Theory:Timeline - Tenth Doctor

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This page lists appearances of the Tenth Doctor in the order in which he experienced them. This timeline is based upon observations of the Doctor Who universe and the events that occur during each of these stories. From these observations we have attempted to build a concise timeline. It is assumed that for each novel, anthology, comic, audio or television series, their published, broadcast or numbered order is the order they occur in.

The layout of this timeline is in part based on the observations on Doctor Who Reference Guide and Doctor Who - The Complete Adventures, as well as Lance Parkin's AHistory and other sources that allow us to make observations, such as The Whoniverse, Doctor Who Reviews, Doc Oho's Book Reviews, The History of Doctor Who, The Discontinuity Guide, Clive Banks databanks, Whopix, and the Big Finish forums. None of these sources should be used solely as a source or considered a "true" timeline for stories.

Limiting factors[[edit source]]

Any story with Rose Tyler travelling must be after TV: The Christmas Invasion and before TV: Army of Ghosts. Any story with Martha Jones travelling must be after TV: Smith and Jones and before TV: Utopia. Any story with Donna Noble must be after TV: Partners in Crime and before TV: Turn Left.

Though multiple stories that predate TV: Journey's End feature the Doctor travelling alone, TV: Smith and Jones and TV: Partners in Crime both strongly imply that it hasn't been long since the Doctor travelled with Rose and Martha respectively.

Timeline[[edit source]]

Previous page: Ninth Doctor

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Prefixes Validity Source Type Series Publisher
Not CoveredNot Covered
Doctor WhoDoctor Who
Doctor Who TV seriesDoctor Who TV series
Virgin New AdventuresVirgin New Adventures
Virgin Missing AdventuresVirgin Missing Adventures
BBC Eighth Doctor AdventuresBBC Eighth Doctor Adventures
BBC Past Doctor AdventuresBBC Past Doctor Adventures
Big Finish's Main RangeBig Finish's Main Range
Big Finish's Eighth Doctor AdventuresBig Finish's Eighth Doctor Adventures
Faction ParadoxFaction Paradox
DWM ComicsDWM Comics
DWA ComicsDWA Comics
Titan backup stripsTitan backup strips
Iris WildthymeIris Wildthyme
The Brenda and Effie MysteriesThe Brenda and Effie Mysteries
Sarah Jane AdventuresSarah Jane Adventures
Time Lord VictoriousTime Lord Victorious
Doom's DayDoom's Day
Dr. MenDr. Men
Doctor Who: Lockdown!Doctor Who: Lockdown!
Big FinishBig Finish
Virgn BooksVirgn Books
Titan ComicsTitan Comics
Target BooksTarget Books
Mad Norwegian PressMad Norwegian Press
Obverse BooksObverse Books
Metal Mutt ProductionsMetal Mutt Productions
Candy Jar BooksCandy Jar Books
Arcbeatle PressArcbeatle Press
Entry Type

A new body[[edit source]]

The Doctor regenerates from his previous incarnation within the TARDIS while Rose Tyler watches.
Set immediately after The Parting of the Ways, with the Doctor examining his new body and reassuring Rose, before he suffers spasms brought on by the regeneration process, leading directly into The Christmas Invasion.
Recovering from his regeneration trauma at the Powell Estate, the Doctor repels a Sycorax invasion of Earth during Christmas 2006, losing his hand in a swordfight with the leader. He then deposes Harriet Jones as Prime Minister after she orders the retreating Sycorax ship destroyed, and enjoys a Christmas dinner with Rose, Jackie and Mickey.
Set during the events of The Christmas Invasion, after the Doctor's TARDIS is taken aboard the Sycorax ship, with the Third Doctor watching his tenth incarnation from his TARDIS scanner.
Set during The Christmas Invasion, offering an alternate account of the Doctor's sword fight.
Set during the events of The Christmas Invasion, showing the events from the Sycorax's perspective.
Shortly after Christmas dinner with the Tylers and Mickey, the Doctor goes to join the celebration in Trafalgar Square, where a photograph of him is taken by Ursula Blake. (TV: Love & Monsters)
The Doctor writes in his diary about defeating of the Sycorax, setting this shortly after The Christmas Invasion.
While Rose spends Boxing Day at home, the Doctor slips away to thwart a Mechonoid invasion. (NOTCOVERED: Family Reunion)

New adventures with Rose[[edit source]]

The Doctor and Rose prepare for their new adventures, with the Doctor asking her if she "think[s] [she's] seen it all", implying this is their first adventure since The Christmas Invasion.
Set before the Doctor gets the in-flight stereo working in Tooth and Claw.
A "couple of weeks" have passed since The Parting of the Ways. The Doctor's recent regeneration is mentioned, and Rose encounters the Autons for the first time since Rose, setting this before Untitled (10DY3 2).
Returning to the Powell Estate after escaping some "angry lombards", the Doctor is forced to lodge with Mickey after he forgets to lock the time settings and the TARDIS jumps a time track without him. Mickey mentions the Doctor's recent regeneration, and, after he lashes out at the Doctor for forcing himself into his life, the Doctor starts treating Mickey better by arranging for Rose to spend a full Sunday with him.
The Doctor hunts down and defeats an Elemental Shade in the 1970s, but not before it kills Elton Pope's mother. (TV: Love & Monsters)
Rose is admiring a bracelet given to her by Mickey, setting this before School Reunion.
The TARDIS has moved out of the inside of the Powell Estate, implying that some adventures have occurred since The Christmas Invasion. The Doctor and Rose leave the Powell Estate for more adventures, starting with New Earth. After Cassandra O'Brien.Δ17 helps him uncover a conspiracy at New New York Hospital, the Doctor learns from the Face of Boe that he will learn a secret message when he meets the Face again. Cassandra alludes to the Doctor's recent regeneration, stating some of his parts are "unused", and the Doctor claims to Rose that 5,000,000,023 New Earth is "further than [they've] ever gone before".
After escaping armed guards, the Doctor and Rose are alerted to a factory in Ipswich by Mickey. (NOTCOVERED: Family Reunion)
The Doctor and Rose save Queen Victoria from a werewolf at Torchwood House. Though she knights them in gratitude, she also banishes them as punishment for their cavalier reactions to the wolf's slaughters.
Following the events of Tooth and Claw, the Doctor and Rose meet Victoria and David Beckham.
Set between Tooth and Claw and School Reunion.[1] The Doctor has dropped Rose off to see ABBA in 1979 while he tracks down a Graske with an unidentified assistant.
Rose dreams of the events of New Earth. Jackie alludes to the Doctor's recent regeneration.
The Doctor is still adjusting to his new body. He also calls himself "Sir John Smith", implying a setting after Tooth and Claw.
The Doctor mentions the events of New Earth.
Despite distracting phone calls from Mickey and Jackie, the Doctor and Rose are able to save a planet and kick start the renewal of its ecosystem. (NOTCOVERED: Family Reunion)
The Doctor encounters a Dalek for the first time since The Parting of the Ways. The Doctor and Rose unsuccessfully attempt to visit the Moon. Rose is aware of her being the Bad Wolf entity, setting this at least after Tooth and Claw.
Following an encounter with dragons, the Doctor and Rose nearly return to London in answer to a call from Jackie in 2007. Mickey has yet to leave the Powell Estate. (AUDIO: Wednesdays For Beginners)

Joined by Mickey[[edit source]]

After retrieving the Jewel of Sutekh from a pirate ship, the Doctor and Rose head back to the Powell Estate to investigate Deffry Vale High School with Mickey, leading directly into School Reunion.
Set shortly before School Reunion, during the Doctor's first day undercover at Deffry Vale High School.
The Doctor is reunited with Sarah Jane Smith and K9 Mark III while investigating the Krillitane at Deffry Vale High School with Rose and Mickey, which results in K9 sacrificing himself and being replaced with a newer model. With some prompting from Sarah Jane, the Doctor accepts Mickey's request to join the TARDIS crew.
Set during the events of School Reunion, when the Doctor reactivates K9.
Set during School Reunion.
Mickey takes his first trip in the TARDIS, which lands on a 51st century spaceship filled with Clockwork Droids stalking Madame de Pompadour in 18th century France.[quote 1] The Doctor shares a romance with Madame de Pompadour, but she passes away by the time he returns to the Palace of Versailles to take her for a trip in the TARDIS.
Set during The Girl in the Fireplace, after the Doctor parties with Madame de Pompadour and before he saves Rose and Mickey from the Clockwork Droids.
The events of School Reunion and The Girl in the Fireplace have occurred in the past week. The TARDIS crew were trapped on Iagnos for three days, where Rose was infected by the Iagnon and entered a coma. When she awakens, the Doctor tells her three months have passed, but this claim in put into doubt when he reveals he had to hire actors to stimulate Rose's jealousy to expunge the Iagnon.
According to Mickey, 1 February 2007 is "not exactly far flung" from when he joined the TARDIS crew in School Reunion, and, though he has been traveling with the Doctor and Rose for a while by now, he is still treated as a recent addition. After the TARDIS falls through a crack in time into a parallel universe where Rose's father is a wealthy businessman, the Doctor sees the rise of the parallel universe's Cybermen, leading directly into The Age of Steel.
Set during Rise of the Cybermen.
The TARDIS crew help the Preachers destroy John Lumic's Cyber-factory, with Pete killing Lumic to avenge his Jackie. Having witnessed the death of his counterpart, Mickey decides to stay in the parallel universe and help the Preachers fight the ongoing Cyberman threat instead of returning to N-Space with the Doctor and Rose.

