally one where the Twelfth Doctor would become an untrusting recluse inside the TARDIS after a betrayal Clara had committed against him. In order to escape from the loop, the Doctors committed to the last alternative timeline, assuming it to be the least dangerous of the three, so the Twelfth Doctor touched his alternate self to make them solid. The alternative Twelfth Doctor was surprised to see Clara again, but recognized everyone else and agreed to give everyone a lift. They materialized in a small pocket universe and were approached by the Voord, who offered the alternative Twelfth Doctor a capsule. All of them were horrified to see the alternative Doctor merge with the suit, revealing that he planned all of this from the start and that he was the leader of the Voord.

The alternative Twelfth Doctor revealed that, after Clara's betrayal, he found companionship and healing in the Voord city, which had been placed in the pocket dimension in the event of the undoing of their evolution. Upon learning there was a timeline in which he did not find his happiness with the Voord, he had arranged the meeting of the Doctors to ensure his timeline would be whole. He planned to erase the Gabby, Alice and their Doctors' memories of the event, but implant mental commands in the Twelfth Doctor and Clara's minds to ensure they would fall out in the betrayal, allowing the Twelfth Doctor to become his alternate self. As they were being led to have their memories altered, the Tenth and Eleventh Doctors staged a distraction, allowing Gabby and Alice to escape. The Doctors and Clara were then taken to the Conscience, where the alternative Twelfth Doctor began to alter their memories. As this occurred, Alice was killed by the Voord guards and Gabby began to frantically open the Eleventh Doctor's comics for a hope that they were more than he had said. Much to her horror, inside the bundle was a Weeping Angel, which grew to full size and attacked her.

The Weeping Angel sent her back in her own personal timeline to the Café before the three Doctors arrived to greet their companions. Gabby warned the companions of what would occur if things went they way they had before, before fading from existence. (COMIC: Four Doctors)

Psychological profile


Unfazed by Gus's threats, the Doctor ponders the Foretold's modus operandi. (TV: Mummy on the Orient Express)

A cynical man armed with a dry, acerbic wit, a brutal honesty and enough internalised anger to overpower Empath, the Twelfth Doctor was a radical change from his predecessor, adopting a less caring attitude and more hostile nature, (TV: Into the Dalek, Robot of Sherwood, Listen, The Caretaker, Dark Water; PROSE: Silhouette) though he believed he gave people the benefit of the doubt. (PROSE: The Blood Cell) He was perfectly comfortable with placing his companions in danger if it meant appeasing his curiosity, often leaving them out of the details in his plans, or using them to distract attention away from himself. (TV: Deep Breath, The Caretaker, Kill the Moon, Mummy on the Orient Express) However, if he believed the situation was too dangerous for them, the Doctor would either recruit necessary assistance (PROSE: The Crawling Terror) or send his companions to the safety of the TARDIS while staring down the threat alone. (TV: Listen)

The Doctor preferred to be in the moment, where "everything is huge, everything is so important, every detail, every moment, every life clung to [the moment]." He claimed to the Half-Face Man that the people of Earth "[were] never small to [him]," and, unlike his tenth incarnation, he didn't think he deserved a reward or a "promised land" because he had "already [gone] a very long way [to protect the people.]" (TV: Deep Breath)

He "[found] it best to keep an open mind, unclouded by the opinions of others," favoured the direct approach when he encountered an obstacle, and believed it was always best to assume and plan for the worst case scenario. (PROSE: Silhouette) He also viewed pain as a gift, telling a Cyber-converted Danny Pink that "without the capacity for pain, [you] can't feel the hurt [you] inflict, (TV: Death in Heaven) and believed that "a bit of shame never hurt anyone." (TV: The Witch's Familiar)

Despite coming across as uncaring, with a complete disregard for social niceties, he would fight to protect those in his care, and he would react with devastation if harm befell them. Such was his reaction to the death of a female Tyrannosaurus rex that had been inadvertently dragged through time by the TARDIS, (TV: Deep Breath) and to the death of Guardian Gillian Donaldson. (PROSE: The Blood Cell) He would also regret the deaths of good people, especially if the survivors displayed an unpleasant attitude. (TV: Flatline)

However, for the most part, the Doctor was detached and occasionally callous, reacting with indifference towards grieving individuals, (TV: Into the Dalek, Kill the Moon, Dark Water) leaving murdered bodies he found undisturbed to avoid either awkward questions or the cause of the killing, (PROSE: Silhouette, The Crawling Terror) and often neglected to ask for people's names because they "[were] not [his] area." (TV: Deep Breath, In the Forest of the Night)

The Doctor also showed a strong compassionate streak, running into a burning library to save Lafcardio from being ejecting into space, (PROSE: The Blood Cell) letting Courtney Woods return to the TARDIS without argument when she started getting scared, (TV: Kill the Moon) putting himself in harm's way to save Maisie Pitt from the Foretold, (TV: Mummy on the Orient Express) and assisting Clara in finding Danny in the afterlife, even after she had attempted to blackmail him. (TV: Dark Water) He would also try to avoid harming those who were not in control of their actions, as well as defend them from their captors or those who would cause them further harm. (PROSE: Silhouette, The Crawling Terror)

The Doctor compares himself to his predecessor. (COMIC: Terrorformer)

