Seventh Doctor

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Originally a man with the demeanour of an eccentric, light-hearted buffoon, the Seventh Doctor darkened into a mysterious, cunning manipulator to combat the return of Fenric. Though he delighted in humorous reverie, it was only the surface layer of his true nature. Beneath, he was a Machiavellian genius of frightful calibre who could tactfully use his mind to manipulate almost any situation into reaching his favoured outcome. Despite this, he could also show profound warmth and affection to his companions, and built a strong bond with many of them.

Initially, the Seventh Doctor travelled with his predecessor's final companion, Melanie Bush. After several adventures with the new Doctor, she left to travel with Sabalom Glitz, prompting him to begin travelling with Ace, a troubled teenager from Earth in the 1980s. Treating her both as a protégé and initially as a pawn in Fenric's game, he did his best to help heal Ace's psychological wounds by helping her come to terms with her past misdeeds and fears, aiding her in maturing and supporting her in moments of difficulty. Although he initially planned to take Ace home, they ultimately travelled together for several years, only for their strong bond to grow increasingly strained as secrets and death tore them apart.

Following Ace's initial departure from the TARDIS, he became "champion" to the Eternal known as Time. Although he did many good deeds while under the title of Time's Champion, his manipulative ways and amoral decisions cost him dearly, leaving him questioning his actions and himself. The aftermath left him tired and saddened, and after reuniting with many old friends he eventually began a lonely retirement from plotting. Though wearisome, he decided he would return to Gallifrey when the Time Lords needed his assistance, but having grown complacent in his retirement, he let his guard down at the wrong time, and paid for it with his life.

After many years of schemes and manipulation, the Seventh Doctor regenerated in San Francisco on 31 December 1999, following Dr Grace Holloway's exploratory surgery on his gunshot wounds accidentally clogging a vein.



This section's awfully stubby.

Info from Fear of the Dark needs to be added

The Valeyard offered to tell the Sixth Doctor of his next incarnation, whom he claimed was filled with "plots and schemes," all to win a game "that was never his to win." (AUDIO: Trial of the Valeyard)


The Sixth Doctor attempted to avoid visiting the planet Lakertya while travelling with his companion, Mel, after he discovered an ominous source of radiation nearby. However, his future self, trapped inside the Matrix, sent him a psychic signal advising him to go to the planet regardless, as the Valeyard had previously implanted Nathemus inside his head without him knowing at the time, and, in this timeline, had succeeded in using them to replace all Time Lords with his own existence.

The Doctor's sixth regeneration. (TV: Time and the Rani)

Upon approaching Lakertya, the TARDIS ran afoul of the radiation source: focused laser beams being fired from the Rani's TARDIS. Whilst this only caused Mel to pass out, the particular radiation the Rani had been weaponising was lethal to Time Lords. This exposure mortally wounded him, ensuring the removal of the Nathemus in regeneration or death. Having retroactively thwarted the Valeyard's plan, the Sixth Doctor feared he had reached his demise, but the persona of the Seventh Doctor manifested before him and confirmed that he would regenerate. His future self, now an anomaly within the Matrix, felt the timelines changing and was reassured. The Doctor's sixth persona dissolved into his seventh, both stating, "Our future is in safe hands." (AUDIO: The Brink of Death)

A separate account suggests that, after being sapped of Chronon energy whilst fighting the Lamprey, (PROSE: Spiral Scratch) the Sixth Doctor suffered a fatal head injury due to the buffeting of the TARDIS caused by the Rani's laser bombardment. (AUDIO: Zagreus)

Whilst the Rani bombarded his TARDIS with lasers, his regeneration began. After she invaded his TARDIS on the planet Lakertya, the final stage of regeneration commenced. (TV: Time and the Rani)

The Doctor grew to believe that the essence of his seventh incarnation had somehow caused his predecessor's regeneration in order to bring himself into being. (PROSE: Love and War, Head Games) However, he eventually dismissed this as a delusion brought about by an increasingly fragile and scared mind, realising that such a thing was impossible as all his incarnations were the same person rather than separate consciousnesses. (PROSE: The Room With No Doors)


The Doctor, yet to awaken from his regeneration. (TV: Time and the Rani)

After the laser attack, the TARDIS was caught in the Rani's tractor beam, and was forced to make a landing on Lakertya's surface. She then boarded it along with Urak, a Tetrap, who she instructed to leave Mel but take the Doctor to her laboratory. As Urak turned over the Doctor's body, his regeneration completed, his appearance solidifying, but he remained unconscious. Awakening in the Rani's lab, the Doctor immediately recognised the Rani, but was knocked out by Urak and injected with an amnesia-inducing drug, which allowed her to trick him into assisting her with her project by pretending to be Mel.

The newly regenerated Doctor. (TV: Time and the Rani)

Upon regaining consciousness again, the Doctor decided to choose a new look, noting that his new incarnation had regained a sense of haute couture. Returning to work on the Rani's machine, the Doctor found what was wrong with it, but caught the Rani on her lies when the real Mel snuck into the lab and revealed her identity.

Escaping, the Doctor discovered that several geniuses from throughout time, including Einstein, had been captured to act as components of the Rani's "time brain". Forced to become the final component, the Doctor caused it to spout nonsense. However, once disconnected, he inadvertently provided the brain with the means to determine the needed substance: Loyhargil.The Lakertyan leader Beyus sacrificed his life to destroy the brain and delay the launch long enough for the rocket to miss the asteroid. Rescuing the captives, the Doctor took them back to their own times. (TV: Time and the Rani)

Bemoaning the loss of his predecessor's rainbow umbrella and the tartan scarf he chose for his new outfit, the Doctor went back to his wardrobe and obtained a new paisley scarf and whangee-handled umbrella. Taking the time to clean out the dimensionally transcendental pockets of his former self's patchwork coat, he sat down to sort the contents of several lifetimes, organising them into two piles, of what was useful and what was not. While doing so, he considered the consequences of regeneration, and assessed whether he was going to like his new body. (PROSE: The Useful Pile)

Travels with Mel

Shortly after leaving Lakertya, the Doctor dropped Mel off in London, England, in 2007. (AUDIO: Unregenerate!) After reuniting with Frobisher, the pair prevented an Ice Warrior plot on the planet A-Lux, where they bid each other a final adieu. The Doctor departed with a new friend, Olla. (COMIC: A Cold Day in Hell!) However, the Doctor discovered that Olla was actually a fugitive criminal, and handed her over to the authorities when they forcibly entered his TARDIS. (COMIC: Redemption!)

Becoming a prisoner at "the Institute", the Doctor sent the TARDIS back to Mel without him, leaving a message telling her to investigate a strange mental asylum. Discovering that was it was in fact an institute run by the Celestial Intervention Agency, she was reunited with a seemingly insane Doctor. Helping to restore his mind and sanity, Mel aided the Doctor in uncovering the truth behind the Institute: the medics were conducting experiments on sentient life forms, attempting to graft TARDIS minds into their bodies. Horrified at their amoral stance, the Doctor restored the TARDIS consciousnesses to their physical bodies, and freed the inmates. (AUDIO: Unregenerate!)

The Doctor took Mel to Sussex Downs in 2040 to show her how much human computer technology had advanced from her time. They found a community of mathematicians led by Thea, who believed that they had discovered the pattern of the TARDIS's landings on Earth and could thus predict the time and place of their arrivals. The Doctor tried to explain that it was just chance, but Thea refused to believe him. Determined to prove them wrong, the Doctor took the TARDIS back in time five weeks, thus spoiling the pattern. (PROSE: Daisy Chain)

The Doctor, Mel and the Kangs. (TV: Paradise Towers)

Travelling to Paradise Towers so Mel could enjoy its swimming pool, the Doctor found that the staff and residents residing within the Towers had all become either anarchist Kangs, cannibalistic Rezzies or pompous Caretakers. Accused of being the "Great Architect" that built the Towers, he was nearly killed by the Chief Caretaker, who wanted the Tower to run the way he wanted. The real architect, Kroagnon, a madman who killed anyone who moved into his creations to keep them perfect, was still within the complex, and had been using the Cleaners to murder residents. As the Doctor and Mel investigated, Kroagnon became concerned, and transplanted his disembodied mind into the Chief, going on a murderous rampage through the complex. He was defeated when Pex, the only male resident, pushed him to his death down a lift shaft, sacrificing himself to prove his bravery. (TV: Paradise Towers)

On a visit to Croydon on 24 December 1995 Mel and the TARDIS disappeared. Investigating, the Doctor found an archaeological dig and met archaeologist Michael Gregson, who told him the history of unusual phenomena attached to the site. Realising that the site was the locale of a temporal volcano, the Doctor went back to 24 December 1935, where he rescued Mel and the Gregson family, but was forced to leave Michael behind. (PROSE: 24 Crawford Street)

The Doctor and Mel travelled to Pax Lucis, an English village occupied by Nazis during the Second World War. When a barrier cut the village off from the rest of the world, the Doctor discovered the Nazis had captured the Lightwanderer, a creature that fed on solar radiation. The Nazis plotted to create a barrier around the Earth, which would destroy the planet. The Doctor gained an ally in the Nazis' commander, Luther, who sacrificed himself by blowing up "the weapon", saving the planet. (PROSE: Special Weapons)

The pair then materialised aboard a ship which had been sabotaged and set to explode. Teleporting away in the nick of time, the Doctor and Mel, impersonating the murdered crew members they had encountered on the ship, found that they had arrived on Dark Space 8, a space station currently hosting the Intergalactic Song Contest. Discovering that the song contest was being used as a cover for secret peace talks between Golos and Angvia, they managed to prevent the terrorist Loozly from sabotaging the conference, and helped Earth win. (AUDIO: Bang-Bang-a-Boom!)

Visiting the Hammerson Plastics New Year's Eve 1999 gala, the Doctor revealed to Mel that its owner, Alisha Hammerson, was in fact an advanced Auton under the control of the Nestene Consciousness. After her Autom workers gassed the building, the Doctor was awoken by Hammerson, and given a tour of the building. Once he reached the chamber containing the Nestene Consciousness, he distracted the Autons long enough to enable Mel to destroy their link with the nearest Nestene world, thwarting their plans of conquering the Earth once again. (COMIC: Plastic Millenium)

The TARDIS was forced to materialise in England in 1978. The Doctor and Mel traced the cause to an anomalous concentration of artron energy from a Cnidarian artefact discovered in a cave by a group of university students. The artefact summoned Commander Hydra Sowerbii, who attempted to conquer Earth, but he was quickly defeated. (PROSE: The Invertebrates of Doom)

After meeting Emil Hartung in 1936 Cairo, (PROSE: Just War) the Doctor and Mel encountered the Quarks on the space yacht Pinto, and left in the TARDIS in search of leptonite crystals, a substance highly toxic to them. They arrived on the planet Puxatornee in the year 3090 where the inhabitants were struggling to live in peace with a race called the Slithergees who had arrived there as refugees some 30 years ago, but were slowly taking over. The Doctor and Mel were forced by Stuart and Reed, two inhabitants, to travel back to 3060 to kill the president of Puxatornee before she could invite the Slithergees to stay. When they returned, history had changed so that the Slithergees went to war with the Puxatornees. The Doctor and Mel became separated with Stuart and Reed and captured, but realised that an alternative Mel and Doctor were due to land in the same place as them and quickly escaped back to their TARDIS and left.

Another Doctor and Mel landed successfully and were captured by this alternative history's Lt. Stuart and Reed and interrogated before the now non-existent history's Reed and Stuart arrived to help them escape, but were killed shortly afterwards. This history's Lt. Stuart and Reed arrived and forced the Doctor and Mel to take them back 30 years so that they could prevent the president's death and make peace with Slithergees. The Doctor and Mel took them back then to see their new history, which was the first version before he and this Mel showed up. Lt Stuart and Reed ordered the Doctor to take them back to yesterday to prevent their earlier selves from time travelling, but the Doctor couldn't as that history no longer existed. The Doctor worked out that an alternative version of himself and Mel were due to land any minute and took off in the TARDIS just as their earlier selves showed up. (AUDIO: Flip-Flop)

The events above form part of a time loop which the Doctor and Mel were able to escape. Although the Doctor presumably retained knowledge of both sets of events happening after they left Puxatornee due to his being a time-sensitive entity, it is unclear what, if anything at all, Mel was able to recall.
The Doctor attends a jamboree with Ray. (TV: Delta and the Bannermen)

On an unforeseen vacation, the Doctor and Mel found themselves part of an alien expedition to 1959 to experience the Earth's rock 'n' roll years. The Doctor discovered that the last Chimeron queen, Delta, was amongst their party, hiding with her newborn from the vicious Bannermen, mercenaries set on genocide. After defeating the Bannermen by causing their leader to fall into his own trap, he bid goodbye to Delta, her daughter and a human, Billy, who had fallen in love with her, as they departed for the Chimeron hatchery. (TV: Delta and the Bannermen)

Arriving in Pompeii in the year 79 AD, the Doctor became convinced that he was destined to live out the rest of his days on Earth when the TARDIS was lost in an earthquake, setting in motion events he had already seen the result of in a previous incarnation. Unwilling to give up so easily, Mel managed to locate the TARDIS and prove to him that the fact that his TARDIS had been found buried in the ruins of the city didn't mean that they were trapped on Earth. Allowing the TARDIS to be buried in ash, the Doctor piloted it to the same spot nearly 1900 years later, allowing it to be discovered by UNIT and setting in motion the events which had unfolded since their arrival in Pompeii. (AUDIO: The Fires of Vulcan)

The Doctor says farewell to Mel - and hello to a new friend. (TV: Dragonfire)

After visiting the planet Nocturne, (AUDIO: Nocturne) the pair travelled to Iceworld, where they joined Sabalom Glitz and Ace, a teenage girl from 1980s Earth, on a search to find a treasure guarded by the "dragon" living in the caverns. The group discovered that the dragon was in fact a biomechanoid tasked with guarding the Dragonfire, a power source sought by exiled criminal Kane to power Iceworld, his prison ship, and return to his home planet to get revenge. However, Kane committed suicide when the Doctor showed him his planet no longer existed and that there was no-one for Kane to enact vengeance upon. (TV: Dragonfire)

Realising that Ace had been deposited on Iceworld by his old foe Fenric (TV: The Curse of Fenric) and that he could no longer avoid his responsibilities to Time, the Doctor planted an idea in Mel's mind, encouraging her to stay with Glitz with the intention to put him on the right path, and to urge the Doctor to take Ace with him. (PROSE: Head Games) His manipulations were successful, and he gained a new companion, offering to take her home to Perivale "the long way round". (TV: Dragonfire)

Early travels with Ace

The Doctor returned to Shoreditch in November 1963 to take care of events he had set in motion during his first stay on Earth, retrieving something had left behind: the Hand of Omega. As the Doctor had anticipated, his mission was disrupted by two opposing factions of Daleks, placing him, Ace and the Counter Measures military in the crossfire of a Dalek civil war, prompting him to join forces with Counter Measures leaders Ian Gilmore and Rachel Jensen to end the civil war.