Further adventures with Rose[[edit source]]

Set shortly after The Idiot's Lantern.
Rose mentions meeting Queen Victoria, setting this after Tooth and Claw.
The Doctor mentions being banished from England by Queen Victoria during Tooth and Claw.
Rose recalls the events of Save the Humans!, Bat Attack! and Triskaidekaphobia as her recent adventures with the Doctor.

The Platform One mystery[[edit source]]

Continued adventures with Rose[[edit source]]

Rose knows K9, setting this after School Reunion.
Rose recalls facing Cybermen, setting this after Age of Steel.
Rose does not believe in the devil, setting this before her encounter with the Beast in The Impossible Planet.
Rose encounters the Ice Warriors for the first time.
Rose recalls the events of Rise of the Cybermen.
The Doctor mentions Sarah Jane in front of Rose, setting this after School Reunion.

Seeing old foes[[edit source]]

The Doctor and Rose encounter the Vashta Nerada.
The Doctor and Rose are trying to get to the Galapagos Islands. They meet a Silurian.
The Doctor and Rose encounter Primords.
The Doctor and Rose visit California, where they meet a Saturnyn.
Rose complains about encountering aliens every time they try to go on holiday. They meet an Ice Warrior, setting this after Cold Vengeance.
The Doctor and Rose encounter the First Rani.
The Doctor and Rose encounter Sil the Mentor.

Final adventures with Rose[[edit source]]

The Doctor meets the Ood for the first time when he and Rose arrive in Sanctuary Base 6 on Krop Tor, a planet that is orbiting a black hole. As the crew of Sanctuary Base 6 finish digging into the centre of Krop Tor to find out what is keeping it out of the black hole, the Doctor descends down with Ida Scott as the Ood are possessed by the Beast, leading directly into The Satan Pit.
Rose is told by the Beast that she will "die in battle so very soon." After the Doctor ensures the Beast's demise, he finds the TARDIS beneath Krop Tor and he and Rose depart after preventing the Sanctuary Base 6 survivors from being drawn into the black hole, though they are unable to save the Ood.
The Doctor mentions the events of New Earth.
Rose notes that she has "seen enough of hell lately", implying a setting shortly after The Satan Pit.
The Ood are mentioned, setting this after The Satan Pit. Rose considers The Stone Rose to be a recent happening.
The Doctor and Rose confront Elton Pope after he upsets Jackie, and help him and LINDA kill the Abzorbaloff, at the cost of most of LINDA. However, the Doctor is able to preserve Ursula in the concrete.
The Doctor and Rose battle a Hoix, as witnessed by a younger Elton, whom the Doctor almost recognises. (TV: Love & Monsters)
While visiting the 2012 Olympics, the Doctor and Rose stop the Isolus within Chloe Webber from abducting children by using the Olympic Flame to reactivate the Isolus pod for it to leave, though not before it briefly traps the Doctor in a drawing in a temper tantrum. Despite everything seemingly ending happily, the Doctor can feel that "a storm is approaching", foreshadowing Army of Ghosts.
Set during the events of Fear Her, when the Doctor is trapped by the Isolus.
Set during the events of Fear Her, when the Doctor carries the Olympic Flame.
The Doctor and Rose visit a planet with flying stingrays. (TV: Army of Ghosts)
Rose visits the Moon for the first time, setting this after I am a Dalek. The Doctor has been trapped inside a drawing before, setting this after Fear Her as well.
The Doctor says, "allons-y", for the first time. Uncovering a ghost conspiracy during a stop at the Powell Estate, the Doctor, Rose and Jackie travel to the Torchwood Institute. Separated, the Doctor and Jackie learn of Torchwood's history, while Rose finds Mickey undercover in the Void Ship room, preparing to fight a Cyberman invasion. The ghost reveal themselves to be the Cybus Industries Cybermen as they complete their infiltration of N-Space Earth, leading directly into Doomsday.
The Doctor makes a passing reference to Jackie and is currently dealing with "ghosts", setting this during Army of Ghosts, most likely while he is preparing the triangulation device.
Joining with Pete and the Preachers again, the Doctor opposes the Cybermen until the Cult of Skaro provide a common enemy for the Preachers and Cybermen to fight together. Sending Jackie and the Preachers back to "Pete's World", the Doctor and Rose banish the Daleks and the Cybermen to the Void, only for Rose to nearly fall in as well, saved only by Pete's intervention, but permanently trapping her on Pete's World. After saying a proper goodbye to Rose at Dårlig Ulv Stranden, and informing her that she and Jackie are legally deceased in their home dimension, the Doctor encounters a bride in the TARDIS console room, leading directly into The Runaway Bride.
Set in an alternative account to Doomsday.

Adventuring alone[[edit source]]

The Doctor returns the bride, Donna Noble, to her wedding reception, only to find it to be a scheme by the Empress of the Racnoss to release her children from the centre of the Earth, though the Doctor drowns them with the River Thames. After the Empress is killed by British Army, the Doctor invites Donna to join him, but she declines, afraid at how far he went to defeat the Empress, but advising him to find someone regardless.
The Doctor is still upset about losing Rose, and momentarily forgets that she isn't with him anymore, setting this shortly after Doomsday.
The Doctor is travelling alone and believes that love leads to consequences and sacrifice, suggesting a setting shortly after Doomsday.
The Doctor holds a grudge against the Torchwood Institute, setting this after Doomsday.
The Doctor catches up with a lone bronze Dalek on Earth, and alludes to the events of Doomsday.
The Doctor claims to have recently had a crisis of faith about humanity that made him focus on their darker aspects, suggesting a setting shortly after The Runaway Bride.
Ending leads into Drones of Doom.
Ending leads into Enemy Mine.
Ending leads into Time of the Cybermen.
Ending leads into The Sky Below.
Ending leads into Beyond the Sea.
Ending leads into Lonely Planet.
The Face of Boe tries to relay a message to the Doctor, setting this before Gridlock.
The Doctor gives Grayla a lift away from her home planet, Grått, but decides not to take her on as a companion, feeling that she has her own path to take without his help. (COMIC: The Whispering Gallery)
The Doctor is reunited with Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart.

Taking a break[[edit source]]

The Doctor is taking a break from his travels.

Meeting Martha[[edit source]]

The Doctor accidentally destroys his sonic screwdriver while trying to expose a Plasmavore to the Judoon in 2008. He convinces the Judoon with help from a Royal Hope Hospital medical student named Martha Jones, after the hospital is H₂O scooped to the Moon, and offers her a single trip in the TARDIS as a reward after he replaces his screwdriver with a near identical model.
Following on from Smith and Jones, the Doctor takes Martha to meet William Shakespeare in 1599. The Doctor is still coping with losing Rose, even comparing Martha to her. After foiling a Carrionite plot, the Doctor's execution is ordered by Elizabeth I for actions he hasn't done yet, forcing him and Martha to flee.
Following directly on from The Shakespeare Code, the TARDIS escapes the Queen's men to 5,000,000,053 New New York. After Martha is kidnapped, the Doctor meets the Face of Boe and Hame for the first time since New Earth and they explain the origins of the Motorway. The Face expends all the energy keeping him alive to free the people from the Motorway, allowing Martha to find the Doctor, and imparts the Doctor with his final message; "You are not alone." On Martha's urging, the Doctor tells her about Gallifrey and the Last Great Time War.
The Doctor takes Martha to see the final glimpse of Gallifrey at the Griffith Observatory in 1950s Los Angeles, setting this immediately after Gridlock. After they thwart a Dominator plot, Martha is kidnapped by Adam Mitchell, and the Doctor sends a message to Frobisher, leading directly into Façades.
Frobisher receives the Doctor's message, setting the stage for Endgame.
The Doctor joins with his other incarnations to rescue Martha from Adam and the Tremas Master, and assists the other Doctors in saving their companions as well.

Detours with Martha[[edit source]]

In a deleted scene, the Doctor is returning Martha home from her one trip to the past and future, setting this shortly after Gridlock, though they agree to take a single detour. During a stop in 1930 New York City, the Doctor discovers that the Cult of Skaro survived the events of Doomsday, and witnesses Dalek Sec turn himself into a Human-Dalek hybrid, leading directly into Evolution of the Daleks.
The majority of the Cult of Skaro are destroyed in their scheme, with only Dalek Caan escaping via an emergency temporal shift after he wipes out the Human-Daleks.
The Doctor and Martha stop Baltazar from destroying Earth by using hydroxide fungus to destroy his ship, and then head off to Copacabana Beach.
Martha has Daleks on her mind, implying a setting shortly after Evolution of the Daleks.
Martha asks if saving worlds is in the Doctor's "job description", implying she is still new to the TARDIS.
Martha recalls the events of Smith and Jones and The Shakespeare Code, implying a setting early in her travels.
Martha is still on her "one trip" in the TARDIS, but it is mentioned that she has had "several adventures" since Gridlock. The Doctor is initially trying to get Martha back to 2008, but, after they stop Nathan Hobb's time travelling scheme, he decides to extend their detour.
The Doctor returns Martha home after her extended trip, but sticks around after hearing of Richard Lazarus's experiments with rejuvenation. After she introduces him to her family and helps him defeat Lazarus, the Doctor officially welcomes Martha aboard the TARDIS as his traveling companion.

