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Part one[[edit] | [edit source]]


Part two[[edit] | [edit source]]


Part three[[edit] | [edit source]]


Part four[[edit] | [edit source]]


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28 Invaders from Mars[[edit] | [edit source]]

Part one[[edit] | [edit source]]


Part two[[edit] | [edit source]]


Part three[[edit] | [edit source]]


Part four[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Doctor and company are forced out of the room and leave the professor trapped inside.

The Laidlackers land and the Doctor and party encounter Charley and Ellis. Cosmo tries to bargain with them but they aren't interested and they and the Doctor and Cosmo discuss terms. Wells enters Biro's office only to find him dead.

The Doctor figures out the Laidlacker's plan and tries to convince them that bigger. badder invaders from Mars are on their way in a gambit to get them to leave. Suddenly they are attacked by the child laidlackers. The Doctor and everyone escape but Cosmo sneakily stays behind to try and strike a deal with the Laidlackers, eventually succeeding. Ellis tries to stop him but he is killed by Cosmo in cold blood.

Orson and company make a plan to make a broadcast over CBS and talk in Biro's office and when Carla enters, after they calm her down from seeing the dead Biro, Orson tells her to contact the CIA. The Laidlackers prepare to leave.

The Doctor, Don and Charley arrive and meet Orson Wells and John Houseman and learn of Biro's death, just as Don returns from asking for the Doctor's TARDIS to be brought to their location. The Doctor brings them up to speed and they plan another broadcast, and commence immediately, despite some protest.

Cosmo helps the Laidlackers but they pick up the broadcast in their ship and are tricked into believing the planet truly is under attack from an invading species and prepare to leave. However, the Doctor accidentally leaves the broadcast on and their plan is revealed to the Laidlackers. Meanwhile Professor Stepashin finds Cosmo and shows him a machine he has constructed using the new technology he has found aboard the ship. It is revealed to be an atomic bomb which after hearing Cosmo's plan to help the Laidlackers destroy the earth, he activates.

The Doctor prepares another plan but miraculously the Laidlacker's ship inexplicably blows up in the atmosphere. In the aftermath, events are wrapped up thanks to Orson's friends and the CIA. Chaney offers the Doctor a job but the Doctor politely declines, and he and Charley depart in the TARDIS, its dematerialisation amusing Don Chaney as they leave him in their wake.

-Don chaney owns a lamborghini that used to belong to al capone

-The Doctor quotes Hamlet "The play's the thing in which I'll catch the conscience of the king. in the atory, oron wells is unaware of shakespeare. in real life, however, he was a massive shakespeare fan

29 The Chimes of Midnight[[edit] | [edit source]]

Part one[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Doctor and Charley land somewhere that the TARDIS cannot even identify and they decide to explore (the Doctor is trying to get her to Singapore). The home resembles Charlie's old home and they discover that their interactions with the house undo themselves after a while. Charlie accidentally knocked over a jar of jam and when the Doctor returns to the TARDIS to get some tools and exits, he notices that the jar is back on the table, having reset itself and the stain on Charlie's dress has disappeared, among other strange happenings in the house including Charlie writing her name in the dust, only for it to immediately disappear.

Meanwhile, a scullery maid named Edith is ordered around the house to do menial chores and is treated poorly by all the household, including her master Mr Shaughnessy and kitchen maid Mrs Baddeley.

The Doctor and Charlie discover they've arrived on Christmas but the house is abandoned. Charlie hears a faint voice singing Heark the Herald Angels Sing while Edith hears Charlie's faint voice alerting the Doctor to a freshly prepared turkey. The two continue to explore only to discover that it's very difficult to make impressions on the surrounding environment. They manage to find a way to interact with it, but to the Doctor's disturbance, the house's environment begins to taunt them. Frederick finds and calls off his relationship with Mary after being forced to by Mrs Baddeley but Mary has other plans. Charlie, who seems to be able to hear Edith, is prompted by the Doctor to find the source of the voice when she suddenly stumbles onto Edith taking a bath. They converse and find themselves getting along well when suddenly Charlie hears another Edith say that she (Edith) is going to die soon. Charlie, frightened, calls out for the Doctor and finds she can talk to him and he reveals they need to return to the TARDIS. She comments he's scared which he acknowledges, claiming some mysteries are best left alone, however, they hear a scream, a clock chime and the Doctor realises they are now trapped...

Part two[[edit] | [edit source]]

They find Edith drowning and while the Doctor tries to save her, she dies. The household come to investigate the commotion and think she died by accidental suicide but the Doctor suspects otherwise, as he suspects it was murder. They then reveal they were expecting the Doctor, claiming he's Chief Inspector of Scotland Yard, to arrive and investigate. Mr Shaughnessy tells the Doctor he has access to anywhere he likes and can question whomever he wants and tells the household staff they are to answer every one of his questions except those concerning the going-ons of the house. The Doctor tells Charley he has an unnerving feeling but they ought to play along, saying he suspects the murder and the time anomaly are linked when Charley asks which task they should be focusing on. He and Charlie split up, and he interviews Shaughnessy while Charlie interviews Mrs. Baddeley. Baddeley refuses to help Charlie since she won't taste her plum pudding while the Doctor learns about the residents of the house from him and Shaughnessy says he suspects Mrs Baddeley.

Charlie relents and tries some pudding but ends up behaving strangely and catching herself, excuses herself after asking Baddeley who she suspects and Baddeley reveals she suspects Shaughnessy because he has "shifty eyes" (the same reason given by Shaughnessy to the Doctor). The Doctor interviews Frederick, the chauffeur, and Charley interviews Mary, both claiming their accused of also having "shifty eyes". Suddenly Charley hears Edith again who reveals she needs to find out who murdered her, to not forget her, that another murder will occur and finally Edward Grove is alive. Charley yells for the Doctor who finds her but they discover that Mrs. Baddeley has been the next victim, and has been stuffed with her own pudding. The household believe it another suicide and the Doctor asks them to leave so he can consult with Charley. He reveals that he suspects they are playing a game and they know a few things, that the murders occur on the hour and something strange occurs each time, such as Mrs Baddeley being stuffed with her own pudding. Charley realises that the murders are occurring too quickly to be an hour apart and an impressed Doctor reasons that the killer must be speeding up time and they set off to find a clock. Frederick and Mary meet and their warped perception of the events begins to take hold as they forget about Edith and reaffirm their devotion to each other.

The Doctor and Charley find Shaughnessy and ask for his pocket watch but he refuses. They decide that they will go upstairs to find the grandfather clock that keeps striking but Shaughnessy holds them at gunpoint. The Doctor then tricks Shaughnessy to give up his pocket watch and they end up not going upstairs. The Doctor explains to Charley that the entity sees them as a threat but cannot work out how to respond to them which is why he was able to convince Shaughnessy. They find the watch behaving strangely and call the house members together to see what will happen and who may be murdered only to find that they cannot remember Edith. They split up again despite the Doctor's warnings, claiming there is household work to return to and the grandfather clock strikes midnight...

Part three[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Doctor and Charley are returned to the scullery and find that things have reverted back, then find Edith dead, having been suffocated to death by a plunger. The household members find them, with Mrs. Baddeley still alive and the events of before have repeated themselves, seeming as if the two have gone back in time. This time the Doctor and Charley find a third scribble in the dust, with the name Edward Grove, and attempt to deduce what is happening. The two split up again to investigate. The Doctor questions Frederick and asks him to take him for a drive but Frederick refuses, then attempts to open the door to go outside the house but the two reveal that their master has instructed them to kill him if he attempts to leave. The Doctor decides to play along further and Frederick and Mary say they suspect that they killed Edith. Charley, in the meantime, questions Mrs Baddeley and discovers some of her more distrubing traits. The Doctor learns that Frederick and Mary were to kill Mrs. Baddeley but don't remember who Edith is. Mrs. Baddeley disturbs Charley, saying she had already died. A confused Charley is then contacted mentally by Edith who says she is forgetting her and mentions Edward Grove and finally doesn't understand why she had to die but Charley can live. Just then another death occurs, this time Frederick's. However, Mary is thought to be the scullery maid despite Charley trying to remind them of Edith and they all resume their work. The Doctor and Charley attempt to understand what they've misunderstood and Charley storms out when the Doctor tries to explain to her she's misremembering things. Charley goes to find Edith's dust signature but it has disappeared and Edith appears to Charley, saying she is forgetting her and they need to find Edward Grove.

The Doctor attempts to go to the forbidden upstairs and is stopped by Shaughnessy holding him at gunpoint, revealing that Shaughnessy was manipulated by the outside force as he himself reveals he doesn't feel in control. The Doctor then has Shaughnessy confirm his suspicions, that the name Edward Grove is actually the name of the house. The Doctor explains that it's the house doing the murders. The household are called to action to kill the Doctor and in the process, they call forth Charley who has also come under the control of the house. However, as the clock strikes twelve time is reversed and the Doctor reveals that it seems even the entity itself doesn't have complete control. They arrive back in the scullery where Edith has been clubbed to death this time and the household, forgetting the finer details, go back to their duties. The Doctor explains to Charley that the house is performing this and that it's slowly trying to make her and the Doctor part of its narrative. He reveals that all the traumatic memories that may have happened may have been absorbed by the house, causing its sentience.

The Doctor tells Charley they are to return to the TARDIS as they're in a trap and while the household tries to stop them, they manage to leave. Inside the TARDIS the Doctor reveals that if they'd brought any bit of paradox with them they'd be trapped. Just then Charley hears the grandfather clock striking again, the console disappears and the house begins to reform around them and the Doctor realises that they haven't escaped the house but instead brought it with them....

Part four[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Doctor explains that they're still in the TARDIS but they're stuck in a time loop. He then explains that the problem is them as they are the paradox and are trapped. The household finds them and reveals their master is coming to meet him and they transport Charley elsewhere despite the Doctor's protests. The Doctor meets Edward Grove who has taken over the body of Shaughnessy to serve as a communication vessel. Charley, meanwhile, finds Edith again and she asks Edith to show herself. Edith does and Charley, shocked, realises Edith was the cook in her family's old estate, having not recognised her earlier because when Edith worked as a scullery maid she looked different, younger, as it was her first job. She mysteriously explains that she died for Charley. The Doctor and Edward Grove chat and the Doctor condemns Edward's horrific treatment of the household. He further questions the point of Grove's existence but Grove reveals it is enough for him to simply exist, even if it means keeping the others enslaved and the paradox going. Edith explains to the Charley the horrible treatment she's had to endure her whole life and how Charley was always so kind to her, and explains that Grove has filled aspects of her life into the household. When Charley asks why there's so much death, Edith simply says she died for Charley even though she came back to life. The Doctor and Grove talk more and Grove reveals that the Doctor and Charley are what are giving him life, having arrived and created a paradox. Edith explains to Charley that when the news of her death in the R101 crash reached home, Edith was ignored by all as the mood of the house was depressed over Charley's death and yet she, Edith, was not allowed to mourn Charley, her best friend. Not wanting to live without Charley, she commits suicide in the kitchen on the night of Christmas eve. The Doctor tries to convince Grove to commit suicide, saying that he is not really alive but Grove declares that having tasted existence, he will keep the paradox going for a single moment, destroying everyone inside the loop to keep himself alive. The Doctor tries to stop him, volunteering to sacrifice himself and takes advantage of the household's commitment to serve him under Grove's earlier orders, first telling them to kill him, Grove trying his best to stop him. Edith tries to convince Charley to commit suicide since Charley was supposed to have died in the R101 in 1931 but is still alive here in 1906. Charley must make a choice: her life or Edith's.

The Doctor, however, managing to overcome Grove, reaches out to Charley and convinces her to live, and the two them convince Edith to live, ending the paradox. Everything returns to normal and as a final check, the Doctor lands the TARDIS in the moment they arrived before the paradox occurred, and when they find Edith, they disguise themselves, tell Shaughnessy that Edith has done a fine work as a scullery maid, Charley tells Edith that she's not nobody but a good person, and they leave, having resolved and broken the paradox.

References[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • Charlie smells lemons and oranges when they arrive.
  • Charlie knocks over a jar of jam that the Doctor tastes. They also find custard made in Leeds in the scullery.
  • Edith sings "Heark the Hearld Angels Sing" and Shaughnessy mentions "Silent Night".
  • Beatty plum puddigns mentioned that Mrs Baddeley says she makes them better
  • Frederick drives a Bentley and has never heard of Chrysler
  • The Doctor says they are caught in both a temporal and spatial loop
  • tea and sugar?

Notes[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • joke about not fair if the murderer is someone with they hadn't met yet

Continuity[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • Charlie mentions the prescence of a police telephone box not being mysterious at all.
  • charlie mentions agatha christie
  • the r101 is mentioned

30 Seasons of Fear[[edit] | [edit source]]

Part one[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Doctor recounts how he met Sebastian Grayle after keeping his promise to Charley and taking her back to Singapore on the eve of December 31st, 1930. Sebastian gloats to the Doctor that his master's have taken control of the world and created an alternative timeline and further explains that he is from the Doctor's future where he, Grayle, has killed him and walks off. Charley finds him and after explaining to her whom he just met, they return to the TARDIS to figure out what is going on. They hatch a plan to stop Grayle by preventing him from ever meeting his so-called "masters". They arrive at his old family home and rummage through his stuff, finding evidence to support the Doctor's theory of why Sebastian approached Alex earlier in the day.

The Doctor and Charley arrive in 305 AD during the Roman empire on the advice that this was the first recorded instance of the surname Grayle throughout human history. They meet Decurian Graylisle (Grayle's earliest life) and after questioning him the Doctor decides to investigate this "temple" that he is so desperate to get to and they depart. The Doctor discovers it is a cult while Charley is contacted by a mysterious voice. She finds the Doctor and informs him and they investigate it, in the process discovering that they have arrived at a point before Grayle became the man they met. A ceremony begins in the temple and Charley and the Doctor discovers that Grayle had made a deal with the voice from the device Charley heard earlier commanding him to gather the people in the temple as a sacrifice to them in order for them to grant him immortality. The Doctor tells the men to leave while he attempts to investigate the strange lights in the sky.

The Doctor attempts to talk Graylisle out of what he's doing by bargaining with him but he refuses. Charley manages to save him but Graylisle escapes and the Doctor and Charley are seemingly trapped...

Part two[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Doctor and Charley manage to get into the TARDIS and escape. The Doctor deduces that Grayle will attempt to gain immortality again but seems to only be able to do so at certain times and the Doctor surmises that the ones offering him this power must be inhibited by something due to their location, hence the long waits between times. He finds that the beam attempting to get to Grayle originated in the Ordinand system, a system surrounded by black holes and planetary disturbances making it possible to only contact Earth every 750 years. They decide they need to stop his next attempt and next visit London in 1055 and visit the court of Edward the Confessor. They find a radioactive source in the court and suspect it is Grayle. After meeting Edward (who is already acquainted with the Doctor from another time) they quietly confront Grayle at his table in the court but he is still bent on executing his plan. Just then Charley is poisoned from a drink she was having (orchestrated by Grayle secretly), and the Doctor rushes to treat her back in the TARDIS but is followed in by Grayle. They are arrested by Edward though after being tricked by Grayle and chained up in the dungeon. However, upon revealing his plan to take over Edward's throne and use holy metal (which the Doctor identifies as plutnoium) and bring his masters to Earth and gain immortality, Edward reveals that they were suspicious of him and attempt to stop him but it is too late and Grayle attempts to summon his masters. The Doctor, however, manages to stop Grayle again but Grayle sends him to his death...

Part three[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Doctor barely manages to escape and Grayle falls into the river near the castle and they watch him escape. The Doctor explains his suspicions to Charley and says they must go forward in time again to stop him. Then he and Charley have a heart-to-heart chat about his actions and Grayle's intents and Charley tries to reassure him over his actions of trying to kill Grayle but the Doctor is still suspicious. They land in 19th century Buckinghamshire as the TARDIS detects Grayle's presence there. After doing some exploring, they find themselves in Wickham caves, home of the Hellfire club whom they have encountered before although earlier in their time stream and later for the members. They are discovered by Richard Martin who reveals that they are in the club founded by sir Sebastian Grayle. He takes them to meet Sebastian. The Doctor, Charley and Grayle are reunited but in a strange gesture Grayle invites them to stay as guests and the Doctor accepts, and once alone, explains to Charley that Grayle must be in a good mood because he feels invulnerable as his goal is probably close to fruition, which is the perfect time to start asking him questions, perhaps maybe being able to find out who his masters are.