While he described himself as having had "sophistication and timeless sartorial elegance" restored, (COMIC: Terrorformer) the Doctor was not above acting childish; requesting a children's menu at Mancini's Family Restaurant, (TV: Deep Breath) wriggling his toes to make the pigs on his socks dance, (PROSE: The Blood Cell) sliding down stairs and ladders, (COMIC: The Monsters of Coal Hill School; TV: Death in Heaven) whistling "Another Brick in the Wall" to annoy Clara, (TV: The Caretaker) doing a victory dance after moving the TARDIS off a train line, (TV: Flatline) ecstatically steering Santa Claus's sleigh, (TV: Last Christmas) looking for ways to avoid concentrating on something he did not want to dwell on, (TV: The Doctor's Meditation) and bickering with the likes of Robin Hood and Father Christmas. (TV: Robot of Sherwood, Last Christmas) Kevin Alperton noted that, while the Doctor looked old, he had an energy to him that made him seem younger and different. (PROSE: The Crawling Terror)

The Doctor's more wistful side manifests as he turns down Journey Blue. (TV: Into the Dalek)

Even though he identified himself as a pacifist, (COMIC: Terrorformer) and believed necessary evils to be a last resort, (COMIC: The Fractures) the Twelfth Doctor showed even less restraint than his predecessor, and would get frank and physical with his enemies. (TV: Deep Breath) However, behind his cold exterior, he was extremely self-reflective, to the point where he even questioned whether he was a good man. (TV: Deep Breath, Into the Dalek, Flatline) Clara also felt that "there were several layers to the Doctor's emotions." (PROSE: Silhouette) The Doctor himself was well aware of the fact that he often found himself in situations that forced him to make terrible decisions, (PROSE: The Blood Cell; TV: Mummy on the Orient Express) and believed he was "overbearing, manipulative and consciously aware of his own intelligence." (TV: Time Heist) Eventually, he came to the conclusion that he was neither a good nor bad man, but rather just "an idiot, with a box and a screwdriver. Just passing through, helping out, learning," (TV: Death in Heaven) and later added that he was "just a bloke in a box, telling stories." (TV: The Witch's Familiar)

Though he retained a respect for humanity, the Doctor would degrade humans as being close-minded and violent, dubbing Earth the "planet of the pudding-brains." (TV: Deep Breath, The Caretaker, Kill the Moon, In the Forest of the Night) Nonetheless, he tolerated the company of those who could engage him intellectually, (TV: Mummy on the Orient Express, Death in Heaven) unless they got on his bad side first, (COMIC: The Fractures) and claimed to respect humanity enough to allow it to determine its own future without any interference from him. (TV: Kill the Moon) As with his previous incarnation, the Twelfth Doctor also liked people who got straight to the point, and thought that someone who wasn't scared in a life-threatening situation was an idiot. (TV: Last Christmas)

Though he did not know the reason, believing it to simply be his old age, (PROSE: The Blood Cell) the Doctor expressed a strong dislike for soldiers (TV: Into the Dalek, The Caretaker) and was "decidedly prickly in his dealing with anything remotely military," (PROSE: The Crawling Terror) though claimed his disdain was flexible in a crisis. (PROSE: The Blood Cell) He also showed sympathy towards Captain Quell and the Foretold, (TV: Mummy on the Orient Express) and still retained a respect for the Brigadier. (TV: Death in Heaven) He was also easily annoyed by swashbucklers who did not take things seriously. (TV: Robot of Sherwood)

He also claimed to dislike liver, karaoke, mime, babysitters, bantering, salutes, (TV: Deep Breath, Into the Dalek, Robot of Sherwood, Death in Heaven) Candy Crush, pantomime, (PROSE: The Blood Cell, Behind You) outside interference, money, being taken prisoner and cyclopses, (COMIC: Terrorformer, Doctor on the Menu) He also disliked being wrong in public, (TV: Deep Breath) missing the obvious, (PROSE: Silhouette; TV: Last Christmas) and not knowing about something. (TV: Time Heist) He also told Ohila that, while he trusted her, he didn't necessary like her. (WC: Prologue)

He did, however, like babies and bicycles, which reminded him of Call the Midwife, as well as stars, candy floss, (PROSE: The Blood Cell, All the Empty Towers) "a show-stopping entrance", (COMIC: Terrorformer) and a "good locked-room mystery." (TV: Flatline) The Doctor had a liking for books, particular ones about Garfield, and reacted with anger towards those he believed burned books. He also believed that women who liked books to be the best kind. (PROSE: The Blood Cell)

While he disliked guns, he noted that it was foolish to disregard them when they were useful, (PROSE: The Crawling Terror) and was willing to utilise one himself when he was ticked off enough. (TV: The Witch's Familiar)

The Doctor decides hugging isn't for him. (TV: Deep Breath)

Unlike his immediate predecessor, the twelfth incarnation was not an affectionate individual, failing to return Clara's hugs, or protesting against them, believing they were just another way to hide one's face, (TV: Deep Breath, Listen, Death in Heaven) but claimed them a good way to smell someone's hair. (PROSE: The Blood Cell) He also expressed a dislike of holding hands with others, but made an exception with Clara and Shona McCullough. (TV: Last Christmas) However, he hugged Clara to comfort her after she was almost shot, (PROSE: The Blood Cell) and again when they parted ways. (TV: Death in Heaven) Overtime, the Doctor gave in to Clara's attempts to hug him, (TV: Last Christmas) and even started hugging her on the odd occasion. (TV: The Magician's Apprentice)

