Eleventh Doctor

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Gauche, capricious, emotionally unpredictable and adventurous, the Eleventh Doctor was the final incarnation of the Doctor's original regeneration cycle. By this point in his life, the Doctor's reputation had grown immense, attracting a new strain of conflicts. Wishing to withdraw from the dangers it created, he became a secretive and guileful individual for the sake of himself and those he held close. He engaged in a centuries-long struggle to the death against his enemies, including an assassination plot by the Silence.

His multi-century war with the Silence critically involved companions Amy Pond, Rory Williams and their daughter, River Song. Ultimately, the most significant defeat of the Silence required him to marry River in a dubiously legal ceremony, but one that they both seemed to regard as genuine.

After the touch of a Weeping Angel robbed him of Amy and Rory, the Doctor retired to Victorian London and associated himself with the "Paternoster Gang". During this period, he rediscovered a woman named Clara Oswald, whom he thought had died previously in the distant future; she once again died here. Fascinated by this "impossible girl", he set off to solve the mystery of her multiple lives, and take her on as his latest travelling companion. He discovered her to be part of his timeline, having entered it in order to save him from the Great Intelligence. In doing so, he revealed to her his secret incarnation, who had fought in the Time War.

With his previous incarnation, the Doctor revisited the Time War, and discovered that he and his past incarnations had actually saved the Time Lords from destruction, but lost knowledge of the event with only the Eleventh Doctor retaining his memories of what had actually happened. This allowed him to cleanse his hands of a genocide he never enacted and happily accept the incarnation he once renounced, becoming the first incarnation to know the truth of the Time War's conclusion.

The Eleventh Doctor spent the last nine hundred years of his life battling against the universe's deadliest forces to protect the planet of Trenzalore, causing his body to grow old and weak. At the cusp of dying of old age, Clara convinced the Time Lords to grant him a new regeneration cycle, restoring his youth and triggering his eventual regeneration into his next incarnation, greatly changing his future.



The First Doctor would occasionally have premonitions of his future incarnations, his eleventh self included. (PROSE: A Big Hand for the Doctor)

The two Doctors meet in a dream. (COMIC: To Sleep, Perchance to Scream)

The Eleventh Doctor appeared to his predecessor in a dream. He said that they would both be fine. (COMIC: To Sleep, Perchance to Scream)


The Doctor, moments after his twelfth regeneration. (TV: The End of Time)

After absorbing a vast amount of radiation from the Immortality Gate in order to save Wilfred Mott, the Tenth Doctor regenerated in his TARDIS, with the energy released causing great damage to the vessel. Focused initially on his new form, the Eleventh Doctor did not immediately realise the TARDIS was on fire and about to crash. When he did, he seemed to enjoy the thrill of the moment, gleefully shouting, "Geronimo!", as his TARDIS plummeted to Earth. (TV: The End of Time)

The Doctor in peril after being jolted outside a crashing TARDIS. (TV: The Eleventh Hour)

As the TARDIS spiraled out of control above London, the Doctor was nearly thrown through the doors of his damaged ship, clutching his sonic screwdriver between his teeth. He clawed his way back into the TARDIS after nearly crashing into Big Ben.

Crashing in Leadworth in 1996, the Doctor met Amelia Pond, a lonely little Scottish girl with a mysterious crack in her bedroom wall. Once he had expelled a breath of lingering regeneration energy, he noticed his new body needed sustenance and asked Amelia to feed him. The Doctor had trouble choosing what to eat with his new tastes, until he was satisfied by his unique concoction of fish fingers and custard.

The Doctor meets Amelia Pond. (TV: The Eleventh Hour)

After seeing how his mysterious appearance and disturbing idiosyncrasies didn't bother Amelia, he decided the crack was worth his attention. He found that, on the other side of the crack, an alien convict called Prisoner Zero had escaped from the Atraxi into Amelia's house. Before the Doctor could investigate further, the cloister bell brought him back to the TARDIS, as the engines were in danger of phasing out of existence. Needing to travel in order to cool them down, the Doctor promised Amelia he would return in five minutes.

Unfortunately, he accidentally arrived twelve years later, where he was knocked unconscious by the adult Amelia, who now worked as a Kissogram and called herself Amy. She had spent her childhood waiting for him to return. Finding Prisoner Zero was still hiding in Amelia's house, the Doctor persuaded Amy and her boyfriend, Rory Williams, to help him capture Prisoner Zero before the Atraxi to incinerated the Earth.

Trying to use the alien technology of his sonic screwdriver to draw the Atraxi's attention, the screwdriver accidentally overloaded and exploded. The Doctor instead used the laptop of Jeff Angelo to speak to several distinguished intellectuals on Earth. With their help, he coordinated every clock in the world to revert to zero by distributing a slightly intelligent computer virus he created on Rory's phone. This summoned the Atraxi to the Royal Leadworth Hospital, where the Atraxi found and recaptured the convict.

Agitated by the Atraxi's negligent actions toward Earth, the Doctor stole replacement clothes from the hospital locker, summoned the Atraxi back to Leadworth, and scolded them for holding billions of innocent lives to ransom. As he donned his new outfit, he reminded them of the many other species who had posed a threat to humanity and how he had thwarted them in his past incarnations. Fearing retribution from the Doctor, the Atraxi fled the Earth.

"All of time and space, everything that ever happened and ever will. Where do you want to start?" (TV: The Eleventh Hour)

Afterwards, the Doctor took his newly-regenerated TARDIS, which had a refurbished exterior and a new console room, on a short trip to the Moon to run the engines in, before returning to Amelia and inviting her to join him on his travels. Though he accidentally arrived two years later, Amy agreed to join him anyway. Upon his return with Amy, the TARDIS gifted the Doctor with an upgraded sonic screwdriver to replace the ruined model he lost. (TV: The Eleventh Hour)

The first adventures

The Doctor denounces humans for abusing a star whale. (TV: The Beast Below)

After dealing with Amy's numerous questions, (HOMEVID: Meanwhile in the TARDIS) the Doctor took her to the Starship UK in the 33rd century. Initially resistant to getting involved in events on board the ship, the Doctor was moved by a child in distress. Investigating why adults ignored the obviously-distraught child, the Doctor discovered the ship had no engines. He made an ally of Liz 10, who was also investigating the mysterious affairs on the ship. Further investigating, the Doctor, Liz and Amy learned the last of the star whales was being tortured into transporting the ship. However, they discovered that Liz herself had allowed the star whale to be tortured, erasing it from her mind every ten years because she couldn't bear to think of its suffering. Amy had also earlier learned of the situation, and chose to erase it from her memory as well. The situation angered the Doctor, as did Amy's choice to withhold the information from herself and from him. Faced with the impossible choice of saving millions of humans or freeing an innocent tormented creature, the Doctor planned to fry the star whale's brain so it wouldn't be in any further pain. However, finding the ancient and lonely creature to be reminiscent of the Doctor himself, Amy realised the Star Whale had originally come to Earth to save the children of humanity. She released the whale from its torment, and it chose to continue piloting Starship UK.

The Doctor witnesses his oldest foes return once again. (TV: Victory of the Daleks)

Preparing to leave, the Doctor got a phone call from his old friend Winston Churchill, asking for assistance. (TV: The Beast Below) The Doctor and Amy arrived in 1941 a month after Churchill's summoning to discover the Daleks aiding Britain against the Nazis in the Second World War, and had also convinced Professor Edwin Bracewell that he had created them when, in reality, they had created him. Trying to force the Daleks into revealing their true nature, the Doctor fell victim to their trap, providing a testimony that allowed the Daleks to use a Progenitor device to rebuild their empire. Forced to choose between saving Earth from being destroyed by an Oblivion Continuum planted inside Bracewell or finishing off the Daleks before they could rebuild, the Doctor chose Earth and let the Daleks escape through a time corridor, which deeply distressed him. When his attempts to deactivate the bomb by forcing Bracewell to focus on his pain failed, Amy succeeded by making Bracewell think of Dorabella, a girl he was in love with. Leaving Winston to "win the war", he was perplexed by Amy not recognising the Daleks despite living through the War in the Medusa Cascade. (TV: Victory of the Daleks)

The Doctor took Amy to Primrose Hill to see a view of London, but accidentally materialised the TARDIS around a young boy called Stephen and discovered giant Space Leeches had swarmed the city. Realising Stephen was unaffected because of his cold, the Doctor used his virus to weaken the Space Leeches and drew them into the TARDIS to deposit them on another planet. (COMIC: Attack of the Space Leeches!)

Afterwards, the Doctor battled alien joyriders in 1959, (COMIC: Madness on the M1!) and bought a street in New York City in Amy's name to get the best burgers in all of history for free. (PROSE: The Forgotten Army)

The Doctor and Amy went to the Moon to investigate an astronaut in a shopping center and, with Professor Jackson's help, the Doctor was able to prevent the jelly-like Talerians from taking over the bodies of the humans on the base. After he revived Jackson from being brainwashed and controlled, Jackson smashed the large windows of his office, killing the Talerians with the low atmosphere, and, to the Doctor's dismay, simultaneously sacrificing himself. (PROSE: Apollo 23)

The Doctor next brought Amy to a junk-made asteroid known as the Gyre. There, they encountered the Sittuun and a primitive society of humans; they believed they were on Earth. The Doctor tried convincing them they weren't, offering to save them from a bomb the Sittuun were going to set off to destroy the Gyre. Unsuccessful, he found Dirk Slipstream after the Mymon Key holding the Gyre together. Though successful in stopping Dirk, the Doctor felt remorseful for being unable to save the humans. (PROSE: Night of the Humans) Their next trip saw them preventing the Cei from terraforming 1864 Earth into an aquatic world to use as an outpost during their war with another planet. (AUDIO: The Runaway Train)

After an encounter with Skeleton People, the Doctor and Amy returned to 2010 for a visit, only to find that Earth was under the ownership and control of the Kin, and that humanity was extinct. They travelled back to 1984, where the divergence point was, to investigate. Amy was captured by the Kin, who wanted to trap the Doctor in a house for the rest of his life. The Doctor escaped the prison and reunited with Amy in the TARDIS, who wanted to travel back to the dawn of time. The Doctor complied, but knew Amy was just a disguised Kin. When the Kin exited the TARDIS, it ended up being trapped before time and thus its actions were undone. Reuniting with Amy in the corrected timeline, the Doctor suggested they get some gazpacho. (PROSE: Nothing O'Clock)

The Doctor next took Amy to New York City for the best burgers in all of history, and to also look for any cracks in the city. However, his attention was drawn to a recently thawed mammoth causing havoc; it was later revealed to be a spaceship piloted by the Vykoids. They captured the Doctor, planning to use him and kidnapped humans as enslaved miners. After being rescued by Amy, the Doctor reversed their teleporter and sent the Vykoids back to their home planet. (PROSE: The Forgotten Army)

The Doctor reunites with a mysterious friend. (TV: The Time of Angels)

Discovering a Home Box containing River Song's calling card in a 171st century museum, the Doctor was led into a hunt with River and the Church for a Weeping Angel in the 51st century. Neither of them realised that they were surrounded by an entire army of Angels, who had been waiting for them in a mortarium on Alfava Metraxis. As the Angels were gradually being revived by the leaking radiation from the crashed ship's engine, the Doctor shot a light bearing gravity globe (TV: The Time of Angels) and led his allies into the remains of the Byzantium.

The Doctor is, to his shock, kissed by Amy. (TV: Flesh and Stone)

Inside, they discovered a crack in time similar to the one in Leadworth. The Doctor began to realise that it had been erasing certain events from history, including the War in the Medusa Cascade. A scan showed it had been caused by an explosion cracking all of time and space, which occurred on 26 June 2010. Needing a complicated space-time event that could shut the crack, the Doctor knew it would take him or the entire army of Angels, so he waited for them to drain the Byzantium's power until the artificial gravity shut off and they fell into it. (TV: Flesh and Stone)

The fiancée and fiancé

The Doctor crashes Rory Williams's stag party. (TV: The Vampires of Venice)

After learning Amy was getting married and fighting off her sexual advances, (TV: Flesh and Stone) as well as explaining his need to see the wonders of the universe through her eyes and showing her images of his past companions, (HOMEVID: Meanwhile in the TARDIS) the Doctor collected her fiancé, Rory Williams, gatecrashing his stag night by jumping out of a fake cake meant for a stripper.

He took them to Venice in 1580 as a wedding present, but found what seemed to be vampires there, led by Rosanna Calvierri. Investigating, he discovered they were actually Saturnyns from the planet Saturnyne who fled through a crack in time to escape "the silence"; they were converting human girls into Saturnynian hybrids through blood transfusions to make them compatible for breeding with Rosanna's sons, and intended to sink Venice in order to re-create Saturnyne. After the girls were killed in an explosion by Guido, and the Doctor sabotaged Rosanna's weather control devices, the Doctor was grudgingly unable to prevent Rosanna from committing suicide by feeding herself to her sons. Soon after, Rory decided to join the Doctor and Amy on their travels instead of immediately returning to Leadworth. While leaving Venice, the Doctor became concerned when the busy market he parked the TARDIS at suddenly became empty, with Rory noting that nothing was to be heard except silence. (TV: The Vampires of Venice)

The Doctor next came across a fake town with undercover robot assassins for residents; a bomb was to destroy them. As this would've killed them along with the robots, the Doctor used the TARDIS to take the bomb backwards in time to disperse its force. He eventually entered the military base the robots came from and warned them of an incident the robots would cause, preventing the scientist that created them from being killed. With this done, the Doctor rescued his companions from the robots and allowed the bomb, now with a great amount of its force gone, to explode. (PROSE: Nuclear Time)

On a trip to Geath, the Doctor found that the society of the city had changed from politics to royalty. It was caused by a dragon made of enamour, a mineral that made people love having it in their possession to the point of kleptomania. Both a herald and a regulator claimed the device belonged to them and not the false king. The Doctor learned the regulator and her people were once slaves to the herald's now deceased masters because of the enamour. He allowed it to be taken along with the herald, allowing Geath to return to normal; however, they formed an alliance with the regulator to prevent future repeats. (PROSE: The King's Dragon) The Doctor next visited Kenya in 2013 and saved a farm and its owners from giant hornets. (COMIC: Buzz!)

The Doctor realises the world he is in is a dream. (TV: Amy's Choice)

Inside the TARDIS, the Doctor, Amy and Rory came under the influence of psychic pollen and appeared between two dreams, one in 2015 Leadworth after Amy and Rory had returned to home life, and another with Amy and Rory travelling in the TARDIS hurtling towards a cold star. Both dreams appeared real, and a being called the Dream Lord ordered them to choose which world was real, either to freeze towards the cold star, or be killed by the Eknodine in Leadworth.

As the Dream Lord taunted him, the Doctor realised he was a manifestation of his own self-hatred and had no power over the real world, meaning both worlds were dreams. He killed himself, Amy and Rory in both dreams to wake them. He revealed to them that psychic pollen created the Dream Lord from the abundant darkness in his mind; he blew the pollen into space to prevent repeats. While preparing to set a new course, the Doctor saw the Dream Lord in place of his reflection for a moment. (TV: Amy's Choice)

The Doctor encountered a ship with Glamour technology he had previously met in a previous incarnation. He found that Oliver Marks had been chosen as host for its properties and created a false reality that he was wed to his love, Daisy. The Doctor encountered the Weave once again and helped repair their ship. (PROSE: The Glamour Chase)

The Doctor marvels at the beauty of a Silurian warrior. (TV: The Hungry Earth)

Trying to take Amy and Rory to Brazil, the Doctor accidentally took them to Cwmtaff in Wales and found a drilling operation had disturbed a Silurian city and its inhabitants were retaliating. Capturing a Silurian Hunter named Alaya, the Doctor went to the Silurian city to negotiate a treaty between humans and the Silurians. (TV: The Hungry Earth) However, due to Ambrose Northover murdering Alaya in a maternal aggression, and Alaya's sister, Restac, deciding to retaliate with war, the Doctor had the Silurian leader, Eldane, put the Silurians to sleep for another thousand years while humanity prepared for them.

The Doctor makes a disturbing discovery about the origin of the cracks. (TV: Cold Blood)

On the way out of the Silurian habitat, the Doctor found another crack in time and fished a piece of shrapnel from its explosion. Befoe he could properly examine it, however, Rory took a blast shot by a dying Restac meant for the Doctor, and died in Amy's arms. The Doctor left Rory's body behind as it became absorbed by the crack, dragging a distraught Amy into the TARDIS and ignoring her plea to save Rory. He tried to help Amy remember Rory when he was erased from history, but failed. Alone, the Doctor examined the piece of shrapnel, and was horrified to discover it was part of the TARDIS' outer shell. (TV: Cold Blood)

Forgetting Rory

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Info from Suddenly in a Graveyard, Good as Gold & The Gemini Contagion needs to be added

These omissions are so great that the article's factual accuracy has been compromised. Check out the discussion page and revision history for further clues about what needs to be updated in this article.

The Doctor prevented the Caskelliac from draining the energy from all life on 2025 Earth, (AUDIO: The Ring of Steel) and then travelled to the Trans-Vegas casino, where he challenged criminal businessman Hubert Crimp to a card game and rescued a group of slaves. (COMIC: Winning Hand)

He also returned to the biggest library in the universe and defeated an army of book monsters, (COMIC: Booked Up) and saved a group of peaceful bird creatures. (COMIC: Bad Vibrations)

On board a spaceship, the Doctor and Amy helped Cormac, the last surviving crewmember, to stop the shapeshifting Charonid, who took control of both Amy and Cormac, until the Doctor trapped it in a force-field. (COMIC: About Face) Afterwards, the Doctor prevented the Earth from being ripped apart in 1885. (COMIC: Track Attack)

When the TARDIS fell through a wormhole, the Doctor and Amy met Brox, a hundred year old space traveller, who had been travelling on the outer rim of the universe, failing in his mission to find alien life. The Doctor steered Brox' ship into the universe and fulfilled his wish to visit other planets. (COMIC: Nowhere Man)

Treating Amy

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Info from Money Troubles, The Only Good Dalek & The Jade Pyramid needs to be added

These omissions are so great that the article's factual accuracy has been compromised. Check out the discussion page and revision history for further clues about what needs to be updated in this article.

Still haunted of what happened to Rory, the Doctor and Amy visited Arcadia, Texas, the market planet of Feltzmodo 12, the Moon in 2039 and the Trojan Gardens. (TV: Vincent and the Doctor)

The Doctor in the Dalek city of Kaalann on the planet Skaro. (GAME: City of the Daleks)

On a trip to 1963 to watch a Beatles concert, the Doctor found the Earth in ruins; the Daleks had exterminated humanity, creating a paradox that began erasing Amy. The Doctor went to Skaro to discover the Daleks accomplished this by salvaging the Eye of Time, which had been lost in the Last Great Time War, and were using it to rewrite time. Using the Eye to jump back in time before the Daleks attacked Earth, the Doctor constructed a vision disruptor to blind them and overloaded the magnetic field generator, causing the Daleks to lose the Eye and to have never used it to alter history. He and Amy resumed their trip to see a Beatles concert. (GAME: City of the Daleks)

The Doctor, Amy and Vincent hide from the Krafayis. (TV: Vincent and the Doctor)

During a trip to a Vincent van Gogh exhibit in the 21st century, the Doctor was led to travel back in time to the artist himself to protect him from a Krafayis, a beast only Vincent could see. Their battle with the beast ended in the creature's death, something neither Vincent nor the Doctor had wished to happen. The Doctor took Vincent to his own exhibit in the future, where the painter was able to see just how much people would care about his work; he even had the exhibit's curator, Dr Black, give his opinion on van Gogh's work, something that moved the painter to tears of joy.

After returning Vincent home, Amy was convinced that they had averted his suicide. However, the Doctor took her back to the museum to show her that the timeline was still intact, except for Vincent dedicated a sunflower painting to Amy. (TV: Vincent and the Doctor)

The Doctor and Amy investigated a massive surge of data within a new brand of jackets and the Wi-Fi in 2010, (COMIC: Fashion Victims) discovered the Nebulon Colony had been frozen in time years by a giant creature in 3515, (COMIC: The Collector) and went undercover as RSPCA inspectors to entrap a Kerra-Berra beast that had disguised itself as a dog to drain the life-energy of an old woman called Betty. (COMIC: The Stray)

Following a distress beacon, the Doctor and Amy arrived in 2010 at the GSO Arctic Drilling Station. They discovered the crew had accidentally excavated Cybermats belonging to Cybermen, whose ship was buried beneath millenia of ice; the Cybermats infected the crew with a nano-virus that turned them into Cyberslaves needed to excavate the Cyber-ship. The Doctor was forced to awaken the Cybermen in stasis by Elizabeth Meadows after she threatened to convert Amy. Once awoken, the Cybermen destroyed Meadows. However, the Doctor quickly rescued Amy, and used the Cybermen's nano-virus to put them back to sleep. Their ship promptly exploded, destroying the virus and returning the remaining infected GSO crew members to normal. (GAME: Blood of the Cybermen)

The Doctor surrounded by Chronomites. (GAME: TARDIS)

Soon afterwards, the Doctor was launched through the TARDIS doors and out into space. While trying to rescue the Doctor from being trapped in a space-time riptide, Amy accidentally released an Entity from its container in the TARDIS. After the Doctor managed to get back inside the TARDIS, the Entity created a lesion in time to send Amy a thousand years into the future and began feeding on her timeline. The Doctor built a tachyon feedback loop which he sent to Amy to bring her and the Entity back to the Doctor. He captured the Entity and sent it into the riptide, where it could freely gorge on the four-dimensional Chronomites without harming them, though the Doctor forgot to mention the Chronomites were itchy to punish it.

The Doctor continued to their intended vacation spot, Poseidon 8, where he found it under attack by a Zaralok, (GAME: TARDIS) occupied by the Vashta Nerada and its people under a "sickness". He returned power to the undersea farming facility, treated the vortron radiation poisoning of its crew and used a triangulation device to trace the appearance of the Zaralok and the Vashta Nerada to a World War II era warship, the USS Eldridge. This vessel had been brought through a dimensional vortex caused by a malfunctioning cloaking device. The Doctor and Amy deactivated the device, returning the Zaralok and Vashta Nerada to their proper time period, and ended the radiation. Though invited to a Christmas feast of "sea pumpkins" as a show of gratitude, the Doctor and Amy promptly left. (GAME: Shadows of the Vashta Nerada)

The child of time

This article needs to be updated.

Info from The Screams of Death, Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night, Forever Dreaming, Apotheosis & The Child of Time needs to be completed.

These omissions are so great that the article's factual accuracy has been compromised. Check out the discussion page and revision history for further clues about what needs to be updated in this article.

Attempting to take Amy to Basingstroke, the Doctor ended up arriving on the planet when it was under a different name; it also held the Van Diemens prison facility where the inmates were used as test subjects for colonising other planets. The Doctor discovered people were being mutated into hybrids of insects, plants and other animals by a gene splicer left behind by aliens that made the planet habitable.

The Doctor temporarily loses his head. (COMIC: Supernature)

He undid the mistakes of the machine, returning everyone to normal. He then suggested the staff lie to their superiors and say a lethal virus was on the loose to keep the inmates from being used in further experiments, also renaming the planet Basingstroke in the process. During this time, Amy was affected by the gene splicer and mutated into a butterfly-woman. Unfortunately for the Doctor, she was naked after he reversed the mutations. (COMIC: Supernature)

The Doctor and Amy run on the surface of a new planet. (COMIC: Planet Bollywood)

He and Amy next visited a planet under attack from the Shasarks. The population and the invaders were also under a musical spell that made them burst into song, which the two soon fell under. The Doctor learnt this was the work of the Muse, an android goddess who had the power to make people break into a musical routine against their will. He repaired her damaged circuits and stopped the Shasarks from using her powers in a galactic war, fighting off their invading plans in the process. (COMIC: Planet Bollywood)

After receiving a call from his former companion Martha Jones, the Doctor went on a mission to Japan and joined forces with UNIT to investigate a mysterious new drink called Goruda, which increased the intelligence of the child who drank it. Much to his surprise, he discovered that Axos had escaped the time loop where it was trapped by the Doctor's third and sixth incarnation; it placed undetectable particles of itself in the drink that transformed the children in faux Axos, blackmailing the populace into letting them begin feasting on Earth's energy. However, the Doctor managed to turn the tables by having everyone turn on their electronics, draining Axos' energy and destroying it in the process. (COMIC: The Golden Ones)

Adventuring further with Amy

This article needs to be updated.

Info from Blue Skies Thinking, A Mess of Trouble, Secret of Arkatron, The Grey Hole, Most Haunted, The Living Storm, The Scarecrow, The Hounds of Artemis, Sky Scraper, The Purrfect Crime, In the Can, A Fairytale Life, Umwelts for Hire, The Coming of the Terraphiles, The Trick, The Lunar Tyk, Pirates of the Seven Seeds & Rough Waters needs to be added

These omissions are so great that the article's factual accuracy has been compromised. Check out the discussion page and revision history for further clues about what needs to be updated in this article.

When Amy was mistaken for a criminal shapeshifter called "Egron the Flesh-Eater", the Doctor tried to clear her name by tracking down Egron. However, he discovered Egron had disguised himself as the TARDIS. He stopped Egron from taking Amy hostage and had him imprisoned. (COMIC: Mistaken Identity)

The Doctor next took Amy to the Wembly Space Stadium in 2050 and foiled the schemes of the Chronos Corporation, a company which had kidnapped aliens and footballers throughout history. (COMIC: Foul Play)

The Doctor became a celebrity after saving the planet Ekthelios and used this to save Amy from execution at the hands of the GateBots, robot ticket inspectors. (COMIC: Attack of the GateBots!)