At dinner, the Doctor accidentally insults Grayle's latest fiancee, Lucy, and Grayle challenges him to a duel, which he accepts. The Doctor and Grayle begin their duel and Grayle manages to injure him but the Doctor reveals his sword is a special one that is able to suck out alien energy, the one keeping Grayle young and immortal. Disgraced in loss, Grayle kidnaps Lucy and makes a getaway, planning to use her as a sacrifice for his masters as part of the final part of his plan because they need organic matter to feed on as passing through the black hole starves them. The Doctor, Charley and Richard give chase and find Grayle but it is too late as the gate has opened. A giant metal egg appears and the Doctor recognises them as Grayle frees them, and Grayle's masters are revealed to be the Nimon, come to feast on the Earth...

Part four[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Nimon's require the psyionic oscillator, a gold coin that Grayle cannot find, when Lucy reveals that she and her father are thieves and the marriage was a ruse to knab Grayle's fortune and with any luck, Lucy's father, who was merely posing as Richard Martin, has made his getaway with the fortune. Grayle runs back to the house and encounters Lucy's father who begs for her safe release, while the Doctor investigates the weak Nimon's plan. Discovering what to do, and being joined by Lucy's father who was thrown back into the lair by Grayle, they escape to the TARDIS to enact the Doctor's plan while Grayle finds the oscillator and frees the Nimon. The Doctor gives Lucy instructions while inside the TARDIS but Grayle manages to get inside, and the Doctor seemingly sacrifices himself by flinging himself and the Nimon accompanying Grayle into the time vortex. Grayle continues his plan but Lucy delivers the Doctor's message to Charley: "Fast return switch, three times fast". Knowing what to do, Charley instructs Lucy to distract Grayle while she enacts a plan.

The Doctor carries out his plan and ends up in the third century in Rome again. He first talks to the cult that opposes the demon bull Mithras that he and Charley met earlier and tells them that the very demon bulls they had sworn to destroy will be arriving shortly and to prepare for battle and finds Graylisle again. He discovers that all Graylisle really wanted was money to have an inheritance so that he could marry his beloved Julia and the Doctor gives him an inheritance. Just then the TARDIS arrives and Grayle steps out and confronts the Doctor but sees himself and the Doctor explains to Graylisle that this is who he becomes. The Nimon arrive but are immediately killed by the warriors with the Doctor having provided them with special weapons. Grayle attempts to kill the Doctor but Graylisle kills himself (Grayle), disgusted with his future self and fearing what it is he had become. The Doctor gives Graylisle quick instructions on how to finish off the machine to stop the Nimon from landing while he explains to Charley that the timeline will then be corrected and they will drop off Lucy soon enough.

The Doctor and Charley return to Singapore on New Year's Eve 1930 but the Doctor still has a strange feeling that something isn't right.

Back in the present the Doctor explains everything that happened to Rassilon.

Lucy returns home to find her father despite him supposedly dying and suddenly sees a spectral image of what appears to be Charley, but it reveals itself to be something else and feeds on her and her father before declaring its intent to find the Doctor and Charley....

References[[edit] | [edit source]]

Time lords[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • When questioned by Sebastian Grayle, the Doctor wonders whether Sebastian has mixed him up with another Timelord, as he doesn't say "You will obey me" (a reference to the Master), he doesn't meddle (a reference to the Meddling Monk) and that he's "not a glamorous woman" (a reference to the Rani).

Technology[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • The Doctor uses a genetic sampler to get a sample of Alex Grayle's DNA out of Charley's mouth after she had been kissing him in order to trace him back to his family home.
  • The Nimons use psyionic technology.

Individuals[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • The Abott of Felsicar is the greatest expert on human geneaology in the milky way.
  • A man named "Jesus" is mentioned as being hanged on a cross a few days ago although his fate is unknown.

  • Charloette has read a lot of Jane Austen.
  • The pure iron myth of how magic beasts are killed by magic swords was perpetrated through this defunct timeline due to the Nimon's actions.

Notes[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • Charlie jokes about the Doctor "always playing the fool to keep his enemies talking", a technique commonly used by the Doctor's other incarnations as well, for example, the fourth Doctor.
  • When Grayle attempts to sacrifice the men in the temple to appease the Nimons and gain immortality at the end of episode 1, Dalek voices can be heard in the background.
  • This is one of the few main range Doctor Who audios in which a curse word is verbally spoken. When Charley and the Doctor arrive in Edward the Confessor's court and spot Grayle, the Doctor mentions seeing tension patterns on his head and says it's only something one picks up on when "you're used to the bitchiness of Timelord society". As Doctor Who is primarily a franchise aimed at children, cursing and rude words have typically not been a part of the program (although this has been relaxed somewhat in the revived series due to a shift in the demographic). Note that this does not include spinoffs such as "Torchwood" which are aimed at a more mature audience and do include the use of such words.

Continuity[[edit] | [edit source]]

58 The Harvest[[edit] | [edit source]]

Part one[[edit] | [edit source]]

Thomas Hector "Hex" Schofield arrives at St Gart's hospital to begin his shift as a nurse despite it being his birthday. Just then his old flatmate Damien Boyd is brought into the emergency having been involved in a bike accident. Meanwhile, Doctor Farrer makes surgical corrections to Subject One as they discuss his new transformation. Hex, deeply effected, goes to the cafeteria to take a break where he is met and chatted up by a secretary named McShane. She convinces him to attend his birthday celebration despite not wanting to after the disturbing morning events.

He heads down to surgery to ask Doctor Farrer about Damien, only to discover that Damien supposedly didn't survive the surgery. A distraught Hex prepares to go home when Ace, who had been waiting with the crowd at the White Rabbit and came to find him when he didn't show up, finds him and asks why he isn' coming to his birthday celebration. They are watched through a security camera. He explains what happened and prepares to depart when a mysterious figure tries to run them over, and they make an escape on Hex's computer. After a chase, Ace asks him to take her to the junkyard in Totter's Lane, and when he does, she tells him to go home and forget everything that happened today. Once she disappears, Hew sneaks around trying to follow her when stumbles onto a police telephone box and a reluctant Doctor and Ace invite him inside...

Part two[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Doctor explains the situation to a thoroughly bewilidered Hex while Ace tries to comfort him, the myserious work being done in a closed ward in the hospital and its potentially lethal consequences. In the meantime, Doctor Farrer assures Subject One that his worries of his own perceived ugliness are unfounded. The Doctor, Ace and Hex, having reluctantly joined them despite the Doctor not wanting him, go inside the hospital to uncover more, putting a plan into action. The Doctor manages to get into the resticted wards for the C-programme, but Ace and Hex are denied entry and the Doctor orders them to retreat. The Doctor attempts ot figure out who overrode the clearance he programmed when Hex suggests they use Doctor Mathias to get them to floor 31 since he works on one floor below. They succeed and prepare to investigate a mysterious hatch when suddenly it opens and they hear marching, and Ace sees the oncoming Cybermen...

Part three[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Doctor loses contact with Ace and but Hex reaches him through her communication device and he explains that the Cybermen took Ace and Mark Mathias. The Doctor instructs him to covertly leave the hospital while he joins him. Hex is almost caught but narrowly escapes thanks to a distracting explosion made by the Doctor. The two escape and the Doctor explains to Hex the origin of the Cybermen.

Ace and Mark, meanwhile, are hauled elsewhere and visited and interrogated by David Garnier who explains that under law he is now allowed to do whatever he pleases with those that have been caught infringing. His interrogation turns up little, however, Ace warns him about working for the Cybermen, which he ignores.

The Doctor takes Hex back to the TARDIS, explains the basics of it to him and they take off to try and find Ace. Garnier talks with Farrer while the latter performs surgery, enforcing his superiority over him. The Doctor and Hex arrive in C-programme's ward and go looking for Ace and Mathias. They see all kinds of bodies being harvested for organic compnents and the Doctor is puzzled as to why it isn't just a cyber-factory like any other. Hex finds Damien's body has been partially harvested and reacts in disgust but they are attacked and the two split up. Ace and Matias are brought to Farrer by Garnier to be dissected but he refuses, claiming that they were only supposed to be using bodies of people who were about to die, not live specimens but Garnier enforces his authority on an unwilling Farrer and Polk forces Farrer to cooperate against his will. The Doctor is found by Garnier just as Ace is about to be dissected by an unwilling Farrer...

Part four[[edit] | [edit source]]

Hex finds Ace and Mathias and manages to stop Polk allowing Farrer to command the machine about to dissect them to stop. Despite wanting to hurt him, Ace convinces Mathias to leave Farrer as he isn't worth it. Meanwhile the Doctor meets with Subject One and Garnier and Subject One reveals the Doctor is a Time Lord and will be forced to aid their operation. Subject One reveals they originally crashed on Earth and that they traded their cybertechnology and their expertise and knowledge to the Europen Combine in exchange for organic bodies. The Doctor is confused as to why and Subject One explains that he and his group of Cybermen want to regain their flesh forms and emotions back. When he brings the Doctor to try and save the others who are rejecting their organ transplants the Doctor becomes sympathetic but explains that they cannot be saved.

In the meantime the humans who have been partially converted to Cybermen rampage through the hospital, killing staff as Farrer explains that their grasp of logic is not solid and since they were commanded to eliminate "all threats to the cyber program", they interpret this literally as in to destroy all humans on account of one human threatening the program.

Ace, Mark Mathias, Hex and Farrer attempt to escape but Farrer gets shot. They take him to a safe place and Hex and Mark attempt to save him but Mathias faints and Ace, in the meantime, attempts to access central control in order to try and shut down the cyber-humans. She is, however, blocked and needs the password, which Farrer has but is not in a state where he is able to talk as Mark and Hex continue to try to save him from his bullet wound. The Doctor realises the hospital is really a starting ground for creating a Cyber army to invade the Earth and that he has been tricked by the Cyber-Leader Subject One and that he lied to him, which Subject One reveals is one of the benefits of an organic mind. The Doctor also deduces that the cyber-humans are all linked together and is sure that anyone with access to the central control can shut them down. Just then, Farrer barely manages to maintain conciousness but is able to give the password "Harvest" to Ace which allows her to access the control and shut down the rampaging cyber-humans. The Cyber-Leader begs the Doctor for help as his army shuts down and his body own begins to reject the implants but the Doctor walks away and the Cyber-Leader perishes.

The Doctor reunites with Ace, Hex and Farrer where he confirms his suspicion that Ace had deactivated the partially cyber-converted humans. He and Ace decide it best to slip away in order to avoid having to deal with questions as the authorities are on their way. Tey bid farewell to the others but just as they are about to depart , Hex comes running after them, requesting to join them as he is "looking to change careers" and the Doctor, bemused, consents.

References[[edit] | [edit source]]

Notes[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • Hex asks the Doctor the infamous question "Doctor who?" when the Doctor informs him that he's called the Doctor.

Continuity[[edit] | [edit source]]

68 Catch-1782[[edit] | [edit source]]

Part one[[edit] | [edit source]]

Mel has been invited by her uncle, Dr. John Hallam, to the National Foundation for Scientific Research centenary celebration in Berkshire and the Doctor insists they go. Just as Mel leaves to get changed, the Doctor hears a strange voice coming from the TARDIS console but it disappears when Mel returns, dubbing it to himself a "kink in time". He assures her it was nothing, although still suspicious himself, and they go on their way. They arrive in John's apartment where he is happy to see Mel as they are reunited. He gives Mel and the Doctor a tour of the old house that belongs to the Foundation and now him, which is also incidentally where he is working on what Mel claims is a "carbon dating" project but she doesn't know much about it since it's top secret. He takes them to the library and when they comment on feeling at ease, John explains about the various ghost stories surrounding the house but the odd thing is, the victims all described seeing a similar ghost. He further talks about Eleanor Hallam and the Hallam family history and how the house was passed through the generations as well as an unknown figure in one of the portraits of Henry Hallam, next to him. The Doctor suspects it to be the "kink in time" but they depart before he can investigate as the reception is about to start.

The Doctor bumps into Professor David Munro and they get into deep conversation so Mel and her uncle head off to chat and he explains to her the purpose of the event, to bury a "time capsule" made from a newly discovered alloy to celebrate the centenary. Mel asks if she can sneak off back to John's studies to read up on their family history from the notes John had been making and had showed them earlier and bemused, gives her the room key and tells her to have fun, as well as to check out the proto-type alloy he has on the study desk. Mel sneaks off while the Doctor and John watch the burial but are surprised when a capsule buried there is already discovered while digging. The Doctor and John decide to take it back to his carbon dating machine to investigate. The noise from the machine makes it difficult to hear Mel scream, as she hears a voice and suddenly disappears, but they manage to hear the last few moments. They then discover that inside the unearthed capsule is the proto-type canister, which John claims is impossible as it is sitting on the desk in his studies. They search for Mel but she is nowhere to be find. The Doctor goes inside the TARDIS only to find it filled with smoke, and a bewildered John demands to know who the Doctor is and his relation to Melanie....

Part two[[edit] | [edit source]]

Mel awakens with a groggy head and is discovered by Mrs McGregor where she finds out she has landed in 1782 and decides to take advantage and speak with her ancestor, Henry Hallam, before she reckons the Doctor turns up to save her. The Doctor, meanwhile, explains to John that they're time-travellers and what he suspects is going on as well as the "kink in time" he is trying to investigate (which he didn't tell Mel about in order to not ruin her reunion with her uncle). He realises the canister has chrono capabilities and the TARDIS tried to reach out and warn Melanie through its telepathic circuits but ended up interacting with the canister causing Mel to travel back in time to the time period she was thinking about, which they discover through the notes Mel was looking at is 1782, although oddly enough, the pages corresponding to that year have been ripped out of Henry Hallam's journal. They set off in the TARDIS. Mel meets Henry but begins losing her memories. He begins to suspect her over the course of their conversation as she seems to know private thoughts and details about Henry that nobody knows except him and what he wrote in his journals. She collapses and Henry orders McGregor to fetch a doctor for her, saying that she reminds him of his late wife Jane. Doctor Michael Wallace arrives and a delirious Mel asks to be taken to the study but when she sees that the TARDIS is missing she realises she's trapped in 1781...

Part three[[edit] | [edit source]]

Mel becomes hysterical and is sedated by Michael after rejecting Henry's offer to stay in the hall as a guest since she doesn't know where she is. The Doctor and John land and go searching for her. Some time has passed since Mel's arrival and it is now June, and Dr Michael comes frequently to check on her. He and Henry have a chat in which he suggests he have her committed to an asylum as he suspects that someone "dumped" her on Henry and she is taking advantage of his kind nature but he refuses, saying that in her moments of lucidity she is clam and charming woman. They go to check on her. The Doctor and John, meanwhile, arrive and is greeted by McGregor who takes them to meet Henry. The two discover the Doctor has medical expertise and ask him for a second opinion of their "patient". John and McGregor chat over a cup of tea and she explains that she lost her husband and the death of her mistress, Henry's wife, brought the two closer, perhaps more than appropriate for a Master and servant. McGregor explains that their relationship was disrupted six months ago with the arrival of a certain "Eleanor". The Doctor meanwhile goes to see the patient "Nel" (Henry believes this to be Mel's name after a misunderstanding) and discovers it is Mel. He "plays along" pretending not to know her, deeply upsetting her and meets with Henry and Dr Wallace afterwards, explaining that he thinks he can help, but discovers they have been giving Mel laudanum to sedate her.

He requests a private audience which they grant. Once alone with Mel, the Doctor profusely apologises, explaining that the alloy canister had damaged the TARDIS console and was interfering with the navigation. He further explains that before he can remove her from the premises, he first has to find and destroy the alloy canister as it is extremely dangerous and asks her to just hold on a bit longer, although he notices that Mel seems to be slightly disoriented and occasionally slips into calling herself "Eleanor". The Doctor discusses the possibility of taking Mel away for treatment (under the guise of getting her out of Hallam hall carefully so as not to damage Mel's personal time-line as they do not know what happens in 1782 due to the missing diary page) with Henry and Dr. Wallace but over the course of the conversation it is revealed that Henry has fallen in love with Mel, which worries the Doctor and disgusts Dr. Wallace, as Henry begins acting irrationally, suspecting them of staging the whole visit so that they can have Mel committed to an asylum, and swiftly kicks them out. While leaving they are rejoined by John and the Doctor makes a plan to try and get Mel out. Mel is visited by McGregor and she asks her to stay and talk. She seems sane at first to McGregor but when she tries to explain that she is a time traveler and has been displaced through time, McGregor laughs and claims that they have been through this before and Melmust be in one of her strange fits again. Henry then enters and when Mel asks about the Doctor, Henry explains he has banished him and Dr. Wallace both from the hall suspecting them of wanting to have her committed. Mel is distraught and is not which memories she can trust anymore. The Doctor and John explain the situation to Dr. Wallace, surprising John himself, but the Doctor then reveals that they may have to leave Mel here to live out the rest of her life less they interfere and damage her personal timeline as she has now become part of the history...