"Ashes to ashes, dust to dust." (TV: Remembrance of the Daleks)

Discovering that Davros now lead the Imperial Daleks as their Emperor, the Doctor used the his fanatical desire to give the Daleks the power of time travel against them. After much goading, Davros used the Hand on Skaro's sun, believing that he could use it to create a new Eye of Harmony. However, the Doctor had deceived him: the stellar manipulator had been pre-programmed by the him, and turned the star supernova, seemingly destroying Skaro, before returning to destroy the Dalek command ship. The Hand then returned to Gallifrey, as programmed by the Doctor. With only the Supreme Dalek of the Renegade faction left to deal with, the Doctor managed to convince it to self-destruct as it no longer held a purpose. (TV: Remembrance of the Daleks)

The Doctor on Terra Alpha. (TV: The Happiness Patrol)

The Doctor left Ace in the Great Rift Valley, while he made various preparations in London. (PROSE: Prelude Birthright) When he returned, they travelled to Terra Alpha, where citizens were being executed by the Kandyman if they did not follow Helen A's happy dictatorship. Killing her beloved pet Stigorax in self-defense, the Doctor showed Helen A that true happiness could only exist if balanced with negative emotions like sadness. Leaving citizen Daisy K and visiting Blues musician Trevor Sigma to help restore order to Terra Alpha, the two friends departed. (TV: The Happiness Patrol)

While exploring the TARDIS, Ace came across a locked room containing a window that visualised Gallifrey during the Doctor's childhood, which the Doctor had bought in his second incarnation. Feeling that it served as nothing other than a reminder of the past that he could never see again, the Doctor set about sealing the room off. (PROSE: uPVC)

While travelling in the TARDIS, the Doctor received "junk mail" advertising the Psychic Circus. Deciding to attend, the pair discovered that the circus had been taken over by the Gods of Ragnarok, who were forcing the patrons to perform for them until they lost interest; once no longer amusing, they would be destroyed. The Doctor took the fight to their home dimension, where he performed for them; once out of tricks, he used a medallion to reflect a blast back at them, destroying the Gods. Their business concluded, the duo departed, leaving the sole-surviving troupe member Kingpin and werewolf-like Mags to rebuild the Psychic Circus. (TV: The Greatest Show in the Galaxy)

The Doctor looking for Cybermen around Windsor Castle. (TV: Silver Nemesis)

Arriving in 20th century Windsor, the Doctor found the Nemesis statue, which he sent off into space every twenty five years, had returned. Tired of the chaos it caused, the Doctor needed to find its bow and arrow for his plan to be rid of it for good. During his search, he encountered Lady Peinforte and the Cybermen. Pretending to comply with the Cyber-Leader's orders, the Doctor prepared to send the Nemesis statue straight into the Cyberfleet, prompting Peinforte to merge with it, before launching it into space, where it exploded, destroying the Cyberships. (TV: Silver Nemesis) During a trip back in time to see how Lady Peinforte got to the future, the Doctor discovered a chess board in her study, and realised that Fenric was responsible. (TV: The Curse of Fenric)

Escaping a Temporal Plexus, the Doctor and Ace arrived in a decaying universe where the Daleks were not a malevolent species. (PROSE: The Ripple Effect)

Travels alone

Travelling without Ace, the Doctor took up residence at Ercildoune in Scotland in the 13th century, using it as a base from which to set out on various travels. (PROSE: Birthright)

Alone, the Doctor carried the Telphin life-seed to Earth (PROSE: Memorial) and visited Victorian London, where he saved Ernie Wright from being arrested for a murder he did not commit. (PROSE: Birthright)

Paying a visit to Michael Faraday in 1854, the Doctor delivered the remains of the Special Weapons Dalek. Ulrik appeared, followed by several Daleks tracking him through time. The Doctor manipulated events so that Ulrik would time travel once more and sent the Daleks after him, knowing that his previous incarnation would defeat them. (AUDIO: The Four Doctors)

Trapped in the Determinant by the Tremas Master along with his six previous incarnations, the Doctor was saved when the Graak defeated the Master, sacrificing all of its life force to free the trapped Doctors. (GAME: Destiny of the Doctors)

When the Charrl Queen Ch'tizz came to Ercildoune looking for the TARDIS, the Doctor departed for good, visiting the court of Elizabeth I and persuading her to send John Dee on a fool's errand. (PROSE: Birthright)

The Doctor decided to take a long overdue vacation to the planet of Ormelia, and materialised the TARDIS aboard a spaceship orbiting the planet. There he befriended a genetically reconstructed creature named Vilgreth, but discovered that his ship travelled through space by devouring planets, and was forced to stop him. (AUDIO: Last of the Titans)

Aiming for the planet Maruthea, the Doctor instead found himself on Mekrom, where he discovered a dead body and encountered a Foreign Hazard Duty team who had been summoned by the now dead crew of the abandoned base. Discovering that terrifying creatures known as the Mogor were stalking the base, the Doctor deduced that they were in fact "echoes", recorded on a form of crystal found on the planet. Proving his hypothesis, the Doctor bid goodbye to the team and set off to find Maruthea. (COMIC: Echoes of the Mogor!)

Arriving instead on Tojana, the Doctor discovered that the native race of violent and suicidal lizards were preparing a last supper for their kind. Discovering that, knowing their planet was soon to completely submerged, the creatures had become resigned to their fate and were now callously killing each other, the Doctor managed to convince the one concerned lizard that it could find a way of surviving. While all the rest of the creatures indulged in the slaughter of one another, the Doctor and "the Worrier" constructed a raft, which they used to survive the tidal waves. Bidding the Worrier goodbye and good luck, the Doctor left the planet. (COMIC: Time and Tide)

Once again thwarted in his plans to visit his old friend Bonjaxx's birthday celebrations on Maruthea, the Doctor found himself instead in London, 1992, and became caught up in a Gantac invasion of Earth. Teaming up with a a homeless man named Leapy, he managed to defeat the Gantacians' leader, the Great Yaga, and, in doing so, the rest of the Gantacian race, before departing. (COMIC: Invaders from Gantac!)

Growing darker

The Seventh Doctor and Ace arrive in the Master's trap. (AUDIO: The Light at the End)

Together again, Ace and the Doctor were forced to land in a pocket universe built on 23 November, 1963, where they began to see images of the past and future of the TARDIS, and encountered his previous incarnation and Peri, who had also been brought there. Investigating further, he discovered that a past incarnation of the Decayed Master was also present, and found out that he was the one behind his TARDIS malfunctioning and him being brought into the pocket universe. The Master had planted a conceptual bomb inside the human Bob Dovie that would make a single thought inside his head a reality. When Bob had entered the Fifth Doctor's TARDIS, he uttered the words "this is impossible", causing the TARDIS to explode across its own timeline.

The Sixth Doctor was able to bring the eight versions of the Doctor brought there together using a dimensional stabiliser from the TARDIS owned by the Time Lord Straxus, and together the Doctors stopped the bomb from going off by showing Bob the inside of the TARDIS a year earlier in 1962, ensuring that he would not consider it impossible when he re-entered it in 1963. Afterwards, the First Doctor turned off the automatic distress actions which had brought all of the Doctors to the pocket dimension, triggering the TARDIS' destruction, making it so none of it had happened.

Plagued by a naggling feeling, he and Ace visited Bob Dovie at 59A Barnsfield Crescent in Totton, Hampshire on 23 November 1963. (AUDIO: The Light at the End)

The Doctor is reunited with Bessie. (TV: Battlefield)

Tracing a signal being broadcast from another universe, the Doctor re-encountered UNIT, and was reunited with his old friend the Brigadier. Becoming embroiled in an adventure involving the inhabitants of an alternate Earth who mistook him for Merlin, he took advantage of this, discovering that the sorceress Morgaine was waiting for a final battle with King Arthur. After defeating the Destroyer, the Doctor realised that Arthur was dead, and, informing Morgaine, prevented her from firing a nuclear missile by appealing to her sense of honour. (TV: Battlefield)

After the TARDIS was attacked by a Kryian missile, the Doctor found his ship was locked onto Christmas Eve. After spending Christmas in 1889 and 2023, he and Ace travelled to Eastern Africa in 3181 to fix the problem, where they helped humanity to recover from an alien invasion and restored their faith in Christmas. (PROSE: Instead of You)

After learning of Ace's guilt over burning down a "haunted" mansion, the Doctor brought her to the house a hundred years prior to its destruction. There they discovered found a menagerie of strange creatures, including a dangerously mentally unstable entity called Light. Light had slept for millennia, and, upon discovering that its inhabitants had evolved while it had been in hibernation, rendering the exhaustive catalogue it had compiled centuries earlier worthless, planned to destroy the planet, ending its constant change forever. Able to use Light's childish logic against it, the Doctor convinced it to destroy itself, as it was constantly evolving as well. The Doctor then explained to Ace that the reason she burned down the mansion because of the residual presence of Light, ending her guilt. (TV: Ghost Light)

The Doctor pleads with Ace to forgive him. (TV: The Curse of Fenric)

Landing in a military base in 1943, the Doctor accidentally caused Ace to meet and interact with her grandmother and infant mother. After revealing to her that that he knew her arrival on Iceworld and Peinforte's time travelling had been arranged by Fenric, an evil entity he encountered before and trapped in another dimension, the Doctor discovered that it had managed to manipulate those who had come into contact with the flask which contained it, and witnessed its escape. Plagued a horde of Haemovores it set loose on the base, the pair discovered that the creatures were repelled by faith, and managed to engage Fenric in a final contest. Convincing the Ancient One, one of Fenric's Haemovore servants, to kill his host in revenge for trying to trick it into creating its own apocalyptic future, the Doctor was forced to break Ace's faith in him in order to allow it access to Fenric. Revealing this to her, the Doctor regained her trust. (TV: The Curse of Fenric)

After defeating Fenric, the Doctor attended a school reunion at Hexen Bridge, a school at which he was one of the governors. He was kidnapped by Jerak, the other half of the Malus war machine which he had defeated in his fifth incarnation. After being turned into a walking bomb and manipulated to perform tasks that brought misery to Jerak's enemies, the Doctor stopped Jerak's plan to poison the world's water supply with a chemical that would turn the human race into insane murderers, and Ace destroyed Jerak's gateway domain, destroying him. (PROSE: The Hollow Men)

The Doctor attempts to bribe a Kitling. (TV: Survival)

Taking Ace back home to Perivale, the Doctor discovered that people had been disappearing, and strange, cat-like creatures called Kitlings were on the prowl. The Doctor soon discovered that the Master was trapped on the Cheetah World, and had become infected with the Cheetah virus. Planning to escape by bringing people there, allowing them to partially change into Cheetah People and then using them to travel back to Earth, the Master had kidnapped many of Ace's old friends and ultimately Ace herself. After saving Ace and her friends, the Doctor fought with the Master, but refused to continue when he saw that the destruction of the Cheetah World had begun. He returned to Earth, leaving the Master trapped on the exploding planet. (TV: Survival)

After leaving Ace in the Cretaceous period, (COMIC: Train-Flight) the Doctor visited the Chardaz Museum of Modern Art, (COMIC: Stairway to Heaven) reencountered his old friend Sarah Jane Smith (COMIC: Train-Flight) and visited 5th century Britain in search of someone to play conkers with. (COMIC: Doctor Conkerer!)

The Doctor visited a group of Eternals and stripped them of their immortality (COMIC: Uninvited Guest) and returned to a primitive tribe he had visited in his first incarnation, intending to bring their worship of and sacrifice to him and Ian Chesterton to an end. (COMIC: A Religious Experience)

Returning to Mongolia during the Cretaceous period to pick up Ace, the Doctor encountered a pit of Dholes and an alien slave who had escaped from a nearby construction site. Ace arrived with a herd of assorted dinosaurs to trample the site, destroying it and freeing the slaves. (PROSE: Living in the Past)

Visiting Smithwood Manor, the Doctor and Ace defeated a pair of Hitchers who had possessed a cat and an elderly woman named Mrs Lacy. The pair departed, leaving the sole surviving Hitcher within Ella Cooper as a form of protection for the house. (COMIC: Fellow Travellers)

Becoming increasingly concerned about the multitude of alien beings which had recently been drawn to Earth and the TARDIS' own limited scope of travel of late, the Doctor began to suspect that the Mandragora Helix had survived within the TARDIS, and shared his suspicions with Ace. (COMIC: Distractions) Discovering that the TARDIS was physically linked to Earth, he uncovered a plot involving a drug being sold in nightclubs named Mandrake, which the Helix was using to possess users. Defeating the being, the Doctor believed he had seen the last of his TARDIS, but was reunited with it just as the Brigadier returned to England to greet him. (COMIC: The Mark of Mandragora)

Work to do

This section's awfully stubby.

Info from The Fearmonger & Citadel of Dreams needs to be added

After visiting the human colony worlds Mendeb Two and Mendeb Three, (PROSE: Independence Day) the planet Two Moons and America, 1945, (PROSE: Atom Bomb Blues) the Doctor and Ace were reunited with the Brigadier whilst investigating a mysterious crop circle. Together with a mathematician named Ethan Amberglass, they managed to defeat a group of conceptual beings from another dimension who were attempting to physically manifest themselves on Earth. (PROSE: The Algebra of Ice)

Drawn to a newspaper report regarding a disappearance, the Doctor brought Ace to a beach in Blackpool. There he defeated an Ogri that had been reduced to sand, which had been using the form of a skeleton to kill sailors since the 19th century. (COMIC: Seaside Rendezvous)

The Doctor's original plan for Ace involved trying to shape her mind to the point that she would be able to attend the Time Lord Academy. His manipulation of her was ultimately for the benefit of Time Lord observers who were assessing her potential. The assessment took the form of a journey to Moscow and London in 1967, involving the Ice Warrior Lord Hhessh and his quest to resurrect the legendary Martian warlord Sezhyr. Ultimately, however, she respectfully declined this academic opportunity and continued to travel with the Doctor. (AUDIO: Thin Ice)

The Doctor spent an undisclosed time visiting a young girl named Raine Creevy, who he had delivered in 1967, when she was a child, before travelling to her future. In 1989, she was now a skilled thief who he recruited to steal a sword for him while he sent Ace to Russia on a secret mission. He plotted to use the sword to ward off an alien incursion by a race called the Metatraxi. After the Metatraxi were defeated, the Doctor offered Raine the chance to travel in the TARDIS, which she accepted. (AUDIO: Crime of the Century)

The Doctor and Ace aboard the Space Vessel Vancouver. (AUDIO: Earth Aid)

The trio next arrived at Margrave University in 2001, where they prevented an animal rights activist named Scobie from loosing the Numlocks on Earth. Leaving Raine on Earth for a short time, (AUDIO: Animal) the Doctor and Ace were reunited with her whilst undercover on the Space Vessel Vancouver, where they again encountered the Metatraxi. (AUDIO: Earth Aid)

Investigating an apparent artificial intelligence created by Raymond Luthier known as the Canterbury AI, the Doctor, Ace and Raine tracked down a software developer named Gina Gulpin in order to hack it. Discovering that it was in fact a scam, the trio left Gina to expose Luthier. (PROSE: The Girl Who Stole the Stars)

The best of friends

Now travelling without Raine, the Doctor picked up a distress signal and followed it to Prague, where he and Ace met Elizabeth Holub, the granddaughter of his former UNIT associate Liz Shaw. The trio worked together in order to prevent a young girl called Napev who had the ability to create whatever she wanted from launching a series of vicious attacks on the city to avenge the death of her father. (PROSE: Fable Fusion)

At some point, Ace told the Doctor about how, whilst working as a waitress, she gave a man in a chicken costume a box of fries. Knowing what the creature was, the Doctor was privately amused by this. (PROSE: Anti-Matter with Fries)

After seemingly freeing the planet Azimuth from Dalek occupation, (AUDIO: Daleks Among Us) the Doctor and Ace spent Christmas with wheelchair-bound David Merrison, whose family had disappeared. Investigating, the Doctor learnt that an alien creature was feeding on David's fear of being taken. Finding the creature's skull, he destroyed it, killing the creature, and located the Merrison family on a spaceship in another dimension. (PROSE: But Once a Year)

Whilst holidaying by the seaside, Ace met a fortune-teller called Hiram White, who was seemingly able to see the future. Sceptical, the Doctor discovered that he was actually a psychic alien from Candram, the planet Cramand's moon, who had developed an addiction to fake health pills. He offered to return him home, but he declined, instead seeking help to travel back in time to acquire more pills to sate his addiction. The Doctor respected Hiram's decision and left him, allowing him to choose his own fate. (PROSE: One Card for the Curious)

The Doctor and Ace battled the Cybermen in the Blitz, (PROSE: Illegal Alien) before encountering the Valeyard in Victorian England. Posing as Jack the Ripper, he had been feeding the Dark Matrix with the energies of the women he killed. He launched an attack on all of the Doctor's lives, but the Seventh Doctor managed to shield himself, at the cost of his memories. Reduced to an amnesiac cardsharp called "Johnny", he eventually managed to regain his memory, and convinced the Dark Matrix that the Valeyard was using it. Confronting him, the Dark Matrix killed the Valeyard with a blast of energy. (PROSE: Matrix) Needing a holiday, the Doctor and Ace journeyed to Coralee, where they encountered the Krill. (PROSE: Storm Harvest)

The Doctor on Kar-Charrat. (AUDIO: The Genocide Machine)

While in the TARDIS, Ace found some overdue library books which the Doctor realised were from the library on Kar-Charrat, prompting him to travel to the planet in order to return them. There the Doctor encountered an old friend, the chief librarian Elgin, who raised his suspicions when he stated that they had managed to ward off Dalek attacks. Given a DNA tag by Elgin which would allow to pass rely between the hidden library and the outside world, Ace discovered a woman named Bev Tarrant and her massacred team. Attempting to help her, she was captured by a Dalek. Having never left in the first place, the Daleks had used time corridor technology to deploy a hidden Dalek pod on every planet in the sector, hibernating for hundreds of years in wait for a time-sensitive to arrive. The Doctor's arrival having revived them, they set about preparing to penetrate the library's defences and gain access to the wetworks facility, creating a duplicate of Ace, which — replete with the DNA tag given to her by Elgin — would be able to infiltrate the facility.

