Theory:Timeline - Vicki Pallister

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This page lists appearances of Vicki Pallister in the order in which she experienced them. This timeline is based upon observations of the Doctor Who universe and the events that occur during each of these stories. From these observations we have attempted to build a concise timeline. It is assumed, much like its TV story counterparts that for each novel, comic story and audio series their published/numbered order is the order they occur in. This does not apply to short stories which are often ambiguous about their placement. There are also many gaps between stories.

The layout of this timeline is in part based on the observations on Doctor Who Reference Guide and Doctor Who - The Complete Adventures, as well as information in Lance Parkin's AHistory which allow us to make observations on placement of stories, such as Doctor Who Reviews, The History of Doctor Who, The Discontinuity Guide, Clive Banks Databank, the Big Finish forums, The Whoniverse and the Divergent Universe forums. None of these sources should be used solely as a source or considered a "true" timeline for stories.

Additionally there are statements on the back of Virgin Missing Adventures and BBC Past Doctor Adventures novels that state between which TV stories the novel takes place between. These can be used to narrow the field, and should be viewed as the only placing for these novels.


Adventures with Barbara and Ian

The Doctor is still adjusting to Susan's absences, absentmindedly calling out to her when the TARDIS arrives on Dido, where he rescues a young girl named Vicki from the clutches of Koquillion. In agreement with Ian and Barbara, the Doctor invites Vicki to join them aboard the TARDIS. After leaving Dido, the TARDIS materialises on a cliff and topples over the edge.
Set immediately after The Rescue, with the TARDIS crew recovering from the fall and realising they have arrived in Italy in 64 AD. They agree to look after the villa of Flavius Giscard after its caretaker, Lucius, is killed by a lion, setting the scene for The Romans.
In an alternative account, also set directly after The Rescue, the TARDIS instead materialises in Thrace, near the city of Byzantium on 14 March 64. The Doctor left Gallifrey sixty years ago,[quote 1] while Barbara and Ian have been travelling with the Doctor for "a year or more".[quote 2] Vicki is fourteen-years-old.[quote 3] After the TARDIS crew are separated for over two weeks, they discover that the TARDIS has been taken to Rome by Germanicus Vinicius and set off to retrieve it, again setting the scene for The Romans.
Having stayed at the villa for nearly a month, the TARDIS crew eventually find themselves in the city of Rome, before returning to the villa and departing in the TARDIS. The Doctor accidentally inspires Nero to burn down Rome.
The Doctor is trying to make the shortest journey possible away from Rome, setting this directly after dematerialising at the end of The Romans.[quote 4] They instead arrive in Guangzhou in 1865. The TARDIS crew change into casual gear,[quote 5] despite the epilogue of The Romans showing them still wearing their Roman regalia immediately before the events of The Web Planet. Ian and Barbara have been traveling in the TARDIS for two years,[quote 6] and Barbara proposes that she and Ian should marry each other if they ever return home.[quote 7]
In an alternative account, also set immediately after leaving Rome, Vicki is about to tell Barbara about her experiences in Rome when they land in London in the early 20th century,[quote 8] They then visit an unnamed planet in the distant past, not getting out of their Roman clothing throughout the adventure.
Vicki recounts her experiences in Rome to Ian and Barbara, who decide to change out of their Roman clothes. Meanwhile, the TARDIS is pulled towards a planet by an unknown force. (TV: The Romans)
Following directly on from the last scene of The Romans, the TARDIS is forced to land on Vortis by the Animus. The Doctor is aware of Vortis, but his comments leave it vague as to whether or not he has visited the planet before. He has at least heard of the Menoptera,[quote 9] and claims to have little to no understanding of the Zarbi to Ian.[quote 10]
Set between The Web Planet and The Crusade, according to the production codes. Looking at the scanner shortly after arriving on Noumeia, Barbara notes that they've arrived on "another desert", suggesting a setting directly after The Web Planet.
The TARDIS crew encounter Jospa, who in inserts himself into the memories of their past trips; Barbara recalls him being with them at Vortis, Rome, and "everywhere",[quote 11] while Ian also remembers him being in Byzantium and China.[quote 12] The fact that they don't mention any adventures after Vortis suggests a setting shortly after The Web Planet.
The TARDIS lands in Natal in 1877, but the Doctor contracts a fever. While he recovers, Barbara and Ian journey to Pretoria for a few days.
The TARDIS finally arrives in London on 23 November 1963, but the crew find time to be frozen. The Doctor discovers it is because of a fault with the TARDIS, which is only fixed upon their departure.
Set between The Web Planet and The Crusade, according to a continuity note on the Big Finish website.[1]
Sequel story to The Web Planet. After helping Thomas Huxley fight off the Animus and the Zarbi, Ian, Barbara and Vicki are kidnapped by Adam Mitchell, leading directly into Endgame.
Barbara, Ian and Vicki have been captured by Adam Mitchell and the Tremas Master.
Ian, Barbara and Vicki are rescued from Adam and the Master.
The TARDIS crew visit the Holy Land in the 1190s, where Ian is knighted as "Sir Ian of Jaffa" by King Richard I of England. Barbara recalls the recent events of The Dalek Invasion of Earth, The Romans and The Web Planet.[quote 13] The Doctor has Vicki pretend to be a boy named "Victor". As they slip away from Jaffa, the TARDIS stops working, leading directly into The Space Museum.
After the TARDIS crew escape a time track and help the Xerons to defeat the Moroks on Xeros, the Doctor acquires a Time-Space Visualiser from the Space Museum. Vicki has not yet encountered a Dalek, but knows of them from history books. Unbeknownst to the Doctor, the TARDIS is observed departing Xeros by Pursuer-Daleks, who make plans to begin chasing them, setting up the events of The Chase.[quote 14]
The TARDIS crew become embroiled in the Gunpowder Plot of 1605. Vicki is once again dressed up as a boy by the Doctor, setting this after The Crusade.[quote 15]
Ian recalls the events of The Crusade.
The TARDIS crew spend three months in a human colony. Barbara hides between "archival building stacks" Q and R, which were the production codes of The Space Museum and The Chase, respectively, suggesting an in-joke to the placement of this story.
Barbara and Ian recall the events of The Romans, and wonder if they will find their way home soon, suggesting an intended setting shortly before The Chase by the author.[quote 16]
Despite the events of Room for Improvement, the Doctor claims that their visit to 23rd century Unitaria is the furthest Ian and Barbara have visited Earth in the future. Vicki recalls the events of The Space Museum.
The TARDIS crew spend several weeks in 1400 England. After returning to the TARDIS, the Doctor decides to begin working on the Time-Space Visualiser, setting this shortly before Every Day.[quote 17]
The Doctor has been working on the Time-Space Visualiser for hours, setting this between The The Doctor's Tale and The Chase.[quote 18][quote 19]
The Doctor is able to get the Time-Space Visualiser working. The TARDIS crew visits Aridius, only to find that they are being chased by the Daleks in their time machine as revenge for their past defeats. Whilst evading the Daleks, the TARDIS crew visits the Empire State Building in 1966, the Mary Celeste in 1872 and the Festival of Ghana, before finally confronting them on Mechanus, where they free spaceship pilot Steven Taylor from the Mechanoids. After the Daleks are defeated, Ian and Barbara use the Dalek time machine to finally return to 1960s, after two years of travel with the Doctor.[quote 20]