Part four[[edit] | [edit source]]

Mel inquires about Eleanor Hallam and discovers she might be the very one. Henry proposes marriage to her and she tries to turn him down but he seems to be slightly unhinged and threatens her under the guise of telling her to think it over. The Doctor theorises that Henry, having not taken the time to heal after losing his wife and suddenly devoting his efforts and energy to helping Mel, has become unhinged under the stress and explains his current behaviour. The three of them hatch a plan, both to rescue Mel and to bury the unstable canister that brought Mel back in time. McGregor is summoned by Henry and asked to deliver a letter to Dr. Wallace relieving him of duty to Mel but over the course of their conversation learns he is to marry Mel, making her distraught, and politely expresses her concern to Henry who tells her it's unfounded and asks her to go about her duties.

The Doctor and John sneak inside Hallam hall and find McGregor crying, explaining she had hoped to marry Henry and they assure her that they have come to take Mel/ Eleanor home so that she can and she gladly agrees to help them. The Doctor detours to Henry's studies where they find the canister but he is met by Henry and thrown out with a final warning. John meanwhile gets Mel out with the help of McGregor. As they are fleeing, McGregor tries to give Melanie a dress but Mel refuses, saying McGregor should have it and use it to confess to Henry. McGregor then offers Mel a sewing box that belonged to the previous mistress. They find the Doctor who is with Wallace as he has just dug the whole to bury the canister. The Doctor realises they need a box and John recognises that the sewing box McGregor gave Melanie is the one they need to use to bury the canister. They prepare to, however, Mel points out a problem, since if she leaves Eleanor Hallam will cease to exist and so she won't be recorded in the notes of her uncle John so that on reading the notes she won't be thinking about Eleanor Hallam when the TARDIS ends up interacting with the canister sending her back in the first place, but she doesn't want to stay and live out the remainder of Eleanor Hallam's life until her recorded death in 1811. The Doctor discovers a loop-hole, realising that Eleanor Hallam's "life", as recorded by Henry, is a fiction and her "death" is merely symbolic. Thus Mel can return to the present. Doctor Wallace says he will go visit Henry as they are friends and Mel reminds him that he has an ally in McGregor. They take off, with Mel still weary about where she belongs but relieved to be leaving. McGregor confesses to Henry and explains that the people who visited earlier were Mel's "family" here to take her home. Henry is distraught and refuses to believe and attacks her but is found in time by Dr. Wallace who reels him off her. Henry breaks down as he cries Jane's name over and over as Wallace ralises the Doctor was right and he still hasn't recovered from the death of wife. Dr. Wallace and McGregor agree to take care of him as per the Doctor's instructions to help him get better.

The Doctor, Mel and John arrive back in his apartment and the Doctor instructs John to dismantle the capsule lest it cause any more harm. They realise that the woman in the paitning they saw earlier, the "Eleanor" there was actually McGregor and reckon that they had a happy ending after all, and Henry must have removed the pages of 1782 from his diary lest anyone find out about him suffering his mental instability at that time. Then, reluctantly, but at Mel's behest, the Doctor joins Mel and John back downstairs to attend the remainder of the celebration.

References[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • Royal mail doesn't deliver to "out here" (implied to be outer space or wherever the TARDIS is when the Doctor reveals he has Mel's uncle John's letter and invitation).
  • Doctor Hallam's cat Jupiter is named after the planet Jupiter.
  • David Munro and the Doctor worked on a Nuclear Magnetic Resonance imaging project together many years ago for the Foundation. It investigated the course of disease evolution. (14:30)

Notes[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • When explaining the apparent dichotomy of leaving Hallam hall, Mel comments that she's stuck in a "Catch-22". This is a phrase used to describe a paradoxical situation and is, of course, the title of the book that the audio's title spoofs.

Continuity[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • The Doctor picked up something from Zanthus 4 that's good for headaches.

91A Spring[[edit] | [edit source]]

Part one[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Doctor and Nyssa land on a planet on instructions from the Time Lords. The Doctor has been tasked with a mission to convince fellow Time lord, the cardinal Zero, to return home and take his place on the high council. The native species on the planet appear to be an avian species. The Doctor and Nyssa stumble onto an ongoing trial for Redklaw who stole food but a child of the species is publicly injured as well because the law dictates that the guilty party as well as one of their closest of kin whom they care about most must be punished and Nyssa impulsively interferes, ignoring the Doctor's warning. While trying to calm the situation, the Doctor discovers that they have been expecting him.

When they are brought to the city in the trees by Carrion, she explains that Zero had concluded that the Time Lords would send the Doctor to persuade him to return. They are brought before Zero and throughout the course of the conversation many surprising facts are revealed to Nyssa about the Doctor. More importantly, the Doctor explains that the Time Lords have sent him because the native avian species on the planet have been developing at an alarmingly unnatural rate and they "trust" the Doctor's judgement to survey and potentially deal with the situation. Zero assures the Doctor that he has not interfered in any direct way in their evolution and attempts to persuade him that he simply lives among them, despite the fact that they refer to him as their "prophet" and that he is trying to help them "return to the sky". He then takes them to the hatchery and explains the intricate symbiotic hatching process of the avian species, including a plant called the Yolk of Darts, a yellow flower that is dangerous and poisonous enough to cause a Time Lord to regenerate and acts as a defense mechanism for the hatchery. He then points out the great city of "Platch" to them, explaining that they will be going there tomorrow because Zero is to act as a judge, jury and executioner because a murder has occurred there for the first time in six years. The Doctor is disgusted with this but there is nothing much he can do for now and so begrudgingly agrees to accompany Zero tomorrow and retires to his sleeping quarters, a nest, for the night.

That night, the Doctor is quietly visited in his temporary nest quarters by Snowfire, who explains that her father Willowsap, is the avian being judged tomorrow because he had a dispute and killed a neighbour, being prone to moods since her mother died. However, since she is his closest living kin most precious to him, she will almost surely be killed as well since the whole neighbourhood saw her father commit murder and he will most surely be judged guilty. She further explains that the entire population reject the current system of justice, believing that the innocent should not have to suffer the crimes of the guilty, however, they cannot operate outside the law and the Doctor now realises what Zero meant by "not interfering", in that he won't interfere preferring to keep things the way they are currently. He promises to help her and tells her to leave for now.

Nyssa, awoken by the stir, finds the Doctor who tells her they need to enact a plan quickly and he has something in mind. He then instructs her to go back to the TARDIS. The Doctor then visits Zero in his room and wakes him up, only to find Zero "acting", exclaiming that the Yolk of Darts has been brought to his room and "accuses" the Doctor of having brought it (while the gloves from earlier lie in the corner, Zero brought it himself) and the Doctor realises that he has been set-up by Zero. Zero, while shouting, touches the fruit and "dies", falling into the river where his TARDIS is located, buried at the bottom. He then re-emerges, having regenerated into one of the avian species and the Doctor notes that the plant must've altered his Gallifreyan DNA to be partially avian. Carrion arrives to inquire what happened and Zero explains that he killed their "prophet" (ie himself), and that in order to be punished, according to the law, the Doctor, his closest living "relative" (since they are the same species) must be killed as well. The Doctor, picking up on the hint, flees with Nyssa and they get back to the TARDIS in time to take off. Zero explains that with no way to punish the Doctor, and since he will never return, he cannot be punished as well, meaning that this calls for a revision of the entire justice system. He explains that there must be an immediate pardon for all awaiting trial, thus sparing Snowfire and himself, and that they will begin to base justice only on punishing the guilty party, while meanwhile it is revealed that the Doctor, having realised Zero's plan, went along with it as well, as Nyssa later realised.

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  • T

Continuity[[edit] | [edit source]]

91C Circular Time[[edit] | [edit source]]

Part one[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Doctor ponders over circular and linear time while watching a cricket match of which he is a participant September in Stockbridge with the Stockbridge Cricket Club, drawing parallels between them, real life and the game as he has brought himself and Nyssa here for a vacation. Nyssa approaches him and laments that she can't seem to finish her novel but the Doctor tells her to keep at it.

Over the next few days, Nyssa continues to try writing her novel in a bar but is continually interrupted by Andrew Whitaker, slowly becoming more and more annoyed by his intrusive inquiries while the Doctor practices with the Stockbridge Cricket Club team for an upcoming match. Later Andrew drives Nyssa to Traken, which turns out to be a village farther out from Stockbridge, thinking he is taking her home after she told him where she was from. She reveals to him that she is an alien, and although perplexed he has other intents on his mind and kisses her. Nyssa reveals this is her first kiss. Meanwhile, the Doctor attends the pub with the team to discuss strategy but slowly they reveal their racist attitudes, especially Jack, the team coach. The Doctor, disgusted, leaves the pub and ends up bumping into Nyssa and Andrew in the forest on his way back to the inn, questioning Andrew's intentions and then leaves them (it is very heavily implied that Nyssa and Andrew have had sex). She finds she has fallen in love with Andrew despite her best efforts not to.

The next day they attend the big match, after Nyssa reveals to the Doctor she has decided to go the village Cricket Club ball, having earlier expressed displeasure at the thought. At the match, she sees Andrew in a new light, becoming upset with his candid attitude and simple-minded pursuit of her, and explains to him that she understands now what it is she doesn't like about him. She explains that he has no regards for consequences and that this will come back to hurt him down the road. She then tells him it's time they get ready for the ball and they set off.

The final stretch sees the Doctor's Stockbridge team win, however, Don, one of the runners, dies in the process having been under the weather throughout the game. Andrew, returning to the bar to pick up Nyssa after getting ready, finds that the ball has been cancelled because of Don's death and that Nyssa is nowhere to be found. Instead, on the table she had been working at throughout her stay, he finds her completed novel and begins to read it.

References[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • PG Woodhouse cricket is mentioned
  • lord of the rings is mentioned
  • french south african cricket player?
  • The Doctor speaks Estonian through the TARDIS translation circuit.
  • When Nyssa expresses an interest in going to the village ball, the Doctor jokingly says "You shall go to the ball", a line from the movie Cinderella.
  • Nyssa wears jeans.

Notes[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • T

Continuity[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • T

91d Winter[[edit] | [edit source]]

Part one[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Doctor heads out into a blizzard with a mysterious woman. Far away, in another time and place, Nyssa tells Lasarti about a dream she had, reminding her of a time she was with the Doctor. Her dream had Tegan, Adric, the Master, the Doctor and others she couldn't quite recognise. She asks Lasarti to let her use his machine at the hospital to see the dream more clearly. The Doctor and his "wife" find a knocking noise in their barn but decide not to investigate further.

The Doctor encounters Nyssa in his dream but she exclaims that it is he who is part of her dream. He invites her into a parlour in a farmhouse he supposedly inhabits with his human wife and they have a chat, trying to discern who is real and who is the dream/illusion. He, however, has no recollection of her or anything from his life, convinced he is a human who has lived in this house all his life. Just then he hears a noise coming down the stairs and Lasarti has entered the dream. Nyssa decides to test whether she is dreaming or not by switching off the device. She does, yet they are both still in the Doctor's dream and Nyssa is confused. She asks him a series of questions that makes him begin to realise he isn't sure about anything, such as not remembering his wife's name or the fact that his children Adric and Tegan are not who he claims them to be as Nyssa continues to remind him. Panicking, they hear a malicious laugh coming from outside and go out into the blizzard to find the source. Nyssa recognises the laugh as belonging to the Master and tries to convince the Doctor but the Doctor rejects this, trying to convince himself that he is human. Nyssa tries to jog his memories and convince him that this isn't real, reminding him of Adric, herself, Tegan and others as well as his heritage as a Time Lord, which he vaguely starts to remember. They go into the barn and see a coffin vibrating and Nyssa manages to convince the Doctor to go inside, which turns out to be the Doctor's mind envisioning a zero cabinet, which once inside he reverts back to his old self and explains what's happening to Nyssa. He then asks her and Lasarti to burn everything around them down as he is a traveler who never stays put, which is what the projection is desgined to do, lull him into a false sense of security and this interference by the Master was to block his mind from reaching out across time and space to former companions to help him regenerate. The Doctor then tells Nyssa to help him to the edge of the forest to find the Watcher while Lasarti burns everything and the Doctor's "wife" is revealed to be Kamelion, who thanks Lasarti for helping it finally resist the Master and die, and that it was it that tried to save the Doctor's mind by helping him remember Adric and Tegan by projecting them as children to help him remember since it was the key linking the Doctor's and Master's minds. It finally reveals that once it disappears the connection between the Doctor's mind and the Master's that it has been keeping will disappear.

The Doctor and Nyssa struggle to the edge of the forest, but the blizzard disappears as Kamelion vanishes and he manages to find the Watcher. He thanks Nyssa for her help and merges with the watcher, preparing to regenerate again.

Nyssa and Lasarti discuss their recent adventure and she tells him the Doctor's last moments, how he took her hands and kissed her on the head and after thanking all of his previous companions surrounding him in his mind and ran back into the Watcher's figure and regnerated. The two reflect on their own children and Nyssa is thankful for her time with the Doctor, even if their final interaction was through a dream, unsure if she will ever see him again.

References[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • Nyssa points out that aspects of the Doctor's farmhouse resemble the TARDIS like the hat stand and Nyssa's bedroom.
  • The Doctor thinks his wife is named Peri or perhaps Kamelion. It does indeed turn out to be the latter.
  • Nyssa mentions the Doctor's people, the Time Lords, but doesn't explicitly name them.
  • The Doctor makes a joke about a man who went to a chemist asking about a "coffin'cough".. ()? (1:51:00)
  • The Master hates being alone.

Notes[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • There's an in-joke when Nyssa mentions the Master while in the Doctor's mind/dream and the Doctor, still thinking he's human, asks if she too watches his adventures on the television twice a week and that his kids love it. This is an in-joke to the program itself, which was broadcast twice a week during Peter Davison's run as the fifth Doctor,

Continuity[[edit] | [edit source]]

138 The Cradle of the Snake[[edit] | [edit source]]

Part one[[edit] | [edit source]]


Part two[[edit] | [edit source]]

Nyssa and Turlough are looking for the Doctor, since he hasn't returned, when suddenly they both doze off and reawaken. They are approached by a strange hunter who gives them a warning and walks off. Meanwhile, Doctor Kerren laughs off the Doctor's intimidating "Mara" speech but the Doctor asks him about Rick and tasks him with bringing together Manussan intellectuals and gets money from him. He and an unsuspecting Tegan leave. Nyssa and Turlough run into a distraught Yoanna Rayluss who explained what has just happened to her. They are eventually joined by Tegan but are startled when they are approached by a snake. Tegan, under the instruction of Turlough, manages to stop get away from it but they discover it belongs to Dadda Desaka, the hunter they encountered earlier. He gives an ominous prediction and goes into a trance when Tegan suddenly remembers her dream and tells the others they have to go tell the Doctor, who didn't follow them. Turlough finds him but the Doctor is acting strange.

Tegan, Nyssa and Yoanna see hunters from a nearby tribe enter the city and command the snakes to search out the 'shadow' (the Mara) but Tegan and Nyssa start to argue due to Tegan having been tricked by the Mara-possessed Doctor who sowed seeds of doubt in her mind regarding Nyssa's confidence in her earlier. The Doctor causes a ruckus at the festival while Yoanna tries to get the hunters cleared out, despite them saying they are only trying to get rid of the evil entity (the Mara). The Doctor traps Turlough and locks him away while the Mara-possessed Doctor is found by ausGarten and he strikes up a deal with him, claiming he has been searching for ausGarten. Tegan, Nyssa, Yoanna and Dadda discover where the Doctor may be thanks to the Tuk-tuk driver they encountered earlier whom the Doctor frightened. Dadda heals him and they go searching for the Mara/Doctor. ausGarten guides the Doctor through his studio, explaining how he uses his equipment to turn people's dreams into tangible objects and how it has been successful but doesn't always work. The Mara-possessed Doctor suddenly goes berserk, smashes the cages holding the snakes and freeing them while he claims to a frightened ausGarten that he is the Mara...