The Doctor next visited 13th century Japan, and saved a village from a dragon and turned the local outcast, Shoju, into a great hero. (COMIC: Samurai's Secret)

Taking Amy to Babylon in 905 BC, the Doctor befriended an astromoner called Ulrik and discovered a new constellation in the sky was in fact an alien computer called the Gryphon who was gathering infomation about Earth before sending soldiers to attack the planet. (COMIC: In the Stars)

The Doctor on the cyborg spiders' web. (COMIC: The Steel Web)

The Doctor intended to take Amy to the paradise world of Pomarius, but the TARDIS was caught in a spider's web. After being saved by Pomarius farmer Heldan, the Doctor stopped cyborg spiders from seizing control of Pomarius, (COMIC: The Steel Web)

The Doctor visited Birmingham during the Ice Age and stopped three alien scientists from experimenting on humans, (COMIC: Snow Globe) and took Amy to Smilonda, the top holiday destination of the 423rd century and stopped a disgruntled holidaymaker called Grone from causing chaos amogst the holidaymaker. (COMIC: Wave Machine)

The Doctor proves himself to be an unusual flatmate. (TV: The Lodger)

When the TARDIS materialised in Colchester, the Doctor was thrown out as it dematerialised, with Amy trapped inside. Finding a clue from Amy's future self, the Doctor became the flat mate of Craig Owens, disrupting his normal life, but changing it for the better. He discovered the flat upstairs was actually a makeshift timeship, with its computer trying to find a suitable pilot to allow it to leave; all humans it tried died, causing temporary time loops threatening to strand the TARDIS in the time vortex forever. When the Doctor was found to be "the correct pilot", he convinced Craig to declare his love for his close friend, Sophie, and the three shut down the machine, saving Earth. (TV: The Lodger)

The Doctor followed a distress signal to a family spaceship where a Scientist Dalek was attempting to steal the technology. When the engine overloaded, the whole Jones family were scattered into space and time, and the Doctor and Amy travelled to many different locations, such as an ancient Incan temple facing many different monsters like Cybermen and Silurians, on their quest to find and help the family. (GAME: The Mazes of Time)

The Doctor assisted an alien called Elpha to shut down a zoo and a prison on a wealthy planet. (COMIC: Cell Shock)

They became school inspectors and defeated a monster made out of pencil, (COMIC: Pencil Pusher) and, visiting Usunru in Galaxy 57, were taken prisoner by the Kreech. Seeking freedom, the Kreech brainleader, Ragnorr, made the Doctor a reluctant king to the Kreech. The Doctor managed to trick Ragnorr into continuing his powerful reign on Unsunru. (COMIC: The Cleverest King)

The Doctor took Amy to 1940s Earth and defeated the Mirrorite. (COMIC: Seeing Things)

The Doctor and Amy became embroiled into the Battle of Trafalgar, and saved the children population of Earth on Christmas Day in Victorian London. (COMIC: Red Christmas)

Restarting the universe

The Doctor faces down the Alliance. (TV: The Pandorica Opens)

While visiting Planet One, the Doctor found a message from River Song, that led Amy and him to 102 AD England, where River showed him The Pandorica Opens, a painting by Vincent van Gogh that showed a premonition of the TARDIS exploding.

The Doctor imprisoned in the Pandorica. (TV: The Pandorica Opens)

Reminded of Prisoner Zero's warnings of silence falling, the Doctor was led to Stonehenge, where an alliance of alien species that he had defeated in the past imprisoned him in the Pandorica, the ultimate prison built to contain the most feared thing in creation. This was to prevent the cracks in time from occurring as the Doctor was the only one they knew able to pilot the TARDIS. When the Doctor was sealed away, the TARDIS exploded anyway with River inside; everything but the Earth vanished. (TV: The Pandorica Opens)

Freed by Rory, the Doctor formulates a plan. (TV: The Big Bang)

The Doctor was immediately released by an Auton copy of Rory, who had survived his death and erasure from history, on orders from the Doctor's future self. After placing a dead Amy inside the Pandorica, he used River's vortex manipulator to travel to an alternate version of Earth in 1996. In a museum where the Pandorica was now stored, he resurrected Amy using the DNA of her seven-year-old self and they reunited with Rory, who had lived two-thousand years since their last encounter. The Doctor managed to save River from his exploding TARDIS, but was unable to stop the explosion itself.

After a confrontation with an echo of a Dalek, he was non-fatally shot by the Dalek. Using the Vortex manipulator to separate himself from his three friends, he wired himself into the Pandorica to restart the universe with its restoration field powered by the exploding TARDIS, which would also erase him from the universe. He piloted the Pandorica into the explosion and found his time stream was unravelling as a side-effect. Before skipping the rest of his "rewind" to oblivion, he left a psychic imprint in Amy's mind to allow her to remember him back into existence.

The Doctor receives a call from a suspicious individual, observed by his newlywed companions. (TV: The Big Bang)

On Amy and Rory's wedding day, the Doctor was returned to the restored universe by Amy and attended her wedding reception, where he met her parents. After the party, he once again attempted to discover who River Song was, but was left with more vague answers. (TV: The Big Bang) Returning to his restored TARDIS, he received a call for help from Gus concerning an "ancient Egyptian goddess" loose on the space Orient Express, but decided to dismiss the summons, (TV: The Big Bang, Mummy on the Orient Express) and, with his mind concerned on other matters, the Doctor left Amy and Rory to themselves on their wedding night. (TV: A Good Man Goes to War)

Amy and Rory's honeymoon

After the Doctor left Amy and Rory on a planet on its own honeymoon with an asteroid, his TARDIS was taken by a rogue branch of the Claw Shansheeth. They left him stranded in the wasteland of the Crimson Heart while they arrived on Earth in 2010 and joined forces with corrupt UNIT Colonel Tia Karim to fake the Doctor's death. They faked a funeral to lure in his old companions, Sarah Jane Smith and Jo Grant, and drain their memories to create a new TARDIS key using a memory weave in their plot to use the TARDIS to prevent death on a universal scale.

The Doctor has a nostalgic reunion with Jo Grant and Sarah Jane Smith back in his TARDIS. (TV: Death of the Doctor)

The Doctor travelled to Earth by engineering a transfer using residual artron energy Clyde Langer had absorbed from the TARDIS during Sarah Jane's wedding, but she and Jo were captured by the Shansheeth while the Doctor was rescuing Clyde, Rani Chandra, and Santiago Jones. As the Shansheeth used the weave on them, the Doctor encouraged them to think of everything they encountered during their travels with him along with the lives they'd been living after him. The weave overloaded and blew up, killing the Shansheeth and Karim while Sarah and Jo were saved by the empty lead lined coffin. After saying goodbye to Sarah Jane and Jo, the Doctor set off for new adventures on his own. (TV: Death of the Doctor)

The Doctor attended a party at Frank Sinatra's hunting lodge with both his friends, Albert Einstein and Santa Claus, (TV: A Christmas Carol) during which he borrowed a Toothbrush off of Einstein, only for it to be destroyed by the Daleks in a later adventure. (TV: Death Is the Only Answer) He then encountered a situation that gave him cause to say "I've got to get to that cockerel before all hell breaks loose." He came away from that incident believing that he would never have cause to say it again. (TV: The Rebel Flesh)

The Doctor tracked the energy signature of an alien inside a warehouse, where the alien had started using fear to feed the dead body he possessed alongside his crashed spaceship. The Doctor found Louie Rollins and tried escaping with him. A crystal skull tried firing at Louie, but Louie instinctively held up a piece of machinery, which exploded, and started a fire. The Doctor and Louie escaped, seemingly seeing the alien and the warehouse destroyed, when he had actually faked his death with a perception filter, as an "elaborate ruse" for his later preparations.

That Bonfire Night, the Doctor took Louie and his cousin, Millie Peterson, to the burning of effigies of Guy Fawkes. The Guy Fawkeses began to be animated, scaring the crowd, and others like it across the United Kingdom. The Doctor, Louie and Millie rushed to the TARDIS and landed back at the warehouse. Inside the warehouse, the alien appeared, his body fully regenerated and his spaceship ready to take off from the fear they had consumed. The Doctor palmed a device from the TARDIS to Louie, gesturing towards the alien's equipment. The Doctor gave the alien a choice, pointing out the alien's fusion engines would destroy everything in a twenty-mile radius if he activated them. After the alien shot energy at the Doctor, in the confusion, Louie placed the device in the alien's equipment. The device broke the link with the Guy Fawkeses and reversed the fear-consuming's effects, draining energy from the alien, as it withered to dust. (PROSE: The Night After Hallowe'en)

The Doctor tells his good friend Albert Einstein to keep his new frizzy hairstyle after a bungled experiment. (TV: Death Is the Only Answer)

While he picked up a new fez, the Doctor accidentally opened a time portal to 18 September 1945, which transported the Fez's original owner, Albert Einstein, on board the TARDIS. After being exposed to an unknown substance, Einstein turned into an Ood, and tried to kill the Doctor. However, the Doctor quickly turned him back into Einstein, closed the time portal, and deposited Einstein back in his native time. As they parted, he told his friend that his post-accident frizzy hair was a good look for him and he should keep it because it felt "more sciency". (TV: Death Is the Only Answer)

Rewriting Kazran's history

This section's awfully stubby.

Info from Living History needs to be added

Receiving a distress signal from Amy, the Doctor discovered the starliner they were honeymooning on was trapped in a cloud belt that prevented the TARDIS from landing aboard. Seeking help from the man who could unlock the barrier, Kazran Sardick, the Doctor was refused. Inspired by Charles Dickens' tale, A Christmas Carol, the Doctor used time travel to make Kazran's otherwise unhappy childhood better by befriending him as a child, taking him on trips in the TARDIS every Christmas Eve and letting him fall in love with Abigail Pettigrew, who also joined them on their adventures. Much to his own embarrassment, the Doctor accidently married Marilyn Monroe during one of his Christmas trips with Kazran and Abigail; however, he did not count it as valid due to not using a real chapel.

The Doctor prepares to show Kazran Sardick the price of his apathy. (TV: A Christmas Carol)

However, Abigail revealed that she was dying and would only live one more day outside her ice box; a broken-hearted Kazran still ended up the cruel old man the Doctor tried to change. However, he managed to succeed by showing child Kazran the mirror image of his father that he would become, and the elder Kazran was forced to let Abigail out as her singing would open the belt. With Kazran now a better person, the Doctor collected Amy and Rory and continued to take them to romantic destinations for their honeymoon. (TV: A Christmas Carol)

Ponds' extended honeymoon

This article needs to be updated.

Info from Borrowed Time, Spam Filtered, First Foot First, Rory's Story, Sub-species, Quite Interesting, Snowfall, Death Riders, The Good, the Bad and the Alien, Heart of Stone, System Wipe, Ripper's Curse, Bad Night / Good Night, Extra Time, Power of the Mykuootni, Sound Bytes, Chasing Rainbows, The Evergreen Death, The Peace Strike, They Think It's All Over, The Underwater War, Rain of Terror, Terminal of Despair, The Web in Space, Your Destiny Awaits, The War of Art, Dead of Winter, The Way Through the Woods & Hunter's Moon needs to be added

These omissions are so great that the article's factual accuracy has been compromised. Check out the discussion page and revision history for further clues about what needs to be updated in this article.

He and Amy also wrote a book called The Professor, the Queen and the Bookshop, with the characters being based on the Doctor's friends and enemies and the plot on his travels. Visiting the Eagle and Child pub with Amy, he gave this book to C. S. Lewis. (COMIC: The Professor, the Queen and the Bookshop)

When Amy was infected by the Chronic Spasm Virus, the virus caused her to jump randomly through time and space with a Vortex Predator Bulge. Tracking her, the Doctor and Rory travelled to 1917 France, ancient Rome, the court of Queen Elizabeth I and prehistorical Earth. When Rory was taken, the Doctor raced them to medieval England and used the TARDIS to draw the energy from the Bulge and cured his companions. (COMIC: Random History)

The Doctor rides a Robot Camel. (COMIC: The Salt Solution)

The Doctor, Amy and Rory next visited the desert of Bruvoldaveer, where they joined forces with the bravest warriors in the galaxy to defeat a Natrium Worm, a powerful creature that thrived on pure salt, (COMIC: The Salt Solution)

The Doctor is amazed at the sight of a ghost. (COMIC: Ghost World)

They also went undercover at a hospital in 2011 Leeds to entrap an alien earworm called the Harmonelid, but instead allowed it to inhabit the ears of Mr Richards, a deaf patient, (COMIC: Earworm) took a trip to the picnic planet of Floriosophon Fidestra, where they followed a distress signal, only to discover that it was a trap set by an alien creature, (COMIC: If You Go Down to the Woods Today) and joined four teenage aliens on a camping trip to the third moon of Callicial, where they encountered the ghosts of TV characters, including footballers, singers, knights and dancers. (COMIC: Ghost World)

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The Doctor, Amy and Rory in a mining cart. (COMIC: Mine, All Mine!)

The Doctor discovered a stranded Skaratid creature was hunting humans and gold in 19th century California, and caused the Skaratid to exploded after tricking it into eating dynamite, (COMIC: Mine, All Mine!) and saved Cleopatra from a Gold Assassin from the Court of Xones. (COMIC: Golden Slumbers)

The Doctor encountered the Squall, whom he prevented from sucking the memories out of the populace of 1910 London, and sent them back to their home dimension. (PROSE: Paradox Lost)

During some repair work on the TARDIS, the Doctor became annoyed when Rory got distracted by a view up Amy's skirt through the TARDIS control room's glass floor and messed up on his part of the repairs. The Doctor found that the mistake had caused the TARDIS to materialise within itself, effectively trapping them inside forever. A second version of Amy arrived, (TV: Space) and explained the outer shell had drifted into the near future. The Doctor used the time drift to tell himself how to undo the space loop. (TV: Time)

The Doctor, Amy and Rory next encountered returned a Heyvaalay to its own dimension in 1985 San Francisco, (COMIC: Chasing Rainbows) and stopped Ellis the Illusionist's plot to hold Hoolak's Pier on Arriman B ransom for 1 million credits, instead getting him his old job at the pier back. (COMIC: Pier Head From Space)

The Doctor gave Venghu, king of the swamps on Senecca B, a second chance in life after firing a beam at Venghu that sucked all the rage that had built up inside him. (COMIC: The Rage)

The Doctor allowed a sentient robotic T-Rex calling itself Kevin to join him, Amy and Rory during their travels after it helped stop the Sontarans. The Doctor was asked by Kevin to help him find a better purpose in life other than being a mechanical T-Rex attraction at the museum. (COMIC: When Worlds Collide) The Doctor had many unsuccessful trips with Kevin, often hindered by his size and appearance, which caused trouble quite frequently. Constructing a battle suit to help Kevin fight, the Doctor left him behind to be the new chief of security on a space station, fulfilling his promise to help Kevin find a better life. (COMIC: Space Squid)

The Doctor prevented six Weeping Angels from tricking Mark Whitaker into saving his wife from a car accident in the past, preventing a temporal paradox they could feed on. (PROSE: Touched by an Angel)

The Doctor deposited Amy and Rory back home in February 2011, eight months since their wedding, for a break to enjoy their married life. The Doctor promised Amy that he would keep in touch. (TV: The Impossible Astronaut) Travelling alone, the Doctor became trapped in a nightmarish Escher-esque landscape populated by gravitational shifting aliens, but used his wits to escape. (COMIC: Run, Doctor, Run)


Continuing his solo travels, the Doctor ended up in London during 2014 where he had followed a Kharitite that he suspected of falling through a dimensional rift. As he chased it down the street he enlisted the help of Alice Obiefune. Just as he was gaining on the creature he caught a glimpse of a Time Lord in a doorframe and ran into a light pole which gave him a bloody nose. After accepting a tissue from Alice, the Doctor got into his TARDIS and left.

The Doctor invites Alice aboard the TARDIS. (COMIC: After Life)

He later found Alice again by landing the TARDIS in her flat, making her tea, and listening to the problems that had recently occurred in her life. Afterward he handed her a TARDIS key and asked if she would once again help him to catch the Kharitite. The Doctor noted Alice's cleverness in the fact that the first thing she noticed about the inside of the TARDIS was that it was upside down instead of being bigger on the inside. When she became overwhelmed with emotion, he offered to take her to the TARDIS swimming pool where they talked about the Doctor's friends and the Kharitite. Alice accidentally gave the Doctor an idea of how to stoop the Kharitite by asking who would tag a dog which made the Doctor realise the Kharitie was a pet. He dropped Alice off at the House of Commons and used the TARDIS to trace the Kharitite's signal back home. He picked up the creature's owner and returned just in time to stop UNIT from destroying Alice and the Kharitite. He then offered to take Alice anywhere she wanted to go. (COMIC: After Life)

The Doctor took Alice to the planet Rokhandi for her first adventure, but was disappointed to discover that Rokhandi World, an amusement park, had been built over the beautiful planet. They discovered that troublemakers in the park were being brainwashed to become park employees through the use of an Entity, and stopped it. During this they met the chief security officer August Hart, who had met the Doctor and Alice previously from his perspective and was bitter at them for an incident. (COMIC: The Friendly Place)

The Doctor ponders the significance of SERVEYOUinc. (COMIC: What He Wants...)

The Doctor and Alice next visited 1962 London, to see the first performance of John Jones, Alice's mother's favorite singer. They were left disappointed by the performance, however. Jones overheard them criticising his show outside, and he angrily followed them into the TARDIS, accidentally being brought along with them to 1931 Mississippi. The Doctor, Alice and Jones discovered a large group of possessed people, who were being taken over for their talent, by a mysterious man known as the Talent Scout. The Doctor himself was possessed, but Alice and Jones teamed up with singer Robert Johnson to use music to free everyone from their control. Although the day was saved, the Doctor was disturbed by the fact that several of the recent incidents had been masterminded by the mysterious SERVEYOUinc corporation. (COMIC: What He Wants...)

Attempting to return to Alice's flat, the trio ended up on a space station, where they met August Hart prior to the events on Rokhandi. While Alice and Jones explored the station, the Doctor posed as an inspector and learnt that members of the crew had fallen into comas. Hart brought the Doctor to Janet Rutherford, his chief suspect in the case. The Doctor didn't believe Rutherford was responsible and suspected Hart was attempting to cover something up. Hart then pulled a gun on the Doctor, telling him he knew too much. (COMIC: Whodunnit?)

The Doctor realises what ARC really wanted. (COMIC: The Sound of Our Voices)

The Doctor and Janet overpowered Hart, and went to investigate the cause. They came to a testing facility, in which the Doctor realised that a creature had been tortured aboard. They returned to Hart, who was holding Alice and Jones, as the creature revealed itself. The Doctor faced the creature and deciphered that it was called ARC, and no intentions of violence, merely learning from people's minds. The Doctor, Alice and Jones brought ARC aboard the TARDIS with them and left. (COMIC: The Sound of Our Voices)

The TARDIS was called to the desolate planet of Datastore 8 and an exiled Nimon entered. The Nimon had destroyed the planet by draining it of its resources, knowledge and energy to create materials for a black hole to destroy its people, using the TARDIS engines to power it up. It killed Jones and began to power the black hole. ARC disguised itself as the Doctor and gave itself to the Nimon, who attempted to drain it, but was unable to handle all of ARC's energy and exploded.

The Doctor then used a vortex manipulator to travel to earlier and have the Nimon blown up before it could kill Jones, then used its temporal armour to save a time vortex leech attached to the TARDIS, sending it off using the Nimon's energy from Datastore 8. The Doctor, Alice and Jones then went to earlier on Datastore 8 and prevented the Nimon from attacking the planet. (COMIC: Space in Dimension Relative and Time)

Intending to visit 1945 Berlin, the Doctor, Alice and Jones found themselves in 2015 London on Free Comic Book Day, where there was a massive craze for comics, books and magazines about the story of Zzagner. Acquiring a book, the Doctor found that the stories had a narrative virus to hypnotise humans. He came to the thought that Zzagner was alive within the story. Back in the TARDIS, the Doctor had ARC vomit waste matter, and using the telepathic circuits, brought Zzagner out of the book and into life, deleting the stories as a result. Zzagner wondered if he was any good, which led Alice and the Doctor to deduce he was just a writer. The Doctor encouraged him to allow humanity to judge his work for themselves. (COMIC: Give Free or Die)

The Doctor returned Alice to her flat in Hackney, but found that two dueling alien races, the Amstrons and the J'arrodic, had brought their ongoing air-war to Earth. Leaving Alice at her home, the Doctor took Jones and ARC to space with him to investigate. Aboard an Amstron mothership, Jones ate a cream doughnut he found, and soon fell ill. Escaping an onslaught from Amstrons, ARC fell under a mysterious possession, but the Doctor broke it out of it. ARC then told the Doctor it would "serve him", reminding the Doctor once again of SERVEYOUinc. The trio then entered an Amstron library to seek a legal rule that could end the war, only for Alice to suddenly join them - with her "resurrected" mother. (COMIC: The Eternal Dogfight)

The Doctor faces a doppelganger of Alice's mother. (COMIC: The Infinite Astronaut)

The Doctor deduced that Alice's mother was not real. Alice discovered a note in a legal book calling for Earth to send an "infinite astronaut" through the Gate of Creation. The Amstrons explained that the infinite astronaut would find what happened to a Amstron and J'arrodic that disappeared in space on a mission, which sparked the war. The Amstrons requested that Alice and Jones, as humans, were the only ones who could go through the gate. "Alice's mother" revealed herself to be the Talent Scout, who then teleported away, telling the Doctor they would meet again. Alice and Jones then travelled through the gate, finding nothing but lights, while Jones recovered from his illness. The Amstrons and J'arrodic founded peace and ended the battle, but the Doctor, having had enough of SERVEYOUinc's mysteries, took his companions en route to their headquarters. (COMIC: The Infinite Astronaut)

The Doctor calls in some favors. (COMIC: The Rise and Fall)

With all his money and a few favors, the Doctor saved up enough money to purchase a fifty-one percent share in SERVEYOUinc before taking his companions to their headquarters in SERVEYOUinc City. In preparation of his plans going wrong, the Doctor gave Alice a special watch to use if something went wrong. The Doctor revealed to a SERVEYOUinc employee his shares deal, thus making him the majority shareholder and self-declared owner of the company. Leaving his companions, the Doctor was summoned to see Enoch Thorne, the company's CEO. Upon arriving at the office, the Doctor discovered Thorne had been killed by the Talent Scout, who revealed he had been woken by the Doctor and saw talent in him. When Alice, Jones and ARC saw the Doctor next, he had changed his hairstyle, was wearing a black version of his suit and calling himself the Chief Executive, saying he would help and rule the whole world. (COMIC: The Rise and Fall)

As the Chief Operating Officer of SERVEYOUinc, the Doctor converted his TARDIS into an office skyscraper over SERVEYOUinc City, and drained the world of its creativity. However, a back-up of the Doctor's true personality existed inside a watch he had given Alice, who helped the companions figure out a solution. Alice meanwhile took on the Doctor's role to encourage the enslaved people of the city. The Doctor and the Talent Scout had control of the Entity, which held the city and its people together. The Doctor had his companions captured and bought to him so he could assimilate their memories. Using her memories of her mother's passing, Alice convinced the Doctor that he had to accept what he had done and take back control of himself. Alice's words transformed the Doctor back into his normal self, and the return of his memories caused the entity to overload, destroying the city and apparently killing the Talent Scout. With the restored TARDIS, the Doctor and his companions brought the people of the city to a paradise planet. (COMIC: The Other Doctor)

The Doctor is lost in space. (COMIC: Four Dimensions)

Feeling guilty for giving in to SERVEYOUinc, the Doctor planned to find the Entity. He connected ARC to the TARDIS's telepathic circuits to allow ARC to use its connection with the Entity to locate it. However, ARC, under an influence, piloted the TARDIS to before its separation from the Entity, and crashed into a ship carrying it. The resulting paradox flung the Doctor outside into space, knocked out of phase with the rest of reality and into a non-corporeal state. In this state, the Doctor witnessed the past Talent Scout stun the Entity, causing the fraction of ARC to break away. Back in the TARDIS, the future Talent Scout, having survived the destruction of SERVEYOUinc City by hiding in the TARDIS, appeared and attempted to manipulate the companions, but ARC, still connected to the TARDIS, threw him out. The Doctor reentered the TARDIS and everything came back together. However, the Doctor knew that the Talent Scout was still out there and suspected they would meet again soon. (COMIC: Four Dimensions)

The Doctor, ARC and the Entity bond as one. (COMIC: Conversion)

Tracking the Entity through time, the TARDIS was caught in a crashing comet, having bonded with the Entity to punish the Doctor for harming it. ARC was able to break the TARDIS free, but the comet crashed into 312 AD Rome. The quartet were locked out of the TARDIS as the Doctor realised that the comet had in fact been a Cyberman ship intercepted by the Entity. The Doctor and Jones fell under the Entity's possession but Roman soliders, led by Constantine I, arrived to fight off the Cybermen. The Doctor and ARC bonded together to combine with the Entity. Through this, the Doctor showed those possessed by the Entity to see what scared them most. Those possessed were released and the Cybermen escaped in their ship. The Entity jettisoned itself from ARC and ran away through the time stream. However, the TARDIS refused to open its doors and Jones had vanished in the confusion, leaving the Doctor, Alice and ARC stranded in Rome. (COMIC: Conversion)

The Doctor begged the TARDIS to let him in, but it responded by dematerialising of its own accord. The Doctor knew it would travel to the nearest Time Lord, despite there being none left. ARC deduced that Jones had been absorbed into the Entity and using psychic contact, the Doctor was able to help Jones gain control of it. An older Jones then arrived in Rome, having "sang" to the Entity to form his own spaceship. The Entity ship tracked the TARDIS to 2015 London, where the Doctor rushed out to find it. He was shocked to find it was now in the possession of a Time Lady he recognised as his own mother. The Doctor knew it was just the Talent Scout in disguise, but the Scout told him the image was good enough for the TARDIS, and threw him out.

The Doctor apologizes to the TARDIS. (COMIC: The Comfort of the Good)

With no TARDIS, the Doctor resorted to walking aimlessly around rainy London in depression, until he ran back into Alice, who informed him Jones and ARC were piloting the Entity as a monster to prevent the Talent Scout from escaping. The Doctor realised that Alice's psychic link to the TARDIS' telepathic circuits could be used to communicate with it. Through the link the Doctor apologized to the TARDIS, and it responded by returning to him. The Doctor and Alice entered and confronted the Talent Scout, taking him to the Entity, which re-absorbed him. ARC decided to stay behind with the Entity as the Doctor, Alice and Jones returned to 1962, where Jones had originally come from. Jones had decided to resume his musical career, and invited the Doctor and Alice to see his show, knowing Alice's mother would be in attendance. After the show, the Doctor and Alice set off for further adventures. (COMIC: The Comfort of the Good)

Preventing a bad future

The Doctor buys a bundle of comics. (COMIC: The Doctor Shops for Comics)

The Doctor and Alice visited 1923 Paris, where they defeated radioactive monsters coming out of the Seine. Afterwards, the Doctor, disappointed that his enemies mental stability made him unable to make a pun on their choice of river, suggested Alice get some coffee in a café, (COMIC: Four Doctors) while he visited a local newsstand to pick up an order of comics. While there, he was briefly puzzled by a statement from the newsagent that he had left the cafe only moments before, but soon forgot this after the agent handed him what he believed to be his standing order, which he had found under the counter. The Doctor payed for the bundle with pirates gold before heading back. (COMIC: The Doctor Shops for Comics)

Going to meet Alice in a café, the Doctor ran into his previous and next incarnations, who were also heading to meet their respective companions. When the three Doctors barged into the café to confront each other, Alice, Clara Oswald and Gabby Gonzalez explained what an alternative Gabby from a bad future had said and the six attempted to plan a way to avoid the original timeline. Realising that the picture still existed of the three Doctors arguing, they decided that going to Marinus was still part of the new timeline, and the three left Paris calmly, avoiding the Blinovitch Limitation Effect that summoned the Reapers and destroyed the café.

