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This page lists the official path provided by the creator of the Time Lord Victorious series given by James Goss. This timeline is based upon observations of the Doctor Who universe and the events that occur during each of these stories. From these observations we have attempted to build a concise timeline. It is assumed, much like its TV story counterparts that for each novel or audio series their published/numbered order is the order they occur in. This does not apply to short stories which are often ambiguous about their placement. There are also many gaps between stories.

Limiting Factors[[edit] | [edit source]]

The timeline itself is split into three sections. The Time Lord Victorious saga begins in an unrecognisable, and fractured, present day. This is what alerts each Doctor that something is wrong with time. All stories where the main characters have not yet travelled back to the Dark Times, occur in this first section of the timeline.

The second part of the timeline refers to the events after each character has decided to go back to the Dark Times for their own purposes, either to investigate the cause(s) of the fractures, or to exploit the issue in time for their own means. All stories set in the Dark Times, but before a conclusion, must take place here.

The third, and final, part of the timeline is set place in a "universe back to normal", where the history has somewhat healed but fallout remains. Any stories where the main characters inhabit the restored timeline/universe must take place here.

You will note that some stories, such as Canaries, take place twice in the timeline. In this example, Canaries describes the origin of the resurrection of Sibling Different and Sibling Same, but the setting also shows us a museum whose curator collects items from the fractured timeline. For this reason, Canaries takes place early on for Siblings Different and Same, but much later on for the curator of the museum and for the Doctors. It's up to you whether you wish to read this short story twice.

Prologue[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Time Lords send the Fourth Doctor on a mission in time to prevent the creation of the Daleks.
The Daleks are not on good relations with the Time Lords.
In original timeline, the Kotturuh's gift of death affects even the Time Lords. Despite having the ability to regenerate, the Lord President of Gallifrey is assassinated.
The Fourth Doctor meets (and destroys) the last of the Great Vampires, a species who once fought a great and bloody war with the Time Lords in the Dark Times.
The Seventh Doctor shows how far he would really go to defeat his enemies, an alterego that he would later baptise the Time Lord Victorious.
After the Imperial-Renegade Dalek Civil War, the Daleks form the Restoration Empire.
The Tenth Doctor commits genocide against the children of a defenseless species, who are threatening the Earth. Donna Noble glimpses this dangerous side of the Doctor. She implores him to find a companion to stop him.
Brian the Ood is offering his services as an assassin.
The Tenth and Thirteenth Doctors have one too many adventures together, thus threatening time. This causes the Tenth Doctor to get pulled into the Time Fracture, which has been caused by an event not yet lived by the Tenth Doctor. The Doctors escape.

The Fractured Universe[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Restoration Empire is forged from the remains of the Imperial-Renegade Dalek Civil War. A member of the Dalek Supreme Council exterminates the other members and elevates himself to Emperor Dalek.
The Emperor Dalek is made aware of breaches in time, and is aware that the Doctor is somehow connected. He intends to visit the Archive of Islos to find out more.
Before the Daleks arrive there, a Data Worm breaks into the Archive of Islos to dig up secrets from the Dark Times. Out of all the numerous information it finds, the most important information is of the Daleks' secret plans that are unbeknownst even to the Doctor.

Daleks![[edit] | [edit source]]