Official travels with Martha[[edit source]]

Martha is now an official companion, and she and the Doctor share a proper introduction, setting this immediately after The Lazarus Experiment.
Set between The Lazarus Experiment and 42, with Martha mentioning an encounter "a mad scientist", but not having a TARDIS key. The events of Smith and Jones are still recent.
Martha recalls the events of Daleks in Manhattan.
Martha recalls briefly seeing an apatosaurus stumble out of the bushes during a previous trip in the TARDIS, setting this after Made of Steel.
The Doctor upgrades Martha's mobile phone to a superphone and gives her a TARDIS key of her own, but is interrupted before he can tell her about regeneration.
Set between 42 and Human Nature.[1] Upon landing on Pheros, the Doctor and Martha are approached by Baltazar's bird, Caw, to find the data chips that form a map to the Infinite. However, Baltazar awaits them at every turn due to Caw placing a tracking device on Martha in the form of his son, Squawk. The Doctor spends roughly three years stranded on Volag-Noc after Baltazar steals the TARDIS and Martha, but he is able to raise Squawk to help him reclaim his ship at the Infinite, which collapses from old age.
Using a Chameleon Arch, the Doctor turns himself into a human to hide from the Family of Blood at Farringham School for Boys for two months in 1913 England, with Martha going undercover as a maid. However, the Doctor's human identity begins a romance with Joan Redfern, just as the Family track him down, leading directly into The Family of Blood.
Set during Human Nature.
Martha recalls Smith and Jones as not happening "that long ago" and further claims that she and the Doctor have "only just met". The Doctor returns from his human persona and traps the Family of Blood in time as punishment for their crimes. He invites Joan to join him and Martha in the TARDIS, but she declines.

Further travels with Martha[[edit source]]

Martha recalls the events of 42 and The Infinite Quest.
Martha mentions the events of 42.
Martha recalls the outcome of The Family of Blood, and has been travelling with the Doctor for "a few weeks".
Set after 42, according to the dust jacket of the Doctor Who Storybook 2008.
Martha claims that statues don't usually move, without any allusions made to the Weeping Angels, suggesting a setting prior to Blink.
Martha recalls the events of Evolution of the Daleks.
Martha alludes to the events of 42 when she sees the Doctor frozen to near-death.
The Doctor offers "just one trip" to an unnamed individual much like how he previously had with Martha. Martha recalls the events of The Lazarus Experiment.
The Doctor recalls the events of Shipwreck!.
Set "a couple of days" after Wishing Well. Martha has been travelling with the Doctor for months, but hasn't felt patronised since Human Nature.
The Doctor refers to the starship Brilliant from The Pirate Loop. Martha kisses the Doctor for the first time. The Doctor claims that Human Nature happened "a while ago".
The Doctor is expecting "a girl with a red balloon" to be inside the Mortal Mirror, setting this after The Family of Blood.
Sequel to Gridlock. Martha encounters the Cybermen, setting this after Made of Steel.
The events of The Last of the Time Lords are foreshadowed for both the Doctor and Martha.
The Doctor refers to being slapped by Martha's mother during The Lazarus Experiment. References to scarecrows imply a setting after The Family of Blood.
The Doctor recalls the events of Agent Provocateur.
While the non-narrative sections suggest that the Doctor is travelling with multiple companions, the narrative features only Martha travelling with him.
The Doctor is travelling with an unspecified companion, implied to be Martha.
The Doctor is incapacitated by the green mists of Orion's Belt, forcing Martha to drive the TARDIS. (COMIC: Ground Control)

After the Red Hatching[[edit source]]

Whilst dealing with "four things and a lizard" during the Red Hatching, the Doctor and Martha briefly meet Sally Sparrow in 2008, who gives them a series of notes that she says will be useful to them at a later date, (TV: Blink) and are unable to save Andy Proctor from being eaten by an alien egg in 2002. (AUDIO: Salvation)
Immediately after dealing with the Red Hatching, the Doctor thumbs through the documents given to him by Sally Sparrow, learning of his and Martha's eventual fate of being stranded by a Weeping Angel in 1969. The duo prepare for the event by travelling to Wester Drumlins at the time of its last dated interior redecoration, and bribing the decorators to allow them to write the message to Sally ("Beware the Weeping Angel, oh, and duck…") on the wall before putting up the wallpaper.
Set a week after the Red Hatching. Martha has been travelling with the Doctor for a few months.
The Doctor and Martha visit the planet Mujva.
The Doctor and Martha visit 19th century Providence.
The Doctor and Martha are implied to have been travelling together for a while.
The Doctor takes Martha to the planet Bobalabinko, where, as he recommends a drink that tastes exactly like ginger ale to her, Martha is abducted by the Pyromeths. Martha has an iPhone, suggesting a setting after 42 where she has a flip phone more native to her own time.
Set directly after Firelight, with TARDIS translation circuits malfunctioning due to the recent trip to the Pyrometh realm, and Martha trying the drink from Bobalabinko. After the Doctor recalls an adventure he had in his previous incarnation with Rose, he and Martha visit Earth to buy some real ginger ale, where the Doctor commends Martha on her skills as a storyteller.
Martha recalls the events of Wetworld and Sick Building.

Stranded in 1969[[edit source]]

During a visit to Wester Drumlins, (COMIC: A Little Help from My Friends) the Doctor and Martha are transported back to 1969 by the Weeping Angels, leaving them stranded in the past. (TV: Blink)
Set during Blink, while the Doctor and Martha are stranded in 1969, and before their encounter with Billy. The Doctor is constructing his timey-wimey detector, while Martha has recently started working in a shop.
Trapped in 1969 by the Weeping Angels, the Doctor and Martha rely on the help of Sally Sparrow's notes and Billy Shipton to retrieve the TARDIS.
Sally is ultimately able to get the TARDIS to return to the Doctor, with her actions also trapping the Weeping Angels responsible for the ordeal in their Quantum-locked state. (TV: Blink)

The return of the Master[[edit source]]

Stopping at the Cardiff rift to refuel during February 2008, Captain Jack Harkness appears and jumps onto the TARDIS as it dematerialises, causing the ship to travel to the end of the universe to escape him. The Doctor finds out that Jack recovered his severed hand from The Christmas Invasion. The Doctor, Martha and Jack help the last of humanity reach Utopia to survive, but the head of the Utopia Project, Professor Yana, turns out to be the War Master in disguise. Accidentally tipped off to the Chameleon Arch by Martha, Yana reverts back to the Master, who regenerates and steals the TARDIS and the Doctor's severed hand.
Following on directly from Utopia, the Doctor uses Jack's vortex manipulator to send him, Jack and Martha back to 2008 Earth, where the Saxon Master is Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and married to Lucy Saxon. The Doctor discovers Jack's affiliation with the Torchwood Institute. With the aid of the Toclafane, the Master successfully captures the Doctor, Jack and Martha's family, and ages the Doctor with the Lazarus technology in his laser screwdriver, but Martha is able to escape as the Master launches a Toclafane invasion that allows him to conquer the Earth.
Set between The Sound of Drums and Last of the Time Lords.
Set between The Sound of Drums and Last of the Time Lords. The Master has the islands of Japan burnt as the Doctor watches.
Set one year after The Sound of Drums. After Martha returns, the Doctor is able to topple the Master's regime and heal himself using the Archangel Network, and Jack undoes the previous year's events by destroying the paradox machine. Before the Master can be taken into custody, he is shot by Lucy and dies due to refusing to regenerate. The Doctor burns the Master's body, and Jack and Martha decide to remain on Earth to deal with the consequences of the Year That Never Was, while the Doctor reclaims his severed hand from Jack.
Set during the end of Last of the Time Lords.

Shields down[[edit source]]

Set during the epilogue of Last of the Time Lords, right after Martha leaves the TARDIS, with the Fifth Doctor's TARDIS merging with the Tenth Doctor's TARDIS due to him still having the shields down from undoing the Master's damage to the TARDIS control room.
What seems to be the Titanic crashes into the TARDIS while the shields are still down, leading directly into Voyage of the Damned.
The Doctor stops the spaceship Titanic from crashing into Buckingham Palace during Christmas 2008, with the help of waitress Astrid Peth, who sacrifices herself in the effort. During a brief trip the Earth, the Doctor encounters Wilfred Mott for the first time, and gets to say, "Allons-y, Alonso", to Midshipman Alonso Frame, fulfilling a wish he made in Army of Ghosts. He also claims to be 903-years-old.
The Doctor comments that he has just been through a "less-than-Titanic Christmas", implying a setting immediately after Voyage of the Damned.
While authorial intent would set this shortly after Doomsday[2], the Doctor recalls being stabbed in a heart by Lilith during The Shakespeare Code.[quote 2] He also encounters a Hath at a speed dating event, but it is unclear if he recognises the species from The Doctor's Daughter. The Doctor is depressed by Rose's absence, too depressed to even leave the TARDIS. After being comforted by Rose-the-Cat and K9, the Doctor decides to find a new companion.

Fixing a paradox[[edit source]]

Set before The Waters of Mars.[3] The Doctor becomes trapped in an alternate timeline caused by the temporal paradox that occurred sometime after A Little Help from My Friends, where the Sea Devils rule the Sea Devil Earth. After teaming up once again with the Thirteenth Doctor to fix the timeline, the Tenth Doctor departs to find a home for Rose Tyler's Sea Devil Earth counterpart.
Immediately after Alternating Current,[4] the Doctor awakens with amnesia in a universe where the Time War never happened. He allies himself with the Daleks of the Restoration Empire against the Hond, until the Daleks betray him and he has to escape with aid from the Thirteenth Doctor. He is uncertain if he was traveling alone prior to waking up, and recalls the recent events of A Little Help from My Friends.