On Marinus, the Doctors posed for the picture and purposefully fell into the continuity bomb, entering the Eleventh Doctor's alternate timeline and used the TARDIS to go to the Voord's pocket universe. Met with Voord soldiers, the Twelfth Doctor pretended to be his alternate self to gain authority, but a Voord solider, believing the deception, connected the Twelfth Doctor to the Voord's group mind, while the Eleventh Doctor, Clara and Alice ran to the city's dimensional control room.

When the Twelfth Doctor found his alternate self to powerful to fight alone, he summoned the others to help him. Inside the group mind, the Tenth Doctor turned off the city's forcefield, threatening to wipe them out with acid lest he change the timeline, and the Eleventh Doctor reprogramed the dimensional controls to return the Voord to the main universe. After Clara apologised to him, the alternate Twelfth Doctor agreed and let history take its normal course, regressing the Voord and Marinus back to their primitive evolution. The deed done, the Tenth Doctor spoke his regret at taking the Voords' development from them, and the Eleventh Doctor said he would arrange for them to receive support and advice from the wider community of species.

Back in Paris, the six considered eating at the café, until they saw the Ninth Doctor and Rose Tyler seated inside, with the Twelfth Doctor saying that the Ninth Doctor had been left out of the plot due to there being no timeline that even the continuity bomb could find where he was anything but "fantastic." The groups departed, the Eleventh and Tenth Doctors aware they would lose their memories of the event, but Gabby and Alice would not. (COMIC: Four Doctors)

Before he lost his memories, the Doctor and Alice bought a Weeping Angel from the Weeping Angel Museum and packaged it with a viewing device in identical packaging to the comics package to keep it docile. Returning to Paris at a time before their younger selves did, the Doctor distracted the newsagent while Alice swapped the comic package with the Angel package. Happy to have his comics, the Doctor's memory of the encounter with his other selves faded and he began to tell Alice of a café he knew of. (COMIC: The Doctor Shops for Angels)

On the run

The Doctor and Alice break free from captivity. (COMIC: The Then and the Now)

The Doctor and Alice were captured by a space beacon after they tuned into the TARDIS's landing signal. Their Overcast captors told them the Doctor was set to be given his sentence for a crime committed by the War Doctor: annihilating generations of their species. Using the sonic screwdriver, the Doctor broke their psychic moderators, knocking them out and allowing himself and Alice to escape. With the help of The Squire, an old acquaintance of the War Doctor's, they made it back to the TARDIS, driving away the pursuit of The Then and the Now, a being that had accepted a bounty for the Doctor. They entered only to be confronted by Abslom Daak.

The Then and the Now chased the TARDIS through the vortex, as it randomly travelled back in time to the Overcast homeworld - fifteen minutes before it was abandoned. Daak revealed that he was following the Doctor's bounty as well and attempted to force them back to the courtroom, but the Squire knocked him out. The Doctor, Alice and the Squire exited to see a live sacrifice for beings known as the Malignant. The Doctor attempted to interfere, but the Malignant grew out and attacked everyone. The trio were unable to rescue anyone and escaped back to the TARDIS. Inside, Daak ate the Doctor's bowtie and threatened to take him to imprisonment, but the Doctor pointed out that it had hidden the body of Princess Taiyin in its rooms for his behaviour, and he went to find it. Although Alice told the Doctor it wasn't his fault for the wipeout of the Overcast, the Doctor still felt guilty for creating the Malignant. (COMIC: The Then and the Now)

The Doctor attempts to defends himself during his imaginary interrogation. (COMIC: Pull to Open)

In his guilt, the Doctor spent two days brooding in the TARDIS control room alone, imagining having to explain his "crimes" to ten of his previous incarnations. In the meantime, Alice and the Squire searched the TARDIS for him under the belief he'd disappeared, while Daak searched for Taiyin's body. When the four all met back up in the control room, the Doctor declared his intent to solve the crime he'd been accused of, only for The Then and the Now to catch up to the TARDIS. (COMIC: Pull to Open) The Then and the Now attacked the Doctor and began ingesting his timeline, causing him to begin retro-regenerating through his past selves, but upon reaching the War Doctor was halted due to his resistance of that point.

Escaping through the time vortex, the Doctor decided to find the Time War, and brought Alice, the Squire and Daak to Veestrax, a portion of a planet the War Doctor had teleported away to wipe out Dalek battalions. The Doctor recovered a piece of body armour that was identical to that worn by the Squire, which proved her involvement in the Time War. The group were then attacked by metallic spiders made from the wreckage, but Daak and the Squire fought them off. Alice confided to the Doctor that she had had visions of him in the Time War, and the Doctor came to a conclusion as to who may have framed him. (COMIC: Outrun)

Escaping another pursuit by The Then and the Now, the group arrived on a planet in the midst of a battle between the Sontaran High Command and a breakaway legion of Sontarans. The Doctor determined that the legion had been created by the Master, and they left before the planet was destroyed in a bombing. The Doctor then deduced that the Master had been responsible for his framing, and that they could find his TARDIS to get the evidence. He brought his companions to Stormcage Prison to collect River for assistance in getting it. (COMIC: The Judas Goatee)

The power of the Silence

The Doctor learns how Americans respond to a sudden intrusion at the Oval Office. (TV: The Impossible Astronaut)

The Doctor had arranged to either have a knitting or biplane lesson in 1911, but didn't make it when he got an anonymous invitation leading him to an American diner in 2011. There, he reunited with Amy, Rory and River Song, who he knew were hiding something from him. He reluctantly agreed to find the fifth guest, Canton Everett Delaware III, in 1969. They arrived in the Oval Office in Washington DC where US President Richard Nixon was consulting Canton about a mysterious call. Taking Canton with him in the TARDIS, the Doctor traced it to Florida, where the caller, a little girl, was kept in a biomechanical "spacesuit". There, he finally encountered the Silence, who were occupying Earth because the human race was unable to memorise the species of Silents, and was told by Amy that she was pregnant, not long before she shot at the little girl in the astronaut suit, (TV: The Impossible Astronaut) but missed the girl by a hair.

For the next three months, the Doctor played the part of a perfectly-secured prisoner in Area 51 to give the Silence a false sense of security as part of a greater plan to uncover their plot. His plan included Canton and the FBI mercilessly hunting down Amy, Rory and River in a nationwide search. He sent River and the Ponds on their own nationwide search to find information about the Silence. He gave them cryotosis podlets for when Canton would pretend to kill them.

The Doctor explains the significance of the Moon landing for humans to the Silents. (TV: Day of the Moon)

Once his companions had been rounded up, the Doctor decided to search for the little girl, sending his four friends off on separate leads, which led to Amy's kidnapping. However, he managed to capture a wounded Silent and trick it into saying, "You should kill us all on sight". He had Canton record this and spliced it into footage of the 1969 Apollo 11 Moon landing, planting a post-hypnotic order in the minds of every human who would ever watch it. With this in place, he rescued Amy, returned Canton to the White House, and returned River to Stormcage prison. Much to his shock, she kissed him. After this, he resumed his travels with the Ponds. However, he was left wondering about the identify of the little girl and Amy's pregnancy, which Amy told him she had got wrong. (TV: Day of the Moon)

New adventures with the Ponds

This article needs to be updated.

Info from The King and the Tripeberry, Grow Your Own, The Golesterkol Collection, Missing in Action, Rock Quasar and the Mudslugs of Gurrn, Terrible Lizards, The House of Lights & Attack of the 50ft Rory needs to be added

These omissions are so great that the article's factual accuracy has been compromised. Check out the discussion page and revision history for further clues about what needs to be updated in this article.

The Doctor, in his new bow tie. (COMIC: The Very Cool Bow Tie!)

In Hawaii, the Doctor discovered Professor Saurian, a reptilian scientist whose planet was facing an Ice Age, intended to make Earth his new home by unleashing Tyrannosaurus rexes across the world and triggering every volcano on Earth to erupt. The Doctor defeated his plans and saved Earth, but Saurian escaped. (COMIC: Extinction Event) Aboard a mining rig in the 367th century, the Doctor and his friends helped Karan Marshall defeat a Mercurian energy beast. (COMIC: Hot Stuff!)

The Doctor designed a new bow tie with a perception filter that made people think bow ties were cool. However, when he tested it on an alien world, the masses found the bow tie irresistible and the Doctor found himself in the midst of countless aliens trying to steal it for themselves and unable to find the off switch that would turn the filter off, while his companions tried to pull him away from the riotous crowd. He, Amy and Rory were chased by a lynch mob, and the bow tie was shredded apart in the fight to seize it, thus breaking its power over the alien mob. (COMIC: The Very Cool Bow Tie!)

The Doctor aboard the Fancy trying to protect Captain Avery and his men. (TV: The Curse of the Black Spot)

Receiving a distress signal, the Doctor arrived on a pirate ship, the Fancy, in the 17th century. Met with mistrust as Captain Henry Avery didn't believe the TARDIS was a "ship", the Doctor was nearly forced to walk the plank until the arrival of the Siren that was terrorising the crew. Trying to get everyone off the Fancy whilst also trying to gain Avery's trust, the Doctor watched as the Siren took members of the crew and even the TARDIS. After the crew, Rory and Avery's son, Toby, had been taken by the Siren, the Doctor, Amy and Avery discovered she was a virtual physician from an invisible and intangible spaceship occupying the same space as the Fancy, which was where all those she took ended up, as well as the TARDIS; the distress signal had come from this ship. As the Siren compulsively sought out the injured, the pirates took over the ship and left Earth to prevent her from reaching shore. (TV: The Curse of the Black Spot)

The Doctor and the Ponds persuaded bank robbers to retire from their criminal activates, (COMIC: Reality Cheque) and had Devela arrested for trying to claim insurance money by causing havoc in in the city of Metrolos in the 41st century. (COMIC: Road Rage) Later, they flew equine creatures called Halohawks across Kandalath, and then helped the Halohawks keeper, Jando, to entrap a gang of poachers. (COMIC: Danger Flight)

Answering a summoning from the White House, the Doctor found dinosaurs rampaging in New York, and re-encountered Professor Saurian at Times Square. He discovered Saurian had created a rollback machine, with the intention to send Earth back to the Jurassic. The Doctor sent the dinosaurs back in time, but was too late to stop Saurian from escaping. (COMIC: Dinosaurs in New York)

Planning to go to Blackpool, the Doctor, Amy and Rory instead found themselves in a castle prison on Argone, where they discovered the dead body of Professor Piritus Eglon. They also discovered that Eglon had created experimental creatures called the Screamers, whom rampaged through the castle, until the Doctor reversed the frequency of their scream, knocking them out. (COMIC: Screamers!)

The Doctor, Amy and Rory fought the Narduni, an alien race that abducted people and animals from Earth, hoping to gene-splice them into perfect soldiers for their war. The Doctor undid their experiments and returned all the victims to their proper places, freeing the animals from their cages when they were about to be taken to private collections. (AUDIO: The Eye of the Jungle)

The Doctor is able to share a rare two-way conversation with his TARDIS in the form of Idris. (TV: The Doctor's Wife)

The Doctor followed a hypercube distress signal from his old Time Lord friend, the Corsair, to a sentient planetoid called House in a bubble universe in the desperate hope that he was not the last Time Lord in existence after all. However, it was a trap; House hijacked the TARDIS, with Amy and Rory trapped inside, and left for the main universe while placing the TARDIS matrix in the body of a women called Idris. The Doctor was delighted to work with his TARDIS, and they built a console from the remnants of other TARDISes to pilot it into his TARDIS. When Idris's body expired, the matrix was released back into the TARDIS, where it drove out House. Idris's death devastated the Doctor, but he knew that, even though he couldn't interact with his faithful ship again, she would always be there for him. (TV: The Doctor's Wife)

The Doctor and his friends took a cruise ship on the planet Ockora, which they discovered was a hunting expedition targeting a huge sea creature named Arix, whom the Doctor helped get justice against the expedition. (COMIC: Peril on the Sea)

After finding Leadworth overrun by dinosaurs, the Doctor travelled to the Jurassic and discovered that Professor Saurian had rewritten history by building an asteroid shield to prevent the dinosaurs going extinct, which was destroyed when the Doctor broke Saurian's control over the dinosaurs. (COMIC: Dino World)

Boarding a double-decker bus in 1959, the Doctor discovered the bus was actually a shapeshifter who was luring people onto the bus and consuming them. Saving the passengers, the Doctor transported the shapeshifter to the Elliptical zoo on Vetrama 111. (COMIC: The Upper Deck)

By this point, the Doctor realised Amy was a Ganger through his failed attempts to scan her for pregnancy, and that her true self was being held captive somewhere else in time. (TV: A Good Man Goes to War) He needed to scan the Flesh in its early stages in order to learn how to stop the signal to her. (TV: The Almost People)

The Doctor dropped Amy and Rory off at Spaceport One, a leisure and shopping complex on the outskirts of Dorfnan City so that he could perform repair work on the TARDIS. When they returned hours later, he was unaware that they had defeated an invasion force that wanted to seize the complex. (PROSE: Rory's Adventure, Amy's Escapade)

The Doctor scans a pool of Flesh. (TV: The Rebel Flesh)

When the TARDIS was struck by a solar tsunami, it crash-landed at an acid-mining factory in the 22nd century. Miranda Cleaves, the factory's boss, showed the Doctor a substance called "the Flesh", which created clones known as Gangers for the workers to use in hazardous duties. After another storm caused a power fluxuation, the Gangers developed independence, and the Doctor attempted to broker peace between them and the humans. However, Cleaves killed Buzzer's ganger, causing the other Gangers to declare war. With them now distrusting him, the Doctor and the humans were forced to take refuge in the Flesh room, where they met a ganger of the Doctor. (TV: The Rebel Flesh)

The Doctor learns he is going to die. (TV: The Almost People)

Deciding to test if anyone could tell the difference between them, the Doctors switched shoes, the only way to distinguish them; the original Doctor had replaced his due to acid burning them off. The Doctor's plan, however, had a devastating consequence: Amy, thinking he was the Doctor's Ganger, confided to him directly that she had witnessed the Doctor die at Lake Silencio in his personnel future. Launched into a fit of terror, the Doctor lost control of himself and thrusted Amy against a wall in an attempt to figure out the reasons for his death. However, when he saw that he was frightening her, he remembered he was posing as his Ganger and buried his reasons for yelling "why" under the pretext that it was a lament for the Gangers' fates. However, Amy was convinced the Gangers were dangerous, and the other humans then lured the Doctor away from them to abadon him to the other Gangers.

After winning the other Gangers over, the Doctor tried to evacuate everyone from the island before it was destroyed by the acid. However, Jennifer Lucas' Ganger tried to kill them. Revealing the charade, the Doctor left his and Cleaves' Gangers to destroy themselves and Ganger Jennifer with a spare sonic screwdriver. Taking Cleaves and Dicken's Ganger to a press conference about the incident, the Doctor told them to make sure the Flesh was never abused again. At that moment, Amy went into labor, and the Doctor revealed to her that she was a Ganger herself. Promising that he and Rory would find her, the Doctor disconnected the link, dissolving Amy's Ganger. (TV: The Almost People)

Darkest hour

The Doctor discovered River's identity. (TV: A Good Man Goes to War)

Realising that Amy had been taken by the Papal Mainframe to bring him down, the Doctor and Rory spent a month collecting on old debts from Captain Avery, Madame Vastra, Jenny Flint, Dorium Maldovar, Strax, Danny Boy, the Judoon and the Silurians, assembling an army to rescue Amy and her new baby, Melody. They also appealed to River, but she explained that she could not assist them until the time was right.

After his masquerading as a headless monk caused chaos amongst the Church and their monks, the Doctor's army won the battle after Colonel Manton had his soldiers disarm their own weapons to prevent any further casualties. However, this was a trap set by Madame Kovarian, who escaped with the real Melody after dissolving the Ganger she had left in her place, and Strax and Church turncoat, Lorna Bucket, were killed in battle with the Headless monks after Dorium's decapitation.

When River arrived, the Doctor finally discovered her identity: she was Melody. Confident that he would find the baby, the Doctor left his remaining allies to be taken home by River while he searched for her infant self, leaving River to tell Amy and Rory her identity. (TV: A Good Man Goes to War)

The Doctor listens to Amy's message with a heavy conscience. (WC: Prequel (Let's Kill Hitler))

Searching for Melody, the Doctor arrived in rural England and met Lum-Tree, a member of the Trylonian race, who were known across the universe for their invasions of many other worlds. (COMIC: Down to Earth) He also visited Denmark to discourage Hamlet from avenging his father's murder. (PROSE: Notes on a Play) Unsuccessful in finding Melody, the Doctor refused to take any phone calls from Amy, who tried to periodically check up on the progress of his search, instead listening to her message on the TARDIS answering machine. (WC: Prequel (Let's Kill Hitler))

The Doctor, Amy, and Rory realise that they accidentally saved Adolf Hitler's life. (TV: Let's Kill Hitler)

After discovering a newspaper article on a crop circle in the form of his name, the Doctor was forced at gunpoint by Mels, a childhood friend of the Ponds', to take her, Amy and Rory to 1938 to kill Adolf Hitler. After Mels shot the TARDIS, the Doctor accidentally crashed the TARDIS into a humanoid ship called the Teselecta, piloted by the Justice Department, as it was punishing Hitler for his future crimes. Mels then revealed herself as Melody when she regenerated into a form the Doctor and his companions recognised as River Song after getting hit by a stray bullet from Hitler's gun when he attacked the Teselecta.

After Melody poisoned him with poisonous lipstick, the Doctor kept the Teselecta from killing Melody for his murder, which he learned of from its records on the Silence. Though he succumbed to the poison, he left Melody a message for River Song, and Melody used her remaining regenerations to revive him after learning she was River Song. He then left her in the best hospital in the universe to be treated, with a diary to record their adventures. Though he now knew of his death through a download from the Teselecta, the Doctor elected not to tell Amy and Rory as they resumed traveling with him. (TV: Let's Kill Hitler)

While the Ponds slept, the Doctor planned to take River, during her first night in prison, to Calderon Beta to see the starriest night in all of history. However, he had to deal with future versions of her that appeared in the TARDIS and send them away before they met each other. He also met his future self when getting rid of the third River, learning it was their last date from his future self's perspective. (HOMEVID: First Night, Last Night)

Search for Agent 99

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Info from The Mutant Turnip needs to be added

These omissions are so great that the article's factual accuracy has been compromised. Check out the discussion page and revision history for further clues about what needs to be updated in this article.

The Doctor, Amy and Rory met the crew of Space Rescue Service Shuttle Alpha Seven on Thosis, the Moon of Lost Hope. The Doctor helped repair a crashed space-freighter, and learned the space-freighter was on a mission connected to the Koth-Kulaar, whom was condemned to a dimension warp centuries earlier, and also learnt of a mysterious Agent 99. After ensuring the survivors of the freighter were saved, the Doctor and his companions left, with the Doctor left curious about Agent 99. (COMIC: The Moon of Lost Hope)

The Doctor finds Amy's mind to be taken over. (COMIC: Funny Phone Call!)

Soon after, the Doctor defeated an old enemy, the Shard, (COMIC: Vacuum Packed) and discovered the TARDIS had been invaded by a Chugra, whom he initially planned to deal with, until he discovered the Chugra warship had trapped in the time vortex by the Shadow Proclamation. (COMIC: Funny Phone Call!)

Turning his attentions back to Agent 99, the Doctor and the Ponds travelled to Space Service asteroid, who were also searching for Agent 99. Whilst there, the Doctor helped two Xragonis, alien artists and poets, to return home and, as a reward, the Xragonis told the Doctor the last known location of Agent 99. (COMIC: The Deadly Mutant)

The Doctor introduces himself as "Smith." (COMIC: The Secret Star Trail)

After learning Agent 99's telepathic signature in the 33rd century, the Doctor went to Lossk, where he obtained Tryptic Thought of Crystals of Lossk to locate Agent 99. It led him and the Ponds to Quiok, the deadliest planet in the galaxy, where the Doctor finally met Agent 99 and learned he was the population's leader. After this, Agent 99 asked the Doctor to return him to Earth. (COMIC: The Secret Star Trail)

Retuning to Earth, the Doctor discovered he had been set up on his search for Agent 99 by Inspector Gleave and a secret council who wanted to use Warp Agent 99 to conquer the galaxy. With Amy and Rory taken prisoner, the Doctor was unable to stop the council from using Agent 99's powers to free the Kuth-Kulaar from his exile. (COMIC: Agent 99) As the Kuth-Kulaar began destroying every living thing on Earth, the Doctor freed Amy, Rory and rescued Agenr 99, who sacrificed his remaining life energy to send the Kuth-Kulaar into oblivion, killing himself. Devastated by his sacrifice, the Doctor left Agent 99's body drifting through space. (COMIC: Dimension Warp)

Further adventures

This article needs to be updated.

Info from The Water Thief, The Kchrusivour Gambit, Trapped in the Pages of History, Dawn of the Living Bread, The Frankenstein Particle, Dog of War!, Harvest of Doom, Wait Until Morning, The Silent Stars Go By, The Fairest of Them All, The Art of Death, As Time Goes By, New and Improved, Darkstar Academy, The Punch & Judy Trap, Buy, Buy, Baby!, Ghosts of the Never-were, The Parasites, Doomland, Buying Time, Island of the Cyclopes, Day of the Cockroach, Dummy Run, The Mirror War, Ghost Train, Le Tour de Death, The Sky is Falling!, The Time Gallery, The Nu-Humans, The Cliff Face, Bumble of Destruction & The Light Catcher needs to be added

These omissions are so great that the article's factual accuracy has been compromised. Check out the discussion page and revision history for further clues about what needs to be updated in this article.

Imprisoned in Gibraltar, the Doctor sent Amy and Rory to lead a resistance force against the Vroon battle fleet, who were using 1950s Earth as their battleground with the Noorve. Escaping, the Doctor discovered Sir Reginald Troupe was manipulating both armies so that he could become King of England and Emperor of the World, but the Doctor stopped him and the Vroon from destroying London. (COMIC: Tuesday)

The Doctor investigates George's cupboard. (TV: Night Terrors)

Receiving a cry for help on his psychic paper, the Doctor and the Ponds were led to a council estate in search of the source; with the Doctor finding it to be a young boy named George, who was afraid his father, Alex, was going to send him away. Further investigation led to the Doctor and Alex being sucked into the dollhouse in George's cupboard, along with Amy and Rory and several of George's neighbours. Inside the dollhouse, the Doctor discovered that George was a Tenza, who had come to Alex and his wife as they could not have children; the doll house was where George put all his fears, but they were out of control. The Doctor encouraged Alex to help his son face his fears and everyone escaped the doll house, with the Doctor promising to check on George during puberty in case something else went awry. (TV: Night Terrors)

The Doctor briefly swapped bodies with Amy while confronting the hospital staff at the planet-sized Bedlam psychiatric hospital who were transferring minds into empty servants, (COMIC: Body Snatched) and became a psychiatrist for a cab driver in 1960s New York to gather information on a alien disease that had been infecting New York's water supply. (AUDIO: Blackout)

A forlorn Doctor faces Rory after having to abandon the older Amy. (TV: The Girl Who Waited)

During a visit to Apalapucia, the "second most popular vacation spot in the universe" according to the Doctor, Amy accidentally admitted herself into the Two Streams Facility for Chen-7, lethal to Apalapucians and Time Lords, but harmless to humans. The Doctor was able to lock onto Amy's timestream, but arrived thirty-six years late and had to ally himself and Rory with Amy's older self to rescue her younger self, despite the older Amy resenting the Doctor for abandoning her. Despite claiming to able to save both Amys, the Doctor left the older Amy behind to die at the hands of the Handbots, and then erased her timestream, much to Rory's displeasure. (TV: The Girl Who Waited) While Amy andRory spend some time at their home, the Doctor saved Earth president Vera Fusek from the Daemervoids and made sure Earth was defended against any further attacks from them. (COMIC: Air Force Gone)

The Doctor and the Ponds then helped Elpha to save her tribe from the Atomon, whom the Time Lords had fought in the Dark Times, thwarting his attempt to use the Dronebots to wipe out the tribe, but could not prevent his escape. (COMIC: The Atomon Invasion)

The Doctor and Amy encounter Tygro Lix. (COMIC: Humans Aren't Just for Christmas)

Soon afterwards, Rory was bought as a pet by Tygro Lix, but the Doctor convinced Tygro to help them escape the spaceport patrol, who were assigned to kill any unlicensed humans. (COMIC: Humans Aren't Just for Christmas) While searching for the kidnapped President Vera Fusek, Amy and Rory disappeared and the Doctor discovered he had been lured into a trap by the Atomon, who wanted to seek revenge on the Doctor. However, Vera stopped the Atomon by turning the Dronebots against him, and the Doctor left him in Vera's care. (COMIC: Vengeance of the Atomon)

The Doctor is confident about his plan. (COMIC: Picture Imperfect)

The Doctor accidentally released a two-dimensional being from a painting in a futuristic art gallery, but trapped the creature by devouring it with paint with the help of famous artist Zigma, (COMIC: Picture Imperfect) and was forced to venture down a Star Serpent's throat in order to retrieve the TARDIS when it was swallowed by the serpent. (COMIC: The Star Serpent)

The Doctor, Amy and Rory then saved the residents of a 21st century Earth street from being sold as collectables on the planet Burnusta, (COMIC: The Home Store) closed down a clinic in Los Angeles that was capable of turning human beings into shape shifters, (COMIC: Cold Comfort) and, on the starship Solaros 10, saved two Silurians from a solar storm, and prevented the ship's energy drives from going into meltdown. (COMIC: Faster Than Light)

The Doctor, Amy, and Rory arrive in 17th-century London. (GAME: The Gunpowder Plot)

After The TARDIS collided with a Rutan ship in the 13th century, the Doctor responded to the ship's distress signal in 1605, and landed in London, where proximity to the crashed ship caused dimensional lesions throughout the city. With the town crier, Geoffrey Plum, the Doctor and his companions closed the lesions and infiltrated the ranks of the Gunpowder Plotters, led by Robert Catesby and the Rutan, Elizabeth Winters. Learning that Winters would use the destruction of the Houses of Parliament to allow her ship to take off, the Doctor put Parliament in orbit momentarily, and the Sontarans and Rutans fought over two missing doomsday weapons programmed to destroy the Sontaran race, but the Doctor reprogrammed one to target the Rutan Host, stalemating the Rutan-Sontaran War. After returning Parliament, he left Guy Fawkes inside a locked room filled with gunpowder, where King James' men came to arrest him. (GAME: The Gunpowder Plot)

Taking Amy and Rory sightseeing in London in 2012, the Doctor discovered Sammy Star, who he had failed to save from the Weeping Angels years previously, had kidnapped a Weeping Angel in order to use their ability to "disappear" people to make himself a famous magician. Defeating Star, the Doctor stopped the Weeping Angel from using the millions of television viewers to duplicate himself in hundreds of Angels, locking it forever and placing it in Trafalgar Square, under the name of "monument of the missing", in memory of all of the Weeping Angels victims. (PROSE: Magic of the Angels)

The Doctor and his companions next encountered the ghost of Carole Rose in 1745 York, (COMIC: Malthill Way) and battled the Grayzonian War Monkeys, defeated Lord Ryzt during a dinner party at Repton Abbey. (COMIC: The Demons of Repton Abbey)

The Doctor, Amy and Rory foiled a Slitheen plot to destroy humanity with the use of sympathetic vibration at the Festival of Sacred Music in Morocco, (COMIC: In-Fez-Station) and stopped a Daxzian waiter on the Orion Express space cruiser from selling the Doctor's sonic screwdriver to his enemies. (COMIC: Trouble on the Orion Express)

Hunted by the Yeamorge Warriors, the Doctor was forced to send Amy and Rory to disable the Yeamorge's warships, whilst he hid the TARDIS in a school on Earth. Assisted by a student called Schef, the Doctor fired a stream of background data at the warriors, rendering them unconscious long enough foe him to get them imprisoned by the Shadow Proclamation. (COMIC: Finders Keepers)

After escaping the Firemen of Fleengarr, the Doctor and the Ponds saved the SS Greensleeves from invading space pirates, whilst also dealing with a creature that could use or absorb other lifeforms. (COMIC: I Scream)

On a trip to Florana, the TARDIS became caught in a time-corridor, depositing the crew in Peru in 1992. There, they met Entek, the stranded prince of the Ra'ra'vis empire. When he contacted their homeworld of Helion to offer his services, the Doctor was horrified when they told him they already had assistance from a Time Lord and rushed to Helion with Entek and the Ponds, where he met a man claiming to be Castellan Bond. To his anger, the Doctor discovered Bond was actually rogue Time Agent Scott Thrower and joined forces with a band of mercenaries to stop Scott from using the solstice of Pajaro to rejuvenate his body. The Doctor broke Thrower's influence on Helton, but failed to stop Thrower from becoming younger. Before the Doctor could take Thrower to the Shadow Proclamation to pay for his crimes, he used his Vortex manipulator to escape. (COMIC: Time Fraud)

After saving Pietro Rossi from Miyota in Rome, (COMIC: Dungeon of the Lost) the Doctor took Amy and Rory to the Intergalactic Trials in 2412, where they discovered the Galapogans team were using drugs to continue their gaming success, (COMIC: The Intergalactic Trials) and they next visited Vorala, where they discovered a Blehurg had infiltrated the newsroom in a plot to enslave the population through the power of hypnotism. (COMIC: 24-Hour News Invasion)

Travelling on, the Doctor and the Ponds stopped a Panic creature from terrorizing an Emperor on Arabia, (COMIC: The Panic Room) protected a beast from an alligator and a lynch mob in Louisiana in 1929, (COMIC: Terror from the Swamp) stopped the Sonnoid from feeding off their brain whilst they slept, (COMIC: The Planet That Slept) became trapped between two dimensions before coming into conflict with the Groog, (AUDIO: The Empty House) and encountered a primitive tribe created from Rory's DNA. (COMIC: Planet of the Rorys)

Teaming up with the USS Enterprise

Showing continued fondness for unusual hats, the Doctor takes Amy and Rory to Ancient Egypt. (COMIC: Assimilation²)

The Doctor and the Ponds went to Ancient Egypt, where they stopped an escaped alien prisoner from destroying the planet. Through the use of a green crystal, the Doctor learned of horrible events: the Cybermen had joined forces with the Borg. The trio arrived on the USS Enterprise in another universe and learnt of the combined Borg and Cybermen threat and the attack on Federation planet Delta IV, troubling the Doctor as he never heard of such a planet. Through painful flashbacks, the Doctor learnt from himself that he came to this universe in his fourth incarnation and met Captain James T. Kirk along with three of his crew. An attack of the Cybermen was stopped which then caused the Doctor to vanish.