Uncomfortable with kissing, he was momentarily dumbfounded when Maid Marian pecked him on the cheek in gratitude for saving her, (TV: Robot of Sherwood) and reacted with horror after he was snogged by Missy. (TV: Dark Water) However, he pecked Missy on the lips in gratitude for forcing him into self-reflection, (TV: Death in Heaven) kissed Clara's forehead while complimenting her brilliance in a moment of excitement, (COMIC: The Big Hush) and also gave Meghan, a donkey he had befriended, a kiss on the head when he thought no one was looking. (PROSE: All the Empty Towers)

The Doctor's piercing glare. (TV: Deep Breath)

Though he initially stated that murder was against his "programming", the Doctor showed a willingness to kill the Half-Face Man if he had to, though with some reluctance, first offering him a drink of alcohol and trying to persuade the clockwork droid to self-destruct of his own free will before engaging in fisticuffs. (TV: Deep Breath) He also stated that, despite how much he hated him, he had no intention of killing the Architect, (TV: Time Heist) but was willing to kill Missy to spare Clara from doing it, (TV: Death in Heaven) and wanted to kill a dream crab to save Clara from slowly being devoured by it. (TV: Last Christmas) He also released the Judge on a group of Guardians in an elaborate bid to gain their trust, resulting in the death of Chandress, (PROSE: The Blood Cell) and orchestrated the deaths of two Kaliratha that were keeping him prisoner by taking them to a point in time prior to their bodies being discovered. (COMIC: The Swords of Kali)

Unlike his immediate predecessor, the Twelfth Doctor was unwilling to alter the Web of Time, believing it was okay to send people to their deaths if history recorded them as deceased, (PROSE: The Crawling Terror; COMIC: The Swords of Kali) and also refused Clara's request to save Danny Pink from being hit by a car due to it being a part of her timeline, and undoing it would cause a paradox. (TV: Dark Water)

Much like his seventh and war incarnations, the Twelfth Doctor was heavily inclined to err toward a greater good and was willing to allow a few inevitable deaths if it meant saving the majority. Through this attitude, he acted like a pragmatist that would not hesitate to abandon someone whose fate was already sealed, nor mourn for an ally until his objective had been reached. (TV: Into the Dalek, Time Heist, Kill the Moon, Mummy on the Orient Express) However, the Doctor was still willing to save people if their deaths were not an immediate inevitability, desperately yelling for people to flee from St. Paul's Cathedral when the Cybermen began their invasion, (TV: Dark Water) and attempting to save Albert Smithe from the Dream crabs. (TV: Last Christmas)

Also like his previous incarnations, he relied on his companions to keep him from succumbing to his darker nature, but, unlike his predecessors, the Twelfth Doctor actively praised them for it, even claiming that Clara Oswald needed a "raise" for dealing with him. (TV: Into the Dalek) He also enjoyed it when they asked him obvious questions, claiming that it helped him think, (PROSE: The Blood Cell) and identified them as his "social interface with the human race", (COMIC: The Fractures) and the main reason he didn't need an army. (TV: Death in Heaven)

In stark contrast to his previous incarnations, the Twelfth Doctor was more willingly to leave a situation if he believed he had nothing to contribute; abandoning Jason Clearfield when he could not offer medical assistance, (PROSE: The Crawling Terror) abandoning soldiers dying of diseases after solving the mystery of the source, (PROSE: Silver Mosquitos) leaving Clara, Courtney Woods and Captain Lundvik to decide the fate of the Moon when he felt it wasn't his place to decide for them, (TV: Kill the Moon) and leaving the North Pole base immediately after defeating the Dream crabs, despite Clara claiming the team was still in danger. (TV: Last Christmas) The Doctor justified his attitude by pointing out the dangers of everyday life, claiming that "[everything is] dangerous if you want it to be", and once pointing out to Clara that he was not humanity's mother. (TV: Kill the Moon, Last Christmas)

By his own testament, the Twelfth Doctor did not suffer fools gladly, (PROSE: The Blood Cell) nor did he tolerate poor manners, even when held at gunpoint, and he believed that one should make requests politely, as well as avoid bad language. (TV: Into the Dalek, Kill the Moon) He also felt invasions of Earth were justified after hearing about the horror film "Alien", (TV: Last Christmas) and expressed the opinion that an enemy was "just a friend you didn't really know yet." (WC: Prologue)

Despite his grumpy nature, the Doctor got along well with children, giving a big tip to a little girl selling matches, (PROSE: Silhouette) giving Rupert Pink an enthusiastic pep talk about fear being a super power, (TV: Listen) and comparing the TARDIS' dimensions to the sugar in a coke bottle for Maebh Arden, while also telling her that her theory of everyone knowing everything but her was "not quite true". (TV: In the Forest of the Night) After realising he had hurt Courtney Woods's feelings, he decided to take her and Clara to the Moon, so that Courtney could be the first girl on the Moon, to help her feel special. (TV: Kill the Moon) He also did not look down at children, and treated their thoughts and suggestions as seriously as he did with grown-ups' ideas and opinions. (TV: Listen, In the Forest of the Night)