Once inside, the Daleks successfully downloaded the collective knowledge of the entire universe into a Dalek test subject, but were forced to deem the attempt a failure when, at the conclusion of the download, the subject went out of control. On the planet's surface, the Doctor discovered that the famous Kar-Charrat ziggurat was, in fact, a Dalek pod, prompting him to realise that the Ace who was in the library was in fact a Dalek duplicate. Witnessing a Dalek broadcast threatening to kill Ace if he did not surrender, he was forced to give himself in. Taking him back to the facility, they connected him to the Wetworks and used his mind to process the data for a second test subject, seemingly killing him in the process. In reality, his mind had been absorbed into the Wetworks, where he made contact with the Kar-Charratans, natives who Elgin had enslaved to the facility in order to enable the machine to function, and promised to set them free. Escaping with Ace, Bev, Elgin and the chief cataloguer Prink, the Doctor was aided by the Kar-Charratans, who attempted to enable him to re-enter the surrounded TARDIS by destroying the Daleks guarding it. However, they were intercepted by the duplicate Ace, who, being impervious to the rain, threatened to kill Elgin if they did not return to the facility with her. Prink rushed to Elgin's aid and attacked the duplicate, destroying it at the cost of his own life. The Doctor proceeded to the Wetworks with the intention of destroying it, having Ace pretend to be her own duplicate to get past the Daleks. At the facility they encountered the Dalek test subject and the Dalek Supreme arguing: having obtained something of a conscience, the test subject refused to obey the Supreme's order to destroy the wetworks facility. Deeming their mission a failure, the Supreme retreated to its mothership, leaving the Special Weapons Dalek to kill the test subject, but it was prevented from doing so when the Nitro-9 Ace had set to explode destroyed the facility, freeing the Kar-Charratans. (AUDIO: The Genocide Machine)

After brokering a peace treaty which ended the Venddon war and encountering the Voord, the pair tangled with Fleshsmiths and the Master, (PROSE: Prime Time) visited the planet Heritage, where they discovered a terrible secret, (PROSE: Heritage) and re-encountered George Limb on Earth. (PROSE: Loving the Alien)

Taking a break from their adventures, the Doctor and Ace visited Chelmsford in 1645 to make repairs to the TARDIS. Saving a young girl called Tilly Brewer from a gang of witch hunters, they learned she had been infected by the Skeeth, a parasite that transformed its victims into fire breathing beasts. As her transformation completed, the Doctor materialised the TARDIS around her, cutting off her Skeeth infection. Knowing that if she left the TARDIS her Skeeth self would return, he built a cottage in the woodlands of the TARDIS, allowing her to spend the rest of her life peacefully inside his spaceship. (PROSE: The Devil Like a Bear)

Tracking a rift in space and time, the Doctor and Ace visited the planet Epajaenda, soon to be turned into a dumping site for toxic waste. They joined the frog-like Travellers, a tribe who lived on the Epajaenda three hundred years ago, in a bid to regain the rights to their home world from a businessman called Abraham-Derris Cuthbertson. The Doctor helped to open a water rift above Epajaenda, making it a habitable planet. However, their plan was opposed by a swarm of deadly rats, led by a Rat King and a Rat Emperor. At the last moment, Cuthbertson rescinded the dumping and honoured the terms of his contract with the Travellers, sacrificing his life to close the rift. (PROSE: Last Rites)

Attempting to prevent a Dalek invasion on the planet Malite, the Doctor failed and was framed for treason by Premier Yellesh Mercado, an ally of the Daleks. However, Mercado was killed by the Daleks, and the Doctor's innocence was proven by Ace and Doctor Colem Litchen, who had been investigating Dalek Wars. (PROSE: Private Investigations)

Recalling that Edvard Munch's The Scream was about to disappear under "mysterious circumstances", the Doctor decided to travel to the gallery housing it. He planned to add it to his personal collection, as it was part of established history that it would be stolen. He and Ace arrived on Duchamp 331, a barren, dusty planet, and discovered the painting had been inhabited by the Warp Core, which was animating the planet's dust. Whilst investigating, they re-encountered Bev and discovered the Master in the form of his previous incarnation: his Trakenite body having been destroyed by the Core, he had reverted to the decaying form he had survived in before possessing Tremas. He planned to unleash the Warp Core on the universe as an animated planet, but the Doctor, Ace and Bev managed to stop him. Ace remarked that the Doctor should save them trouble and start collecting stamps. (AUDIO: Dust Breeding)

The Doctor is shot. (AUDIO: Colditz)

Materialising in the grounds of Colditz Castle during the Second World War, the duo became separated when the Doctor was shot in the shoulder and Ace was captured. With the TARDIS confiscated and Ace in confinement, the Doctor was examined by the Nazis and questioned over his strange biology and unusual possessions. Soon after, a woman named Elizabeth Klein arrived and demanded that the Doctor hand over his TARDIS key. Fearing for Ace's safety, he did so, struggling to understand how Klein knew about his TARDIS, and was placed in Klein's custody. He discovered that Klein had forged her identification papers and travelled to this parallel time period in his own TARDIS to capture him and take him back to her alternative future, so he could teach her to fully control it. In her divergent timeline, the Germans had won the war, the Doctor's TARDIS was discovered and he was apparently killed. Klein accessed the TARDIS flight logs to travel to Colditz and planned to learn about the TARDIS before the Doctor died. The Doctor refused, but Klein threatened Ace's life. They discovered that the TARDIS in which Klein had arrived had dematerialised, forcing her to demand use of the TARDIS the Doctor and Ace had arrived in. Back at Colditz Castle, the Doctor manipulated Kurtz, a duty-bound officer, into exposing Klein, and prevented Klein's timeline from ever coming about by locating the CD-player Ace had left behind. Attempting to gain access to the TARDIS whilst it was dematerialising, Kurtz was torn apart on a molecular level before the Doctor and Ace's eyes. Klein escaped, now an anomaly. (AUDIO: Colditz)

After the traumatic events of their visit to Colditz, Ace asked to go somewhere where she could relax. Attempting to find somewhere quiet and peaceful, the Doctor brought her to Ibiza, where a strange DJ called Gabriel who believed that he was an angel was working together with his brother Jude in a rave club. The pair discovered that the brothers were using powers from another dimension to raise an army out of the young people who came to party at their club, recruiting them to fight a war between their people and a militaristic race. The Doctor stopped Gabriel, but was unable to prevent his death, prompting a traumatised Jude to expedite their plans. The Doctor was forced to stop him as well. During this adventure, Ace encountered her previously unknown long-lost brother Liam, and developed a bond. (AUDIO: The Rapture)

The Doctor cradles Ace's body. (COMIC: Ground Zero)

One account claimed that the Seventh Doctor and Ace spent the rest of their respective lives travelling together. (PROSE: The Threshold) After she was kidnapped by the Threshold, the Doctor tracked her down to another plane of existence. Travelling there at the expense of his TARDIS, he witnessed her sacrifice her life in order to destroy one of the Lobri, psychic parasites feeding off the human race's collective fear and hatred. Devastated, the Doctor cradled her dying form in his arms as she whispered him a final goodbye. (COMIC: Ground Zero) Deeply depressed about the affair, the Doctor allowed the TARDIS to reform itself, before becoming involved in the events that would lead to his death. (PROSE: The Threshold)

Hex joins

On 2021 Earth, the Doctor and Ace investigated signs of "xenotech" - alien technology - in use at St Gart's Brookside Hospital in London. Whilst combating a Cyberman threat, they encountered Thomas Hector Schofield, known as "Hex," a nurse working at the hospital, and the trio worked together to prevent a plot to create super-soldiers augmented with Cyber technology. Following their adventure, Hex joined the Doctor and Ace in their travels. (AUDIO: The Harvest)

After encountering the Galyari on Uluru, (AUDIO: Dreamtime) the team prevented the Kragvar from invading Palanor. (AUDIO: Afterlife)

The group went for breakfast on London's South Bank. They soon discovered that both London and the TARDIS weren't real. Voyaging into the depths of the fake TARDIS, the Doctor found that he and his companions had been entrapped by a vortex predator. They eventually located the real TARDIS and escaped back into the real universe. (PROSE: Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast)

After arriving on Colony 34, the Doctor discovered a conspiracy involving the government and decided to run for president. The reigning leader was trying to avoid an election for fear of losing, and was using his power to stage terrorist attacks and discredit the parties that stood against him. After faking his own death, Ace and Hex helped him to expose everything the government had been trying to keep secret, including the deaths of colonists whose bodies were used as fuel. (AUDIO: LIVE 34)

The TARDIS materialised in a wood, where Ace accidentally fell into a lake. Taking her to a nearby cabin, the trio witnessed a series of deaths amongst the group of people staying there, and discovered that the people there were experimenting with time. Ten years earlier, a girl named Edie O'Neil had been killed as a result of a misdiagnosis, and the scientists were attempting to send a message back to warn their past selves using a device they called the Bartholomew transactor. This interference with the timeline caused the girl to become semi-alive again in a state of zombie-like limbo. The Doctor realised that the misdiagnosis had never been genuine, and that the whole series of events were part of a cruel time experiment conducted by one of the group's members, Major Dickens. Intending to correct their mistake, the Doctor travelled back to undo the damage, but was unable to bring himself to kill the child, allowing the zombie-Edie to come into being. Returning to the present, the Doctor discovered that, other than the Major, the members of the group responsible for the unnecessary euthanasia were now all deceased, seemingly of suicide and accidental or natural causes. Theorising that perhaps the zombie-Edie was responsible for the deaths, keeping herself semi-alive through her own use of the transactor, the friends departed, unaware that she was indeed still conscious, and able to take her revenge on the Major once and for all. (AUDIO: Night Thoughts)

The Doctor sent Ace and Hex to Monte Carlo in 1969 to recover the diamond known as the Veiled Leopard. (AUDIO: The Veiled Leopard) Whilst they retrieved the diamond, the Doctor travelled to Világ, where he visited Evelyn Smythe and revealed to her that he was travelling with Hex, in fact "Little Tommy", Cassandra Schofield's son. (AUDIO: Thicker Than Water)

After traumatic visits to Ireland, 1649, (AUDIO: The Settling) and Charnage Hospital, 1917, (AUDIO: No Man's Land) the trio arrived on Nocturne, a favourite destination of the Doctor's, and became embroiled in a mystery involving the murders of members of the artistic community. The Doctor discovered that a student named Lomas Alloran had inadvertently unleashed a creature of sound and emotion through the forgotten science of bioharmonics. After defeating the creature, the Doctor bid goodbye to his friends in the commune, vowing to return. (AUDIO: Nocturne)

After defeating the sentient planet Tuin, (AUDIO: The Dark Husband) the Doctor, Ace and Hex arrived in Egypt, 1902, and encountered a young Time Lady named Jane Templeton. Having been stranded for centuries on Earth trying to find her TARDIS, she had accidentally transgressed the laws of time by becoming a god to the locals. The Doctor informed Jane that her TARDIS was dying, prompting her to fly it into the sun, rejecting the Doctor's offer to help save her life. (AUDIO: False Gods)

The Doctor travelled to the island of Mendolovinia in the year 3380 to help solve a code, but fell into a trap laid by the Order of Simplicity. Infected with a virus that drained the intelligence from the brain, he used the intellect of primitives to free himself. (AUDIO: Order of Simplicity)

The TARDIS crew attempted to track down an alien artefact that forced others to tell the truth. While Ace encountered her mother as a young child, the Doctor and Hex traced Joey Carlisle, the person who had stolen the artefact from the Forge. (AUDIO: Casualties of War)

The trio next landed in Antarctica where they encountered a being from a dimension made out of language and communication - Nobody No-One, a Word Lord. No-One followed them into a top secret facility and proceeded to cause chaos until the Doctor captured him inside a book, only for him to escape when a soldier shouted "Nobody move!" (AUDIO: The Word Lord)

Battling the Elder Gods

The Doctor examines the chessboard. (AUDIO: The Magic Mousetrap)

Arriving in the Celestial Toyroom, the trio managed to aid a group of humans in defeating the Celestial Toymaker, trapping him inside a ventriloquist's doll. In order to prevent him from ever resurfacing, the Doctor arranged for Ace and Hex to attend to the running of a mock-up sanatorium where he and the various other guest were kept unaware of their true situation. Despite their best efforts, the Doctor uncovered his own plan and the Toymaker resurfaced and managed to trick the humans into playing against him for their greatest desires in a bid to reassert himself as controller of the Toyroom. However, the final player, Swapnil Khan, managed to trap him in a stalemate, enabling his daughter, Queenie Glasscock, and the three friends to escape the Toyroom and return to the real world. (AUDIO: The Magic Mousetrap)

The Doctor flees a squadron of Daleks. (AUDIO: Enemy of the Daleks)

Landing on Bliss, a jungle planet under Dalek attack, the three friends set about investigating an atrocity which was due to be committed in the coming hours. While Ace and Hex aided the base personnel in the battle with the Daleks, the Doctor discovered that a local professor had combined larvae and piranha locust DNA to create a new species known as the Kiseibya. The Kiseibya had been created to be the natural predator of the Daleks, feeding on metal, but quickly became uncontrollable, decimating the Dalek forces easily. The Doctor planned to blow up the base and slaughter this new species himself, but Beth Stokes, a former prisoner of the Daleks, chose to take his place, staying behind to finish the job. (AUDIO: Enemy of the Daleks)

The Doctor in the Crimea. (AUDIO: The Angel of Scutari)

The TARDIS next landed in the Crimea in 1854, where Hex spent a considerable period recovering from the trauma he had experienced on Bliss by providing assistance to the wounded. There he had an encounter with Florence Nightingale, both his idol and the reason behind his being a nurse. Discovering that he was already caught up in events prior to his arrival, the Doctor, together with Ace, travelled back a short period of time, only to be accused of being spies. Whilst they attempted to convince their captors otherwise, they witnessed the exterior shell of the TARDIS shatter after the HADS was activated by a direct hit from cannon fire, leaving them stranded. Eventually being reunited with it after it had reformed its shell, minus its regular colouration, as it would remain white until it managed to gradually regenerate its shell fully, the Doctor and Ace hurried to pick up Hex. Arriving just too late to prevent Hex from being shot, potentially fatally, the Doctor set a course for St. Gart's. (AUDIO: The Angel of Scutari)

