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Eighth Doctor

Leading a life of great temporal complexity, the Eighth Doctor was so frequently involved in time paradoxes and parallel universes that it was impossible to know with certainty how the major epochs of his existence fitted together, complicated even further by his frequent bouts of amnesia and his claim of being half-human — though sources dispute if this was actually the case.

The Eighth Doctor was inherently a happy adventurer, falling in love with companions Grace Holloway and Charley Pollard, and was not averse to experiencing and appreciating very human emotions, from kissing Grace to providing psychological support for Izzy Sinclair. A playful man who wanted the universe to be a peaceful and beautiful place, even when met with disaster, he was not averse to cheekily giving people hints about their futures as he revelled in life and living, but his lifetime was equally defined by some of the nastiest circumstances possible, from him constantly being captured and tortured to witnessing many senseless deaths. In the later years of his life, he turned colder and angrier and less willing to take on companions when it became clear that a terrible tragedy was brewing in the universe.

An optimist and romantic at his core, the Eighth Doctor tried to remain a cheerful and pacifistic adventurer in spite of a universe that grew ever increasingly hostile around him, eventually culminating in the eruption of the Last Great Time War between the Time Lords and the Dalek Empire. Despite his efforts to avoid the conflict, the Doctor was often forced into involvement, either due to Time Lord puppetry or outside intervention, through he himself was adamant to keep his distance from the centre of the battle.

After the end of the Time War, the Ninth Doctor emerged, and some sources and spectators indicated that the Eighth Doctor had regenerated directly into him. However, a far greater number of sources suggested that the Eighth Doctor chose to regenerate, while abandoning his name, into the War Doctor when he succumbed to despair after failing to save a single life during the Time War.

Biography[[edit] | [edit source]]

A day to come[[edit] | [edit source]]

{{section stub|Info from ''[[No Future (novel)|No Future]]'' needs to be added}} The First Doctor would occasionally have premonitions of his future incarnations, (PROSE: A Big Hand for the Doctor) and there was a rumour that he was able to glimpse as far as his eighth incarnation during a game of Eighth Man Bound. (PROSE: Christmas on a Rational Planet, Lungbarrow)

When the First Doctor learned that he was diverted from the South Pole by "forces from the future" to stop him from becoming an incarnation that would play a key role in a future conflict, he was informed by the Player that he would have "lots of new faces" before he regenerated into the incarnation involved in the conflict. (AUDIO: The Plague of Dreams)

The First Doctor was shown footage of the Eighth Doctor, as well as his ten other successors, by the Testimony when he expressed doubt over the Twelfth Doctor's identity. (TV: Twice Upon a Time)

When he met the Tenth Doctor at the Cathedral of Contemplation, the Fourth Doctor noted the implication that his tenth incarnation also represented all the lives he would live until the the Tenth Doctor arrived at the Cathedral. (AUDIO: Out of Time)

Mawdryn attempted to force the Fifth Doctor to use up his eight remaining regenerations to end his follower's cycle of perpetual rebirth, but this was rendered unnecessary when Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart made physical contact with his younger self and a discharge of temporal energy was released that allowed Mawdryn and his followers to die. (TV: Mawdryn Undead)

The Eighth Doctor was described as "the idealist" by the Doctor's first TARDIS to the Fifth Doctor. (AUDIO: Prisoners of Fate)

After losing his body to the Time Lords, the Tremas Master made a failed attempt to steal a regeneration from the Fifth Doctor. (PROSE: The Velvet Dark)

The Fifth Doctor was told by Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart that he had worked with eight other incarnations of the Doctor by 1999, including four of his future incarnations. (PROSE: The King of Terror)

After the TARDIS became "stalled in the equivalent of a galactic lay-by", the Sixth Doctor had a worried thought of Peri Brown growing old and dying in the TARDIS, while he would "go on regenerating until all [his] lives [were] spent." (TV: Vengeance on Varos)

When the Tremas Master exposed the Valeyard's alliance with High Council to the Sixth Doctor at his trial, he revealed that the Valeyard was acting as the prosecutor for the trial in exchange for the Doctor's remaining regenerations. (TV: The Ultimate Foe)

While taunting the Sixth Doctor with knowledge of his future, the Valeyard described the Doctor's eighth incarnation as the one that "[would] never be able to shake the shadow of death," and then claimed that "there [would] be deaths" in the Doctor's future. (AUDIO: Trial of the Valeyard)

When Ace was sent into the Seventh Doctor's mind, she discovered a room with thirteen cubicles, seven of them empty, while the other six contained shadowy white figures, representing the Doctor's future incarnations. The barely formed eighth incarnation asked Ace if "it [was] time", but she told him it was not and encouraged him to return to his slumber. (PROSE: Timewyrm: Revelation) The Doctor himself would actively resist the temptation to regenerate, fearing it would cause the Valeyard to manifest. (PROSE: Head Games)

After nearly drowning in the oceans of the Artifact, the Seventh Doctor briefly began to regenerate, but the process was averted when Mark Bannen applied artificial respiration. (PROSE: Parasite)

While trapped in his own mind during his confrontation with the Scourge, the Seventh Doctor and Benny Summerfield saw the Doctor's eighth incarnation, which the Doctor noted was more of a possibility than a reality when Benny became attracted to the image. (AUDIO: The Shadow of the Scourge)

After sealing Gallifrey away in a pocket dimension, (TV: The Day of the Doctor) the Seventh Doctor was able to recall teaming up with his other twelve incarnations to save Gallifrey. (AUDIO: Cold Fusion)

After he suffered a one-sided heart attack at Roz Forrester's funeral, the Seventh Doctor had a vision of Death taunting him about taking the life of one of his companions, and that she would soon take his "without warning," when he was "alone and afraid." (PROSE: So Vile a Sin) The Doctor later noted that his regeneration was growing nearer. (PROSE: The Room With No Doors)

As part of a scheme to trick Melanie Bush into working for her, Gloria Swannicker faked the Seventh Doctor's regeneration and posed as his successor. (AUDIO: A Life of Crime)

After being injured, the Seventh Doctor became worried that he might have regenerated. (AUDIO: Maker of Demons)

After being imprisoned for years on Spiridon by the Daleks, the Seventh Doctor escaped by weaponising a light-wave sickness, killing the Daleks, and almost forcing him to regenerate. The Doctor survived by returning to the TARDIS, where his cells stabilised so the regeneration never took place. (AUDIO: Return of the Daleks)

As his body grew older, the Seventh Doctor realised his next regeneration would come soon. He became afraid that his successor would not have the mettle to always do what was necessary to stand against injustice, and devoted the rest of his time to rooting out evil and putting things right in the universe while he still knew he could. (AUDIO: Persuasion)

Post-regeneration[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Doctor regenerating into his eighth incarnation. (TV: Doctor Who)

Not my hands.The Eighth Doctor's first words [The Novel of the Film (novelisation) [src]]

After his previous incarnation's circulatory system was fatally damaged by Dr. Grace Holloway at Walker General Hospital, the Eighth Doctor came into existence three hours later in the hospital morgue; the anaesthetic nearly destroyed the regenerative process, resulting in the unprecedented delay. Suffering complete amnesia due to the circumstances of his "death", (TV: Doctor Who) and feeling that his body was "wrong", (PROSE: The Novel of the Film) the Doctor pillaged a new outfit from the hospital locker room, and sought out Grace, (TV: Doctor Who) whom he believed knew who he was, due to a memory he had of her. (PROSE: The Novel of the Film) Convincing her to take him to her home by removing the surgical probe she had personally inserted into his previous body, the Doctor gave Grace some of his blood to study, and then went for a walk with her to try and jog more of his memory, which coincided with the Bruce Master, now in a stolen body, and Chang Lee opening the Eye of Harmony in the TARDIS, which caused the Doctor to regain his memory, but scare Grace away with his erratic behaviour and believe he was insane because of his claims of being a time traveller and an alien, and the eventual destruction of the Earth due to the Master's actions.

While Grace called for a psychiatric ward, the Doctor realised that the Eye opening was causing molecular instability on Earth, and that he needed to find an atomic clock with a beryllium chip to fix the critical timing malfunction in the TARDIS console. Just then, the Master and Lee arrived, pretending to be the ambulance drivers that had answered Grace's call, but the Doctor exposed their deception to Grace on the journey, and the two escaped to the Institute for Technological Advancement and Research on a police motorcycle. There, they were able to steal a beryllium chip from Professor Wagg's atomic clock.

The Doctor's life is drained out of him. (TV: Doctor Who)

When they got back to the TARDIS to fix the timing malfunction, Grace knocked the Doctor out when the Master took over her mind and she and Lee put him in restraints. While the restrained Doctor managed to expose Lee to the Master's lies before he could reopen the Eye, the Master killed Lee and forcibly used the freed Grace instead, so he could use the Eye to steal the Doctor's lives. Faced with the Master's endgame, the Doctor instructed Grace to set the TARDIS on a temporal orbit back in its timestream to prevent the Earth from being sucked through the Eye; the consequential loss of power to the Eye prevented the Master from successfully stealing the Doctor's life force. (TV: Doctor Who) However, the usage of a temporal orbit to save the Earth resulted in what was referred to as the Eighth Doctor's "birth cry" by the boy of the Faction Paradox, (PROSE: Unnatural History) which was a temporal paradox that heralded a life of considerable complexity. (PROSE: Interference - Book One, Interference - Book Two, Time Zero, The Gallifrey Chronicles; AUDIO: Storm Warning, Zagreus)

The Doctor relaxes after his first adventure. (TV: Doctor Who)

Grace returned to release the Doctor from his restraints, but the Master regained enough strength to throw her across the Cloister Room, killing her. The Doctor and the Master then fought one another, but the Master misjudged the angle of an attack and fell into the Eye, refusing to accept the Doctor's aid. As the TARDIS travelled back in its time-stream, Grace and Lee were revived by some energy from the Eye. Depositing them back to San Francisco in time for New Year's Day 2000, the Doctor advised Lee to take a vacation on the following Christmas, and asked Grace to travel with him. Though she declined, and he rejected her request to live a normal life with her in San Francisco, the two parted on good terms with a goodbye kiss, as the Doctor left for new adventures in his TARDIS, (TV: Doctor Who) with the intention of travelling alone for a while (PROSE: The Bodysnatchers) as he vowed to be "neither player nor pawn" in the universe's machinations. (PROSE: The Threshold)

New adventures[[edit] | [edit source]]

{{section stub|Info from ''[[Suns and Mothers (short story)|Suns and Mothers]]'', ''[[The Scent of Blood (audio story)|The Scent of Blood]]'', ''[[From Little Acorns (short story)|From Little Acorns]]'', ''[[The Eye of the Tyger (novel)|The Eye of the Tyger]]'', & ''[[Companion (short story)|Companion]]'' needs to be added}}

Leaving San Francisco, the Doctor fell victim to a last trap set by the Master, causing yet another case of amnesia. He found himself travelling to different past points in his own timeline, encountering his previous incarnations to regain his memories via telepathic contact with each past incarnation. During these visits, he also offered the past Doctors advice and assistance, even securing the release of Borusa from the Tomb of Rassilon while arranging an inquiry into the trial of his sixth incarnation. At the end of this journey, Rassilon revealed that he had been guiding the Doctor's journeys to make some changes to the pattern of history; the Doctor regained his memories and acquired a new companion, Sam Jones, a young woman from the same Shoreditch neighbourhood in which he lived in during his first incarnation. (PROSE: The Eight Doctors) Since the Doctor had inadvertently changed his own timeline by travelling through it, (PROSE: Alien Bodies) the "Great Grey Eminence" made a deal with the Faction Paradox to fold the Doctor's timeline back on itself and rewrite Gallifreyan history, at least according to the Book of Lies. The Boy suggested that, as part of the Eminence's plan to re-sterilise Gallifrey, he arranged for the Doctor to travel with Sam rather than someone who would dare to "screw" him. (PROSE: Unnatural History) However, the Doctor would periodically take several "side trips" between his adventures with Sam. (PROSE: Seeing I)

After Sam joined him, the Doctor took her to Silhouette Island in the Seychelles, where they were captured by a Rhiptogan bounty hunter called Ruduse. After Sam was poisoned by an alien plant, the Doctor gained an ally in a fugitive Ladeeth, who sacrificed himself to trap Ruduse in a spaceship before it exploded. Back in the TARDIS, the Doctor successfully cured Sam. (AUDIO: Bounty)

Soon after an adventure on a new planet, (PROSE: Steps) the Doctor became dissatisfied with his model train set, and decided to rebuild the system so that it could function on its own and not need his constant attention. (PROSE: Model Train Set)

The Doctor and Sam visited Stonehenge during its construction, where they discovered that it was being built by slave labour. The Doctor was captured after Sam interrupted a human sacrifice and was taken to Coyn, the tribal chieftain obsessed with building the temple, and convinced him to let the slaves go free. He then put an end to the rebellion Sam had inadvertently started. (PROSE: The People's Temple)

Feeling remorseful for the actions of his previous incarnation, the Doctor went to work on a farm owned by Senora Panstedas in Spain, and the pair developed a friendship over the five months he spent there. After he unearthed the body of her murdered husband, the Doctor provided Senora Panstedas with closure and departed. (PROSE: Totem)

The Doctor and Sam landed on Eros, where they were captured by Queen Asheya, fell in love with the Doctor and desired to make him her consort. When the Doctor was challenged to a duel to the death for Asheya's hand, he promised Asheya he would stay if he won. However, Asheya realised that he did not want to stay, and gave him back his freedom. (PROSE: The Queen of Eros)

The Doctor returned to his model train set, only to find it in ruins, a glitch having caused the entire system to go out of control. He started to clean up, but noticed a miniature work crew beginning to make repairs, and decided to let them fix it themselves, hoping that they would learn from the process. (PROSE: Model Train Set)

The Doctor and Sam killed a vampire in 1976 San Francisco with the help of Carolyn McConnell. (PROSE: Vampire Science)

The Doctor witnessed the birth of Arthur Pendragon in Camelot. Remembering his encounter with Morgaine in his seventh incarnation and the destiny that he had to fulfil, the Doctor began calling himself "Merlin" and defeated Morgaine and a renegade Time Lord, who wanted to overpower Camelot. However, he was too late to stop the renegade from killing Arthur. The Doctor used Morgaine's spaceship to place Arthur's body at the bottom of the lake, leaving the message for the Seventh Doctor, ensuring that both his and Arthur's destinies would be fulfilled. (PROSE: One Fateful Knight)

The Eighth Doctor helps save Gallifrey. (TV: The Day of the Doctor)

The Eighth Doctor teamed up with all of his other incarnations to save Gallifrey from destruction at the end of the Last Great Time War. (TV: The Day of the Doctor) Shortly after meeting for tea with his other incarnations to celebrate in the Under Gallery, (PROSE: The Day of the Doctor) the Eighth Doctor lost all memory of the events due to the timelines not being synchronised. (TV: The Day of the Doctor)

When the Fourth Doctor used his TARDIS tuner to begin a temporal meta-collision with his other incarnations, the Eighth Doctor learnt that Earth was under threat from a pandimensional entity that had trapped his fourth incarnation in his TARDIS. While the Eighth Doctor argued with his other incarnations, the War Doctor used encoded messages from the Sixth Doctor to stop the invasion before it began, and the Sixth Doctor installed a way to expel the entity from the Fourth Doctor's TARDIS. With the crisis over, the Eighth Doctor went off to deal with the Daleks. (WC: Doctors Assemble!)

After taking several side trips between adventures with her, (PROSE: Seeing I) the Doctor left Sam at a Greenpeace rally, intending to pick her up after a few hours. (PROSE: Vampire Science)

While walking through a forest, the Doctor was attacked by time flies, but was saved by his twelfth incarnation. (COMIC: A Stitch in Time)

When he arrived at Perseus Corporation in 2040 London, the Doctor leant that their alpha intelligence had destroyed in an apparent hacked by Chinese terrorists trying to delay their Peacekeeper project, and took it upon himself to investigate. Posing as a Conflict Management Oversight Inspector, the Doctor found out the attack was actually caused by Pollux, the beta intelligence core for the Peacekeeper project. Pollux explained that the project had fallen behind schedule due to the Perseus Corporation executives downgrading the alpha intelligence's freedom in order to keep the Peacekeepers under their direct control, and that it had orchestrated the attack to attract a CMO investigator who could expose them, with the Doctor ensuring the proper authorities were informed. (PROSE: Thinking Warrior)

After removing the implant that was forcibly placed in his third incarnation by the Perseus Corporeal, the Doctor worked to bring down their Perseus Corporation by using their own PANs to help their opponents design viruses to attack their software. With their corporation and ruin and themselves on the verge of death, the Doctor offered to negotiate with them, but they thought him deceitful and instead tried to kill him by crashing the vehicle he was in with them, only for the last of the Perseus Corporeal to be killed while the Doctor survived. (PROSE: The Ethereal)

Fight against the Threshold[[edit] | [edit source]]

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The Doctor fights with his own reflection. (COMIC: Endgame)

On a trip to Stockbridge, the Doctor encountered the Celestial Toymaker, who had brainwashed almost all the residents of Stockbridge into obeying him. However, there were two people left in Stockbridge to fight back against the Toymaker; the Doctor's old friend Maxwell Edison and his friend, "comic geek" Izzy Sinclair. After the Doctor restored the city to normal with the help of Max and Izzy, the Doctor again offered Max the opportunity to travel with him in the TARDIS. Max declined again, so the Doctor invited Izzy, and she decided to accept, joining him on his travels. (COMIC: Endgame)

On their first adventure, they went to the distant future of Earth in the 51st century, where they managed to traverse a pirate-infested wasteland and reach the Keep, a mysterious source of power in the middle of nowhere. Within, they found the genius, Crivello, who had solved the problem of the dwindling energy Earth received from the Sun, by creating a second sun capable of providing enough energy. The Doctor helped Crivello launch the device and a secondary sun was created in the Crab Nebula to provide humanity with a new home as Sol went supernova. (COMIC: The Keep)

After the TARDIS console exploded mid-flight, the Doctor and Izzy awoke at the bottom of a celestial staircase, believing that they had died and were moving on to the next life. At the top of the staircase, the duo found a courtroom, where the Doctor was accused of various crimes by figures from his past, prompting the judge to sentence both him and Izzy to Hell, only to discover that, in fact, they were in interstitial space, a simulated environment where a figure in white explained their true situation. The TARDIS had been invaded by a Vortex parasite, and they had been uploaded to the TARDIS' datascape to combat it. After defeating the creature with the help of the figure, whom the Doctor realised was a manifestation of the TARDIS' own consciousness, the Doctor and Izzy decided to set off in search of a holiday. (COMIC: A Life of Matter and Death)

The Doctor and Izzy materialised on a small satellite orbiting Crivello's sun, and witnessed an attack on it by the Daleks. While attempting to stop the Daleks' plans, they found that another of the Doctor's enemies, the megacorp known as the Threshold, had been hired to destroy the Daleks, and already had a plan in motion. This plan failed and Izzy escaped with the Threshold's payment and a portal-generating Threshold ring. She warped to the Doctor's location, and he was told of the Threshold's mission, and knew who hired them, since the box containing their payment was embossed with the Seal of Rassilon. The Doctor managed to defeat both the Daleks and the Threshold by making Crivello's sun go supernova. As the Doctor and Izzy escaped in the TARDIS, a Threshold agent appeared to remind the Doctor that the Threshold was not destroyed yet. (COMIC: Fire and Brimstone)

Arriving on a tourist planet, the Doctor stumbled upon a crime scene and inadvertently implicated himself for a series of murders. However, he was saved when Izzy used her yet-to-be-written tourist log to send an anonymous tip to the police about the location of the true culprit. (COMIC: By Hook or By Crook)

The Doctor is infected by one of his worst fears. (COMIC: Tooth and Claw)

The Doctor and Izzy were summoned to an isolated island by Fey Truscott-Sade. Together with Fey, they defeated Varney, but the Doctor was infected with a toxin. (COMIC: Tooth and Claw) The Doctor returned to Gallifrey, where his mind was placed in the Matrix while his body was cured. From there the Doctor was lured into an adventure involving the Elysians, where he met Shayde again and asked him a favour. The Doctor then returned and apparently regenerated into his ninth incarnation. (COMIC: The Final Chapter)

Controller of the Glory[[edit] | [edit source]]

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The Doctor and Izzy arrived in 17th century Japan and became involved in alien research by the Gaijin. The Gaijin were working with the locals in Japan and had created the secret to immortality; millions of Nanoforms that would recreate any damaged tissue within seconds. The Doctor managed to stop the Gaijin from giving the locals immortality with the help of Samurai Sato Katsura, who was injured in the conflict. The Doctor used some of the Nanoforms to heal Sato. However, the Doctor poured too many of the Nanoforms on Sato and made him immortal. (COMIC: The Road to Hell)

Later, the Doctor and Izzy had a brief meeting with Beep the Meep. This happened in a parallel universe, one where the adventures of the Doctor were nothing more than televised programmes and science fiction. The Doctor defeated Beep and, confused by the oddities of the parallel universe, the Doctor and Izzy departed. (COMIC: TV Action!)