Part three[[edit] | [edit source]]

Baalaka frees Turlough but is frightened of the Doctor-possesed Mara and hides while Turlough finds Nyssa, Tegan and Yoanna just as they arrive and explains what happened. However, they are found by ausGarten. Luckily, Yoanna's back-up arrives to confiscate all the equipment after she relayed her report to the bureau informing them of the illegal activities ausGarten was performing such as keeping animals in cages without proper protection and they confiscate the equipment. The Mara-possesed Doctor appears and frightens them, then runs off while they chase him. ausGatren, in the meantime, finds Baalaka and frightens him into helping him again. Doctor Kerrem arrives, having been called in by Yoanna as an independent consultant.

Turlough worries about the Doctor as he struggles to stop the Mara from taking over the Doctor's mind while they are imprisoned in a cage on Yoanna's orders. Kerrem helps the Mara-possessed Doctor escape while Turlough is left behind and he makes a plan with Yoanna. The Mara-possesed Doctor finds that Turlough stole the TARDIS key from him. Nyssa and Tegan find the TARDIS chained up by Dadda who claims it is the coffin that brought the evil there. Turlough arrives while Dadda is captured and converted by the Mara-possessed Doctor having the snake mark transferred to his arm and he gets Nyssa and Tegan inside the TARDIS before the Mara-possessed Doctor gets them. They try look up the Mara in the TARDIS library only to find the pages missing in the book they need, as the Mara took them earlier and intends to follow through on the instructions on how to release it. They fear that the Mara taking over too early at this point will damage the web of time, which they believe the Mara gives no cares about the consequences so long as it gets what it wants, complete domination. Meanwhile, the Mara-possessed Doctor prepares to free itself but all the crystals used fail and he demands Kerrem get some more from an academic faculty. Having found the spare key, he then enters the TARDIS and ends up taking over Nyssa's mind as well. They tie up Turlough and Tegan and then start a studio broadcast using ausGarten's equipment which they recovered. They use the thought visualiser to bring the Mara back into existence right in the studio, as a giant snake appears...

Part four[[edit] | [edit source]]

ausGarten begins boasting about having brought the snake into existence out of pure thought energy on live television while Tegan and Turlough think of a way to escape. The Mara-possesed Doctor attempts to tell the viewers that the Mara is their protector and will make its first appearance at the midnight New-year festival while Tegan and Turlough try to convince Baalaka to help them as ausGarten treats him horribly and is not his friend. Turlough succeeds in getting through to him and they go off leaving Tegan behind and contact Yoanna, explaining the situation. However, they are found by ausGarten who learns of their plans and wants to put the Mara-possessed Doctor in his place for disgracing him earlier. Tegan finds a Mara-possessed Nyssa and tries to stay with her by taking advantage of the new-found possessed Nyssa's arrogance, since none of the Mara-possessed individuals seem to want to cooperate with each other and only do so under the Mara's influence. The Doctor comes in and Nyssa, surprisingly, doesn't give away that Tegan is hiding in the room, where the Mara-possessed Doctor suggests she find a more attractive outfit in the TARDIS wardrobe and that he has disabled the flight controls in case so no one can get away.

Turlough finds Tegan inside the TARDIS while Nyssa tries on outfits and they discuss their next course of action with Baalaka. She finds them and reveals that she believes the Doctor an imbecile who is not worthy to be the right-hand servant of the Mara and asks if the two will serve her instead, which they pretend to agree. Satisfied, she leaves and joins the Doctor and the others while Tegan and Turlough secretly discuss a way to get the crystal away from the Mara, which it is currently tightly wound around, and get rid of it for good to try save their friends. Yoanna finds them and tells them how the people are too terrified to reject the Mara and are about to become enslaved. Outside, the Mara-possessed Dadda prepares the crowd for the Mara's reveal, and claims that the Manussan empire will fall to make way for the Sumaran empire. The Mara begins to feast on the fear and subjugation of the gathered crowds but Tegan and Turlough try to trap the Mara-possessed Doctor in the studio and use the cameras and mirrors but to no avail. Suddenly, at the behest of Baalaka staring into the crystal, they are transported to the place of dreams where they find Dadda and an unpossessed Nyssa. They then find the Doctor and free him from the Mara's possession.

They return to reality with the Doctor and Nyssa freed from the Mara's possession, however the Mara is still alive and still has ausGarten and now Yoanna under its control. They go inside the TARDIS but the Mara swallows them whole, and Nyssa mockingly reveals she is still under the Mara's control and converts Turlough. Tegan attempts to sacrifice herself by taking the crystal out into the beast's belly but Baalaka stops her, explaining that he now realises that he is the reason the Mara is still alive, as they are one and the same (earlier Turlough and Tegan were wondering where he came from and where his family was, however he mentioned he had no memory of them or his birthplace and that he just sort of 'came-to-be'). He takes the crystal from an unwilling Tegan and sacrifices himself to destroy the Mara.

All returns to normal, despite the sad loss of Baalaka and the Mara is defeated. The Doctor is offered a chance to become a television presenter, with ausGarten insisting he's a natural, but he politely declines and he, Tegan, Turlough and a recovering Nyssa depart and Tegan asks if the Mara is finally gone for good, however the Doctor laments that it never will be, as it dwells within everyone deep down. It is also revealed Yoanna, who has also returned to normal, has started a "Mara helpline".

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  • T

Continuity[[edit] | [edit source]]

142a The Demons of Red Lodge[[edit] | [edit source]]

Part one[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Doctor and Nyssa awaken in an empty room with no idea of how they ended up there. Busting their way out into a forest, they are surrounded by unknown entities causing them to panic and flee where they stumble onto an old cottage after fleeing through the forest, watched by two beings from afar, resembling them in appearance.

There they meet an old maid named Emily Cobham who reluctantly lets them inside, where after questioning her, the Doctor learns that they have arrived in 17th century Suffolk at the village of Red Lodge. They also learn that Emily's twin sister Ivy is ill upstairs and although the Doctor offers to try and help her Emily refuses it and leaves to get some wood. While eating food Emily prepared for them, the crackling fire jogs their memory and they recall arriving in the TARDIS and being attacked by some creatures. The Doctor instructs Nyssa to go check on Ivy while he goes to find Emily.

Nyssa finds Ivy and learns that she never had a sister. As Nyssa approaches the window at the laments of a terrified Ivy, the Doctor confronts Emily. Just then, Nyssa finds her doppelganger and is kidnapped while the Doctor, picking up on Emily's idiosyncrasies, hears Nyssa being kidnapped and Emily reveals her plan.

Nyssa's doppelgänger explains that it takes two charges to fully absorb both her physical form and her mind to complete its transformation and she cannot move as she has been paralysed. The Doctor confronts Emily, who reveals she and the others are part of an alien species called the Speera and that they absorb the likeness and mind of their targets to blend with a population before trying to take over a planet. The Doctor is about to be absorbed by his doppelgänger Speera when he manages to escape, finds Nyssa and saves her. However, they are cornered by the other Speera who have taken the form of the villagers of the village of Red Lodge, and trap them, releasing their Speera doppelgänger to absorb them and take their place. However, Nyssa tricks them into replicating the Doctor who they think is human and which causes them to overload their form as he has two hearts causing a biological defect that destroys them all. The Doctor laments over their actions and Nyssa asks to stay for a while longer to enjoy the sunrise and ponder over Traken, a subject she hasn't allowed herself to ponder for a long time as the Speera's attempt to replicate her brought it to the fore-front of her mind. The Doctor agrees, saying that there is no rush to be anywhere.

References[[edit] | [edit source]]

Continuity[[edit] | [edit source]]

142b The Entropy Composition[[edit] | [edit source]]

Part one[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Doctor and Nyssa arrive in Concordum as the Doctor reveals he has brought Nyssa, who has been thinking about Traken lately and has made her feel sad, to try to cheer her up by letting her hear a Traken song. However, they speak with Naloom about the unfortunate history of progressive rock musician Geoff Cooper which puzzles the Doctor. They open one of the chambers and hear a horrible noise emanating from it. After he realizes something has gone wrong, he takes a confused Nyssa back in time to 1968 to Geoff Cooper's estate.

They arrive and meet Mrs. Moloney who explains to them Geoff's strange behaviour since he came under the influence of a girl he was attratced to and who has been staying with him, named Erisi. She makes them tea then takes them to his recording studio in the basement where the Doctor realises too late that Erisi is an Entropy Siren who kills Mrs. Moloney. The Doctor and Nyssa escape and he explains to her that the music he heard back on Concordum was the same sound they just heard from Erisi and he put two-and-two together. They make it back to the TARDIS and with a comment Nyssa made earlier, the Doctor realises is how they can stop the siren.

They arrive back on Concordum to deal with what they had earlier unleashed. They manage to stop the siren whose plan it turns out was to have have Geoff construct the song "White Waves Soft Haze" and once stored in the vaults of Concordum she would project herself to that time in order to feast (the Doctor explains that Time Sirens needed to feast off entropy after they could not find more food at the creation of the universe. They manage to stop her and trap her but a portion of the collection is lost. The Doctor, however, reminds Naloom that the music is more important and he goes off to find the lost pieces and hear them once again. Meanwhile, Nyssa and te Doctor prepare to leave when they hear a laughter echo through the halls, reminiscent of the Time Siren...

References[[edit] | [edit source]]

Notes[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • T

Continuity[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • Nyssa has been feeling sad after thinking about traken (AUDIO:: The Demons of Red Lodge)
  • The Doctor calls the stick of celery on his lapel as a "decorative vegetable" when asked by Mrs. Moloney. The Tenth Doctor would later also refer to it by that monicker. (TV: Time Crash)

142c Doing Time[[edit] | [edit source]]

Part one[[edit] | [edit source]]

Janson Hart is sentenced to do time for a crime and is thrown in a cell with a man named "Doctor John Smith" (the Doctor), who claims that he has been framed as someone else with the name has committed the crime he is being accused of on this planet, named Folly. He is offered a chance at parole if he admits his attempted sabotage but is refused by governor Chaplin. The Doctor reveals that he had come to stop an explosion that will take place in one year, having detected it in his TARDIS. They ignore him and put him in solitary confinement.

Nyssa, meanwhile, wonders through a town and attempts to get herself arrested but to no avail. Nyssa visits the Doctor in prison and discovers what he has been up to, and he, her. They later find out that governor Chaplin is running for president of the colony and when the inmates attempt an escape, she reveals her forceful and inhumane approach to swiftly stop it. The two are interrogated by her where she reveals she believes the Doctor about the imminent disaster but plans to use him and the situation to gain a political advantage to win the presidency of the colony. He refuses to help her and she orders him to be locked up in solitary. As he is locked up, Dask, the guard they made friends with earlier, delivers a secret message to him from Janson.

The Doctor survives five months of solitary confinement and is released to applause, simultaneously Nyssa is imprisoned by Chaplin after she reveals she has incriminating evidence of a conversation Nyssa had earlier with Janson, despite her interpreting the conversation differently. They discover that Jabreth's parents have come to pick im up, arriving in their ship to pick him up at the end of his sentence, coinciding with the day of the massive explosion, which the Doctor realises is the cause of the explosion due to the ship's drives, and that by warning the governor, who also knew the day the parents would arrive, she had put the two events together and planned accordingly. The governor attempts to trick the citizens into believing they are being assaulted by an external threat but the Doctor uses the time fields to stop her. The prisoners manage to escape and the Doctor and Nyssa prepare to leave. The Doctor explains that the captured Chaplin will be out of the time prison in a week, but by then, once word gets out that all the prisoners have escaped, her ratings will plummet. He also reveals that despite the fact some of them were entirely guilty of the crimes they committed, he hopes the therapy, advice and sports training he gave them while they were all imprisoned together will help them relax and better themselves and convince them to turn away from a life of crime.

References[[edit] | [edit source]]

Note[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • The planet's name, "Folly", is a pun on the English word "folly".

Continuity[[edit] | [edit source]]

142d Special Features[[edit] | [edit source]]

Part one[[edit] | [edit source]]

Martin Ashcroft, Sir Jack Merrivale, Johanna Bourke, and the mysterious Doctor John Smith (the Doctor) sit down to record DVD commentary for the 25th anniversary of the cult 1970s horror anthology Doctor Demonic's Tales of Terror. The former three discuss about the film's technical achievements, past actors and broach but ultimately avoid the subject of the death of a young crew-member of the film, which started suscpicions of a "curse" surrounding the film. However, the Doctor explains that the events the movie is based on are, in fact, real, much to their disbeleif.

They continue to watch, but the Doctor remains quiet until Martin asks him why he hasn't added anything and if he is alright. The Doctor replies that he's concentrating. After watching some more of the DVD, the Doctor then reveals his real purpose for coming was to find the Racht which appeared on the film set and is the cause of the strange events surrounding the filming, including production assistant Lauren's death, and that it has likely possessed one of the three others present. The Doctor explains the Racht's breeding mechanism and how it can be implanted in minds and activated with a spoken code-word, with the Racht planning to add the code-word to the DVD commentary in order to activate it for all those watching the film. The Doctor manages to deduce that the Racht is hiding in Johanna, who at first hesitates but when the Doctor begins defiling the Racht language (having taught it to himself sometime ago), the Racht reveals itself but the Doctor manages to defeat it with the help of the pictogram ruins which need to be present to seal the Racht away, which he later reveals he cleverly doctored into the version of the film they are currently watching when the scene featuring them comes on screen as he confronts the Racht. The Racht is defeated and the Doctor and Nyssa leave Martin and Jack, despite being saved, in a right state, and thinking they might need to re-film the whole movie as it transpired that the Doctor was also responsible for some of the strange events, including stealing much of the lost raw footage, which had been part of his plan all along.

References[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • racht or rasht?
  • racht send out round disks covered in symbols to planets they intend to invade so that unsuspecting creatures may pick them up and the racht can bury into their minds and take them over, killing the host species in the process

Notes[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • T 1:44:50

Continuity[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • T

143 The Crimes of Thomas Brewster[[edit] | [edit source]]

Part one[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Doctor and Evelyn find themselves in the middle of a disaster taking place in London involving robotic mosquitoes. They jump onto a boat and make a break for it. The Doctor manages to take one out, ruining his coat in the process but it explodes, luckily, they are rescued by DI Patricia Menzies. While holding them at the station, she explains privately to Evelyn that she has already met the Doctor, however, she explains that she can't reveal that she knows him due to being warned. Menzies goes home to sleep and the two are placed in cells for the night. After being held at the station, they are released in the morning into custody but end up getting kidnapped by someone under the employ of a man named Mr. Gallagher.

They are brought to a place that the Doctor suspects is Bermondsey, and speak with Mr. Gallagher, who reveals that the Doctor is not the Doctor he's after, however, he can't let them go in case they inform the police. Meanwhile, Menzies returns to the station only to find that the officer who released the Doctor and Evelyn into custody made a huge error and failed to check the legitimacy of the authorization, and didn't realize the squad car that picked them up was the same one as one that had been reported as stolen that very morning. They commence a search, while Mr. Gallagher, under threatening pretenses, has Evelyn go find and meet the other Doctor who is threatening Gallagher's criminal business, and has the Doctor held hostage to ensure her coopoeration. Just then the Doctor and Gallagher and company are attacked by the Terravores. Evelyn finds the other person claiming to be the "Doctor" in an abandoned building, surrounded by the robotic mosquitoes and dressed in Edwardian clothes...

Part two[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Doctor manages to escape Gallagher and the Terravores and is rescued by Menzies. Meanwhile, Gallagher makes a deal with the Terravores to help them, who are also looking for the Doctor, once he discovers they can convert organic matter into diamonds. Evelyn and Thomas Brewster have a chat and once she discerns his real identity, he tries to kidnap her but she manages to escape and gets onto the tube, where she bumps into Flip and Jared, although is not aware of their identity. Suddenly, Evelyn notices her pursuers managed to board the other car and suddenly the train is transported to another planet, the planet Symbios, as revealed by Brewster, who has caught up with her.

In the meantime the Doctor and Menzies find his TARDIS which he uses to locate Evelyn. They step out to go find her just as they are found and cornered by Gallagher and the Terravores. They manage to evade Gallagher and capture a Terravore which they interrogate. Brewster forces the passengers to pick up the machine guns from Gallagher's shipment he brought aboard the train and to follow his instructions, where he marches them through the jungle while Evelyn, Flip and Jared discuss the current situation. They are suddenly attacked by a swarm of Terravores and get stuck in quicksand, sitting ducks for their attackers...