Arriving in 2025, the Doctor managed to successfully perform surgery on Hex, saving his life. Realising that London was under quarantine, the friends became involved in an adventure involving Nimrod and the Forge, resulting in Hex discovering that the Sixth Doctor had been witness to his mother's death. This revelation prompted him to leave the TARDIS crew. (AUDIO: Project: Destiny)

Tracking down a Time Lord casket which Forge agent Lysandra Aristedes claimed was present within the Forge Vault, the Doctor discovered that it contained the unconscious body of an older version of his current self. Witnessing the older Doctor warning them about the return of Nobody No-One, he was forced to sacrifice himself to stop him. Resurrected by Ace, with the help of his future self, the Doctor defeated Nobody with the help of Evelyn Smythe, who convinced Hex that it wasn't the Doctor's fault that his mother died. After witnessing Evelyn's death, Hex decided to rejoin the TARDIS crew. (AUDIO: A Death in the Family)

Shortly afterwards, the Doctor materialised the TARDIS materialised in Alaska in the 1930s, intending to investigate a strange ice formation. They soon met an expedition team looking for an ancient chamber containing horrors from the dawn of time, and Hex became separated from his friends. Presumed dead, the Doctor and Ace arrived at what appeared to be an island psychiatric facility and met CP Doveday, a poet who claimed to live on the island, who took them to the person in charge. There, the Doctor learned that the entire facility was in fact not a psychiatric complex, but a prison for the most dangerous being on planet Earth – a dormant Karnas'koi. Managing to return the three Karnas'koi within the island to hibernation, Doveday, in reality the fourth "Lurker", sacrificed himself to save the friends. (AUDIO: Lurkers at Sunlight's Edge)

The Doctor left Hex and Ace for a while, growing a TARDIS with a fixed black police box outer shell, and began travelling alone in it. As a test run, (AUDIO: Black and White) the Doctor arrived aboard the cargo ship Lorelei, there encountering Sandminer robots and a murderer who disguised himself as one. (AUDIO: Robophobia) After meeting a bio-unit based on the astrologer Nostradamus, (AUDIO: The Doomsday Quatrain) he found a new companion in Private Sally Morgan, a subject of the Blue Fire Project, whilst visiting Earth in the year 2020 in an attempt to defeat the Elder God known as the Mi'en Kalarash. (AUDIO: House of Blue Fire)

Together, the Doctor and Sally tangled with numerous Elder Gods, defeating an army of dead lizards reanimated by their Ancient God (AUDIO: Black and White) and checking up on hieroglyphics on Mars in the tomb of an ancient star-god. (AUDIO: Gods and Monsters) After a battle against an Elder God known as the Kai'lizakia, Lysandra joined them in the "Black TARDIS", and the trio continued to seek out and battle Elder Gods such as the Animus, the Great Intelligence (AUDIO: Black and White) and Derleth. (AUDIO: Project: Nirvana) The Black TARDIS arrived in 5th century Denmark, where the Doctor became stranded when the Black TARDIS, containing Sally and Lysandra, departed for an alternative 1989. (AUDIO: Black and White)

During his travels in the Black TARDIS, the White TARDIS, containing Hex and Ace, was sent to 1989 in an alternative timeline. There they discovered the two Elder Gods who created this timeline. Powerless to prevent the Elders Gods from escaping, the pair managed to pass the Doctor's test just in time for the Black TARDIS to arrive and retrieve them. (AUDIO: Protect and Survive)

Upon entering the Black TARDIS, Ace and Hex discovered Sally and Lysandra already there, prompting them to realise that the Doctor was travelling in both TARDISes, simultaneously. Hex, Ace, Sally and Lysandra then arrived in 5th century Denmark, where they met Beowulf and faced an alien called Garundel. They discovered that the Doctor had previously visited this precise location, but had been kidnapped. After following the Doctor's clues and instructions, they retrieved an artefact called Weyland's shield, restored the original TARDIS and destroyed the Black TARDIS, and headed off to locate the Doctor. (AUDIO: Black and White)

The TARDIS crew located the Doctor in a pocket universe which was under the control of Fenric. After releasing the Doctor, it was revealed that Fenric was playing a game against another Elder God called Weyland for control of Weyland's shield, which could grant omnipotence to an Elder God. The TARDIS crew discovered that they had been pawns of Weyland, used to help him win the game against Fenric. Hex was destined to become the quintessential pawn in Weyland's plan, prompting him to prevent his death after he was shot in Scutari. Hex managed to banish Weyland and stop the game, but became possessed by Fenric. He sacrificed himself to prevent Fenric from permanently taking control and gaining power, saving the Doctor, Ace, Sally and Lysandra, surviving only as a being of consciousness in the realm of the Gods. (AUDIO: Gods and Monsters)

The Doctor proceeded to return Lysandra and Sally to their respective times and intended to take Ace somewhere to take her mind off the death of Hex. Ace became furious at him when he showed no remorse or sadness at his passing, prompting him to explain that as a Time Lord he had a different perspective on death as everyone he had ever known, currently knew, and would one day know was inherently dead somewhere and somewhen. Unsatisfied, Ace claimed he needed a lesson in humility and forced him to tell Hex's grandmother Hilda what happened to him. Landing in Liverpool, the 2020s, the Doctor proceeded to tell Hilda of Hex's death and organised a wake for him. Unbeknownst to him, Hex had made a deal with an Elemental named Koloon to have himself removed from the Elder Gods' realm and returned to Liverpool, unwittingly allowing her to remove his memories. Tricked by the being, he had become a local crime lord named "Hector Thomas" with memories taken from an autobiography. Discovering this, the Doctor managed to locate the fire elemental, but was too late to save Hex's memories, which were destroyed in front of him and Ace. The Doctor proceeded to send her back to realm of the Elder Gods with a warning: to fear him. Unwilling to accept the death of Hex and the loss of his memories, Ace forced the Doctor to take Hector with them. (AUDIO: Afterlife)

After a rematch with the Nucleus of the Swarm (AUDIO: Revenge of the Swarm) and a visit to Ancient Greece, Hector demanded they return him home. (AUDIO: Mask of Tragedy) Returning to Liverpool two years after their last visit, the Doctor and Ace managed to both prevent the destruction of the planet and restore Hex's memories and bid him a fond farewell. With a truce called between the Elder Gods and the Doctor, he and Ace set off for new adventures. (AUDIO: Signs and Wonders)

After Hex

This section's awfully stubby.

Info from The Chameleon Factor, The Good Soldier, Evening's Empire & A Glitch in Time needs to be added

After the Doctor offered Ace the chance to practice piloting the TARDIS, she inadvertently materialised inside a facility run by the Porcian Chimbly. Discovering that they were being manipulated through the use of a captured Resurrectionist, the Doctor tricked Chimbly into firing on the cage apparatus imprisoning it, simultaneously freeing the tortured creature and the race he had enslaved from its psychic control. (AUDIO: You Are the Doctor)

After visiting a seemingly haunted house where he solved a murder mystery (AUDIO: Come Die With Me) and becoming involved in a heist in the Grand Betelgeuse Hotel, (AUDIO: The Grand Betelgeuse Hotel) the Doctor managed to stop a Galparian plot to eradicate all life on Earth in order to sell the planet. Realising that their recent trips had all been attempts by the TARDIS to track down an old friend, the Doctor offered to give it a little help. (AUDIO: Dead to the World)

Ace and the Doctor in the TARDIS, preparing to land in Mesopotamia. (PROSE: Timewyrm: Genesys)

Receiving a warning from his fourth incarnation about a Time Lord demon called the Timewyrm, the Doctor and Ace traced a time anomaly to the kingdom of Uruk in Ancient Mesopotamia, where they joined an expedition, led by Gilgamesh, ruler of Uruk, to a kingdom called Kish. The Doctor was kidnapped by followers of Ishtar, the "goddess of Love and War", but was saved by Ace. Having learnt that Ishtar, in reality a stranded alien named Qataka, planned to influence the whole world using radio transmitters, he sent Ace off to investigate scorpion-like Zuqaqip god Utnapishtim, before entering her inner sanctum. Captured by Ishtar, she attempted to steal his mind in order to gain the knowledge of time travel. After Kish was attacked by a city-like spaceship operated by Ace and her Uruk allies, the Doctor tricked Ishtar into infecting herself with a Zuqaqip virus. She survived, infiltrating his TARDIS and torturing his mind. The Doctor trapped her in the secondary control room and jettisoned it into the time vortex. After uniting Kish and Uruk, the Doctor was horrified to discover that Ishtar had survived and was now a living time machine: he had created the Timewyrm. Realising her powers could destroy time completely, the Doctor set off on a mission to locate and destroy her. (PROSE: Timewyrm: Genesys)

In pursuit of the dangerous creature he had created, the Doctor piloted the TARDIS to a divergent version of 1950s Earth from a timeline where the Nazis had won World War II and were now rulers of the whole planet. They were accused of being resistance fighters and arrested by Anthony Hemmings. Escaping imprisonment, and with the TARDIS once again in the possession of Adolf Hitler and Nazis, he witnessed the murder of a Reichsinspektor General and the planting of an incriminating package on him before he died. Posing as the General, the Doctor began working with General Otto Strasser in order to gather information on the new timeline. A vengeful Anthony exposed both his and Ace's true identities. Escaping in the TARDIS, the Doctor travelled to 1926 and gained Hitler's trust by giving him the faith to begin World War II. Skipping forward in time, he arrived in 1936, where he was hailed by the Nazis and Hitler as a "hero", becoming his personal advisor. Realising the Timewyrm was controlling Hitler's mind to change history, the Doctor visited him at points when the Nazis invaded various countries across the world. However, he discovered amongst Hitler's closest allies was his old Time Lord enemy, the War Chief. He stopped the War Chief from stealing his remaining regenerations, prevented him from killing Ace as a human sacrifice and foiled his plan to build a Nazi army to conquer the galaxy. Finally, after destroying the War Chief and his new "War Lords," the Doctor visited Hitler in 1940 and drove the Timewyrm out of his body, banishing her into the time vortex. Knowing that he had only weakened her, he resolved to stay wary. (PROSE: Timewyrm: Exodus)

After yet again defeating the Timewyrm, this time in the far future, (PROSE: Timewyrm: Apocalypse) the Doctor entered into a final battle with the creature within his own mind. Successfully banishing the Timewyrm's power into dormancy and erasing its memories, he saved its "essence" and implanted it in the mind of a genetically-engineered infant who had previously had no upper brain functions. He gave the baby to Emily and Peter Hutchings, who lived in Cheldon Bonniface, and asked they name her Ishtar. (PROSE: Timewyrm: Revelation)

Returning to the hospitalised Ethan Amberglass, the Doctor entered his dreams and built him a mindscape to explore during his last year of life in a coma. (PROSE: The Algebra of Ice)

Arriving on board the bio-freighter Mitre, the Doctor and Ace aided the crew in fending off a Dalek attack through a psychic link established between a partly mutated Doctor and a Dalek, simultaneously managing to revert the Daleks' mutation of the ship's embryonic cargo into human-Dalek hybrids. (COMIC: Metamorphosis)

Visiting the planet Sorsha, the site of an invasion by the Lom which resulted in the double genocide by the Sorshans, who sacrificed themselves to end the menace of the Lom, the Doctor and Ace became involved in the efforts of a group of Marines towards making use of ancient Lom technology. After one of the Marines accidentally reactivated "the Grief", an ancient Lom progenitor device, the visitors were forced to enter into combat against a rapidly multiplying army. Reactivating the planetary shield created by the Sorshans, the team's scientist, Skrane, released the Sorshan toxin which had wiped out the Lom thousands of years earlier, giving the two time travellers just enough time to escape. (COMIC: The Grief)

Time's Champion

During a visit to Ealing, the early 1990s, a creature known as the Process tried to get inside the TARDIS while the Doctor and Ace were dining at a café. The ship warned the pair of the danger and they returned to the ship, which the creature was trying to leech of its power. Scrabbling to get inside, it became stuck between the "inside" and "outside" of the TARDIS; it had breached the dimensions of the TARDIS, including time, so that when the Doctor went to consult the TARDIS manual, it had already been eaten with a slime trail leading away into a gap in the ship's interior dimensions, even though the leech still hadn't gotten inside.

The Doctor went into the ship to deal with it while the TARDIS dematerialised. Before he could find a way to fight off the leech, the TARDIS collided with the Time Scaphe, an experimental time vessel from ancient Gallifrey. This activated the Banshee Circuits and the TARDIS reconfigured itself into a multi-dimensional city, which the Doctor called a SARDIT. The creature, now a hundred times larger and calling itself the Process, encountered the Doctor and presumably killed him in its attempt to regain the "Future" which the Doctor had "stolen."

Due to the fluidity of time within the city, there were three zones separated by mercury streams: Past, Present, and Future. The Process created insectoid guards from the different versions of the Scaphe crew in the different zones and resided in a tower where it made itself ruler of the city, using Vael, who betrayed the crew, as an enforcer in addition to the Guard Captain. It made the crew search the city for the Future in exchange for food.

Ace's presence in the city, however, disrupted the Process' timeline. An older Process addressed its younger self in an attempt to correct events as its memory of its Past did not match what was occuring in the Present. The Doctor, slowly recovering and using Architectural Configuration, trapped the older Process until it died. The younger Process would not listen to it and even fought with its older self as it sought to create a new world to rule. It summoned the egg from which it had hatched, intending to ensure its Future and the creation of a new world by supervising its own birth. However, Vael, intending to kill the Doctor, accidentally turned the full force of his pseudo-pyrokinetic mind against the egg, incinerating it and preventing the Process and its timeline from coming into being. (PROSE: Cat's Cradle: Time's Crucible)

Contemplating a solitary retirement, the Doctor travelled to Crook Marsham, where he and Ace were forced to prevent the reawakening of an ancient sentience which fed on nostalgia that had been trapped within the Earth since its formation. The Doctor tricked it into feeding off a supernova, trapping it in the resulting black hole. (PROSE: Nightshade, AUDIO: Nightshade)

Whilst within the TARDIS, the Doctor decided to set it to undergo some random reconfigurations. Reunited with Ace after she became lost within its vast architecture, he discovered that her bedroom had been deleted, concernedly noting that it was likely due to the TARDIS planning ahead. (COMIC: Cat Litter)

After taking Ace to the funeral of her friend Julian Milton in Perivale, the Doctor brought the TARDIS to the planet Heaven in 2570 and the pair became friends with a group called the Travellers. Helping Professor Bernice Summerfield, better known as Benny, open the way to a Heavenite observatory, the Doctor deciphered the writing on the telescope and a note stored inside a dead Heavenite's body, discovering a plot by the Hoothi to use the cemetery planet to create an army of the dead. Entering Puterspace, he was attacked by the Vacuum Church, working in league with the Hoothi, and forced to relive his worst memory: the slow death of his third incarnation. With the help of the psychic Traveller Christopher, the Doctor and Ace were freed.

Realising the danger the falling Hoothi fibres would cause, the Doctor ordered Benny to quickly unearth the observatory, which could detect otherwise invisible Hoothi spheres. Knowing that the pyrokinetic Traveller Jan Rydd, whom Ace had fallen in love with, had been infected by a fibre, the Doctor ordered him to leave Ace behind while he went to the sphere himself. Nonetheless, Ace followed him and realised the Doctor's plans. After using Brother Phaedrus of the Vacuum Church to summon the sphere to Puterspace, the Doctor used Christopher to send a message to Jan on board so he could ignite the sphere.