Solo adventures[[edit source]]

Set shortly after Voyage of the Damned.
The Doctor claims the events of Utopia were "a while back", though the War Master senses he has "touched a recent live wire" when asking how the Doctor could cope in a universe without him, suggesting the Saxon Master's death in Last of the Time Lords is somewhat recent.
The Doctor claims to be 904-years-old.
Ending leads directly into Quarsian Mission.
Ending leads directly into Android of Death.
Ending leads directly into Cold Assassin.
Ending leads directly into Designs of the Dust.
Ending leads directly into A Suitable Showdown.
The Doctor crosses wits with Majenta Pryce at the Hotel Historia, and ensures her arrest for tax evasion.
Sequel to Voyage of the Damned.
The Doctor takes part in a polar expedition on Grothendar. (COMIC: Wormhole)
Sequel story to The Idiot's Lantern. The Doctor mentions that he is "not mad about angels", suggesting a setting after Blink.
Authorial intent places this between Doomsday and Partners in Crime,Evidence yet to be determined for this placement. and the theme variant that debuted in Voyage of the Damned is used.
The theme variant that debuted in Voyage of the Damned is used.
The theme variant that debuted in Voyage of the Damned is used. The Doctor is travelling alone and recalls having spent some time in a POW camp in the past.
The Doctor is alone and recalls travelling with Martha, setting this after Last of the Time Lords.

Early exploits with Donna[[edit source]]

The Doctor is reunited with Donna while investigating Adipose Industries. Having regretted turning down his invitation, Donna invites herself aboard the TARDIS as the Doctor's newest companion. The Doctor identifies Martha as his previous companion[quote 3], and learns that a planet has gone missing.
Set during the March of the Adipose in Partners in Crime.
Set immediately after Partners in Crime, according to the novelisation. Donna takes her first trip into the past, arriving in Pompeii on the eve of Mount Vesuvius's eruption. Realising that it is a fixed point in time, the Doctor, with Donna's support, causes the eruption to stop the Pyroviles taking over the world, but saves a single family from the destruction at Donna's urging. The Doctor learns that another planet is missing, and is informed that "she is returning" by the prophet Lucius Petrus Dextrus. Donna is also told that she has "something on [her] back".
Donna gets lost in the TARDIS, setting this early in her travels.
Donna visits her first alien planet, the Ood Sphere, where she and the Doctor free the Ood from enslavement. The Doctor has not seen an Ood since The Satan Pit, and Ood Sigma tells him that his "song must end soon".
Set during Planet of the Ood.
The Doctor takes Donna to see the courtship of the Zyglots on a moon, which she sees as him "showing off". (COMIC: The Time of My Life)
Donna claims she is still "a bit new" to meeting aliens, setting this early in her travels in the TARDIS.
The Doctor and Donna visit the Planet of the Hats.
Donna recalls the events of Planet of the Ood.
Donna refers to the events of The Fires of Pompeii and Planet of the Ood.
Donna recalls the events of The Doctor Trap, and notes that this is only the third time that she has met robots, setting this before Pest Control.
The Doctor and Donna are described as having only been travelling together for a short time, but "long enough for [the Doctor] to know that she was hard to impress".

Helping Martha[[edit source]]

While teaching Donna how to pilot the TARDIS, the Doctor is summoned by Martha to assist UNIT in investigating the ATMOS factory. Donna visits her family for the first since Partners in Crime, and the Doctor is formally introduced to her grandfather, Wilf. The Doctor finds the Sontarans are behind the ATMOS plot, leading directly into The Poison Sky.
Donna receives her own TARDIS key. After foiling the Sontarans' plot, Martha bids the Doctor and Donna farewell in the TARDIS, which takes off of its own accord with her still inside, leading directly into The Doctor's Daughter.
Arriving in a Human-Hath War on Messaline, the Doctor's DNA is taken to create a female clone named Jenny, who appears to die shielding the Doctor from a bullet when he brings an end to the Messaline conflict. The Doctor and Donna then return Martha back home. Donna learns the severed hand in the TARDIS once belonged to the Doctor, and has her phone turned into a superphone by the Doctor.

Continued exploits with Donna[[edit source]]

Set after The Sontaran Stratagem, according to the summary included on the dust jacket of the Doctor Who Storybook 2009.
Donna is getting used to the TARDIS arriving in the wrong place, and sees an angry mob for the first time, which the Doctor tells her she'll get used to, setting this early in her travels.
Donna is in contact with Wilf, definitively setting this after The Sontaran Stratagem, but appears to still be adjusting to life in the TARDIS. According to this account, this is Donna's first encounter with the Ice Warriors.
Donna still appears to be getting used to the responsibilities of time travel, as the Doctor has to tell her not to use her camera phone openly during a visit to the past, setting this early in her travels.
The Doctor recalls the events of The Poison Sky.
The Doctor and Donna face alien anthropomorphic dogs in a flying building above London. (COMIC: The Time of My Life)
The Doctor and Donna rescue various historical figures from an insane computer in 800 Belgium.
The Doctor and Donna find themselves in a swamp that is a single living organism. (COMIC: The Time of My Life)
Ending leads directly into Merchant of Menace.
The Doctor and Donna are menaced by a clockwork robot. (COMIC: The Time of My Life)
The Doctor and Donna meet Agatha Christie, and learn the circumstances of her disappearance. The Doctor recalls the events of The Lonely Computer.
The Doctor and Donna receive a party invitation from the High Plenipotentiary of Mundus Canatari just as they are parting ways with Agatha Christie, setting this immediately after The Unicorn and the Wasp.
The Doctor takes Donna to meet the Beatles at The Cavern Club. (COMIC: The Time of My Life)
Donna knows Martha, setting this after The Sontaran Stratagem.
Donna knows of the Sontarans, setting this after The Poison Sky.
Donna has been traveling with the Doctor for "a while", and recalls facing Sontarans, setting this after The Poison Sky. She has also been told of Rose and Martha in detail.
Donna is aware of the responsibilities of time travel, setting this after The Fires of Pompeii.
Set before Silence in the Library.[5]

The Library ordeal[[edit source]]

Answering a distress call, the Doctor meets someone from his personal future, River Song, in the Library, and fights off the Vashta Nerada with her. The Doctor uses the Library's teleportation systems to send Donna to the TARDIS to keep her safe from the Vashta Nerada, but she is instead saved into the Library database, leading directly into Forest of the Dead.
Set during Silence in the Library, just as the Doctor teleports Donna into the TARDIS.
The Doctor watches River sacrifice her life to free the people trapped in the Library's database, including Donna, but is able to save her consciousness by uploading it into the Library computer system.
The Doctor is watched by a Clara Oswald splinter while he admires the Library by himself as the sun is going down, setting his cameo during Forest of the Dead, after he uploads River and before he returns to the TARDIS.

After the Library[[edit source]]

After leaving Donna at her home for a visit to recover from her ordeal in the Library, (AUDIO: Prequel to Donna Noble: Kidnapped!) the Doctor is captured and frozen by the Collectors. (AUDIO: The Chiswick Cuckoos)
The Doctor psychically contacts Donna to rescue him from the Collectors. After defeating the Collectors, the Doctor and Donna are reunited and continue their travels together. Donna has been travelling with the Doctor for months.
Despite authorial intent setting this immediately after Midnight[5], Donna visits Wilf, which would set this before Midnight due to Wilf's claim in The Stolen Earth that his last contact with Donna was when she called him from Midnight. Donna mentions having had two husbands, and she and the Doctor are still recovering from the recent events of Forest of the Dead. The Doctor and Donna recall meeting Gully during Time Reaver. Wilf teases Donna about being in a relationship with the Doctor, and, although Donna tells Wilf about her travels with the Doctor, he doesn't fully understand what they do, suggesting a setting before Wilf had gotten to know the Doctor better in Beautiful Chaos.
Donna has already visited Mercury, Venus, Pluto and the rings of Saturn, and seen the death of the Mestophelix Galaxy. She recalls flying the TARDIS, setting this after The Sontaran Stratagem.
The Doctor tells Donna about Emergency Program One while they escape from Vampires. (COMIC: The Time of My Life)
The Doctor and Donna both recall the events of Forest of the Dead. It's been a few weeks since Sylvia last saw Donna, and she doesn't know the truth about Donna's travels with the Doctor, believing that they have recently been in Dubai. It is 15 May 2009, and the one year anniversary of Geoff Noble's death, setting this roughly a month before The Stolen Earth on present-day Earth. The Doctor and Wilf begin to develop a friendship.
The Doctor and Donna are preoccupied with "dinosaur business" while the Doctor is helping Shakespeare write The Tempest.
Donna reflects on how far she has come as a person since first meeting the Doctor, setting this late in her travels. Donna almost leaves the Doctor after becoming engaged to Rudolph of Goritania in the 1780s, but leaves Rudolph after discovering that she was going to be sacrificed to a Mefistole after the wedding. She refers to this as "not one of [her] best weddings, [but] not one of [her] worst", and the Doctor mentions wanting a "Spa-Day", suggesting a setting between Forest of the Dead and Midnight.
Donna recalls facing the Sontarans, setting this after The Poison Sky.
The Doctor and Donna come across a group of Adipose who missed being beamed up during Partners in Crime. Donna hides the Adipose in an anti-gravity chamber within the TARDIS without the Doctor's knowledge, suggesting a late setting in their travels.
Set before Midnight, with Sylvia's knowledge of the Doctor and Donna's travel in time and space, and the Doctor's strong friendship with Wilf, also setting this after Beautiful Chaos. While Donna is off relaxing without him, the Doctor teams up with Sylvia to investigate Wild Pastures Rest Home.
The Doctor and Donna attend the coronation of Elizabeth II.
Donna visits Sylvia and Wilf, setting this before Midnight. The Doctor has a good relationship with Wilf, and Wilf has gained a high admiration for the Doctor.
Donna encounters the Judoon for the first time.

Enemies in time[[edit source]]

Ending leads into Sting of the Serpent.
Ending leads into Attack of the Rats.
Ending leads into The Zantraan Invasion.
Ending leads into Swarm of the Zenith.
Ending leads into Prey of the Zenith.
Ending leads into Lair of the Zenith.
Ending leads into School of the Dead.
Ending leads into Ghosts from the Past.
Ending leads into The Battle for Time.