The Doctor, Izzy and new companion Kroton were taken to Paradost, where they discovered that Sato Katsura and the Master had joined forces to fight the Doctor and Kroton for the Glory, victory giving them full powers over space and time. Kroton killed Sato Katsura and the power over the Glory was passed on to him. Kroton used this power to banish the Master from Paradost and restore peace to space and time. Kroton then decided to leave the TARDIS, and the Doctor and Izzy left in search of new adventures. (COMIC: The Glorious Dead)

Final adventures with Izzy[[edit] | [edit source]]

{{section stub|Info from ''[[Illumination (short story)|Illumination]]'', ''[[Izzy's Story (audio story)|Izzy's Story]]'', ''[[The Autonomy Bug (comic story)|The Autonomy Bug]]'', ''[[The Way of All Flesh (comic story)|The Way of All Flesh]]'', & ''[[Children of the Revolution (comic story)|Children of the Revolution]]'' needs to be added}}

On the planet Jora, the Doctor and Izzy stooped the Jorans scientist Deezer from destroying the Syntax, a sentient language he had accidently created, reasoning that, though the Syntax had overtaken the Jorans, it had not taken away their free will, and the possibility of them being dependent on the Syntax encouraged Deezer to join with it. (PROSE: Syntax)

The Doctor swapped the Crystal of Consciousness with an identical duplicate, which Valis stole. Valis restrained the Doctor and Izzy, having them at his mercy, when the fake crystal backfired on him upon it being placed in Valis' psychic web. Izzy mocked this substitution as obvious. (COMIC: Death to the Doctor)

The Doctor with Izzy and Destrii. (COMIC: Ophidius)

The Doctor and Izzy encountered an alien called Destrii onboard Ophidius. Betraying her trust, she swapped bodies with Izzy and was seemingly disintegrated before the Doctor could get Izzy's body back. (COMIC: Ophidius) He tried to help Izzy cope with the trauma of losing her old body, and adjust to her new one. (COMIC: Beautiful Freak)

After Izzy was kidnapped by individuals searching for Destrii, (COMIC: Children of the Revolution) the Doctor contacted Fey (COMIC: Me and My Shadow) and she joined him on his search. Finding Destrii alive, the Doctor took her along, and travelled to the planet Oblivion to get Izzy back. (COMIC: Uroboros) Finally returned to her original body, Izzy chose to leave the Doctor's company as a result of the stress that she went through being trapped in Destrii's body. (COMIC: Oblivion)

Time off[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Doctor chats with Bish. (COMIC: Where Nobody Knows Your Name)

Shortly after leaving Izzy, a depressed Doctor went to a bar called Bish's to drown his sorrows, where he struck up a conversation with the bartender, Bish. After stopping a drone called Zalda from blowing herself up, Bish told him that he seemed most at home helping people. Hearing this, the Doctor decided to go on holiday. (COMIC: Where Nobody Knows Your Name)

Taking a holiday on the Mediterranean cruise liner W.H. Allen, the Doctor became embroiled in the espionage of the escaped Soviet Cold War experiment known as Organism 96 and Colonel Hulke, the MI5 agent tasked with locating Organism 96. Ultimately, Hulke sacrificed himself to destroy Organism 96 with a bomb, but also caused the W.H. Allen to start sinking. In the resulting chaos, the Doctor slipped away in his TARDIS. (PROSE: Organism 96)

Intending to visit Egypt, the Doctor investigated a para-static vortex beam in 1977 London and discovered a vast alien being called the Nukaryote was hiding beneath a football stadium. Assisted by Billy Wilkins and Ray Stobbs, the Doctor foiled the Nukaryote and the Morg-killer unit's plot to absorb all life on Earth. (COMIC: The Nightmare Game)

Going on holiday with a boatman called Ediphis, the Doctor encountered a Osiran god called Thoueris. After escaping her attempts on his life, the Doctor stopped Thoueris from seizing control of Eygpt and fed her to crocodiles. (COMIC: The Power of Thoueris!)

The Eighth Doctor attended a private Christmas party hosted by the First Doctor. (PROSE: The Feast of Seven... Eight (and Nine))

Visiting London in 1840, the Doctor met Spring-heeled Jack, a Hunter who was searching for the scientist Morjanus. Although he had tried to steal his mind, the Doctor helped Jack to stop Morjanus from creating an experimental weapon that would wipe out the Hunters. Also succeeding in stopping the Pyrodine, the genetically engineered race Morjanus planned to use as a weapon, from attacking London, the Doctor left Jack on good terms after he witnessed Jack restore Morjanus' fabricated persona to her, allowing her to live out her life as Penny Chapman in Victorian London. (COMIC: The Curious Tale of Spring-Heeled Jack)

After arriving on the Amandala colony ship, the Doctor found himself encountering Mikhail backward in his timeline from his death to his childhood, and leant that the older Mikhail had come to hate him after he had accidently caused an EM pulse that killed everyone on the Amandala but Mikhail. (PROSE: Reversal of Fortune)

Stacy and Ssard[[edit] | [edit source]]

Visiting the space haulage ship Dreadnought, the Doctor befriended a crewmember named Stacy Townsend, only for a force of Cybermen to invade the ship and, eventually, enter the TARDIS. After the Doctor managed to fight off Cyber-conversion and after Bill's sacrifice, the Doctor and Stacy managed to, just barely, escape, with the Doctor then deciding he would attempt to return Stacy home. (COMIC: Dreadnought)

The Doctor with Ssard and Stacy Townsend. (COMIC: Descendance)

Abandoning the idea of taking Stacy home, the Doctor instead took her to Mars to witness an Ice Warrior coronation, where they fought two rival factions of Ice Warriors and the High Lord Uzoxx. During this adventure, the Doctor befriended an Ice Warrior called Ssard, who joined him aboard the TARDIS. (COMIC: Descendance, Ascendance)

Soon after, the Doctor and his companions met P'fer'd and M'rek'd, an Equinoid couple, whilst visiting Victorian London, (COMIC: Perceptions) and defeated a quartet of shapeshifters who had kidnapped Stacy. (COMIC: Coda) During a trip to the year 3999, Stacy and Ssard decided to leave the Doctor to get married. (PROSE: Placebo Effect)

Revisiting old friends[[edit] | [edit source]]

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The Doctor, shortly after destroying an Ice Warrior spaceship. (PROSE: The Dying Days)

The Doctor visited Bernice Summerfield and the Brigadier during an attempted Ice Warrior invasion. (PROSE: The Dying Days)

Realising that Adam Mitchell was kidnapping his companions across time, the Doctor went to protect Grace. Convincing her to take a single trip in the TARDIS, the Doctor took her to Brendais, where they liberated the Lowgrounder people from the Overseers. As they made to depart, Adam appeared and, after a short conversation with the Doctor, took Grace. (COMIC: The Body Politic)

Following a chronal trail left by the Eleventh Doctor as the Tenth Doctor merged their TARDISes together, the Eighth Doctor joined his other incarnations as they stormed Adam's fortress in Limbo to save their friends from Adam and the Tremas Master. Though the Master attacked them with Autons, Frobisher was able to free the captured companions, and they helped the Doctors fight off the Autons, as Adam had a change of heart when the Master revealed he intended to use the chronal energies he had stolen across the Doctor's timelines to destroy the universe. After the Master killed Adam as he foiled his plans, the eleven Doctors honoured Adam as a "true companion". (COMIC: Endgame)

The Doctor visited Clio on her birthday after all of her family had passed away, removed her from her stasis bed, and lead her into the forest that remained from her civilisation. As he told her a story of a princess cursed to sleep while the world moved on without her, Clio passed away in his arms. (PROSE: The Glass Princess)

The Doctor had a telepathic conversation with Greenaway to try to prompt him out of his coma, even telling him the truth of his situation, but Greenway still declined to awaken. (PROSE: Greenaway) The Doctor then acted as a jury member of the First Doctor's trial and trapped Dr. Harris in the time vortex to protect the Web of Time. (PROSE: The Juror's Story)

The Doctor reunited with Joseph Liebermann in Salt Lake City, (PROSE: Matrix) adventured in an American park, where he briefly crossed paths with the Second Doctor and a version of Clara Oswald, (TV: The Name of the Doctor) and reunited with Bernice Summerfield during an archaeological dig which uncovered his TARDIS key. (AUDIO: Benny's Story)

Travels with Destrii[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Doctor bumped into Destrii again and discovered a plan by her and her uncle to aid the Windigo. Finding her bleeding after she was savaged by Jodafra, he carried her to the TARDIS in an attempt to save her life. (COMIC: Bad Blood) After helping him defeat the Zeronites, he invited her to join him on his travels. (COMIC: Sins of the Fathers) The duo then travelled to London in 2004 where they prevented the Cybermen from converting all humans, and left together in search of new adventures. (COMIC: The Flood) Destrii eventually left the TARDIS. (COMIC: The Stockbridge Showdown)

Solo travels[[edit] | [edit source]]

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Tracking a probe to Fort Casey in the Nevada desert, the Doctor found that the town had fallen victim to the von Neumann seeding probe's pathogen. Using his connections at UNIT to gain access past the quarantine, the Doctor ventured into Fort Casey to stop the virus at its source. Inside the town, the Doctor discovered Captain Evelyn Chan, a survivor from a platoon sent in to investigate the town, and learnt from her that the probe had already begun building defensive constructs as it was entering the second stage of its infection. Realising that the third stage would result in the construction of an intelligence matrix, thereby making communication a possibility, the Doctor established communication with the probe, and tricked it into allowing him to destroy it. Returning Chan to the military roadblock, the Doctor promised to look in on her in the future. (PROSE: Spore)

The Doctor was contacted by Bernice Summerfield on behalf of Romana. She told him that the Sirens of Time had hijacked the first Gallifreyan experiment of time travel, turning it into a time paradox that was splitting the universe apart. Romana and Leela had already managed to stop the experiment, thus preventing the Sirens from ruining it, but now this meant that Time Lords could be unable to discover time travel. The Eighth Doctor, together with his previous five incarnations, was then brought to the planet of Henlen to serve as one of the six pilots needed to handle the TARDIS prototype, while his first, second and tenth incarnations stayed behind to deal with the possible backlash. The experiment was successful, restoring the correct timeline and the Doctor was taken back by Benny to his own time. (AUDIO: Collision Course)

The War with the Enemy[[edit] | [edit source]]

{{section stub|Info from ''[[Kursaal (novel)|Kursaal]]'', ''[[Option Lock (novel)|Option Lock]]'', ''[[Placebo Effect (novel)|Placebo Effect]]'', ''[[Vanderdeken's Children (novel)|Vanderdeken's Children]]'', ''[[The Scarlet Empress (novel)|The Scarlet Empress]]'', ''[[Beltempest (novel)|Beltempest]]'', ''[[The Face-Eater (novel)|The Face-Eater]]'', ''[[Femme Fatale (short story)|Femme Fatale]]'', ''[[The Taint (novel)|The Taint]]'', ''[[Demontage (novel)|Demontage]]'', ''[[Revolution Man (novel)|Revolution Man]]'', ''[[Dominion (novel)|Dominion]]'', ''[[Autumn Mist (novel)|Autumn Mist]]'', ''[[Seven Deadly Sins (short story)|Seven Deadly Sins]]'', ''[[The Taking of Planet 5 (novel)|The Taking of Planet 5]]'', ''[[Frontier Worlds (novel)|Frontier Worlds]]'', ''[[Parallel 59 (novel)|Parallel 59]]'' & ''[[The Space Age (novel)|The Space Age]]'' needs to be added}}

After picking Sam up from the rally, the Doctor went to 1997 San Francisco after being summoned by Carolyn McConnell, where they encountered a rogue group of Vampires. (PROSE: Vampire Science) They then visited Victorian era London where they, with the help of George Litefoot, stopped a Zygon plot to conquer the Earth with Skarasen. (PROSE: The Bodysnatchers)

When the Doctor's TARDIS landed in a dying TARDIS, Sam was trapped in a temporal stasis field and the Doctor was assaulted by the Forgotten, a group of Time Lords who converted themselves into electrochemical impulses in an experiment to follow temporal psychic pathways and became trapped after failing to manipulate the past of their subject. However, the Doctor tricked them into traveling to his first regeneration and trapped them within the sealed area of his mind. (PROSE: Dead Time)

The Doctor then encountered another old friend when he and Sam were caught in an alternate timeline created by the Tractites. Jo Grant helped the TARDIS team keep Earth's history on track. Although their victory was not absolute, as the Doctor did not discover who gave the Tractites the Time Tree they used to create "Paratractis". (PROSE: Genocide)

Responding to a distress signal, the Doctor discovered a Thal ship had recovered Davros, and was horrified to learn that the Thal military wanted to make Davros modify their biology to make them better soldiers against the Daleks. He failed to convince the Thal leader of the folly, pointing out Davros would take advantage of the situation and mutilate the Thals like he did the Kaleds. The situation swiftly became more complicated when the Daleks appeared to arrest Davros and take him back to Skaro, with the Dalek Emperor claiming that the "Skaro" the Doctor had destroyed during the Dalek Civil War was actually part of an elaborate deception to manipulate Davros's perception of Dalek history so that Earth of 1963 would believe that Skaro was destroyed. The Doctor fled Skaro after the Daleks entered a civil war between those loyal to Davros and those loyal to the Emperor. (PROSE: War of the Daleks)

Arriving in the East Indies, ReVit Zone late in the 21st century, the Doctor came across an auction for a mysterious relic. At this auction, he met several players in a future war between the Time Lords and a mysterious enemy, including the Faction Paradox and the Celestis. In the course of the auction, the Doctor was able to trick the various parties into believing that the Relic had become a temporal paradox, allowing him to take it and bury it accordingly. (PROSE: Alien Bodies)

Investigating temporal disturbance on the planet Hirath, the Doctor discovered that the temporal disruptions were caused by an old alien ship while Sam was trapped on a prison planet. The Doctor discovered the source of the Time Trees that had previously been sold to the Tractites, and was able to destroy the temporal probe, but, in the process, Sam was sent onto a ship under autopilot and sent away, with no way for the Doctor to find her. (PROSE: Longest Day)

Before he could begin his search for Sam, the Doctor received a telepathic distress call from Susan and decided to trace the call back to before its source so that he could prevent Susan sending the cry. However, in the process, the Doctor discovered the Master was present, seeking to claim abandoned Dalek equipment. The Doctor was able to thwart the Master's plan, but his old foe escaped, killing David Campbell and taking Susan as a hostage, only for Susan to take the Master's TARDIS and throw him out of his own ship after triggering an explosion in the ship. (PROSE: Legacy of the Daleks)

Continuing his search for Sam, the Doctor traced her to the Dreamstone Moon, a semi-sentient planet that could bring dreams to life, but the Doctor and Sam were separated once again, with Sam believing the Doctor dead when the moon reacted to attempts to mine it, embarrassed at her self-perceived failure to help him. (PROSE: Dreamstone Moon)

Tracking Sam to Ha'olam, the Doctor was arrested and spent the next three years in a prison controlled by the company INC, unable to escape as the prison included an A.I. linked to his mind through a circuit in his eye that predicted his attempts to escape. However, Sam eventually learned about his imprisonment while campaigning against INC's treatment of prisoners and was able to use the TARDIS to retrieve him. The Doctor subsequently learned that INC's technology was provided by the I, a group consciousness who secretly provided technology to other races so that they could steal the results as they lacked originality. Having defeated the I with the aid of DOCTOR, the Doctor and Sam departed. (PROSE: Seeing I)

The Doctor and Sam then landed on the planet Janus Prime, where they were separated from each other in an encounter with the mercenaries who lived there. The Doctor was brought to Menda, Janus Prime's twin planet, where he befriended the human colony that lived there. Gustav Zemler, the leader of the mercenaries, attempted to destroy Menda, but was stopped by the Doctor. Zemler's defeat did come at a price, as the Doctor was forced to destroy Janus Prime. (PROSE: The Janus Conjunction)

Shortly after leaving Janus Prime and Menda, the Doctor saved the entire Bel system from destruction at the hand of solar fluctuations and saved Sam from a cult that gave people unlimited lives through the use of nanogenes. (PROSE: Beltempest)

Visiting London in 1963, the Doctor acquired another companion, Fitz Kreiner. (PROSE: The Taint)

At this point in their travels, Sam experienced a revelation about herself, which would have a huge impact on the Doctor when he detected a dimensional scar in 2002 San Francisco. After falling into the scar, her history and personality changed back to its original state before her timeline had been altered. The Doctor placed his TARDIS in the dimensional scar to contain the energies and sort out the restored Sam Jones. (PROSE: Unnatural History)

The Doctor then gained a new companion, Compassion, with the departure of Sam. Both Sam and Fitz played pivotal roles in the Doctor's battles with various enemies, including Faction Paradox. It was this battle which would change both companions and the Doctor. The Doctor then travelled alone for a time, (PROSE: Interference: The Hour of the Geek) investigating the War in his future, and he discovered the true identity of the enemy; however, he then erased the data from his memory. (PROSE: Toy Story) Eventually, the Doctor met up with Fitz and Compassion once again. (PROSE: The Blue Angel)

Following a battle, the Doctor's TARDIS was destroyed. This changed the Doctor's view of Gallifrey and changed the lives of his companions in ways that would be felt for a long time, as the Doctor was forced to travel inside his companion Compassion, who had evolved into a TARDIS and was now sought by the Time Lords — including his former companion Romana — to be essentially used as a slave to breed other advanced TARDISes, the Doctor refusing to allow his friend to be used in such a manner even to save his people. (PROSE: The Shadows of Avalon) By another account, the Ship was instead destroyed by its sister, Lolita. (PROSE: The Book of the War, Toy Story)

The Doctor and Fitz escaped in Compassion using a randomiser, in an attempt to escape from the Time Lords. They travelled to Yquatine, (PROSE: The Fall of Yquatine) Eskon, (PROSE: Coldheart) and Banquo Manor, when a Time Lord disguised as Cuthbert Simpson obtained the randomiser seed code for Compassion, and transmitted this information to Gallifrey. This allowed the Time Lords to predict where the Doctor would materialise next. (PROSE: The Banquo Legacy)

The Doctor and Fitz visited Sewa Singh on the Moon as he prepared to kill himself to prevent himself being tried on Earth for neglect after 50,595 people died in the disaster he was responsible for, knowing the gravity of Earth would cause him to age quickly to death. Honouring his last request, the Doctor and Fitz kept Singh's lover distracted while he went onto the Moon's surface in a suit without enough oxygen. (PROSE: Growing Higher)

The TARDIS was captured by the Time Lords, and they quickly became embroiled in the Time Lords' war. The Doctor's foreknowledge of the War in Heaven culminated his choosing to destroy Gallifrey and its system to try to erase the version of events he had seen from his future. (PROSE: The Ancestor Cell) In the moments before Gallifrey's destruction, Compassion and the Doctor devised a plan to one day save Gallifrey, where the Doctor absorbed the Matrix in his mind, compressing his memories. (PROSE: The Gallifrey Chronicles) Compassion delivered him to Earth with his own TARDIS, which she found in the debris of Gallifrey. This allowed the Doctor to recover for a hundred years, his memory apparently lost from the trauma of the event and the TARDIS requiring time to regenerate after its power had been completely depleted in the attack that destroyed Gallifrey and Faction Paradox's invading fleet. When the Doctor awoke on Earth, he found that he could not remember who he was or anything that he had done before waking up. The only things the Doctor could find linking him to his past was a small blue box the size of a matchbox and a note in his pocket from Fitz. (PROSE: The Ancestor Cell)

Walking the Earth[[edit] | [edit source]]

During his first five days stranded on 1900 Earth, the Doctor was placed in a Victorian ward after being found wandering around aimlessly. (PROSE: Vanishing Point)

In 1894, the Doctor first became aware of there being more to his life than simple amnesia when the strange box in his pocket began to glow with a strange heat whenever a certain side was facing the village of Turelhampton. Following the box to the place where it was all hot, the Doctor defeated an elemental life-form of pure fire by tricking it into destroying a dam, while his box absorbed some of the being's energy and grew from its previous size to the size of a man. (PROSE: The Burning)