Shocked at the extent of the Doctor's manipulations, Ace finished off the last Hoothi herself, but refused to forgive the Doctor, disgusted that he could sacrificed her lover even to save billions. With some reluctance, Benny agreed to travel with the Doctor, under the condition that he didn't treat her the way he did Ace. Having found a new friend, the Doctor took Benny to release the last of Heaven's owls on 20th century Earth. (PROSE: Love and War, AUDIO: Love and War)

On their travels, the Doctor and Benny encountered friends and foes both old and new, meeting Kadiatu Lethbridge-Stewart in the 22nd century whilst combatting an entity the Doctor nicknamed Fred which was attempting to enter their universe using the Sol Transit System. (PROSE: Transit)

The pair later encountered a group of ancient Pureblood Sontarans (COMIC: Pureblood) and returned to the planet where he had first met Xenith, where he set the computer free. (COMIC: Younger and Wiser)

The Doctor encounters his sixth self. (COMIC: Emperor of the Daleks!)

Landing on the planet Hell, the Doctor and Benny encountered the Star Tigers, only for the group to be kidnapped by Abslom Daak and brought to what Daak thought was Earth. In fact, Daak had been tricked by the Daleks, who had made him bring them to Skaro, where the Dalek Emperor was situated. Interrogating the Doctor, the Emperor discovered that Davros was on Spiridon, and transported him and his friends to the planet to aid the Daleks in their search. Discovering that Davros had used the Daleks frozen by the Doctor in his third incarnation to create a new Dalek army for himself, the Emperor's Daleks, led by a Black Dalek, launched an attack on Davros' army, with Doctor caught in the middle of a full scale battle. Attempting only to find the Black Dalek, the group were captured by Davros, who destroyed the Dalek Emperor and returned to Skaro with the now unconditioned allies, only for the group to escape with Daak's assistance. Covertly liaising with his previous incarnation, who had helped him orchestrate events, the two Doctors raised a toast to the future. (COMIC: Emperor of the Daleks!)

In search of a Fortean Flicker somehow related to the legends of Sakkrat and the Highest Science, the pair arrived on the planet Hogsumm and, encountering a troop of Chelonians who had been transported to the planet by the Flicker, were separated. Whilst Benny discovered a ruined citadel, the Doctor realised that a group of humans had also been drawn to the planet by the Flicker and witnessed the arrival of Sheldukher, an infamous criminal in search of the Highest Science, alongside a genetically engineered super intellect he had nicknamed the Cell. Taken hostage, the Doctor was forced to reveal his own knowledge of the Science, leading Sheldukher to the citadel where they discovered Benny. Managing to enter the building's inner sanctum, the group discovered that the entire planet had been a trap for Sheldukher, who had stolen the Cell, originally known as Project FXX Q84, from its creators, who were desperate to regain it. Giving the Cell the death it desperately desired, the Doctor and Benny managed to escape just in time to save the humans from being slaughtered by the Chelonians by freezing them both in a slow time bubble. (PROSE: The Highest Science, AUDIO: The Highest Science)

Trying to solve the mystery of the disappearance of the Althosian system, the pair were once again separated when the Doctor visited the Yssgaroth netherworld and encountered William Blake. (PROSE: The Pit)

Ace rejoins

This section's awfully stubby.

Info from Time & Time Again needs to be added

Having joined the Spacefleet and gone to fight in many wars, Ace re-encountered the Doctor three years later as a part of his plan to purge the virus the TARDIS had become infected with when he had used protoplasm to restore it. Older and battle hardened, she struggled to get along with both him and Benny after they reunited to defeat the gestalt being Pool. (PROSE: Deceit) Returning to a life of TARDIS travel, Ace decided to take revenge on her former friend, manipulating him into committing murder in order to make him pay for his amoral actions. (PROSE: Lucifer Rising) After this, the trio travelled to Haiti in 1915, where they encountered zombies and an Old One, (PROSE: White Darkness) and the planet Arden, where they defeated the Umbra. (PROSE: Shadowmind)

Leaving Ace and Benny to fend off a Charrl invasion of Earth in the early 20th century without him, (PROSE: Birthright) the Doctor used the TARDIS' Jade Pagoda to visit early 21st century Earth, meeting a reporter named Ruby Duvall during an adventure involving Cybermen at the South Pole, (PROSE: Iceberg) before the trio were reunited. After the team managed to prevent the Timewyrm from once again causing destruction by trapping in Puterspace, (COMIC: The Last Word) they defeated an amoral Silurian named Mortakk in an alternate universe where the Doctor and Brigadier were dead. (COMIC: Final Genesis)

Landing on an alternate Earth where the Silurians had killed the Doctor in his third incarnation, the trio lost the TARDIS and became embroiled in an inter-species conflict. Managing to escape in his parallel self's TARDIS, the Doctor was forced to destroy the alternate universe in order to generate the energy needed to restore the original. Realising that someone was meddling with his own timeline, the Doctor set out to discover who. (PROSE: Blood Heat)

After defeating the Garvond (PROSE: The Dimension Riders) and an Aztec warrior with abnormal psychic abilities, (PROSE: The Left-Handed Hummingbird) the Doctor once again became trapped in the Land of Fiction, this time by a young man named Jason who wanted him to replace him as the Master of the Land. The travellers ultimately managed to escape. (PROSE: Conundrum)

During a visit to 1970s Earth, the Doctor uncovered a scheme devised by the Monk, and discovered that it was he who had made the changes to the Doctor's timeline he and his companions had recently discovered by enslaving a Chronovore named Artemis. Thwarting a Vardan invasion of Earth and freeing the Chronovore, the Doctor successfully defeated the renegade Time Lord, finally managing to reconcile with Ace and enabling her and Benny to resolve their differences in the process. (PROSE: No Future)

Amicable travels

Now roaming the universe amicably, the three friends enjoyed many adventures together. Together they visited many planets, including Olleril, during its annual Tragedy Day, (PROSE: Tragedy Day) Peladon, whilst tracking the Diadem, (PROSE: Legacy) Menaxus (PROSE: Theatre of War, AUDIO: Theatre of War) and Ry'leh, whilst on the trail of a creature posing as the weakest Great Old One, Azathoth, alongside their new friends John Watson and Sherlock Holmes. (PROSE: All-Consuming Fire, AUDIO: All-Consuming Fire)

Visiting Lifton, 1855, the trio encountered a Surcoth who was posing as Doctor Thomas Gideon. The Doctor soon discovered that he was in search of the remains of one of his ancestors, who had crashed on Earth millions of years prior. Despite the fact that he had killed Gideon, the Doctor let him take the remains and go. (COMIC: Cuckoo)

After battling against the interdimensional Scourge (AUDIO: The Shadow of the Scourge) and the Cult of the Dark Flame, (AUDIO: The Dark Flame) the trio were aided by Romana II in combating the being known as Agonal (PROSE: Blood Harvest) and encountered Template:Frontier, who had recently regained regenerative powers from the Tzun, in the United States of America in 1957. (PROSE: First Frontier) After an encounter with Kadiatu and a race of ant-like robots, during which she was stranded in ancient Egypt, Ace left the TARDIS to travel alone as Time's Vigilante. (PROSE: Set Piece)

The Doctor and Benny continued to travel together, sharing many adventures. The pair had an encounter with powerful Sensopaths from the end of time, during which Benny's good friend Darius Cheynor died, (PROSE: Infinite Requiem) took a trip across the ocean to Sydney onboard the ships the Mermaid, the Swiftsure, the Governor Ready, the Comet and the Jupiter in order to enable a sick woman to see her son (PROSE: Of the Mermaid and Jupiter) and visited a planet where the English language was forbidden. (AUDIO: Bernice Summerfield and the Criminal Code)

"John Smith" and Joan Redfern play chess. (PROSE: Human Nature)

After an adventure in the 13th century where Benny fell in love with a member of the Knights Templar named Guy de Carnac, only to lose him in the Albigensian Crusade, (PROSE: Sanctuary) the Doctor physically changed himself into a human called John Smith and lived for a time as such, resulting in him falling in love with a human woman called Joan Redfern. However, he sacrificed this persona and his chance of a relationship with Joan in order to stop the Aubertides. (PROSE: Human Nature)

Chris and Roz

The Doctor encounters Chris and Roz. (PROSE: Original Sin)

After visiting the planet Oolis several centuries in the future, the pair spent a brief time in the TARDIS. (PROSE: Original Sin) Whilst Benny slept, the Doctor tracked down Kadiatu Lethbridge-Stewart, concerned about her vulnerability to exploitation by forces beyond his control. Finding her in a feral state aboard a slave ship in the 18th century, he dropped her off at the Worldsphere in order to keep her under observation. (PROSE: The Also People) Still concerned about the dying words of a Hith warrior on Oolis, warning her away from Spaceport Five Overcity on contemporary Earth, Benny discussed the matter with the Doctor, piquing his interest. Arriving on 30th century Earth in search of answers, the pair encountered Adjudicators Chris Cwej and Roz Forrester, and helped them solve a mystery involving murder and corruption at the very heart of the Empire. Growing attached, the Doctor allowed them to join him on his travels. (PROSE: Original Sin)

The four friends shared many adventures, encountering a reality bomb and a Charon, remnants of one of the early Time Wars, (PROSE: Sky Pirates!) re-encountering the Chelonians on the planet Zamper, (PROSE: Zamper) and preventing the Q'ell from using the Recruiter to kidnap children from Earth. (PROSE: Toy Soldiers)

As a result of Kadiatu Lethbridge-Stewart's time travel, the Doctor once again became involved in an adventure involving the Land of Fiction, where he was reunited with both Ace and Mel. (PROSE: Head Games) After the traumatic events which befell them on Detrios, the Doctor took his companions to the paradise planet of the Worldsphere, returning to Kadiatu three months after he had rescued her. Successfully solving the mystery of an apparent murder, the Doctor was relieved of the duty of killing her when Benny judged her fit for rehabilitation. (PROSE: The Also People)

The four continued to journey together, becoming involved in the Rutan-Sontaran War, (PROSE: Shakedown) arriving in Nazi occupied Britain, (PROSE: Just War) and becoming involved in the events surrounding the re-emergence of ancient power of psi in humanity on Earth in the 21st century (PROSE: Warchild) and on Dione in the 23rd. (PROSE: SLEEPY)

The Doctor attends the wedding of Jason Kane and Bernice Summerfield. (PROSE: Happy Endings)

After discovering that Benny was engaged, (PROSE: Death and Diplomacy) the Doctor set about arranging an elaborate occasion for her wedding to Jason Kane. Reunited with many past friends, including many previous colleagues from UNIT and his original TARDIS, the Doctor foiled a plan devised by the Master to weave himself a new body after the nanites he had acquired began to fail. Enjoying the celebrations with all of his friends, the Doctor wished Benny all the best in her new life. (PROSE: Happy Endings)

Champion's end

Now one member smaller, the TARDIS crew continued their travels, discovering an ancient Martian weapon known as the GodEngine, (PROSE: GodEngine) visiting America in the 20th and 21st centuries (PROSE: Christmas on a Rational Planet) and reuniting with Benny to aid her in her search for Peter Summerfield, her father. (PROSE: Return of the Living Dad)

The Doctor, Chris and Roz stayed for a time in the Quadrant, where they discovered an N-Form bent on wiping out every human being who could potentially produce offspring featuring the traits of a vampire. (PROSE: Damaged Goods, AUDIO: Damaged Goods)

After a brush with the psi-organisation known as the Brotherhood of the Immanent Flesh in 19th century France, (PROSE: The Death of Art) the Doctor decided to travel to the 30th century to shut down the society for good, but suffered a devastating loss when Roz died in a battle. More aware of his mortality than ever, the Doctor continued to travel with a grieving Chris. (PROSE: So Vile a Sin)

As he neared the end of his time as Time's Champion, the Doctor continued to re-encounter many past friends, reconciling with Peri after encountering her on 1950s Earth, (PROSE: Bad Therapy) and mourning the death of Liz Shaw after she was infected with the virus known as Agent Yellow. (PROSE: Eternity Weeps)

On his final adventure as Time's Champion, the Doctor returned to the House of Lungbarrow, his ancestral home. There, he was accused of murder, and was forced to uncovered dark secrets from his own past in a bid to clear his name. Tasked with transporting the Master's ashes from Skaro to Gallifrey, the Doctor bid goodbye to Ace, Romana, Leela and two versions of K9, as well as Chris, who had decided to stay behind, choosing to continue his travels alone using a Time Ring given to him by Romana II. (PROSE: Lungbarrow)

Unfinished business

Feeling nostalgic, the Doctor travelled to 1979 Paris, where he watched his fourth incarnation and Romana do battle with Scaroth. Whilst there, he rescued a sketch of Romana that his younger self threw away. (PROSE: Notre Dame du Temps) After this, he staged a rebellion with a gang of sentient shopping trolleys at an alien supermarket, (PROSE: The Shopping Trolleys of Doom) and nudged the asteroid Maleficent in the direction of Uranus, before returning to visit the being that had once been Prentis Duke. (PROSE: Uranus)

Arriving in British Kenya during the Mau Mau Uprising of 1953, the Doctor re-encountered his old acquaintance Elizabeth Klein, who was investigating a mysterious virus she recalled from her timeline. Despite their animosity, they worked together to solve a mystery involving an alien virus and prevented a Cheylis plot to use Earth as a testing ground for biological warfare. Knowing Klein would continue to pose a threat to history so long as she remained at large, he insisted she accompany him on his travels so that he could keep an eye on her. (AUDIO: A Thousand Tiny Wings)

Upon entering the TARDIS, the Doctor requested Klein recount precisely what caused her to use the TARDIS that resulted in the destruction of her timeline. He discovered that the Seventh Doctor of the alternate timeline had orchestrated his regeneration into his eighth incarnation to manipulate Klein into using the TARDIS and restoring the timeline, and admitted so to her. (AUDIO: Klein's Story)

After travelling together for a while, the Doctor and Klein arrived on a planet inhabited by the insectoid Vrill, a race who communicated through smell. In the midst of an attack, Klein took her chance for revenge against the Doctor for eternally separating her from her lover, stealing his TARDIS and abandoning him on the planet. (AUDIO: Survival of the Fittest)

Klein used the Doctor's TARDIS to rewrite history so that the Nazis won the war. She captured this new timeline's Doctor and imprisoned him on the Moon. She helped the Galactic Reich conquer the Daleks and Sontarans and any other potential threats by travelling in time and informing the past. While visiting the Doctor, trying to find out where this version's TARDIS was, Klein, along with the rest of the Moonbase, came under attack by the Selachians. The Doctor of this timeline had sent them there and supplied them with the necessary technology to destroy the base. Klein discovered that this alternate Doctor had retained the memories of her version's life as well. The two of them escaped in his TARDIS, where the Doctor informed her that the Time Lords had tried her and found her guilty. She was erased from history, along with the alternate Doctor, restoring things to their correct order. Afterwards, the original Doctor paid a visit to UNIT, where he encountered a different version of Klein who was now working there. (AUDIO: The Architects of History)

Arriving in the remains of the Drashani Empire, the Doctor met a mercenary called Vienna Salvatori who had been hired to capture him for a bounty payment. He soon encountered an old enemy, Tenebris, who he had met previously in his sixth incarnation on his second visit to the Empire on Cawdor, who he had discovered was, in fact, Kylo Sorsha, a prince he had left stranded on the planet Sharnax when he first encountered the Drashani Empire whilst in his fifth incarnation. Sorsha plotted to take revenge against the Doctor for leaving him stranded on Sharnax, but the Doctor defeated him, and departed from the empire for the final time. (AUDIO: The Shadow Heart)