Part three[[edit] | [edit source]]

Evelyn, Jared and Flip are trapped in the quicksand. The Doctor and DI Menzies, inside the TARDIS, locate the source of the signal sending the Terravore its instructions coming from just outside London. Evelyn, Jared and Flip fall through into a cavern and Thomas Brewster gives them further instructions. Meanwhile DI Menzies and the Doctor arrive at the signal's location.

The Doctor and Menzies find Neville Perkins' voice recordings which he used to log his construction of the Terravores after receiving email instructions under threat and warns anyone listening to his message that the Terravores will do anything to protect the signal source. Thomas Brewster, after explaining to everyone that he brought them here so the native species could take over their bodies and fight an invasion, separates Evelyn from the group and brings her to the Locus so that it can take her over. The Doctor and Menzies follow the trail where he lands them in a maintenance tunnel near Great Portland Street tube station and they investigate, trying to find the time breach that Brewster, unbeknownst to the Doctor, is using to transport everyone by abandoned train. The Doctor mentions he is getting a familiar feeling and could have been here before, and warns DI Menzies that if they encounter a young man in Edwardian garb, she is not to reveal that he is the Doctor or that she a policewoman at any point. Sure enough, they are found by Thomas Brewster who claims that he is the Doctor and he then locks them in a store cupboard, not recognizing the Doctor's new face. The Doctor explains his history with Brewster to DI Menzies. He manages to pick the lock and they find Brewster's time machine which the Doctor thought had been destroyed, and Brewster reveals he knew the truth all along. However, DI Menzies explains that she is the Doctor and "Norman" (the Doctor) is her assistant. Brewster buys this lie and explains what happened. Six months ago, the Locus, the life-form and embodiment of planet Symbios, found Brewster, looking for the Doctor to help them as he had done before (but in the Doctor's future). and Brewster tries to help them instead but lies and says he is the Doctor, explaining that he thought they wouldn't have trusted them otherwise. He then takes them by train to Symbios.

The Doctor and DI Menzies meet with the Locus and the Doctor as Norman on behalf of DI Menzies as the Doctor demands three things in return for helping them, returning the minds of all the people they kidnapped, all humans are to be returned safely to earth and the third is to listen to him carefully and do exactly as he says. The Locus agrees but will inhabit Evelyn to communicate for now and return her at the end. The Doctor as Norman convinces the kidnapped humans to help and they prepare to engage the Terravore while DI Menzies, the Doctor and Thomas Brewster go investigate a crashed ship when they are attacked by the Terravore queen. The Doctor/Norman explains they have now found the source of the Terravore's signal, and Thomas bursts out that something of that size and power means they're all going to die...

Part four[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Terravore queen gravely injures DI Menzies and the Doctor is forced to reveal himself to Brewster in order to save her. The Doctor demands to know why Brewster reactivated his time machine and he explains that he wanted to save his girlfriend Connie after she was hit by a car and left in a coma, and it was through that that the Locus contacted him. The Doctor, disappointed by Brewster's methods, is at least slightly sympathetic. Meanwhile the Locus reveals its real intention to the humans and that was to give the Terravores access to earth through the wormhole they arrived in by Thomas Brewster's subway train travel so it would leave Symbios alone. At the same time, the Terravore contact Gallagher and have him show them a way to invade earth through the tube subway. On Symbios the Locus explains that it has spared their lives and that they are welcome to stay on Symbios, since no one ever dies on the planet and heals DI Menzies as a gesture of gratitude. DI Menzies inexplicably gets a call from Sargent Bradshaw on her cell phone telling her that more of the robot creatures they saw yesterday night have appeared near Great Portland Street and they are trying to fight them off. The group go back to London

After Gallagher's usefulness is fulfilled he is killed by the Terravores despite begging for mercy. The Doctor, however, seemingly in a change of heart, says that he is locking the wormhole, believing that Symbios deserves to live and that the earth can fall to the Terravores and when he is resisted by the others, the Locus-controlled Evelyn appears behind them with a weapon, ready to kill those who disagree with the terms. The others opt to stay on earth and die for their planet while the Doctor and Locus-controlled Evelyn go back to the TARDIS to return to Symbios. Once there, the Doctor, who had swiped Jared's phone, calls them and reveals his ploy, and explains to Brewster just how to shut down the wormhole. The Doctor is caught by the Locus but he explains that now that all the Terravore drones are gone from Symbios and only the Queen is left, since the wormhole is being closed the connection between the queen and the drones is lost and since they are a hive mind and depend on each other, both will lose their power and die from having the connection cut. The queen descends on them but loses power just as the Doctor explains. He then gives a stern warning to the Locus that this is the last time he'll be helping them and heads back to earth after having Evelyn liberated from their control.

Back on earth they reunite with DI Menzies and the Doctor explains what happened to the Detective Inspector while she reveals the fates of all those Brewster kidnapped to help the Locus, although it seems Brewster managed to get away before being caught. The Doctor also reveals to a startled Menzies that although he hadn't met her before today he could guess that in her personal timeline they had already met before. He bids her farewell, looking forward to seeing her again in his future, and he and Evelyn depart for the TARDIS. The Doctor, however, can't find the key and Evelyn points out that the door is open. She begins fussing that the Doctor is "getting old" when they are shocked to discover Thomas Brewster inside, claiming that he is hijacking the TARDIS and demands that the Doctor return him to his own time...

References[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • The Doctor has gone under london bridge with ______
  • DI Menzies has seen the first 10 minutes of the film "The Time Traveler's Wife".
  • The Doctor wears a jumper and jeans after replacing his outfit from getting soaked.
  • The Doctor says "Geronimo" when he jumps out a window.
  • The Doctor mentions being over 900 years old.
  • Evelyn mentions the Daleks when trying to determine if Thomas is really who he claims to be.
  • Great Portland Street tube is mentioned
  • Menzies mentions iPhones, email and Twitter.
  • The Doctor wishes he still had his sonic screwdriver.
  • The Doctor uses the name Norman Deplume to disguise himself when he first meets Thomas Brewster.
  • Sarcasm is considered a capital offense on the planet Literalis Two.
  • Jared says their experience battling the Terravores is better than Call of Duty and the James Cameron film Avatar.
  • Jared and Flip were on the way to their friend Marty's 21st birthday.
  • Gallagher mentions the old Marlborough Road tube station and how it used to be occupied by a Chinese restaurant a few years back.

Notes[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • The Doctor takes out a terravore by confusing it with his coat. However, his coat is implied to be the multi-coloured coat, despite him being depicted in his blue coat on the cover of the audio.

Continuity[[edit] | [edit source]]

144 The Feast of Axos[[edit] | [edit source]]

Part one[[edit] | [edit source]]

Thomas Brewster has snuck aboard the TARDIS and demands the Doctor take him back to his time, having grown dissonant with the 21st century. Meanwhile the spaceship Windermere with its crew-members Joanna Slade, David Brock, Craig Swanson and others enters Earth's orbit on its historic flight towards Axos which has been stuck in a time loop for the last 50 years on a mission for billionaire Campbell Irons. Irons wants to use Axos to supply unlimited energy to the world to solve the energy crisis and make money. After hitting a rough patch and making their way through the time distortion, they prepare to enter Axos, just as the Doctor, Evelyn and Thomas Brewster arrive in the TARDIS, as the Doctor was on his way to bring Brewster to DI Menzies to be locked up but they were drawn off course by the same time distortion that effected the crew of the Windermere. The three decide to go out and investiagte and the Doctor sends Evelyn to get spacesuits for them while he comes to an agreement with Thomas regarding Brewster's future. Once settled, Brewster helps Evelyn in the wardrobe and makes amends with her and apologises for kidnapping her to another planet. They go out to investigate.

The crew of the Windermere make contact with Axos and exit the ship, and prepare to enter by drilling inside. The three make their way to the central chamber of Axos and the Doctor explains that they're looking for the source of what made Axos "cry out", the thing that effected the TARDIS earlier. Just then, they realise drilling going on outside and are attacked by Axos, and the Doctor leaves Evelyn and Thomas to go find and stop the drilling. He stumbles through a membrane and accidentally awakens Axos, which attempts to read his mind. Axos recognises the Doctor from their last encounter and attempts to kill him...

Part two[[edit] | [edit source]]

Axos makes the Doctor sleep and takes a body print of him, creating an axon duplicate of the Doctor. The Windermere crew manage to drill through Axos, causing it damage and pain and it prepares to react. Brewster, with no sign of the Doctor, decides to head back to the TARDIS against Evelyn's wishes, but she follows him anyway. They hear the drilling making its way inside. Evelyn meets Joanna and Craig but before she can introduce Thomas Brewster they discover he has disappeared. The two are sceptical of Evelyn but are intrigued once she mentions she arrived with the Doctor and she convinces them to help her get out of Axos' tendrils so she can explain to them what happened. Meanwhile, Brewster finds the Axonite Doctor who offers him a proposition which piques his interest.

Evelyn, Joanna and Craig eventually locate the TARDIS, which Joanna and Craig, awestruck, immediately recognise from having read the UNIT files and realise they can trust Evelyn as she is telling the truth. Just as Joanna attempts to remove Axos' tendrils which are engulfing the TARDIS, she is warned by the Doctor, who appears on the scene, and explains that Axos has absorbed and replicated his brain, putting them all in immediate danger. They get acquainted and explain to the Doctor they're here on a private mission to Axos for corporate interests, much to the Doctor's annoyance. The Axonite Doctor takes Thomas to the eye of Axos (Axos central control) and he strikes up a deal with Axos, if he helps them, they promise to use Axonite to copy the TARDIS once they safely secure it and give him the copy.

Joanna contacts Axos to negotiate a deal with them and reveals that Campbell Ironside will do the negotiating. Axos agrees but will be negotiating through Brewster, and they begin, but Evelyn notices Craig Swanson sneak off and with the Doctor's agreement, follows him. Campbell explains he wants to use Axos' energy to end the energy crisis on earth and that he will detonate the nuclear reactor drive in the Windermere aimed at Axos and since it is stuck in a time loop, the blast will occur over and over, causing it unending pain, with Campbell explaining that the Windermere crew is expendable and he is fine sacrificing them to get what he wants. He continues, saying that in exchange for Axos' energy, he will permit it to come down and feed off an entire country in Africa for example every ten years, thereby providing it with the energy source it needs. He gives Axos time to decide and Axos plans to "agree", but only after first sucking the Earth completely dry of energy...

Part three[[edit] | [edit source]]

Evelyn finds Craig communicating with someone in French and she deduces he's a spy so he takes her hostage after failing to convince her otherwise. It is discovered that he's working on behalf of the Eurozone Space Agency who believe that the energy source from Axos should be used and shared with everyone worldwide. Craig demands to speak with Campbell Irons. The Eurozone sends two ships to attack Axos, the Jules Verne and the Johannes Kepler. They pass through the time threshold and hear a possible message from the future saying they've failed which worries them, but they proceed anyway, dismissing it as a potentiality. The Doctor, in the meantime, takes the others with him to shut off the nuclear drive in the Windermere so Campbell Irons cannot use it as he claimed. Axos, preparing for battle with the ships, absorbs Craig, killing him in the process, and preapares to absorb the Windermere. The Doctor, Evelyn and Joanna arrive in the Windermere where they meet David who explains he's discovered the nuclear reactors have been booby trapped, and if they break the dials it will detonate. Just then they discover that Axos has killed and absorbed Craig, giving it an energy boost which it is using to wrap its tendrils around the Windermere. The Doctor refuses to kill Axos since it is still a living thing and suggests that they escape using his TARDIS. Evelyn only allows the Doctor to enact his risky plan that will put Thomas in danger only if he promises to return him to his own time as he requested earlier and the Doctor reluctantly agress. Axos, eavesdropping on their conversation along with Brewster, cuts off the transmission before Brewster hears that last part and conivnces him that the Doctor is not interested in saving him, and he pledges his allegiance to Axos.

The four manage to escape the Windermere while the Jules Verne continues to try to get to Axos. Meanwhile Axos has Brewster activate the negotiator and they contact Campbell Irons, where they pretend to "accept" his proposal but reveal they have modified the microwave transmitter that was sent with the crew using axonite and absorb Campbell Irons and the rest of the control center in Devesham using it. It prepares to feast on Earth as it slowly regains energy. The Jules Verne arrives and its crew recognise the four on the outside of Axos. They manage to contact the Doctor who begins to explain the situation but suddenly contact is cut. The ship attempts to come closer, seeming like it will collect them, but in the confusion, Evelyn accidentally lets go of the safety line before the Doctor gives the command and begins to float away, despite the Doctor's desparate attempts to find a way to get her back...

Part four[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Doctor promises Evelyn he will find her and bring her back. Joanna, meanwhile, notices the microwave transmitter on the Windermere is activated and realises that someone is using it. The Jules Verne disappears and the three manage to get inside one of Axos' "gills". The Doctor realises that the ship was effected by the time loop but matters at hand are worse, as the Doctor realises that Axos is going to use the Axon duplicate it made of the Doctor, with his memories, knowledge and abilities, to use the TARDIS to escape the time loop.

Evelyn manages to board the Jules Verne and meets Philippe Lefevre and Svenni Nilson, and try think of a plan. Axos, through Brewster, contacts them, and he tries to trick Evelyn but she sees through his deception. Axos threatens to kill Brewster but he promises he can get them the key to the TARDIS so they can finally get inside. Brewster finds the Doctor and catches them up on what's going on while the Doctor makes a plan. Joanna heads out back to the Windermere with David to prepare the nuclear reactor despite the Doctor's wishes. Just as he prepares to leave, Brewster reveals he stole the TARDIS key from the Doctor's pocket and how he resents the Doctor for his attitude towards him. He then leaves with the Axons. On the Jules Verne, they plan to use the bomb they brought but are contacted by the Windermere who explains for them to wait. Joanna, aboard the Windermere, realises through the time loop and the messages echoing through it that they keep hearing are that they're successful but it means activating the reactor and sacrificing themselves.

The Doctor is forced to set the TARDIS coordinates to help Axos escape. However, Brewster reveals the Doctor's trickery to them and that the Windermere is set to explode, taking out Axos with it. The Axon Doctor immediately dematerialises the TARDIS just as the Windermere explodes, taking out Axos and killing Joanna and Craig in the process, and because the two are stuck in the time loop, it happens over and over. However, it is of no consequence since the Axon Doctor brought Axos' conscience into the TARDIS and plans to escape using it to Earth and rebuild itself using Earth's material. It then reveals that it is disposing of Thomas Brewster, having read his mind, knew he would end up betraying it. Brewster begs for his life and just then the Doctor expresses his remorse for Axos, and with it momentarily distracted he instructs Brewster to grab it. They then risk their lives to deposit Axos back into the explosion using the TARDIS fast return switch as the Jules Verne watches from afar.

They manage to succeed and escape successfully while the Axon Doctor decomposes having been cut off from the main body and the Doctor retrieves Evelyn from the Jules Verne. She leaves Thomas and the Doctor to work something out while she goes to get changed and the Doctor after telling Brewster that Evelyn thinks they're very similar, agrees to take him back home, to planet Earth.

References[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • Joanna describes Axos as being stuck as a figure eight in four dimensions.
  • Craig mentions the global lottery.
  • they use alien displacement device to cross the time threshold
  • Evelyn calls the spare clothes in the wardrobe room "Barbarella's cast-offs".
  • Evelyn is not sure if the TARDIS wradrobe is supposed to be sorted by planet, date, colour or chest size.
  • Evelyn describes Axos' arteries as like a "bouncy castle".
  • The Doctor describes Axos' arteries as being sensitive like cilia (nose hair).
  • Evelyn describes the Central Chamber of Axos as like a cathedral made of jelly.
  • The pressure inside the central chamber is measured by the Doctor as 1 atmosphere (unit).
  • Brewster describes crawling around Axos as similar to Jonah crawling inside the belly of a whale.
  • Joanna and Craig have read the UNIT files on the Doctor and the TARDIS.
  • Joanna describes the TARDIS as a 1950s Metropolitan police box and asks if the doors open the wrong way.
  • Joanna describes the TARDIS's dematerialisation noise as similar to "an elephant in labour".
  • Evelyn says the Doctor and Brewster are more alike than he thinks, explainign thy're both _________________
  • The Eurozone Space Agency launches to ships, the Jules Verne and the Johannes Kepler.
  • The Windermere crew brought a "Cell scaratch" (??? 46:22) universal arbitrator
  • The Doctor says the race that built the arbitrator is more advanced compared to humans as humans are compared to nematodes.
  • Campbell Irons wants to spread his influence beyond Britain and the Eurozone.
  • Evelyn can recognise and speak French.
  • Evelyn gets excited when they find out Craig is a spy, comparing him to James Bond.
  • Spacewalking is referred to as EVA in the mid 21st century
  • The Doctor refers to the action of saying "roger" when indicating one has understood orders as "jargon".
  • When the Doctor, Evelyn, Joanna and David escape the Windermere, the Doctor reminds them of Newton's Third Law, saying "if you try to move anything, you'll only end up moving yourselves".
  • Evelyn quotes Lord Byron's poem "England": "Oh the British Isles, for all thy faults, I love thee still".
  • The Doctor, when comparing the human brain with his, says it is similar to comparing a parsley pig to the Hanging Gardens of Babylon.
  • Axonite cannot replicate the TARDIS key.
  • Time is in flux, which is the strange messages that some of the characters hear all throughout the story

Food and Drink[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • Alcohol is illegal on spaceships.
  • The Doctor sarcastically claims that using the reverse thrusters to try and stop Axos from wrapping its tendrils around the ship would be like giving it a nice tonic drink and some glucose tablets.