An absent minded incarnation, the Twelfth Doctor failed to notice when someone was asking him if they looked attractive, (TV: Into the Dalek, Time Heist) would go off to a location without asking for directions, (PROSE: Silhouette) had trouble recognising people's age group, (TV: Into the Dalek, The Caretaker, Kill the Moon, Last Christmas) believed that minor clothing changes hid his identity, (TV: The Caretaker) and could not grasp the concept of an English lesson. (COMIC: The Fractures)

He would also make contradictory statements, such as telling Courtney Woods that she "wasn't special", (TV: Kill the Moon) despite previously telling the Half-Face Man that humanity "never [seemed] small to [him]". (TV: Deep Breath) He also claimed that Clara would hate the "smelly, dirty and dangerous" Arthurian era, but would love the Victorian era for the same reasons. (PROSE: Silhouette)

The Twelfth Doctor believed that education came quicker in life threating situations, and claimed that begging "wasn't [his] style", (COMIC: Terrorformer) unless his friends were threatened, (COMIC: Spirits of the Jungle; TV: The Magician's Apprentice) or he was at a particularly dangerous risk of harm. (TV: The Witch's Familiar) He also didn't care about sexuality, instead being bothered by people hating each other, and didn't approve of revenge. (COMIC: The Swords of Kali)

He had a more celibate nature than his predecessor; dismissing Clara's comments on Silhouette's attractiveness, (PROSE: Silhouette) and not understanding Dr. Chang's suggestion about the application of dark water in public swimming pools. (TV: Dark Water) Despite this, he called a female Tyrannosaurus rex a "big sexy woman" while in a post-regenerative state, (TV: Deep Breath) and considered Fiona Bellows "sexy", partially because of her Scottish accent. (TV: Last Christmas)

He claimed that taking charge was his "superpower," (TV: Time Heist) and listed "investigating", "playing with time" and "resistance" among his specialties, (COMIC: Terrorformer, The Swords of Kali, The Fractures) with Clara adding "interfering and infuriating" to the list. (COMIC: Terrorformer)

After redecorating his console room, the Doctor designed it with a more lived-in state, filling it with bookshelves, chairs, and workbenches, (TV: Deep Breath, The Caretaker) and even once having a meal in it with guests. (TV: Time Heist) He once told Clara that the TARDIS was his house. (TV: Flatline)

The Twelfth Doctor's hatred toward the Dalek species was rigid, with Clara describing it as "prejudice". (TV: Into the Dalek) He believed Daleks were incapable of change and was closed-minded as he dealt with their presence, and would refuse to help a Dalek unless his interests were peaked. (TV: Into the Dalek; GAME: The Doctor and the Dalek) After his act of fixing a malfunctioning "good" Dalek caused it to revert to "evil," the Doctor was almost pleased that his belief of there being "no such thing as a good Dalek" was vindicated. (TV: Into the Dalek) Despite his hatred of them, the Doctor admitted to the Governor that the Dalek Emperor "[was] nothing compared to your average mobile phone sales assistant." (PROSE: The Blood Cell) He also held a disregard for the Cybermen, unceremoniously flattening two with his TARDIS. (GAME: The Doctor and the Dalek)

Additionally, the Twelfth Doctor was, at times, critical of his previous incarnations' clothing; thinking that his fourth incarnation's scarf "looked stupid", (TV: Deep Breath) and regarded his immediate predecessor's fondness for bow ties as "a bit embarrassing", (TV: Time Heist) but complimented Osgood's bow tie as "nice". (TV: Death in Heaven) According to Affinity, the Doctor kept his predecessors "lodged in his head", and held a low opinion of them and himself. (PROSE: Silhouette)

The Doctor argues with his past selves. (COMIC: Four Doctors)

When he met his two previous incarnations, he had a frosty accord with the Tenth Doctor, who refused to consider the twelfth incarnation as a future incarnation until the Blinovitch Limitation Effect confirmed he was. Conversely, the Eleventh Doctor was willing to accept him as his next incarnation and was happy to know he had more life in the future. The Twelfth Doctor, however, expressed concern that the two would come to know him as the "scary Doctor". (COMIC: Four Doctors)

He disliked his immediate predecessor for his enjoyment of bow ties and fezzes, and overuse of the word "cool". (COMIC: Terrorformer) However, upon seeing Adrian Davies, a teacher at Coal Hill School with a resemblance to his previous incarnation, the Doctor, mistaking Adrian as Clara's boyfriend, arrogantly assumed that Clara was dating Adrian because of his uncanny resemblance to "a certain dashing young time traveller", reflecting more favourably on his predecessor. (TV: The Caretaker)

When Rusty the Dalek looked into the Twelfth Doctor's mind, he saw hatred and noted that the Doctor was "a good Dalek," while Clara believed the Doctor was trying to be a good man regardless. (TV: Into the Dalek) Perkins noted his inability to decide whether the Doctor was a genius "or just incredibly arrogant." (TV: Mummy on the Orient Express) Danny Pink, in complete bitterness for his need to feel the pain he inflicted, compared the Doctor to a "blood-soaked old general." (TV: Death in Heaven)