Travelling to Arviem 2 in search of Benny, the Doctor was drugged upon arrival by Renk Van Magnastein and manipulated into engineering the beginning of all life on the planet. Returning to lucidity after Renk was exposed, he alerted Benny to Ace's disappearance (AUDIO: The Revolution) and sent her on a mission to track her down. (AUDIO: Good Night, Sweet Ladies) After the trio were reunited on Skaro, the Doctor convinced Benny to accompany him and Ace on their travels to keep the peace between them until he returned her to Gallifrey. (AUDIO: The Lights of Skaro)

During these travels, the Doctor tasked Ace with undergoing missions for him solo. One such mission was to prevent time travelling criminal duo Harmonious 14 Zink and his wife 1V Magda from interfering with established history on the planet Erratoon. On this mission she encountered, and believed she had befriended, the living Tracer who would later go by the name Zara, but was betrayed by her, losing a great deal of her memories in the process. Seeing that she had been successful, the Doctor arrived to pick her up, intending to restore her memories using the TARDIS. (AUDIO: The Prisoner's Dilemma) Later, the three friends found themselves working together once again whilst trying to prevent the return of Sutekh. (AUDIO: The Triumph of Sutekh)

Alone again, the Doctor visited Valhalla, the Capital City of Callisto, and became embroiled in a plot by a swarm of evolved termites to take over the city and sell its population as slaves. After thwarting their plan, he offered a maintenance worker named Jevvan the chance to travel with him, but was turned down. (AUDIO: Valhalla)

Visiting Mars millions of years BC, the Doctor managed to stop an attempt to take over the Martian government made by Arakssor with the support of a band of warmongering Ice Warriors. With the help of Geldar, the Doctor ensured that Arakssor and his band of war criminals were sentenced to life imprisonment in Antarctica. However, the war criminals staged an escape, resulting in everyone within the facility becoming trapped in suspended animation beneath the ice. In 2012, an amnesiac Doctor and the Ice Warriors were unearthed by a human expedition led by Lord Barset. Arakssor quickly resumed his gambit, planning to power the prison's sonic cannon to eradicate the Earth's greenhouse gases, thus making the planet into a fortress that Martian life could thrive in, wiping out the human race in the process. As his memories began to return, the Doctor commandeered a helicopter, Blade One, with the crew's physicist, Genevieve Marceau, and crash-landed near the dig site after the helicopter was hit by Ssrongar's sonic cannon. The Doctor reactivated Geldar's distress signal and boosted it to contact a Martian warship from the other side of the galaxy. The Martian commander, Red 0089, discovered the message, and, upon recognising Arakssor, bombarded the prison from orbit, destroying Arakssor and the rest of the Warriors. The Doctor and Geni fled to the safety of the TARDIS, before returning to the Fortitude to drop Geni off. (AUDIO: Frozen Time)

Still alone, the Doctor arrived on a space station that was orbiting the quarantined planet Antikon. It had fallen victim to a virulent disease that had killed millions of people. Encountering the Dar Traders for a second time, he discovered that the disease was a sentient virus which preyed upon all matter, called Decay. Attracted to death, Decay boarded the space station. The Doctor managed to contain Decay within the TARDIS, but it refused his offers and claimed a final life, ending its own life in the process. (AUDIO: The Death Collectors)

Tracking a strange signal, the Doctor arrived on the planet Tasak and encountered an android named Temeter. Discovering that they were both tracking the same signal, the pair formed an alliance. Together they travelled across Argent City via the monorail transport system to the Grand Citadel of the House of Argentia where they discovered a plot by the members of the House of Sarkota and encountered Sara, the android Temeter had been trying to rescue. Before they could leave, they were arrested as spies and brought to the banquet hall, where a Cyberman statue was unveiled. The Doctor tried to warn the people of the dangers or Cyber-technology, but they ignored him. As Argentia was taken over by the leaders of Sarkota in a coup, the Doctor and his allies discovered that the Silver, the core of the planet’s technology repository, was in fact a Cyberman device, and that still present on the planet was a hibernating squadron of Cybermen. Upon awakening, the began to convert the planet’s inhabitants. The Doctor managed to lead them into a trap before destroying the entire repository. (AUDIO: Kingdom of Silver)

Becoming weary of his solidarity and his invitations being declined, the Doctor decided to create a robotic companion, which he named Catherine Broome. The duo travelled together for a while, facing the Cybermen and Gelsat creatures whilst the Doctor allowed Cat to believe that she was from the 20th century. Arriving on Haven in the 28th century, the Doctor revealed Cat's true nature to her in time to avert a catastrophe on a spaceship. In order to prevent the destruction of the ship, and the deaths of many colonists, Cat travelled through hazardous corridors to the control to save the lives of hundreds. (PROSE: Companion Piece)

After completing a reconfiguration of its console room, the TARDIS brought the Doctor once more to Artaris where he encountered Lord Sutton, the latest incarnation of the Warlord Grayvorn. Grayvorn had been reduced to a spirit after their last encounter and had managed to possess a new host before sculpting Excelis once more into a war-driven dictatorship, using the souls of the rebels of Excelis to power his army of "meat puppets". The Doctor used the Relic to free the souls, but Grayvorn activated a self-destruct which would destroy Artaris. The Doctor tried to help, but was forced to escape alone, leaving the people of Artaris to die in the explosion. (AUDIO: Excelis Decays)

Saddened and alone, the Doctor travelled to the Forge in the hope of shutting it down once and for all. There he found what appeared to be his sixth incarnation assisting Nimrod, and reluctantly helped the organisation fend off a telepathic alien incursion. His predecessor's arm was lost in the battle, confirming the Doctor's belief that this Doctor was a fake. The fake Doctor explained that Nimrod used DNA samples from the real Doctor when they last met to create clones, in an attempt to learn the secrets of regeneration. The clone was rapidly deteriorating, like his two "brothers" had before him. The Doctor revealed to the clone that he had glimpsed suppressed memories during their telepathic contact, prompting him to discover a wing of the base full of decrepit and dying clones. Struggling to cope, the clone initiated the Forge facility's self destruct, allowing the Doctor only five minutes to escape, and killing everyone who remained inside the base. (AUDIO: Project: Lazarus)

Travelling to the planet Pelachan, the Doctor discovered the Hand of All, an artefact that contained a living story. Taking it, the Doctor went to combat a regenerated version of Nobody No-One, trapping him in the Hand inside his mind. He then travelled to the Forge and locked himself inside a Time Lord sarcophagus, waiting until he was found by Ace and his younger self. As he lost control of the Hand, he warned them that Nobody No-One would return before falling comatose. Upon reawakening, he discovered his younger self had died defeating the Word Lord, and took it upon himself to bring Hex to Evelyn on Pelachan and leave Ace with a TG tablet and a lime before he faded out of existence, setting up circumstances to enable his resurrection. (AUDIO: A Death in the Family)

Burning back into existence on the planet Perfugium, the Doctor discovered that his past was catching up on him, and that a deal he had made with Death by which she would allow the Master to live a normal life for ten years was coming to its conclusion. Realising that it was time for his side of the bargain, to kill him at the end of this time, to be fulfilled, he found the Master, a disfigured amnesiac living in a manor house, and joined him and his friends of ten years Jacqueline and Victor Schaeffer in their evening's entertainment. After being tricked into revealing his mission, the Doctor refused to kill the Master just as he was beginning to enjoy his second chance at life, only for Jade, the Master’s housekeeper, to reveal herself as Death. Unable to fulfil his side of the bargain, the Doctor made another deal with Death after witnessing Victor killing his wife: if the Master could make the right decision, then they’d be free. However, the Master struggled when Death presented her choice: his life, as her servant, or the life of Jacqueline, with whom he was in love. In the end, Death took the Master and sent the Doctor away to face punishment for not holding up his end of their bargain, his task to take the place of an assassin and murder an innocent in cold blood. He travelled to the destination and encountered a sniper about to take his shot, interrupted him and recounted his adventure. The Doctor refused to kill his target, but discovered that the sniper was in fact Death, who had known he wouldn't be able to. Before departing, Death proclaimed that they would meet again, and that she knew his inevitable fate. Alone, the Doctor vowed to save his old friend, one day. (AUDIO: Master)

Seeking to "get one over" on Death, the Doctor saved a tramp from allowing himself to be run over by a bus in order to save the life of Rita, the bus driver, who would otherwise have committed suicide. Following this, the pair shared several adventures, including an encounter with Mozart and the Monk, before the Doctor was forced to admit to the tramp that his mission hadn't been to save him. Honouring his wish for death, the Doctor removed him from time, placing him aboard the airship present within the time vortex. (PROSE: The Tramp's Story)

Revisiting the planet Spiridon to oversee events in order to ensure that Kalendorf fulfilled his destiny, the Doctor soon realised that he would have to get involved in order to keep the situation under control. He made a deal with the Daleks to help them achieve their goal of invisibility without suffering from the light wave sickness, in exchange for Kalendorf’s safety. He completed the formula, but betrayed the Daleks at the last moment, exposing them and himself to the sickness. He managed to escape back to his TARDIS, refusing to regenerate, before collapsing. The TARDIS healed him, and he dared the Daleks to catch him if they could. (AUDIO: Return of the Daleks)

The Doctor was reunited with Nimrod, who had been connected to the main Forge computer, Oracle. Realising that he was now the new leader of the Forge, the Doctor left Nimrod a syringe containing the Twilight cure beside him, which would remove his vampirism. However, considering the desiccated state he was in, only the vampire DNA was keeping him alive, and using the cure would cause his death. The Doctor departed, leaving it up to Nimrod as to what he would choose. (PROSE: Twilight's End)

The Doctor delivered a letter from a deceased World War I soldier named Edward Woodbourne, whom he had met in his fifth incarnation, to his wife a year after his death, (PROSE: Never Seen Cairo) bought a store in London called Takahashi's Treasures and encountered a housewife who had died years previously, (PROSE: Running on Empty) and met a young Claire Spencer. (AUDIO: The Word Lord)

Traveling with old friends

This section's awfully stubby.

Info from The Two Masters needs to be added.

Once again travelling with Raine, the TARDIS received a distress signal whilst in mid-flight and duo were pulled into another dimension, materialising on a barren planet. Another TARDIS suddenly arrived, carrying an apparent future incarnation of the Doctor, who claimed to be working with UNIT on Earth. He warned the Doctor of a mistake he was about to make, urging him not to help the Tolians, a race of aliens whose energy was being drained away by a dimensional node, before departing. The current Doctor ignored his warning and conjured up an energy syphon that he hoped would return the power leeched from the planet back to the Tolians, but was unsuccessful. Resorting to using a node activator from his TARDIS to tap into the flow of dimensional energies, the Doctor managed to restore the planet to fertility, but instead of resolving the situation, this prompted the Tolians to capture Raine and threatened to drop her off a cliff if the Doctor didn't increase the output. Knowing that cooperating would result in chaos across all dimensions, the Doctor resignedly did as the Tolians demanded and opened up a dimensional rift. He rescued Raine and jumped into the rift, explaining that creatures from other dimensions would now be able to freely hop around. Wandering through the dimensional corridor they had entered, the pair were suddenly were contacted by Ace, who warned them of danger on behalf of the Time Lords. Losing her signal, the Doctor instructed Raine to pick the dimensional lock with her mind, opening a doorway to another dimension.

Entering into the new dimension, Raine and the Doctor found themselves on a volcanic world inhabited by lava-spewing spiders. Seeking refuge in a dormant volcano, the pair discovered that it was a hatchery and were chased out by more spiders. Noticing another dimensional door which the arachnids were using to cross over to Earth, the pair followed, unaware that the future Doctor, being assisted by the Doctor's old acquaintance Elizabeth Klein, was preparing to banish the spiders that had already escaped to Earth back into their dimension of origin. Fortunately, the future Doctor noticed the travellers and rescued them using a Skyhead.

The current Doctor learned that UNIT had confiscated his future self’s TARDIS to force him to help them fend off a variety of dimensional escapees. Detained by a suspicious UNIT, the Doctors pleaded to have a second node which had been found on Earth, currently in Klein’s possession, to close up the breach, but she refused. Before long, two more sets of creatures, the Nexus, a gestalt cephalopodic species with faces on each tentacle, and flying metallic cubes which could fire energy pulses and explosively self-destruct, appeared in Las Vegas and Tokyo. Whilst the future Doctor and Raine travelled to Japan to sort out the Nexus, the current Doctor and Klein visited a UNIT post in Nevada in an attempt to deal with the cubes. Discovering their greatest weakness was to heat, they used the Skyheads to whip up a firestorm, driving the cubes back to the dimensional rift they had come through. As a last ditch attempt, the cubes joined together in a final, desperate attempt to blow the dimensional doorway to their dimension bigger, prompting Klein to resort to calling in the future Doctor for help. However, the future Doctor demanded the release of his TARDIS before he helped them. Defeated, Major Wyland-Jones did as he ordered, only for the group to watch him promptly fly off on his Skyhead and return in his TARDIS. It turned out that he’d time travelled back to the second after he arrived in England, but claimed to be giving UNIT one last chance to give him the node and close the rift. Klein reluctantly agreed, and handed him the node, which he immediately fled with to his TARDIS. As UNIT troops opened fire on the future Doctor, the current Doctor hurried after him and entered his TARDIS. Inside, the Doctor realised to his horror that the "future Doctor" was really a newly regenerated Master in disguise.

Having infiltrated a Time Lord base on Tersurus, the Master had come into possession of the final two dimensional nodes in existence. After planting one on the world of the Tolians and supplying them with a communicator to contact the Doctor, he arrived on Earth and planted the second. Having conned the Doctor into opening a dimensional rift with the final node activator in existence, the Master proceeded to infiltrate UNIT under the guise of the Doctor. Now ready to commence his endgame, the Master hooked the Doctor up to the node activator, intending to use his mind to gain total control over the flow of energy throughout the dimensions. However, the Doctor revealed to convince Arunzell, leader of the Tolians, to betray him by informing him of the fact that the Master had planted the dimensional node on their planet in the first place, and deactivated the activator, restoring the dimensions. Abandoning the Master to Arunzell, the Doctor returned to Earth and used the final node to return the Tolians to their home dimension. Leaving Klein a space-time telegraph with which she could contact him should she need his help again, the Doctor departed with Raine. (AUDIO: UNIT: Dominion)

Sensing his end approaching, the Doctor became afraid that whatever man came after him wouldn't be strong enough to do what he did, or that he wouldn't be willing to go as far as he had gone. Alone, he started to do whatever he could to seek out evil in the universe and shut it down while he still could. To this end, he began to monitor interstellar communications across thousands of worlds, from the wireless communications of a multitude of law enforcement organisations to the private correspondence of governments and the criminal underworlds. The Doctor detected that Kurt Schalk in 1945 had become the most wanted man in the universe, and set out to discover why. (AUDIO: Persuasion) Knowing that Elizabeth Klein's current self was somehow connected to Schalk, (AUDIO: Daleks Among Us) he travelled to the 1990s to take her with him on this trip. He managed to make Klein follow him from a pub into his TARDIS and take her along without her consent, while also, unbeknownst to him, taking along junior science officer Will Arrowsmith with them.