Joined by Steven

Set immediately after The Chase, with the Doctor and Vicki finding Steven in the TARDIS shortly after saying goodbye to Ian and Barbara. The Doctor invites Steven to remain aboard, and the trio battles with the First Monk for the first time in 1066 Northumbria.
Vicki and Steven are still wearing their outfits from The Time Meddler.
Steven mutters that his last meal was in 1066, and is still getting used to time travel etiquette, setting this shortly after The Time Meddler.
Vicki mentions that Steven has only recently joined the TARDIS crew.
The Doctor is switched with his fifth incarnation by the Monk. Steven has not yet been given a TARDIS key, setting this before The Empire of Glass.
The Doctor mentions that everywhere the TARDIS arrives can't be a fun fair, alluding to the events of Frostfire.
The Doctor is experimenting with the component he stole from the Monk's TARDIS in The Time Meddler.
Set immediately after The Three Doctors, with the Doctor being returned from the Omega crisis with his memory of the events wiped. Vicki recalls the recent events of The Time Meddler.
Steven has only recently started traveling with the Doctor and Vicki, setting this shortly after The Time Meddler.
Authorial intent places this directly after The Dalek Occupation of Winter.[2]
Authorial intent places this directly after An Ideal World.[2]
Authorial intent places this directly after Entanglement.[2]
Time briefly becomes distorted.
The Doctor, Steven and Vicki briefly encounter an apparition of a Charley Pollard from an alternate timeline.
Time briefly becomes distorted.
Vicki thinks to herself that she's not a child anymore.
Vicki injures her ankle, leading directly into The Myth Makers.
The Doctor tells the brain-creature that Vicki and Steven have faced Daleks, Vikings and Chumblies.
Vicki is still recovering from her ankle injury, setting this shortly after Galaxy 4. She leaves the TARDIS to stay in Ancient Greece with Troilus, and the Doctor and Steven are joined by Katarina. Ending leads directly into The Daleks' Master Plan.