The Oracle described the Twelfth Doctor as "a man of taste and discrimination," (PROSE: The Blood Cell) while Orestes Milton believed the Doctor "affect[ed] an air of ignorance and indifference, but beneath it [were] undercurrents of knowledge and curiosity." (PROSE: Silhouette)

Both Clara Oswald and Kate Stewart viewed the Twelfth Doctor as an egotist. (TV: Robot of Sherwood; COMIC: The Fractures) However, when questioned by Lisa Foster, Clara reluctantly admitted she thought the Doctor was "kind of [cool]. In a strange sort of way", which Lisa interpreted as meaning "an uncool sort of way". (COMIC: The Fractures)

Much as his tenth incarnation expressed, the Twelfth Doctor associated regeneration with death, recalling Snowcap as "the place where he died". He viewed the process as "huge, [and] terrible", with his self-preservation preventing his memories of the experience from consuming him. (COMIC: Blood and Ice) He also believed that regeneration was to be used only when completely necessary, and to use it to fix a broken toe was "a waste of a life". (PROSE: The Blood Cell)

Habits and quirks

Much like his seventh incarnation, the Twelfth Doctor spoke with a Scottish accent, which he took as an entitlement to complain about things, (TV: Deep Breath) and found attractive in others. (TV: Last Christmas) With his accent, he was prone to making subtle or climactic boasts. (TV: Deep Breath, Into the Dalek, Robot of Sherwood, Mummy on the Orient Express, Flatline)

When proposing a theory, the Doctor would use words such as "question" or "proposition", and would begin his conclusion with "answer", "conjecture" or "conclusion". (TV: Deep Breath, Listen, Time Heist, The Witch's Familiar) After working out the important questions in his head, he waited for others to come to the same conclusion, becoming increasingly annoyed with each wrong question or answer they proposed. (TV: Deep Breath, In the Forest of the Night, Last Christmas)

When in a moment of realisation or thinking intensely, the Doctor would often tell people to "shut up", regardless if others would be speaking or not. (TV: Deep Breath, Listen, Time Heist, The Caretaker) He would also issue the instruction to those who had earned his ire, regardless of their status or occupation, (PROSE: The Blood Cell; TV: Death in Heaven) and when he wished to avoid a subject of conversation. (TV: Dark Water, Last Christmas)

Like the Ninth Doctor labelling humanity as "stupid apes", the Twelfth Doctor would call them "pudding-brains", or "pudding head", when he found them slow-minded or stupid. (TV: Deep Breath, Robot of Sherwood, Flatline) He would also accuse things, even other people, of developing faults and errors when he didn't think they were working the way he though they were meant to. (TV: Deep Breath, Listen, The Caretaker, Dark Water)

The Doctor often made puns, (TV: Into the Dalek, Kill the Moon, Flatline, The Magician's Apprentice) utilised a specific set of words, (COMIC: Terrorformer, The Fractures) or quoted classic fairytales, (COMIC: The Eye of Torment, The Swords of Kali; TV: The Caretaker) and song lyrics. (PROSE: The Blood Cell, Silhouette; TV: The Magician's Apprentice)

The Doctor offers Half-Face Man a drink of whisky. (TV: Deep Breath)

Unlike his first and eleventh incarnations, the Twelfth Doctor had a tolerance for alcoholic beverages. (TV: Deep Breath, Time Heist, Mummy on the Orient Express) Much like his third and eighth incarnations, he took his tea with extra sugar. (TV: Death in Heaven)

Much like his predecessor, the Twelfth Doctor also used hand gestures to extenuate a point, but applied more dedication to his movements, standing firm, while speaking with conviction, and exclamating his points across with a pointed index finger, though would become more spontaneous when thinking intensely. (TV: Deep Breath, Listen, Time Heist, The Caretaker) Commonly, when his arms were stretched out, he would stick out his index and baby fingers with his thumb, and lower his middle and ring fingers. (TV: Deep Breath, Into the Dalek, Listen, Time Heist, The Caretaker, Kill the Moon, Dark Water, Last Christmas, The Magician's Apprentice)

He was also known to bite down on his thumb, (TV: Deep Breath, Into the Dalek) tap his teeth with his finger, (PROSE: The Blood Cell; TV: Kill the Moon, Last Christmas) or cradle his chin in his hand when thinking, (PROSE: Silhouette; TV: Listen, In the Forest of the Night, Death in Heaven) and interlock his fingers when explaining or contemplating something. (TV: Into the Dalek, Robot of Sherwood, Time Heist, The Caretaker, Kill the Moon, Mummy on the Orient Express, In the Forest of the Night, Dark Water, Last Christmas)

Much like his fifth and sixth incarnation, he would also flick his jacket back and have his hands in his pockets, (TV: Deep Breath, Into the Dalek, The Caretaker, Flatline, Last Christmas) occasionally folded his arms like his ninth incarnation, (TV: Into the Dalek, Listen, The Caretaker) would rest his knuckles on his hips like his third incarnation, (TV; Mummy on the Orient Express, Flatline) often wringed his hands together like his second incarnation, (TV: The Witch's Familiar) and once mimicked his first incarnation's habit of holding his lapels in an attempt to order others around, much to the annoyance of the Tenth Doctor. (COMIC: Four Doctors)