Back in the present, the Doctor met Guinan and both discussed the events unravelling. The Doctor, his companions and an away team went to Cogen V, where both teams found Borg and Cybermen casualties scattered across the planet's surface. The Cybermen betrayed the Borg. Later, a Borg ship that survived the betrayal tried to reason with Picard. Picard refused at first but thanks to counselling from Guinan, Amy, and seeing the horrible future to come Captain Picard finally agreed to an alliance.

A plan was made and the Doctor, his companions, along with the crew of the Enterprise went on the Cybership. The Doctor got a copy of the Borg Executive Library from the battle of Wolf 359. He and the Ponds even had a near run in with Picard's assimilated form Locutus. The Borg were revived with the Cybermen defeated. The Doctor and friends went back to their universe, not knowing that the reactivated Borg had decided to attempt to master time travel. (COMIC: Assimilation²)

Prolonging the inevitable

This article needs to be updated.

Info from Pond Life, Timeliney Wimey, Horror of the Space Snakes & Attack of the Snowmen needs to be added

These omissions are so great that the article's factual accuracy has been compromised. Check out the discussion page and revision history for further clues about what needs to be updated in this article.

The Doctor leaves the Ponds on Earth where they can be safe. (TV: The God Complex)

Trapped in an alien structure based on a 1980s Earth hotel, the Doctor found an imprisoned creature feeding off the faith of those trapped with it after they found the room that contained their greatest fear. After failing to save most of the others trapped with them, the Doctor broke Amy's childhood faith in her "Raggedy Doctor" to save her. This allowed the creature to die as it long wished. Realising his travels were becoming too dangerous for Amy and Rory, the Doctor returned them home, promising Amy he would take care of River and tell her to visit her parents. (TV: The God Complex)

Knowing his death was a fixed point in time, the Doctor went on a "Farewell tour", (TV: Closing Time) "waving" at Amy and Rory throughout history. He was imprisoned in the Tower of London by Charles II after being painted nude by Matilda, only to escape via a hot air balloon, he took part in a breakout from a World War II POW camp, but was quickly recaptured, and appeared in a Laurel and Hardy film, under the name John Smith. He also took a trip to Easter Island with River Song, and a met with "Jim the Fish" while he was constructing a dam, (TV: The Impossible Astronaut) and took him and River to a bar run by the Brotherhood of Maldovar in the 48th century for karaoke. (GAME: The Eternity Clock) He travelled around the universe evading his death for two hundred years. (TV: Closing Time)

The Doctor wishes Amy a merry Chistmas, having forgotten her absence. (WC: Prequel (The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe))

The Doctor boarded a spaceship about to attack 1938 Earth, and eventually found himself trapped with an explosive device. He called Amy in the TARDIS, but realised she couldn't fly the TARDIS, he didn't have the coordinates and she had left the TARDIS long ago. He wished her a merry Christmas and blew up the ship, (WC: Prequel (The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe)) but escaped in an impact suit facing the wrong way round, and crashed in a field in England. Madge Arwell was bicycling by and helped him find his TARDIS. To repay her kindness, the Doctor told Madge to make a wish to him and he would do the best he could to make the wish come true. (TV: The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe)

After travelling alone for a year, the Doctor was imprisoned in 1962 Alcatraz with a disguised alien called Mako. The Doctor escaped, travelled back in time and fitted a secret tunnel into the cell. After escaping, the Doctor saved Mako from a team of Silurian hitmen, causing a riot between prisoners and guards. The Doctor used the riot to fake Mako's death to ensure the hitmen wouldn't track him down. (COMIC: Escape into Alcatraz)

The Zentrabots order the Doctor to move. (COMIC: The Zentrabot Invasion)

The Doctor saved two children called Abby and Danny from a Zentrabot, which was hiding amongst their Christmas presents. Abby was kidnapped by the robots and, following her to the Zentra mothership in Earth orbit, the Doctor found many other captured children, who the Zentrabots were holding to ransom to get humanity to surrender before their invasion could commence. He, Captain Karvox and the children defeated the Zentrabota by reprogramming one and turning it on the other, before the Doctor returned all the children home for Christmas. (COMIC: The Zentrabot Invasion)

After a psychic projection of a sad women appeared whilst the TARDIS was returning Abby and Danny home, the Doctor took the children with him to Philastra after tracing the projection there. The Doctor was tricked into releasing a tyrant called Shemura, the "sad women" after her subjects imprisoned her in a stasis chamber for destroying Philastra's civilisation. Shemura stole the TARDIS key and had them thrown into a pit. With Shemura's former ally, Alaban, the Doctor escaped. He regained control by telling Shemura that only he could pilot the TARDIS. Once she was inside the TARDIS, he accelerated the ship's telepathic circuits and allowed the projections of those who Shemura had killed to hound her. Alaban re-imprisoned her, whilst the Doctor returned Abby and Danny home. (COMIC: The Tomb of Shemura)

Ending up at the North Pole by accident, the Doctor helped Santa Claus defend the presents from the Roboform, burning out his sonic screwdriver in the process. However, because the reindeer were injured during the skirmish, the Doctor took Santa in the TARDIS to deliver the presents, even leaving winning lottery numbers for a homeless child and mother, andreceived a new sonic screwdriver as his present. (COMIC: Silent Knight)

Further into his farewell tour, the Doctor encountered Vikings in 12th century Scotland, (PROSE: Dark Horizons) and visited the Gamma Forests, saving Lorna Bucket from a creature, and vanquished the creature using a shield and a cable. (PROSE: Lorna's Escape)

Desperate to avoid his death, and having used up all his regenerations, the Doctor experimented with ways to break the twelve-regeneration limit imposed on Time Lords by Rassilon. Using a satellite orbiting Eta Rho, his experiments ended up creating the Valeyard. (AUDIO: Trial of the Valeyard)

Nearing the end of his tour, the Doctor visited his old flatmate, Craig Owens, en route to the Alignment of Exodor. Initially planning to leave straight afterwards, the Doctor noticed power fluctuations and, despite his best efforts to ignore them, decided to investigate. With Craig's help, the Doctor discovered six Cybermen rebuilding their ranks by converting kidnapped people with spare parts and using Cybermats to drain the city's power. Although Craig nearly became their new Cyber-Controller, his "deeply ingrained hereditary human trait to protect [his] own genes", or rather his love for his son, Alfie Owens, made the Cybermen overload and explode.

The Doctor wears a stetson provided by Craig. (TV: Closing Time)

Deciding to repair damages to Craig's home caused during their adventure rather than see the Alignment of Exodor, the Doctor has given a Stetson hat as a memento by Craig, and then left to face his death at Lake Silencio. As he walked towards the TARDIS, he saw three children and briefly spoke to them. At the Luna University, in the 52nd century, River read from their witness accounts that he seemed "happy, but sad". (TV: Closing Time)

Cheating death

Before going to Lake Silencio, the Doctor wanted to know why the Silence wanted him dead. After getting information from a damaged Dalek and the Teselecta, he was led to Dorium Maldovar by Gantok, where the Doctor learned that the Silence wanted him dead out of fear of him answering a question only he knew the answer to: "Doctor Who?" Realising the ramifications of this discovery, the Doctor decided to extend his farewell tour, phoning up Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart for a night out, only to find that he had recently passed away, prompted the grieving Doctor to then cancel his extended tour. After asking the Teselecta captain to deliver letters to River, Amy, Rory, Canton and his younger self, the Doctor was inspired by the captain to have himself and the TARDIS miniaturised and taken into the Teselecta, while it took on his appearance and mannerisms. Hiding inside the Teselecta, (TV: The Wedding of River Song) the Doctor reunited with Amy and Rory in the middle of the Utah desert, and had his Stetson shot off by River.

At a café, the Doctor and River compared diaries, and the Doctor told his friend that they were going to have a picnic and then they would go on a trip to "Space 1969". (TV: The Impossible Astronaut) Picnicking by Lake Silencio, Canton arrived, and a younger version of River appeared in an astronaut suit, ready to unwillingly kill the Doctor. Ordering his friends not to interfere, the Doctor told the young River that he forgave her for her part in his assassination and prepared for his faked death. (TV: The Impossible Astronaut, The Wedding of River Song)

The Doctor posing as a soothsayer in a paradoxical timeline. (TV: The Wedding of River Song)

However, instead of shooting, River emptied the suit's weapon system, causing time to collapse, making the date and time always 22 April 2011, 5:02 PM. The Doctor assumed the identity of a soothsayer and spoke before the Winston Churchill of the gestalt timeline, who held the title of Holy Roman Emperor at Buckingham Palace. The Doctor was repeatedly thrown in the Tower of London until Churchill began to see the hidden logic in the Doctor's warnings, and summoned the Doctor from the Tower to elaborate why time remained trapped on the same moment without moving forward and all history was happening at once. Their discussion was interrupted when the two men discovered evidence of a fight they were forgetting, and found an entire nest of Silents, and the Doctor was forcibly recruited by an alternate version of Amy, who retained enough memories of her original existence that she knew about travelling with the Doctor.

The Doctor marries River. (TV: The Wedding of River Song)

Brought to Area 52, the Doctor discovered that River and her associates had defeated Madame Kovarian and were trying to restart time without killing him. She had the Doctor handcuffed, knowing that even the slightest physical contact between them would cause them, as the opposite poles of the disruption, to short out their temporal differential and reboot the progression of time. However, numerous Silents broke out of their holding tanks and attacked the base, killing the soldiers and technicians in the group. River guided the group to safety before the Silents broke through to the control room. She, Amy, and Rory took the Doctor to the top of the pyramid housing Area 52, where they had built a timey-wimey distress beacon. The Doctor was angry that River would risk the suffering and death of everyone and then embarrassed him by futilely broadcasting for help, but decided to marry River and revealed the charade to her.

Amy cries over the "Doctor's" body. (TV: The Impossible Astronaut)

Now that she knew the Teselecta would be shot and not the Doctor, River kissed the robot, erasing the broken reality, and restoring time to the point before she drained the weaponry system. (TV: The Wedding of River Song) After River shot the Teselecta, Canton confirmed the body was the Doctors, and he, River, Amy and Rory set the body ablaze on a boat in the lake to prevent the Time Lord's body being dissected. (TV: The Impossible Astronaut)

The Doctor hears Maldovar's prophecy in high spirits after cheating his death. (TV: The Wedding of River Song)

Escaping the Teselecta, the Doctor visited Dorium and told him he would "return to the shadows" and allow the universe to forget him. Dorium warned him that he would fall after answering "The Question" on the fields of Trenzalore, calling it the "fall of the eleventh". However, the Doctor simply paid no mind to his warnings, (TV: The Wedding of River Song) and went on to attend the Brigadier's funeral. (PROSE: Shroud of Sorrow)

Return to the shadows

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The Doctor's memory-proofed hologram in the Inforarium. HOMEVID: The Inforarium)

Wanting to be left alone, the Doctor erased himself from every database in the universe, making sure that no one had ever heard of him. (TV: Dinosaurs on a Spaceship, The Angels Take Manhattan, Nightmare in Silver) Though he could not remove the information about him from the Inforarium's data banks, he managed to reverse engineer the memory-proofing ability of the Silence so that no one could retain any knowledge that they learned about him from there. (HOMEVID: The Inforarium) However, he was unable to erase Earth's records of him because he had played a major role in the planet's history and future, with organisations across the world having been influenced by him. (COMIC: Hunters of the Burning Stone)

The Doctor discovers the full extent of the Dalek Project. (COMIC: The Dalek Project)

The Doctor took a trip to France in 1917 during the First World War where he learned about the Dalek Project, a mission in which a contingent of Daleks were sent through Earth's history to analyse how humans made war so that they could exploit any weaknesses in future conflicts. However, before the Daleks could exterminate all the witnesses, the combined British, German and French armies came together to destroy the Daleks. The Doctor crashed a plane into the Dalek Survey Ship Sigma and sent it crashing to the ground. The remaining Daleks were destroyed by artillery barrages. (COMIC: The Dalek Project)

The Doctor and Lily Arwell on an unknown planet. (TV: The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe)

On Christmas Eve 1941, the Doctor received Madge's wish and did his best to ensure her children, Cyril and Lily, had a great Christmas. However, things went wrong when a present he gave them, a time portal to the safest planet he knew in the year 5345, was opened prematurely by Cyril. This led him on an adventure to save the life force of the forest with Madge's help by acting as a "mothership" to transport them through the time vortex. Madge had accidentally brought her husband, Reg, through the Vortex as well, leading to the belief he had been shot down over the English Channel. Preparing to leave, the Doctor was ordered by Madge to spend time with his family after he told her about the Ponds while she was thanking him for his help with Christmas. This led the Doctor to having Christmas dinner with his parents-in-law, Amy and Rory, in 2013. (TV: The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe) Despite the tearful reunion, the Doctor continued to travel on his own afterwards, though he kept in contact with his in-laws by phoning them occasionally to let them know how he was doing. (WC: Pond Life)

The Doctor and River celebrate the retrieval of the eternity clock. (GAME: The Eternity Clock)

Tracing the source of a temporal disturbance to the four scattered pieces of a powerful artefact known as the Eternity Clock, which threatened to destroy all reality, the Doctor called River for assistance and the married couple went through four different time periods in Earth's history to retrieve the pieces, defeating Cybermen, Silurians, Silents and Daleks, each of whom wanted a piece to fuel their own means. Once the clock was assembled, it began recording and even trying to rewrite fixed points in time. Adding on to the insanity, the clock towed the TARDIS away to an unknown location with both him and River inside for the ride. (GAME: The Eternity Clock)

The Doctor escaped from Sontarans on Florinall 9, met up with Mata Hari in Paris, sang backup vocals for an album and went crashing into ancient Greece. He also saved an Ood from the Androvax conflict, but it was left behind at Amy and Rory's house by accident during one of his visits. He returned for it by the end of the month, and left it at the Ood Sphere. (WC: Pond Life) The Doctor then arrived at an archeologist dig in 2017, and found that a team of archaeologists had discovered the crashed Survey Ship Sigma and accidentally revived the surviving Daleks. Arriving just in time to prevent another disaster, the Doctor attached the Dalek ship to a powerline and overloaded all the Daleks. (COMIC: The Dalek Project)

The Doctor "accidentally" inventing pasta. (WC: Pond Life)

During some more adventures, the Doctor saved a Zygon from a witch burning, (PROSE: The True and Most Excellent Comedie of Romeo and Juliet) rode a horse through 18th century Coventry, as well as "accidentally" invented pasta. He also changed the bulb on top the TARDIS, and stopped by the Ponds' house while it was raining, but no one was home. Leaving a message detailing his latest travels, the Doctor decided to use his sonic screwdriver to delete it. (WC: Pond Life)

In a dream, the Doctor was enjoying tea and Jammie Dodgers before a cloaked figure ordered him to go to Skaro. (WC: Asylum of the Daleks) Doing so, the Doctor fell into a trap set by the Parliament of the Daleks, who captured him along with a separated Amy and Rory. Because a ship crash-landed on the Dalek Asylum, the shield was in danger of failing and letting the inmates out; even the Daleks feared this. Ordered to switch off the shield so the planet could be destroyed, the Doctor and his old companions were fired through the shield. Searching for a way to escape and let the Daleks destroy their insane kin, they ran from both Dalek puppets and the inmates. He saved Amy from being converted into a puppet by replacing her protective bracelet with his own without her knowledge; this helped her and Rory work out their marriage problems.

The Doctor encounters Oswin in the form of a Dalek. (TV: Asylum of the Daleks)

With the help of Oswin, a survivor of the crash, the Daleks' memories of the Doctor were wiped from the Path Web. The Doctor tried to take Oswin with him, but found she'd been converted into a Dalek; she retreated into her mind to retain her humanity. Honouring Oswin's wish for him to remember her, the Doctor teleported away with the Ponds as the shields were lowered and the asylum was destroyed. The Doctor landed them in the TARDIS, which was held on the Parliament's ship, and taunted the Daleks, but found that Oswin had removed the Parliament's memories of him as well and had forgotten their deadliest enemy. He then left Amy and Rory back home, cheerful that he had saved their marriage. (TV: Asylum of the Daleks)

The Doctor commandeers a Triceratops. (TV: Dinosaurs on a Spaceship)

After rescuing Egypt from alien locusts, Queen Nefertiti joined the Doctor when he received an alert from the Indian Space Agency in 2367, asking him to investigate a ship that would collide with Earth within six hours. (TV: Dinosaurs on a Spaceship) The Doctor went to get Amy and Rory, but found the Helmic regulator had malfunctioned and brought him to earlier versions of the Ponds that didn't know what he was talking about. The Doctor wished them good-night, (WC: Pond Life) and went to collected John Riddell, before collecting Amy, Rory and, unwittingly, Rory's father, Brian Williams, to investigate the Silurian Ark.

They found it contained dinosaurs and, after the group was separated, the Doctor, Rory and Brian encountered a space pirate called Solomon, who killed all the Silurians on the ship and forced the Doctor to repair injuries the dinosaurs had inflict him with, so he could make off with the cargo. However, because the ISA planned to destroy the ark with missiles, and Solomon's ship was too small for the dinosaurs, the pirate took Nefertiti instead, as she was just as valuable as the dinosaurs.

The Doctor briefly magnetised the ark, preventing Solomon from departing long enough for him to retrieve Nefertiti and place the ark's signal in Solomon's ship; the missiles launched by ISA destroyed Solomon instead of the ark. The ark was piloted to safety and the Doctor returned his friends home. Having inspired a sense of travel in Brian, the Doctor took his grandfather-in-law on as a brief companion, with the two taking the dinosaurs to a new planet, which they named Siluria. (TV: Dinosaurs on a Spaceship)

Attempting to take his in-laws to Mexico's Day of the Dead festival, the Doctor ended up in 1870 Mercy, Nevada, which was under siege by the Kahler cyborg, Kahler-Tek, also known as the Gunslinger. Tek was hunting scientist Kahler-Jex, whom the townsfolk had taken in, and had cut off supply deliveries. The Doctor learnt Jex experimented on his people to create living weapons to win a long war; he became Mercy's doctor in repentance. Tek was a "subject" who regained his sense of self, killing the scientists that experimented on him in revenge, with Jex being the last member, and threaten to start killing the Mercy inhabitants if Jex wasn't handed over to him.

The Doctor as the marshal of Mercy, Nevada. (TV: A Town Called Mercy)

Tired of innocents getting hurt due to his mercy, the Doctor nearly handed Jex over to Tek, out of anger caused by Jex comparing himself to the Doctor. He was stopped by Amy, but Mercy's marshal, Isaac, was killed when he pushed Jex out of the path of Tek's weapon, making the Doctor town marshal with his dying breath. Accepting a high noon duel, the Doctor distracted Tek, while Jex escaped to his ship. Jex, feeling guilt for the experiments he conducted, committed suicide by blowing up his ship, and the Doctor talked Tek out of self-destructing, instead having him become the new protector of Mercy. (TV: A Town Called Mercy)

The Doctor, Amy and Rory were diverted to the Crystal Palace in 1938, where they met Sophie Renard, who was actually Nazi scientist, Kriemhilde Steiner. Kriemhilde had been searching for the eagle of the Ultima Thule, the key to the thousand-year reich. However, the sphere was an energy-draining phoenix. The Doctor attempted to convince Kriemhilde not to touch the sphere, but she did, and was blown apart on the day of the British vs. German football match, taking the Crystal Palace with her. (COMIC: The Eagle of the Reich)

The Doctor, Amy, and Rory escape from the Siblinghood of Saint Augustine. (COMIC: The Doctor and the Nurse)

The Doctor and Rory's relationship became strained when Rory grew irritated with the Doctor's irresponsible attitude after they had a dangerous encounter with the Siblinghood of Saint Augustine on Hipponensis 3. Annoyed by their arguing, Amy separated from them in London in 1814 so they could have time to bond whilst she took in the sights. The Doctor and Rory tried to get out of spending the day together by making a quick hop into the future to pick Amy up at the end of the day. However, the TARDIS transported them to California 35,000 years earlier, where they had to escape a tar pit. The Doctor became desperate to return to Amy upon realising he had left her during the infamous London Beer Flood in 1814. After refueling the TARDIS via the rift in Cardiff, the Doctor and Rory were sidetracked from collecting Amy again when they became caught up in a Cybermen attack in space, which damaged the TARDIS and forced them to set up camp on the moon as they waited for the ship to recover. After an eventful bonding session, they finally made it back to 1814, but accidentally landed in another country. They eventually reunited with Amy and encountered a Silent agent with an interest in the Beer Flood due to it being a fixed point in time. (COMIC: The Doctor and the Nurse)

The Doctor later collected Amy and Rory from a disastrous holiday in Majorca and treated them to a trip aboard the Excelsis, the most luxurious star-liner in the galaxy, which led him into a reunion with Christina de Souza, who had become a space traveler since their last meeting. Together, the Doctor, the Ponds and Christina stopped a corrupt Ashayan from diverting the star-liner into a sun, whilst also preventing the destruction of the Ashayan civilisation. Taking the Ponds home, the Doctor asked Christina to travel with him, feeling regret about his predecessor refusing her request to become his companion, but she declined, and the two travellers went their separate ways once again. (COMIC: The Eye of Ashaya)

Living with the Ponds

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The Doctor takes Amy and Rory to the Savoy Hotel. (TV: The Power of Three)

The Doctor discovered a strange occurrence on Earth during Amy and Rory's time; black cubes had appeared all over Earth. Since they seemed harmless and he lacked the patience to stick around, the Doctor left to go on some solo adventures to "restore sanity". He entrusted Rory's dad Brian with the task of keeping an eye on the cubes. He returned on the Ponds' wedding anniversary, and as his gift, took them to the Savoy Hotel. However, the staff were Zygon imposters, whose ship was under the hotel. After seven weeks of failed anniversary trips, including one where Amy accidentally got married to King Henry VIII, the Doctor returned Amy and Rory to exact day they left. He was questioned by Brian as to what happened to his old companions, making the Doctor grow fearful once more about his in-laws' safety.

