Theory:Timeline - Multi-Master stories

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This page lists every Multi-Master story in which two or more incarnations meet or appear in close proximity to each other in the order in which each incarnation of the Master experienced them, with an analysis of their state in the memories of the Master and any other applicable individuals.

Stories in bold indicate that the incarnation being focused on is the most recent incarnation in that story.


Early life

The young Master is Time Scooped by a a future incarnation.

UNIT enemy

The Master is in prison.
The "UNIT enemy" Master, along with the "Tremas" Master and the "Saxon" Master, meet Missy, who presents her child to her past selves.

Thirteenth incarnation


According to one account, the Thirteenth Master is attacked by the "Bald" Master on Tersurus, and left in a decaying state by an energy net. The Cult of the Heretic then switch the Masters' bodies, and the "Decayed" Master hires the Transhuman Sisters of the Unholy Protocol and the Dragonhunters to kill the "Bald" Master. After the Seventh Doctor switches the Masters back, the "Decayed" Master is put back on his path to The Deadly Assassin.
Set during The Two Masters, with the Master in the body of his future incarnation.
Leads into The Five Masters.
Follows on from The Abominable Showmen.

In Tremas' body

The "Tremas" Master, along with the "UNIT enemy" Master and the "Saxon" Master, meet Missy, who presents her child to her past selves.
Leads into The Five Masters.
Follows on from The Abominable Showmen.

In Bruce Gerhardt's body

Leads into The Five Masters.
Follows on from The Abominable Showmen.
The Master meets Missy and the "War" Master, who plan to wipe his memory and throw him back into the Time Vortex after they give a future version of the "Deathworm" Master a new regeneration cycle.
The Master is Time Scooped by a a future incarnation.


The "Decayed" Master recognises the "Bruce" incarnation as one of his past bodies.
Dying and at the end of his life, the Master recalls his time trapped in the Eye of Harmony and how he was drawn back in after his escape in Bruce's body, until he found a way to escape permanently. He is killed by the Ravenous, leading directly into Day of the Master.
The "Deathworm" Master is resurrected by the "Bruce" Master, the "War" Master and Missy, posing as CIA agents, who use CIA technology to grant him a whole new regeneration cycle. He regenerates into a new body, implied to the "Bald" Master.

Fourteenth incarnation

The Master emerges from the resurrection, and regeneration, of his thirteenth incarnation.
The Master attacks his thirteenth incarnation on Tersurus. The Cult of the Heretic then switch the Masters' bodies. The Masters are eventually restored to normal by the Seventh Doctor, who undoes the damage they have done and sends the Master back to his rightful place in history. The "Bald" Master recalls the events of Dominion.
Set during The Two Masters, with the Master in the body of his "Decayed" incarnation.
Whilst in the middle of experimenting with Sontaran cloning tanks, the Master is Time Scooped and transported to the planet Kiamet, where he is united with several of his past and future incarnations.

The War Master

The War Master works with the "Bruce" Master and Missy to resurrect the "Deathworm" Master.
The Master is Time Scooped by his next incarnation.

As "Harold Saxon"

Leads into The Five Masters.
Follows on from The Abominable Showmen.
The "Saxon" Master, along with the "UNIT enemy" Master and the "Tremas" Master, meet Missy, who presents her child to her past selves.
While in hiding aboard a Mondasian colony ship as "Mr. Razor", the Master becomes aware of Missy, his future incarnation who the Twelfth Doctor. Confronting Missy, the Master removes his disguise, to her shock, and voices his concerns about his future, leading into The Doctor Falls.
Set after the prologue of The Doctor Falls.
The Master is fatally injured by Missy, forcing him to regenerate into her, but he seemingly kills her before he makes his way back to his TARDIS. Missy observes that two incarnations together puts the timelines out of sync and claims that the Master cannot retain the memory of their meeting, thus she did not remember doing so. She also claims to be "hazy" regarding regenerations and so cannot confirm that the "Saxon" Master is her immediate predecessor. She does, however, recall having being thrown against a wall and being made to promise to always carry a spare dematerialisation circuit by "a very scary lady", who turns out to be herself.
Following directly on from The Doctor Falls, the dying Master makes his way to Kiamet to use the planet's energy fields to extend his life. His experiments backfire and cause an entropy wave to ravage the planet, but he uses a time scoop to summon seven of his previous incarnations to Kiamet to steal their regenerations. However, he is poisoned by the "War" Master, who manages to undo his actions and revert the timeline.


Missy encounters the Lumiat for the first time.
Missy is familiar with the Lumiat, setting this after The Lumiat.
Missy presents her child to the "UNIT enemy" Master, the "Tremas" Master and the "Saxon" Master.
Leads into The Five Masters.
Follows on from The Abominable Showmen.
Missy is helping the Twelfth Doctor collect the pieces of the Key to Time.
Missy is taken to a Mondasian colony ship by the Twelfth Doctor to test if she can truly be redeemed. To her surprise, she is confronted by her "Harold Saxon" incarnation, who is aware of and concerned with her association with the Doctor, leading directly into The Doctor Falls.
Set after the prologue of The Doctor Falls.
Despite a relapse in personality, Missy decides to join forces with the Doctor after fatally wounding the Master, but is killed by her past incarnation before she can. Missy observes that two incarnations together puts the timelines out of sync and claims that the Master cannot retain the memory of their meeting, thus she did not remember doing so. She also claims to be "hazy" regarding regenerations and so cannot confirm that the "Saxon" Master is her immediate predecessor. She does, however, recall having being thrown against a wall and being made to promise to always carry a spare dematerialisation circuit by "a very scary lady", who turns out to be herself.

The Lumiat

In an aborted timeline, the Lumiat projects herself to Missy to warn her of the dangers of an entropy wave. She asks Missy to give over her remaining regenerations, but Missy refuses.
The Lumiat foils several of Missy's schemes, leading Missy to believe she is the Doctor. They spend some time travelling together, with the Lumiat trying to act as a good influence on her. However, Missy soon grows bored of the Lumiat and mortally wounds her, abandoning her in the middle of her regeneration.