Introducing himself simply as "John", the Doctor defeated a vampire preying on a small village in the early 20th century. (PROSE: Evergreen) He also spent some time in Prague during 1903. (PROSE: The City of the Dead)

Now aware that there was more to the world than the obvious, the Doctor eventually developed some contacts with certain secret elements of the government, prompting him to investigate strange events around an asylum treating patients suffering from PTSD after their war service in 1918, defeating the psychic manifestations of the patients' grief. (PROSE: Casualties of War)

During the 1930s, the Doctor wrote short stories for various magazines, but, while they were lauded as imaginative, he was subconsciously expressing his lost memories in them, and as a result crammed too much detail into one story for potential publishers to accept them. (PROSE: Wolfsbane) In 1935, the Doctor served as a sailor aboard the Sarah Gail, where he met Lorenzo Smitt, (PROSE: The Year of Intelligent Tigers) who travelled with him for a time afterwards. (PROSE: The Gallifrey Chronicles)

While staying in a small village in 1936, the Doctor met his former companion Harry Sullivan, although his amnesia prevented them from recognising each other, and worked with Harry to stop Hester Stanton, a woman who believed that she was the reincarnation of Morgan le Fay, from bringing the land to life to serve her with the aid of a tricked werewolf. In the course of this, the Doctor was knocked out by what appeared to be the Holy Grail, which rejected his attempt to carry it due to his destroying of Gallifrey, but Harry was able to use it to force Hester to retreat, the Doctor assuming that Harry and others were dead when they had actually been taken away by the Fourth Doctor. (PROSE: Wolfsbane)

The Doctor bought Fitz's journal in a bookshop on the Euston Road in 1938. (PROSE: Time Zero) He also travelled with Delilah and Frank on different occasions. (PROSE: The Gallifrey Chronicles)

When he learned of a strange code that had been sent from Germany in 1943, the Doctor attempted to help Alan Turing, Graham Greene, and Joseph Heller translate it and track its origins, but by the time he reached its source in 1945, the original senders had vanished, and the Doctor was left forced to admit that even he didn't know if helping the source of the signal was the right thing to do. (PROSE: The Turing Test)

These events left the Doctor in a deep depression for the next few years, feeling as though his actions were pointless, until he became caught up in the efforts of the mysterious Players to escalate the Cold War into open conflict in 1951. Forced to act as an agent for "Tightrope", an unofficial gathering of spies on both sides who sought to maintain the balance between the Soviets and their opposing forces, the Doctor had to smuggle double agents out of the country and prevent efforts to brainwash Truman and Stalin into declaring war. A confrontation with his old foe, the Countess, helped the Doctor reaffirm his desire and love of life and peace, allowing him to continue with a more positive outlook on life. (PROSE: Endgame)

During the 1950s, the Doctor acted as a ghost-writer for a former Hollywood screenwriter who was having trouble concentrating, but departed when he realised that an alien life-form trapped nearby was causing a degenerative mental condition in most of the locals through its efforts to communicate and he could do nothing to help anyone affected. (PROSE: Mordieu)

In 1962, the Doctor spent some time in an ancient Khmer temple. (PROSE: The Year of Intelligent Tigers) In 1977, the Doctor witnessed Eva Dalloway being caught shoplifting and observed the Seventh Doctor departing the Quadrant council estate. (PROSE: Damaged Goods)

During the 1970s, the Doctor travelled with Claudia, (PROSE: The Gallifrey Chronicles) a young widow who lived in England, with the Doctor staying with her in 1976. (PROSE: Father Time)

In 1980, the Doctor rescued Miranda Dawkins from pursuers from the far future, adopting her himself to give her a chance at a better life after her adopted parents were killed. (PROSE: Father Time) During this time, the Doctor thwarted the efforts of the mysterious Network to turn humanity into nodes in its system. (PROSE: The Gallifrey Chronicles) Miranda eventually learned the truth about her past and fled in fear, leaving the Doctor to spend the next few years trying to find her. Learning of Miranda's location in 1989, the Doctor discovered that she had been captured by Ferran, the ruler of a vast empire in the far future, who had come back in time in his spaceship, the Supremacy. Travelling to America, the Doctor hi-jacked the space shuttle Atlantis and was able to mimic Ferran's voice to allow him to board the ship, he and Miranda swiftly staging a bloodless coup. Miranda returned to the future with Ferran to reform society, but the Doctor decided to remain as he was close to his appointment with Fitz. (PROSE: Father Time) Sometime later, the Doctor began travelling with Nina. (PROSE: The Gallifrey Chronicles)

Adventures with Fitz and Anji[[edit] | [edit source]]

{{section stub|Info from ''[[Fear Itself (novel)|Fear Itself]]'', ''[[Vanishing Point (novel)|Vanishing Point]]'', ''[[Eater of Wasps (novel)|Eater of Wasps]]'', ''[[The Slow Empire (novel)|The Slow Empire]]'', ''[[Dark Progeny (novel)|Dark Progeny]]'', ''[[The City of the Dead (novel)|The City of the Dead]]'', & ''[[Grimm Reality (novel)|Grimm Reality]]'' needs to be added}}

By 2001, the TARDIS had regained its original appearance, with the Doctor reuniting with Fitz, just as the note had said, on February 8 2001, in the St Louis Bar & Grill. Initially distracted helping Fitz's new acquaintance, Anji Kapoor, rescue her boyfriend, Dave Young, when he became caught up in a planned Kulan invasion of Earth. After Dave was killed and Fitz was captured by the Kulan, the TARDIS completed its interior regeneration, allowing the Doctor and Anji to travel up to their fleet. Unfortunately, the invasion was only defeated when Anji accidentally tricked the entire fleet into firing on each other as she didn't realise that the mothership had full control of all weapons in the fleet, forcing the Doctor, Fitz and Anji to flee into the TARDIS as the Kulan destroyed themselves. With the Doctor's control of the TARDIS still awkward and his arrival in the Kulan fleet more luck than judgement, the Doctor and Fitz were left to accept the reluctant Anji as their new companion. (PROSE: Escape Velocity)

Immediately after leaving Earth, the TARDIS crew found themselves on a museum on the planet New Jupiter called EarthWorld that chronicled the history of Earth - badly. This was due to the loss of information from Earth's history and general poor recordkeeping. While on EarthWorld, the Doctor stopped the plans of three insane teenage twins - Asia, Antarctica, and Africa - as well as revealing the murderer of their mother, Hanstrum. (PROSE: EarthWorld)

During his travels with Fitz and Anji, the Doctor took a cat to a new life in Wales, (PROSE: The City of the Dead) and forced the Tigers of Hitchemus to co-operate with a group of human colonists instead of fighting them. During this time, the Doctor grew close to musician Karl Sadeghi, but the two fell out after Karl drowned some of the tigers. (PROSE: The Year of Intelligent Tigers)

Combating the Council of Eight[[edit] | [edit source]]

{{section stub|Info from ''[[The Adventuress of Henrietta Street (novel)|The Adventuress of Henrietta Street]]'', ''[[Mad Dogs and Englishmen (novel)|Mad Dogs and Englishmen]]'', ''[[Trading Futures (novel)|Trading Futures]]'', ''[[The Book of the Still (novel)|The Book of the Still]]'', ''[[The Crooked World (novel)|The Crooked World]]'', ''[[History 101 (novel)|History 101]]'', ''[[Notre Dame du Temps (short story)|Notre Dame du Temps]]'', ''[[Camera Obscura (novel)|Camera Obscura]]'', ''[[Fitz's Story (audio story)|Fitz's Story]]'', ''[[Time Zero (novel)|Time Zero]]'', ''[[The Infinity Race (novel)|The Infinity Race]]'', ''[[The Domino Effect (novel)|The Domino Effect]]'', ''[[Reckless Engineering (novel)|Reckless Engineering]]'', ''[[The Last Resort (novel)|The Last Resort]]'', & ''[[Emotional Chemistry (novel)|Emotional Chemistry]]'' needs to be added}}

While on Earth in the 18th century, the Doctor's heart was removed by Sabbath, ostensibly to save the Doctor's life as it seemingly began to poison him by trying to link to a home world that no longer existed, but also to allow Sabbath to travel through time by planting it in himself. (PROSE: The Adventuress of Henrietta Street) This caused the Doctor to lose many of his Time Lord abilities, such as his respiratory bypass system, although he eventually came to adapt to this loss and recognise that he was defined by what he did rather than his physical limitations. (PROSE: Hope)

Some time later, the Doctor attempted to push the TARDIS to its limits to see what they were - this meant that the TARDIS was forced to crash on the planet Endpoint and the Doctor, Fitz, and Anji were stranded on the city of Hope after the TARDIS sunk into the acid sea. The unofficial leader of the city, Silver, became interested in the Doctor and his friends after the Doctor supplied an apple core which held vital seeds. As such, the Doctor was contracted to solve a series of murders which turned out to be caused by human throwbacks living in a submarine attempting to harvest a chemical in the Endpoint native's brains. The Doctor stopped the experiments, however, Silver used a terraforming device to make Endpoint more habitable. He appropriated the experiments and used them to make a race of supermen to take over the universe. The Doctor stopped him and marooned Silver on a deserted planetoid. The Doctor and company then left the planet of Endpoint afterwards. (PROSE: Hope)

Arriving on Isolation Station Forty in the Plurocratic Empire, the Doctor, Fitz and Anji encountered a war being fought between the Plurocrats and the Defaulters that used time as a weapon. The Clock People used Dr. Paterson's time machines to infect the humans by altering their pasts. The Doctor managed to destroy the first wave with mustard gas, but the survivor infected Station One. Although the creatures were able to infect the Doctor, he used that infection to seal the breach, destroying them for good. However "Mr. Mistletoe" revealed himself to be Sabbath and had manipulated the Doctor into a position where the Doctor saw the Clock People as invaders, rather than refugees. (PROSE: Anachrophobia)

While separated from his companions by a time storm over Akrotiri in 1000 BC, the Doctor befriended Alcestis, and became her tutor. (PROSE: Fallen Gods)

After a long series of battles with Sabbath, he was forced to remove the Doctor's heart from his body, which allowed the Doctor to grow a new one. (PROSE: Camera Obscura) The TARDIS crew began arriving in alternative timelines, and encountered Sabbath more frequently, who hired a con artist called Trix MacMillan. (PROSE: Time Zero, The Domino Effect, Reckless Engineering, The Last Resort)

After discovering the source of the sudden increase in alternate timelines, the Doctor, Fitz and Anji managed to solve the problem. However, Anji decided to leave the TARDIS to raise a child called Chloe, while Trix joined the TARDIS crew. (PROSE: Timeless)

The Doctor later found out that Sabbath had been hired by an organisation called the Council of Eight, who had the objective of removing as many alternative timelines from existence as possible, so they could have more control over the universe. The Council attempted to engineer the deaths of the Doctor's companions, since they were random, uncontrollable elements. The Doctor managed to destroy the Council and prevent their deaths with the help of Sabbath and Miranda's daughter, Zezanne, but seemingly at the cost of their lives. (PROSE: Sometime Never...)

Final adventures with Fitz and Trix[[edit] | [edit source]]

{{section stub|Info from ''[[The Tomorrow Windows (novel)|The Tomorrow Windows]]'', ''[[The Sleep of Reason (novel)|The Sleep of Reason]]'', ''[[The Deadstone Memorial (novel)|The Deadstone Memorial]]'', ''[[To the Slaughter (novel)|To the Slaughter]]'', & ''[[We Can't Stop What's Coming (short story)|We Can't Stop What's Coming]]'' needs to be added}}

After defeating the Council, the Doctor, Fitz and Trix went to Espero. While there, the Doctor was offered to have his memories restored by Madam Xing, which he refused. (PROSE: Halflife)

The Doctor, Fitz and Trix continued to have adventures, overthrowing Mondova, battling the Daleks on Mars, and defeating Thorgan in 40 BC Italy. At some point, Fitz and Trix began having a relationship, so they decided to leave the TARDIS and live on Earth. Upon arriving on Earth, the Doctor learned that just prior to the destruction of Gallifrey, the sum total of the Matrix had been placed within his mind with the help of Compassion. The sheer size of the Matrix in the Doctor's mind was enough to compress his own memories. This had caused his amnesia, but it was a potential means to rescue the Time Lords. (PROSE: The Gallifrey Chronicles) The Doctor had previously seen Gallifrey in a vision of his future, meaning it was eventually restored to the universe. (PROSE: The Tomorrow Windows)

Adventuring alone[[edit] | [edit source]]

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The Doctor listened to Brad Travers's story of when he encountered the Seventh Doctor, (PROSE: Inmate 280) and met Fey Truscott-Sade in an adventure involving psychic weasels in Russell Square. The Doctor gave her a Stattenheim Summoner – a device, disguised as a tin whistle, that could contact the Doctor's TARDIS. (COMIC: Tooth and Claw)

The Doctor met Iris Wildthyme and Jo Grant in 1930s Hollywood whilst he was investigating Vita Monet, (AUDIO: The Elixir of Doom) and attended the funeral of Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart. (PROSE: The Gift)

Temporary companions[[edit] | [edit source]]

{{section stub|Info from ''[[The Wickerwork Man (short story)|The Wickerwork Man]]'', ''[[Phoenix (short story)|Phoenix]]'', ''[[The Long Midwinter (short story)|The Long Midwinter]]'', & ''[[Dear John (short story)|Dear John]]'' needs to be added}}

The Doctor spent a Christmas with Bernice Summerfield and his brother, Irving Braxiatel. (PROSE: ...Be Forgot)

The Doctor traced a distress signal to 1928 Crickhowell, where he, with the help of Tommy Morgan and Ralph Baker, rescued a Velderon from the mill it was trapped in, though they were unable to save a second Velderon from being dissolved in the rain. After thanking the schoolboys for their help, the Doctor took the surviving Velderon with him in the TARDIS. (PROSE: Far from Home)

When the Doctor found a boy named Jonah who claimed to have chronic granulomatous disorder in a city park, he returned him to his uncle, Richard Sterling, only to become suspicious by both a lack of outward signs of the disease and Sterling's lack of immediate concern for Jonah. Investigating further, the Doctor learned that Jonah was a clone of Sterling's real nephew, Brian, and he was to be used for a fatal full bone marrow transplant to heal Brian. When Jonah overheard the Doctor and Sterling's confrontation, he elected to run away with the Doctor. (PROSE: Jonah)

Alone again, the Doctor returned to Earth and gained two companions: brother and sister Gemma and Samson Griffin, whom he met in a library in Folkestone. (AUDIO: Terror Firma) While in the company of the siblings, the Doctor received a distress signal from another Time Lord and left the two behind in Vienna to investigate. He arrived in 1816 where he found Mary Shelley and a future version of himself that had been badly hurt and mutated as a result of a temporal storm. After saving his future self, the Doctor invited Mary to travel with him. (AUDIO: Mary's Story)

Deciding to take it easy on her first adventure, the Doctor attempted to take Mary to Vienna in 1816, hoping to join up with Samson and Gemma, but missed and arrived in 1873. There, they met a local entertainer who claimed to have constructed an automaton know as "the Silver Turk". Upon further inspection, the Doctor discovered it was in fact a Cyberman. The Cyberman escaped and its partner kidnapped Mary, but the Doctor and Mary managed to defeat both the pair of Cybermen and the insane Johan Drossel. (AUDIO: The Silver Turk)

During his travels with Mary, the Doctor encountered Axons and met King Harold at the Battle of Hastings. (AUDIO: Mary's Story) The TARDIS accidentally landed in Tranchard's Folly, where Mary encountered a strange creature which the Doctor decided to investigate. He discovered that there was a Varaxil who crashed in the 17th century, and that they were planning on destroying anyone who could control Odic energy. (AUDIO: The Witch from the Well) Landing on Draxine, the Doctor and Mary encountered a war happening between Garrak and Stronghaven. They discovered that the Bone Lord was making the skeletons of the dead attack the cities. After stopping the Bone Lord, Mary requested that the Doctor drop her off in her normal time, parting on good terms. (AUDIO: Army of Death)

The Doctor prepares to visit Chronotis. (WC: Shada)

Remembering he had intended to visit his friend, Professor Chronotis, in 1979 Cambridge back in the days when his fourth incarnation travelled with Romana, (WC: Shada) before he and Romana were taken out of time by Borusa for several hours, (TV: The Five Doctors) the Doctor visited Lady President Romana and K9 Mark II on Gallifrey to investigate what he was supposed to have been doing, annoyed he that he had been "nowhere" for several hours, and had then forgotten all about it and gone off to Brighton.

The Doctor and Romana arrived in St Cedd's College in 1979, where the Doctor discovered one of the Artefacts of Rassilon, The Worshipful and Ancient Law of Gallifrey, was in the professor's possession. The professor had accidentally loaned the book to Chris Parsons. On his way back with the book, the Doctor was attacked by Skagra. Skagra took the book from him and nearly had his mind taken by Skagra's sphere. The Doctor, Romana, Chris and K9 traced the sphere to Skagra's ship, where the sphere copied the Doctor's mind, but failed to steal it outright.

Skagra stole the Doctor's TARDIS, taking Romana with him to his command ship elsewhere. Creating a primitive form of dimensional stabiliser for Skagra's other ship and giving it the ability to dematerialise, the Doctor followed Skagra. Using The Worshipful and Ancient Law of Gallifrey as a "key", Skagra left for the Time Lord prison planet, Shada, to take the mind of the criminal, Salyavin, to make all inhabitants of the universe share Skagra's mind. Discovering Chronotis' TARDIS on board the command ship, the Doctor chased after him. After arriving, Skagra stole the mind of the Professor, who was actually Salyavin. Skagra began placing fragments of the minds he had stolen into his Krarg servants.

As Skagra left Shada in the Doctor's TARDIS, the Doctor created a tunnel to link the two TARDISes in the Time Vortex together. The Doctor arrived through the TARDIS' "back entrance" and improvised a mind control helmet to command the Krargs, as part of the shared mind contained the Doctor's own thoughts. After the TARDIS landed on Skagra's command ship, the conflicting commands from the Doctor and Skagra destroyed the Krargs, the surviving victims whose minds were taken by the sphere returning to their bodies. The Doctor and Romana ordered K9 to shoot at the Krarg commander, leading it towards the vats of unborn Krargs, destroying it and the vats.