Technology[[edit] | [edit source]]

Notes[[edit] | [edit source]]

Continuity[[edit] | [edit source]]

188c An Eye for Murder[[edit] | [edit source]]

Part one[[edit] | [edit source]]

Dr Joan Dalton meets and talks with Dr Ruth Hortwitz. Meanwhile the Doctor and Peri explore St. Ursula college campus trying to detect some strange energy readings. Peri is mistaken for an expected arriving author Sarah Peri by Dr Petherbridge and is invited to tea, despite not wanting to go but the Doctor insists she does so he has a chance to get inside St. Ursula's to find the source of the mysterious energy readings. They tea with Dr Petherbridge who tells them of an on-going incident in which physicist Dr. Horwitz is being sent anonymous threat letters written in poison ink and charges a reluctant Peri to investigate, not wanting to tell the police for fear of further persecution. Peri vists Dr Horwtiz and looks at the letters, discovering that Dr Horwitz is a Jew who fled Europe and the letters threaten her on account of her Jewish identity. The Doctor, meanwhile, is warned to not wonder about and is left to his own devices when he wonders off to find the energy source and is discovered by Dr Joan Dalton who warns him that he must hide in order to not give a poor impression to undergraduate students.

Peri questions Dr Backhouse who tells Peri to talk to Doctor Dalton, claiming her politics betray her. The Doctor and Peri meet up to discuss the situation and Peri reveals that Doctor Backhouse pointed her to Doctor Dalton. Just then the announcement for the declaration of war is heard over the college speakers, announcing the beginning of World War II. Later Peri and the Doctor discuss their suspects when suddenly Ruth bursts in exclaiming that someone tried to kill her while she was working.

Ruth describes the encounter while the Doctor notices the readings are becoming stronger. The Doctor asks Ruth how she escaped but they don't quite understand her explanation. They hold a meeting in Doctor Petherbridge's office to decide what to do next. They suspect Doctor Dalton given her communist leanings and her alibi that she approached Doctor Horwitz to see if she held similar leanings and the police are called and Doctor Dalton is escroted away to prison. Doctor Horwitz bursts in after Dalton is taken away saying it's been a mistake. She and Peri walk back to her room, only to find the door open and the Doctor inside, saying he has discovered the source of the readings coming from the room and interrogates Ruth. They discover that Ruth was given a family heirloom as a girl and was curious about its properties, and so studied physics so she could further investigate the mysterious object. The Doctor realises that it is a petrified alien eye that has the ability to cloak other, albeit small, objects due its properties. Ruth explains that there are many people after the artifact, primarily the Nazis and that her family, who are in Vienna, are being held hostage for it by Dr Backhouse. They expect Dr Backhouse has fled with the artifact so the Doctor goes with the police in pursuit of Backhouse, assuming she hasn't gontten far. However, the further car gets, the more the energy readings die down and the Doctor realises he's made a huge mistake.

Peri, Dr Petherbridge and Ruth celebrate but Peri reveals she's uneasy as she thought Backhouse would have put up more of a fight... but then they hear a noise and discover that Backhouse was hiding amongst them and never left the college using the artifact eye to hide herself the whole time. Peri and the others pursue her and the doctor arrives just in time and chases after Backhouse as the others are not able to keep up in order to stop her as she poses a danger to the girls in the dorms. He tries to pursuade Backhouse to give him the eye when they reach the roof as rain falls, making it slippery, but Backhouse refuses. She suddenly sees her hand and legs beginning to disappear and the Doctor tells her that it is the dark vaccuum energy effecting her at molecular level and destabilising her and explains he can only save her if she throws away the eye but she refuses, however, missing her limbs she slips and falls off the roof, destabilising completely as she hits the ground while the eye shatters and breaks much to the others' despair.

In the epilogue it is revealed that Ruth's notes on the eye were lost as they flew out the window after her room was ransacked but her family managed to flee Vienna and make it to Paris and are now on their way join Ruth in Britain, and the Doctor suspects that without a hostage to threaten Ruth with Backhouse now had to act quickly. The department asks the Doctor to address the college but the doctor defers the duty to Peri who says she'd love to but needs to get her notes she left in the police box near the campus and they slip away, Peri merely using "fetching the notes" as an excuse.

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  • T

Continuity[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • T

MR 210 The Peterloo Massacre[[edit] | [edit source]]

Part one[[edit] | [edit source]]

The TARDIS, carrying the Doctor, Tegan and Nyssa, gets taken off course after a heavy dose of smog interferes with its systems during travel and crash-lands near Manchester. They are found by Hurley family servant Cathy Roberts, and her masters William Hurley and his father Mr. Hurley. Cathy discusses the event with her father Roberts and he forbids her from going to the protest tomorrow, citing behaviour like this is leading her to strange and dangerous situations. After getting some rest, they wake up and meet industrialist and engineer Mr. Hurley, who learns about the TARDIS (which he is told is a ship) and gets some men to bring it back to his estate, interested in it for his own ends though. The TARDIS is heavily damaged and the Doctor informs Tegan and Nyssa privately that the self-repair will take a day before they're ready to go. Hurley offers the Doctor a tour of his factory who, intrigued, agrees and brings Tegan along while he asks Nyssa to stay with the TARDIS in case it needs some assistance in its self-repair. Inside the factory they learn Hurley is employing children and one of them gets injured and trapped in one of the machines, and the Doctor, ignoring Hurley's warning, goes down to the factory floor to save him. Cathy meets Nyssa but is told off by Mrs. Hurley who then introduces herself to Nyssa.

The Doctor manages to save the boy much to Hurley's annoyance and attempts to treat him despite Hurley's insults and indifference, preferring to simply dismiss him. Tegan volunteers to head into town to look for medical supplies for the Doctor since Mr. Hurley doesn't keep them around for his employees and she is unwillingly accompanied by William Hurley while the Doctor says that he and Mr. Hurley need to discuss the way his factory is run. Mrs. Hurley finds out about the march that Cathy intends to go on tomorrow and dismisses her and while Nyssa tries to defend her and calm the situation, Mrs. Hurley kicks her out as well. The Doctor, in his discussion with Hurley, discovers the chronometer was badly damaged and that they're not in the time he thought, but are in 1819, on the eve of a very dark day in history...

Part two[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Doctor is dismayed to discover they've landed in the hours leading up to the Peterloo Massacre and his friends have gone out to wonder freely before the event is about to take place, putting themselves inadvertently in grave danger. Tegan and William Hurley argue about the state of the city and the poor people as their views are completely opposite. Cathy takes Nyssa back to her house and meets her baby brother Peter. Cathy talks about her hardships and they compare backgrounds after which she tells her that there will be a large gathering tomorrow and convinces her to come. It turns out William Hurley is an officer in the private defense force/militia, a force that is funded by his father's factory. The Doctor meets Mrs. Hurley who explains she has fired Cathy and dismissed Nyssa. Nyssa, after listening to Cathy, agrees to come out with her to the protest tomorrow. Tegan is locked up after being found by captain Walton and accused of being a saboteur and that William Hurley lied about his position, being a lowly lieutenant. The Doctor goes to Cathy's house and meets her father who tells him she's likely to be found at the big gathering taking place and he runs off. He bumps into William Hurley on his way with his friend, investigative journalist Thomas Tyler. He explains what happened to the Doctor and the Doctor joins him in the carriage back to the estate to check on Nyssa. Nyssa is gone and the Doctor demands that they go into town before something bad happens, despite being reassured by William Hurley nothing can and will. Nyssa and Cathy join the protestors and as they walk, she learns that her baby "brother" Peter is actually her son and she was arrested the previous year for trying to give out advice to women about unwanted pregnancy, on charges that she was distributing propaganda. The Doctor manages to find and get to Tegan in time and explains to her that they need to leave immediately as they are about to witness the Peterloo massacre...

Part three[[edit] | [edit source]]

Tegan and the Doctor encounter Reverend Small who explains he has come to quell the gathering protest by reading out the riot act. The Doctor explains to Tegan that this is how the event escalates, that if the protest doesn't disband after hearing the act then the cavalry can be called in to "handle the situation". Small begins reading in a place that no one can hear him. William Hurley, with his father, asks what Small is doing and Mr. Hurley explains he's reading out the riot act. William argues that no one can hear and that it's not fair but Mr. Hurley takes no notice, telling him he has to do his job. Nyssa gets anxious but Cathy is excited. William Hurley finds and tells the Doctor what's going on, telling him he had no idea this was the plan and he refuses to take part in the yeoman's riot quelling. Thomas Tyler notices the yeoman gathering and tries to convince Walton that it's too dangerous to use horses as the crowd is too packed but he does not care. Cathy and Nyssa notice the gathering cavalry and become scared. The cavalry draw swords and charge the crowd. Nyssa and Cathy attempt to avoid them. The Doctor tries to find Tegan who has gotten lost in the crowd. He finds Thomas Tyler and berates him for believing the lies of the yeoman cavalry, justifying their "actions" in the most ridiculous means. Roberts encounters Mr. Hurley who berates him for "letting" Cathy attend the protest and tells him to go find the baby he was talking about before it's too late. William and Tegan try to find Nyssa with no luck and William decides that they need to help people escape and head to one of the exits.

The Doctor and Thomas hear field guns and the Doctor, caught up in the moment, is angered that they would fire on their own civilians. He remarks that it's massacre like Waterloo. A second charge commences by the yeoman. Tegan and William find the Doctor and try to find Nyssa. Cathy is injured in the charge and her baby Peter is killed. Walton informs Mr. Hurley their job is done. Just then, Nyssa and the Doctor approach him and begins screaming at Hurley about how thanks to him Cathy has been trampled and injured and child is dead and he is to blame....

Part four[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Doctor demands a shocked Hurley to give them his horse. Tegan finds Nyssa and the Doctor who says they're going to try get Cathy to a hospital on horseback. The Doctor berates Hurley who dismisses him and says they deserved it and walks away, his job done. The Doctor tells Thomas to write down the events and have them published back in London. In the infirmary they discuss Cathy's recovery with the Sister on duty and when Nyssa remarks why there aren't more injured there, Tegan explains it's because they can't pay. William, guilt-stricken, says that Cathy's treatment will be covered under the Hurley's account and explains he's going back to the city to see if he can help anyone else. The Sister explains to Nyssa that even if their costs were covered the poor won't come because the infirmary would be forced to take their names, and their involvement in the event would implicate them, then leaves to go about her duties. Nyssa explains to Tegan that a great change seems to have come over William Hurley, and she suspects it's not because of the events of today, but that Cathy mentioned the two were childhood friends and grew up together and she strongly suspects that her dead child, Peter, is his son.

The Doctor and Thomas Tyler argue about how he will report the events and after a stalemate, the Doctor wishes him luck as he promises he will try to report what he can. Roberts arrives at the infirmary and bumps into William Hurley, who tells him he needs to settle "another" account, leaving a bewildered and confused Roberts. Roberts heads inside the infirmary and talks with Nyssa and Tegan, informing them of his recent encounter with William. Roberts takes over standing by for Cathy and Tegan and Nyssa run off to stop William Hurley, convinced he's going to murder his father. Mr. Hurley, distraught by his actions, talks and argues with Walton, explaining he is going home, fed up with the events and beginning to reconsider his stance on the recent events turning down the invitation to celebrate the "success" with the other cavalrymen. Tegan and Nyssa find the Doctor and explain they need to stop William before something else happens. William encounters Thomas on his way home, and Thomas invites himself on William's horse since he was heading there to pick up his luggage before heading back to London. He says he also wants to give Mr. Hurley his praise. They head off. Mr. Hurley arrives home distraught over the massacre and talks to Mrs. Hurley, explaining that Cathy's "brother" (unaware of the reality) was killed. Roberts talks with Cathy and she tearfully reveals his death, which Roberts was already aware. He reinforces that they need to keep their head down and she must stop participating in these events, but Cathy feels differently, saying that there are other "Peter"s in this world who need to be brought up in a better world and they need to fight for it. William and Thomas arrive home and he confronts his father by drawing his saber. The Doctor, Nyssa and Tegan arrive and see that the William Hurley has already arrived. They get inside just in time to stop William from stabbing his father. Thomas Tyler prepares to leave to report the falsified story and the Doctor tries to convince him otherwise, to no success. Nyssa, angered, reveals to Mr. and Mrs. Hurley that the child was William Hurley's and they were responsible for the baby and her, which William finally admits. Mr. Hurley breaks down but the three slip out before they are drawn into a familial conflict.

The Doctor explains to the two that this is a fixed point in time and its effects will ripple through history with lower class citizens fighting against the oppression by the rich to improve their living conditions. They arrive at the newly self-repaired TARDIS and an upset Nyssa goes inside without a word while Tegan and the Doctor reflect on the day's events.

References[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • Tegan calls the doctor a posho, saying that even his species name is pretentious, being a "Time Lord". Martha made a similar comment. (TV: Smith and Jones)
  • Nyssa claims she's not good with kids. She would later go on to start a family. (AUDIO: Winter)
  • investigative journalism is a new thing
  • the doctor tells thomas tyler tempis fugit latin for "timely flight"
  • The newspapers will tell lies about the massacre

Notes[[edit] | [edit source]]

Continuity[[edit] | [edit source]]

peterloo is a fixed point in time as explained yb the doctor

Tegan says "time travellers need to have brave hearts", a line the Doctor told her and Clara on some occassions. (TV: , The Crimson Horror)

217d The Becoming[[edit] | [edit source]]

Part one[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Doctor and Turlough arrive in an unmapped section of the Pandana system and the Doctor insists they be the "first" to explore. The Doctor spots irrigated land below the stormy mountain environment they've landed in, suggesting intelligent life and they decide to go there to get shelter from the storm. Meanwhile, Waywalker is guided by the voices of "Spring" and "Autumn". The voices lead her to a nest and tell her to open the ambricore (yellow fruit thing). The voices leave her and she calls out to them but gets no response... until the Doctor arrives just in time to save her from falling off the branch of the life tree where she obtained the fruit. Waywalker reveals she needs the ambricore for her "becoming". Just then they hear voices which are identified as entities called the "Hungerers", which begin to surround them, preparing to hunt them. The three try to head down after Waywalker asks the old ones (voices) for advice. The Doctor manages to cause a landslide to stop the creatures pursuing them, however, Waywalker ends up breaking her leg. Waywalker explains that she needs to get to the "Cavern of Becoming" before the ambricore goes off otherwise she will fail. The Doctor consents but convinces her to first let them gather some material to create a crutch support for her injured leg. They depart but just then Waywalker catches up and it is revealed she is quickly self-healing although they do not know why.

They ask her why she is doing this and she reveals that the "ritual of Becoming" is how they learn what they should "become" in their society and their identity is based upon they path they take. They travel to the Cave of Becoming.

When they arrive, Waywalker is instructed to break the ambricore and drink the fluid inside, which the Doctor realizes is the same as the "jelly" substance surrounding them, called the "Pathmaker". Waywalker walks into the large gelatinous mass and although Turlough tries to stop her, the Doctor prevents him and insists she be allowed to follow her own directions and they should not interfere with what the Doctor sees as a natural process. The Doctor surmises that the two have a symbiotic relation and that those that enter the Pathmaker are absorbed into the tree and are remade into ambricore. Turlough, against the Doctor's warnings, thinks something is wrong and dives in to save her. Once brought out, she reveals that the Pathmaker attacked her and rejected her because the voice of the elders did not leave her.