Last exploits with Donna[[edit source]]

While Donna relaxes at the Leisure Palace, the Doctor sneaks away from Midnight to answer a summons from the Duke of Manhattan on New Earth. As he makes his return, he sends Donna a postcard telling her he wants to see the Sapphire Waterfall, setting this immediately prior to Midnight.
While enjoying a trip to the Leisure Palace on Midnight, the Doctor learns that a moon has gone missing. According to Wilf in The Stolen Earth, Donna makes her last contact with home before Journey's End during this story, albeit off-screen. While taking Crusader 50 to the Sapphire Waterfall, the Doctor runs afoul with the passengers when an entity possess Sky Silvestry and then himself, nearly getting him killed before the Hostess sacrifices herself to move the entity.
The Doctor and Donna run through a village littered with anachronisms. (COMIC: The Time of My Life)
The Doctor and Donna encounter the Judoon, setting this after One Mile Down.
The Doctor and Donna arrive at a garden centre at Christmastime.
The Doctor and Donna spend Christmas Eve in the TARDIS.
The Doctor claims to be 903-years-old.
According to this account, Donna encounters the Ice Warriors for the first time during a trip to Draconia.
The Doctor and Donna encounter the Cobalite. (COMIC: Ground Control)
Donna is infected by a psychic parasite and the Doctor follows them into a reality the parasite created to feed off Donna's embarrassment. (COMIC: The Time of My Life)
The Doctor and Donna encounter a Judoon, a Silurian and a member of the Slitheen family.

Reunions and farewells[[edit source]]

After learning that Donna was sent to a parallel world by the Time Beetle, the Doctor realises he and Donna are being linked together and is told a message from Donna about Rose, leading directly into The Stolen Earth.
After Earth goes missing, the Doctor tracks down the missing planets to the Medusa Cascade, where he finds UNIT, Torchwood Three and the Bannerman Road gang repelling an invasion by the New Dalek Empire, spearheaded by Davros and Dalek Caan. Rendezvousing with Rose and Jack, the Doctor is struck by a Dalek gunstick and begins to regenerate, leading directly into Journey's End.
The Doctor averts his regeneration by siphoning off the remaining energy into his severed hand, which makes contact with Donna, growing into a new Doctor and giving Donna the mind of a Time Lord in an "instantaneous biological meta-crisis". After learning that Caan had manipulated the timeline to get the Doctor and Donna together for this purpose, the Meta-Crisis Doctor destroys the New Dalek Empire and returns the stolen planets. After exiling the Meta-Crisis Doctor to Pete's World to be with Rose, the Doctor is forced to erase all trace of himself from Donna's memory to prevent her brain from burning up, and returns her home. After saying goodbye to her, the Doctor walks back into the TARDIS through the rain, and brood quietly in the control room while soaking wet.
During an alternative timeline created by corruption during the Time War. The War Doctor gets a glimpse of a future in which the Tenth Doctor's attempts to wipe Donna's memories are imperfect and she becomes the Valeyard-Donna.
Set immediately after Journey's End. The Doctor, having dried off, discovers a message left in the TARDIS data banks left by Donna in case she was forced to part with him, telling him to find someone else and to not travel alone.
Set almost immediately after Journey's End.

Moving on[[edit source]]

The Doctor and Ernest Hemingway drink together by the Seine, and are left with the "hangover from Hell". (COMIC: Thinktwice)
The Doctor meets River for the first time since Forest of the Dead, setting this before The Day of the Doctor. He learns that she is a time traveller, and the events of Journey's End are still fresh in his mind. According to River, the Doctor has been traveling alone since the loss of Donna.
According to the Doctor, The Poison Sky was "not long ago".
The Doctor is taunted with the fact that a blonde woman he loved moved on to another man that was similar to him, alluding to Rose and the Meta-Crisis Doctor, and setting this after Journey's End.
The Doctor recalls traveling with Donna, setting this after Journey's End.
The Doctor faces Davros, setting this after Journey's End.

Saving the Krikoosh[[edit source]]

Ending leads directly into Flight and Fury.
Ending leads directly into The Living Ghosts.
Ending leads directly into Extermination of the Daleks.

Quest for the Eternity Crystal[[edit source]]

The Doctor discovers the Eternity Crystal, and takes it to prevent the Darksmith Collective from having it.
The Doctor loses the Eternity Crystal to the Darksmith Agent.
After retrieving the Eternity Crystal, the Doctor begins tracking down Brother Varlos, the person who constructed the Crystal.
The Doctor recalls the events of The Fires of Pompeii. Having tracked Varlos to Flydon Maxima, the Doctor enlists the help of his daughter, Gisella, who tells him that Varlos had settled in 1895 Paris, leading directly into The Vampire of Paris.
Arriving in Paris, the Doctor and Gisella see Varlos killed by a Time Vampire, leading directly into The Game of Death.
Tracking the Darksmith Agent to the Silver Devastation, the Doctor and Gisella find out that the Agent has been destroyed. Ending leads directly into The Planet of Oblivion.
The Doctor and Gisella are trying to find out who employed the Darksmith Collective to construct the Eternity Crystal. Ending leads directly into The Picture of Emptiness.
The Crystal is legally returned to Gisella by the Shadow Proclamation. However, Gisella betrays the Doctor and hands the Eternity Crystal over to the Darksmith Collective, leading directly into The Art of War.
Following Giselle to 2009 London, the Doctor discovers the Collective's employers are the Krashok, that Gisella was an android created by Varlos all along and had been reprogrammed by the Darksmith Collective to give them the Eternity Crystal when she and the Doctor collected it. Ending leads directly into The End of Time.
After he frees her, the Doctor destroys the Eternity Crystal and defeats the Krashok. The Doctor wishes to continue travelling with Gisella, but she leaves him to pursue her studies at the Space Brain.

Adventures in time[[edit source]]

Ending leads directly into Metal Mania.
Ending leads directly into Dark Side of the Moon.
Ending leads directly into The King of Earth.
Ending leads directly into The Rebirth of Corah.
Ending leads directly into The End.

Early ventures with Heather[[edit source]]

After she helps him defeat the Mozhtratta, the Doctor is joined by Edinburgh University student Heather McCrimmon.
The Doctor finds himself dealing with the fallout of the missing planets plot from The Stolen Earth.
The Doctor suggests that he does not know what his own future holds, setting this before Planet of the Dead.

Joined by Wolfie[[edit source]]

The Doctor and Heather are joined by Wolfgang Ryter, whom the Doctor offers one trip in the TARDIS.
Wolfie takes his first trip in the TARDIS, setting this immediately after Flight of the Giurgeax. The Doctor decides to extend Wolfie's travels in the TARDIS.
Heather has been travelling with the Doctor for months since the events of The Chromosome Connection, but the Doctor returns her to Edinburgh University only a few days after she left. The Doctor offers Wolfie another trip in the TARDIS.
Wolfie complains about being back on Earth again, suggesting a setting directly after Shadow of the Vaipid.
After briefly being turned into a werewolf, Wolfie decides to leave the TARDIS and is returned to Salzburg. He mentions that he has been away "too long".

Last ventures with Heather[[edit source]]

Heather buys a Christmas tree for her grandmother and plans to spend Christmas with her, leading directly into A Merry Little Christmas.
Heather begins sporting her hair in a bobbed hairstyle.
Returning to Edinburgh University, Heather falls into the Mozhtratta's trap and is rendered unable to travel in the Time Vortex, ending her time in the TARDIS.

No more companions[[edit source]]

The Doctor claims to have started experimenting with travelling alone, setting this shortly before The Next Doctor, and possibly shortly after Dead-line.[quote 4] He clicks his fingers to shut the TARDIS' doors, commenting that he is getting better.
During a visit to 1851 London at Christmastime, the Doctor meets a supposed future incarnation of himself and his companion, Rosita Farisi, during their fight against the Cybus Industries Cybermen, only to learn that the "Next Doctor" is Jackson Lake, an ordinary man convinced he was the Doctor due to a malfunctioning infostamp. After defeating the CyberKing, the Doctor joins Jackson and Rosita for Christmas dinner. When asked about companions he might have, the Doctor reveals he has firmly sworn off having travelling companions.
Set between The Next Doctor and Planet of the Dead.[1]
The Doctor is reminded how lonely it is in the TARDIS without a fellow traveller when he spends some time on New Memphis uncovering a mystery with Judoon Commander Rok Ma and Nikki Jupiter. He alludes to recently feeling that a "change [is] coming", but is unsure and optimistic about his future, suggesting a setting before Planet of the Dead.[quote 5]
The Doctor encounters a Sontaran named Staal, setting this after The Poison Sky.
The Doctor recalls meeting Xylem Maple Dorm when he was a young cleric. The Doctor meets Devon Pryce for the first time and decides to stick around New Earth and investigate the Lux, leading into The Skies of New Earth.
The Doctor had been investigating the Lux in New Caelum before being reunited with Devon. Following the defeat of the Lux, the Doctor departs New Earth with the promise to return and help should the Lux return.
Sequel to Love & Monsters. Travelling alone, the Doctor encounters another Abzorbalovian in 2009 Cardiff.
The Doctor attempts to visit Peladon in its future, but accidentally arrives in the past. He believes he can't interfere in history and fixed points, suggesting a setting before The Waters of Mars.
"Mere months" after The Next Doctor, the Doctor bumps into Jackson Lake in 1901 New Zealand, and they go on to have an encounter with the Daleks, which Jackson later recounts in a letter to Rosita.