When brooding in the TARDIS, the Doctor would lean on the console with his hand on his face as he looked downwards. (TV: Into the Dalek, Death in Heaven)

The Doctor made a habit of assigning nicknames to others, giving them names based on their appearance, by an accessory they carried or by their profession, (TV: Deep Breath, Into the Dalek, The Caretaker) owing to the fact he often chose to forget people, (TV: Last Christmas) and would insist on addressing them as their nickname, calling Danny Pink "P.E.", despite Danny being a Maths teacher, due to seeing him as more a PE teacher than Maths, (TV: The Caretaker, In the Forest of the Night, Death in Heaven) though he dropped the nickname after Danny died. (TV: Dark Water, Last Christmas; COMIC: Spirits of the Jungle)

When not out adventuring, the Doctor could be found jotting down equations and theories on various chalkboards in the TARDIS console room, (TV: Robot of Sherwood, Listen) or on hard surfaces that could bear chalk markings. (TV: Deep Breath, The Doctor's Meditation; PROSE: The Crawling Terror)

The Doctor would occasionally offer out jelly babies in a similar way to the Fourth Doctor, but, unlike his fourth incarnation, the Twelfth Doctor kept his jelly babies in a cigarette case. (TV: Mummy on the Orient Express; COMIC: The Swords of Kali) Also like his fourth incarnation, the Doctor would talk aloud to himself when he was alone, often either overlooking the fact that he was alone when doing so, (PROSE: Silhouette; TV: Mummy on the Orient Express, In the Forest of the Night) or believing that he was not really alone. (PROSE: The Blood Cell; TV: Listen)

When in deep contemplation, the Doctor would meditate on the matter at hand, though, if he found the subject unsettling, he would try to avoid the mediation completely. (TV: Listen, The Doctor's Meditation)

Upon seeing a vase of picked flowers, the Doctor would grab a few and smell them, holding them right up to his nose. (TV: Deep Breath, Death in Heaven)

Much like his fourth and ninth incarnations, the Twelfth Doctor would grin when he was pleased, flashing his upper teeth as he smiled. (TV: Deep Breath, Robot of Sherwood, Listen, Time Heist, Kill the Moon, Mummy on the Orient Express, Death in Heaven)


Highly observant, the Doctor was able to point out certain individuals in a crowd, (TV: Deep Breath, The Magician's Apprentice) notice when someone near him was acting suspicious, (TV: Deep Breath, The Caretaker, Dark Water) and pick up on details that helped him unearth others' deceptions. (TV: Listen) However, when his attention was focused, certain things around him would go amiss. (TV: Dark Water)

He was also able to make accurate deductions from observing his surroundings, identifying the Aristotle as a medical ship within seconds of being on board, (TV: Into the Dalek) noticing that Orestes Milton was a time traveler due to his choice of words and understanding of origami, (PROSE: Silhouette) and solving the riddle of the Foretold within sixty-six seconds. (TV: Mummy on the Orient Express) He could also correctly deduce other's backstories and how they felt in their environments from sheer observation, as with Anderson (PROSE: Silhouette) and Captain Quell. (TV: Mummy on the Orient Express)

The twelfth incarnation retained his predecessor's ability to converse with other species, such as dinosaurs, horses, (TV: Deep Breath) and donkeys. (PROSE: All the Empty Towers) Much like his tenth incarnation, the Doctor also had a good sense of smell, which he used to assess his surroundings to deduce the time period he was in. (COMIC: The Swords of Kali)

Strong and durable, the Doctor was able to briefly support his weight single-handedly, (TV: Deep Breath, Listen) wrestle the Half-Face Man into a corner, (TV: Deep Breath) withstand several blows from Abesse, (PROSE: The Blood Cell) upstage Michael Smith by easily holding two baskets of rocks, (PROSE: Silhouette) force a door open with his shoulder, (PROSE: The Crawling Terror) and smash up the TARDIS console with his bare hands in a grief-stricken rage. (TV: Death in Heaven) Both the Half-Face Man and Kali noted that Doctor was stronger than he looked. (TV: Deep Breath; COMIC: The Swords of Kali)

Like several of his predecessors, the Twelfth Doctor was a highly proficient swordsman, able to best Robin Hood in a duel using a spoon, (TV: Robot of Sherwood) take on Kali's three swords with a single blade, (COMIC: The Swords of Kali) and reportedly bested Bors' broadsword with a daffodil. (TV: The Magician's Apprentice) He was also skilled in Venusian aikido, using it to disarm a distracted Robin Hood and defend himself from Abesse. (TV: Robot of Sherwood; PROSE: The Blood Cell) Even without his Venusian aikido, the Doctor proved to be skilled in unarmed combat, (TV: Deep Breath; COMIC: The Swords of Kali) and possessed lightning-fast reflexes. (PROSE: The Crawling Terror) He was also proficient with a Dalek gun stick, being able to shoot several handmines from a distance while avoiding hitting a child Davros. (TV : The Witch's Familiar.