They begin to head back to the village and Waywalker explains that although she has failed she was able to keep her form and she seems to have gained new knowledge as she explains that the Doctor has revealed to her that the land is changing and new knowledge to survive may be required. The Doctor says they ought to be heading back to the TARDIS and when a protesting Turlough asks about the Hungerers, Waywalker reveals that they only detect/hunt Waywalkers, to Turlough's annoyance at not having told them before, and they then part ways.

The Doctor explains to Turlough the relation between the Pathmaker and the Waywalkers, but says that the changing sun causing the current cold climate is bothering him, and on top of this, he can't quite understand where the Hungerers fit into this ecosystem until he makes a startling realisation and runs to the village with a confused Turlough following in his wake.

Waywalker returns and reveals her failure to the villagers but explains that she has learned that their planet is changing and that they must find a new way to live as the old ways will not allow them to survive, however, uninterested, they remind her of the penalty. Just then, she begins to transform into a Waywalker and the Doctor, with Turlough in tow, explains that the failed Waywalkers become Hungerers. They arrive to see Waywalker transforming and the Doctor tries to save her using a psychic link but she says she is too far gone and it is too late to stop it. The Doctor offers to destroy the Pathmaker to end this but Turlough rebuts that this would end their entire civilization and the Doctor would have to take over the role of Pathmaker, make every decision for the society and rule over them and says that if he won't do this then their best option is just to go. Waywalker assures the Doctor that Pathmaker was not able to take all her thoughts and she may still be able to try and find a way to save their civilization. A distraught Doctor is finally persuaded by Turlough to leave and return to the TARDIS, expressing to Waywalker that he hopes she will find a way to save her civilization.

References[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • Waywalker is translucent because she was born on a planet that didn't have as a harsh a sun than Turlough and the Doctor.
  • Turlough describes the Hungerers as looking like ape creatures.
  • The Doctor uses his cricket skills to cause a landslide by throwing a cricket ball and creating a large echo.
  • The Doctor sympathizes with individuals naming themselves after titles. The Doctor calls himself "The Doctor", which in one case is a name for an earth practitioner of medicine.

Notes[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • When Turlough asks the Doctor what the Pathmaker was, disbelieving something like that could have grown up by chance, the Doctor rebuffs him by asking why not, since one can believe in giraffe necks or the social structure of an ant's nest and that it's a big universe so many things are possible, evolutionary speaking. The giraffe's neck refers to the original Jean-Baptiste Lamarck's theory of Acquired Inheritance, a theory used before and later influenced the formulation of Charles Darwin's "Theory of Evolution". The inheritance of longer giraffe necks passed down to off-spring is the popular example used to illustrate this falsified and abandoned theory. Its importance was that it spurred interest in the development of a theory to explain how organisms on planet earth first arose and why they have the traits/characteristics they do today.

Continuity[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • The Doctor mentions "if any of my friends had ankles like yours..." after Waywalker regenerates her broken leg very quickly. Many of the fifth Doctor's companions sprain their feet/ankles, for example Adric does so while they run away from the highwaymen in the forest in Heathrow near London is the 17th Century. (TV: The Visitation)
  • The Doctor tells a disbelieving Turlough why it is possible and entirely logical that a symbiotic relation between the Pathmaker and Waywalker life-forms could have evolved to be what it is, saying it is just as likely as the symbiotic evolution of "the vestiges of some old colony ship, an organic computer and its gestalt crew". (TV: The Face of Evil)

MR 234 Kingdom of Lies[[edit] | [edit source]]

Part one[[edit] | [edit source]]


Part two[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Doctor misses and blames it on a fault with the weapon. The Duchess turns the situation into an advantage to gain sympathy. The Duchess' parents, Lord Crozion and Lady Crozion, discuss their disgust about her husband on their way over for the anniversary celebration while the Doctor and Nyssa go to "scout their area" attempting to find Tegan and Adric when they spot the Duchess. The Doctor proposes a plan to which she agrees to help him get his friends back and give her what she wants.

The Duchess meets with Tomek and explains that the Doctor's plan to get her gunned down will allow her to expose her husband and have him executed. Tomek is, however, suspicious of the Doctor's plan. Tegan and Adric are searching for the Duchess' would-be assassin, unaware that it was the Doctor who shot at them. The Duke and Duchess next participate in a horse race while the Doctor and Nyssa spot Tegan and Adric. The two encounter Amelia who tells them where to find "The Scorpion" and "Nyssa the Destroyer" and they head over there. They find them in the tower and as the Doctor and Nyssa prepare to enact their plan, the Duchess, having won the race, gives a speech but is murdered right in the middle before the Doctor's plan can be carried out...

Part three[[edit] | [edit source]]

The four confusedly speculate what has happened and try to figure out what to do next, thinking the Duchess has been murdered for real. They are caught but thanks to Nyssa's distraction, Tegan and Adric get away while Nyssa and the Doctor escape. The Duke explains to the Doctor and Nyssa what his plan is and what has happened. Tegan and Adric suddenly run into the Duchess who reveals the Doctor's plan worked and she knows who he really is, then tricks the pair and taunts them, attempting to have them arrested.

The Duchess' parents arrive and the Doctor tries to explain to them what happened, angering Lord Crozion, but the Doctor explains it was just a facade and she's still alive. The Duchess reveals herself to her parents but Lord Crozion is adamant and exclaims that they will still be invading to take back the dowry by force but is distracted to go collect his reward from the betting stakes. Just then he spots Tegan and Adric and puts them under arrest but the Doctor dissuades him and convinces the four to come with him to the throne room for an impromptu "marriage council" session but to no avail as Lord Crozion refuses to budge, believing his son-in-law the Duke to be worthless. Outside Tegan Nyssa and Adric discuss something that's been bothering them and realize that Amelia and Tomek may be behind all this. The Doctor speaks with Adric who reveals his suspicions and he talks with the Duchess and has her summon Tomek and the Duke summon Amelia. They discover that Tomek was using a hologram projector and was manipulating both sides, pretending to be both servants. Tomek/Amelia is arrested but Nyssa is still suspicious. She reminds the Doctor that a laser bolt still hit the podium when the Duchess was "murdered" and someone would still have had to fire it.

Just then a of Sting ship arrives overhead carrying real assassins, in this case the real Scorpion who threatens to kill them all unless the real Duchess is brought to her...

Part four[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Doctor tries to reason with the Scorpion but she sees through his lies. The Duchess stupidly reveals herself and a chase ensues while the Doctor tries to stall her by negotiating. He manages to get away and finds the others while the Scorpion captures Lord Crozion in a stasis field. The Doctor realises they need the help of Tomek/Amelia and in his interrogation of Amelia-Tomek, he eventually discovers that the two-timer is called Zaina and that she hired the Scorpion. After some coercing from the Doctor she agrees to help. They reconvene with the others and make a plan to stop the Scorpion.

The Doctor has the others distract the Scorpion while he rescues Lord Crozion. They eventually get the Scorpion to fall right into the Doctor's "trap". He takes the Duke's credcard and offers all the credits on it and in exchange the Scorpion will leave them all in peace. The Scorpion accepts but murders the Duchess in cold blood anyway to preserve her reputation as "no job goes unfulfilled". The Doctor "threatens" the Scorpion with a gun but she calls his bluff and turns away, only for the Doctor to pull the trigger... but it is revealed he modified it to simply put a stasis field around the Scorpion. After a difficult decision, the Doctor lets the Scorpion go despite her crimes, believing that handing her over to Lord Crozion would be no better as he insists he will kill her anyway. As she leaves, it is revealed that the Doctor, Zaina and Duke Sebastian tricked them all, using the holographic projector and other technologies. The Doctor reveals that it was Sebastian who bravely volunteered to pose (and save) his wife and Sebastian and Miranda reconcile and she forbids her father from invading Cardenas.

The four head back to the TARDIS and take-off. It is revealed that the Duke and Duchess end up in another argument before they even get to bed.

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MR 235 Ghostwalk[[edit] | [edit source]]

Part one[[edit] | [edit source]]

Leanne leads a guided tour of the catacombs. Initially successful, things spiral out of control when they hear strange sounds, and other frightening events begin to occur... when suddenly, Leanne hears the voice of the Doctor in her head.

The TARDIS crew land in the 17th century searching to help the senders of a distress call they intercepted. They split up and Adric and Nyssa are attacked by something unseen. Tegan and the Doctor discover a wall with blood markings on it and a pile of bones that shown sign of damage at the deepest molecular level. Adric, having fallen down the stairs in a panic, hears Nyssa call to him that she can't move as the creature seem to be holding on to her and instilling fear in her against her will. Adric tries to save her but also becomes stuck when the creature holds on to him. Tegan and the Doctor find the two frozen on the floor shivering, and prop them up, and they explain that the alien subdued them to lead the Doctor to it. They hear the creature's roar and run back to the TARDIS. Once inside, they realize the TARDIS is dead, and was trying to leave which is why it was making groaning noises before when they first arrived. The Doctor explains he can get it working again but they need to go back outside. They get a displacement generator working and he transports Nyssa, Tegan and Adric elsewhere. Just as he prepares to take on the creature, it is revealed Tegan didn't listen and left the circle for the generator at the last second to stay and help the Doctor, suspecting he didn't actually have a plan. He admits she's right. Leanna asks the Doctor if this is how he got stuck here, which he admits it is, but when she asks how he got out he reveals he never did and that he died here...

Part two[[edit] | [edit source]]

Nyssa lands in a village and the townfolk are convinced she's a witch and attempt to burn her, however, she is saved by Matthew Doyle the Reverend who takes her on horseback back to the vicarage. The Doctor and Tegan theorise how the creature managed to feed on the TARDIS, and the Doctor tries to help Tegan regain composure after she becomes tired, where the Doctor realizes the creature is feeding on her. He gets her to safety.

Adric, having landed in the same village at a different point in time, is put on trial for stealing some bread but is interrupted when he spots someone wearing a cloak, revealed to be a member of the Brotherhood of Sabaot. Matthew and Nyssa have a chat where she also learns about the Brotherhood of Sabaot and she learns she has been moved forward in time but not space and they plan to have Matthew go and visit their temple to see if there's anything they can learn. Tegan and the Doctor discuss about what they will do now and how they will escape. Matthew returns having been unsuccessful in talking with the brotherhood, and being egged by children. The more time she and Matthew spend together, more rumours, spread by Mrs. Stubbs, the Reverend's housekeeper at the vicarage, fly around the village that the Reverend has been bewitched by her. Matthew eventually reveals he has fallen in love with Nyssa but she turns down his advances due to the situation. Adric finds some people, having fled the trial, and asks them to tell the Doctor he's here, however, they are confused as they know no one of that name. Just then they are interrupted by cloaked men of the brotherhood and Adric tries talking to the cloaked men on behalf of the frightened villagers, while the events are recorded by a "journalist" on the scene while Adric is taken to his execution, his fate decided.

Nyssa and Reverend Matthew arrive at the church where he is to give a sermon, however, the villagers block him from entering until he recants and rids himself of Nyssa. Matthew attempts to defend her and her actions but the villagers are unconvinced and attempt to burn her. Matthew, in a change of heart, sides with the villagers (having had his heart broken by Nyssa) and they attempt to drown her in a river as the Brotherhood of Sabaoth encroach on her position. Meanwhile, Adric is placed in the gallows to be hanged, and the floor beneath him is dropped...

Part three[[edit] | [edit source]]

Leanne in the present explains that a boy named Derrick was hung from the gallows but mysteriously disappeared during the hanging and takes out a newspaper article and picture to show it, which the Doctor, in Leanne's head, tries to get her to give him a good look. They get into an argument and she tries to ignore him. He tries to convince her to explore the catacombs she gave a tour at earlier but instead continues her tour to show the "The Witch of the Lake". Meanwhile the Doctor and Tegan, in the past, continue to try and figure out what to do. Tegan, realizing a pick-axe would be helpful for a plan she has to tunnel out, goes looking for one inside the TARDIS but Sabaoth, projecting itself through the consumed TARDIS conscious, traps her inside the TARDIS and the Doctor tries to get inside but gets locked out. Tegan and the creature talk and it flings her mind forward in time as it drains her energy.

Doctor managed to get inside the TARDIS and finds Tegan collapsed on the floor and he finally confronts Sabaoth. In the present, he guides Leanne through the catacombs where they find his tomb, where his body is buried. However, he stops Leanne from breaking it open, explaining that currently he's both dead and alive, like a Schrodinger's ghost, as they neither know whether he is actually dead or alive (he's supposedly dead, but she can still hear his voice so he might be alive and neither believes in ghosts) and that observing the body of him actually being dead will create a fixed point in time, ensuring his death. The Doctor hopes to find a way to avoid this but Leanne is still considering breaking in if it means she will be rid of the voice in her head.

Tegan slowly reawakens and explains to the Doctor she went to the future and tried to warn them but she's not sure it worked. The last of her energy drains away and the two share a heart-felt moment before she passes on. The Doctor explains in the present to Leanne that he realizes now he's here to save her and they hear a voice calling from around them. The Brotherhood of Sabaoth surrounds them and encroaches on them, however, he tries to calm her down explaining that they're not real in the ordinary sense and are more like smoke and mirrors/illusions projected by Sabaoth and Leanne makes a run for it.

Some time ago, a boy and his girlfriend Katya play a game with a Ouija board and Katya becomes possessed, warning them that "Sabaoth is coming".

In the past the Doctor berates Sabaoth for killing Tegan and prepares to suffer his fate. Sabaoth continues to taunt the Doctor and slowly drain his energy while he continues walking around and staying active to not succumb to sleep and have the rest of his energy swiped by Sabaoth. The two continue to talk as the Doctor walks through the dead TARDIS and Sabaoth explains he plans to keep feeding on everything else by bringing himself into the universe from his spectral form.

In the present Leanne continues to run from the illusory cloaked men and the Doctor explains that she has traversed so much of the sites and crossed the many psychic barriers that Sabaoth is using her as an anchor. Meanwhile Katya is brought to an expert exorcist by her boyfriend and the exorcist goads her into a trance where she attempts to warn them that they must not let Sabaoth free. She cries that they must find the Doctor while the expert attempts to perform an exorcism, when suddenly the voice inhabiting Katya cries that they need to listen to her and that they don't understand as her name is Tegan Jovanka...

Part four[[edit] | [edit source]]

Leanne awakens the next morning to find that she has managed to escape the Brotherhood but the Doctor explains that she was supposed to and explains that Sabaoth planted a trigger in her mind and that going back into the catacombs will be catastrophic, however, she berates him, explaining she needs to pay her rent even if the world will end because of it (as he explained) and will be going back again to give a tour tonight. In the past, the Doctor builds a wall around himself and the dead TARDIS as he dies, explaining to Sabaoth that he cannot allow people to get their hands on the body of a dead Timelord. Leanne has lunch in a cafe and when she refuses to follow the Doctor's advice he begins to cause things in the cafe to shatter, break or rumble. Overwhelmed, Leanne tries to shut him down and accidentally manifests telekinetic powers, blowing out the city's electricity supply but at the very least she can no longer hear the voice of the Doctor in her head.

Later, Leanne gives a tour of the catacombs but begins hearing whispers and voices that she cannot block out. She explains that in the residence built on top of them, two students playing with a Ouija board in one apartment lead them to rediscover the catacombs running underneath the entire street (Katya and her boyfriend). She then leads them to the Temple of Sabaoth, and her patrons are revealed to be the Brotherhood of Sabaoth. As she prepares for her fate, the Doctor reveals himself just as Sabaoth appears.

The Doctor reveals he escaped death by going into a healing coma (an ability of Timelords) after he had sealed himself inside and projected himself into the head of the person that Sabaoth was using to be bring himself back into the world, Leanne. The Doctor and Leanne face Sabaoth together.

The Doctor awakens to discover himself in a fully operational and energized TARDIS which he used to go back and save Nyssa from being drowned and Adric from being hanged, as it turns out Leanne's telekinetic outburst was channeling Sabaoth's power and managed to send him back in time and restore some power to the TARDIS, allowing him to go save the others. In the present the Doctor, Nyssa, Adric and Tegan encourage Leanne to fight Sabaoth and she manages to suppress his return. They manage to vanquish him and the Doctor explains when he projected his mind into Leanne's he implanted a "virus" in it that she passed on to Sabaoth and coupled with having access to his powers as the two were linked, Sabaoth had set itself up for destruction.