Travelling to Düsseldorf in 1945, they met a Nazi who claimed to be Lukas Hinterberger, a colleague of Schalk's. To the Doctor's curiosity, he apparently recognised Klein and immediately opened up to her, raising suspicion in her. He told them about beings they called the Struwwelpeter, due to their appearance being similar to that of creatures in a German children story, and eventually agreed to take them to Schalk. Whilst in flight the Doctor explained his reasons to Klein who understood his reasoning. Arriving on the Greek island of Minos, they came face to face with the Struwwelpeter, godlike beings from another universe whose true names were the Shepherd and Shepherdess. Considering this universe to be evil and decadent, they gave Schalk the knowledge to built a device known as the persuasion machine so that they could manipulate all beings in the universe to submit to their will. The Doctor trapped them on New Peerlessness, a prison planet near Kasterborous, but was unable to prevent the Klecht entity from taking Schalk, forcing the TARDIS crew to search for him. (AUDIO: Persuasion)

After discovering an intergalactic commercial voiced by old acquaintance Garundel regarding a weapons auction, the Doctor realised it was auctioning Schalk alongside a prototype of the persuasion machine. Fearing his presence would raise Garundel's suspicions, the Doctor sent Klein and Will undercover in order to locate Schalk and steal him before he and the device were sold. While they investigated the auction, the Doctor waited inside the TARDIS for them to enable him to land inside the compound. Will gave the signal and he landed, but was intercepted by Garundel's assistant Ziv, who took Will hostage and locked him out of the store room, in actuality a space ship. At that moment the auction was invaded by the Sontarans. Encountering Garundel, the Doctor was forced to accompany him in his pursuit of his assistant and Will. He learned from Garundel that Schalk seemingly didn't have knowledge of the machine, and aided him in making his pod fast enough to catch up to the fugitive duo. When they arrived, the Sontaran invading fleet caught up with them, with Klein as their hostage. The Sontarans fired at them, but the Doctor and Garundel escaped the ship via teleport, reuniting with both Will and Ziv. While the pair negotiated Klein's exchange, the Doctor discovered that the man they were selling was not actually Schalk, but was indeed the man they met on Minos, and that he was dead. Using the prototype of the machine to persuade Garundel to go with Ziv and rescue Klein, the Doctor explained to Will that the body they had found was actually that of Hinterberger: Schalk had used the machine to persuade Hinterberger he was Schalk and then used it on himself to convince himself that he was Hinterberger. The Doctor boarded the Sontaran ship and, after reuniting with Klein and Will, reluctantly allowed Marshall Stenn to have his revenge on Garundel, taking his dismembered hand to free the TARDIS from his lockdown. Once again free to travel, they left, with Klein now aware of her biological connection to Schalk. (AUDIO: Starlight Robbery)

The Doctor and crew returned to Minos in 1945 where he discovered that the third party were the Daleks. Travelling to Lemuria, he was given the location of Schalk: the planet Azimuth, years after he had previously visited it. On Azimuth, the trio discovered that it had become illegal to mention the Daleks or remember the occupation. Will was captured by the police when the Doctor mentioned them by name out loud. The Doctor and Klein got an audience with a prisoner whom the Doctor identified as a clone of Schalk, specifically a Dalek clone. They concluded that the Daleks were still on Azimuth, only hidden. The Doctor revealed to Klein that there was a blood connection between her and Schalk, prompting her to ask to travel to 1945 to discover the truth. Will returned to them and told them about a man called "Father" that wanted a meeting with the Doctor. Going to the meeting alone, he discovered that Father was actually Davros, who asked him about the location of the Daleks, something neither of them knew. Both Davros and the Doctor were taken to the Daleks and Schalk, enabling the Doctor to discover that Klein had travelled in the TARDIS to three weeks before they first arrived in Düsseldorf. She had discovered that Schalk was her biological father and a woman named Elizabeth Volkenrath was her biological mother, and that she was engineered to operate the persuasion machine. At that moment, Elizabeth returned in the TARDIS and, having seemingly reverted to her Nazi self, claimed to be willing to become the tool for the persuasion machine. A man called Falkus entered the room and revealed himself as a genetic successor of Davros, ordering the Daleks to exterminate Schalk. Falkus wanted to undo the actions the Doctor had done through time and space. Despite Davros' interruptions, Elizabeth forced the Daleks and Falkus to die with the power of the machine. Will returned with the Shepherd, who threatened to kill them, but Elizabeth used the power of the machine to kill it, dying in the process. After ensuring that Davros' escape capsule was redirected to Lemuria, the Doctor and Will realised that the Elizabeth who had died wasn't Klein, but her mother, prompting them to search for her on Earth, 1945. Tracking her to Russia where she had been trapped, he apologised to Klein for judging her by her alternative self. Will alerted them to the fact that they were surrounded by the Red Army, and an excited Doctor prepared for their next "adventure". (AUDIO: Daleks Among Us)

Nearing the end

Following a devastating incident, the Doctor decided to travel alone when he realized he couldn't trust himself with another life while serving the "greater good". (AUDIO: The Resurrection of Mars)

The Doctor arrived at a Reclaim Station in the Easto Cluster in search of fluid links for his TARDIS. He and Two'Mark, the mechanic, were approached by a small robot who recognised the Doctor. The two of them then headed back to his TARDIS, where the Doctor activated a holo-glyph control and started to play back a recording, made by old android acquaintance Sara many years ago. The recording detailed her prosecution following a failed mission and her condemnation: to have her consciousness transferred to a worker robot with her emotional capabilities stripped away as punishment. Feeling melancholy, the Doctor offered to pay Two'Mark for the fluid link, but the engineer stated that their discovery had gotten him in the mood to be generous, and allowed him to have it on the house. (AUDIO: Keepsake)

Managing to get cornered by an Eight Legs about to attack, the Doctor was saved when his next incarnation appeared as part of one of the trips into his own past he was making in order to regain his memories. (PROSE: The Eight Doctors) Under the guise of Mr Ashcroft, he took possession of the surveillance tapes of Bianca's bar which recorded the events of his previous incarnation's adventure with Iris Wildthyme. (AUDIO: The Wormery)

Now working on behalf of the Time Lords, the Doctor foiled a plan hatched by the Master to gain a new body from a humanoid mouse named Callum. (PROSE: Omegamorphosis) Seeking out the insane Time Lord known as the Eleven, he managed to capture and deliver him to Padrac on Gallifrey. He watched him going into cold storage before Padrac informed him that the President had one last task for him. (AUDIO: The Eleven)


The Doctor discovers that the Master's casket is empty. (TV: Doctor Who)

Knowing his duty involving the transportation of the Bruce Master's remains, (PROSE: Lungbarrow) the Doctor finally went to collect his ashes, (TV: Doctor Who) using a faulty Chameleon Arch to turn himself half-human in order to trick him in the likely event of his escape. (COMIC: The Forgotten)

En route to Gallifrey, the Master escaped from his casket in the form of a Deathworm Morphant and damaged the inner workings of the TARDIS console. The Doctor was forced to make an emergency landing in San Francisco on 30 December 1999. No sooner had he left the TARDIS to find his bearings, the Doctor was caught in the middle of a San Francisco gang war and shot, once straight through the shoulder and twice in the leg. The Doctor tried in vain to get Chang Lee to stop the Master from leaving the TARDIS, before falling unconscious.

Taken to Walker General Hospital, the bullets were found to have caused only minor injuries. However, the medical team assumed that he was fibrillating and that the X-rays showing his two hearts was a double exposure. Cardiologist Dr. Grace Holloway undertook exploratory surgery to "fix" his abnormal heartbeat. Waking up just as Holloway began the surgery, the Doctor tried to stop the surgery by explaining his non-terrestrial origins, but the surgeons quickly began to put him under anaesthetic. He attempted to warn them about the Master, but soon returned to unconsciousness.

The Doctor dies, screaming in agony. (TV: Doctor Who)

Holloway rapidly became lost in the Doctor's strange cardiovascular system, and he began to flatline when she damaged his circulatory system with her probe. Though the team attempted to revive him, their attempts failed, and he was pronounced dead. Unlike his previous deaths, this regeneration did not begin promptly; his successor attributed his delayed regeneration to having been under anaesthesia at the time. The hospital staff locked the Doctor's deceased body inside a cold chamber, with a "John Doe" toe tag attached and a sheet placed over his body.

Several hours later, within the hospital morgue, the Doctor's corpse contorted and crackled with electrical energies as the regeneration process began, giving him new life in the form of his eighth incarnation. (TV: Doctor Who)


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When the Tenth Doctor was confronted by Es'Cartrss within the TARDIS' Matrix, he summoned the Seventh Doctor, among his other past incarnations, to use their united memories and willpower to take back control of the Matrix. (COMIC: The Forgotten)

After the Eleventh Doctor was accused of committing deadly crimes against the Overcast, he brooded in the TARDIS for two days, imagining all his previous numbered incarnations, including the Seventh Doctor, interrogating him over the crimes. When he offered the rationale that he always left things better than he found them, they all turned and left him in disgust and disgrace. (COMIC: Pull to Open)

When the Eleventh Doctor entered into the T'keyn Nexus in order to defend himself, Matrix projections of his previous incarnations, including the Seventh Doctor, appeared inside it to defend themselves as well. After the Sixth Doctor denied auditor Sondrah accusation of being a meddler, the Seventh Doctor admitted to have meddled "just a little" in the Earth's affairs. When Sondrah tried to turn this against the Doctor by pointing out the destruction of Skaro, the Seventh Doctor denied responsibility, citing that the Daleks had destroyed it with their "greed and arrogance", and that he had only provided them with means. When the Eleventh Doctor began to deduce Sondrah's true identity, the past Doctors faded away as Oscar Wilde interfered with the Nexus. (COMIC: Dead Man's Hand)

Undated adventures

The Seventh Doctor helps save Gallifrey. (TV: The Day of the Doctor)
  • The Doctor teamed up with the rest of his first thirteen incarnations to save Gallifrey from destruction at the end of the Last Great Time War. However, he lost all memory of the event due to the timelines not being synchronised. (TV: The Day of the Doctor)
  • In May 1963, the Doctor was elected as an independent MP on a platform of nuclear disarmament under the pseudonym "John Rutherford". (AUDIO: 1963: The Assassination Games)

Alternative timelines

In an alternative timeline, the Doctor and Ace were captured in Colditz Castle in October 1944. When they tried to escape, Ace was killed, and left behind her walkman. This provided the Nazis with laser technology, which they exploited to win the Second World War. Immediately afterwards, the Doctor returned to Germany in 1955, where he was shot by Nazi soldiers. He later regenerated into an alternative version of his eighth incarnation. (AUDIO: Colditz, Klein's Story)

In another alternative timeline, the Doctor was able to save Jan Rydd and his fellow Travellers on Heaven in 2570, and, in yet another alternative timeline, was beheaded by an Ice Warrior on Peladon in 3985. (PROSE: So Vile a Sin)

Psychological profile


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The Doctor considers the consequences of a decision he has to make. (TV: Remembrance of the Daleks)

The Seventh Doctor was originally light-hearted and prone to clownish behaviour, which masked his intellect and courage. (TV: Time and the Rani, Paradise Towers, The Greatest Show in the Galaxy) However, as he matured, he became a grumpy and melancholy manipulator who saw the battle between good and evil as a game of chess, and everyone around him as pawns in the game of fighting evil. (TV: Remembrance of the Daleks, Silver Nemesis, The Curse of Fenric; PROSE: Head Games)

Influenced by his predecessor's decision to let his morality and scruples die with him in his final moments, (AUDIO: The Brink of Death) the Seventh Doctor actively sought out villains to vanquish and dictatorships to dethrone, as opposed to his previous incarnations, who would stumble upon trouble by happenstance. (TV: Remembrance of the Daleks, The Happiness Patrol)

The "darker" side of this incarnation manifests itself. (TV: The Curse of Fenric)

Being the most dangerous of the Doctors, (AUDIO: Persuasion) he would often see only the "bigger picture" rather than the world before him, (PROSE: Head Games) which resulted in him causing much grief, such as devastating Ace by labelling her an "emotional cripple" to weaken Fenric's power by making her abandon her belief in him. (TV: The Curse of Fenric) However, he was not totally unfeeling, appearing apprehensive about his decision to destroy Skaro, (TV: Remembrance of the Daleks) and genuinely agonised that he had to convince Ace that he did not care about her. (TV: The Curse of Fenric)

Despite his manipulative actions, such as using psychic powers to make Mel leave with Sabalom Glitz, (PROSE: Head Games) the Seventh Doctor did care for his companions, (TV: Battlefield; AUDIO: The Fearmonger) and even sought their approval on occasion. (PROSE: Head Games) He believed he would act as a surrogate granddad to Bernice Summerfield's children, (PROSE: Sleepy) and later gave her away at her wedding to Jason Kane. (PROSE: Happy Endings)

Although he originally invited her to travel with him due to Fenric, (PROSE: Head Games) the Doctor developed a paternal relationship with Ace. (TV: Remembrance of the Daleks, Silver Nemesis, The Greatest Show in the Galaxy, Ghost Light, The Curse of Fenric, Survival) Though their relationship soured when she found herself unable to deal with his growing emotional coldness, (PROSE: Nightshade) she eventually decided that, whilst he "may be a bastard", he was "still [her] bastard". (PROSE: Head Games) She believed that he had the "deepest, saddest eyes", (AUDIO: The Prisoner's Dilemma) and even told him that she loved him. (AUDIO: Signs and Wonders)

The Doctor and Ace playing chess in 1638. (TV: Silver Nemesis)

The Doctor was a consummate fan of chess, to the point of treating his companions and enemies as pieces on a chess board. (TV: The Curse of Fenric) Despite his tendency toward a dark personality, his seventh incarnation was known for his use of words to resolve problems instead of violence. (TV: Dragonfire, Remembrance of the Daleks, Silver Nemesis, Battlefield, Ghost Light, Survival)

Although his more whimsical tendencies disappeared over time, the Doctor maintained a fondness for idiosyncratic speeches that occasionally referred to literature, ordinary places and even food and drink amidst the weightier concerns on his mind. (TV: Survival) Other times, he would sombrely reflect the ramifications of time, and the consequences of interfering in history. (TV: Dragonfire, Remembrance of the Daleks)

The Seventh Doctor believed evil to be a genuine force, (PROSE: Strange England) and also maintained a strict vegetarian diet. (PROSE: Human Nature)

He "[couldn't] stand" burned toast, loathed bus stations, calling them "terrible places full of lost luggage and lost souls", and hated unrequited love, tyranny and cruelty. (TV: Ghost Light) He did, however, have a soft spot for jazz music, (TV: Silver Nemesis) baseball, (PROSE: Illegal Alien) and The Wizard of Oz. (AUDIO: The Settling) He described E flat minor as his favourite musical key, and gave blue as his favourite colour. (PROSE: Lucifer Rising) He also enjoyed playing nine dimensional scrabble. (PROSE: St Anthony's Fire) Among his favourite teas were Arcturan, Earl Grey and Lapsang souchong, (PROSE: Lucifer Rising) and his favourite biscuits were chocolate HobNobs. (PROSE: Cold Fusion)

In direct contrast to his previous incarnation, the Seventh Doctor was opposed to violence of any sort, although he proved capable of rendering an opponent unconscious with a touch (TV: Battlefield, Survival) by using the venusian nerve pinch. (PROSE: Timewyrm: Exodus) While he was completely against the use of firearms, (TV: The Happiness Patrol) the Doctor was willing to use a Tissue Compression Eliminator to defend himself against Death's Head. (COMIC: The Crossroads of Time)

While his human counterpart fell in love with Joan Redfern, (PROSE: Human Nature) the Doctor himself was decidedly celibate. (AUDIO: Bang-Bang-a-Boom!) He could also be critical of human nature, stating that humans had "the most amazing capacity for self-deception, matched only by [their] ingenuity when trying to destroy [themselves]", (TV: Remembrance of the Daleks) and that "among all the varied wonders of the universe, [there was] nothing so firmly clamped shut as the military mind." (TV: Battlefield)

Nearing the end of his life, the Doctor decided to retire from his niche of manipulation. Feeling guilty and tired from his plotting, he acknowledged he had lived past his prime and would soon regenerate.[source needed] Fearing that his next incarnation would not want to continue plans that he had set in motion, the Doctor put all his affairs in order to leave nothing unsung when his time drew to a close. (AUDIO: Persuasion) However, after being saved from one of the Eight Legs by the Eighth Doctor, he became determined to enjoy every minute of his current incarnation. After the Eighth Doctor warned him of a trap by the Bruce Master, the Seventh Doctor decided not to think about it, and let fate decide when and how his life would end, instead of despairing over being alone. (PROSE: The Eight Doctors)