The Dalek Time Squad attempts, and fails, to gain knowledge from the Archive. Failing to gain the contents of the Archive, the Archivians open a portal, out of which comes the Entity. The Entity begins to attack the Daleks. Leads directly into The Sentinel of the Fifth Galaxy.
Under attack from the Entity on Skaro, the Daleks attempt to awaken the 10,000 army at the Sentinel of the Fifth Galaxy. However, the Entity is time sensitive and arrives there first, infesting the army, and forcing the Daleks to destroy the planet and their slumbering army, thus weakening the Entity.
Under the pretence of a peace mission, the Dalek survivors head to Mechanus, where they lead the Entity to destroy the Mechonoid army.
As the Entity approaches, the Mechonoids are forced to join forces to find a way to return the Entity back to its original dimension. After much manipulation and destruction, the Mechonoids declare war upon the Daleks.
The Daleks bring their war with the Mechonoids to Skaro, where the Strategist Prime has a plan up his sleeve to rid the Daleks of their enemies once and for all.
At some point, the Daleks enter into war with the Hond.
The Daleks force the Tenth Doctor into an uneasy alliance. They ask him for help with their Hond problems.
On a space station orbiting Orriv, the Eighth Doctor finds a living energy who has slaughtered all Orrivian life on instinct. The Doctor attempts to trap the creature into a service droid's positronic brain and send it to the surface of Orriv.
The Eighth Doctor investigates a missing Wonder of the Universe on Atharna. He offers Brian the Ood a place aboard the TARDIS, which is forced into the Vortex by the Dalek Time Squad, thus ejecting Brian.
The Eighth Doctor tells Brian a story by the Brothers Grimm.
The Eighth Doctor protests an alliance between the Wraxians and the Daleks. The Doctor learns that something has killed the Kotturuh.
The Master visits the Repository. Shortly before arriving at the Repository, the Master had visited Wrax, where he miniaturised the Devolver, thus creating the basis for his de-evolving weapon.
The Tenth Doctor deliberately breaks the Laws of Time and rescues Adelaide Brooke. He appoints himself the 'winner' of the Time War and entitles himself the Time Lord Victorious. The changing of Adelaide's fixed life creates the Time Fracture.
Tells the end scene of The Waters of Mars from the TARDIS' point of view. The TARDIS states that instead of providing him with the usual comfort, she is going to take him to exactly where he needs to be. She plans to take him to the Dark Times to become the Time Lord Victorious, where he will relearn what is right and wrong.
The TARDIS sees Brian the Ood falling through the Vortex and allows him to meet the Tenth Doctor.

The Resurrection of Siblings Different and Same[[edit] | [edit source]]

Sibling Different and Sibling Same are resurrected by their masks' proximity to the paradoxical items in the Verbier Museum of the Impossible.
Siblings Different and Same recall being active throughout the Last Great Time War, however their memories of this time are hidden behind a time lock. The Thirteenth Doctor speculates that they are a faction within the Faction Paradox.
During the Kotturuh Crisis, two Faction Paradox masks end up at the Verbier Museum of the Impossible. Their proximity to other paradoxical items from the fractured timeline, allow Different and Same to be resurrected as ghost-like beings, driven on paradox energy.
Different and Same hire Autons to infiltrate the Masque Magestrix as a trap to any surviving Time Lords attending the The Saga of the Time Lords.
Different and Same visit the Stormcage Containment Facility to interrogate Henrik Chyll about the Doctor.
Noticing the Time Fracture, UNIT investigates its cause and the location(s) to which it leads.