Lonely exploits[[edit source]]

A direct prequel to Planet of the Dead.
After escaping San Helios with the aid of Lady Christina de Souza on the 200 bus, the Doctor is warned by the psychic Carmen that his "song is ending", that "it is returning" and that "he will knock four times." The Doctor is still adamant about not travelling with companions, turning down Christina when she asks to travel with him.
The Doctor is feeling lonely and misses having a regular travelling companion, but concludes that he ultimately made the right choice to travel alone, even if he admits to himself that he misses having company.[quote 6] He was initially aiming to go to the Majestic Hotel in 1922 Paris, but ultimately decides to go there another time and try pot luck instead.
The last time the Doctor encountered the Krillitane was during the events of School Reunion.[quote 7]
The Doctor recalls meeting Christina, setting this after Planet of the Dead. He appears to be feeling lonely, with Rose, Martha and Donna lingering in his mind.
The Doctor is feeling lonely with no one to talk to, but still considers it best for him to travel alone. However, after an adventure where he encounters himself, the Doctor decides that it might be time to find someone to talk to.
The Doctor comments on how he needs a companion when he subconsciously talks to an inanimate object.
The Doctor has realised how much he misses traveling with a companion.
The Doctor is reminded how lonely he is without a friend to help him again after witnessing the death of Stella. [quote 8]

Temporary companions[[edit source]]

The Doctor meets June at the Acropolis and offers to take her to see it when it was new to thank her for helping him to scare some aliens away from Earth. Along the way, the Doctor answers a distress call and they end up encountering the Slitheen family instead. Eventually, the Doctor does take June to Ancient Greece as promised and returns her to Acropolis immediately afterwards, not wanting to take her on as a companion.[quote 9] However, he offers her one last trip back home after she misses her train.[quote 10]
The Doctor appears to be lonely and misses having a companion around.[quote 11] However, when Dela asks to travel with the Doctor, he refuses.
Set immediately after The Eyeless, with the Doctor having just departed Arcopolis. He recalls returning Donna home and that "even now" the rain serves as an upsetting reminder of that night, suggesting some time has passed since Journey's End, though the Doctor claims he hasn't had any companions since Donna left. The Baobhan Sith tells the Doctor that "[his] time is yet to come and sooner than [he] think[s]", setting this after Planet of the Dead. The Doctor invites Charity Wentworth into the TARDIS as a temporary companion until he can find her a new home, promising her "one trip", though acknowledges that the "one trip" definition can be stretched.
The Doctor mentions River Song, and implies that they see each other regularly, setting this at least after Expiry Dating. The Doctor aids his thirteenth incarnation in destroying the Reality virus with the help of Emer and an unnamed individual. After defeating the Cyber Reaper, the Doctor takes Emer travelling with him as his new companion, setting this when he was more open to traveling with company.[quote 12]

Continued solo exploits[[edit source]]

Set after Planet of the Dead, according to the summary on the dust jacket for Doctor Who Storybook 2010.
The Doctor has been travelling alone for "a long time", and admits that he talks to himself often.
While foiling the Trickster's plan to get Sarah Jane married, the Doctor gets an in-person introduction to Luke Smith, and also meets Clyde Langer and Rani Chandra. The Doctor is warned by the Trickster that "the gate is waiting" for him.
The Doctor and River stop the Wirrn from turning various planets, including Darillium, into incubation farms, setting this after Expiry Dating.

Helping Majenta[[edit source]]

While letting the TARDIS drift as he daydreams, the Doctor finds a ship and learns from the dying occupant and the ship logs of the Knowsall machine at Thinktwice. Going undercover at the prison as a medic, the Doctor encounters Majenta again, and she helps him defeat the Memeovax by unlocking a mysterious power within herself. As she cannot remember her past, and because he is concerned about the powers she unleashed, Majenta invites herself to travel with the Doctor as his patient.
The Doctor and Majenta are trying to get to Panacea, where the Doctor believes Majenta's memory issues can be resolved. However, they instead arrive in Stockbridge, where they help Maxwell Edison save the village from The Lokhus.
En route to Panacea, the TARDIS instead arrives at Stormlight House, where the Doctor learns that Majenta was once betrothed to Wesley Sparks, and she is encouraged by a mysterious voice to "remember the Hand".
After another failed attempt to get to Panacea, the Doctor and Majenta arrive in 2010 Sydney, where they assist UNIT against the Skith. The Doctor and Majenta find her old assistant, Fanson, who dies after telling Majenta that he had wiped her memories to spare her from her past, and the Doctor learns that the Skith homeworld was destroyed by a mysterious hand. After she briefly betrays him to align with the Skith and get to Panacea faster, the Doctor and Majenta come to a better understanding.
En route to Panacea, the Doctor and Majenta instead arrive at New Old Detroit, which the Doctor terraforms into a copy of the English countryside.
The Doctor and Majenta are still trying to visit Panacea. Mnemosyne remarks that the Doctor has "death sitting on [his] shoulder", implying a setting after Planet of the Dead. After they save the London Underground from Mnemosyne, the Doctor, shaken by Mnemosyne's morbid remarks, intends to head straight for Panacea without delay, telling Majenta that he doesn't take companions on anymore, saying that she is merely a job to him. However, the TARDIS is seized by Intersol, leading directly into The Crimson Hand.
While being interrogated by Zed for Intersol, the Doctor learns that Majenta was part of Crimson Hand criminal group that destroyed the Skith homeworld with the Manus Maleficus, and that traces of the Manus Maleficus' powers were sealed within Majenta when Fanson erased her memories to hide her from the Crimson Hand. However, Majenta's interrogation reawakens those powers and the Crimson Hand arrive to reclaim her, destroying most of Intersol. After sacrificing her life to destroy the Crimson Hand with the Manus Maleficus, the Doctor is able to use the Manus Maleficus to resurrect Majenta and leaves her on New Old Detroit to start a new life with Zed.

Meddling with time[[edit source]]

While attending a party in 1926 Hollywood, the Doctor saves young actress Emily Winter and runner Matthew Finnegan from a fire. They ask to travel with him, but he turns them down, obliquely claiming his last companionship "didn't end well". Leaving Hollywood, the Doctor is arrested by the Shadow Proclamation, leading into Fugitive.
The Doctor is arrested for preventing the fix point in time that was Emily's death, but escapes. He returns to Hollywood to collect a Terronite Transference machine as evidence, and decides to bring Emily and Matthew with him this time. Kraden mentions "the darkness" that's coming, and the Shadow Architect tells the Doctor he shouldn't be alone "when he knocks the fourth time", foreshadowing the events of The End of Time.
The Doctor mentions Christina, setting this after Planet of the Dead. Emily and Matthew have just recently joined the Doctor. The Advocate attacks the TARDIS to steal the Terronite technology and place doubt about the Doctor in Matthew's mind. The Doctor is summoned by Martha Jones, leading directly into Don't Step on the Grass.
The Doctor is still angry with Martha for nearly engaging the Osterhagen Project in Journey's End, and is aware that she is married to Mickey, despite Martha not telling him. After his faith in the Doctor is completely lost, Matthew leaves the TARDIS to travel with the Advocate.
The Doctor decides the time to deal with the Advocate and get Matthew back has come, leading directly into Final Sacrifice.
Set two weeks after Tesseract. Matthew and the Advocate's minds merge to form a fifth-dimensional being called the Tef'Aree, who reveals it had manipulated events to ensure its own creation. After he leaves Emily behind on Earth, the Doctor heads off for an adventure on Mars, leading directly into The Waters of Mars.

Becoming the Time Lord Victorious[[edit source]]

The Doctor recalls the recent events of Planet of the Dead.[quote 13] After briefly proclaiming himself the Time Lord Victorious while trying to alter a fixed point in time concerning Adelaide Brooke on 2059 Mars, the Doctor sees a vision of Ood Sigma, heralding his upcoming demise, which he starts running from.
Set during The Waters of Mars.
Depicts the ending of The Waters of Mars from the TARDIS' perspective. The TARDIS decides to take the Doctor through the Time Fracture and into the Dark Times, leading directly into The Knight, The Fool, and The Dead.
Set both during and immediately after the ending of The Waters of Mars, depicting a different portrayal of the Time Lord Victorious.
Immediately after The Waters of Mars, (DWM 557) the Doctor travels to the Dark Times to stop the Kotturuh from bringing death to the universe. He also meets Brian the Ood, who joins him on his quest to defeat the Kotturuh. The Doctor changes into ceremonial Time Lord regalia and becomes Admiral of a Mercenary Fleet, with Brian as his commander. The Doctor's eighth and ninth incarnations arrive in the Dark Times to stop him destroying the Kotturuh, but the Tenth Doctor does so anyway.
Immediately after The Knight, The Fool and The Dead, the three Doctors engage in the Battle of Mordeela. The Tenth Doctor's fleet is reduced to one ship, which he escapes in with Brian.
Set during All Flesh is Grass, after the Battle of Mordeela.[6] The Doctor, wearing his Time Lord regalia, is tracked down to a desert planet by Brian, who has spent a great deal of time trying to find him. The Doctor claims he is trying to do good.
The Doctor and Brian are travelling together in the Dark Times.
Several weeks after the Battle of Mordeela, during which the Doctor and Brian have been travelling together in the surviving mercenary ship, the Doctor realises the mistake he made in wiping out the Kotturuh, and joins with his eighth and ninth incarnations to protect Gallifrey from the Daleks. After the Dalek Time Squad are defeated, Brian decides to stay on Birinji whilst the Doctor leaves the Dark Times.
The Tenth Doctor unites with his other incarnations to help a group of people seal the Time Fracture he created during The Waters of Mars.