Despite initially forgetting how to pilot his TARDIS due to post-regenerative trauma, (TV: The Time of the Doctor) the Doctor soon mastered his way around the TARDIS console, being able to save Journey Blue by piloting the TARDIS around her, one second before her ship exploded, (TV: Into the Dalek) and successfully return Clara home in time for her dates, (TV: Listen, The Caretaker) though still made the occasional slip in timing and location. (TV: Deep Breath, Into the Dalek, Kill the Moon, Death in Heaven)

Like his previous incarnations, the Twelfth Doctor also displayed telepathic abilities, being able to link his mind with Rusty to try and show the Dalek the beauty of the universe, (TV: Into the Dalek) clear the Governor's thoughts by tapping him on the head, telepathically communicate with Marianne Globus by placing his hands on her template, (PROSE: The Blood Cell) put Rupert Pink to sleep by placing his index finger on his forehead, editing his memories while he did so, (TV: Listen) put Clara through a telepathic scenario with the aid of a sleep patch, (TV: Dark Water) and send a sedated Clara messages on blackboards by holding her hand. (TV: Last Christmas)

A credited escapologist, the Doctor boasted at teaching Harry Houdini "everything he [knew]", (COMIC: The Swords of Kali) and was repeatedly able to escape from his cell at the Prison. (PROSE: The Blood Cell) He was also a talented gambler, winning $800,000 in less than an hour, which he credited to simple mathematics, (COMIC: Gangland) and dancer, with Clara noting that he could apply for Strictly Come Dancing. (COMIC: Trust)

Despite denying being a doctor of medicine, (PROSE: Silhouette) the Doctor possessed at least a limited medical knowledge, being able to resuscitate Lafcardio with artificial resuscitation after Lafcardio's lungs were filled up with soot, with the Governor noting that the Doctor worked on Lafcardio like an expert. (PROSE: The Blood Cell) He was also able to perform an accurate post-mortem on Michael Smith, (PROSE: Silhouette) and Alan Travers. (PROSE: The Crawling Terror)

As cunning as his seventh incarnation, the Doctor was able to spin a fatal outcome into an advantage, such as using Ross's death to help him, Clara, Journey and Gretchen Carlisle escape Rusty's antibodies, (TV: Into the Dalek) and using the deaths of Emile Moorhouse and Captain Quell as an opportunity to figure out a way to defeat the Foretold. (TV: Mummy on the Orient Express) He was also able to organise a bank heist to save the the Teller and its mate, even erasing his planning of the heist to guarantee success. (TV: Time Heist)

The Doctor could not only perform eye-fixation hypnotism with verbal commands, but he claimed that, as a Time Lord, he could perform hypnotisms that effected all the senses. (COMIC: Trust) He also threatened to use hypnotism to erase Danny Pink's memory of the Skovox Blitzer. (TV: The Caretaker)

Like his third incarnation, the Twelfth Doctor was a skilled inventor, being able to create an electron magnet and a sonic spoon in the Prison's craft workshop, (PROSE: The Blood Cell) a communication device to order a Skovox Blitzer to deactivate itself, (TV: The Caretaker) and a 2Dis to combat the Boneless. (TV: Flatline)

Something of a magician, the Doctor could hide objects in others' pockets, (PROSE: Silhouette) swipe things without detection, (TV: Listen) and also practiced coin magic. (TV: The Doctor's Meditation)

After being thrown out of Boat One in an explosion, the Doctor was able to skydive towards his descending TARDIS, even fighting against the wind currents to place the TARDIS key into the lock. (TV: Death in Heaven)

Despite believing his current incarnation to not be suited to the task, (PROSE: Silhouette) the Doctor proved to have a talent for holding a crowds' attention, having a strong sense of showmanship. (TV: The Magician's Apprentice)

Like one of his previous incarnations, this Doctor was skilled with a musical instrument, specifically an electric guitar. (TV: The Magician's Apprentice)


In his twelfth incarnation, the Doctor was a tall, thin-faced man with a tousled mop of silver-grey hair and intense eyes framed by unruly, expressive eyebrows. (PROSE: The Crawling Terror)

While his predecessors began their lives looking young, (TV: The Parting of the Ways, The End of Time) the Twelfth Doctor started out appearing very much older. He had a hooked nose, with big ears, (TV: The Time of the Doctor) and sharp silvery blue eyes. (TV: The Day of the Doctor) He was of a light build. (COMIC: Chime Time)

Most changed were his eyebrows, which went from "delicate" (TV: The Time of the Doctor) to extremely thick and furrowed. (TV: The Day of the Doctor) Startled by the change, the Doctor described them as "attack eyebrows", which could "take bottle tops off" and were "ready to set up their own independent state of eyebrows". (TV: Deep Breath) He later considered his intimidating eyebrows as both a major contributor to his gravitas, (TV: Time Heist) and the reason many viewed him as a hostile. (COMIC: The Swords of Kali)

Tall and gaunt, he was called a "boney rascal" and a "desiccated man-crone" by Robin Hood, who also described the Doctor as being "pale as milk". (TV: Robot of Sherwood) Clara once described him as looking like a "grey-haired stick insect", (TV: Listen) with Shona McCullough described him as a "skeleton man". (TV: Last Christmas)

The Governor believed the Doctor had "a face for fury", and that it was "made up of storms" and "[boiled] away like a dying star". (PROSE: The Blood Cell) Clara also noted that the Doctor's face "always looked serious." (PROSE: Silhouette)