After the Doctor


  1. Memories flooded back to the Doctor. In the 60 years since he had hurriedly abandoned his home and fled in terror into the universe, he had stared death in the face on numerous occasions.
  2. The Barbara Wright who had taught at Coal Hill School would have cowered under her bedclothes rather than face whatever potentially embarrassing situation she was about to walk into, but Barbara had already changed in the year or more that she and Ian had travelled with the Doctor.
  3. "She's got a chip on her shoulder the size of Big Ben," continued Barbara. "I told her to act her age and she asked how she was supposed to 'act fourteen'."
  4. "Well, I didn't tell you, because I didn't want to disappoint you if it didn't work, but as we left Rome I tried to make the shortest increment - that is to say, the shortest journey - that I could."
  5. Ian Chesterton stood in the TARDIS doorway and looked out at the pre-dawn tint of the eastern sky. He had managed to rest well, before dressing in casual slacks, rollneck and jacket. Barbara had found herself sensible shoes to go with a plain trouser suit and Vicki wore baggy trousers and an oversized sweater.'
  6. They'd been travelling together in the Ship for two years now, and knew each other pretty well, but moments like this still kept her surprising and fresh.
  7. Barbara leant against Ian, and said, "I wanted to ask you something." "Anything." He realised that the word probably sounded more soulful than he had intended it to, and thought about correcting this. "You know you could ask anything of me," he said, finally. "What did you have in mind?" "Oh, nothing much. I was just wondering if you'd marry me, if ever we get home." What made Ian feel most comfortable, however, and most complete, was the peace that had come with saying "Yes".
  8. STELLA: "Listen to me! You return to the TARDIS leaving Rome burning behind you. You were just about to tell Barbara about the things that happened to you there, about the trick the Doctor played on Nero, but the TARDIS was gripped by some unexplained force, and you landed again only moments after takeoff. Barbara and Ian saw London on the scanner and thought they were home. You found out that it was decades before their time, but decided to spend a little time in the city anyway."
  9. DOCTOR: "Menoptera. Yes, does that word mean anything to you, hmm?"
    IAN: "No, nothing. You mean you've been here before?"
    DOCTOR: "No, no, my boy. No, but it's this rock formation and now this creature, this object, it suggests the planet Vortis."
  10. DOCTOR: "Apart from rubbing our back legs together like some sort of grasshopper? I doubt if we could get on speaking terms with them. Stand still! Obey! These creatures on this planet are completely unknown to me. Just stand still and obey."
  11. BARBARA: "What are you talking about? He's real. I remember him on Vortis handing me the isop-tope, I remember him in Rome, I remember him everywhere."
  12. IAN: "All the things we've done with Jospa - Vortis, Rome, Byzantium, China... He wasn't there? Not for any of it?"
  13. BARBARA: "Well, I could say that I'm from another world, a world ruled by insects. And before that we were in Rome at the time of Nero. Before that we were in England, far, far into the future."
  14. DALEK #1: "Our greatest enemies have left the planet Xeros. They are once again in time and space."
    DALEK #2:
    "They cannot escape! Our time machine will soon follow them."
  15. Having made certain the door of his craft was secure he came across to examine her. "Yes, yes, suits you very well." "Do I have to be a boy again?"
  16. "The sixpence that brings luck to the one who finds it. Maybe it's a sign that we will soon be home after all." Barbara smiled. "Yes, perhaps we will."
  17. DOCTOR: Now, where was I? Vicki? What did you do with that instruction manual for my Time-Space Visualiser?
  18. Their pilot was probably still busy on his latest gizmo inside the Ship. He'd been immersed in it for hours; trying to tune it in, he'd told Barbara, to see a particular year.
  19. He made his way to the Time and Space Visualiser once more, swinging open the door of its access panel. "And hope, and pray, that one day, somehow, despite the odds, they make their way back to you. Now then, let's see if we can get this thing," he muttered, "to summon up 2164..." And that was the last thing he said for several hours.
  20. DOCTOR: "I've tried for two years to get you both home!"