The Doctor and Amy have a hearts to heart. (TV: The Power of Three)

Wishing to spend more time with his in-laws, the Doctor decided to move in with them until the cubes activated. Kate Stewart, head of scientific research at UNIT and the Brigadier's daughter, summoned the Doctor to UNIT to investigate the cubes, just as they released an electric pulse that stopped the hearts of a third of the human populace of the world. The Doctor traced the cubes to the Shakri, who wished to wipe out the "plague" of humanity before they could colonise space. He reversed the electric pulse, restarting the hearts of those affected, blowing up the Shakri ship in the process. On Brian's urging, the Doctor took his in-laws back as full-time companions. (TV: The Power of Three)

Final adventures with the Ponds

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Info from Sleepers in the Dust, Snake Bite, The Chains of Olympus, Sticks & Stones, The Cornucopia Caper, The Broken Man & needs to be added

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Hoping to avert Romeo and Juliet's tragic suicides, the Doctor, Amy and Rory cloned a false Romeo in a Sontaran cloning pool, borrowed a Teselecta to pose as Juliet, had Paris be replaced with an Auton before Romeo killed him, and collected a Zygon indebted to the Doctor to replace the deceased Tybalt. They then stopped Romeo from drinking the poison, instead telling him to kiss Juliet, reawakening her from her coma. Informing them of their preparations, the Doctor used Romeo and Juliet's matrimony to unit the Capulets and Montagues. (PROSE: The True and Most Excellent Comedie of Romeo and Juliet)

On their travels, the Doctor, Amy and Rory encountered Dawn 726-Alpha Continua, a robot guardian created by Lord Rassilon and the Time Lords to fix damages to the time vortex. Dawn 726 began self-destructing when she learned of the Time Lords demise and Gallifrey's destruction. However, the Doctor saved himself, his friends and the TARDIS from destruction by convincing Dawn to use her powers to explore Time and Space, hoping that their paths would cross again. (COMIC: Dawn of Time!)

Working on an alien soap opera called EarthEnders, the Doctor discovered the production had been broadcasting the same ninety episodes for twenty years, and helped form an alliance between the EarthEnders crew and the technologically ignorant creatures, the Arr'Chorrs. (COMIC: TV Hell!) Then, fulfilling one of his previous promises, the Doctor took Amy and Rory to Pondinium, a planet filled with small pools that gave the viewer a possible version of the future, where they returned the only inhabitant, Aquarpey, to her homeworld. (COMIC: Pondnium!)

The Doctor realises that something is afoot. (TV: The Angels Take Manhattan)

Taking a break in 2012 Manhattan, Rory was transported to 1938 by the Weeping Angels while he was getting for coffee. While the Doctor read Melody Malone to Amy, they realised it was written by River Song, and that it was also about the events unfolding around them. Improvising "landing lights", the Doctor landed in the time energy-saturated era and reunited with his wife, though Rory had already been transported to Winter Quay by baby Angels. After reading one of the book's chapter titles that hinted that Amy would be separated from him for good, the Doctor desperately tried changing the book's outcome. Searching for Rory in the Quay, they found him in a room where an old Rory died before their eyes. The Doctor realised the Angels had covertly taken over Manhattan, and transported people into the past, trapping them in the Quay to feed on. To prevent the Angels from taking him, Rory jumped off the roof, along with Amy, creating a paradox that destroyed the Angels.

Despite the Doctor's pleas, Amy prepares to allow herself to be taken by a Weeping Angel. (TV: The Angels Take Manhattan)

With time being rewritten around them, the Doctor, Rory, Amy and River ended up in a New York graveyard in 2012. Relieved, they decided to go on a family outing, but, before he entered the TARDIS, Rory found his own grave and was sent back by a surviving Angel. Amy, devastated, allowed the Angel to touch her, sending her to Rory and adding her name to Rory's grave, both of them having died as an old man and woman. This caused a fixed point where the Doctor couldn't rescue them.

Completely devastated, the Doctor asked River to travel with him. She told him she would go anywhere with him, but not on a full-time basis, and also promised to have Amy add an afterword to her yet-to-be-written book when she sent it to her for publishing. He found a message from Amy saying she and Rory loved him, and had lived a long and happy life. She asked him to go back in time and tell her younger self of their adventures, as well as to find a new companion. (TV: The Angels Take Manhattan)


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Info from Take a Bow (Tie), Time Spill on Aisle 5, Houdini and the Space Cuckoos, In Search of Lost Time & Cinderella and the Magic Box need to be added

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The Doctor runs. (COMIC: Bite of the Morphuse!)

Traveling alone, the Doctor visited 1970s Detroit, met an alien Elvis Presley tribute act, escaped the clutches of the Morphuse, (COMIC: Bite of the Morphuse!) stopped Garbage-bots from turning 23rd century Earth into a garbage planet, (COMIC: Garbage Day!) and freed a village from the legendary "Greedy Gulper". (COMIC: The Greedy Gulper)

The Doctor intercepted a call from cosmonaut Alexey Leonov on a Russian space capsule called Vlostok 11 in 1965, and discovered Alexey was the last surviving crewmember, as all the others had been killed by the Vashta Nerada. He led them into the TARDIS, stopped them from hijacking the ship before they landed on Earth, and deposited them on an inhospitable jungle planet. (COMIC: Space Oddity)

The Doctor prepared to take River Song to the Singing Towers of Darillium, but was reminded of her forthcoming death after running into a past version of himself, (HOMEVID: Last Night) and, as he had done several times before, changed his mind at the last minute and took her elsewhere. (TV: The Husbands of River Song)

Afterwards, the Doctor landed in 19th century Klimtenburg, where he discovered Cyber-Technology spreading an illness to all the villagers, a problem which the Doctor promptly solved. Upon investigating the mystery further with help from Olga Bordmann, the Doctor found another ship crashed underground, this time a Cyber Ship. The surviving Cybermen seeded the atmosphere to create their own rainstorms so they could harvest the lighting and revive. As more and more Cybermen began to wake from hibernation to defend themselves, the Doctor rallied the villagers of Klimtenburg to fight against them. As the battle was fought, the Doctor, Olga and a partially-converted Victor Ernhardt infiltrated the Cybermen's base of operations and Victor, flowing with excess power, linked himself to the rest of the Cybermen, causing all of them to explode. With Klimtenburg safe and able to recover, the Doctor slipped away quietly in the TARDIS, without a proper farewell. (PROSE: Plague of the Cybermen)

A new companion

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Info from The Runaway Bogey, Museum Piece, All Change!, An Ill Wind, The Water World, Pet Panic, Space Race, Toothache!, Terror in the Taj Mahal, Eye Spy & Colossus of the Colosseum needs to be added

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The Doctor arrived on Earth and met Decky Flamboon, a Brancheerian shapeshifter who had lost his spacecraft and the co-ordinates to his homeworld. After saving Earth from a shower of meteorites, the Doctor offered to help Decky find his homeworld. (COMIC: Meteorite Meeting)

Travelling with Decky, the Doctor stopped a rogue robot from turning the peaceful planet Cobaltikar 45 to dust, (COMIC: Tower of Power) visited the Pheezel galaxy and saved a shark-like spaceship and its crew, (COMIC: The Shark Shocker) and accidentally turned the TARDIS into a child's toybox where he fought toy soldiers. (COMIC: The Toybox)

He also became trapped in another dimension and helped a young couple to rescue their children from Edgar, a two-dimensional predator, (COMIC: On the Cards) and stopped the Arch-Mayoress from making Christmas illegal in 2034. (COMIC: Decky the Halls)

The Doctor goes skiing. (COMIC: Snowball!)

The Doctor took Decky skiing in the Alps, where the TARDIS fell down a mountain. Whilst retrieving it, he stopped a Vendraxxo fleet from launching an attack on Switzerland. (COMIC: Snowball!)

On Valentine's Day, The Doctor and Decky encountered a being calling himself Cupid, who was "spreading the love" across the world. Suspicious, the Doctor discovered he was actually an ugly alien called Ameteli, who, with the use of a shimmer disguise, was shooting arrows containing a mind-controlling drug called Porceen into humans so that he could plunder Earth's resources. When Ameteli tried attacking the Doctor, Decky shot him with one of the arrows, filling him with love. Afterwards, the Doctor left Ameleti to find love on Mascoda 6. (COMIC: Love is in the Air)

Trying to return Decky home, the Doctor visited an asteroid on the Cosmic Museum, only to discover the asteroid had been dedicated to his eleven lives, with items and creatures from his past. He stopped the curator of the museum, his biggest fan, from turning him and his TARDIS into exhibits, which resulted in the Asteroid's destruction when the creatures contained inside went on the rampage. (COMIC: Museum Piece) The Doctor eventually returned Decky to his homeworld, Sirus, and stopped a rogue Flamboon from erasing the planet's population. He also relocated the whole population to Flamboon Moon 2, where he parted company with Decky. (COMIC: The Tail of Decky Flamboon)


While looking into the matter of a hypercube he received from an unknown messenger, the TARDIS picked up a distress call from a married couple, but arrived on their ship too late to save them. The ship's logs revealed they had committed suicide to prevent the Daleks from learning a formula, and the Doctor found the couple's children - Sabel, Jenibeth and Ollus Blakely - hiding in an escape pod, and took them home to Carthedia, where he learned the Daleks were considered a force for good after establishing the Dalek Foundation and the Sunlight Worlds following a recession. The Doctor was charged with a hate crime for publicly announcing the Daleks' evil, forcing him and the children to escape off the planet. He tried again on Sunlight 349 and the Dalek Litigator arrived to subject him to another public trial. Completely outwitted by the Litigator, the Doctor was made to leave alone.

Still not convinced that the Daleks had reformed, the Doctor arrived on Gethria, the location of the Cradle of the Gods, where he was taken prisoner by an aged Dalek puppet Jenibeth and the Dalek Time Controller, who revealed the Daleks had been manipulating the Doctor so that he could activate the Cradle of the Gods for them and use it to transform the Sunlight Worlds into copies of Skaro. However, Jenibeth managed to resist Dalek control and fought off the Time Controller and the Doctor set the Cradle to self-destruct, causing the Daleks to abandon the plan and retreat. Before exploding, the Cradle reverted the Sunlight Worlds to how Jenibeth remembered them as a child, with herself and her siblings turning back into children and their parents being recreated. The Doctor realised afterwards how much his interference put all the citizens of the Sunlight Worlds in danger and thought of what would happen if the Daleks had succeeded. He left in the TARDIS without a farewell, decreeing, "No more meddling. No more." (PROSE: The Dalek Generation) Already depressed about losing Amy and Rory, the realisation that his travels put billions of people's lives in danger led the Doctor to retire from his constant adventuring, much to the dismay of others, in Victorian England. (TV: The Great Detective)

To ensure that he would have solitude, the Doctor parked the TARDIS on a cloud; he also changed the interior of the control room from its whimsical layout to a more plainly mechanical design, discarding the console room that he had used while travelling with the Ponds, which no longer befit his darkened outlook, and to stop it from reminding him of his losses. (TV: The Snowmen) As they lived in Victorian London, Madame Vastra, Jenny Flint, and Strax, who had been resurrected from his death at Demons Run, tried constantly to get the "old" Doctor back by explaining weird happenings that could pique his interest. However, most of them were unimportant or mediocre, and no matter how often the Doctor told them he had retired, they kept trying. (TV: The Great Detective)

The Doctor with Clara in the Latimer family's house. (TV: The Snowmen)

The Doctor eventually came out of retirement to investigating the Christmas snow, which had a telepathic quality to it - the snow could remember, and could even form imitations of other things - when he met a woman named Clara Oswald. Clara grew a fast attachment to him, both out of curiosity of who he was and what the snow was, and was able to convince the Doctor to help investigate a pond at a house she was governing for, only for them to discover that the previous governess, who had died in the pond and had been trapped when it froze, had come back as an ice duplication. With the help of the Paternoster Gang, the Doctor was able to stop their opposing enemy, but not before Clara was killed by the Ice Governess.

Facing the man controlling the snow, Dr. Walter Simeon of the Great Intelligence Institute, the Doctor erased Simeon's memories by letting a Memory worm bite him. Doing so allowed the Doctor to discover the real mastermind was the Great Intelligence, but the telepathic snow caused the grief those felt for Clara's death to defeat it. Reading Clara's gravestone, the Doctor recognised her as the same woman he had met in the Dalek Asylum, and set off in the TARDIS to find a third version of her somewhere in the universe. (TV: The Snowmen)

The past

Whilst searching for Clara, the Doctor visited Oxford on the 23 November 2013, where he discovered that Alice Watson and Cedric Chivers had apparently created a time machine. However, this turned out to be a plan by an alien race called the Creevix, who wanted to control time. To stop them, the Doctor sent messages to his previous selves. (AUDIO: The Time Machine)

He sent a message to the Susan Foreman via a radio DJ while she and the First Doctor were on Earth in October 1963. The message involved introducing Cedric Chivers to Bob Dylan. (AUDIO: Hunters of Earth) He contacted the Fourth Doctor and Romana whilst they were inside the Babblesphere, to make sure they didn't destroy it and sent it to the Stellaris Museum of Artificial Intelligence. (AUDIO: Babblesphere) Via the TARDIS Internal Communication System, he contacted the Eighth Doctor in London in 1935 to get him to clear up interference in the form of an alien invasion using the William Tell Overture to invade the Earth. (AUDIO: Enemy Aliens) Clearing the interference not only allowed the Fourth Doctor copy to lure the Creevix to 2013, it also allowed the Eleventh Doctor to send the messages to his other selves. (AUDIO: The Time Machine)

Using his psychic paper, he sent a message to the Second Doctor in 2724 to ensure he saved Sophie Topolovic's research on the Quiet Ones. (AUDIO: Shadow of Death) Using the Voice of Stone, he contacted the Seventh Doctor and Ace aboard the Obscura in the 49th century to make sure that they saved Captain OhOne. (AUDIO: Shockwave) In the form of a distress beacon of the Howling Jupiter and a video message left in the control room of the wreck, he told the Tenth Doctor and Donna Noble to stop the Wraith Mining Cartel, by locating Professor Merrit Erskine, obtaining his research and using it to make sure the existence of slaughter crystals on the planet of Death's Deal is made known to galactic authorities. He also told them to ensure that Lyric Erskine survived. (AUDIO: Death's Deal) Hijacking a giant television screen in New Vegas, he told the Ninth Doctor to save the life of Police Chief James McNeil. (AUDIO: Night of the Whisper) Using an Ovid sphere, he contacted the Fifth Doctor in England in the 1920s to ensure that he delivered the Ovid sphere back to the Ovids instead of destroying it. (AUDIO: Smoke and Mirrors) Via a recording on a telephone, he sent a message to the Third Doctor to ensure he saved the therocite and send it to Professor Reynart. (AUDIO: Vengeance of the Stones) Via the TARDIS, he contacted the Sixth Doctor and Peri Brown to ask them to obtain an omniparadox from the Santa Maria on 12 October 1492, and store it in the TARDIS. (AUDIO: Trouble in Paradise) The omniparadox allowed the TARDIS to escape and rescue the Eleventh Doctor from the alternate future created by the Creevix timeline. (AUDIO: The Time Machine)

The Ovids, impressed with Tegan, shared their knowledge with humanity in the far future, giving the Eleventh Doctor the technology he needed to use the therocite, left behind by Reynart in his lab, which was now being used by Cedric, to destroy Cedric's time machine. The research on the Quiet Ones was used to create sub-pulsar transmissions, which were used to lure the Creevix into seeking out Cedric in 2013, after the copy of the Fourth Doctor inside the Babblesphere lured them there. The Bob Dylan music led to Cedric meeting his wife, and when the time came for him to use the time machine to complete the final step that would ensure the Creevix timeline, he hesitated, giving the Eleventh Doctor the time he needed to stop the Creevix. Lyric Erskine was the mother of Guy Taylor, the Time Agent that the Creevix erased from existence in order for their plan to succeed, and her survival led to her meeting Captain OhOne, who was Taylor's father, and conceive Taylor on their second honeymoon at the Memorial Hotel, founded by Mayor James McNeil. Taylor's restoration and arrival in 2013 was the final piece in erasing the Creevix timeline. (AUDIO: The Time Machine)

The Doctor is reunited with Ian, who disbelieves his identity. (COMIC: Hunters of the Burning Stone)

Continuing his search for Clara, the Doctor got sidetracked and ended up investigating a Sontaran battleship in orbit around 1960s Earth and discovered Captain Gol Clutha and his army had killed the Sontarans who inhabited the battleship. Involving himself in their war with the former crime-state planet, Cornucopia, the Doctor was transported to a dream world, where he reunited Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright. After he helped them escape and located the TARDIS, the Doctor was met with distrust by Ian, as he failed to believe he was "the Doctor", brushing off his intimate knowledge of their adventures being a mind-reading alien. Barbara, on the other hand, was more willing to believe him, citing all the strange things the Doctor had done during their travels. They went with the Doctor to Cornucopia, where they discovered the place in ruins.

When the Hunters of the Burning Stone attacked, the Doctor got their attention by claiming to possess the item they sought, allowing Ian to attack their leaders from behind, and finally convincing him that he really was the same man he once knew. Barbara was then kidnapped by Miss Ghost and the creators of the metal the hunters sought, the Prometheans, appeared. The Doctor demanded to know why he, Ian and Barbara had been brought to Cornucopia, to which the Prometheans replied that it was not the Doctor they needed, but Ian and Barbara. The Doctor and Ian escaped the Prometheans with the help of Horatio Lynk. Horatio took them to Miss Ghost's base, where they found a doll that the Doctor recognised. Horatio was then shot by Patrick Lake, a man the Doctor had previously encountered in 20th century Prague. The Hunters then arrived, referring to Ian as "teacher", they removed their helmets to reveal themselves as the Tribe of Gum.

The Prometheans revealed that they visited primitive worlds and granted them the gift of their psychic metal, and that they had witnessed Ian, Barbara and the First Doctor's encounter with the tribe of Gum, and given the tribe the psychic metal after the TARDIS departed. The Tribe became the Hunters, who travelled through time and space in search of more of the metal. The Doctor was shown Patrick's memories; shortly after a repelled Cyberman invasion in the early 21st century, Patrick lobbied for a new branch of MI6, one dedicated to space travel and defence against alien threats, to be formed. He trained his daughter to become one of the branch's agents. The Doctor, realising the Prometheans were feeding on Patrick's psychic energy, shut down Patrick's conscious mind. The Prometheans turned on the Doctor, and sent him to relive his most terrifying memories, transporting him to the last day of the Last Great Time War and filling his head with visions of his deadliest foes.

The Doctor was able to overcome the onslaught, and the memories changed to the moment during their time in prehistoric Earth, when Ian persuaded the Doctor not to kill someone. The Doctor told Ian that he helped him to be better, and revealed that he had been inspired by Ian and Barbara to take on more human companions. He also told Ian of the many deaths he brought about, particularly those of the Time War. Ian reassured the Doctor that he was a good person, and the two finally escaped the psychic realm. They then discovered that the Prometheans' craft was a "neural reverser", which the Prometheans used to regress humanity to the level of cavemen. The Doctor, Ian and Patrick were then picked up by Barbara and Patricia. Once onboard their ship, the Doctor admonished Patrick for turning his daughter into a weapon, with Patricia retorting that she was honouring her fallen mother, and telling the Doctor to think of a solution himself. When the Doctor was unable to, Ian encouraged him, and he suddenly hit on a plan, departing in the TARDIS. He arrived in 1963, at Totters Lane, where he entered his first incarnation's TARDIS, and used the sonic screwdriver to break the TARDIS' chameleon circuit.

The Doctor breaks the TARDIS' Chameleon Circuit. (COMIC: Hunters of the Burning Stone)

As the Tribe of Gum instructed the primitive humans to worship the Prometheans, the Doctor returned, having planted images of the TARDIS throughout human history, and using that image to alter the neural platform, reversing the effect, destroying the platform, and "locking" the minds of the human race from being altered again. He answered "What is buried in man?": It was him and his TARDIS. Incensed, the Tribe of Gum, at the Prometheans' urging, attacked the Doctor. Ian and Barbara landed their ship on a fragment of the neural platform, and convinced the Tribe to stop by telling them of love and sacrifice, and how the Doctor protected the people of Earth for years. When the Tribe of Gum ceased their assault, the Prometheans attacked Ian and Barbara. The Tribe of Gum then turned on the Prometheans. Both sides were destroyed in the ensuing struggle. The Doctor tried to shut down Hugo Wilding and Patrick Lake's MI6 organisation. Hugo had information on the Doctor and threatened to upload it to every database in the universe and make the Doctor a popular figure again, which the Doctor had spent a long time trying to erase. After ensuring his existence was to remain shadowed, the Doctor attended Barbara and Ian's wedding as Ian's best man. (COMIC: Hunters of the Burning Stone)

The search for Clara

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Info from The Chartwell Metamorphosis & The Silurian Gift need to be added

These omissions are so great that the article's factual accuracy has been compromised. Check out the discussion page and revision history for further clues about what needs to be updated in this article.

Once again searching for Clara, the Doctror found the Astro-Raptors had invaded Earth with the use of Easter egg meteorites. He allied with a women called Pippa and transported the Astro-Raptors to a hovering deserted island. (COMIC: The Egg Hunt)

The Doctor became the physician to the court of Cymbeline, and discovered that the ladyImogen was a Skarasen, concealing her true form with a bracelet. Finding out about Iachimo's plan to steal the bracelet, the Doctor travelled to Lud's Town to persuade Iachimo against the theft, but was unable too. (PROSE: Cymbeline)

Aiming for 1904, the Doctor landed in the Globe Theatre during the climax of The Winter's Tale, where he interrupted the play when he mistook Hermione for a Weeping Angel. (PROSE: The Winter's Tale)

The Doctor takes a break from his search for Clara in a Blackpool playground. (WC: The Bells of Saint John: A Prequel)

The Doctor took a break from his search at a playground in Blackpool, where he met a little girl, who advised him to find a quiet place to help him on finding his friend. (WC: The Bells of Saint John: A Prequel) Working in the solitude of a Cumbria monastery in 1207 to find out the meaning of "the woman twice dead", a 21st century version of Clara called the TARDIS' phone to speak to the Doctor about a problem with her Internet connection. Recognising Clara's voice, the Doctor left Cumbria for 2013 London.

"Right, then, Clara Oswald. Time to find out who you are." (TV: The Bells of Saint John)

The Doctor put Clara under his protection when the Spoonheads tried to upload her mind through the Wi-Fi. When Clara was successfully uploaded, the Doctor reprogrammed a Spoonhead to reach Miss Kizlet's office in the Shard and upload her himself. He also used Miss Kizlet's tablet to make one of her workers, Mahler, obey her request to download her back to her body, as well as everyone else's minds uploaded, due to her being part of the data cloud. After Clara was saved, the Doctor offered her a place in the TARDIS, but she told him to ask her again the following day. (TV: The Bells of Saint John)

Unwinding the mystery

This article needs to be updated.

Info from The Mystery of the Mould, The Planet That Went Backwards, Coral Maze, Tunnel Terrors!, Nova, Line of Battle, Gumfight, The Hat Trick, Strictly Fight Monsters, Planet Void, Reprogramme, Shipwrecked, Night Light, Eye of the Storm, Whale Tale, Faceache & Welcome to Tickle Town needs to be added

These omissions are so great that the article's factual accuracy has been compromised. Check out the discussion page and revision history for further clues about what needs to be updated in this article.

The Doctor watches Clara mourn the death of her mother. (TV: The Rings of Akhaten)

Setting off to find out who Clara was, the Doctor travelled back through her time stream, observing her parents' meeting and her mother's funeral. (TV: The Rings of Akhaten) At some point during this time, the Doctor reunited with River once again, and narrowly avoided being sacrificed by the natives of the Planet of the Rain Gods. (HOMEVID: Rain Gods)

The Doctor deliberately invokes the wrath of the Rain Gods. (HOMEVID: Rain Gods)

Finding no evidence that she was no different than any other normal girl, and with no answers to the mystery, he returned to Clara the day after he left her and, as she wanted to see "something awesome", Doctor took her to her to the Sun-singers of Akhet, during the Festival of Offerings and the time of the Queen of Years Merry Gejelh's singing to the Old God, Akhaten.

The Doctor and Clara explore Akhaten. (TV: The Rings of Akhaten)

Clara met Merry, who was having second thoughts, and convinced her to sing the Long Song at the Festival. The Doctor and Clara went to see Merry sing, but Merry was taken by the Mummy. The Doctor and Clara saved her, and they discovered that not the mummy, but the planet Akhaten itself was the ancient god that wanted to feed on memories. Merry was taken to safety and the Doctor remained, trying to satisfy the parasite god with the story of his own existence. However, his past was not enough, and it took Clara to defeat Akhaten by feeding it the infinite possibilities of her mother's lost life, represented by the leaf that bought her parents together. (TV: The Rings of Akhaten) After the TARDIS demonstrated her antagonism toward Clara by deleting her bedroom, sending her through a Time loop, and creating a holographic leopard while she was in the bathroom, (HOMEVID: Clara and the TARDIS) the Doctor and Clara made an arrangement: he would pick her up every Wednesday and they would have adventures, as she had responsibilities on Earth. (TV: Nightmare in Silver)

Picking Clara up again, the Doctor stopped a carnivorous Drokkvid from going on the rampage with compost from Rolle Hill School, (COMIC: Teacher's Pet) observed the Tonnchenform, (PROSE: Normality) and met Amy Johnson, offering to take her to Baghdad to repair her plane to complete her journey from England to Australia. After Amy's plane was shot down over the English Channel during World War II, the Doctor and Clara saved her from drowning, and took her to where she could continue flying, while history recorded that Amy Johnson died after she was shot down. (COMIC: A Wing and a Prayer)

The Doctor and Skaldak. (TV: Cold War)

The Doctor and Clara next attempted to travel to Las Vegas, but the TARDIS instead brought them to the Firebird, a sinking Soviet submarine at the North Pole in 1983. The Doctor prevented the submarine from imploding, but the TARDIS automatically dematerialised, the Hostile Action Displacement System having activated. While on the submarine, the Doctor found that an Ice Warrior, Skaldak, had attacked the submarine, and attempted to convince the submarine's crew to be peaceful to him, but Lieutenant Stepashin stunned Skaldak with a cattle prod. The Doctor ordered the crew to imprison Skaldak in chains, but Skaldak managed to escape his capture and threatened to launch the submarine's nuclear missiles. The Doctor and Clara managed to make him hesitate his decision, and Skaldak and the submarine were rescued by an Ice Warrior ship, which Skaldak left in after remotely disarming the submarine. The Doctor then confessed to setting the HADS, and found that it had sent the TARDIS to the South Pole, asking Captain Zhukov for a lift there. (TV: Cold War)

The Doctor, afraid of the Crooked Man. (TV: Hide)

Travelling to Caliburn House in 1974, the Doctor posed as a government agent as a ruse to get the opinion of empath, Emma Grayling, about Clara, but became intrigued by a paranormal experiment being conducted by Emma and Professor Alec Palmer, a ghost hunter and retired spy. While investigating, he borrowed a camera from Alec and took pictures of the location spanning the history of the planet. Returning to Caliburn House, the Doctor revealed that the Witch of the Well was not a ghost, but another time traveller, Hila Tacorien, stuck in a collapsing pocket universe and pursued by a Crooked Man.