Skagra evacuated to his other ship, which the Doctor had reprogrammed to make himself its lord. Skagra was transmatted into the brig and forcefully told Skagra stories about the Doctor. President Romana decided not imprison the professor in Shada, but to return him and his TARDIS to St Cedd's. (WC: Shada)

After returning to Gallifrey, the Doctor, Romana and K9 stopped a group of Time Lords lead by Handrel from achieving immortality by extracting DNA from a vampire. However, the vampire was able to infect a Time Lord named Tianna, (PROSE: The Time Lord's Story) and the Doctor was forced to move her to the airship at the heart of the Time Vortex to protect the Web of Time. (PROSE: Repercussions...) The Doctor then resumed his travels with Samson and Gemma. (AUDIO: Mary's Story)

Samson and Gemma continued to travel with the Doctor for a time, visiting Porteus and Murgatroyd, the ice caves of Shabadabadon, the court of Queen Elizabeth I, prehistoric Earth and Studio 54. After visiting Valuensis, they encountered a Nekkistani time vessel in the vortex. Whilst aboard, Gemma was captured by Davros and forced to do his bidding. Aboard the TARDIS, she altered the Doctor's memories under Davros' instruction and forced him to take Davros to Earth. (AUDIO: Terror Firma)

A broken web of time[[edit] | [edit source]]

{{section stub|Info from ''[[Repercussions... (short story)|Repercussions...]]'', ''[[The Man Who Wasn't There (audio story)|The Man Who Wasn't There]]'', ''[[Letting Go (audio story)|Letting Go]]'', ''[[Be Good for Goodness's Sake (short story)|Be Good for Goodness's Sake]]'', ''[[War in a Time of Peace (short story)|War in a Time of Peace]]'', ''[[Living Legend (audio story)|Living Legend]]'', ''[[Venus (short story)|Venus]]'', ''[[The Heroine, the Hero and the Megalomaniac (short story)|The Heroine, the Hero and the Megalomaniac]]'', ''[[Lady of the Snows (short story)|Lady of the Snows]]'', ''[[You Had Me at Verify User Name and Password (short story)|You Had Me at Verify User Name and Password]] '', ''[[They Fell (short story)|They Fell]]'', ''[[Faithful Friends: Part 3 (short story)|Faithful Friends: Part 3]]'', ''[[Second Chances (ST short story)|Second Chances]]'', ''[[Embrace the Darkness (audio story)|Embrace the Darkness]]'', ''[[Enemy Aliens (audio story)|Enemy Aliens]]'', ''[[Hall of the Ten Thousand (audio story)|Hall of the Ten Thousand]]'', ''[[Apocrypha Bipedium (short story)|Apocrypha Bipedium]]'', & ''[[Foreshadowing (audio story)|Foreshadowing]]'' needs to be added}}

Still within the vortex, without any memory of Samson and Gemma, (AUDIO: Terror Firma) the Doctor noticed the exploding ship stuck in a time loop and beset by a horde of Vortisaurs feeding off its temporal energy. He attempted to nudge the ship out of the loop, only to draw the attention of the predators to his TARDIS, forcing him to make an emergency materialisation. Landing within the ballast tanks of the British airship, he discovered that he was on board the R101 during its maiden voyage on 5 October 1930. Exploring further, he encountered Charlotte Pollard, a self-described "Edwardian adventuress." The Doctor knew the fate of the airship and that everyone on it was supposed to die in its crash, but decided he didn't have it in him to leave Charley to her fate after she helped him get to the bottom of a conspiracy aboard the ship involving the Triskele race and the British government. Escaping the crash together, he invited her to become his companion. (AUDIO: Storm Warning)

The duo enjoyed many travels together, encountering the Cybermen in the Garazone system, (AUDIO: Sword of Orion) travelling to Venice in the future, (AUDIO: The Stones of Venice) and encountering the Brigadier in the newly founded state of Malebolgia. (AUDIO: Minuet in Hell) After travelling with the Doctor for several weeks, Charley realised that she had fallen in love with him. (AUDIO: Letting Go)

Looking to recover from their trip to Malebolgia, the Doctor and Charley ended up inside the cargo hold of a spaceship, where some of the colonists chose to remain and live in bucolic village modelled after the 16th century. (PROSE: A Good Life)

When the Doctor and Charley discovered that riots were breaking out in Melbourne over the The Darvias Saga book series, the Doctor traced the chaos back to Tluss, who had been broadcasting the riots back to his home world for entertainment. The Doctor foiled his plan by posting the books on their website, negating the need to fight over them. (PROSE: Best Seller)

Together the Doctor and Charley encountered a mummy revived by alien technology in Paris in 1841, with the Doctor taking numerous sidetrips accompanied by a gorilla whilst moving the TARDIS to rescue Charley from the French authorities. They discovered the mummy was working to enable an alien invasion which the Doctor foiled. (AUDIO: The Mummy Speaks!) They subsequently exposed the exploitation of the Hellstrung on Pteron, (AUDIO: Eclipse) became caught in a temporal paradox caused by Ilkeians constructing routes to their own past in the Time Vortex, (AUDIO: The Slaying of the Writhing Mass) and responded to a message from Deeva Jansen, helping her escape from new programming forcing her to commit an atrocity for the Orion android cause on Garazone. (AUDIO: Heart of Orion)

Arriving in New York on Halloween 1938, the Doctor and Charley encountered Orson Welles and discovered an alien incursion by a bat-like race known as the Laiderplacker. Tricking them into fleeing the planet, the Doctor managed to buy Yuri Stepashin the time to destroy them with a Soviet nuclear device. (AUDIO: Invaders from Mars)

The Doctor and Charley visited Bob Dovie at 59A Barnsfield Crescent in Totton, Hampshire on 23 November 1963. (AUDIO: The Light at the End)

The Doctor and Charley inadvertently created a temporal paradox by arriving at Edward Grove on Christmas Eve 1906. Investigating the temporal phenomena, including a time loop where servants were killed in a series of bizarre murders, led to them discovering the house itself had become sentient and the Doctor decided it was too dangerous to remain and attempted to flee in the TARDIS. Edward Grove overtook the TARDIS however, trapping them in the loop. The Doctor talked to Edward as he possessed a servant and learnt the origin of the paradox was the maid Edith, who committed suicide in 1936 after hearing about Charley’s disappearance but now lacked a reason to do so due to now having met her in 1906. He and a servant strangle him to reach the place where the dead went before the loop reset, enabling him to talk to Edith and Charley. Together he and Charley convinced Edith of her self-worth, un-doing the paradox as she now never committed suicide. As he and Charley left she revealed she could remember her death on R101, which he said to leave to solve for another day. (AUDIO: The Chimes of Midnight)

After returning Charley to her rendezvous in Singapore 1930, the Doctor met the immortal Sebastian Grayle, who was working for the Nimons and gloated about having killed the Doctor. The Doctor and Charley went back in time to 305, 1055 and 1806, each time meeting Grayle, and in the end stopping him and the Nimons. (AUDIO: Seasons of Fear)

The Doctor and Charley visited London in 1999 so the Doctor could check up on Highgate, a reformed Vampire he visited every thirty years. They worked with Highgate to defeat another rogue Vampire, Dwayne Pherber. Afterwards Highgate decided to face the sunrise, gifting the Doctor a medallion that he’d been given by the Doctor’s old teacher Gostak. As they left, the Doctor and Charley were captured by Vakrass, last of the Death Lords, who explained he was trying to save the universe and united them with the Fifth and Sixth Doctors accompanied by Turlough and Constance. On Vakrass’ request, the Doctors travelled to the lost moon of Gallifrey, via a portal formed by the medallions each Doctor had found, to find Gostak. The Doctors learned that the moon was a complex temporal manipulation device that Gostak intended to use to undo the last few thousand millennia to re-establish the Time Lords as a vast empire. The Doctors refused to help his plans, with Gostak's efforts to force their aid being cut short as the Doctors turned the moon's power against itself, aided by the arrival of the Seventh Doctor with a control rod for the moon's system. The Doctors then departed with their companions, leaving Gostak and Vakrass trapped on the lost moon as Vakrass kept Gostak where he could do no harm. (AUDIO: The End of the Beginning)

After he evaded a fleet of TARDISes in the Vortex, the Doctor and Charley visited Cimmeria IV. The Cimmerians feared light so burned out the eyes of everyone on the base, including Charley. When the Doctor got the artificial suns working, the Solarians came to the system and healed the crew's and Charley's eyes. (AUDIO: Embrace the Darkness)

The Doctor was transformed into a ventriloquist's dummy by the Celestial Toymaker. Although he was able to communicate via Charley when she used him as a doll, she was suffering from amnesia at the time, and had to outsmart the Toymaker herself. The Doctor then reverted to normal as they travelled away from the Celestial Toyroom. (AUDIO: Solitaire)

The Doctor and Charley discovered the Daleks manipulating Mariah Learman, dictator of England in 2050, to detonate a temporal extinction device in the Vortex. They foiled their efforts, discovering William Shakespeare had been caught up in events by rebels opposed to Learman. After the Daleks were trapped in a time loop, the Doctor and Charley set out to take Shakespeare home however before they departed the Doctor confessed he'd realised Charley's survival was creating temporal problems and wasn't sure how to fix it. (AUDIO: The Time of the Daleks)

The Doctor took Charley back in time to kill a baby destined to grow up into a dictator who would doom the Earth. However, his assassination attempt was prevented by the Fourth Doctor, who had realised that the attempt to kill her baby would make the mother raise her child better. (PROSE: Categorical Imperative)

The Doctor and Charley were eventually captured by the Celestial Intervention Agency and were brought before Lady President Romana on Gallifrey. She revealed to the Doctor that Charley's survival of the destruction of the R101 had caused a crack in the Web of Time, but that because of this, she had become the portal into the world of anti-time, somewhere the Time Lords wished to investigate. Together with a delegation of Time Lords, the Doctor travelled to a universe of anti-time, and encountered the Neverpeople, Time Lords dematerialised from time, who were plotting their revenge. Infected with anti-time when he materialised his TARDIS round a casket of anti-time which was being sent to Gallifrey, the Doctor became the being Zagreus. (AUDIO: Neverland)

As Zagreus, the Doctor threatened the existence of the universe. However, with the help of some of his previous incarnations and the TARDIS, the Doctor successfully expelled Zagreus from his mind. Romana then exiled the Doctor to the Divergent Universe in case any trace of anti-time and Zagreus still resided within him. The Doctor attempted to leave Charley, but she stowed away on board. (AUDIO: Zagreus)

Exiled in the Divergent Universe[[edit] | [edit source]]

Upon their arrival in the Divergent Universe, the Doctor and Charley materialized in an evolution accelerator experiment, and the TARDIS disappeared while they were outside. The Doctor and Charley became subject to accelerated evolution, and began to merge. However, they encountered a sound creature, which attempted to evolve into the dominant being in the accelerator. The Doctor and Charley succeeded, defeated the sound creature and separated from each other, so they could break through the experiment into another location. (AUDIO: Scherzo) They found themselves in the Interzone and encountered the Kro’ka, who claimed to be in charge of passage through it and agreed to send them into a new zone.

In the zone, the Doctor and Charley encountered a native known as C'rizz. C'rizz's zone, Eutermes, was being enslaved by an insect-like race called the Kromon. They captured them and forced the Doctor to build a space-travelling machine while attempting to turn Charley into an insect mutant. The Doctor sabotaged the construction, and later rescued Charley, feeding her a Salander antidote to reverse the effects of the transformation. Shortly afterwards, C'rizz began travelling with the Doctor in search of his TARDIS. (AUDIO: The Creed of the Kromon)

The Kro’ka continued to direct the three travellers to new zones for his own ends, whilst the Doctor hoped to eventually find his TARDIS and Rassilon. The zones they visited included Light City, Setarus, Multihaven and Excelsior. (AUDIO: The Natural History of Fear, The Twilight Kingdom, Faith Stealer, The Last)

The Doctor managed to trick the Kro'ka into revealing the Divergence's home base, where his TARDIS was located, and travelled to Caerdroia in search of his TARDIS. Once there, his essence was split into three selves, all with different aspects of his personality. The group split up and after finding out that they were being tricked into breaking into their own TARDIS, two of the Doctors were transported to a maze while the Kro'ka began attacking the third. The third personality succeeded in saving his other personalities, by embracing more ruthless tactics that his other kinder attributes usually prevented him using, and the three aspects were reunited upon entering the TARDIS. Together the Doctor, Charley and C’rizz set off to explore the Divergent Universe on their own terms. (AUDIO: Caerdroia)

Eventually, the anti-time energies were purged from the Doctor by Rassilon, allowing Zagreus to manifest as an independent spirit that could possess the bodies of the dead. The Doctor, C'rizz and Charley crash landed on a strange planet where they were separated. Rassilon and Kro'ka attempted to turn Charley and C'rizz against the Doctor. The Doctor met a strange woman named Perfection, whom he escaped with before being hunted down by her husband, Daqar Keep. Rassilon succeeded in stealing the TARDIS, but was reset by Kro'ka.

The Doctor discovered that the Keep was the final product of the evolution experiments that he and Charley were subject to when they first arrived, and now he wanted to return to N-Space. He also discovered that the anti-time energy in himself was purged upon his arrival, and possessed Perfection, who was trying to escape the Divergent universe. Zagreus confronted the Doctor and tried to trick him into taking him into the main universe. The Doctor saw through their deception, leaving Zagreus and Keep trapped in the Divergent universe, while the Doctor, C'rizz and Charley returned to the main universe, only to be immediately confronted by Davros and a legion of Daleks. (AUDIO: The Next Life)

Return to the main universe[[edit] | [edit source]]

{{section stub|Info from ''[[Scaredy Cat (audio story)|Scaredy Cat]]'', ''[[Salva Mea (short story)|Salva Mea]]'', & ''[[Doctor Who and the Adaptation of Death (short story)|Doctor Who and the Adaptation of Death]]'' needs to be added}}

Back in the main universe, Davros had laid a trap for the Doctor on Earth. Davros, however, was sharing his mind with the Dalek Emperor and had become mentally unstable; the Doctor managed to exploit this instability and made the Dalek Emperor side of Davros' mind dominant. The Daleks then agreed to leave Earth rather than be defeated by the Doctor. (AUDIO: Terror Firma)

After a chronic energy blast hit the TARDIS, the Doctor and his companions were led to a deep space research centre called the Sanmarus Institute, where they met Zaralon, the director, and some of the finest thinkers in creation. After receiving a vision from his future self, the Doctor pursued a thief called Darrakhaan and stopped him from stealing the secrets of time travel, which led him to a timeless void, where he used a time-space navigator unit to trap Darrakhaan in a time loop. (PROSE: Before Midnight)

The Doctor then took his companions to the Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of All Nations in 1851 London, and masqueraded as Georgina Marlow's husband, Edward Marlow, so that she and her children could keep their home. (AUDIO: Other Lives)

Shortly afterwards, the TARDIS landed on the planet Industry. The trio discovered that the natives were ruled by an artificial intelligence called the Figurehead, being guided through subliminal programming by Clockwork Men who hid in the cracks in-between the tick and the tock. The Doctor, C'rizz and Charley were successfully able to free the people of Industry and defeat the Clockwork men. (AUDIO: Time Works)

The TARDIS materialised in a mysterious prison called the Cube where the Eighth Doctor, C’rizz, and Charley witnessed an explosive death. The Doctor and C'rizz were seperated from Charley and were interrogated by Eric Rawden and Mr Twyst about Gorden Latch. The Doctor and C'rizz escaped. (AUDIO: Something Inside)

Arriving in what looked like Earth, the Doctor and his friends found themselves in a town where every house looked the same and the same woman lived in each one. They met a man called Tommy, who acted like a child. The TARDIS was then taken away. The environment was revealed to be a prison called "the Cell", built around the memories of Tommy. His prisoners entertained their people by acting out the first time Tommy crash landed on their world. (AUDIO: Memory Lane)

On the American frontier, the Doctor played poker with a future version of himself that was travelling with Lucie Miller. (AUDIO: The 100 Days of the Doctor)

After a temporal tidal wave brought the TARDIS to Ireland in 55 BCE, the Doctor and Charley became split up from C’rizz after discovering Sontaran corpses dressed in Roman armour. The pair were captured by Roman Sontarans, who the Doctor was baffled by as they did not appear to know their true nature nor how they came to be in Ireland. With the aid of Sontaran General Ignatius Antias Salutio, the Doctor returned to the TARDIS to investigate and discovered Rutan technology on the Giant’s Causeway, realising they had been attacking the Sontarans. As the Sontaran centurions and Rutans began to do battle, the Doctor reunited with C’rizz and Charley and had them move Sontarans and local Celts to safety whilst he unleashed an energy pulse from the TARDIS against the Rutans however to his surprise the Sontarans died as well, despite having been a safe distance away. The Docogr solemnly departed with Charley and C’rizz, none of the wiser on why the Sontarans had been there to begin with. (AUDIO: The Battle of Giant’s Causeway)

C'rizz faced many challenges in the new universe that challenged his mental state. (AUDIO: Something Inside) This eventually led to C'rizz sacrificing his life to save the Doctor from the Absolver. C'rizz's death had a negative impact on Charley and she asked the Doctor to take her home. (AUDIO: Absolution)

After arriving in 2008, the two appeared to achieve some reconciliation when they found themselves caught up in a Cyberman plot to attack Earth from the future, but the crisis ended with Charley left behind in 500,002 after the TARDIS materialised when the HADS was activated, Charley assuming that the Doctor was dead after he'd been attacked by a Cyberman mind-worm, while the Doctor's efforts to cure himself of the infection had actually just left his memory of the last few hours so scrambled that he couldn't remember what he and Charley had just been doing and assumed she'd chosen to leave as originally planned. (AUDIO: The Girl Who Never Was)

Alone again[[edit] | [edit source]]

{{section stub|Info from ''[[Nettles (short story)|Nettles]]'', ''[[Lonely (short story)|Lonely]]'', ''[[Transmission Ends (short story)|Transmission Ends]]'', & ''[[The Turn of the Screw (audio story)|The Turn of the Screw]]'' needs to be added}}

The Doctor decided to drown his sorrows in Vienna. There, he encountered a Bacchanite who taunted him over the loss of Charley and C'rizz. (PROSE: The Sorrows of Vienna)

For a time, the Doctor travelled with Iris Wildthyme. On one journey through the vortex, Iris and him had bickered about whether or not he or Iris experienced the Doctor's past. He also learned about Paul Magrs and the Doctor Who TV series. (PROSE: Bafflement and Devotion)

While travelling alone, the Doctor returned to Cherenkov, four years after the Hundred Days war. Ensuring that one of the offworld casualties was added to a memorial, the Doctor visited Jeremiah Maru-Stahl, to understand why he became a dictator. After many days, Maru-Stahl admitted that he felt he had to become a monster to fight monsters. The Doctor admitted that he could not help him, but felt sympathy regardless. (PROSE: Gazing Void)

The Doctor visited Arklus and saved a dissenter called Ayfai from execution. The Doctor then took Ayfai to Cheldon Bonniface for a safe haven. While in Cheldon Bonniface, the Doctor prevented Earth from being invaded by the Chelbil. (PROSE: Not in My Back Yard)

With his "body wearing thin", the Doctor was attacked in his TARDIS by Black Rose and White Tulip. The Doctor held off their attacks to find that it was Flora Millrace that had sent them, believing that by killing him it would stop Isaac's composition from destroying more of the universe. The Doctor offered to stop Isaac's music from being invented altogether, and allowed Flora to take Isaac's place on a fishing trip the Doctor once had with him in his sixth incarnation. (PROSE: DS Al Fine)

Wondering if he was nearing the end of his life, the Doctor founded the Institute of Time with fellow time travellers. The Doctor then took a trip to the end of the universe to see if the Institute still existed. He found that the Institute was in ruins and all of his friends had committed suicide, but also encountered his first incarnation in the ruins. The First Doctor told him to not give up and to keep on travelling, which renewed the Eighth Doctor's spirits and gave him a new sense of adventure. (PROSE: The End)

The Doctor then went on to return to Zalezna to pay his respects to Mihal, assuring him he and the stories that the Doctor told him will be remembered. (PROSE: Epilogue)

On a mission for UNIT, the Doctor tracked down an alien gift that had the power to grant people their wishes. He found it in the possession of Sir Clive Reeves and allied with Reeve's secretary, Anne Caisson, to get it back. After his mission was complete, the Doctor spent Christmas with Anne. (PROSE: For the Man Who Has Everything)

The Doctor aided a Zocci friend after his dodgy planetary hopper crashed on Carolian IV. The merchant who sold him the hopper, Jinko, refused to refund the Zocci's grotzits. The Doctor used his sonic screwdriver to reduce Jinko's merchandise to molten metal. (PROSE: The Red Bicycle)

The Doctor was present in London during the coronation of Elizabeth II on 2 June 1953, where he battled a fire creature and a large robot that were subdued by Eva De Ville. (COMIC: Where's the Doctor?)

Entrusted with Lucie Miller[[edit] | [edit source]]

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Travelling alone, the Doctor was taken by surprise when Lucie Miller suddenly appeared in his TARDIS as part of a "witness protection scheme," much to his consternation. Immediately, he tried to return her home, but found he was unable to do so. He instead arrived on the planet Red Rocket Rising. Lucie told him that she had witnessed something, but couldn't recall what it was. Located and imprisoned by the Daleks on board their command ship, the Doctor agreed to help the Daleks target a factory of "Mutant Daleks" created from humans by Professor Martez.

After the command ship crash landed off course in a failed attempt to blow up the Mutant base in a collision course, the Doctor convinced Professor Martez to pull power from her Dalek "reinforcements." Meanwhile, the two factions launched an assault on each other along with a mob of humans, wiping both groups of Daleks out. After the last Dalek died, the Doctor repeatedly tried to leave Red Rocket Rising in the TARDIS, but kept returning until Lucie arrived. The Doctor realised that, because of the protection scheme, he and Lucie were stuck with each other. (AUDIO: Blood of the Daleks)

Attempting to return Lucie to 21st century Blackpool, the Doctor's hopes were dashed when the TARDIS suffered turbulence due to something blocking its journey. Diverted to the Nadir Motorway Service Station in 1974, the pair encountered Lucie's aunt, Patricia Ryder, and a singing double-act called the Tomorrow Twins. The Doctor discovered the Tomorrow Twins had been brainwashed by super-beings called the Only Ones, who held the Doctor, Lucie and a group of other people captive within the service station. As the Only Ones used music as communication and transportation, the Doctor trapped them in Lucie's MP3 player before they could devour humanity. After saving one of the Tomorrow Twins, the Doctor asked Lucie to become his "official" companion, which she accepted. (AUDIO: Horror of Glam Rock)

The Doctor and Lucie travelled to a planet resembling ancient Greece, where they prevented two young lovers, Prince Kalkin and Sararti, from committing suicide by jumping off a mountain. They were all captured by General Azar and taken to the kingdom, where the Doctor met Zeus, the ruler of the land and Kalkin's father. He was horrified to discover Zeus was using the Chamber of Incarnation, a machine that transferred minds from dead bodies into young minds. The machine was also capable of cloning, and the Doctor discovered Kalkin, his brother and the entire kingdom had been cloned as a way for Zeus to achieve immortality. Disgusted, the Doctor tried to prevent Zeus from using Kalkin's mind. With the population under Zeus' command, the Doctor was blackmailed into repairing the machine, as Zeus had taken Lucie.