The Seventh Doctor was generally disliked by his other incarnations. (AUDIO: The Shadow of the Scourge) The Fifth Doctor was repulsed by his manipulative nature, (PROSE: Cold Fusion) and the Sixth Doctor told Evelyn Smythe that his successor was "always blowing up planets", (AUDIO: A Death in the Family) something he was "not looking forward to". (AUDIO: Arrangements for War) The Eleventh Doctor described his seventh incarnation as "Probably one of [his] more circumspect periods." (AUDIO: Shockwave)

The Eighth Doctor came to view his immediate predecessor's manipulative nature with disdain, telling Lucie Miller that he was always "the man with the master plan," arranging the destruction of his enemies and the toppling of dictatorships in order to serve the greater good, to the point where he began to countenance sacrificing the lives of the few to save the many. (AUDIO: The Resurrection of Mars)

Iris Wildthyme described the Doctor as "a portentous little feller, swaggering around, thinking he's got all the world's darkest secrets under his hat." (PROSE: The Scarlet Empress) Brigadier General Adrienne Kramer described him as "a manipulative little weirdo who was always up to something behind [her] back." (PROSE: Vampire Science) When she encountered the Seventh Doctor shortly before her death, Evelyn Smythe criticised him for his scheming, manipulative nature, (AUDIO: A Death in the Family) while Melanie Bush described the man he became as "a liar and a user and quite possibly a murderer", and proclaimed that she wanted nothing more to do with him. (PROSE: Head Games)

The Reborn Master described the Seventh Doctor on one occasion as a "tiresome little man with [an] umbrella", (AUDIO: Eyes of the Master) while Alan Fitzgerald, a summer intern at the Gogglebox, believed that the Seventh Doctor knew everything. (AUDIO: The Gathering) The Black Dalek considered the Doctor's apparent ruthlessness to be "impressive". (AUDIO: Enemy of the Daleks) The Doctor's first TARDIS described the Seventh Doctor as "the schemer". (AUDIO: Prisoners of Fate)

Though he was afraid of it, (PROSE: Infinite Requiem) the Doctor wished to die alone, and also believed it would be best if all traces of him were erased. (PROSE: Transit) He later told Chris Cwej that he viewed regenerating as both a good and bad feeling in the same way that driving a car very fast was a good and bad feeling; enjoying the exhilaration of the process but knowing that you were going to "die" at the end. (PROSE: The Room With No Doors)

After getting shot in a gang shootout in San Francisco, the Doctor spent his last lucid moments desperately trying to warn Dr. Grace Holloway not to operate on him, proclaiming his need to stop the Bruce Master and, after succumbing to sedation, screaming in agony when the operation dealt fatal damage to him. (TV: Doctor Who) Holloway noted that the Doctor seemed "very clear, very determined and very powerful" while also looking "very serious but also very frightened of something", and felt that he was "rarely afraid of anything". (PROSE: The Novel of the Film) The Doctor later recalled his demise as being "undignified", and expressed annoyance that he "[hadn't seen] that one coming". (AUDIO: Zagreus)

Habits and quirks

Speaking with a Scottish accent, (TV: Time and the Rani) that was noted by Bernice Summerfield to be of the Highlands, (PROSE: Big Bang Generation) the Seventh Doctor occasionally rolled his 'R's and emphasised his 'P's and 'L's. (TV: Paradise Towers, Delta and the Bannermen, The Greatest Show in the Galaxy) When talking about Daleks, the Doctor's voice would develop a harder edge to it. (PROSE: Illegal Alien)

The Doctor occasionally displayed a tendency to mangle and combine Earth idioms, creating Dundrearyisms. (TV: Time and the Rani, Delta and the Bannermen) After Mel described the habit as "really annoying", the Doctor promised that he would try to stop doing it. (AUDIO: Bang-Bang-a-Boom!)

The Doctor would routinely answer any query as to his health with a biffed back claim to be "fine".[source needed]

As he met new people, the Doctor often raised his hat to greet them, smiling as he did so. (PROSE: Lungbarrow) He also collected pins, simply out of the enjoyment of doing so. (PROSE: Lucifer Rising)

As a show of affection, the Doctor would gently press his forehead against a friend's forehead, (TV: Time and the Rani; PROSE: Sleepy) or tap their nose. (TV: The Greatest Show in the Galaxy, The Curse of Fenric)


The Seventh Doctor was a grand manipulator, often utilising his choice of words to persuade others into a decision of his choosing, (TV: Paradise Towers, The Happiness Patrol) or devising an unscrupulous scheme to defeat his adversaries. (TV: Remembrance of the Daleks, The Curse of Fenric) When his plans went awry, or an unexpected element developed, the Doctor was efficient at improvising around it. (TV: Remembrance of the Daleks)

Something of a showman, the Doctor was an adept physical performer, and deployed a repertoire of magic tricks, illusions and escape artistry as part of his plans. (TV: The Greatest Show in the Galaxy)

He could gurgle "The Star-Spangled Banner" while juggling, (PROSE: Lucifer Rising) and whistled "anything you can do, I can do better" while a small bomb was in his mouth. (PROSE: The Also People)

The Doctor also showed a knack for playing the spoons as a musical instrument, (TV: Time and the Rani, The Greatest Show in the Galaxy; PROSE: Strange England, The Ghost's Story; AUDIO: Colditz, Afterlife) though this was seen less as he matured. (AUDIO: Master) Representing Earth in lieu of Nicky Newman, he won the 309th Intergalactic Song Contest by playing the spoons, (AUDIO: Bang-Bang-a-Boom!) and also broke the galactic record for continuous spoon-playing, with sixty-seven hours to his name. (PROSE: The Also People) He could also play the piano. (PROSE: Blood Harvest)

Despite his stature, the Doctor was capable of both directly and indirectly taking control of situations involving strangers, using his greater intelligence to assess and direct events. (TV: Remembrance of the Daleks, The Happiness Patrol) While he loathed violence, the Doctor also showed a skill at unarmed combat, being able to briefly overpower a judo trained Mel (TV: Time and the Rani) and a Cheetah virus infected Master. (TV: Survival)

The Doctor used his voice to compel a guard into handing over a key and to get Popidius Celsinus to sleep. (AUDIO: The Fires of Vulcan) He later used eye-fixation hypnotism to influence the minds of Peter Warmsly and Pat Rowlinson, convincing them to evacuate Gore Crow Hotel. (TV: Battlefield) He could also read a person's dreams by touching their head. (PROSE: Sleepy)

The Doctor could levitate off the ground whilst in meditation (PROSE: Lucifer Rising) identify blood samples by taste, (PROSE: Bad Therapy) and pilot a helicopter. (PROSE: Eternity Weeps)

Claiming to be "fluent in everything", (PROSE: Timewyrm: Exodus) the Doctor could read the writing of the Silurians, (PROSE: White Darkness) speak French without the aide of the TARDIS's translation circuit, (PROSE: Set Piece) and knew sign language. (PROSE: Sleepy)

To fool the genetic scanner used by the Imperial Landsknechte on Purgatory, the Doctor underwent a partial regeneration, a process that gave Time Lords a new set of gene but used up a lot of regenerative energy. (PROSE: Original Sin)

With a though process that worked faster than his mouth, the Doctor was capable of mentally keeping up with a ship that thought picoseconds was a long time. (PROSE: The Also People)


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The Seventh Doctor was a short man, who initially appeared to be in his mid-forties, (TV: Time and the Rani) with his human counterpart being able to pull off being forty-eight-years-old. (PROSE: Human Nature) By the end of his life, however, the Doctor had aged significantly. (TV: Doctor Who)

His eyes would often change colour, (PROSE: Timewyrm: Revelation) appearing as blue, (TV: Time and the Rani) grey, (PROSE: Timewyrm: Exodus) green, (PROSE: Timewyrm: Revelation) brown, black, (PROSE: Legacy) and a mix of blue and grey. (PROSE: Toy Soldiers)

Peri Brown described him as a "kooky little guy in a weird pullover" (AUDIO: The Veiled Leopard) and Josiah W. Dogbolter also considered him a "pipsqueak". (COMIC: Time Bomb!)

The First Doctor described his seventh incarnation as the "short Scottish fellow" who would "turn things to his own ends". (PROSE: Five Card Draw)

Hair and grooming

While he had a full set of brown hair after his regeneration, (TV: Time and the Rani) the Doctor allowed his greying hair to grow out into tufts on the sides of his head, while it thinned a bit at the top of his scalp, by the end of his life. (TV: Doctor Who)


Main attires

The Doctor's first outfit. (TV: The Greatest Show in the Galaxy)

After many failed attempts to find a new look, the Seventh Doctor eventually settled on a single breasted off-white safari-styled jacket with a red paisley handkerchief in his left pocket, a red/black tartan scarf under his lapels, with a yellow pullover adorned with red question marks and turquoise zigzag patterns, with sand-coloured tweed plaid trousers and a pair of red braces either pulled over (TV: Time and the Rani) or tucked under the pullover. (TV: Paradise Towers) Under the pullover, he wore a white shirt with a red paisley necktie, and completed his outfit with a pair of two-tone white and brown brogued spectator shoes. He also had a chained fob watch attached to his left lapel, while the watch rested in his upper left breast pocket. After losing his tartan scarf during his clash with the Rani, (TV: Time and the Rani) he replaced it with a paisley one. (TV: Paradise Towers)

On his head, the Doctor wore battered cream colonial-styled Panama hat with an identical paisley handkerchief folded into a hatband and an upturned brim. (TV: Time and the Rani) He later replaced his battered hat with a newer one. (TV: Remembrance of the Daleks) He also wore a black Tank-styled wristwatch on his right wrist, (TV: Time and the Rani) which he later replaced with a sportier round watch, (TV: Silver Nemesis) and then with a rectangular faced tank watch. (TV: Battlefield)

The Doctor's second outfit. (TV: Battlefield)

As he matured into more of a schemer, the Doctor began wearing a chocolate brown jacket, and changed his hatband, handkerchief and necktie to ones in more subdued shades of burgundy (TV: Battlefield) and brown. (TV: Ghost Light) Occasionally, he would remove his pullover as well, (COMIC: Distractions, The Mark of Mandragora, Party Animals) and wear a sandy brown duffle coat when caught in the rain. (TV: The Curse of Fenric; PROSE: Untitled)

After finding his old signet ring in the TARDIS console , (COMIC: The Chameleon Factor) the Doctor started wearing it again through numerous adventures, (COMIC: The Good Soldier, Metamorphosis) until he gave it to Joan Redfern. (PROSE: Human Nature)

During his escapades as Time's Champion, the Doctor would replaced his usual attire with a wrinkled cream-coloured linen suit, with a glistening silk shirt worn with a green silk cravat, and a paisley banded white fedora. Worn on his lapel would either be Cameca's brooch, (PROSE: White Darkness) or a Smiley Face pin badge. (PROSE: Sky Pirates!) He would later replace the cravat with a bright green, (PROSE: Tragedy Day) paisley blue, (PROSE: Strange England) or solid red four-in-hand tie. (PROSE: Original Sin)

The Doctor's final outfit. (TV: Doctor Who)

By the end of his life, the Doctor had taken to wearing a light brown tweed jacket, with a red paisley waistcoat, a white shirt, green plaid trousers and a black and brown zigzag patterned tie. (TV: Doctor Who)

Other clothes

This section's awfully stubby.

Info about the Doctor's attire from Nightshade, Atom Bomb Blues, Mask of Tragedy, and We Are The Daleks need to be added

He briefly adopted an ensemble that included an orange waistcoat, a white shirt with a Gladstone collar and a black cravat with his dark jacket. (PROSE: St Anthony's Fire)


After his regeneration stabilised, the Doctor took to carrying around an umbrella as part of his day-to-day outfit, using them as physical props, usually to disarm and trip opponents, (TV: Paradise Towers, Battlefield, Ghost Light, Survival) as well as use them as grappling hooks, (TV: Dragonfire) and as measuring rods. (TV: Remembrance of the Daleks)

He initially carried his previous incarnation's multi-coloured umbrella, but was forced to leave it in the Rani's base on Lakertya where it was destroyed. (TV: Time and the Rani) During a clear out, he managed to find a replacement within the TARDIS wardrobe: (PROSE: The Useful Pile) a black umbrella with a whangee handle. (TV: Paradise Towers)

After his black umbrella was damaged, (AUDIO: The Warehouse) the Doctor acquired a new umbrella, with an elaborate handle in the shape of a large red question mark. (TV: Delta and the Bannermen) The handle could split in half and unfold into a makeshift stool, (COMIC: Planet of the Dead) and was also detachable, hiding a secret compartment containing a vial of Time Lord restorative. (COMIC: The Forgotten)

Behind the scenes


Actors considered for the role of the seventh incarnation before Sylvester McCoy was cast included Rowan Atkinson, who later played the ninth incarnation in the satirical The Curse of Fatal Death; McCoy's mentor Ken Campbell; Chris Jury; Tony Robinson; and Alexei Sayle. Sayle had previously played the DJ in TV: Revelation of the Daleks. Furthermore, Andrew Sachs and Dermot Crowley auditioned for the role.

Cartmel Masterplan

Season 25 and 26 had broad hints that the Doctor was not simply a Time Lord, as previously shown and stated. This overarching plot, conceived by Script Editor Andrew Cartmel and referred to by fans as the Cartmel Masterplan, was designed to restore an element of mystery in the Doctor and his true nature as in the stories of the first and second incarnations. Although the cancellation of the series at the end of Season 26 prevented further on-screen exploration of this arc, it was later given full rein in the Virgin New Adventures novel series.

Travels with Peri?

An illustration of the Seventh Doctor and Peri Brown which appeared in A Cold Day in Hell!.

In COMIC: A Cold Day in Hell the Seventh Doctor is shown to be traveling with Frobisher, a companion of the Sixth Doctor. Frobisher refers to Peri Brown as if she had recently left. The timeline given in the Doctor Who Magazine article Stripped for action? claims that the Seventh Doctor picked up Peri and Frobisher sometime before COMIC: A Cold Day in Hell, and in an unknown adventure Peri left the Doctor to live with Yrcanos.

Parodies and pastiches

  • After the original series ended, Sylvester McCoy and Sophie Aldred played characters called the Professor and Ace, respectively, in a series of audio adventures produced by BBV Productions. Initially the stories were clearly based upon Doctor Who, but these connections decreased when the character was renamed the Dominie and Aldred's character Alice.
  • McCoy also parodied his version of the Doctor in the BBV production, Do You Have a Licence to Save This Planet?.
  • In the BBC medical soap opera Doctors (2000-ongoing), McCoy guest-starred as Graham Capelli, an actor who had played the titular role in The Amazing Lollipop Man, a cult 1980s children's television series. The character of the Lollipop Man had many similarities to the Doctor.
  • An Easter Egg referencing the Seventh Doctor appears in the seventh episode of the first season of the Nickelodeon children's horror series, Are You Afraid of the Dark? (1991-96, 1999-2000), "The Tale of the Captured Souls" . The Seventh Doctor's hat and coat can be seen hanging from a hatstand at two points in the episode.

The Brilliant Book 2011

According to The Brilliant Book 2011, a non-narrative source, the Seventh Doctor was at Chartwell on 16 November 1936, where he met Winston Churchill again. The Doctor told Winston that King Edward VIII's lover, Wallis Simpson, was an alien.

The website had a list of sightings of the Doctor from which people had ostensibly been submitting to Clive, a conspiracy theorist character from TV: Rose.

A submission from "j q public" had sighted someone who looked like a version of the Doctor in Clive's photographs — the Ninth Doctor — arguing with "a little man with an umbrella" on a university campus. [1]

Other matters


  1. Contact Us. Retrieved on 23 July 2013.