He helped Emma to save Hila by jumping into the pocket universe, but was trapped there himself, with the Crooked Man after him. After Clara convinced the TARDIS to fly in to save him, the Doctor revealed that Hila was Emma and Alec's descendant, and then realised that the Crooked Man was only trying to make it back to N-Space to be reunited with his mate. He returned to the pocket universe to save the creature and reunited him with his mate. (TV: Hide) Leaving Caliburn, the Doctor and Clara visited the Sahara Desert, where they battled a mythical spirit called the "Mighty Djinn". (COMIC: Sandblasted)

While trying to teach Clara how to operate the TARDIS, a future Doctor from an alternative timeline appeared through a time rift, warning his younger self to press the "big friendly button". After he pressed the button, the Doctor said aloud to Clara that two days had been compressed into the space of one, and asked Clara if she felt safe travelling with him, to which she responded positively. (TV: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS)

Taking Clara to Medattia in 1875, the Doctor encountered two rival tribes, the Wynals and Gibbles, who had joined forces to hunt down the Gibwyn. Empathising with the creature, the Doctor discovered that Cronker, a voodoo priest, had created the Gibwyn with the aim of using the fear of the Gibwyn to keep the two tribes apart, having bonded his son and his son's lover with a genetic bonding device. After releasing the young lovers, the Doctor and Clara attended their wedding, along with the two united tribes. (COMIC: The Curse of the Gibwyn)

The Doctor and Clara run from robotic gnomes. (COMIC: Gnome Guard)

The Doctor next took Clara to "the most beautiful garden in the universe" on the planet Iros, though their peace and tranquility was ruined when the Doctor accidentally insulted the garden's robot guardians, who hunted them down and tried to poison them. Fortunatly, the Doctor fixed the sprinkler system and brought life to a barren patch of the planet, which made him and Clara honoured guests on Iros. (COMIC: Gnome Guard)

The Doctor detects something "timey-wimey." (COMIC: The Door to a Winter Long Ago)

When the Doctor jettisoned a room in the TARDIS, he accidentally caused a time corridor that connected 1964 to 2014 and also unleashed a Shadow creature from another dimension. Two children called Annie and Ethan began passing between the time periods, but the Doctor defeated the creature with Ethan's phone and closed the time corridor. (COMIC: The Door to a Winter Long Ago)

Aiming to take Clara to Victorian London, the Doctor instead landed 1893 Yorkshire, where he discovered a plague dubbed the "Crimson horror" and decided to investigate. Under advice from Mr. Thursday, the Doctor and Clara visited a town called Sweetville, which was run by Winifred Gillyflower and her mysterious partner. While investigating the town, the two were taken by Gillyflower's guards into a dungeon, where they were put in Red leech; Clara was hypnotised by the matter and became one of Gillyflower's servant girls, while the Doctor was fossilised. After being saved by Winifred's daughter, Ada, he was hidden away in a chamber from Ada's mother, and remained trapped until Jenny Flint found him while investigating the Sweetville factory. She helped the Doctor reach a machine to recover, and the two went to find Clara, who they found as a porcelain doll inside a glass dome in one of Sweetville houses, until the Doctor smashed the glass and freed her.

The Doctor under the effects of "the Crimson Horror." (TV: The Crimson Horror)

The Doctor and Clara, now joined by the Paternoster Gang, learnt that Gillyflower, along with her mysterious partner, a red leech she called Mr. Sweet, planned to fire a rocket that would spread the "Crimson Horror" across the world, wiping humanity out. The Doctor exposed Gillyflower as a madwomen to her daughter, and Clara destroyed Mrs. Gillyflower's control console with a chair. However, Gillyflower took Ada hostage and attempted to launch the rocket remotely, only for Vastra and Jenny to remove the Crimson Horror from the rocket. Mrs. Gillyflower threatened to kill the Doctor, only to be shot by Strax. Mrs. Gillyflower died and Mr. Sweet was smashed to death by Ada. After saying goodbye to Ada and the Paternoster Gang, the Doctor returned Clara back home in 2013 to the Maitland family house.

However, Clara's wards, Angie and Artie Maitland, had discovered historical photographs of Clara and the Doctor's adventures and blackmailed Clara into letting them go on a trip with her. (TV: The Crimson Horror) The Doctor took Angie, Artie and Clara to Hedgewick's World of Wonders, which he called the "biggest theme park in the galaxy". However, they arrived when the park had been shut down and put under military occupation, though the Doctor convinced the platoon that he was an official searching for their missing Emperor, and met Webley, the park's owner, and Porridge, Webley's partner, and learned from Webley that park had been shut down during the Cyber-Wars.

"Mr Clever": a Cyber-Planner controlled Doctor. (TV: Nightmare in Silver)

After Porridge ran some of the park's attractions for them, Clara, Angie and Artie prepared to leave, but the Doctor convinced them to stay, suspicious of strange insects roaming the park. They turned out to be Cybermites, who had converted Webley and reactivated the Cybermen, which then kidnapped Angie and Artie. Setting off alone to rescue them, the Doctor found that Angie and Artie had been put under Cybermen-control by Webley, who explained that the Cybermen were rebuilding themselves, and needed a strong brain, so had the Doctor infected by the Cybermites, and a Cyber-Planner took partial charge of the Doctor, dubbing itself "Mr Clever". The Doctor bluffed a regeneration threat to destroy the implants, setting up a stalemate, and challenged Mr. Clever to a game of chess, the winner getting control of the Doctor's mind.

Temporarily disrupting Mr. Clever's control with a golden ticket, the Doctor returned to Clara and had himself restrained in order to play the chess game. However, Mr. Clever managed to seize control of the Doctor again, and destroyed the trigger to a bomb the platoon had that would've been able to blow the planet up. With nothing left to fear, Mr. Clever sent out the army of Cybermen against Clara and the platoon, while he and the Doctor continued their game. When the Doctor bluffed a way to defeat Mr. Clever in only three moves, the Cyber-Planner shut down the Cyberman army in order to use the Cybermen's processing power to find the strategy to win the game. Taking advantage of the distraction, the Doctor used a hand pulse to disable the implants, destroying Mr. Clever.

When Angie revealed that Porridge was the Emperor, and he explained that he'd never wanted to take the title, Porridge activated the bomb's countdown, altering the attention of the Emperor's ship. It jumped to Hedgewick's World and beamed everyone to safety before the bomb imploded the planet with the Cybermen still on it. After Clara declined Porridge's marriage proposal, the Doctor returned Clara, Angie and Artie back home, planning to pick Clara up the next Wednesday for more adventures. (TV: Nightmare in Silver)

Traveling alone, the Doctor teamed up with Ryan Goodman to catch an ancient time bird that had sent Ryan fifty years into his future, saving it from being hit by a train, and keeping it in the TARDIS after returning Ryan home. (PROSE: The Fifty-Year Delay)

The Doctor then became trapped in a mental projection where he and Clara were an ordinary couple on Earth. He managed to break free using items given to him by various enemies and allies who appeared to him in the projection, and discovered the Trylonians had trapped him to drain his mind of knowledge to advance their plans of conquest. Recalling all his previous incarnations, the Doctor overloaded the Trylonian battle computer. (COMIC: The Birthday Boy)

The Doctor is distressed to realise he must finally go to Trenzalore. (TV: The Name of the Doctor)

When the Doctor returned to the Maitland house, Clara informed him that he had been summoned to Trenzalore by the Great Intelligence, and that the Paternoster Gang had been kidnapped by the Whisper Men. Feeling he had a duty to save his friends, the Doctor set off to Trenzalore with Clara and, after fighting off the TARDIS' attempts to avoid Trenzalore, they found it to be a war-ravaged planet covered in gravestones, which included the Doctor's tomb; his TARDIS.

The Doctor refuses to speak his name to the Intelligence. (TV: The Name of the Doctor)

Using a hidden entranced disguised as River Song's gravestone, the Doctor and Clara made it to the doors of the TARDIS tomb, where the Great Intelligence was waiting there with his hostages, demanding the Doctor tell him his true name to gain access to his tomb. When he refused, River's ghost, having been connected to Clara during a previous Conference call with her, uttered it, and the door opened.

Inside the tomb, the Intelligence entered the Doctor's timeline through an open wound in his time stream, rewriting his history, and changing all his victories into defeats. The universe began decaying, the thousands of civilisations saved by the Doctor perishing while the Doctor withered in pain. With no other choice, Clara walked into the timeline, scattering herself across time and space, creating many other versions of her that saved the Doctor from the Great Intelligence.

The Doctor speaking with his forgotten incarnation. (TV: The Name of the Doctor)

Recovering, the Doctor bid his wife a final goodbye, and went into his own timeline to save Clara. As they embraced each other, Clara noticed an incarnation of the Doctor that she'd never met, and collapsed. The Doctor revealed this incarnation, the War Doctor, had betrayed the name of "the Doctor", to which the War Doctor responded by defending his actions as "without choice" and in "the name of peace and sanity". Though the Eleventh Doctor admitted that these actions had been necessary, he still declared that they were not made in "the name of the Doctor", and proceed to carry Clara out of his time stream, with his war incarnation watching them from afar. (TV: The Name of the Doctor)

Reminders of the past

This article needs to be updated.

Info from Sky Jacks, Time Trick, Dragon Attack, The Holly and the Ivy & Normality needs to be added

These omissions are so great that the article's factual accuracy has been compromised. Check out the discussion page and revision history for further clues about what needs to be updated in this article.

After returning Clara home, the TARDIS fell a hole in reality into a parallel universe, depositing the Doctor in a universe where his adventures were a fictional television show, named Doctor Who. He met Ally, a bullied fan of his show, and the show's current star, Matt Smith, and advised him to cast Peter Capaldi as his replacement. Attending a convention with Ally, where he came second in a cosplay competition, the Doctor came across a Cyberman that had survived the Battle of Canary Wharf and had fell through the same hole in reality the TARDIS plummeted through. Defeating the Cyberman by stealing Matt Smith's script and reading ahead to see what happened, the Doctor returned to his own universe after encouraging Ally to tackle her bullying by using her brain. (COMIC: The Girl Who Loved Doctor Who)

The Doctor re-encounters old foes. (COMIC: Prisoners of Time)

After the Doctor and Clara ended a civil war among a race called the Frogmen, Adam Mitchell arrived and kidnapped Clara. Returning to the TARDIS, the Doctor traced all the places in which Adam had kidnapped his other companions, just after the kidnappings took place, where he attempted to gain information from people who were there. Arriving at van Statten's vault, the Doctor found Adam had taken all alien technology, and found the Time Agent Adam had captured and gained the means to track Adam's vortex manipulator from him. He got to Adam's Fortress in Limbo and found all his companions in stasis. Working alongside the Tremas Master, Adam then threatened to kill all the Doctor's companions, saying the Doctor could only save one.

Refusing to kill his old companions, the Doctor instead brought ten of his previous incarnations to Adam's fortrees to save their friends. Under the orders of the Master, Adam released an army of Autons at them, but Frobisher released all of the Doctor's companions, and they began attacking the Autons. The Master then revealed the Auton attack was a distraction, as he blasted the rest of the chronal energy he had drained into the Doctor's TARDISes, which would cause all of them to overload: destroying all of them and the Doctors at the same time, and destroying the universe as well. Adam, deciding that he did not want the universe destroyed, fought back against the Master, eventually destroying the computer in an explosion that engulfed him. After the Master escaped, the Doctors forgave Adam's crimes as he died and buried him outside his time palace, with the inscriptions "Adam Mitchell, A Companion True." (COMIC: Prisoners of Time)

The Doctor and his previous incarnations. (COMIC: Dead Man's Hand)

Arriving in 1882 Deadwood, the Doctor met Oscar Wilde, and discovered that the Earth was on trial by Es'Cartrss of the Tactire, a foe who the Doctor thought he had defeated in his previous incarnation, in a plan that involved resurrecting dead people, including Wild Bill Hickok. However, the Doctor defeated these revived people, and entered into the T'keyn Nexus in order to defend himself in the trial, with all his incarnations appearing inside it to defend himself. Winning over the trial, Es'Cartrss was apprehended by the T'keyn and swore further revenge on the Doctor. After this, the Doctor and Clara decided to take a trip to Shoreditch. (COMIC: Dead Man's Hand)

The Doctor under his mental state as "John Smith." (COMIC: John Smith and the Common Men)

The Doctor and Clara were attacked by a mind parasite who fed off the "hellscape" dreams they created in their minds where the victims visualised "the worst thing they could ever imagine". In the Doctor's dream, he lived the life of a coward in a bureaucratic job, where the parasite, calling itself Mr. Waites, appeared to be a human boss who promoted the Doctor to assistant mediator to deal with members of the public the Doctor was unable to help. The Doctor and Clara were able to escape from their dreams as they knew something was wrong about them. Clara woke the other victims of Mr. Waites by removing them from his tendrils, while the Doctor attached Waites' tendril to Waites' mind, destroying him. (COMIC: John Smith and the Common Men)

Arriving in Shoreditch, on 23rd November, 1963, the Doctor and Clara discovered a creature called the Shroud had entered Earth soon after the assassination of President Kennedy, and was feeding off of people's grief all around the world. The Doctor and Clara stopped the alien before it could take over the planet, and the whole event was written off as a chemical attack. (PROSE: Shroud of Sorrow)

Revisiting the Time War

Reuniting with Clara after her working hours, the Doctor was contacted by Kate Stewart and UNIT, who transported the TARDIS to the National Gallery via helicopter. He saw the credentials of Elizabeth I, a 3-D portrait entitled Gallifrey Falls, which showed the fall of Gallifrey's second city, Arcadia, during the Last Great Time War. Disturbed by the painting's existence on Earth, the Doctor was then taken by Kate to see figures had disappeared from paintings.

However, a time fissure opened, and the Doctor was transported back to 1562, where he met his previous incarnation, who was investigating Zygon activity. Both incarnations were then met by the War Doctor, who had also travelled through the time fissure. However, before they could work out why they'd been thrown together, they were then arrested by the guards of Elizabeth I, who was apparently being impersonated by a Zygon. The three Doctors were imprisoned in the Tower of London, where the Eleventh Doctor inscribed numbers in the cell which would enable the vortex manipulator UNIT possessed to be activated. Clara used this to travel back to 1562 and met the three Doctors. Elizabeth showed them the Zygons were hiding in pictures until Earth was more suitable for conquest, and also revealed she had killed her Zygon impersonator and been impersonating it. She then married the reluctant Tenth Doctor, who left in the TARDIS with his past and future selves and Clara.

The two Doctors negotiate a solution between humans and Zygons against the countdown of a nuclear option. (TV: The Day of the Doctor)

Back in the 21st century, Kate had activated the countdown to a nuclear warhead inside the Black Archive that would prevent the Zygons taking over the world, but also destroy London. As the TARDIS was unable to enter the Archive, the Doctors called Kate on the space-time telegraph that he had given to Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart in his fourth incarnation, but she refused to halt the countdown. The War Doctor then had the idea to have the Eleventh Doctor call UNIT officer McGillop in the past to move Gallifrey Falls to the Black Archive. The three Doctors and Clara froze themselves in the painting and forced their way out as Kate and her Zygon double argued over the countdown. The three Doctors caused everybody else in the room, save Clara, to forget whether they were Zygon or not, causing both Kates to stop the countdown and begin work on a treaty.(TV: The Day of the Doctor Secretly, he gave the Osgood Box to Osgood and her Zygon double to prepare for a possible Zygon uprising. (TV: The Zygon Invasion) The War Doctor travelled back to the Time War to use the Moment to destroy Gallifrey, having realised how many lives his regret had saved.

The Doctor deactivates the Moment to show his past selves there is still a chance to rescue Gallifrey. (TV: The Day of the Doctor)

However, the Tenth and Eleventh Doctors followed him back to use the Moment with him, until Clara tearfully objected and the Moment projected an image of the war around them while the Doctors were reminded by Clara of who they were. The Eleventh Doctor decided not to use the Moment and formed a plan to save Gallifrey; by making Gallifrey disappear, and with the Daleks firing on Gallifrey being destroyed in the crossfire, it would appear to the rest of the universe that they had annihilated each other. Calling all his previous incarnations, and a future incarnation, to use all their TARDISes to save Gallifrey, the Eleventh Doctor's plan worked, and Gallifrey was sent into a different universe.

The Doctor meets a stranger with a familiar face. (TV: The Day of the Doctor)

The Doctor later met up with the War and Tenth Doctors in the National Gallery, unaware if they had succeeded or failed in saving Gallifrey. The previous Doctors left, knowing they wouldn't remember these events as the timeline was out of synch. Finally rid of the pain and guilt that the war had left him with and now knowing the real truth, the elated Doctor met the familiar looking Curator of the Gallery, who explained that the two titles of the painting, No More and Gallifrey Falls were in fact one title — Gallifrey Falls No More. Realising that the attempt at freezing Gallifrey worked, the Curator explained to the Doctor that Gallifrey was lost and the Doctor had "a lot to do" and congratulated the Doctor. The Curator also hinted that he was a future incarnation of the Doctor. (TV: The Day of the Doctor)

Final adventures

This article needs to be updated.

Info from Into the Nowhere, T-Shirt Terror, Robot vs Robot, Jungle Jam & Swarm needs to be added

These omissions are so great that the article's factual accuracy has been compromised. Check out the discussion page and revision history for further clues about what needs to be updated in this article.

The Doctor and Clara arrived on a space cargo freighter in 2269 and helped inexperienced crewmember Hogan to stop the freighter from crashing onto Lunar City Six, but the Doctor unleashed a Garaman, a creature made from pure written language who had been rewriting the ship's manual. The Doctor stopped it from thriving on its feed for chaos by locking the TARDIS' telepathic circuits and scrambling the telepathic circuits, making the Garaman unable to understand itself, as the Doctor and Hogan jettisoned it into space. (COMIC: By the Book)

While swimming on Florana, the Doctor and Clara were dragged to an underwater craft by the Teuthida, who had been greatly affected by the noise on the surface, but the Doctor persuaded them to use their protective suits to join in the fun instead of harming the tourists. (COMIC: Creatures from the Deep)

The Doctor was pursued by robots working for the Glorious Robot King of Eternal Dynasty, who had been defeated by his future current self and wanted revenge. However, he saved himself by sending them after his future self. (COMIC: Invaders of the Vortex)

Afterwards, the Doctor and Clara then investigated disappearances on a windswept moor, finding giant spiders had been collecting humans as artefacts by putting them in a suspended sleep. After releasing the humans, the Doctor left the spiders on an asteroid in deep space. (COMIC: A Tangled Web)

The Doctor dodges balls thrown by the ball-pit monster. (COMIC: Ball-Pit Beast)

The Doctor and Clara next ended up on the Drop Zone asteroid, an intergalactic nursery, in 2936 and discovered the low-level comfort field that covered the asteroid had created a child-like monster from the emotions of children who wanted to play with their absent parents. The Doctor stopped the robot nannies from destroying the comfort field and brought everyone on the asteroid together. (COMIC: Ball-Pit Beast)

After answering a mystery message, the Doctor and Clara encountered a group who were worshippers of his TARDIS after hearing numerous legends of "the blue box". However, they thought the Doctor and Clara were parasites feeding off the legend of the TARDIS and plotted to kill them in a sacred disposal chamber. Clara dissuaded them from doing so by telling them the Doctor protected the TARDIS. After leaving the worshippers, the Doctor remarked that he was the TARDIS' biggest fan. (COMIC: Fans)

In New York City, The Doctor and Clara discovered Snark using a psychic transmitter to influence and control those around him, making himself an idol who people were in awe of. With no-one to stop him, Snark planned to sell the mineral wealth of Earth to buy himself many other worlds. However, the Doctor stopped him and stripped him of his famous status by destroying the psychic transmitter hidden in Snark's basement. (COMIC: Universally Known)

While being pursued by an array of alien creatures, the Doctor worked out that the aliens would never ally with each other, and discovered he and Clara were actually in a virtual reality simulation created by a Thrill-Seeker, who got a buzz from the excitement generated by their minds. He closed the machine and took Clara and the Thrill Seeker comet surfing to give them both a "real thrill", (COMIC: Thrill-Seeker) and then reversed the polarity of an alien shop beneath the River Thames to unthaw 1997 London. (COMIC: Wintervention)

The Doctor and Clara encountered Woodlice creatures in a Time Tree, (COMIC: A Long Way Down) and later visited the Arboretum, a giant interstellar greenhouse and stopped the Paranox Web from eating all the plant-life. (COMIC: The Killer Weed)

The Doctor and Clara visited a village called Eternity Springs, and discovered the water spring had granted the villagers eternal life, but also reduced them to a mutated form. Unable to escape, the Doctor used his sonic screwdriver to drain the spring's power, and, with the villagers obsessed with saving it, the two travelers slipped away in the TARDIS. (COMIC: Eternity Springs)

The Doctor and Clara travelled through realities to the Obsidian Mainframe, having been summoned by the Kindred of Fel, who were being auctioned off as slaves. The Doctor outbid everyone for the Kindred, but unable to pay, he put the TARDIS up for auction so that the resulting bids would overflow the mainframe, allowing Clara to release the Kindred. However, the Doctor's victory was short when he failed to stop the sale of his TARDIS. It dematerialised, leaving him and Clara stranded. (COMIC: Pay the Piper)

The Doctor and Clara went to a Cornucopia airport to try find their way home, where they witnessed a girl called Keli dissolve herself with a pill, bearing a triangular symbol on her hand. Meeting up with Amy Johnson and Horaito again, they learnt that the triangular symbol was the mark of Azrael, a necrotist who passed on his skills and memories through his mask. After learning Azrael was in posession of his TARDIS, the Doctor recruited Annabel Lake to help him find it after learning she and Danny Fisher had been hacking the Mainframe for information on bidders. With their help, the Doctor found that Azrael's winning bid came from the Halion Nebula, and the trio set off in a portal to the Wasting Well, Azrael's world, where they were caught in an explosion and knocked out when trying to track Azrael's location. However, when the Doctor and Annabel recovered, they learnt Danny was really Azrael, who had coated the TARDIS in the deadly Mercy energy and planned to use it to destroy Cornucopia, fuelled by his hatred of the Doctor and all he stood for. Annabel finally forgave the Doctor for the past by freeing him and killing Danny. The Doctor grabbed the TARDIS as it took off and was able to convince it to come back to him and destroy the Mercy. He then parted ways with the Lake family on good terms and went to celebrate in a Cornucopian carnival with Clara, Amy and Horaito. (COMIC: The Blood of Azrael)

After dropping Clara off at home again, the Doctor went to the Maldovarium and bought Handles, the head of a decapitated Cyberman, who became his companion and aide, usually when the TARDIS' teleportation system was required. (TV: The Time of the Doctor)

The siege of Trenzalore

The Doctor and Clara face the Weeping Angels. (TV: The Time of the Doctor)

Eventually, the Doctor, along with thousands of other ships, discovered a mysterious message being broadcast across the universe from a planet. After boarding both Dalek and Cyberman ships to find out more, and barely managing to escape, he visited Clara at Christmas and met her family to pose as her boyfriend. After helping her prepare Christmas dinner, the Doctor and Clara travelled to the Papal Mainframe, where the Doctor met up with Tasha Lem, an old friend of his. Tasha sent the Doctor and Clara to a town on the planet, Christmas, to investigate the message.

Arrving at the town's clock tower, the Doctor was horrified to find a crack in time, through which the message was being broadcast - "Doctor Who?". The Doctor found it was the Time Lords, trapped in a pocket universe, trying to get out. If he spoke his name they would come out, but then the other ships would descend on the planet, beginning a new Time War. He then found the planet was in fact Trenzalore, centuries before his and Clara's first visit. He finally discovered this was the meaning of the "Silence Will Fall" prediction and was why the Silence had tried to kill him for such a long time.

Realising the battle that lay ahead of him, the Doctor tricked Clara into going home in the TARDIS, but she clung on to the exterior and the TARDIS didn't return due to extending its force field to protect Clara. With his ship gone, the Doctor lived on Trenzalore for 300 years, defending the planet against Daleks, Cybermen, Weeping Angels and Sontarans, in what was known as the Siege of Trenzalore. During this time, Handles was the Doctor's only companion, but he was forced to keep repairing him without the necessary spare parts. (TV: The Time of the Doctor)

During this siege, he prevented Lord Ssardak and his Ice Warriors, Essbur and Zontan, from burying Christmas through an avalanche, (PROSE: Let it Snow) lost his left leg fighting a blind Tsunami Snake and replaced it with a wooden one he whittled, (PROSE: The Dreaming) and battled a Krynoid with the help of ten-year-old boy Theol Willoughby and the townspeople of Christmas. After the Krynoid's defeat, Theol made a special walking stick for the Doctor in memory of the farmer Pieter who had been taken over by the Krynoid the walking stick was made from. (PROSE: An Apple a Day...) On a later occasion, the Doctor fought the Autons in the Outland. (PROSE: Strangers in the Outland)

A much older Doctor reunites with Clara after spending three hundred years on Trenzalore. (TV: The Time of the Doctor)

When the TARDIS returned with Clara clinging onto the door, he and Clara reconciled, and watched the short dawn as Handles broke down completely, which reduced the Doctor to tears. The Doctor and Clara returned to the Papal Mainframe, discovering it was now the Church of the Silence. There, he discovered Tasha and her crew had been killed and turned into Dalek puppets, but Tasha was able to retain her mind and fought back against the Daleks, but was unable to stop them damaging the Papal Mainframe's shielding, allowing all out war on Trenzalore. Not wanting her to die in battle, the Doctor tricked Clara back home again.

After this, the Doctor spent a further 600 years on Trenzalore and fought back-to-back with his former enemies, the Silents, and eventually all but the Daleks were destroyed or retreated. (TV: The Time of the Doctor) The Doctor defeated the Krotons after a grain warehouse was destroyed and the villagers hiding inside were killed, with the loss of life standing as a reminder for the townspeople that the Doctor could not save everyone. With his mind now deteriorating from old age, the Doctor encountered the Mara, who attempted to make a new body for itself, but was defeated when it melted from the salt-flavoured snow. (PROSE: The Dreaming)

The fall of the eleventh

"If you want my life... Come. And. GET IT!" The Doctor dares the Daleks to take his life after being granted a new cycle of regenerations. (TV: The Time of the Doctor)

As the Doctor began ageing to death, Tasha returned Clara to Trenzalore, not wanting the Doctor to die alone. Though very close to dying from old age, the Doctor still refused to leave Christmas or release the Time Lords. Realising he would die soon anyway with no means of survival, the Doctor decided to surrender to the Daleks.