After Zeus' wife Hera died, the Doctor failed to stop him from transferring her mind into Sararti's body. Sararti had the stronger mind, resisted the transfer and stabbed Zeus. The Doctor was forced to use the chamber to heal Zeus, as he had finally "broken" Kalkin and he had threatened to put Lucie through an endless death. The Doctor and Kalkin tricked Zeus into using the Chamber and trapped his spirit deep inside the machine. After putting an end to the "Chamber Incarnation reign", the Doctor and Lucie left Kalkin and Sararti to get married and rule the kingdom, now free of Zeus. (AUDIO: Immortal Beloved)

When Lucie started working at Hulbert Logistics, the TARDIS console stopped working and the Doctor was visited by the Time Lord Straxus. He promised to restore the TARDIS to normal only if the Doctor retrieved Lucie using a Time Ring. The Doctor arrived at the office and restored Lucie's memories. He found a dimensional corridor in the human resources department, which led to an office on Earth run by a man called Todd Hulbert. Believing Hulbert's plans to be unjustified, the Doctor sabotaged the conference's defensive systems, only to discover that the war was being fought against an early version of the Cybermen he encountered on Telos. The Doctor realised that the Time Lords mistook Lucie for Karen Coltraine when they pulled her out of time due to them both having job interviews on the same day, and Karen was the one destined to became a dictator. The Doctor used the Quantum Crystalliser to ensure that the Cybermen were defeated. The Doctor offered to return Lucie home now the TARDIS was restored to normal, however Lucie chose to stay with him and they set off for new adventures. (AUDIO: Human Resources)

Influenced by the Fendahl[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Doctor and Lucie became trapped in the Canthares black hole, where the Daleks were experimenting on the other space travellers trapped within it. The Doctor fell under the influence of the Fendahl during this adventure, unbeknownst to Lucie. (AUDIO: The Dalek Trap, Island of the Fendahl) They attended the roller derby on Castus Sigma to celebrate Lucie's birthday. (AUDIO: The Revolution Game) Three weeks after the Canthares incident, (AUDIO: Island of the Fendahl) they visited Hortons Orb, (AUDIO: The House on the Edge of Chaos) before being drawn to the island of Fandor in 2007. There they discovered that the Doctor set the Fendahl free from Canthares when he released the trapped space travellers from the black hole. (AUDIO: Island of the Fendahl)

Further travels with Lucie[[edit] | [edit source]]

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The Doctor played poker with a younger version of himself travelling with Charley and C'rizz on the American frontier. (AUDIO: The 100 Days of the Doctor)

On their continued travels, the Doctor and Lucie were trapped within the mind of Sepulchre, (AUDIO: Dead London) investigated a murder mystery on Sirius Exhibition Station, (AUDIO: Max Warp) uncovered an Auton town in 2008 Uzbekistan, (AUDIO: Brave New Town) became involved in a fight between two species for a priceless skull on Indigo 3 (AUDIO: The Skull of Sobek) and were reunited with the Headhunter and Karen during a jewel heist in 1898 Sweden. (AUDIO: Grand Theft Cosmos)

Lying to Lucie[[edit] | [edit source]]

{{section stub|Info from ''[[The Beast of Orlok (audio story)|The Beast of Orlok]]'', ''[[The Scapegoat (audio story)|The Scapegoat]]'', ''[[The Cannibalists (audio story)|The Cannibalists]]'', & ''[[The Curse of the Fugue (audio story)|The Curse of the Fugue]]'' needs to be added}}

The Doctor and Luci encountered Lucie's aunt, Patricia Ryder, ten years later in her personal timeline. By this time, Pat owned a lake-side hotel and was married to Haygoth. The two of them helped the Doctor defeat Zygons who were trying to make Earth's climate closer to Zygor's. The Zygons were defeated, but Pat died, and the Doctor and Haygoth decided to keep Lucie from the truth by having Haygoth live the rest of his life as Patricia. (AUDIO: The Zygon Who Fell to Earth)

While visiting a space station, the Doctor was kidnapped by a group of Trell. With the help of Rosto, Lucie discovered that Cristophe Zarodnix, a billionaire who had recently purchased the planet Karn, was a member of the Cult of Morbius and planning to use the Doctor to resurrect Morbius. (AUDIO: Sisters of the Flame) Trapped in a final struggle against the Gallifreyan tyrant, both the Doctor and Morbius fell from great height, apparently resulting in his death. (AUDIO: The Vengeance of Morbius)

After spending six-hundred years on the planet Orbis, an amnesiac Doctor was reunited with Lucie, (AUDIO: Orbis) and the pair shared many more adventures, battling Krynoids, (AUDIO: Hothouse) and Wirrn. (AUDIO: Wirrn Dawn)

Returning to Earth in the year 2015, the Doctor discovered an organisation called the Eightfold Truth, who predicted that "a rebel sun" was coming to purge the planet. (AUDIO: The Eight Truths) Discovering that they were a front for the Eight Legs and that Lucie had become host to their queen, he managed to defeat them once again, saving Lucie and Karen Coltraine, but failing to save the Headhunter. (AUDIO: Worldwide Web)

Whilst they were intending to visit Blackpool for Christmas, the TARDIS was diverted to Nadir Motorway Services where they were reunited with Haygoth, still living as Lucie’s Auntie Pat. They were hunted by a Zynog, who hospitalised Lucie to attempt to takeover her body. The Doctor and Haygoth found the Zygnog’s unconscious body and Haygoth knocked out the Doctor so she could confront it herself. Awakening, the Doctor found Haygoth had tricked the Zynog into taking over her body, which she’d poisoned, and comforted the Zynog as it died. He found Lucie on Blackpool beach and she explained she’d discovered that the Doctor had hidden the death of her Auntie Pat from her, a revelation which had destroyed her trust in him. Saddened, he departed alone. (AUDIO: Death in Blackpool)

Searching for a friend[[edit] | [edit source]]

{{section stub|Info from ''[[Quantum Heresy (audio story)|Quantum Heresy]]'', ''[[Running Out of Time (audio story)|Running Out of Time]]'', ''[[Prologue (ST short story)|Prologue]]'', ''[[The Four Doctors (audio story)|The Four Doctors]]'', & ''[[Tuesday (audio story)|Tuesday]]'' needs to be added}}

After leaving Lucie, the Doctor decided to travel to Earth in the 22nd century, after the Dalek invasion, to visit his granddaughter Susan Foreman and check on her progress. When he arrived, he found that Susan had given birth to a child named Alex, who was now in his late teens. The Doctor wanted Alex to have an education on Gallifrey where it would be much more beneficial to him than on Earth. Alex didn't want to go to Gallifrey, as he saw Earth as his home. After leaving Alex to continue his life on Earth, the Doctor made an attempt to get Susan to come travelling with him, to which she too declined. (AUDIO: An Earthly Child)

The Doctor landed on Earth and discovered an advertisement offering individuals the chance to travel in space and time. Travelling to the location of the auditions, he encountered four people hoping to join him on his travels. Revealing that none of the "events" had been planned by him, he managed to narrow his choices down after two turned out to be malicious and another uninterested, prompting him to choose an actress named Tamsin Drew. He immediately realised that this had been a distraction from the real auditions, and travelled to where they had taken place, finding only a note left for him by the organiser. (AUDIO: Situation Vacant)

Soon afterwards, he was sent by the Time Lords to the planet Nevermore in order to release the war criminal Morella Wendigo, as her imprisonment was causing more pain because of the souls left on the planet. He had discovered from Uglosi that a Time Lord had manipulated the actions of him and caused the actions that Morella did. (AUDIO: Nevermore)

Later, the TARDIS crashed landed in Ireland in 1006, where the Doctor and Tamsin investigated a local monastery where the Book of Kells was being written. In the course of these investigations, the Doctor unearthed a plot by the Monk to use the skills of the illuminators Timothy and Patrick to create a new directional unit for his TARDIS. It was during this time that he discovered that the advertisement, which brought the Doctor and Tamsin together, had been placed by the Monk and that he was also the one who manipulated the events on Nevermore. (AUDIO: The Book of Kells)

The Doctor and Tamsin travelled to Deimos, where they found a museum devoted to the Ice Warriors. Just after they arrived, a group of Ice Warriors awoke and attempted to invade the museum. The Doctor went to the shuttle they were on to try to negotiate a peace, when Temperance Finch shot it in order to destroy it. After the Doctor arrived back on the museum, they planned to evacuate the museum. In the process, Temperance decided to activate the bombs that were placed on the planet, and the Doctor received a message that Lucie Miller was on the moon. (AUDIO: Deimos)

Encountering the Monk again, the Doctor prevented him from creating a new timeline in which the Ice Warriors took back Mars from the humans. Discovering that Lucie had been the winner of the Monk's contest, he saved her after the Monk abandoned her in an attempt to bring the Doctor back to Deimos after the evacuation. The Monk revealed to Tamsin that the Doctor's actions would cause the deaths of an entire peaceful race, prompting her to leave the Doctor. The Doctor then took Lucie away in the TARDIS to experience the Christmas he failed to give her the last time they met. (AUDIO: The Resurrection of Mars)

The Doctor and Lucie hosted a Christmas dinner with Susan and Alex Campbell, only for their celebrations to be disturbed by a Blitzen fish that he’d accidentally unleashed by retrieving Susan's room from the holding ring. Despite all the Doctor's efforts, Alex chose to stay on Earth to travel Europe, with Lucie deciding to be his travelling companion. (AUDIO: Relative Dimensions)

On his last visit to Edward Grainger, the Doctor took Edward to the TARDIS, giving him his memories. However, Edward was influenced into releasing the Bruce Master from the Eye of Harmony. The Master possessed George Steer, intending to kill Edward when he was born to erase the Doctor's timeline. The Doctor and Edward managed to stop him with the help of the Graingers' maid, Violet. Soon afterwards, Edward quietly died in the TARDIS at the age of one hundred. (PROSE: Forgotten)

Losing everything[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Doctor, Tamsin, and the Monk. (AUDIO: To the Death)

After being held prisoner by the Consensus for six years, the Doctor escaped and set a course for Earth after he received a message from Lucie Miller asking for help. (AUDIO: Prisoner of the Sun) The Doctor travelled to Earth to find that once again it had been invaded by the Daleks. (AUDIO: Lucie Miller)

After witnessing the deaths of Tamsin and Alex during their fight against the Dalek occupation, the Doctor was heartbroken when Lucie Miller sacrificed her life to defeat them. Angry with the deaths caused by the Monk's meddling in time, he refused to forgive the remorseful Monk for helping the Daleks cause the bloodshed of these events. Boiling with rage, the Doctor screamed at the Monk to leave and threw him out of the TARDIS. In his solitude, the Doctor mourned Lucie's death and bleakly promised he would find a way to come back and reverse it. (AUDIO: To the Death)

Looking for hope[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Doctor and Molly being chased by Daleks in 1972. (AUDIO: Fugitives)

Broken by grief, the Doctor became volatile and fatalistic. Looking for hope, the Doctor attempted to travel to the end of time to see whether it was all "worth it." However, his TARDIS was halted from travelling past the outer limits of existence by Straxus, who warned him the Time Lords did not permit this action and held the patents that gave them knowledge to disable TARDISes. Though furious at having an intruder subjugate his TARDIS, the Doctor accepted a mission to Earth during the First World War, where he nearly fell victim to toxic gas on the trenches of the battlefields and escaped them with his clothes soiled and heavily battered. There, he met a VAD called Molly O'Sullivan who tended to his wounds. Soon after, the Doctor discovered that the Daleks were present and were searching for Molly. (AUDIO: The Great War)

The Doctor and Molly escaped from the Daleks, and travelled around the universe being continuously pursued by the Daleks arriving in places, such as Dunkirk in 1940, Halalka and 107 Baker Street in 1972. During this time, the Doctor tried to recuperate from the horrid events that had befallen him by visiting a swimming retreat, trimming his hair down and changing his attire to a new leather ensemble. (AUDIO: Fugitives)

The pair discovered that the Daleks were being assisted by a former Time Lord called Kotris, who wanted to destroy the Time Lords. It was also revealed that he stole Molly on her second birthday, and did some unknown experimentation upon her, before giving her back to her parents. The Doctor and Molly seemingly arrived on Skaro, where they discovered that the Daleks had become peaceful, after they caused the extinction of the Time Lords. However, it was later revealed that this was a simulation generated on their behalf. They were then retrieved by Straxus, but his TARDIS was time rammed and destroyed. (AUDIO: Tangled Web)

The Doctor, Molly and Straxus escaped the TARDIS and arrived on Srangor, where they discovered a Dalek base. This Dalek base contained a space-time projector, as well as Kotris and the Dalek Time Controller, who Kotris had saved from his destruction at the hands of the Doctor in the 22nd century. It was revealed the Daleks' plan was to implant Molly with retro-genitor particles when she was two years old, and use the radiation inside her to power the space-time projector. They were going to use the projector to completely erase the Time Lords' existence from history. Straxus also revealed that Kotris was his own future incarnation, who had become tired of the Time Lords and their interventions, and wished to destroy them for it. Straxus manipulated Kotris to destroy the Daleks with the projector, rather than the Time Lords. However, a friend of the Doctor's, Nadeyan, sacrificed himself to destroy the projector. After the Doctor and Molly escaped, the Dalek Time Controller exterminated Straxus, meaning Kotris and the events he caused never existed. The Doctor then deposited Molly back in World War I, and he travelled alone again. (AUDIO: X and the Daleks)

Saving Peladon[[edit] | [edit source]]

Travelling to Peladon, the Doctor discovered the corrupt regime of Chancellor Barok and that problems the planet had suffered before were only becoming worse. Working with Martian Ambassador Ssilas, he began formenting a revolution against the Chancellor, embroiling the last seamstress Arla Decanto. At the coronation of the new King, he unleashed the withered few surviving Aggedor beasts onto the streets to show the state of the planet and rallied the people against the Chancellor via a broadcast. With the revolution now raging, the Doctor found Arla and voiced his disappointment that she had chosen to kill Barok herself, telling her he'd told the people of both her past complicity in the regime and her help for him, leaving it up to them to judge her. (AUDIO: The Truth of Peladon)

Fighting the Eminence[[edit] | [edit source]]

{{section stub|Info from ''[[The World Beyond the Trees (audio story)|The World Beyond the Trees]]'' needs to be added}}

The Doctor encountered Molly again in 1918 London, where they came across the Viyrans trying to solve a problem caused by one of their viruses. (AUDIO: The White Room) They then went to the edge of the universe, where they encountered Liv Chenka and the Eminence. (AUDIO: Time's Horizon) This encounter with the Eminence brought the Doctor, Liv and Molly to London in the 1970s, where the Doctor once again came face to face with the Reborn Master. The Master was working with the Time Lords to use the Eminence to fight the Daleks.

To stop the Master's plan, the Doctor opened his link to the Eminence located in his mind, teaching it how to pilot a TARDIS. The Eminence then used the teleportation casket located in the Master's TARDIS to pilot it, taking the Master with it. (AUDIO: Eyes of the Master) In a desperate attempt to defeat the Eminence, the Doctor travelled to Nixyce VII, where he helped the Dalek Time Controller to defeat the Eminence fleet located at the edge of the Nixyce system. (AUDIO: The Traitor) The Doctor was then allowed to leave freely in his TARDIS. (AUDIO: Eyes of the Master)

Crossing his own timeline, the Doctor made arrangements to help Lila’s escape from Earth. Via a dream, he gave Liv directions to the Damascus project (AUDIO: The World Beyond the Trees) and sent a device to the Third Doctor’s TARDIS which could strengthen Lila’s listlessness field to affect aliens, enabling his younger self to deal with the Mileu pursuing her. (AUDIO: Damascus) After she helped Lila escape, the Doctor communicated with Liv in another dream in which he simply smiled. (AUDIO: The World Beyond the Trees)

The Doctor began to skirt humanity's conflict with the Eminence, helping where he could. He was soon found by Narvin, who wanted him to stop the Master from exploiting the Eminence for his own ends. Narvin showed the Doctor what the Master was doing on Heron's World with the Doctor's companion, Molly O'Sullivan. After Narvin showed the Doctor the eventual effects of the Master's actions, he decided to help Narvin to stop the Master. (AUDIO: The Death of Hope)

Narvin then told him to go to Ramosa, where he would find information about the Master's plan and the location of Molly, and also to find Liv, who had been sent to Ramosa by Narvin to help aid the humans with her medical knowledge. He helped to shield the humans from the Eminence, but the Ramossans' thought he had betrayed them as the Master had invited them to the planet. (AUDIO: The Reviled)

The Doctor decided to go back in time and avert the Eminence's creation. Leaving Liv to find more about Markus Schriver, he tried to stop a supply ship which had the gas that the Eminence would be created from. He tried to escape from the ship as it crashed, but was trapped with the Master. He discovered that Molly was on that ship infusing the Eminence with retro-genitor particles. The Master managed to escape with Molly and left the Doctor to die, but he was rescued by Narvin. (AUDIO: Masterplan)

Narvin took the Doctor to the end of the Eminence war, where he discovered that the Master was planning to use the Eminence and the retro-genitor particles to take over the human race. After defeating his plans by tricking the Eminence into believing a lie, Narvin told him that he would have to take Molly away from the Doctor in order to save the universe. (AUDIO: Rule of the Eminence) Searching for traces of Molly, the Doctor became trapped in a time loop. Escaping, he discovered that his TARDIS had been stolen, and set about trying to find it. (AUDIO: A Life in the Day)

Looking for the TARDIS, the Doctor and Liv travelled to Paris, where they discovered that the Dalek Time Controller was using it in an attempt to create a Dalek empire that would serve him and not the Dalek Supreme. The Doctor defeated the Time Controller and escaped in his TARDIS, but found that the damage the Daleks had caused to his TARDIS was too severe, and crash-landed. (AUDIO: The Monster of Montmartre)

Awakening in Moscow, the Doctor found that he had no recollection of who he was or how he got there. He met a Dalek, and believed it to be his best friend in his delirium. The Dalek put the Doctor to work as a slave under the command of a Sontaran. Due to the intervention of the Master, the Sontaran recruited more of his race to overthrow the Daleks. The Doctor quickly regained his memories, and took his chance to escape in the Master's TARDIS, leaving the Master stranded behind. The Doctor set off towards the centre of Dalek operations with the intention of ending the threat once and for all. (AUDIO: Master of the Daleks)

The Doctor rammed the Master's TARDIS into a Dalek facility on the Eye of Orion. He discovered that Markus Schriver was in the facility, working on the gas that would later become the Eminence. By the time the Doctor arrived at Schriver's lab, the Dalek Time Controller and Schriver had merged their consciousness with the Eminence gas. The Doctor used the technology in the facility to keep both consciousnesses subdued. Meanwhile, Molly had taken control of the Doctor's TARDIS using her retro-genitor particles and landed it in the lab. Molly sacrificed herself to the Eminence gas and used her retro-genitor link with the Dalek Time Controller to send the Eminence to the end of the universe. Saddened, the Doctor and Liv took Molly's remains back to her home. (AUDIO: Eye of Darkness)

Facing the Doom Coalition[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Doctor and Liv were brought to Gallifrey by Cardinal Padrac when a Time Lord criminal known as the Eleven escaped the imprisonment the Doctor had placed him in. Attempting to prevent the Eleven from leaving the planet with an artefact known as the regeneration codex, the Doctor was forced to concede defeat when he was unable to prevent him from stealing a TARDIS of his own. (AUDIO: The Eleven)

Tracking a temporal anomaly that had appeared on Earth at the moment of the Eleven's escape, the Doctor and Liv met language scholar Helen Sinclair, who aided them in defeating the Red Lady, a being which could kill anyone who read a description of it or saw its image. Realising Helen's predicament after they stole a number of artefacts containing the Red Lady's essence which she had been tasked with caring of, the Doctor offered her the chance to join the on his travels, an invitation she readily accepted. (AUDIO: The Red Lady)

Lured to Florence in 1639, the Doctor, Liv and Helen discovered a trap set by the Eleven involving a pair of Volkbrood and the Doctor's old friend, Galileo Galilei. (AUDIO: The Galileo Trap) Following the trail, they arrived aboard a strange space station positioned beside the Sun. Discovering that the insane Time Lord had acquired a stellar manipulator, the Doctor managed to thwart the Eleven's plan and take the workers generated by the manipulator to a new home. (AUDIO: The Satanic Mill)

Deciding to go take Liv and Helen to Stegmoor, the Doctor was injured in a flood and knocked unconscious. When he awoke, he found a Voord spaceship. Discovering that the Voord homeworld had been destroyed long before recorded history indicated it should, the Doctor set out to discover who was interfering with the timelines and why. (AUDIO: Beachhead)

Finding the Voord homeworld in ruins, the Doctor located an artron energy signature and set the TARDIS to follow its course. Tracing it, he discovered an ancient TARDIS moored in the Time Vortex and was forced to materialise on board. Inside, he discovered some mentally damaged Time Lords who believed that they lived inside their ancestral home, and couldn't remember their past. He was then tricked by Caleera into amplifying her powers so that she could escape and help the Eleven. (AUDIO: Scenes From Her Life)

Attempting to track Caleera to her destination, the Doctor lost control of the TARDIS when it lost power and lurched out of the vortex. Discovering that he was in San Francisco, he sought out someone who could give him a haircut. Encountering a local named Sam Sonora, he learned of a strange gift that was haunting the city. Caleera attempted to use him to channel the Gift, but instead he used it to save Liv from an earthquake occurring in the city before confining it to the TARDIS power house. (AUDIO: The Gift)

Following the coordinates sent by River Song to Syra, the Doctor sensed that the Gift was on the planet. Discovering that the Eleven was on the planet, he thwarted Caleera's plan to destroy the planet and resolved to stay wary of the threat posed by her powers, despite having no idea how to find her. (AUDIO: The Sonomancer)

The Doctor wanted to head back to Gallifrey in order to keep Padrac in the loop about capturing the Eleven, but landed in 1998 Calcot, and decided recalibrate the TARDIS. Performing a diagnostic, he found out nothing was wrong, and decided to investigate the local area. He met with Angus Selwyn and thought something was odd with him. He discovered that Angus was just a normal businessman so thought that there were some time distortions. He discovered that the time distortions where due to the Doomsday Chronometer. (AUDIO: Absent Friends)

The Doctor decided to find the rest of the Chronometer, and split him, Liv and Helen up. He went to the court of Henry VIII to find a piece, where he met with Thomas Cromwell, who told him that he wanted to find the clock. He was then imprisoned and tortured by Cromwell, thinking he was a Catholic spy. The Clocksmith released him from his chains in order to get Cromwell to execute him, (AUDIO: The Eighth Piece) but Cromwell didn't want to execute him because Risolva had come to find him.