Upon first seeing his reflection at Madame Vastra's house, the Doctor described it as "absolutely furious." Though he later admitted that his new face was "all right up until the eyebrows," he still did not like it. (TV: Deep Breath) The Doctor later described himself as a "distinguished gentleman with [a] twinkle in his eye." (COMIC: The Swords of Kali)

Physically, he resembled Lobus Caecilius, a man he had met in his tenth incarnation, (TV: The Fires of Pompeii) with the Doctor himself noting that he had "seen [his] face somewhere before". (TV: Deep Breath)

Hair and grooming

The Twelfth Doctor's hair was a silvery shade of grey, (TV: The Time of the Doctor) which confused Clara, as she thought regeneration made the Doctor younger. (TV: Deep Breath)

His hair was originally short and combed down, (TV: The Time of the Doctor, Deep Breath) though occasionally styled into a quaff. (TV: The Caretaker) However, he later let his hair grow out, and become curlier. (TV: Last Christmas, The Doctor's Meditation)


Main attires

The Doctor shows off his new look to Clara, inside his refurbished TARDIS. (TV: Deep Breath)

Immediately following his regeneration, the Doctor initially wore his predecessor's attire, a Victorian nightshirt, and then a coat that he "bought" from a tramp, before stealing a Clockwork Droid's suit in order to masquerade as one. (TV: Deep Breath) After having a chance to return to the TARDIS, though, the Doctor chose a new outfit for himself, with the intention of "aiming for minimalism", but instead felt that he "came out with magician" after solidifying his wardrobe, (TV: Time Heist) though Clara noted his clothes made him look Victorian. (PROSE: Silhouette)

The Doctor initially donned a navy blue Crombie coat and cardigan with a white collared shirt, matching blue trousers, and black brogue boots. Over the top, he sported a thigh-length, dark blue jacket with red lining, often wearing it with the top button done. On his left hand ring finger, he had a pair of gold rings, a normal gold band and a second ring with a greenish amber setting that rested atop the first band. (TV: Deep Breath) Occasionally, the Doctor would replace his cardigan with a waistcoat, with colours ranging in dark blue and plain black. (TV: Into the Dalek, Flatline) His socks were decorated with cartoony animals. (PROSE: The Blood Cell)

Though his Crombie coat remained a constant staple of his appearance, with colours coming in navy blue (TV: Deep Breath) and black, (COMIC: The Eye of Torment) the Doctor would wear variations of his attire, switching from vested garments with a white collared shirt for a simple dress shirt on its own, coloured in maroon, (TV: Robot of Sherwood) dark blue, (TV: Time Heist) or black with a white polka dot pattern. (TV: Kill the Moon)

Other times, he would dispense with the shirt as well and don a black crew neck jumper (TV: Listen) with small star-shaped sparkles on the front that helped him see in the dark, (PROSE: Royal Blood) and later began wearing a black hooded top over his jumper. (TV: Last Christmas)

While preparing himself for his "last battlefield," the Doctor kept wearing his hoodie under his navy blue Crombie coat, but replaced the rest of his look with a dusty pink Henley top underneath a Misty Mountain t-shirt, and the same baggy plaid trousers as his second incarnation. (TV: The Doctor's Meditation) He later wore black sunglasses with his outfit when having a party with the locals, (TV: The Magician's Apprentice) which he later revealed to Clara to be Sonic sunglasses. (TV: The Witch's Familiar)

Other costumes

While imprisoned on the Prison, the Doctor was fitted with a standard orange uniform. (PROSE: The Blood Cell)

When going into "deep cover" as Coal Hill School's temporary caretaker, the Doctor donned a ocher brown warehouse coat over his black crew neck jumper. (TV: The Caretaker)

The Doctor and Clara dress formally for a journey aboard the Orient Express. (TV: Mummy on the Orient Express)

While aboard the spacecraft Orient Express, the Doctor wore a black double-breasted evening jacket, black trousers, grey waistcoat, his black brogue boots, a white dress shirt and a black cravat. (TV: Mummy on the Orient Express)

While visiting 1963 Las Vegas, the Doctor donned a blue Fedora at Clara's urging. (COMIC: Gangland)

Behind the scenes

  • Like the War and Ninth Doctors, the Twelfth Doctor debuted on television before his regeneration from his predecessor was screened.
  • His first words — "Kidneys! I've got new kidneys!" — keep to the modern tradition of new Doctors commenting on their bodies. Previously, the Ninth Doctor commented on his ears, (TV: Rose) the Tenth Doctor commented on his "new teeth", (TV: The Parting of the Ways) and the Eleventh on his legs. (TV: The End of Time)
    • In DWM 477, showrunner Steven Moffat jokingly answered one fan's question on what colour the Doctor's kidneys now were (he had complained he hated their colour) as "Froon. This is an entirely new colour, which only the Doctor can see."
  • His costume was revealed in DWM 470 and online earlier than planned to preempt a tabloid scoop.
  • He starred in The Daft Dimension, a comic strip published in Doctor Who Magazine.
  • Peter Capaldi wanted to wear his wedding ring as part of his Doctor's attire, and requested a prop to disguise it. He was given an amber ring with a gemstone that fits over the top of his original band. The First Doctor also wore a gemstone ring, and as such the Twelfth Doctor is the first incarnation since then seen to sport one. He is also the first incarnation since the Third Doctor to wear an ordinary ring.