At the top of Christmas' clock tower, the Doctor accepted his fate, knowing that he had no weapons or any regenerations left to him. However, seconds after he admitted this to the Daleks, and they as the began their final attack on the town, another crack from Gallifrey opened in the sky, and the Time Lords granted the Doctor a new cycle of regenerations, Clara having appealed to them to aid the Doctor. Recovering from the initial shock of seeing his hands glowing with regenerative energy for the thirteenth time, the Doctor taunted the Daleks before using the explosive discharge of energy from his hands to destroy their fighter pods, before channelling the remaining energy to destroy the saucer above the clock tower, accompanied by a triumphant shout of "Love from Gallifrey, boys!" The shock-wave resulting from his regenerative energy was so powerful, it obliterated the Daleks' ground forces, and even rocked the TARDIS. (TV: The Time of the Doctor)


The Doctor reassures a future Clara about his new incarnation. (TV: Deep Breath)

His youth temporarily restored due to the regenerative "reset", the Doctor returned to his TARDIS, where he quickly changed out of his battered old clothes, and dragged the still-unpatched TARDIS telephone handset from the exterior call box into the control room. (TV: The Time of the Doctor) Knowing that, even with his youth restored, he was still going to regenerate, the Doctor took a moment to call Clara's future self, asking her to stay with the Twelfth Doctor, assuring her that the Twelfth Doctor was still him, but that he would be even more scared of the transformation than she was. Disappointed to learn he would become older in his next incarnation, and dismayed when Clara confirmed that his successor had grey hair, the Doctor told Clara that he would need her more than ever in his new body. (TV: Deep Breath)

The Doctor sees Amelia wish him goodnight. (TV: The Time of the Doctor)

When the present Clara arrived in the TARDIS, the Doctor confirmed that he was still regenerating, with his current return to youth just his body resetting itself in preparation for the new cycle of regenerations. Finally free to leave Trenzalore now that the siege had ended, the Doctor set the TARDIS in-flight and, reminiscing about this incarnation, he enjoyed one last bowl of fish custard and made a promise to never to forget "when the Doctor was me", while experiencing hallucination of "the first face this face saw" - Amy Pond, who wished her "Raggedy man, Goodnight."

The Doctor smiles one last time, immediately before his regeneration. (TV: The Time of the Doctor)

As a sign of his changing days, the Doctor then removed his bow tie and dropped it to the floor. With a final smile to Clara, the process begun. Clara tearfully objected, reaching for him and begging him not to change, but, after one last reassuring "Hey...", he suddenly regenerated, in a quick burst, into his next incarnation (TV: The Time of the Doctor) subconsciously choosing to change into Lobus Caecilius's form to remind himself that he "saved people." (TV: The Girl Who Died)

Undated events

  • The Eleventh Doctor and Amy encountered a king who had a robot duplicate of himself. While initially thinking that the robot had lost its head, it turned out the be the actual king; the Doctor somehow managed to reattach his head while keeping him alive. (TV: The Doctor's Wife)
  • The Doctor took River Song on a birthday outing that involved Stevie Wonder playing at a frost fair in 1814 London. (TV: A Good Man Goes to War)
  • The Eleventh Doctor visited and attempted to terraform the planet Golrandonvar for human colonists, but discovered the terraforming would wipe out the native race, the Thara, and helped to defend the planet. (PROSE: The Roots of Evil)

Alternate timelines

Multi-Doctor event

In the version of time where the alternate Gabby Gonzalez hailed from, the Doctor returned to the café, and overheard a conversation Alice was having with two girls claiming to be companions of the Doctor. One of them, Clara Oswald, warned of an event where the Doctor's previous and next incarnations would all meet with him. The Doctor broke into the conversation at the exact same moment as his tenth incarnation, who initially did not believe he was his real successor, until a scan by his sonic screwdriver confirmed it. The Twelfth Doctor then entered the café, annoyed at Clara for going behind his back. The Tenth and Twelfth Doctors broke into an argument, which caused a spark of the Blinovitch Limitation Effect between them. As the three Doctors realised that they had all caused a paradox within a fixed point in time, a flock of Reapers appeared.

The Doctor and his successor begin a chain of the Blinovitch Limitation Effect. (COMIC: Four Doctors)

The Reapers singled out the Eleventh Doctor for pursuit, and he was able to lead them away while the other Doctors and companions made it to the his TARDIS, which the Reapes had cut off from them. Once he met up with them, the three Doctors channeled the effect's energy through each other to restore the TARDIS. After being chased through the TARDIS, the Twelfth Doctor used the controls of the Tenth Doctor's control room to expel the Reapers and send everyone back to their own TARDIS. (COMIC: Four Doctors)

While Clara, Alice and Gabby went elsewhere, (COMIC: The Meeting) the three Doctors participated in an open microphone night, (COMIC: Open Mic Night) for some "me time" that Clara had recommended. (COMIC: Four Doctors) While the Eleventh Doctor tried to tell observational humour on the concept of observational humour, the Twelfth Doctor left after the audience did not take to his set up. (COMIC: Open Mic Night) The Doctors then tried their hand at classical comedy, though the twelfth incarnation's sense of humour turned sour, to which the tenth incarnation turned apologetic for. (COMIC: The Doctors Do... Classic Comedy)

Back in Paris, Clara revealed that the three Doctors had had an encounter on the planet Marinus in the circumstances of a catastrophic event. Unable to contain their curiosity, the Doctors travelled to Marinus to find out what would happen. There, after they were attacked by a mysterious beam, the Doctors began bickering and inadvertently ended up in the pose for the photo.

Forced to split off into groups in a maze by their attackers, the Eleventh Doctor found himself with Clara, and, noting that she was familiar with him in particular, admitted to her that he was relieved to know he was no longer in his last incarnation. Navigating the maze, the six met up at the middle of the maze, where a continuity bomb detonated and turned them all into time ghosts, traveling to different timelines made by the Doctors' decisions. After seeing a timeline where the Tenth Doctor never sacrificed himself to save Wilfred Mott, the Eleventh Doctor saw a timeline where he and River were a married couple in a world where it was always 22 April 2011. They moved onwards to the Twelfth Doctor's future, where he had become a bitter hermit after being betrayed by Clara. In order to escape from the loop, the Doctors committed to the twelfth incarnation's future, as it seemed to be the least dangerous of the three, so the Twelfth Doctor poked his alternate self to become whole again. The alternative Twelfth Doctor was surprised to see Clara again, but recognised everyone else and agreed to give everyone a lift, which the Eleventh Doctor accepted on everyone's behalf. They materialised in a small pocket universe and were approached by the Voord, who offered the alternative Twelfth Doctor a capsule. All of them were horrified to see the alternative Doctor merge with the suit, revealing that he planned all of this from the start and that he was the leader of the Voord.

After the alternative Twelfth Doctor revealed how he found companionship and healing in the Voord city, and had arranged the meeting of the Doctors to ensure his timeline would be whole, which the Tenth and Eleventh Doctors found a very timey wimey plan, he announced his intent to erase the Gabby, Alice and their Doctors' memories of the event, but implant mental commands in the Twelfth Doctor and Clara's minds to ensure they would fall out in the betrayal, allowing the Twelfth Doctor to become his alternate self and lead the Voord on a universal conquest. As they were being led to have their memories altered, the Tenth Doctor tried to kill himself by jumping off a ledge in a distraction, allowing the Eleventh Doctor to deactivate the six's handcuffs. During a brief struggle, during which the Eleventh Doctor dropped his sonic screwdriver and comics, Gabby and Alice were able to escape, with Gabby accidently taking the Doctor's comics with her. The Doctors and Clara were then taken to the Conscience, where the alternative Twelfth Doctor altered their memories, and sent them back to their own universe to live out their new destinies.

After Alice was killed trying to get back to the TARDIS, Gabby began to frantically open the Doctor's comics in the hope they could help her. Much to her horror, inside the bundle was a miniature Weeping Angel, which grew to full size and sent her back in her own personal timeline to the café before the three Doctors arrived to greet their companions. Gabby warned the companions of what would occur if things went they way they had before, before fading from existence. (COMIC: Four Doctors)

Living in River Song's world

The Doctor lives in peace as the universe dies. (COMIC: Four Doctors)

In an alternative timeline envisioned by a continuity bomb, the Doctor allowed River to prevent his death at Lake Silencio. The two then married and settled down for a domestic life in River Song's World, where time was frozen and all of history was happening at once. Even though he could feel the universe dying from this, the Doctor decided not to care about it. This timeline never saw fruition as the bomb was confused by the presence of three Doctors within it at once. (COMIC: Four Doctors)

TARDIS salvaged

The Doctor and Clara stand in the heart of the TARDIS. (TV: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS)

While trying to teach Clara how to operate the TARDIS, the time machine was caught in a magnetic hobble-field from a space salvage ship, operated by the Van Baalen Bros. The TARDIS was successfully captured by the Van Baalen Bros., causing the TARDIS to leak the past and future. In the confusion, the Doctor made it out of the TARDIS, while Clara ended up lost in it, her hand burnt from a mysterious device she touched beforehand. After taking the remote control for the magno-grab out of Gregor's pocket, the Doctor forced the brothers, Gregor, Bram and Tricky, to help him find her by putting the TARDIS in lock-down and setting a non-existent self-destruct program.

Despite the Doctor's warnings, Gregor convinced Bram to salvage the console. While doing so, Bram was killed by a Time zombie, and the remaining three ended up in an echo of the console room. Discovering Clara in another echo room, the Doctor pulled her to safety from being killed by another zombie, and revealed the apparent self-destruct program had been a ruse, but found the engines had become unstable due to time leakage triggered by the incident, requiring a trip to the engine room to fix the problem.

While travelling through the Eye of Harmony, the quartet were trapped by the zombies. The Doctor revealed the zombies were echoes of himself and the others, burnt by the Eye. Gregor and Tricky ended up turning into them, and the Doctor and Clara were forced to run away from them, ending up in a chasm. Believing they were going to die, the Doctor admitted that he knew her two previous incarnations and demanded to know what she really was. Clara didn't understand anything, leading the Doctor to deduce to himself there couldn't be a connection.

Realising the chasm wasn't really a chasm, but the TARDIS "snarling", the duo jumped from the chasm, ending up in the engine room. The Doctor found that the burn marks on Clara's hand had formed words: "Big friendly button". The Doctor realised they needed to go back to the point of the disaster and activate the magno-grab remote, which had caused the burn marks on Clara's hand before, to stop the field and prevent the disaster. After he promised Clara that she wouldn't remember any of the events that had happened, the Doctor passed through a time rift to give the device to his past self. After instructing his past self to use the device, the future Doctor disappeared back through the rift.

After the younger Doctor pressed the button, the TARDIS disappeared, escaping the Van Baalens and preventing its engine failure. (TV: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS) The Doctor later displayed knowledge of both timelines. (TV: The Name of the Doctor)

In a different version of this alternative timeline, the Doctor was turned into a Time zombie when exposed to the Eye of Harmony along with Clara Oswald, Gregor Van Baalen and Tricky Van Baalen. (TV: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS)

Died on Trenzalore

The Doctor's corpse. (TV: The Name of the Doctor)

In an alternate timeline where the Time Lords never gave the Doctor more regenerations, the Doctor died on Trenzalore and was buried in a giant tomb made out of his own dying TARDIS. The tomb was surrounded by a battlefield graveyard containing the fallen from the Siege of Trenzalore, with the size of each gravestone proportionate to the rank of the buried soldier, the TARDIS being the largest. The planet itself became a desolate wasteland covered with molten cracks, and without its original rings or moons, all of them destroyed. The Doctor and Clara visited this future, due to the Great Intelligence forcing them to visit the Doctor's grave by kidnapping Jenny, Strax and Vastra. The Doctor stated that his grave in this timeline was the one place he must never visit as a time traveler. (TV: The Name of the Doctor)

After landing on Trenzalore, the Doctor quickly realized he was on a path towards this future but was ultimately unable to save himself, unwilling to abandon the planet to its fate to save himself. With the Doctor on the verge of death, Clara convinced the Time Lords to grant him a new regeneration cycle. With the Daleks destroyed by his regeneration energy and Trenzalore saved, the Doctor was able to survive and depart the planet. In doing so, the Doctor changed this future, leaving him as the Twelfth Doctor and Trenzalore as it was when he arrived. (TV: The Time of the Doctor)

Psychological profile


An upset Doctor plays on some swings. (TV: The Bells of Saint John: A Prequel)

The Eleventh Doctor was energetic, lively, eccentric, resourceful, and quick-thinking, able to spin things to his point of view and find positive outlooks in negative situations, (TV: The Eleventh Hour) and, while he preferred to settle problems through negotiation rather than violence, (TV: The Hungry Earth) he was willing to result to violence when he deemed it necessary. (TV: The Time of the Doctor)

More childish in nature than his previous incarnations, the Doctor frequently defined himself as a "a mad man with a box", (TV: The Eleventh Hour) and was too childish for the psychic paper to register him as a "mature and responsible adult". (TV: A Christmas Carol) His inner-child was most prominent when traveling with his in-laws, Amy Pond and Rory Williams, with the duo often taking a parental responsibility over him. (TV: The Power of Three, The Angels Take Manhattan) After a bout with depression in Victorian era London, the Doctor began to behave more maturely, (TV: The Snowmen) preparing extensively, calculating the odds and calling for help when needed, but still maintained a child-like outlook on life.[source needed] After he had saved Gallifrey, he pointedly chose to stay on Trenzalore and age into an old man, as if unconsciously deciding to grow up. (TV: The Time of the Doctor)

Much like his second incarnation, the Eleventh Doctor showed a childlike recklessness, but always had a grand scheme behind his actions. (TV: The Vampires of Venice) He was often deceptive and manipulative: lying, habitually putting elaborate plans in place and executing them, even if his plans emotionally hurt his loved ones. (TV: The Almost People, The Girl Who Waited, The Wedding of River Song) He thought aloud when he was panicking or stressed, and tended to babble about what he knew about a current situation to come up with a plan, believing that he would have one when he finished talking. (TV: The Pandorica Opens)

The Doctor entertains children in the toy department. (TV: Closing Time)

The Doctor was admired by children for his eccentric, tender, playful and childlike personality. (TV: The Eleventh Hour, The Hungry Earth, Closing Time, The Rings of Akhaten, The Time of the Doctor) He showed a great deal of compassion for children, unable to resist helping if one was upset or scared, (TV: The Beast Below, Night Terrors, The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe) and being greatly irritated when he found children, such as Yalala Gluck, unattended. (PROSE: Strangers in the Outland) He also showed great sympathy for those who had suffered terribly at the hands of others. (TV: The Beast Below, A Town Called Mercy)

Much like his previous incarnation, the Doctor felt his age when it took him a longer time to figure things out. (TV: Vincent and the Doctor, The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe) Because of his age, he was sometimes pessimistic, looking at the negative things about life. (TV: Closing Time) However, he admitted he could see the positive things with help from companions. (HOMEVID: Meanwhile in the TARDIS)

The Doctor reads while the Ponds enjoy Central Park. (TV: The Angels Take Manhattan)

The Doctor was extremely impatient, (TV: Vincent and the Doctor) needing to keep himself entertained because he'd "lose his mind out of boredom", and had a poor concept of time, doing a serious of tasks in an hour without realising the amount of time that had passed. (TV: The Power of Three) Despite his child-like impatience, he enjoyed reading. (TV: The Angels Take Manhattan) After a growth in maturity, the Doctor's patience increased, to the extent that he eventually settled down in the town of Christmas on the planet Trenzalore for nine hundred years. (TV: The Time of the Doctor; PROSE: Tales of Trenzalore: The Eleventh Doctor's Last Stand)

When things looked bleakest, he liked to have those around him focus on hope and survival, usually with reverse psychology and brutal honesty. (TV: Flesh and Stone, The Lodger) When thinking about how to solve a problem, the Doctor blocked out all outside distractions, even his companions' comments. (TV: Flesh and Stone) He fully expected his companions to disobey him, as most his previous ones had, (TV: The Beast Below) and was surprised when Clara Oswald listened to his instructions. (TV: Cold War) He also took a liking to people who were observant and good at making deductions, (TV: The God Complex; PROSE: An Apple a Day..., The Dreaming) but disliked being around people who were too slow to figure things out. (TV: Dinosaurs on a Spaceship)

Openly describing himself as "obsessive compulsive", (TV: The Time of the Doctor) the Doctor was known to let his curiosity over enigmas get the better of him, often putting himself and others in harms way for answers. (TV: Flesh and Stone, Cold Blood, Closing Time) His insistence on solving mysterious also led him to take on Amy Pond and Clara Oswald as companions. (TV: The Pandorica Opens, The Big Bang, The Bells of Saint John)

When facing a personal problem, or when seeing a situation as too dangerous for his companions, the Doctor would demand they return to the TARDIS, (TV: The Vampires of Venice) or would leave them in the safest place possible. (TV: Victory of the Daleks) At times, he would trick them into doing so, (TV: The Doctor's Wife) or have someone else return them to safety for him. (TV: A Good Man Goes to War)

Much like his sixth incarnation, the Eleventh Doctor was willing to sacrifice himself for the greater good, closing the Time Fields knowing he would end up on the wrong side and be erased from reality, (TV: The Big Bang) and would have blown up the Firebird to keep the Earth from being destroyed by Skaldak. (TV: Cold War) He often put aside his own safety if his companions were endangered, risking the collapse his entire time stream to get Clara back. (TV: The Name of the Doctor)

Despite his willingness to sacrifice himself, and the fact that he cared deeply about his companions, the Doctor admitted that he could be selfish at times, telling Amy that he had taken her with him because he was vain and wanted to be adored. (TV: The God Complex) The Doctor also showed arrogance at times, though his arrogance was a façade to hide his insecurities, (TV: The Beast Below, The Wedding of River Song) and the guilt he felt over ruining his past companions' lives. (TV: Let's Kill Hitler)

The Doctor also showed a fondness for music, and claimed to have played with various composers and musicians. (TV: Asylum of the Daleks, Dinosaurs on a Spaceship) Amy Pond even once caught him attempting to conceal a Euphonium behind his back. (HOMEVID: Good Night) He also liked music more contemporary, at one time visiting a studio to contribute some urban backing vocals. (WC: Pond Life) However, he appeared to greatly dislike the "Chicken Dance", even grimacing upon hearing it. (TV: The Power of Three) He also had a fondness for strange words, such as "Shenanagins", "Toggle", "Vim" and "vigour". (TV: The Almost People, Hide; PROSE: The Dreaming)

The Doctor's underlying anger (TV: Cold Blood)

Despite all of the above, the Eleventh Doctor didn't think of himself as a good man, (TV: A Good Man Goes to War) seeming more susceptible to changes in personality; he grew more vicious, unforgiving, and developed a short temper when he didn't have company to restrain his dark side. (TV: A Town Called Mercy) He could also be ruthless at times, and would strike down those who committed horrific acts. (TV: Day of the Moon, The Doctor's Wife, A Good Man Goes to War, Dinosaurs on a Spaceship)

The Doctor prepares to shoot a gravity globe. (TV: The Time of Angels)

Though he showed disdain for them, claiming they "made people stupid", (COMIC: Assimilation²) the Eleventh Doctor lost his predecessor's complete aversion to guns, being willing to use them in a non-harmful ways, such as shooting a gravity globe to allow himself and several others to escape from the Weeping Angels, (TV: The Time of Angels) and to threaten his adversaries, holding one on Kahler-Jex to force him to surrender to the Gunslinger. (TV: A Town Called Mercy) He also disliked knives, but believed them useful for spreading butter and jam on crumpets. (PROSE: The Dreaming) However, in his later years, especially during the Siege of Trenzalore, he would use violence more frequently. (TV: The Time of the Doctor; PROSE: Strangers in the Outland)

The Doctor also had a very distrusting nature, especially towards River Song. (TV: The Impossible Astronaut) However, the two eventually grew to love one another, even marrying on the battlefield of a broken timeline. (TV: The Wedding of River Song) The Doctor came to love River so much that he couldn't bear to think of her death and the prospects of never seeing his eccentric wife again. (TV: The Name of the Doctor) He also delayed what he knew to be their final date for as long as possible to keep from losing her, repeatedly canceling them going to Darilium. He had also given River a diary with just enough pages for their adventures, knowing how many pages she would need in the end. (TV: The Husbands of River Song)

His lack of trust in others was also shown by the way he acted with Clara Oswald. Although he was nice to her whenever they were together, the Doctor grew brooding and suspicious whenever Clara's back was turned, (TV: The Rings of Akhaten, Hide) until he finally confronted Clara about her impossible nature, and realised that Clara genuinely had no idea that she had lived other lives and was very happy to find out that she wasn't part of whatever had happened to her. (TV: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS) This also led the Doctor to think of Clara as a person and not just a puzzle that needed solving, leading him to start trusting her. (TV: Nightmare in Silver). The Twelfth Doctor later indicated that the Eleventh Doctor thought of himself as Clara's boyfriend as the Twelfth Doctor clarified to Clara that "I'm not your boyfriend" and that it wasn't her mistake he was referring to when he said that (TVDeep Breath)

The Eleventh Doctor had a tendency towards self-loathing for his actions, realising that the Dream Lord was an aspect of his unconscious because "nobody in the universe could hate [him] as much as [he did]." (TV: Amy's Choice) He also hated himself for being merciful due to the deaths that always followed, seeing that victims of the Saxon Master and the Daleks could have been saved if he hadn't been so merciful to them. (TV: A Town Called Mercy) He was also more self-deprecating than his predecessors, stating "there must be someone's life I haven't screwed up yet" when thinking about past companions. (TV: Let's Kill Hitler) In an imaginary interrogation session with his previous numbered incarnations, the Doctor imagined them all leaving him in disgust and disgrace after he made the claim that he always left things better than he found them - while attempting to defend himself over an accusation of wiping out generations of the Overcast during the Time War. (COMIC: Pull to Open)

The eleventh incarnation also had an intense sadness that was almost an exhausted pain, as though his hearts had taken too much strain over the years. (COMIC: Hunters of the Burning Stone) After losing Amy and Rory, he fell into a depression that even the Paternoster Gang could not get him out of, vowing never to help the universe again after becoming fed up of losing everything, until he met Clara Oswin Oswald. (TV: The Great Detective, The Snowmen) When he interrogated Alaya, the Doctor revealed that he still felt the loneliness of being the last of his kind. (TV: The Hungry Earth) When the Doctor was given a ray of hope that he wasn't the last of the Time Lords, and it turned out to be a trap, he began to tear up. He also expressed a desire to be forgiven for what he had done in the Time War. (TV: The Doctor's Wife)

The Eleventh Doctor also felt distressed when the subject of his future came into question, stating that he "did not like endings". (TV: The Angels Take Manhattan) Reflecting on bygone times or thinking about a season of his life coming to a close saddened him, especially if it concerned his own mortality. (TV: The Name of the Doctor) Despite his dislike of looking back on his previous lives, he was comfortable with keeping mementos of his past. (TV: Vincent and the Doctor, Death of the Doctor; GAME: TARDIS, The Gunpowder Plot)

The Doctor rages at a Dalek. (TV: Victory of the Daleks)

The Eleventh Doctor was very hostile to the Daleks, more so than his predecessors, saying they were "the worst thing[s] in all creation" and attacking one to provoke it into revealing its true nature to Winston Churchill. (TV: Victory of the Daleks) He showed considerable brutality towards them and seemed to take sadistic pleasure in destroying them. (TV: The Wedding of River Song) He was also disgusted when he learned the Daleks considered hatred to be beautiful, having previously thought they had "run out of ways to make [him] sick". However, the Doctor felt genuine pity for Oswin Oswald after he realised that she had been turned into a Dalek and, although he told her that she was no longer human, he still treated her as such due to her still retaining her humanity. He was grateful to her for allowing him and his friends to escape and reluctant to leave her behind, only doing so when she ordered him to run. (TV: Asylum of the Daleks)

During his time on Trenzalore, the Doctor grew to love the people of the town of Christmas, (PROSE: The Dreaming) repairing and building toys for the town's children, (TV: The Time of the Doctor) as well as becoming a parental and protective figure to them, (PROSE: Strangers in the Outland, The Dreaming) telling them tales of his exploits, making an ice skating ring for them, (PROSE: An Apple a Day...) celebrating his victories with them, receiving drawings of his achievements, teaching them the Drunk Giraffe Dance and being the center of the celebrations group hugs. (TV: The Time of the Doctor)

The Doctor also assisted the adults of the town, repairing Barnable's family barn, and making it bigger on the inside, (TV: The Time of the Doctor) fixing the Snow Farm after it was sabotaged by Ice Warrior Zontan, (PROSE: Let it Snow) and venturing into the Outland with the Trenzalore Lifeboat crew to find Tiberius Gluck's body. (PROSE: Strangers in the Outland)

He especially developed a friendship with a child named Barnable. In his final days, when he was in a senile state, the Doctor still remembered Barnable and looked for him, Amy and Clara in those around him. (TV: The Time of the Doctor; PROSE: The Dreaming) He also grew close to Handles, seemingly carrying him everywhere with him, (PROSE: An Apple a Day...) with the head's deactivation reducing him to tears. (TV: The Time of the Doctor)

Afraid for his life every day, (PROSE: Let it Snow) the Doctor would stand and look down from his Clock Tower once a day to remind him of what he was protecting, eventually seeming to "forget he'd lived any other life". However, during the first three hundred years of the siege, the Doctor would argue with himself about protecting the town, eventually concluding that every life he saved was a victory in and of itself, (TV: The Time of the Doctor) but felt guilty over the casualties that came in the siege's wake, especially those directly caused by himself. He forcibly suppressed his memories of these deaths so he could enjoy himself. (PROSE: Let it Snow)

Growing protective of the people of Christmas, the Doctor refused to leave them at the mercy of the Papal Mainframe, (TV: The Time of the Doctor) and insured they remained out of the way of the siege's incursions, (PROSE: Let it Snow) informing them to tell him of anything out of the ordinary. (PROSE: An Apple a Day...)

Slowing turning senile in his inhabiting of the planet, the Doctor would have trouble determining the meaning of questions directed at him, forgetting the details of his plans, (PROSE: Let it Snow) taking a while to register information, (PROSE: An Apple a Day...) and forgetting people he had met. (PROSE: Strangers in the Outland) After seven hundred and fifty years of the siege, the Doctor took to whittling to keep his senile mind focused. (PROSE: The Dreaming) However, he would regain his youthful vigour whenever he felt there was danger. (PROSE: An Apple a Day..., The Dreaming)

Nearing the end of his life, the Doctor grew weary and accepting of his fate, (TV: The Time of the Doctor) but still maintained his inner-child mannerisms. (PROSE: The Dreaming) Unlike his previous incarnation, he did not try to avoid his death, knowing when and how he was supposed to die and resigned himself to that fate as he refused to abandon both the Time Lords and the people of Trenzalore. When the time came, the Doctor faced the Daleks fearlessly, wanting to protect Clara and the people of Christmas one last time. However, when the Time Lords unexpectedly granted him a new cycle of regenerations, the Doctor regained his old vigour and fighting spirit, using his regeneration to destroy the Dalek flying saucer and the attacking Daleks with it. (TV: The Time of the Doctor)

The Doctor resignedly removes his bow tie. (TV: The Time of the Doctor)

Though restored to his youthful form, the Doctor continued to accept his forthcoming regeneration, (TV: The Time of the Doctor) though was unhappy to hear his next incarnation would be old and grey haired. He tried comforting Clara, first by phoning her future self to assure her his new incarnation would still be him, (TV: Deep Breath) and then telling her present self that people change throughout their lives and what was important was to remember who they were, promising to always remember when "the Doctor was [him]".