Avoiding the Ood Sphere[[edit source]]

Set shortly after The Waters of Mars, with the Doctor visiting the Cathedral of Contemplation whilst avoiding answering Ood Sigma's summons, where he crosses paths with his fourth incarnation. The Tenth Doctor believes he "has the right" to destroy the Daleks, suggesting he still has his "Time Lord Victorious" mentality. He also still refuses to travel with companions, but the Fourth Doctor advises him to reconsider, and he decides to delay travelling to the Ood Sphere for a little longer.
The Doctor is unfazed by his killing of Gom, implying this takes place near the end of his life, specifically after The Waters of Mars.
The Waters of Mars occurred "only recently". The Doctor names a galaxy Alison.
Set after The Taking of Chelsea 426, with the Doctor aiming for the Majestic Hotel in 1922 Paris, but instead arriving in 1944 Paris, where he and the Fifth Doctor resolve a temporal catastrophe involving the Cybermen.
The Doctor doesn't want to visit a specific location "yet", possibly the Ood Sphere, which would set this after The Waters of Mars. Upon encountering his sixth incarnation, he comments "not again", suggesting a setting shortly after Out of Time and The Gates of Hell. The Tenth Doctor recalls the events of Blink as his last encounter with the Weeping Angels, setting this before The Weeping Angels of Mons, and uses the TARDIS key fob from The End of Time.
The Doctor is called back to New Earth to help defeat the Lux once and for all.
Set after Expiry Dating.

Meeting Gabby Gonzalez[[edit source]]

Authorial intent places this shortly after Planet of the Dead,[7] with the Doctor having "just rejected Christina de Souza as a potential companion",[8] though references made in COMIC: The Good Companion imply that such intentions were ultimately abandoned. The Doctor starts traveling with Gabby Gonzalez after she tells him that "no song should end too soon".
Gabby takes her first trip in the TARDIS, landing in the future on Ouloumos, her first alien planet. The Doctor decides to let Gabby stay with him permanently and offers her another chance at a "first trip", leading directly into The Weeping Angels of Mons.
The Doctor and Gabby face the Weeping Angels during World War I.
Gabby's experiences in World War I inspire her to return home to Sunset Park to see her friends and family for the first time since Revolutions of Terror.
Set between Echo and The Fountains of Forever, according to the The Fountains of Forever graphic novel.
The Doctor and Gabby are still in New York following the events of Echo. The Doctor and Gabby meet Cleopatra Hunsicker and Dorothy Bell for the first time. Ending leads directly into Spiral Staircase.
Ending leads directly into Sins of the Father.
The Doctor and Gabby encounter Anubis, who gives them "five thousand time cycles" to figure out a way of safely collapsing the Circle of Transcendence, and promises to look in on their progress.

Working for Anubis[[edit source]]

The Doctor refers to the recent events of The Next Doctor. Gabby takes her first trip to Paris, where she and the Doctor had encountered the Cybermen before the "Multi-Doctor event".
Set during Four Doctors.
Set during Four Doctors.
Anubis looks in on the Doctor and Gabby for the first time since they made their arrangement in Sins of the Father. He has grown impatient of the Doctor's lack of communication with him.
Ending leads directly into Arena of Fear.
Cindy Wu joins the Doctor and Gabby in the TARDIS.
Cindy has just joined the TARDIS crew and is settling into her new room, setting this immediately after Arena of Fear. The Doctor is rigging up a new rift detector.
The Doctor has completed building his rift detector, setting this after Lady of the Blue Box. The Doctor and Gabby have just escaped the Arena of Fear and decide to take Cindy on her first trip in the TARDIS, which is also Gabby's first trip to the United Kingdom, setting this shortly after Arena of Fear. The Doctor uses a time scope to defeat the Witch, leading directly into The Infinite Corridor.
Upon returning to the TARDIS following their encounter with the Wishing Well Witch, the Doctor decides that they are in need of a holiday and elects to take Gabby and Cindy to New Orleans, but the TARDIS malfunctions due to stress put upon it by the use of the time scope. The Doctor suspects that Anubis has been toying with them.
The Doctor, Gabby and Cindy spend two weeks holidaying in New Orleans, though the Doctor spends most of this time inside the TARDIS. The Doctor and Gabby encounter the Nocturnes for the second time. Ending leads directly into Music Man.
Roscoe Ruskin, whom was in a romantic relationship with Cindy in New Orleans, is killed by the Nocturne.
The Doctor drops Gabby and Cindy off at Sunset Park so that Cindy can recover from Roscoe's death, while he looks in on Cleo and they share several adventures together, including attending the Ogrons poet society and visiting the Guild of Unfeasible Mirthcasters. (COMIC: Revolving Doors)
Gabby notices how antsy the Doctor is getting during their stay in Sunset Park while Cindy recovers from Roscoe's death, and decides to slip away with him for an adventure. Gabby takes her first trip to London, and begins to realise how little she knows about the Doctor. The Doctor encounters an unconscious Martha, but leaves before she wakes up.
Cindy rejoins the Doctor and Gabby on their travels, and still considers herself a "TARDIS newbie", setting this shortly after Arena of Fear. Anubis is rejuvenated and begins using the name "Noobis".

Joined by Noobis[[edit source]]

Set immediately after Old Girl. Noobis, feeling lonely and grieving for Dorothy, decides to join the Doctor, Gabby and Cindy on their travels. Cindy is cloned and kidnapped by a Red TARDIS, leading directly into Sharper Than a Serpent's Tooth.
The Doctor, Gabby and Noobis follow the Red TARDIS to Ancient China, where they rescue Cindy and her clones.
The Doctor sends Cindy's clones out into the world, where they eventually become Cindy's own ancestors. Reunited, the Doctor, Gabby, Cindy and Noobis continue their travels, encountering fake Cybermen that re-enact the Cyber-Wars, visiting a world where fruit is used a currency, and also visiting the Xenopsychology Library of Aramuko. Noobis decides to take a break from travelling in the TARDIS in order to stay on Aramuko for a while. (COMIC: Vortex Butterflies)

Final travels with Gabby and Cindy[[edit source]]

Cindy travels on a conventional spaceship for the first time, having not encountered one on her travels with the Doctor and Gabby before.
The Doctor, Gabby and Cindy battle the Zoroniss in 111 Rome.
The Doctor, Gabby and Cindy attend Plex's funeral.
The Doctor, Gabby and Cindy encounter Cybermen again. The Doctor meets Jenny for the first time since The Doctor's Daughter and discovers that she's alive, though he loses his memory of the meeting. After telling her that he does not wish to talk about Donna, the Doctor confesses to Jenny that he hasn't checked up on Martha in a while and should catch up with her soon.
According to the plot synopsis, the events of The Good Companion loom in the Doctor's near future. The Doctor, Gabby and Cindy arrive on a spaceship together, setting this after Supremacy of the Cybermen.
The Doctor, Gabby and Cindy visit London together, setting this after Revolving Doors.
The Doctor drops Gabby and Cindy off at a house owned by him in 2009 Willesden, and asks Sarah Jane to look after them. Sarah Jane has a photo of herself and the Doctor on her wedding day, setting this after The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith. Despite the events of Nurse Who?, Cindy visits London for the first time and Gabby hasn't been there since Revolving Doors. Ending leads directly into The Good Companion.
While on Ouloumos, the Doctor receives a message from Cleo, and takes Cindy in the TARDIS to visit her. After Gabby is kidnapped by the Red TARDIS, the Doctor, Cindy and Cleo reunite with Noobis on Aramuko, and then find Gabby and Marteek. Gabby falls out of the TARDIS and into the Time Vortex, where she is rescued by the Moment. The Doctor saves Aramuko from the Red Carnivorous Maw and the Moment is paving the way for the Doctor to save Gallifrey, setting this between The Waters of Mars and The Day of the Doctor.
Set concurrently with The Good Companion.

Trapped in the past[[edit source]]

The Doctor is transported to the planet Mira during a time before the Time War, and becomes stranded on the wrong side of the temporal horizon. He reunites with Anya Kingdom and Mark Seven for the first time since his fourth incarnation. Ending leads directly into The Wrong Woman.
The Doctor discovers how he was transported to before the Time War when the Nun impersonates him to fool Anya and Mark. Anya and Mark elect to aid the Doctor in his search for time technology to use to travel back to his own time.
The quest for time technology brings the trio to Neptune, where they meet Anya's grandfather, Merrick Kingdom, and the Mechanoids. Ending leads directly in to Cycle of Destruction.
Following on from the events of The House of Kingdom, the trio arrive on ALARC, where they uncover Mark's origins. The Doctor calls Anya "Donna" while in a state of delirium, suggesting he is still adjusting to her absence. The Doctor, Anya and Mark plan to visit Beltross Station, leading directly into The Trojan Dalek.
The Doctor, Anya and Mark investigate Daleks on Beltross Station. Mark is seemingly killed during their escape from the station, while the Doctor and Anya get away in a damaged spaceship.
Shortly after their spaceship crash lands on a strange world, the Doctor and Anya are taunted by the Lost about the losses in their lives, particularly the recent losses of Mark, Merrick and Donna. After being prevented from going to the Lost's realm in the first place, the Doctor and Anya manage to time-jump into the future, where they are hailed by a Movellan flagship, leading directly into The First Son.
The Doctor and Anya arrive in the Dalek-Movellan War, where they encounter River and are advised to seek out the First Movellan. They contact the Space Security Service to aid them, leading directly into The Dalek Defence.
The Doctor and Anya are picked up by Colonel Keelan and taken to the base on Titan holding Davros prisoner following the events of Destiny of the Daleks. The Doctor, Anya, Keelan and Davros escape when the Movellans attack, leading directly into The Triumph of Davros.
The Doctor, Anya, Keelan and Davros arrive on Kembel, where they meet the First Movellan, who is actually Mark. The Doctor mentions that he has encountered "a lot of Supreme Daleks" lately, alluding to the events of Journey's End, and possibly Prisoner of the Daleks and Out of Time as well. Mark is killed, but not before he reminds the Doctor that he is a good man who always tries to save lives without taking them, encouraging the Doctor to invite Anya to travel with him permanently. However, they are separated before she can decide, and the Doctor returns to his own time alone and decides to visit Queen Elizabeth I in 1562, leading into The Day of the Doctor.