The Doctor then went with Risolva to pick up Liv, but she had already had left with River Song. He decided to go to collect Helen, where he then met River and Liv, before he went to confront the Clocksmith. When the Doomsday Chronometer was complete, he became overcome by some power and learnt the coordinates of Doomsday. He was saved from the collapsing building by River and they both went in the Clocksmith's TARDIS to search for Doomsday. (AUDIO: The Doomsday Chronometer)

The Doctor noticed that time and space didn't exist after the point in which the Chronometer claimed so. He tracked something coming back from the futures from beyond the catastrophe and discovered someone was killing the survivors. He tracked the earliest ship with survivors, but actually tracked the attackers, some of the Chancellery Guard. He then used a psychic wimple to disguise himself as the Clocksmith to find out what they were doing there. He was also confused when he discovered Padrac was working with the Eleven. (AUDIO: The Crucible of Souls)

The Doctor, Liv and Helen were trapped in an escape shuttle careering into the non-time of a murdered future by Padrac. The Doctor asked Liv and Helen to make an inventory of the capsule to find a way back to actual time. He had to climb on the outside of the ship in order to fix the navigational controls. He realised that Helen's plan was a good idea, but augmented it by blowing up the capsule. They jumped out of the pod and rode the shockwave back into normal time. (AUDIO: Ship in a Bottle) River used her time in the Matrix to find the Doctor and deposited him in the TARDIS before the vortex collapse. He demanded from Veklin where she was taking the TARDIS, and was told they were going to find Cardinal Ollistra. (AUDIO: Songs of Love)

After finding her and the Monk in New York City, the Doctor was annoyed that Ollistra was doing nothing whilst Padrac was ceasing power on Gallifrey, and got agitated when he realised the Weeping Angels where in alliance with the High Council in order to create a retreat for the Time Lords. He wanted to draw the Angels away from New York using his TARDIS. After the Eleven threw Ollistra off a building, and with the Monk sent back in time, the Doctor activated Ollistra's buildings and stopped the Angels. He used this burst of temporal energy to boost the TARDIS back to Gallifrey. (AUDIO: The Side of the Angels)

Latching on to the Eleven's time ring to get back to Gallifrey, the Doctor was stopped at the transduction barriers, but his presidential codes got him through. He pretended to be the Eleven to get into the Capitol. When he met Caleera, he realised that the Resonance Engine would kill her. He tried to convince Caleera that Padrac would discard her. After she went into the Matrix, she released him. When Helen crashed a battle TARDIS into the Engine, he made peace with all the aliens attacking the planet. The Doctor and Liv then went searching for Helen. (AUDIO: Stop the Clock)

Searching for Helen[[edit] | [edit source]]

While the TARDIS calculated the route taken by the Battle TARDIS Helen was in, the Doctor was summoned by Winston Churchill to investigate a mysterious abnormality to which the RAF were losing pilots. Liv ended up flying through the breach and was used by the Heliyon as a bargaining chip against the Doctor, who thought Liv was dead. After defeating the Heliyon, the Doctor and Liv continued their search for Helen. (AUDIO: Their Finest Hour)

The Doctor and Liv followed Helen's trail, but were dragged off course by a disturbance in the vortex, caused by the experiments of Cornelius Morningstar. After Morningstar's scientific consultant, Strella Cushing, killed him, the Doctor and Liv worked to find her. (AUDIO: How to Make a Killing in Time Travel)

When the TARDIS finally tracked down Helen, the Doctor and Liv ended up at Rykerzon, a prison, where they were interrogated. After getting broken out, they finally reunited with Helen, who had also been an inmate there with the Eleven. (AUDIO: World of Damnation) The Doctor was initially sceptical that Helen was still the same person that they knew, but Liv was convinced by her. After defeating the Eleven and the Kandyman, Liv and the Doctor happily welcomed Helen back on board the TARDIS. (AUDIO: Sweet Salvation)

Relaxing endeavours[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Doctor decided to take Liv and Helen to Liv's homeworld of Kaldor, where he met Liv's sister, Tula, and again combated the Vocs. He agreed to jump ahead one year in time with Helen to allow Liv time on Kaldor. (AUDIO: Escape from Kaldor)

He then landed the TARDIS in Salzburg, Austria where he fought against the Krampus and brought St Nicholas forward in time to defeat it. (AUDIO: Better Watch Out, Fairytale of Salzburg)

Return of the Ravenous[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Doctor travelling with Liv, Helen and the Eleven. (AUDIO: Whisper)

After receiving a distress call from the Eleven, the TARDIS materialised on a dying TARDIS where they encountered a Ravenous. After the Eleven stole the Doctor's TARDIS, he and his companions were saved by Rasmus. (AUDIO: Seizure)

On the Deeptime Frontier, the Doctor and Liv attempted to destroy the corpse of a Ravenous to no avail. Liv and Helen were both kidnapped by the Nine, (AUDIO: Deeptime Frontier) and the Eleven took the Doctor to save them. (AUDIO: Companion Piece)

Searching for answers to the Ravenous, the Doctor, Liv, Helen and the Eleven went in search of Professor Marathanga, (AUDIO: L.E.G.E.N.D.) before visiting the supposed site of the gateway to their original prison. The Doctor allowed the Eleven to join them on the TARDIS after he allegedly lost all of his other personalities. (AUDIO: The Odds Against)

The continued presence of the Eleven's other personalities was later made apparent, but the Doctor allowed him to stay. (AUDIO: Whisper) He materialised the TARDIS on Parrak, where the Eleven could live as a hermit, meeting and thwarting a decayed Master who had stolen the planet's water. The Doctor watched as the Master was eaten by the Ravenous and handed the Doctor his TARDIS key. (AUDIO: Planet of Dust)

Whilst Helen was kidnapped by Missy and Liv was joined by the "War Master", the Doctor went in search of Artron. He managed to defeat the Eleven and left with Liv and Helen in the TARDIS, anticipating being left stranded somewhere. (AUDIO: Day of the Master)

Stranded in 2020[[edit] | [edit source]]

After crash landing in 2020 London, (AUDIO: Lost Property) causing an alternate timeline from unknowingly damaging the Web of Time, (AUDIO: Crossed Lines) the Doctor, Liv and Helen were able to escape the collapsing console room and set up residence at 107 Baker Street. Discovering Thomas Brewster had turned the house into flats which a letting agent had kept rented out, the Doctor reluctantly became a landlord. Working to restore the TARDIS, he took the Pandora Bolt from Jim and Midge but later found that it could only unleash fears and amplify paranoia, leading him to deactivate it, confronting his worst fear of being stranded forever in the process. He told Liv and Helen that he would make more of an effort with the tenants, having been reclusive for a number of weeks. (AUDIO: Lost Property)

Struggling with life in London, the Doctor spent a lot of time wandering around Regent's Park to visit the zoo animals, despite Helen’s encouragement for him to be more involved with the others. He went looking for the man who shot Liv and killed Sanjit, getting on the wrong side of DCI Treadwell, despite Helen trying to keep him out of it. He apprehended an unrelated mugger he thought to be the robber in Regent’s Park, only to discover the police had already caught the robber without him. Afterwards the Doctor promised Helen that he would not give up on the TARDIS or on living his life. (AUDIO: Wild Animals)

The Doctor became jealous of new tenant Mr Bird due to him replacing the Doctor as Baker Street's live-in handyman and later found extraterrestrial surveillance equipment in Ron Winters and Tony Clare's television. He became suspicious of Mr Bird and suspected that he was using rudimentary vortex transference to be in multiple places at once. His suspicions of Mr Bird were proven right, but he disappeared. (AUDIO: Must-See TV)

On You Either Know It or You Don't, the Doctor won £80,000 which he initially planned to invest with the goal of redirecting resources towards the TARDIS's restoration, but Liv and Helen managed to convince him to spend it on the house instead. On Tania’s suggestion, he went to Mr Crusoe's store but found it ransacked and Crusoe dead, meeting Andy Davidson at the scene. They were attacked by a pair of Rarkelians, Teeja and Bourakai, and fled to the restaurant where he was meant to be meeting the others. There he confronted the Rarkelians who claimed that his actions would result in humanity enslaving their people in contradiction of his knowledge of the future, and disabled their time machines. They forced the Doctor to take them to his ship, however their residual energy was insufficient to restore the TARDIS so they killed him. The paradox triggered partially-restored the TARDIS, allowing it to bring back the Doctor and for him to send away the Rarkelians. He planned to use the TARDIS to identify when things would go wrong for the Rarkelians, after which he would take it on a test flight. (AUDIO: Divine Intervention)

The Doctor decided to go on a test flight, inviting Tania to join him along with Liv and Helen and reluctantly letting Andy Davidson come along too. The Doctor attempted to go to Rarkelia, however the TARDIS was unable to move through space and he lost control resulting in them arriving approximately six million years in Earth’s future. After arriving they found Robin had stowed away, so the angry Doctor told him to stay behind in the TARDIS with Helen. He explored the ruins of London with Tania and worried they may be stuck in the future. They encountered Helen, who revealed she had lost Robin, and found Liv and Andy fleeing a robot. After destroying the robot with rocks, the Doctor pulled it apart and deduced it was for decontamination, being horrified that there was an army across the planet ready to wipe out all life. At the robots’ control station, the Doctor and Liv discovered that the human race had disappeared millions of years ago and found Robin. They returned to the TARDIS and used her to neutralise the robots’ radiation, which also enabled the ship to return to 2020. (AUDIO: Dead Time)

Accompanied by Andy, the Doctor went back in time to his third incarnation’s time at UNIT, infiltrating UNIT’s base at the Tower of London to retrieve a directional control for the TARDIS from a lab. They encountered younger versions of Ron and Tony and became stuck in a time loop caused by an Ogron escaping UNIT custody and activating a broken time machine. After several failed attempts to break the loop, during which he met the the Brigadier again, the Doctor finally sacrificed his component to fix the Ogron’s machine to send him home. (AUDIO: UNIT Dating)

The Doctor took the Akhtar sisters back in time to January 1941 to see their heritage at the Baker Street Irregulars, taking along Liv, Helen and Tania. Their visit inadvertently altered the sisters’ ancestor’s mission, so the Doctor and Zakia travelled to occupied France to rescue her and complete her mission. Reuniting with the others, they returned to 2020. (AUDIO: Baker Street Irregulars)

The Doctor, Liv, Helen, Tania and Andy travelled to 2050 to investigate the altered future. They were immediately captured by forces opposing Divine Intervention, who had been convinced the Doctor was the masked leader of their enemy. The Doctor was able to persuade his interrogator, Gemma Houlbrooke to release them by proving her evidence of his guilt had been written by him to arrange their meeting. He then took his companions back to 2020. (AUDIO: The Long Way Round)

Taking Liv, Helen, Tania and Andy along with him, the Doctor set off in the TARDIS to investigate the altered timeline. When a platoon of Judoon employed by Mr Bird began pursuing them, he devised a plan to use the paradoxica to stop them whilst mapping the alterations to time. The plan succeeded, with the Doctor managing to talk down the Judoon leader and returning him to Judoonia. (AUDIO: Patience)

Deciding to liberate Rarkelia from Divine Intervention, the Doctor began inciting unrest by broadcasting stories from the planet's folklore to counter the fake stories peddled by Divine Intervention's leader, who was impersonating him, and placed Liv, Helen and Tania in key positions. By reminding the citizens of their musical heritage, he inspired them to sing an old song which neutralised an ancient poison Divine Intervention were unleashing to quell the unrest. With Divine Intervention retreating, they departed. (AUDIO: Twisted Folklore)

Making a shorter hop into the future to investigate the altered timeline, the Doctor took Liv, Helen and Andy to Baker Street in 2035. There he met Ron, still living at his old house, and became intrigued by alien snow that was visiting him. Reuniting with his companions, the Doctor revealed this was just a possible future, which they'd arrived in due to a malfunction with the TARDIS, and returned to 2020. (AUDIO: Snow)

Investigating the future extinction of humanity, the Doctor took Liv, Helen and Andy to a museum in a distant future which revealed the dictator of the Earth Empire posing as him had used a kill switch to kill every human in a single moment. Wanting to know why, the Doctor took them back in time to confront the dictator, using a group of rebels led by Quinns to get close enough to the dictator's base to move the TARDIS aboard. Quinns insisted on coming with them and Andy staying behind with his crew, which the Doctor reluctantly agreed to. They discovered the dictator was actually an older Robin and furiously confronted him. During the confrontation Quinns ordered his crew to crash their ship into the base, prompting Robin to use the kill switch and wipe out humanity to the Doctor's horror. They escaped to the TARDIS however were unable to rescue Andy from the crash. Furious the Doctor abandoned Robin on the deserted Earth and took his companions back to 2020. (AUDIO: What Just Happened?)

Angry at what he had just witnessed, the Doctor set off to change history by travelling back a few months to Robin's train journey to Edinburgh, with Helen coming along too. After multiple attempts due to the TARDIS resisting, he reached the train and discovered Helen had followed him aboard with a younger version of Tania. They encountered Mr Bird, who revealed he was an older version of Robin and had been trying to contain the Doctor to stop him altering events. The Doctor's meddling cauxwd reality to destabilise, allowing the Void to enroach on the universe and begin consuming the train. As they retreated through the train, they found Liv and an older Tania who had been brought there by the Curator. After Liv passed on what she had been told about the current fractured state of the timeline, the Doctor had the two Tanias touch, producing sufficient energy to hold off the Void so they could get back to the TARDIS and leave, returning reality to normal. (AUDIO: Crossed Lines)

Deciding to take advantage of the flexible state of time, the Doctor set off to rescue Andy from the crashing spaceship. As he arrived, he was surprised to find Helen there along with Andy and Mr Bird, with Helen having delayed Andy going with Mr Bird to ensure the Doctor left before the crash and avoid an alternate timeline in which he'd died. The Doctor returned Andy and Helen to Baker Street. (AUDIO: Get Andy)

Attempting to have Liv do a small change to the Bright-Thompson's family history in the 1990s to move them away from Baker Street, the Doctor caused the entire alternate timeline to collapse, leaving only 107 Baker Street left as the Void consumed the rest of reality. Fleeing into the property with Liv, Helen and Andy they found it filled with time windows on recent events and met Robin, from a time after his abandonment on Earth. They fled the encroaching Void to the attic, where the Curator was waiting for them. He explained the state of time to the Doctor and left him and Robin in the attic adrift in the Void, whilst the rest were taken to a surviving alternate timeline. Alone, the Doctor and Robin reached a resolution and were then rescued by Liv, Helen, Andy and Tania using their house keys, who reset the timeline in doing so.

Finding themselves in the true 2020, the Doctor and his companions were now in the midst of the Lockdown caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. (AUDIO: The Keys of Baker Street) Unable to risk leaving in the TARDIS until the year was over for fear of destabilising the timeline again, the Doctor, Liv and Helen stayed in Baker Street. After some months he grew weary of being unable to interfere in events due to the risk to the timeline and retreated to the TARDIS interior, though returned to Baker Street celebrate Christmas. On New Year's Day 2021 the Doctor resumed his travels in the fully recovered TARDIS with Liv and Helen. After sometime travelling, Liv asked him to return her moments after they'd left so she could stay with Tania for good. (AUDIO: Best Year Ever)

The Kotturuh crisis[[edit] | [edit source]]

Attempting to visit the opening night of the Braxiatel Collection, one of the 700 wonders of the universe, the Doctor arrived on a space station and encountered Jasmine and the Network, a psychic creature who had been inadvertently conditioned to wipe out all life on Orriv. He confronted the Network and telepathically entered its mind to learn the truth, with Jasmine explaining the full story after the Network eventually forced him out. The Network possessed the station’s robot to physically attack them, however he refused to leave it behind when it was still a danger. He persuaded Jasmine to be brave and they together transmitted the creature down to the dead world of Orriv to contain it, however it had duplicated itself and attacked again forcing them to flee. The Doctor subsequently worked with the Tenth Justice Fleet of the Shadow Proclamation to warn travellers away from Orriv. (AUDIO: Echoes of Extinction)

The Doctor travelled to Atharna, only to find the ocean world was now inexplicably a desert, which he feared meant time had been dramatically changed. He encountered Felicity and Brian the Ood, both of whom were injured, which they claimed was due to bandits. He offered to help them to the nearest settlement, Moslin. (AUDIO: He Kills Me, He Kills Me Not) During the journey to Moslin, they rested in a cave, where the Doctor told Brian the story of the Tailor's Daughter and Death whilst Felicity slept. (PROSE: The Knight, The Fool and The Dead) On reaching Moslin, he left Felicity and Brian in the care of a doctor and went to the town's tavern, where he met the sheriff, who was hiding Felicity's wife, Sophie. Sophie revealed that Brian was actually an assassin sent by Felicity's father to kill her and retrieve his daughter. The Doctor helped resolve the situation and eventually he convinced Brian to abandon the contract and let him take him off-world. However, as they were boarding the TARDIS, it was suddenly pulled away and Brian fell into the Time Vortex. Upon exiting where the TARDIS had suddenly landed, the Doctor found himself surrounded by Daleks. (AUDIO: He Kills Me, He Kills Me Not)

As the Dalek Executioner prepared to kill him, the Doctor was saved by the intervention of the Dalek Prime Strategist and taken before their Time Commander, who told him they were a Time Squad investigating temporal anomalies and wanted his help. They took him to Wrax, where the timeline had been completely rewritten, and made contact with the natives, with the Doctor being particularly intrigued by the Eye of Wrax. Upon being shown the Wraxians' gallery with the Strategist, the Doctor learnt that the Wraxians had been defeating numerous other civilisations and keeping spoils of war and realised the extent of the time alterations. He investigated the Eye and learnt that it channelled a weapon, the Devolver, which the Wraxians demonstrated for the Daleks. The Wraxians planned to use the Doctor to target the Time Lords, but the Strategist saved him and he returned to the gallery, where he devised a theory on the source of the alterations. With the Strategist's help, the Doctor convinced the Daleks to let him negotiate with the Wraxian President before she could wipe out the Daleks with the Devolver. She tried to convince the Doctor to use the Devolver, but he refused and instead convinced her to disarm it in return for the Daleks' withdrawal. He told the Daleks they needed to go back to the Dark Times, by linking the TARDIS and the Dalek timeship, to find the source of the alterations. (AUDIO: The Enemy of My Enemy) After arriving in the Dark Times through a Time Fracture, (COMIC: Tales of the Dark Times) they traced the source of the alterations to Mordeela. (PROSE: All Flesh is Grass)

Aboard the Dalek saucer, the Eighth Doctor, alongside the Ninth Doctor, confronted their tenth incarnation's mercenary fleet above Mordeela. They attempted to persuade him to stop his attack on the Kotturuh, but he dismissed them as illusions and ordered his fleet to fire, (PROSE: The Knight, The Fool and The Dead) destroying Mordeela. In the ensuing Battle of Mordeela, the Doctor tried to rein the Daleks in, but was swatted aside by the Executioner. While he was able to negotiate a cease fire with his other incarnations in a telepathic contact the Daleks were forced back by Brian the Ood, the Eighth Doctor was unable to make the Daleks stand down, and the Tenth Doctor escaped in his flagship, the only surviving ship of his fleet, in the confusion.