Seeing hallucinations of Amy Pond, the Doctor removed his beloved bow tie as a sign of his passing, closed his eyes and prepared for the change. When Clara still protested, his last act was to smile back at her and offer his hand, but he regenerated before she could reach. (TV: The Time of the Doctor)

Habits and quirks

The Eleventh Doctor talked with his hands and calculated with gestures. (TV: Flesh and Stone, The Day of the Doctor) He also tended to twirl around in 360 degree spins on his heels, sometimes to get a panoramic view of an unfamiliar room, (TV: The Vampires of Venice) wishing to leave an area in a hurry, (TV: Closing Time) or simply a whimsical act done out of excitement. (TV: Nightmare in Silver) He even used his habitual twirling as a dance move, dubbed the "Drunk giraffe". (TV: The Big Bang, The Time of the Doctor) He also spun in circles when walking, if showing off or needing time to think. (TV: Amy's Choice)

Like his predecessor's repetition of the word "Allons-y", the Eleventh Doctor displayed a liking for the word "Geronimo", exclaiming it when diving into a new or unexpected situation, (TV: The End of Time, The Eleventh Hour, The Beast Below, Hide, Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS) when about to do something risky and dangerous, (TV: The Big Bang, A Christmas Carol, Dinosaurs on a Spaceship, The Power of Three, The Day of the Doctor) or simply as a sign of approval. (TV: The Wedding of River Song) He occasionally used the word "Yowzah" as well, (TV: The Almost People, The Angels Take Manhattan, The Name of the Doctor) and would repeat the word "No" if something went horribly wrong, or say it as a warning. (TV: The Eleventh Hour, Victory of the Daleks, Vincent and the Doctor, Night Terrors, The Wedding of River Song, Cold War) He also had a habit of referring to his companions by surname, though this was a sign of affection rather than to annoy them. (TV: Victory of the Daleks, The Big Bang, A Christmas Carol, Death of the Doctor, The Impossible Astronaut) Like his ninth incarnation, the Doctor also used minor curses freely, often uttering "God knows" or "for God's sake", (TV: The Doctor's Wife, The Bells of Saint John, The Name of the Doctor) or using "Hell" as an intensive and noteworthy example. (TV: The Rebel Flesh, The Name of the Doctor)

The Doctor would try to offer a metaphoric statement or a simile, but often disapproved of his own contrived explanations and rejected them just as quickly, asking those in earshot to forget them as well. (TV: The Time of Angels, The Vampires of Venice, A Christmas Carol, The Almost People, A Good Man Goes to War, Night Terrors, The Day of the Doctor) He occasionally uttered malapropisms, (TV: The Vampires of Venice) and often made speeches. (TV: The Pandorica Opens, The Rings of Akhaten, The Time of the Doctor) Another habit of his, noted by River Song, is that the Eleventh Doctor would always ended up walking into the TARDIS when it's cloaked. (TV: The Impossible Astronaut)

The Doctor and the Ponds eat fish custard during his stay. (TV: The Power of Three)

The Eleventh Doctor favoured fish fingers and custard, which he called Fish custard, (TV: The Eleventh Hour, The Power of Three, The Time of the Doctor) and Jammie Dodgers, (TV: Victory of the Daleks, The Bells of Saint John) but disliked drinking any kind of wine. (TV: The Lodger, The Impossible Astronaut) Though he originally hated certain beverages, such as apples, bacon, bread and carrots, due to post-regenerative trauma, (TV: The Eleventh Hour) he eventually began to like them. (TV: The Lodger, The God Complex)

He was fond of hats and often tried to find one to wear. Such prominent hats included a fez, a top hat, (TV: The Big Bang) a Stetson, (TV: The Impossible Astronaut) and, on one occasion, a bowler hat. (TV: The Crimson Horror) He also wore various bowties, often insisting, "Bowties are cool", (TV: The Eleventh Hour, Amy's Choice, Vincent and the Doctor) usually when someone recommended getting rid of it. (TV: The Lodger) He usually referred to things as "cool"; said things were generally unpopular, such as astronaut equipment, bunk beds, and eyeglasses, (TV: The Impossible Astronaut, The Doctor's Wife, The Girl Who Waited) though he regarded monks as "not cool". (TV: The Bells of Saint John) Towards the end of his time, however, he renounced "coolness", telling a group of celebrating children that "Cool is not cool." (TV: The Time of the Doctor)

The eleventh incarnation also got distracted easily. Usually, it applied to something only he found fascinating, even disregarding important matters. (TV: A Christmas Carol) He also had the occasional habit of bopping someone on the head when they do something stupid, (TV: Amy's Choice, The Rebel Flesh) or holding someone's head when attempting to console them. (TV: Cold Blood, The Almost People)

When upset, he tended to shift his jaw in bemusement,[source needed] and would accidentally walk a few paces beyond people he was talking to without noticing. (TV: The Eleventh Hour, The Big Bang, The Snowmen) When he felt the need to affirm someone's faith in him, he liked to "cross his hearts". (TV: The Rings of Akhaten)

The Doctor, in a show of vanity, would often admired himself in a mirror. (TV: The Vampires of Venice, Vincent and the Doctor, The Lodger, Night Terrors) However, he became annoyed when the TARDIS, in Idris's body, looked at herself in a mirror, as Amy and Rory were in danger at the time. (TV: The Doctor's Wife)

Much like his previous incarnation, the Eleventh Doctor also had an apparent affinity for Earth pop culture, striking up friendships with the likes of Frank Sinatra, (TV: A Christmas Carol) appearing with Laurel and Hardy in a movie, (TV: The Impossible Astronaut) and even recording backing vocals for a rap singer. He also had a dalliance with Mata Hari, (WC: Pond Life) and married Marilyn Monroe, though he was of the opinion the wedding wasn't official. (TV: A Christmas Carol)

More flirty than his predecessor, the Eleventh Doctor was fond of kissing his companions' foreheads, dancing with strangers, and kissing people square on the mouth, regardless of their gender, sexuality or marital status. (TV: Cold Blood, The Big Bang, Let's Kill Hitler, Dinosaurs on a Spaceship, The Crimson Horror) He also used cheek-kissing as a form of greeting, albeit without any physical contact. (TV: The Lodger, Closing Time)

The Doctor cries after being reunited with the Ponds. (TV: The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe)

More prone to silently crying than his pervious incarnations, the Doctor would sometimes cry without even noticing, (TV: The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe, The Rings of Akhaten) or have an emotional breakdown in moments of horror and sadness. (TV: The Doctor's Wife, The Angels Take Manhattan, Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS, The Name of the Doctor)

Skills and abilities

The eleventh incarnation was a brilliant strategist, able to win the Battle of Demon's Run in only three minutes and forty two seconds, (TV: A Good Man Goes to War) and orchestrating the defeat of the Creevix with the aid of his previous incarnations. (AUDIO: The Time Machine) During the Siege of Trenzalore, the Doctor was able to defeat many opponents despite the various tricks they tried to use, defeating them with clever ruses and well chosen words; under the effect of the Truth Field in Christmas, the Doctor could only lie by telling half-truths, and not elaborating on the subject he was deceitful with, grinning to show an unconcerned attitude. (TV: The Time of the Doctor; PROSE: Let it Snow, Strangers in the Outland)

The Doctor had incredible eyesight and an eidetic memory. He could scan an entire scene and pick out tiny details that most people would miss. (TV: The Eleventh Hour, A Christmas Carol) He encouraged others to do the same. (TV: The Beast Below) He was also an extremely good detective, able to anticipate how Melody Pond would attempt to assassinate him. (TV: Let's Kill Hitler) He could also analyse objects by taste or smell. (TV: The Eleventh Hour, The Time of Angels, The Hungry Earth, Day of the Moon)

The Doctor fights boredom with a football. (TV: The Power of Three)

The Doctor was exceptionally resilient and durable, capable of taking a direct shot from a low powered Dalek gunstick and have to strength to make his way to the Pandorica and secure himself inside. (TV: The Big Bang) He was also quite strong, being able to wrestle free of a Cyberman's grip. (TV: Closing Time) He was also extremely talented at football, despite at first getting it mixed up with cricket. (TV: The Lodger, The Power of Three)

The Eleventh Doctor still possessed his predecessor's mechanical skills, being able to build a replacement TARDIS out of the remains of deceased TARDISes. (TV: The Doctor's Wife) He was also able to make a device that allowed him to swap his biology with another individual, allowing him to transport himself to Earth without the TARDIS, although this also caused Clyde Langer to be sent to another planet in the Doctor's place. (TV: Death of the Doctor) He showed extensive knowledge of computers and coding, and proved to be a skilled hacker. (TV: The Eleventh Hour, The Bells of Saint John)

The Doctor also dubiously claimed that he "spoke everything", including cat, (TV: The Lodger) baby (TV: A Good Man Goes to War, Closing Time) and horse. (TV: A Town Called Mercy) He was also a skilled artist, at one point creating a detailed portrait of Clara Oswin Oswald from memory. (TV: The Bells of Saint John)

The eleventh incarnation was willing to resort to violence when he deemed it necessary, and proved to be a decent hand-to-hand combatant on several of these occasions, (TV: Victory of the Daleks, Asylum of the Daleks) often grabbing common household tools and effectively using them as weapons. (TV: Amy's Choice) although he was overpowered on at least one occasion. (TV: The Impossible Astronaut) He was also an excellent shot with a pistol, as he was capable of firing and hitting a small target from a long distance. (TV: The Time of Angels)

The Eleventh Doctor could also use telepathy; When speed was essential, he chose to painfully headbutt Craig Owens to transfer memories into his mind. (TV: The Lodger) He also showed the ability to quiet a crowd simply by saying the word "hush" and placing his finger on his lip. (TV: Closing Time)

The Doctor also had the ability to open the TARDIS with a snap of his fingers. (TV: The Eleventh Hour, Day of the Moon) Because he was a Time Lord, the Doctor could also remember alternate timelines. (TV: The Big Bang, The Wedding of River Song, Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS)

He was also stealthy, able to evade White House security once they were distracted and make his way to President Richard Nixon's desk without them noticing, (TV: The Impossible Astronaut) and also disappeared from an alley when the Paternoster Gang's view of him was obstructed. (TV: The Great Detective)


The Doctor introduces himself. (TV: The Lodger)

The Eleventh Doctor had softer features than his previous incarnation, with green eyes, a big nose and a large chin, (TV: The End of Time) which was the subject of much ridicule. (TV: The Doctor's Wife, Asylum of the Daleks, The Day of the Doctor) Like his ninth incarnation, he had large ears, which became more prominent when his head was shaved. They were described as "rocket fins", and the Doctor was proud of them (TV: The Time of the Doctor) He claimed his feet were size 10, but quite wide, when asking for a replacement pair of shoes. (TV: The Rebel Flesh)

During the Siege of Trenzalore, his age had caught up with him: his hair grayed, wrinkles had formed on his face and he used a walking stick. (TV: The Time of the Doctor)

When Affinity took on the Eleventh Doctor's appearance, the Twelfth Doctor noted that his eleventh incarnation was "a young man in a tweed jacket and mismatched bow tie, with a flop of hair that looked as if it was about to detach itself from his head and go solo." (PROSE: Silhouette)

Hair and grooming

The eleventh incarnation had long, dark hair, which was initially long and combed back, (TV: The End of Time) but was later cut short and stylised as a comb over parted in the right. (TV: A Christmas Carol)

In a moment of boredom, the Doctor shaved his head clean, but his hair grew back during his time on Trenzalore, eventually turning grey. Before being granted a second regeneration cycle, the Doctor's hair had turned white, and began balding in the center of his head, with him stylising his remaining hair in a backcomb similar to the style he had used in his original body. (TV: The Time of the Doctor)

The Doctor, while imprisoned in Area 51. (TV: Day of the Moon)

When imprisoned, he would grow a scruffy beard, which he always shaved off at the first opportunity. One of these instances where he had a "beard" was faked, as the Doctor was inhabiting the Tesselecta at the time and had the crew imitate hair growth to avoid revealing the deception. (TV: Day of the Moon, The Wedding of River Song)


Main attires

The Doctor's tweed attire. (TV: The Eleventh Hour)

The eleventh incarnation's first outfit, which he stole from Royal Leadworth Hospital, consisted of a plain brown tweed jacket with elbow patches, a checkered dress shirt, a red bow tie, braces, rolled up navy-blue trousers and black tan loafers. (TV: The Eleventh Hour) He also wore a gold wristwatch with an expansion band on his left wrist, wearing the face on the back of his wrist rather than the front. (TV: Victory of the Daleks)

He later wore a checked tweed jacket, (TV: Victory of the Daleks) but lost it while escaping the Weeping Angels aboard the Byzantium. (TV: Flesh and Stone) After that, he resumed wearing his plain jacket, (TV: The Vampires of Venice) occasionally wearing a replacement checked tweed jacket. (GAME: City of the Daleks) Following Amy and Rory's honeymoon, the Doctor began wearing a new tweed jacket with a faint striped pattern. (TV: A Christmas Carol)

He would accompany his tweed jackets with braces and bowties, with colours ranging in red, blue and purple. (TV: The Eleventh Hour, Victory of the Daleks, The Impossible Astronaut) His shirt pattern also varied from checkered, striped, and plain. (TV: The Eleventh Hour, Amy's Choice, A Christmas Carol) He wore a variety of trousers, such as navy-blue roll ups, (TV: The Eleventh Hour) black combats, (TV: The Time of Angels) blue jeans, (TV: Vincent and the Doctor) and black slim fits. (TV: Night Terrors) He would also switch his loafers for a pair of black lace up boots. (TV: A Christmas Carol)

A darker, "retired" Doctor. (TV: The Great Detective)

When he retired to the Victorian era, the Doctor wore a battered felt top hat, a burgundy frock coat, a waistcoat with collars and a pocket watch with fob chain. He initially discarded his bow tie for a regular tie, but inadvertently resumed wearing a purple bow tie after he regained his sense of adventure. (TV: The Great Detective, The Snowmen)

While on his search for Clara, the Doctor continued to wear his burgundy attire, (COMIC: Hunters of the Burning Stone) but later changed back into his faint striped tweed jacket, with a blue bow tie and white shirt. (WC: The Bells of Saint John: A Prequel)

The Doctor's burgundy attire. (TV: Hide)

After meeting Clara Oswald while wearing a monk's robe, the Doctor degraded his old tweed jacket for a burgundy cashmere coat that reached mid-thigh, wearing it with a new pair of brown leather boots, purple bow tie and braces, and black jeans. (TV: The Bells of Saint John) He later added a grey waistcoat, complete with a fob watch, (TV: The Rings of Akhaten) but later replaced it with a 6-buttoned navy blue collared vest, (TV: Nightmare in Silver) before switching it with a light check pattern black waistcoat. (TV: The Day of the Doctor)

He varied the patterns of his bowties, coming in squared, polka-dotted, flowers, plain, and flecks. (TV: The Rings of Akhaten, Cold War, Nightmare in Silver, The Name of the Doctor, The Day of the Doctor) with some patterns being beyond description, (TV: The Bells of Saint John, Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS, The Crimson Horror) and also wore cuffs on his sleeves. (TV: The Rings of Akhaten)

Whilst on Trenzalore, the Doctor resumed wearing the frock coat from his time in Victorian London. During the Siege of Trenzalore, as the Doctor aged drastically, his clothes grew steadily worn out as well. (TV: The Time of the Doctor) To cope with the cold temperatures, the Doctor would also wear a woollen cap, scarf, gloves and a fur coat. (PROSE: Strangers in the Outland)

Before completing his regeneration into his next incarnation, the Doctor's final outfit consisted of his purple cashmere frockcoat, a blue shirt, black jeans, the black waistcoat with the light check pattern, one of his black pair of boots, grey braces and a purple polka-dot bow tie, which he removed to symbolise his change of face. (TV: The Time of the Doctor)

Other clothes

This incarnation had an occasional fondness for extremely formal attire, as when he neared his death in Berlin. (TV: Let's Kill Hitler)

While attending Amy and Rory's wedding, the Doctor wore a formal tailcoat with a white bow tie, white scarf, and a black top hat. (TV: The Big Bang) He wore it again, along with a sonic cane, when confronting the Teselecta while dying of poisoning. (TV: Let's Kill Hitler)

While visiting Abigail Pettigrew every Christmas Eve with Kazran Sardick, the Doctor wore many different outfits, including a long multicoloured scarf similar to ones worn by his fourth incarnation, a white tuxedo and black bowtie while visiting California in 1952, and a fez on a trip to Egypt. (TV: A Christmas Carol)

During his search for Melody Pond, and often afterwards, he wore a dark green overcoat. However, he still switched it with the tweed jacket when he felt like it. (TV: Let's Kill Hitler, The Girl Who Waited, Closing Time, The Wedding of River Song) While deceiving Kahler-Tek in Mercy, Nevada, the Doctor wore a black variant of his overcoat. (TV: A Town Called Mercy)

When he was in Victorian Yorkshire, he wore a brown checkered version of his burgundy attire, as well as matching bow-tie and bowler hat. (TV: The Crimson Horror)


While in the National Museum, the Doctor found a fez and, stating that "fezzes are cool", began wearing it, until it was destroyed by River Song. (TV: The Big Bang) He later obtained a new fez from Albert Einstein, (TV: Death Is the Only Answer) and wore it during a trip with Kazran Sardick and Abigail Pettigrew. (TV: A Christmas Carol)

The Doctor sports the stetson Craig gave him. (TV: Closing Time)

He was given a Stetson hat by Craig Owens, which he wore inside the Teselecta, who replicated it for his trip in America, where the replica was shot by River, but the original Stetson remained intact. (TV: The Impossible Astronaut, Closing Time, The Wedding of River Song) He later wore a different one while Marshal of Mercy, but gave it to Kahler-Tek upon making him the new Marshal. (TV: A Town Called Mercy)

He wore a top hat at Amy and Rory's wedding, (TV: The Big Bang) after being poisoned by River, (TV: Let's Kill Hitler) and for nights out with her. (HOMEVID: Night and the Doctor)

Other accessories

The Doctor wears Amy's reading glasses as he contemplates losing her to the Angels (TV: The Angels Take Manhattan)

After losing the Ponds, the Doctor started wearing Amy's glasses. (TV: The Angels Take Manhattan, The Snowmen, The Rings of Akhaten, The Day of the Doctor)

Other information


The Eleventh was likely the incarnation of the Doctor who had met his own incarnation or copies of it the most times. Very often through copying himself, the Doctor encountered (and occasionally battled) himself at the very least seven times. Amongst those instances were:

The Doctor encounters his Prisoner Zero duplicate. (TV: The Eleventh Hour)
  • Almost immediately after his regeneration, Prisoner Zero imitated the Eleventh Doctor's form through Amy Pond's mind. He did not recognise himself, having not yet had the time to study his new appearance. When the Doctor made Amy remember the alien's true form, Prisoner Zero immediately reverted to it. (TV: The Eleventh Hour)
  • The Doctor later encountered a version of himself from a few minutes later who claimed to be dying. In reality, the older Doctor was buying himself time to enter the Pandorica by letting the Dalek chase his younger self and his friends. (TV: The Big Bang)
  • The Doctor again met himself when a Doctor from a few seconds later told him to use the wibbly lever to fix the space and time loops occurring within the TARDIS. (TV: Time)
  • A Ganger replica of the Doctor was made when he and his companions arrived at St John's Monastery. These two Doctors worked together to battle the fighting between the humans and the Gangers, even switching roles to prove a point. The Ganger was destroyed saving his Time Lord self from Jennifer Lucas' Ganger. (TV: The Rebel Flesh/The Almost People)
  • While River Song was on her first date with the Doctor, another River and Doctor entered the TARDIS. The two Doctors exchanged a dialogue about River's fate and their last date with her at Darillium. (HOMEVID: Last Night)
  • Knowing he was to die, the Doctor hid in a Tesselecta copy of himself to keep himself safe. He interacted with his companions through the Tesselecta, and then was supposedly murdered by River Song safe inside the robot duplicate. His "body" was also supposedly burned, but both the real Doctor and the ship remained unscorched and unharmed. He used this to pretend as if he were dead, and decided to keep a low profile from then on. (TV: The Wedding of River Song)
  • The Doctor once again used a copy of himself to battle against the Great Intelligence and its human slave Kizlet, this time in the form of a Spoonhead. While still at a café controlling the Spoonhead remotely, the Doctor made his other self enter the Shard and release Clara Oswald from the Intelligence's databanks. He achieved this by uploading Kizlet herself so she'd want desperately to leave, and then using Kizlet's tablet to get Mahler to obey Kizlet's orders to release everyone. (TV: The Bells of Saint John)

Reference in literature

In 1954, his former companion Amy, now a published author under her married name Amelia Williams, published Summer Falls, a novel for children in which the lead character meets a man called the Curator. The Curator is based upon the Doctor, right down to his physical description and his use of the word "cool" to describe things. A later edition of the book included an introduction by Amy/Amelia directly addressed to the Doctor in which she describes meeting a woman with knowledge of the Doctor. This book at one point will be read by Clara Oswald, and later Angie Maitland. (PROSE: Summer Falls, PROSE: Summer Falls and Other Stories; TV: The Bells of Saint John)

Behind the scenes

The Brilliant Book 2012

According to The Brilliant Book 2012:

  • The Eleventh Doctor came up with the idea for the dwarf star alloy prison to trap a Silent while Canton secretly allowed the Doctor to look at Area 51's alien artefacts.
  • At an unknown time before the Ganger incident, the Doctor saved Commander Strax from death and investigated the Flesh.


  • Matt Smith has made several public statements — as on The Jonathan Ross Show and in the question-and-answer session following the New York City theatrical premiere of The Eleventh Hour — taking credit for the tweed jacket, braces and bow tie that his incarnation eventually wore. He has also relayed that there was some reluctance from Steven Moffat and other top executives to the bow tie in particular, but that it nevertheless "sat right" with his performance. Smith's influence — according to CON: Call Me the Doctor and a mid-April 2010 appearance on Fox Broadcasting Company's Strategy Room — was the character of Dr Indiana Jones, as he was most often clothed on the campus of Barnett College.
  • When queried about the exact nature of the bow tie, Karen Gillan told the audience of the 2 April 2010 edition of the CBBC programme, Laugh Out Loud, that Smith's bow tie wasn't a "proper" bow tie, but instead a pre-tied dicky bow. This can be confirmed by carefully watching him put on the tie in The Eleventh Hour, although the action is somewhat obscured by the Atraxi projection.
  • One clothing retailer reported that in the month following the airing of TV: The Eleventh Hour, in which the Doctor declared that "bow ties are cool," its bow tie sales increased by 94%. [1]


Paterson Joseph auditioned for the role of the Doctor, who would have been the first black actor to play the role, if he had been cast. David Harewood was offered the role, but turned down. Russell Tovey was in the running to play the Eleventh Doctor, and so was Sean Pertwee, the son of Jon Pertwee.[source needed]


The events of both Journey's End and The Day of the Doctor retroactively complicate the question of whether this is the "eleventh" Doctor or not. Certainly, there are narratives like COMIC: The Age of Ice in which characters explicitly call his predecessor the "tenth Doctor". And other stories, like The Lodger and The Name of the Doctor make it explicit that he is the "eleventh" Doctor. In The Time of the Doctor, the Doctor agrees with Clara that he is the Eleventh Doctor ("Eleven" is also referred to in several poems, and indeed, the episode depicts the prophesied Fall of the Eleventh), and that his predecessor was "number Ten," while the so-called War Doctor (who he refers to as "Captain Grumpy"), as he chose not to use the name Doctor, is not included in the count. He says that, in terms of regenerations, the Tenth Doctor used two and the War Doctor also counted as one, meaning he has spent all twelve.

Other matters

  • Benedict Cumberbatch (star of Sherlock, another show by Steven Moffat) was rumoured to have been offered the role of the eleventh incarnation and to have turned down the role.[2] However, he denied this.[3] Coincidentally Matt Smith auditioned for Sherlock for the role of John Watson but was rejected for being "more of a Sherlock Holmes."[4] That audition ended up causing Smith to be a prime candidate for the eleventh incarnation.
  • Oddly enough, the way he sorted out his iconic outfit during the episode The Eleventh Hour mirrors the way his 8th incarnation sorted out his own in the Movie. Both were in a hospital and suited themselves with the clothes they found there, regardless the fact they were stealing from someone else.
  • While the Eleventh Doctor is the second Doctor to speak in an estuary accent, Matt Smith is the first actor to play the Doctor who actually has a natural estuary accent - David Tennant's natural accent is Scottish and he faked an estuary accent to play the Doctor.
  • The Eleventh Doctor is the first incarnation of the Doctor since the First Doctor to travel with some family members in his TARDIS. Though he was long unaware of it, Amy and Rory were his parents-in-law and River his wife, though the wedding between him and River happened in a reality that did not exist. (TV: The Wedding of River Song)
  • The fact the Doctor had a wooden leg during the later scenes of TV: The Time of the Doctor (and subsequently grew a new one upon regenerating) was not indicated on screen. Only in the Tales of Trenzalore: The Eleventh Doctor's Last Stand story collection was this revealed.
  • Ironically, while the Eleventh Doctor never encountered the Master onscreen, the episodes containing both his first and last appearances in broadcast order featured two different incarnations of the Master. (TV: The End of Time, Deep Breath)
  • OOglies spoofed Doctor Who with this incarnation with a character going by the name Doctor Rhubarb.
  • The Eleventh Doctor is one of the very few incarnations to have regenerated due to old age, as his other incarnations had either been poisoned, mortally wounded or (in the Second Doctor's case) forced to regenerate when they were still in good health and age, while his new regeneration cycle returned him to his youth he was still regenerating because he was about to die as an old man. The only two other incarnations to regenerate because of their age were the First Doctor and the War Doctor.
  • According to volume 71 of The Complete History, though not made clear in the episode, the scene in Henry VIII's bedroom in TV: The Power of Three was intended to show the TARDIS trio returning to get Rory's mobile phone charger after Rory had left it behind before TV: A Town Called Mercy.


  1. Doctor Who prompts surge in popularity of bow ties. The Telegraph (30 April 2010). Retrieved on 22 February 2013.
  2. Sherlock star reveals he was offered Doctor Who role... but turned it down. Mail Online (27 July 2010). Retrieved on 22 February 2013.
  3. Sherlock star Benedict Cumberbatch wouldn't fancy being Doctor Who. 3am & Mirror Online (20 August 2013). Retrieved on 22 February 2013.
  4. Matt Smith rejected for BBC's 'Sherlock'. Digital Spy (4 February 2010). Retrieved on 22 February 2013.