Continuing to delay his fate[[edit source]]

Set after The Waters of Mars, with the Doctor marrying Elizabeth I, something he would recall doing while avoiding Ood Sigma during The End of Time. He claims to be 904-years-old. According to the novelisation, he acquired information on the Zygons from River Song. Brought back to the last day of the Time War with his eleventh incarnation, the Tenth Doctor helps the War Doctor find an alternative way to end the war, and then joins their ten other incarnations in locking Gallifrey in a pocket universe.
The Doctor introduces a cinema screening of The Day of the Doctor with his eleventh incarnation.
The Doctor is concerned that his actions as the Time Lord Victorious are catching up with him, setting this after All Flesh is Grass. He recalls his engagement to Elizabeth I, but not their marriage, implying a setting shortly after The Day of the Doctor, with the Doctor unable to remember his full relationship with Elizabeth due to his timeline being recently out out-of-sync due to the Multi-Doctor event.
Set between The Day of the Doctor and The End of Time, with the Doctor also recalling the recent events of The Waters of Mars. Reflecting on his life, he decides that it is unfair that he has to die and concludes that he will have fun and keep travelling, despite knowing innately that his fate is set.
Set between The Waters of Mars and The End of Time.[9] The Doctor vaguely comments on the amount of people heralding his upcoming death.
The Doctor mentions a recent visit to a library where something bad happened, alluding to the events of Silence in the Library. A "pale figure" observes him, suggesting his regeneration is fast approaching.
The Doctor encounters the Krillitane during the 21st century for the first time since School Reunion. [quote 14]
The Doctor is still haunted by Donna's fate, and is travelling alone due to having had "a bad time recently", implied to be the events of Journey's End. After holidaying on a purple beach, the Doctor hunts down a sentient weapon from the Time War called the Hush.

Clearing Time War fallout[[edit source]]

The Doctor rescues K9 Mark II from deep space and they resume travelling together. They help Leela defend a village from the Spriggan, and then prepare to embark on a mission to track down lost Time War technology. The Doctor alludes to having lost Rose twice, setting this after Journey's End, and his attitude towards Gallifrey and the Time War indicates a post-Dalek Universe setting.
The Doctor and K9's quest leads them to Nyssa.
The Doctor leaves K9 in the care of Ace. He invites Ace to travel with him again, although she declines, suggesting a setting where he was more willing to take on companions.

Final adventures[[edit source]]

The Doctor encounters his eleventh incarnation in a dream.
The Doctor is preparing to face his death, setting this shortly before The End of Time.
The Tenth Doctor assists the crew of the USS Swinetrek with a plot device. However, another account depicts the Fifth Doctor assisting the USS Swinetrek crew.
Seeing the sights of the universe, the Doctor spends a few weeks rescuing endangered animals from extinction, since he "may soon [himself] become extinct", setting this between The Waters of Mars and The End of Time. He runs into Christina again, and claims that he has somewhere he needs to go alone afterwards, and that his holiday is over.
The Doctor tells Mason Valentin that there's "something [he's] been avoiding" and then leaves after saying his "time's up", leading into The End of Time.
Answering Ood Sigma's call, the Doctor learns of the Master's resurrection during 2009 Christmastime. Trying to find him, the Doctor runs into Wilf, and realises they are still being connected. The Doctor claims to be 906-years-old, and joins forces with Wilf to stop the Master. Realising that the Master is a pawn in Rassilon's plan to destroy the universe to survive the Time War, the Doctor is able to send the Time Lords back into the war with the Master's aid, but has to sacrifice himself to save Wilf from a radiation shield about to be flooded with radiation from the Immortality Gate. With the regeneration process starting, the Doctor returns Wilf home and goes to get "his reward".

Final reward[[edit source]]

The Doctor visits his old companions, such as watching Jo Grant sail down the Yangtze River. (TV: Death of the Doctor)
The Doctor recalls the events of The End of Time.
Set during Legacy.
The Doctor saves Martha and Mickey from a Sontaran and prevents Luke from being run over by a car. (TV: The End of Time)
The Doctor visits Hame on her deathbed, and witnesses her pass away. He mentions that he is on a "final journey" after being "poisoned", setting this during his reward in The End of Time.
The Doctor salutes the Brigadier with his other incarnations.
The Doctor saves Heather and Wolfie from a meteorite creature built from museum parts during his reward in The End of Time.
The Doctor travels to the Zaggit Zagoo bar to set Jack up with Midshipman Alonso Frame, has Verity Newman sign his copy of A Journal of Impossible Things, and, after borrowing a pound from the late Geoff Noble in the past, buys a rollover-winning lottery ticket as a wedding gift for Donna and presents it to Sylvia and Wilf at her wedding. (TV: The End of Time)
Set near the end of the Doctor's reward in The End of Time, with the Doctor already in the process of regenerating, and just barely holding it back.
After visiting the 2005 Powell Estate to see Rose one last time, the Doctor, with encouragement from the Ood, regenerates into his next incarnation in the TARDIS.
Set during The End of Time epilogue.

Next page: Eleventh Doctor

Currently unplaced[[edit source]]

These entries are placed here due to being part of ongoing storylines that have yet to offer sufficient enough evidence to be placed in a specific part of this Doctor's timeline, unless further evidence arises in the stories to come.
The Doctor takes Sarah Jane on a trip to Skaro, and is recruited to collect vortex energy by K9.
The Doctor and Martha visit Atlantis, though the Doctor has his memory of the trip wiped by River to preserve their history. (GAME: Lost in Time)
The Doctor brings Donna and Wilf to the Ood Sphere to see a historical concert, only to find the Tremas Master usurping the show in a bid to hypnotise the universe, with their defeating his plot causing Wilf to lose all memory of ever going to the Ood Sphere. (GAME: Lost in Time)

Awaiting placement[[edit source]]

These entries are placed here until a suitable position in the timeline can be determined based on the available evidence.

The Doctor lands at Kerblam with Martha, in her outfit from The Doctor's Daughter. It appears to be Martha's first encounter with the Autons and Nestene. The story ends with them detecting Daleks, potentially leading into a future episode of Lost in Time (video game).

Quotes[[edit source]]

  1. MICKEY: "It's a spaceship. Brilliant! I got a spaceship on my first go."
  2. ROSE-THE-CAT: "I hope you at least said the 'L' word to her while she was still around..."
    DOCTOR: "'Lilith'?! Now look here, Rose! She only broke one of my hearts and that was completely different!!"
  3. DONNA: "Still on your own?"
    DOCTOR: "Yup. Well, no. I had this friend. Martha she was called. Martha Jones. She was brilliant."
  4. "I'd normally, um, offer to give you a little trip somewhere. As a kind of thank you. But at the moment, I'm... sort of experimenting with... travelling alone." He scratched his ear awkwardly, swivelled on one heel and looked at a point just beyond her head. "Seeing how it works out." He swallowed uncomfortably. "You know. Easy come, easy go, and all that."
  5. No one else was around to tell him not to. He sighed again. One day, he would meet someone to share his travels with him – he always did eventually. He'd had a peculiar feeling for some time recently that change was coming, he was sure of it, he could feel something lurking in his near future, something big, terrible and yet inevitable... The Doctor shook his head. No point moping about things that hadn't happened yet. The future – his future – was a blank book. He had no way of knowing what it held for him; what monsters he might fight, what evil he might encounter, what worlds he might see, but he did know one thing... it would be an adventure!
  6. He thought about what Jake had asked him, or at least very nearly asked him, and wondered whether he had made the right decision. After all, the TARDIS being the TARDIS, he could have taken him away to see another world, another time, and still been able to bring him back in time for dinner. No, he decided. He had done the right thing. Besides, he liked his own company. There was nothing wrong with travelling alone. No one to answer to, nobody to nag him or question him. He quite liked it, in fact. Couldn't be happier. It was just that the TARDIS could seem a very empty place sometimes. Empty and very quiet.
  7. The neck was longer than the last time he'd encountered them, some 800 years in Earth's future, and the tail much longer, with a forked tip. Very much the traditional representation of the Devil in this period. How apt.
  8. Not for the first time, the Doctor felt incredibly alone. He longed for someone like Martha or Donna, someone who would understand, someone who could help. He thought of Stella, and a deep sense of grief suddenly washed over him. She would have understood. She would have helped.
  9. "OK," said the Doctor, stepping back from the controls. "Just as I promised. Back the moment we left." June felt cold, watching the controls, not wanting it to be over. "Can't I stay?" she asked in a quiet voice. "You'll miss your train home," he told her, nodding at the rucksack parked under a chair. "And there are people waiting to see you." She nodded, reaching for the bag that contained so much of her old, real life.
  10. "Or I could give you a lift." She looked him up and down. "Straight home to Birmingham. No detours." "Scout's honour." "No answering distress signals? Nothing dangerous or mad?" "Of course not," he said. And then he smiled at her. His dark eyes twinkled with mischief. Laughing, June followed him inside.
  11. He needed to get back to the TARDIS. He turned, wanting companionship, more than anything, but there was no one beside him.
  12. DOCTOR: "Anyway. Better get going. Emer wants to find out what it's like to live, so I promised I'd show her around the universe."
  13. DOCTOR: "No, because someone told me just recently. They said I was going to die. They said he will knock four times."
  14. Last time he had met the Krillitanes in this time period, they were frying school chips in their oil.

Footnotes[[edit source]]