The Doctor remained with the Time Squad in the weeks after the battle, though found himself kept in the dark as to the Daleks' plans, as they only needed him to ensure their eventual departure from the Dark Times. He was allowed to join their explorations, such as one that ended with the Doctor acquiring a spider plant from a market, (PROSE: All Flesh is Grass) and one on an abandoned spaceship reeking with Huon energy. (COMIC: Tales of the Dark Times) When the Daleks attacked the Ninth Doctor's coffin ship, the Eighth Doctor was able to escape and alerted the vampire, but had to ask his ninth incarnation for "a lift" in his TARDIS to flee the Daleks. (PROSE: All Flesh is Grass) Together, the two Doctors went in search of their tenth incarnation on the planet Hoolan, where they discovered a malfunctioning time machine bridging the future to the Dark Times after its pilot had attempted to witness the Big Bang. They fixed her time machine and sent her back to her home time period. (COMIC: Tales of the Dark Times)

They eventually found the Tenth Doctor on Entranxis, interrupting his meeting with the Death Brokers to rescue the Ninth Doctor's vampire companion, Ikalla, who had been captured after the Dalek attack on the coffin ship. The Daleks and the Kotturuh then attacked, and the Eighth Doctor escaped with the Tenth Doctor to his flagship, the HMS Donna. As they left the planet, they witnessed the Daleks destroy the Kotturuh ship before the Ninth Doctor arrived with Ikalla, but they quickly left to help the Kotturuh. Searching for a way to stop the Daleks, the Eighth and Tenth Doctors found a damaged coffin ship the Daleks had attacked and learnt from the surviving Bloodsman that they had captured a Great Vampire, and infiltrated a Dalek saucer with Brian the Ood and Gelsin the Bloodsman, where the Eighth Doctor talked his way onto the bridge with Brian and learnt Daleks' plan was called the "Ultimate End". When a scout ship was dispatched to kill the last Kotturuh on Birinji, a sudden power drain caused by the Strategist's experiments enabled him to escape with his tenth incarnation and Gelsin, with Brian deciding to stay behind as a spy.

The Doctors used the Donna to destroy the scout ship and reunited with the Ninth Doctor in a biodome on the planet, where they were introduced to Inyit, the last of the Kotturuh. Brian contacted the Doctors to inform them he had discovered the Daleks planned to destroy Gallifrey before the rise of the Time Lords, and the Doctors together mounted a defence of Gallifrey. However, even with the Free Undead, the Doctors were unable to stop the Daleks' army of undead drones with Symbiont DNA, so prepared to collide the flagship with the saucer, in the hopes of the ensuing paradox wiping out the Daleks, but were prevented from doing so when Inyit used her final judgement to wipe out the Symbiont and the hybrids, ending the Daleks' assault as they panicked, fearing the judgement may spread to pure Dalek DNA, allowing the Eighth Doctor to sneak aboard with the aid of a Bloodsman. There, he used a remote detonator to trigger an explosive Brian had left in the saucer's engine room, forcing the saucer into the Time Vortex and away from the Dark Times. (PROSE: All Flesh is Grass)

As he searched for his TARDIS, the Doctor continued to sabotage the saucer, infiltrating the Scientist's laboratory when he learnt the Daleks had living prisoners onboard, and forced the Scientist into telling him that the TARDIS was on the bridge, secretly leaving an explosive attached to the Scientist. The Doctor then found the two prisoners, Tiska and Groth, helping them escape the rampaging Executioner to reach bulkheads separating the two halves of the saucer, but Groth was killed while fighting the Executioner. When he and Tiska reached the bulkheads, the Doctor detonated his explosive, killing the Scientist and exposing the other half of the saucer to the Vortex, resulting in it breaking apart. As they headed for the bridge, the Strategist arrived and attempted to bargain with the Doctor to escape in his TARDIS. He played along, but exposed the deal to the Time Commander on the bridge, resulting in the Strategist killing the Commander. In the ensuing in-fighting among the Daleks, the Doctor and Tiska were able to escape in the TARDIS. (AUDIO: Mutually Assured Destruction)

The Last Great Time War[[edit] | [edit source]]

Early skirmishes[[edit] | [edit source]]

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As early as the first two months from the start of the Last Great Time War, (AUDIO: Desperate Measures) the Doctor was noted as being unwilling to assist the Time Lords in the war. (AUDIO: Soldier Obscura) Eventually, the Doctor became fearful that he would lose everything he held dear in joining the war. (PROSE: Museum Peace)

According to one account, during the "very first year" of the Time War, the Eighth Doctor tried to save Davros from the "jaws of the Nightmare Child", but was unsuccessful. (TV: The Stolen Earth; PROSE: Dalek: The Astounding Untold History of the Greatest Enemies of the Universe) The event was recorded as one of the "Seven Deaths of Davros". (PROSE: The Day of the Doctor)

Adventures with Josie[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Doctor and Josie embrace. (COMIC: The Pictures of Josephine Day)

The Doctor returned to one of his houses in search of his copy of Jane Eyre and found that a young painter called Josie Day had taken up residence there. They were soon interrupted by a local called Mrs. Fellowes, who informed them that Josie's pictures had come to life and were attacking the village.

The trio left the Doctor's house and found that Josie's paintings were rounding up the locals. The Doctor told Josie to create an ending to the story as he was captured by a pair of Witherkins. Josie then ran back to the house and drew a picture of the Doctor. The picture promptly came to life and destroyed the old telepathic circuit causing the problem, returning the paintings to their original state. The Doctor resumed his search for Jane Eyre and found an old "to do list" inside. The Doctor invited Josie to travel with him and set off towards the first location on the list: Lumin's World. (COMIC: The Pictures of Josephine Day)

On Lumin's World, the Doctor and Josie found themselves in the middle of a war zone. Josie was hit by a crystal fragment which fell from the sky. They were captured by the Calaxi and taken inside one of their buildings. The Calaxi told them that it was the Spherions attacking their world and that the crystal that hit Josie would spread across her body and turn her into a Spherion. The Doctor left the building and activated a satellite dish in order to communicate with the Spherions. He learned that the Spherions had no idea that they were attacking living organisms, and were only attempting to breed. The Spherions ceased their attack and shattered the crystal on Josie. (COMIC: Music of the Spherions)

The two travelled to Edinburgh in 1866 and went to see a magic show hosted by a man called Silversmith. However, the Doctor instantly recognized that Silversmith's magic trick involving volunteers and two mirrors wasn't what it seemed, and the two learned that it was actually a portal to a mirror universe, and Silversmith was swapping people with their mirror counterparts. Josie and the Doctor succeeded in saving all the victims and trapped Silversmith back in his own reality. (COMIC: The Silvering)

Travelling to Briarwood house in 1932, the Doctor and Josie found the house to be attacked by the Nixi. The Doctor helped Bertie, a young boy living in the house, to fulfil his family's legacy in placing the Nixi and their king into a deep sleep for another thousand years. (COMIC: Briarwood)

The Doctor and Josie travelled to a Bakri Resurrection Barge in the far future, where the synthetic bodies created for deceased humans began to grow their own conscious and rebelled against the humans. Complicating matters, Josie encountered a woman named Lady Josephine, who forced her to tell the Doctor of who she really was. It turned out that Josie was actually a portrait of Lady Josephine, brought to life by animae particles and who was sold after an auction following Lady Josephine's death, before she was brought back in a synthetic body. The Doctor accepted Josie's identity as a sentient portrait and called her his friend. Together, they helped the synthetic humans overthrow their masters, including Lady Josephine. The Doctor called upon the Shadow Proclamation to deal with the Bakri.

The Doctor took Josie back to his house in Wales where Josie recounted the remainder of her story to him, explaining how she was rescued by a future incarnation of the Doctor and his companion. The Doctor was happy to let Josie continue her life and offered for her to travel with him once more. Josie accepted the Doctor's offer to take a trip to Epsilon Eridani for egg and chips. (COMIC: A Matter of Life and Death)

Along with his seven previous incarnations, the Doctor, as well as Josie, became trapped in the Void when it began to attack and devour the universe. Working with his other selves, the Doctor was able to escape with Josie when the other Doctors formed a dimensional bridge. They emerged on a future version of the TARDIS belonging to the Ninth Doctor. While his ninth, tenth and twelfth incarnations used a Bowship to fly into the Void and solve the problem, the Eighth Doctor and Josie helped a number of his future companions fend of possessed victims of the Type 1 TARDIS within the Void, until the future Doctors joined with their other incarnations to end the threat. (COMIC: The Lost Dimension)

Arriving in 1833 Greenwich, the Doctor and Josie discovered a Omsonii captured on board a British naval ship. Taking control of the situation, the Doctor returned the Omsonii to its ship in orbit before she expired from starvation of her natural environment. (COMIC: The Time Ball)

Joining the Time War[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Doctor during the Last Great Time War. (COMIC: The Forgotten)

After a prolonged period alone, the Doctor created a robot companion, Ria, designed to be the "perfect companion" and to reassure him that his actions during the war were justified. During an encounter with Bernice Summerfield and River Song on the remains of a destroyed TARDIS mistaken for the ruins of Gallifrey, they were attacked by a party of scavengers. Utilising the TARDIS's connection to the Matrix, the Doctor created a defensive barrier around the ruins, deflecting the scavengers' orbital bombardment back upon themselves. Unfortunately, Ria was critically damaged during the attack, and it was left to River and Benny to talk the Doctor down from utterly destroying the scavengers. Upon realising the TARDIS's true nature and that Gallifrey could one day be destroyed, the Doctor began considering whether he should be more active in the War. (AUDIO: Lies in Ruins)

Whilst working for the Time Lords to save a group of sentient suns from falling into another universe during a "storm in heaven", the Doctor and his TARDIS crash-landed on one of the many planets he was trying to save. The avian natives of the planet took him from his ship and explained to him that their leader was dying. The Doctor operated on their leader with his sonic screwdriver and told him that even though he would save him now, his planet would fall into another universe and they would die anyway. (PROSE: Osskah)

The Doctor's TARDIS was hit by a temporal storm, forcing him to send out a distress signal as his TARDIS crash-landed in 1816 Switzerland. His body disfigured by the crash, the Doctor stumbled outside to a villa where he encountered Mary Shelley. Whilst he was crying out the names of past companions, Shelley attempted to look after the Doctor. Following the arrival of his younger self, he and his TARDIS were restored, and he left to continue his travels. (AUDIO: Mary's Story)

Still conflicted about the war, the Doctor travelled to a Velyshaan museum dedicated to the Dalek Wars, where he met Kalendorf, an old soldier who had fought in the Dalek Wars. He and Kalendorf destroyed a lone Dalek, but not before it had killed a child. Driven to a decision, the Doctor set off. (PROSE: Museum Peace)

In a bid to obtain the Great Key of Rassilon, (COMIC: The Forgotten) which had been missing since before Rassilon's presidency, (AUDIO: Desperate Measures) the Doctor became a prisoner on an unnamed planet, spending over a month in captivity. With the help of a Malmooth named Chantir, he managed to escape the prison guards and find the key. The Doctor hoped that he would not have to use the key, but if he did he planned to use it to create a modified De-mat Gun that he believed could bring an end to the war. The Doctor experienced a memory wipe shortly after obtaining the Key, which the Tenth Doctor attributed to using the modified De-mat Gun. (COMIC: The Forgotten)

Avoiding the Time War[[edit] | [edit source]]

Resolving to no longer involve himself in the Time War, the Doctor made the decision to help by saving whoever he could, (PROSE: Ghost of Christmas Past) especially the non-combatants that had little chance of escaping the fallout of the war. (PROSE: The Third Wise Man) However, he quickly found that because of the nature of the Time War, with timelines shifting about frequently, the people he rescued would sometimes end up never being born, leaving him no one to save. (PROSE: Ghost of Christmas Past)

The Doctor's TARDIS became caught in a bout of temporal turbulence, caused by a skirmish between the Temporal Powers. The TARDIS became caught between two opposing timelines, and the Doctor slipped the TARDIS out of the vortex and back into real time, finding himself in a time loop orbiting Earth on Christmas Eve 2016. After a strange knocking sound on the TARDIS door, the Doctor investigated mysterious noises around the ship. He eventually found a hypercube sent by Susan, which had taken centuries to get to him. Susan told him of her accomplishments, and the birth of her son, Alex. The Doctor realised that the TARDIS had chosen to stay in the time loop so that the Doctor could receive the message. The message filled the Doctor with hope in the dark time of his life, and he dematerialised the TARDIS, heading towards another adventure. (PROSE: Ghost of Christmas Past)

After saving a crew of children from a self-destructing ship, the Doctor found himself acting peacekeeper between a tribe of Silurians and Sea Devils arguing over ownership of a beach. When he worked out an agreement based on the tide, the Doctor decided to celebrate with a game of volleyball, only for the Silurians and Sea Devils to begin arguing about which one of them owned the ball. (PROSE: Dr. Eighth)

The Doctor tried to save the Nestene homeworld, (TV: Rose) but had to watch as the Consciousness lost its protein planets and all its food stocks (PROSE: A Brief History of Time Lords) to the Daleks' Time Destructor. When the TARDIS was caught at the edge of the temporal wave caused by the Time Destructor, the fluid links were damaged. The Doctor landed on Rontan 9 in search of mercury to find that the planet had also been affected by the Dalek weapon. The Doctor found a group of scientists, some of which regressed into monsters from the time distortions on the planet. Whilst fleeing from the monsters, the Doctor found some mercury. He then took the scientists to back his TARDIS, intending to find them a new home. (PROSE: Natural Regression)

A group called the Rulers of the Universe used knowledge from River Song's diary to lure the Doctor to their ship in order to get him to help them take control of a Sanukuma spore ship. Their plan backfired when the Sanukuma themselves also arrived. Using a chronon mine he recovered from the war, the Doctor managed to defeat them by banishing them to the early years of the universe while he escaped using a "souvenir" pendant of the type carried by Gallifreyan shock troops, and, with the help of River, also defeated the Rulers. (AUDIO: The Rulers of the Universe)

On a distant planet, the Doctor learned of the destruction of a hospital ship named after the home planet of its owner. Suspecting that this ship was the Traken, controlled by his old companion Nyssa, the Doctor, not wanting to learn any more for definite for risk of making the destruction a fixed point in time, travelled back in time a few months so that he could go undercover on the Traken as "Dr. Foster", remaining with his old companion until the Traken was nearly destroyed by a Time Lord agent who was attempting to force a planet near Gallifrey to directly ally with the Time Lords in the War. (AUDIO: A Heart on Both Sides)

Having been “battered by the storm”, the Doctor was lured to Xenotopia by the War Master, who tricked his chronopsycho prisoner Alice into telepathically calling for his help. He liberated Alice and they explored the the Master’s facility. Unknowingly Alice psychically drained the Doctor, resulting in him collapsing when they confronted the Master. The Master had planned all of this to use the Doctor’s cells, which had been exposed to the Time Vortex more than any other, as the final component in his ultimate biological weapon. (AUDIO: The Missing Link) The Master arranged the Doctor to escape after his creation, the Rage, became free. He hoped that absorbing the Doctor would placate the creature and enable him to control it, however after pursuing the two Time Lords through the facility it absorbed them both. Working together, the Doctor and the Master stopped the Rage and the Master fled, using a device he’d implanted in the Doctor to erase his memories of their encounter. (AUDIO: Darkness and Light)

The Doctor was lured to Kurnos 5 by the Master, who was trying to resurrect the defunct Cardinal Magos to learn where he could find the Cognition Shift. He helped Kilda save her daughter, before confronting his old friend, but he was trapped in a force field. The Master took the Doctor's body and his TARDIS, leaving the Doctor (now in Master's body) to be found by Narvin and taken into custody. The Doctor persuaded Narcin to let him pursue the Maater to the Lehar system (AUDIO: The Castle of Kurnos 5) Narvin took him as far as Redemption and gave him a million credits to fund his journey. The Doctor recruited Captain Morski on Redemption and, after helping him retrieve his ship from creditors, journeyed with him to the system. (AUDIO: The Edge of Redemption) While they were passing through a chronostorm, they were boarded by the Scaramancer's crew and found they had a stowaway, Dorada, on board. The Doctor and Morski managed to subdue the Scaramancer, but Dorada escaped to Nastrum, with the last piece of the Cognition Shift, where the Master was waiting for her. The Doctor revealed his true identity to Morski and the Scaramancer when she tried to kill him to get revenge for what the real Master had done to her. (AUDIO: The Scaramancer) On Nastrum, the three of them reached the Master's laboratory, where the Doctor confronted the Master once again, discovering his plan to use the Shift to project his mind into the whole Dalek race. He took away the Infinity Chip from the machine, but this caused the mind of the Master to spread around the universe, entering every life form. To prevent that, the Doctor entered the machine and used it not only to take back his body, but also to call for help from the Scaramancer, convincing her to step into the machine. Her particular condition as a survivor to a chronobomb made her resistant to the Master's mental influence, and she was able to overwhelm the machine, thus foiling the Master's plans. After the Master fled, the Doctor then took her with him in his TARDIS. (AUDIO: The Cognition Shift)

Travels with Bliss[[edit] | [edit source]]

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The Doctor began travelling with Sheena, eventually taking her for a luxury cruiser aboard the starship Theseus. They investigated mysterious disappearances, discovering the crew were using quicker lanes through hyperspace and appeasing the trolls that lurked there with sacrifices. Due to damage to time caused by the Time War, the Theseus' purpose from being a luxury cruise liner was changed into a ship housing refugees running from the Time War. The Doctor and Sheena now discovered that members of the crew and refugees were willingly sacrificing themselves to trolls that lived in hyperspace to allow the Theseus to travel through that section of hyperspace without being attacked by the creatures. Damage to the timeline caused by the Time War continued, and Sheena's personal history changed numerous times, before she was wiped from history altogether, causing the Doctor and everyone else to completely forget about her.

Soon after, a Time Lord ship fleeing from Dalek attack ships crashed into the Theseus, and a Time Lord, Aymor, exited it, claiming to be looking for a "traitor" before dying. The crash allowed the Daleks to enter the ship, where they proceeded to kill all passengers and crew. The Doctor gathered a small group of survivors, including Bliss, and led them to where the TARDIS had landed, to find that it had vanished. He then led the group to a Dalek Time ship, and got them to enter it and flew off the Theseus. The ship was too badly damaged however, and it fell down to the planet below. (AUDIO: The Starship of Theseus)

Using the readings in the ship, the Doctor noticed that the planet was in a state of temporal flux. He managed to convince an amnesiac Dalek, which named "Dal", to help him and his compatriots to get to a safe zone. To help the others survive, he left and had the local fauna follow him. Bliss eventually found him in the safe zone. When Ollistra found him, the Doctor found it appalling when she destroyed a whole ecosystem for a small victory. He was then taken to a training camp. (AUDIO: Echoes of War)

The Doctor, against his will, was trained by Harlan. He spent his time trying to decrypt the gate to reach Bliss. He wanted to convince the Time Lords to stop the war as he saw it was pointless. When the Daleks attacked, he tried to convince the recruits to escape. Ollistra threatened to kill him as she thought his successor would help in the war. (AUDIO: The Conscript) The Daleks intervened, having gained access to the compound. Seizing the chance, the Doctor escaped in the TARDIS with Ollistra and the Theseus survivors.