The Dark Times[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Kotturuh appoint themselves the Bringers of Death and appoint all species with a lifespan. The first of these worlds is Birinji.
Some species fight back against, or make deals with, the Kotturuh, gaining either immortality or the same gift of death.
The Kotturuh arrive on Alexis to judge its species but meet the Master, who claims to be protecting the locals from them.
The Ninth Doctor and Rose Tyler end up in the Dark Times where they help the early Time Lords fight the Great Vampires.
While Rose is resting after her ordeal with the Vampires, the Ninth Doctor recalls a tale once told to him by Barbara Wright of the Brothers Grimm.
The Ninth and Eighth Doctors, accompanied by the Vampires and the Daleks respectively, attempt to stop the Tenth Doctor from defeating the Kotturuh but fail to do so.
Opposed by the Eighth and Ninth Doctors, the Daleks and the Vampires, the Tenth Doctor and Brian the Ood wage war at Mordeela. After losing the war, the Tenth Doctor's fleet escapes.
Each Doctor has numerous adventures during this time, some of which are listed below:
The Tenth Doctor and Brian visit Magnox, in an attempt to gain knowledge from the Minds of Magnox. While the Doctor agrees to their dangerous test, Brian is given orders to assassinate the Minds of Magnox.
After the Battle of Mordeela, The Eighth Doctor and the Daleks, and the Ninth Doctor and Ikalla undertake their respective missions. Brian also saves the Tenth Doctor in the Deserts.
When the Daleks attack the Vampires' Coffin Ships, the Eighth Doctor rescues the Ninth Doctor.
Ikalla is captured by the Brokers of Entranxis and is tortured.
The Eighth and Ninth Doctors are travelling together (searching for Ikalla).
After losing at the Battle of Mordeela, the Dalek Emperor issues a new mission to the Dalek Time Commander. He orders the destruction of Gallifrey itself before the creation of the Time Lords.
The rest of the novel takes place.
The Eighth Doctor and the Daleks are trapped on a disintegrating ship, after the events of a "great battle". He manages to escape the ship along with Tiska, the last of her kind and the surviving Dalek experiment. The ship explodes, leading into:
The Dalek Strategist falls through the Time Vortex after their spectacular defeat. It foresees the end of the Restoration Empire and the beginning of a temporal war. Wanting not to miss this War, the Strategist uses the Kotturuh crystals embedded into its casing to perform an emergency temporal shift.
The Ninth Doctor returns to Rose and, together, they leave the Dark Times.
The Eleventh Doctor returns to Islos to visit Peschell, who is now the Oracle of Islos. He apologises on behalf of his predecessor and gives to her a drive containing all of the knowledge of Magnox.

The Victorious Days[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Last Dalek[[edit] | [edit source]]

A Drone Dalek is discovered during a mining operation. It has a chilling warning for the Daleks, about the Doctor. Sending its warning back through time creates the bootstrap paradox that caused the Daleks to investigate the fractured timeline in the first place.
The Last Dalek is taken aboard the Starship Future, mutating a huge proportion of its 10,000 cryogenically stored crew for later Dalek conversion. The Fourth Doctor, sent there on a mission by the Time Lords, attempts to save as many passengers as he can. Despite the Doctor destroying the new Daleks and the mutants, one Dalek barely survives and plans to use the ship's energy stores to restore himself. Leads directly into A Dalek Awakens.
The Last Dalek is skulking its way through the remains of the Starship Future.
With the help of her friends, the Thirteenth Doctor stops the Last Dalek from hijacking the ship's life support to recharge, thus saving all 10,000 (?) inhabitants.

Tying up loose ends[[edit] | [edit source]]

With the help of the Thirteenth Doctor, items from the Fractured Timeline are retrieved in order to obtain the Tenth Doctor's screwdriver and thus power up his TARDIS.
UNIT headquarters are investigating the Time Fracture.
UNIT has a list of names of those who may be able to help with the Time Fracture, provided to them by the Doctor. They inform their newest employees on the nature of this Time Fracture.
Numerous Doctors attempt to convince Anke Von Grisel to hand over a dangerous paradoxical artifact from the Fractured Timeline.
In the new timeline where the Kotturuh are dead, the rites of the Kotturuh from the Dawn of Time are contained within the Ark of Whispers.
The Tenth Doctor joins a bounty-hunting crew to Orriv. According to them, the planet went dead a week ago. According to him, the death of Orriv occurred millennia ago. It becomes clear to him that his killing the Kotturuh has not only altered Orriv's history, but has altered the timeline of the universe for the worst. He recalls being the Eighth Doctor, who is about to "go through hell" in the Dark Times before entering a "living nightmare", which will leave him all alone.
From a universal point of view, this adventure occurs shortly after the Eighth Doctor has seemingly defeated the Network.

Awaiting placement[[edit] | [edit source]]

These entries are placed here until evidence presents itself that provides a clue as to where they happen in relation to other entries. Some of these are part of ongoing storylines that could present evidence towards the end of the plot.