The Doctor further explains that he ensured Nyssa and Adric were sent to points that would eventually lead to them becoming spots on her ghost walk and that he lied to Sabaoth about Tegan and put her into a cryo-pod so she could heal and it wouldn't feed on her, then woke her up "almost" immediately after. They then dressed up in cloaks to blend in with the brotherhood that followed Leanne through her tour and that was when they appeared to help her defeat Sabaoth. He then explains that things should be back to normal from now with no more supernatural occurrences, which Leanne is thankful for, saying "she never really believed in ghosts".

References[[edit] | [edit source]]

Notes[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • Although the concept of the Heisenberg's uncertainty principle is used here, a proper distinction needs to be made between its depiction in the real world and its depiction in the story. In the real world, the principle typically refers to non-relativistic quantum mechanics, in which time is merely a type of parameter. It also has its own uncertainty relation, usually dubbed the "Time-energy uncertainty relation". Note that this uncertainty relation is different to the one Heisenberg formulated although they are related.( This is different yet again in relativistic quantum mechanics.
  • The Doctor explains that certain events in time can become fixed points in time if they are observed, however, if they are not observed they can potentially be changed. The Doctor wasn't sure whether he was dead or alive while inside Leanne's head and so claimed that they couldn't see his body to check whether he was dead or alive, lest he really be dead and they create a fixed point in time.
  • Tegan mentioning a Peter Cushing film is actually a meta-reference as Peter Cushing himself played a version of Doctor Who in the films NOTVALID: Dr. Who and the Daleks and NOTVALID: Daleks' Invasion Earth 2150 A.D.
  • The Doctor asks rhetorically that if Leanne does "ghost walks" for a living, why would she not want to mention she has an actual ghost in her head? "Ghost Walk" is, of course, the title of the story.
  • Sacha Dhawan, who voices the characters Reverend Matthews and Katya's boyfriend, would later go on to play the Master in 2020 for Series 12 opposite Jodie Whittaker as the thirteenth Doctor. Interestingly, this audio contains more than one actor to have appeared in some capacity on the show (besides the main cast) as Fenella Woolgar voices the character Leanne and had previously played Agatha Christie in TV: The Unicorn and the Wasp.

Continuity[[edit] | [edit source]]

236 Serpent in the Silver Mask[[edit] | [edit source]]

Part one[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Doctor, Tegan, Nyssa and Adric arrive in the TARDIS on Argentia, with the Doctor on a mission to get diothanine crystals so he can make a new sonic screwdriver. They run into some trouble with a robot and Superintendent Galgo but after a quick DNA scan they are approved to attend the funeral currently being hosted for the deceased Carlo Mazzini, a wealthy billionaire industrialist who ran an interplanetary mining company called The Mighty Mazzinis and who was an inhabitant, having recently passed away. The four split up and converse with the guests, most of them his family who are eager to know how much they have been left in Carlo's will. The will is eventually read, and Carlo's entire estate is bequeathed to his son Angelo Mazzini, much to the shock of the other guests and especially to the rest of the Mazzini family, as his father and he were not too close. Angelo is then escorted to a sink pod to contact his accountant about the news to settle matters, and the Doctor secretly follows, explaining that they're likely to find the diothanine crystals nearby there as they are used for sink pods and brings Adric with him but makes Nyssa and Tegan stay behind so as not arouse the suspicion of Superintendent Galgo, who has been keeping an eye on them the whole time.

The Doctor and Adric find the enterance to the mine stores of the diothanine crystal and the Doctor goes in while Adric keeps watch. Adric, however, ends up seeing Angelo, while using the pod, murdered by an assailant wearing a silver mask and a black hat. They call Superintendent Galgo, who heavily suspects them, however, they find the ashes of Angelo, likely to have been killed by and the result of an incineration beam and confirmed by a DNA scan, and the whole of Argentia is put on temporal lock-down with no time-travel ship or device able to transport anyway away from the current zone. Tegan talks with Joe Mazzini, whom she met earlier, who says he thinks he knows who killed Angelo, given they were missing during the party after the will reading. They find the Doctor but before Joe can say the Doctor already guessed that he suspects Francesco Mazzini who is mysteriously absent. Joe simply reaffirms that was his guess. Meanwhile, Francesco, having discovered the death, contacts some people about a deal since he is now next in line for the inheritance but is killed by the assailant. The Doctor, Tegan and Galgo find his dead body, leaving Nyssa and Adric to walk around and eavesdrop. Just then, Tegan looks up to discover a sort of reptilian arthropod is directly above her, and the Doctor warns her to stay still...

Part two[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Doctor and Galgo manage to kill the creature, however, some of its nerve toxins get onto Galgo and he collapses, the Doctor saying he needs to be seen to by a medical professional. They dissect the creature that attacked inside the TARDIS but can't pin-point its species. The Doctor explains that with Galgo indisposed they'll be heading the investgation themselves and tells Nyssa to stay in the TARDIS and find the creature's species while he, Adric, Tegan and Joe continue the investigation. The Doctor and Adric are taken by Sofia Cozzi to visit the vault where Angelo stored his valuable painting he uncovered in 1944 instead of on his ship, which the Doctor becomes heavily interested in. Eventually, the Doctor tells Adric to join and help Nyssa in the TARDIS while Tegan discusses suspects with Joe.

Maria Mazzini comes under suspicion by each of the parties while the Doctor visits Galgo. They all convene and the Doctor assures Galgo they will deal with the investigation while he recovers. He then goes to see Maria Mazzini. The Doctor begins questioning her but she proclaims her innocence and attempts to seduce the Doctor, however, inexplciably, she ends up dying right in front of him. Upon consulting with Galgo, it seems she was doesed with hydroxatine, a fast-acting poison, and Galgo arrests the Doctor, suspecting he is the real master-mind, despite Adric warning him this would happen several times throughout their investigation...

Part three[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Doctor is put under arrest and imprisoned in a neutron field while Galgo continues his investigation, to find irrefutable proof that the Doctor was the murderer while Adric, Nyssa and Tegan visit him, having been allowed to go free as they were merely classified as stowaways and Galgo doesn't have time to deal with them currently. They promise the Doctor they'll try prove his innocence and get him out and he suggests they start by finding out what happened to the painting while Galgo tells them they're free to investigate even if it's pointless. Adric then splits off to investigate the posibility of a secret passage used by the assailant. Meanwhile Joe catches up with Tegan, who at first is cold to him but warms up when he dispells her suspicions. The Doctor, meanwhile, attempts to lay out their suspects to himself in his cell.

Adric and Sofia find a loose cover part of the ventilation system that looks like it had been removed previously, and Adric crawls through it despite Sofia's warnings and much to her annoyance. Nyssa and Joe visit the body of his aunt Maria in the moratorium, and discover a tiny bot a picometer in size that injected the poison into her. Adric, meanwile, winds up in a Gammaras, a karaoke bar in the hotel Excelsior, while running from Baby Chuckles, and is soon joined by Galgo who has come to investigate as well. The two find the body of Tom Rosse, Carlo Mazzini's previous assisstant before Sofia. Next they find one of the twins, Paul Mazzini, dead, and suspect that Peter has taken the painting and is making an escape, with Galgo able to track his scent. It seems he's attempting to get away through the vents and they follow. Meanwhile, Tegan visits the Doctor and reveals her suspicons of Joe, despite liking him and leaves to find the others. She then makes her way to the hotel Excelsior. Eventually, Peter is cornered but reveals the twins didn't do it, and the death with the blaster was an accident over a squabble for the painting, but he is then killed by a shot from a cryo-beam and Nyssa and Galgo chase after the new figure that killed Peter. They eventually corner the killer in the oxygen garden but Sofia arrives with Tegan, reveals she has been in on the plan and she and the killer escape after breaking the control systems, leaving Tegan, Nyssa, Adric and Galgo locked in, about to be sucked into the massive fan below...

Part four[[edit] | [edit source]]

Suddenly, the TARDIS arrives and the Doctor manages to rescue them, explaining that he managed to logically convince Bernard, the robot guarding his cell, that it was impossible for him to have comitted the murder and Bernard released him. They explain to him that Sofia was an accomplice of the killer but the Doctor explains that due to his time sitting alone in the cell and working it out with Bernard listening, he managed to deduce that and has also figured out who the killer is. Tegan thinks it's Joe's but the Doctor's explains it can't be and she rushes off to warn him despite the Doctor warning her to come back. He then takes Nyssa and Galgo to the lower levels where the time ships are parked. Tegan learns from a service bot that Sofia is in the Mazzini's villa where Joe is headed and heads there himself while the Doctor, Nyssa, Adric and Galgo find a vehicle in the lower levels that shouldn't be there.

Tegan finds the villa deserted and follows the sound of strange music into the house, and finds Joe tied up and he reveals it was a trap for them both. The killer confronts Tegan and reveals its plan to use the two as hostages when suddenly a Baby Chuckles comes into the room. The killer blasts it to smithereens but more arrive and attack the killer for destorying one of them. Distracted, the killer gets captured and the Doctor, Nyssa, Adric and Galgo reveal themselves and explain they had used the dolls as a distraction. They take off the killer's mask and find out it's Angelo Mazzini. The Doctor explains that he checked the logs of Angelo's ship and found that Angelo had done something illegal and travelled along his own personal timestream ten years forward. Angelo explains that he wanted to see what would happen after inheriting such a massive amount of money and reveals that the family all end up murdering each other in an attempt to claim the inheritance leaving Paul and Peter unscathed and inheriting it and Angelo explains his disgust at such idiots possesing his father's wealth. When Adric asks about Angelo killing himself, the Doctor realises that this is to his advantage because once he was registered as deceased on Argentia's systems, he would no longer be tracked and registered and would be free to move about the station undetected. He had used the painting as a scapegoat to frame (pun is acknowledged in the story) his family as well. Adric asks about that creating a paradox but the Doctor realises that since Argentia is in lock-down it is in a separate time and so the paradox is being held at bay. Just then, Angelo takes Adric hostage and communicates with Sofia to beam them aboard their escape ship, and they are teleported away. The Doctor explains they need to get to the field generator quickly.

Adric asks how they'll escape and Sofia explains that they've engineered a wormhole and are currently attempting to align the temporal drives, while Angelo mentions how good Sofia is with this "stuff". The Doctor and crew arrive on the control deck and look for the field fabricator. The Doctor explains someone broke in and created a quantum tear, causing a wormhole that he explains after being sealed would cause Argentia to be completely cut off in time trapping everyone inside. Galgo thinks all hope is lost but the Doctor explains that they can use the diothanine crystal to seal the quantum tear, however, he laments that he should have realised earlier what was going on when he explored the mine and only found the one, explaining that the other crystals must've been disintegrated by the quantum tear. They manage to stop it but the Doctor explains that Angelo still has Adric and if he leaves Argentia the paradox will catch up with him. Galgo retorts he is fine with it killing him but the Doctor, claiming he is not judge, jury and executioner, believes Angelo should be tried on Argentia instead. They take off to find him.

The Doctor locates Angelo's ship and tries to get him to open up and they open a communication channel and the Doctor explains what he did, telling Angelo that if he leaves the station, the paradox will catch up with him and he will be disintegrated just as he did to himself earlier. Angelo belives the Doctor to be bluffing, but when he asks Sofia, she is distraught as she simply doesn't know. Adric tries to convince him that the Doctor is not someone who would lie about such a thing, but Angelo ignores him and takes a chance and tries to escape, only to end up disintegrated and Sofia in tears. The Doctor, Galgo, Nyssa and Tegan get aboard and Galgo places her under arrest.

In the aftermath Galgo apologises to the Doctor for accusing and locking him up which the Doctor brushes off, and Tegan sadly parts ways with Joe, despite his offer to stay with him as he has now inherited Carlo's fortune, saying that although tempted by his offer, she wants to spend more time with her friends.

References[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • Argentia located in the kita belt.
  • 60 min out of time -> see beginning first 30 seconds
  • Diothanine crystals are used to focus sonic wave forms -> use it to make a sonic screwdriver , grow naturally wherever temporal zones meet, like fungus in a _____ ; -> one of the hardest minerals in the universe molecular density like no other -> 1:27:40
  • The Doctor is fluent in robo-speak
  • Kilorian -> alien
  • The Mighty Mazzinis -> minig company doctor once saved from spider rats
  • established carlo mancey and family are demi clones, born clones with slight genetic alterations, to "keep the blood line pure" as the doctor claims
  • Carlo once sued his borther over a game of monopoly and won
  • Grand Vazeer -> Clatonians sleep for 23 hours a day and never bathe
  • landsscape gardner from jungle moon of _____ -> 9:20
  • Garacos was an entity of pure conciousness -> 10:00
  • Sink pods are glass pods a little like a phone box that synchronize temporal zones; on warp ships using faster than light travel time usually slows down making contact with the outside world impossible, however, a sink pod circumvents this problem.
  • Mr. Varney
  • The Doctor mentions temporal disturbances and quantum tears.
  • Nyssa claims the celings are a good example of Neo-baroque.
  • Maria mentions the Doctor's Cricket Jumper
  • Novia Prime is an unihabited planet. Nyssa claims that ____, despite this, although it was mostly as a way to act normal why trying to eavesdrop for clues about the muders occuring
  • Normics/Normeck/Normigs are various species from several worlds clustered around the Atar system***************************8
  • Maria runs a cosmetic company on Suganda (planet).
  • "Flora and Fauna of the Atar System" is a red book Nyssa uses to find the Sugandian normic.
  • Sugandic Normics have purple stripes next to the belly
  • Agatha Christie is known as far out as Argentia
  • Galgo tells the Doctor he can't pretend to be Ms. MArple
  • MAria stays in the presidential suites
  • The Doctor once inherited a dwarf star but gave it away in a raffle
  • Maria
  • Maria accuses the Doctor of having affections for Nyssa, Tegan or even Adric
  • Hydroxatine is a fast-acting poison
  • The Doctor is locked in a neutron field
  • Joe flirts with Tegan
  • Mondovian marble is very rare
  • Baby Chuckles are sentient dolls that were all the rage about 5 christmases ago. The station had an overload of them and couldn't keep up their incineration due to overstock and taking up too much space so they threw them down the ventilation shafts
  • The robot guarding the Doctor's cell is named Bernard
  • Heinreich's department store, ____, ____ -> 1:06:55
  • Oxygen gardens produce oxygen for the space station
  • f
  • f
  • f
  • Sofia asks
  • quantum tear 1:26:30
  • diothanine crystals have density like no other hardest thing in the universe
  • Nyssa explains to Galgo that the Doctor is a Time Lord and Argentia's technology must be like an abacus for him
  • 1:28:10 -> something about finding a noodle in a bowl of noodles

Notes[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • In the scene where the Doctor is trapped in the neutron prison and talks to the robot guard Bernard, he mentions his exile on earth. In a further callback, Tegan and the Doctor have an exchange, as a further homage to that era of the show in which, after going on diverging tangents out loud completely ignoring each other, they both, annoyed, ask each other "Have you been listening to a word I said?" simultaneously. This is actually a callback to the banter between the Third Doctor and Jo in her final appearance in the serial TV: The Green Death mirroring the same words and scene the Third Doctor and Jo say to each other. This is even further reinforced when earlier the Doctor mentions how many of the people in his case eventually "leave the nest", which was a major plot point for the charcter of Jo Grant.
  • B6 savoir faire -> french expression
  • joke about cliche "you won't get away with this" from tegan that killer brushes off
  • This story takes place somewhere after the Visitation and before Earthshock, as the Doctor is looking to replace the sonic screwdriver which was destoryed in the former story and Adric is still alive as he only dies in the latter story.

Continuity[[edit] | [edit source]]


-Angelo Mazzini -> son of Carlo Mazzini -> is a chronoarcheologist, travels in time, like river song, was rescuing a painting in second world war in 1944 when got the call his father died

-> in potential future gets poisoned by his uncle frank

-Francseco Mazzini -> uncle of Angelo ; hated his brother; Carlo once sued him over a game of monopoly and won

-in potential future, gets killed in an industrial accident courteousy of his sister maria

-Maria Mazzini -> Carlo and Francsco's sister -> collects porcelain cats

-> potential future she is killed by paul and peter by being crushed by a piano in a gambit to

kids: Peter and Paul

-Joe Mazzini -> school teacher -> saturn colony Brixton 125 his father was brother of Carlo Mazzini

dark hair, blue eyes, really nice smile as described by Tegan

-> in potential future they walk away with the money after killing their mother by having a piano fall on her