Wanting to know why the Daleks following him, the Doctor discovered that Quarren Maguire was a Time Lord who had used a Chameleon Arch to hide his true identity. Bliss told the Doctor that because of the Quantum state of the Dalek ship, they could escape by reversing the TARDIS' quantum state. The Daleks followed him to the planet he crashed on. He was left behind on the planet when Ollistra escaped, but survived when Quarren caused the planet to collapse. After Ollistra was taken back to Gallifrey, Quarren left Bliss with the Doctor to travel together. (AUDIO: One Life)

Attempting to return Bliss to the planet Derilobia, the Doctor discovered that the planet's history had been changed so that it was now "dedicated" to manufacturing weapons for the Time Lords, Bliss only protected from the change because she was in the TARDIS. The Doctor soon discovered that the apparent Dalek attack on Derilobia had been faked by the Time Lord soldier Carvil, so dedicated to destroying the Daleks that he could even justify destroying an innocent planet, even if he argued that the Daleks would have attacked it eventually. The Doctor destroyed the weapons factory, feeling that the moral cost of such a victory wouldn't be worth it, but was unable to restore its history. (AUDIO: The Lords of Terror)

While on holiday with Bliss, the Doctor was shocked to meet the Twelve, the latest incarnation of the notorious Time Lord criminal, now working with the Time Lords with the aid of a neural inhibitor to stabilise her past incarnations. She recruited the Doctor to investigate the mystery of an Ogron that appeared to be a future version of the Doctor, even possessing his DNA and some of his brain patterns. The Doctor, Bliss and the Twelve determined that this Ogron was part of a Dalek experiment to create soldiers more resistant to dangerous temporal conditions, witnessing the events of its creation before destroying the experiment. (AUDIO: Planet of the Ogrons)

After the events on the Planet, the Doctor, Bliss and the Twelve were transported to a prison camp on Sangrey, where they had their memories removed and were interrogated regularly. They eventually escaped after the Twelve cannibalised the technology that allowed Borton, a fellow prisoner, to live. (AUDIO: In the Garden of Death)

The Doctor, Bliss and the Twelve then accompanied Ollistra and Major Tamasan to Uzmal, where the Doctor was granted control of the resistance submarine Bloodhound. They attempted to find the Ourashima, an entity which the Daleks occupying Uzmal were also looking for. After realising the Twelve’s erratic behaviour was the Ourashima trying to communicate, the Doctor made contact with it. The Ourashima was killed by the Dalek fleet in a kamikaze attack, and as it died, it offered its powers of foresight to the Time Lords. The Doctor turned down the offer, to Ollistra’s fury, believing his people shouldn't have such power. (AUDIO: Jonah) Afterwards, the Doctor and Bliss collected the TARDIS from Gallifrey, where Ollistra warned him about suspicious irregularities in Bliss' timeline. (AUDIO: State of Bliss)

The Doctor and Bliss discovered the Salvage train automatically picking up refugees from the Time War. Bliss tried to use the train to find her erased version of Derilobia but only reached a temporary mirage of it without people, with the Doctor finding her in her childhood home. Gifting it some spare parts from the TARDIS, he helped the train return to normal flight and made it more comfortable for the refugees aboard. (AUDIO: Salvage)

The Doctor and Bliss visited the Vespertine and helped take the crew away after they discovered that the captain, Hudson Sage, was involved in smuggling, with Doctor promising to keep Sage safe. (AUDIO: Vespertine) They later helped rescue a wounded Time Lord Lieutenant-Surgeon. (AUDIO: Exit Strategy)

The Doctor and Bliss continued travelling in the peacetime caused by the Daleks' sudden disappearance, the cause of which they could not find. Eventually, the Doctor had a vivid vision of the Valeyard fighting the Time War and went to confront Tamasan as to its meaning. She explained the Valeyard had been used by the Time Lords against the Daleks and had erased them from existence by turning a superweapon against them on Grahv, only for the Time Lords to confine him to the planet in a time lock. The Doctor and Bliss stole Tamasan's TARDIS to breach the time lock and reach Grahv, discovering the Valeyard was caught in a loop in which he kept fighting recreations of Daleks, created by the effects of the superweapon, in order to fire the superweapon as per his mission, damaging his memory and restarting the loop. Discovering the Dalek Time Strategist had escaped erasure via a dimensional portal, the Doctor and Bliss decided to follow it, however the Valeyard chose to stay behind, as due to his altered memories within the loop, he'd become the Doctor. (AUDIO: The War Valeyard)

The Doctor and Bliss found themselves on the Skaro of a parallel universe, where they unsuccessfully attempted to stop the Time Strategist using that universe's version of Davros to recreate the Daleks. With Davros now merged with his parallel counterparts into a version similar to the original and the Daleks reborn with the power of the Multiverse, the Doctor concluded the battle was lost and he and Bliss fled back to their universe through a dimensional portal to warn the Time Lords. (AUDIO: Palindrome)

Upon arriving on Gallifrey via the portal, the Doctor and Bliss lost their recent memories and fell victim to the superweapon's effects, forgetting the Daleks. Cardinal Rasmus brought them to the War Council, as the Time Lords had similarly forgotten the Daleks and were determined to discover who they had been fighting against. The Doctor reluctantly worked with the General and decided to interview the Twelve about the enemy, as she had been in stasis in the Omega Arsenal when the erasure occurred. They discovered the Twelve had escaped with the aid of a Dreadshade and confronted her in the Panopticon where she was attempting to threaten her way onto the High Council. The Twelve lost control of the Dreadshade when she mentioned the Daleks, which also restored the Time Lords' memories of them, however the Doctor was able to advise Bliss to calm the creature. The Doctor and Bliss took the Dreadshade away from Gallifrey, only to finally remember the warning they had meant to deliver. (AUDIO: Dreadshade)

The Doctor and Bliss warned the Time Lords in time as the Daleks began to re-enter the universe. The Doctor was keen to leave the war zone, however Bliss persuaded him to attempt to protect a nearby planet, Cosca. Upon arriving on the planet, they discovered Davros had established himself in the royal court, and witnessed him being visited and drained by the Dalek Time Strategist. The Doctor was pulled along with the Strategist through a wormhole to its enclave outside of time, where it revealed it was draining biodata from Davros with which it could restore the Dalek Emperor. As they observed the escalating events around Cosca, the Strategist made the Doctor an offer; if he destroyed Gallifrey as the Strategist believed the War would inevitably end with, it would give him a version of Alex Campbell, whom the Strategist had found in its explorations of the Multiverse and stored in a stasis pod. Though taken aback, the Doctor refused. Tamasan infiltrated the enclave and planted a bomb, which the Doctor used as leverage so the Strategist would allow him to contact Bliss and Rasmus, telling them to abandon Davros to the advancing Daleks. As the Doctor expected, the Emperor arrogantly had Davros brought before him, leading to a schism amongst the assembled Daleks and a brief rebellion against the Emperor. With the Strategist paralysed by the competing variables, the Doctor and Tamsan escaped with Alex's pod and detonated the bomb, depriving the Strategist of the power of the Multiverse, though it managed to ensure the restoration of the Dalek Empire before fleeing. The Doctor reunited with Bliss and took Alex's pod aboard the TARDIS, where he opened it and introduced him to Bliss. (AUDIO: Restoration of the Daleks)

Travels with Alex and Cass[[edit] | [edit source]]

After a shift in the timeline, (AUDIO: Vespertine) Bliss disappeared, leaving the Doctor now travelling with just Alex, who he didn't tell about the fate of his counterpart. Though unable to recall why, the Doctor felt an absence on the TARDIS and so decided to invite engineer Cass Fermazzi aboard after she proved herself helping him and Alex resolve a temporal disaster aboard the ship she was assigned to. (AUDIO: Meanwhile, Elsewhere)

On their travels, the Doctor, Alex and Cass discovered a research station excavating the preserved remains of the Vespertine. They explored the vessel and found its captain Hudson Sage alive, preserved for centuries within a time lock, who had memories of a previous encounter with the Doctor which the Doctor did not share. To their horror they discovered an engineer who had sent them down had tricked them into bringing a device which shattered the time lock, destroying the Vespertine and killing Sage. Afterwards Alex told the Doctor he and Cass had been shown Sage's memories, which included the Doctor calling out to Bliss. Confused, the Doctor speculated the time lock had preserved Sage from a shift in the timeline. (AUDIO: Vespertine)

Crash landing on an empty planet, the Doctor, Alex and Cass discovered Daleks building a retcon bomb out of a captured battle TARDIS to rewrite the galaxy's history so they always ruled it. He attempted to destroy it, but the Daleks pre-empted him and self-destructed the facility, throwing the trio back in time a year just before the Daleks' arrival. They discovered the temporal disaster had retroactively created a civilisation on the planet and sought to help them survive the Dalek onslaught, though the Doctor realised preventing the Daleks succeeding would paradoxically erase the civilisation too as their creation depended on the Daleks' bomb a year later, but saw no other option. Hijacking a disabled Dalek casing, he reached their ship and stole the battle TARDIS, which he set to destroy itself. The civilisation disappeared from time and Cass vanished at the same moment, leaving only the Doctor and Alex. They suddenly remembered Cass moments later, so set off to find out what had happened to her. (AUDIO: Previously, Next Time)

Final exploits[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Doctor found out that the Time Lords were trying to conscript Susan Foreman into the Time War. Several hypercubes were sent to her, which the Doctor was able to remove by distracting Susan with various obstacles. Susan saw past the distractions and worked out what her grandfather was up to. She received the message, and decided to join the fight, much to Doctor's dismay. (AUDIO: All Hands on Deck)

The Doctor pleaded with Time Lords not to bring the Time War into real time above the planet Drakkis, to no avail. Once the Time War destroyed its beauty and rewrote time, he rescued Sarana Teel from some quicksand before the Sontaran Jask arrived on the planet. He went back to the TARDIS but found out that someone had stolen it, which he later discovered to be Tag Menkin. Jask later told him about Stenk's cowardice and his planned invasion of Drakkis. The Doctor agreed to work with Jask to stop him.

Having exposed Stenk's past betrayal of his fleet, the Doctor was able to convince Jask to take command of the Sontaran fleet above Drakkis and leave the planet in peace. However, he was forced to admit to Sarana that the damage the Time War had done to Drakkis' history meant that any peace would only be temporary, and Sarana ordered him to leave, angry at the role his people had played in her planet's destruction. (AUDIO: The Sontaran Ordeal)

Following a distress signal to Synthesis Station, the Doctor arrived before it had been sent. He discovered that the Station was dedicated to generically modifying Vashta Nerada and that Ollistra had commissioned a batch for use against Dalek casings. After disgruntled employee, attempting to flee Synthesis with batches of Vashta Nerada to sell, causing a shutdown in the process, the Doctor helped Ollistra and station director Eva Morrison escape the facility and evade varieties of Vashta Nerada. They met Ollistra’s guard command, Roxita, who revealed her TARDIS had been contaminated with Vashta Nerada so they made for the Doctor’s TARDIS, however a batch of Vashta Nerada stored away in Roxita’s staser. The Doctor programmed his TARDIS to ditch the swarm in the Vortex and he, Eva and Ollistra bailed out in space suits whilst Roxita died initiating the programming. The TARDIS rematerialised, however as they were space walking towards it the Doctor and Ollistra realised Eva’s suit had been contaminated and she was devoured. Angry at the loss of life, the Doctor took Ollistra to the nearest Time Lord outpost and still refused her request to join the fighting. (AUDIO: Day of the Vashta Nerada)

He received a Space-time telegraph from Susan asking for help when she realised she had been tricked by Lehena. He rescued her from the Dalek controlled JP and aimed to take her off the planet to travel with her. He convinced the Daleks that they had the Hand of Omega. He had learned of the Dalek plans and misled all the signals to stop them from getting the Hand. He managed to get Susan into the TARDIS before he made his way back using Susan's time ring. (AUDIO: The Shoreditch Intervention)

The Doctor investigated timeline alterations centring on Gernica, a planet destroyed by the Time Lords to prevent Dalek influence there. He discovered a native, Viola Wintersmith, had obtained a temporal weapon powered by the user's own past in the final battle and had been using it to attempt to prevent the destruction of her world, however had simply been manipulated by a Time Lord agent into attacking Dalek agents. He exposed this to Viola, who used the last of her past to kill the agent. The Doctor preserved the last fragments of her timeline in the hopes he could one day use them to restore her, and by extension Gernica, once the fighting had stopped. (AUDIO: Death Will Not Part Us)

Death[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Doctor begins to regenerate. (TV: The Night of the Doctor)

During the Fifth Segment of the War, (PROSE: The Stranger) the Doctor was drinking tea in his TARDIS when he heard a distress call from a spaceship crashing into Karn. Answering the call with glee, the Doctor found that there was no way to deflect the ship or save it with a tractor beam, and was forced to board the ship to manually retrieve the sole life form detected. (PROSE: The Day of the Doctor) The Doctor tried to save the last remaining crewman, Cass Fermazzi, but she sealed herself away in the ship by deadlocking a door when she saw the TARDIS, choosing to die rather than accept help from a Time Lord, branding them as being no different from the Daleks in the Time War. Unable to open it with his sonic screwdriver, the Doctor pleaded with Cass to come with him, until the ship hit the surface of Karn and erupted into a fireball.

The Doctor died in the crash, but was revived temporarily by Ohila and the Sisterhood of Karn, and was told he had under four minutes to live. Ohila offered him a series of different Elixirs that would allow him to control his regeneration so he could become the person he needed to be to end the Time War, but the Doctor refused to take part in the war, until the Sisterhood showed him the lifeless body of Cass, who was "beyond even [their] help". Though he continued to believe he could have saved her and shown her the universe, Ohila pointed out to the Doctor the universe was "very nearly over" due to the damage the Time War had done.

Physician, heal thyself.The Eighth Doctor's last words [The Night of the Doctor (TV story) [src]]

Deciding there was no longer a need for the Doctor in the universe, he accepted the Sisterhood's help, asking them to make him a warrior. Ohila then handed him a formula she had specially prepared for that purpose. Before ingesting the chalice of regenerative serum, he commanded the sisters to get out of the room, horribly torn apart by what he was about to do. Before ending his life, he paid tribute to his deceased past companions and apologized to Cass and then downed the chalice. Beginning a painful regeneration, the Doctor gasped out his last breaths in convulsions that made him keel over to the ground as he regenerated into his next incarnation. (TV: The Night of the Doctor)

Post-mortem[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Eighth Doctor strains against the Sin-Eater. (COMIC: Sin-Eaters)

When the Ninth Doctor's Sin-Eater became conscious due to the Doctor's telepathic nature, it mutated to show the Eighth Doctor's face, among other incarnations, straining against its body. (COMIC: Sin-Eaters)

The Eighth Doctor helps face Es'Cartrss . (COMIC: The Forgotten)

When the Tenth Doctor was confronted by Es'Cartrss within the TARDIS' Matrix, he summoned the Eighth Doctor, among his other past incarnations, to use their united memories and willpower to take back control of the Matrix. (COMIC: The Forgotten)

During many failed attempts to duplicate the Tenth Doctor, defective copies of all his past incarnations, including the Eighth Doctor, were created instead. (COMIC: Breakfast at Tyranny's)

After the Eleventh Doctor was accused of committing deadly crimes against the Overcast, he brooded in the TARDIS for two days, imagining all his previous numbered incarnations, including the Eighth Doctor, interrogating him over the crimes. When he offered the rationale that he always left things better than he found them, they all turned and left him in disgust and disgrace. (COMIC: Pull to Open)

When the Eleventh Doctor was attacked by the Then and the Now on Lujhimene, the Eighth Doctor was among the faces seen as the Doctor's timeline was almost destroyed. (COMIC: Running to Stay Still)

The Eighth Doctor appears in the T'keyn Nexus. (COMIC: Dead Man's Hand)

When the Eleventh Doctor entered into the T'keyn Nexus in order to defend himself, Matrix projections of his previous incarnations, including the Eighth Doctor, appeared inside it to defend themselves as well. When auditor Sondrah brought up the Time War, the Eighth Doctor refused to be labelled as the cause of the conflict, and also took it upon himself to defend the War Doctor's actions, as the war incarnation opted to remain silent. When the Eleventh Doctor began to deduce Sondrah's true identity, the past Doctors faded away as Oscar Wilde interfered with the Nexus. (COMIC: Dead Man's Hand)

The Eighth Doctor appears in the Eleventh Doctor's dream. (TV: The Day of the Doctor)

After saving Gallifrey from the Moment at the conclusion of the Last Great Time War, the Eleventh Doctor dreamed of himself standing with all his past incarnation, including the Eighth Doctor, as he thought about his search for Gallifrey. (TV: The Day of the Doctor)

When he was exposed to energy from a time storm, the Twelfth Doctor degenerated through all of his previous incarnations, including the Eighth Doctor. (AUDIO: The Lost Magic)

The Eighth Doctor manifests among the Guardians of the Edge. (TV: The Power of the Doctor)

When the Spy Master forced the Thirteenth Doctor to regenerate so he could use the regeneration to overtake her body and become the Doctor himself, she found herself at the Edge within her mind that represented her moving on from her time stream, where the the Eighth Doctor manifested with the other "Guardians of the Edge" to urge her to resist the Master's attempt to take possession of her body and identity, though he was the only one not to wear robes, instead choosing to appear in the attire he was in when he regenerated on Karn. The Thirteenth Doctor's contingency plan soon allowed her to undergo a retro-regeneration and return from the Master's hijacking. (TV: The Power of the Doctor)

Undated adventures[[edit] | [edit source]]

Other realities[[edit] | [edit source]]

Alternate timelines[[edit] | [edit source]]

In another alternative timeline, the Eighth Doctor settled down in San Francisco and eventually got married. (PROSE: So Vile a Sin)

Ending the Time War[[edit] | [edit source]]

In a different version of the Last Great Time War, the Eighth Doctor fought to the very end, though he was aged forwards and backwards millions of years on various occasions within it. In the end, he turned to the Moment, his mind made up to use it to wipe out the Time Lords and Daleks to put an end to the War. As Gallifrey Original and the Dalek Fleet were destroyed around him, the Doctor fell through space and into the open doors of his TARDIS, breaking his bones in the impact. He believed that using the Moment had made his existence fixed, preventing him from regenerating, only for regeneration energy to begin engulfing him; he belatedly realised that a woman who had died saving him had passed on the Restoration to him, resetting his life-cycle. Shocked and exhilarated, the Eighth Doctor regenerated into the Ninth Doctor. (PROSE: Doctor Who and the Time War)

Averted timelines[[edit] | [edit source]]

In one alternative timeline, the Seventh Doctor was shot by Nazis in Germany in 1955, and had his body taken into custody. Absconding after his regeneration, the Eighth Doctor adopted the alias "Johann Schmidt" and later told Elizabeth Klein that he was a collector who had stolen the Doctor's body and gained possession of the TARDIS key. In this role, he was able to manipulate Klein's analysis of the TARDIS so that she would believe she had come up with the idea to go back in time and talk to the Doctor while he was still in Colditz, allowing his younger self to learn about how history would be changed and take action to correct it. (AUDIO: Colditz, Klein's Story)

Undone events[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Doctor finds the TARDIS covered in Cybermats. (COMIC: Prologue: the Eighth Doctor)

In a negated timeline, the Doctor and Charley were drawn towards a Vess weapons factory by a mysterious signal, where they also found the Fourth Doctor and Leela and discovered the Decayed Master was plotting their undoing by removing their TARDIS from history. After Charley and Leela vanished, the Doctors were caught in the explosion of the Fifth Doctor's TARDIS, but were saved by the Sixth Doctor. Once a plan to stop the Master was conceived, the Eighth Doctor went to keep the Master distracted with the Fourth Doctor, and, once the Fifth Doctor had ensured that the TARDIS would not explode, joined his other seven incarnations in preparing to time ram the Master's TARDIS. However, rather than kill the Master, the First Doctor instead turned off the automatic distress actions, which had brought all of the Doctors to the pocket dimension and triggered the TARDIS' destruction, making it so none of that had happened. (AUDIO: The Light at the End)

When the Cybermen allied with Rassilon to take over history, (COMIC: Supremacy of the Cybermen) the Doctor and Josie found that the TARDIS had been covered in Cybermats, before being confronted by Cybermen who stated that they wished to "save" them. (COMIC: Prologue: the Eighth Doctor) This timeline was eventually unwritten by Rassilon and the Twelfth Doctor. (COMIC: Supremacy of the Cybermen)

Parallel universes[[edit] | [edit source]]

There were several alternate versions of the Eighth Doctor who lived vastly defferent lives to the one he led. For instance there was: Doc Gallifrey, who was a gun using protector of a town called Vortex City; Joe Smith, who ran his own detective agency; a wizard named Quiquaequod; Theta Stigma, who was still close friends with the Rani and appeared to regularly go to her for psychiatric advice; an incredibly violent cyborg who had a sonic weapon for a right arm; and one where he was an anthropomorphic cartoon cat. (COMIC: The Glorious Dead)

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